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Improved Fundation Marine Clay

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Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference

December 22-24,2013, Roorkee


P.B. Daigavane, Associate Prof, Dept. of CE, Govt. College of Engg & Research, Avasari,
K. Jain, Research Scholar, Dept. of CE, Govt. College of Engg Amravati,

ABSTRACT: It is becoming a great challenge for the civil engineers to design suitable foundation for the
structures on marine clay. The paper presents an innovative design for construction of foundation on marine clay
soils. In this process geofoam, Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is placed below foundation. Geofoam properties like
lightweight, high strength give best option as fill for poor quality of soil. The various combinations of sizes and
density of geofoam under footing, for reduction of settlement are studied. A numerical finite element analysis
program, PLAXIS, is used to simulate the problem. The decrease in settlement under the footing and the increase in
bearing stresses were compared to those without EPS. Load settlement relationship was studied. Results concluded
that use of Geofoam (EPS) decreases the settlement and increases the footing load. EPS thickness appeared to be an
important factor in improving footing behaviour on marine clay, compared with density of geofoam (EPS)

INTRODUCTION triangular element. The soil model is Mohr-

Marine clay is a type of clay found in coastal Columb method with nonlinear failure envelope
regions around the world. Majority of the The analytical models showed that EPS decreases
population in India are living in coastal corridor, the settlement under the footing as a replacement
where the existing soils are weak and more layer for marine clay which allows the designer to
deformative. Marine clay has the potential to increase the stress load. Also the results showed
destroy foundations in only a few years. Clay that the EPS layer thickness compared to footing
particles can self-assemble into various thickness has great effect on analysis
configurations, each with totally different
properties. It is becoming a great challenge for the MATERIALS AND METHODS
civil engineers to design suitable foundation for the
structures in these regions. These problems posed Marine Clay Soil
by marine clay can be handled by various ground Marine clay soil was collected and laboratory tests
improvement techniques. were carried out, and has been widely used both in
In present study the Geofoam, Expanded fundamental studies of soil behaviour and in
Polystyrene (EPS), as a lightweight material, is use analytical model. The physical properties of marine
as replacement material of marine clay underlain a clay were determined. It has a liquid limit (WL) of
footing/foundation in order to decrease the 78.0 %, plastic limit (WP) of 34 %, plasticity index
settlement and to increase the footing stress as the (PI) of 44 %, dry density (d) of 9.30 kN/m3, wet
geofoam layer redistribute the footing stress over density () =15.12 kN/m3, and specific gravity (Gs)
the marine clay layer of 2.6. Youngs Modulus (E) of 2.52E+03 kN/m2.
Comprehensive finite-element analysis, for Detail of soil properties used for modelling as per
different thicknesses of Geofoam EPS and a table 1.
constant footing dimensions where the footing
underlay foam are represented in the mesh are Footing Properties and Dimensions
adopted here using the nonlinear elasto-plastic Square footing of 2.0m x 2.0m is use for
finite element program PLAXIS. The program is modelling with fixed thickness 145mm. Density of
plane strain, Finite Element Program for soil Concrete is 24.0kN/m3 and Modulus Elasticity is
modelling. The soil is modelled using 6 noded 2.0E+07 kN/m2
Table 1, Soil properties for Plaxis

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Daigavane P. B. & Jain K.

Material Model Mohr-Coulomb

Density (Unsat) (kN/m3) 12.12
Density (Sat) (kN/m3) 15.12
Young's modulus (kN/m2) 2.52E+03
Poissons ratio 0.45
Cohesion (kN/m2) 5.10
Friction Angle, (Deg) 4.66

Geofoam (EPS) Properties and Dimension

Expanded Polystyrene, EPS, geofoam is a super- Fig. 1 Stress & strain curves for EPS (5)
lightweight, closed cell, rigid, plastic foam. Its unit
weight puts it in a separate category compared to The material properties of EPS Geofoam used in
other types of engineering lightweight materials. Its the finite element analysis are given in Table 3.
density is about a hundredth of that of soil. It has good The value of Poissons ratio () of EPS Geofoam
thermal insulation properties with stiffness and is calculated by using Equation 2 given by EDO
compression strength comparable to medium clay. (1992).
Material prices vary depending on the density of EPS = 0.0056 + 0.0024 (2)
as well as the job size and location. EPS density
Where = Density of EPS Geofoam (kg/m3)
appears to be the main parameter that correlates with
Densities of Geofoam use are 0.20 kN/m3, 0.22
most of its mechanical properties. Compression
kN/m3 & 0.30 kN/m3. Various ratio of thickness of
strength, shear strength, tension strength, flexural
Geofoam to thickness of footing are 2, 3, 4 & 5.
strength, stiffness, creep behaviour and other
Mohr-Coulomb material model used & Non-
mechanical properties depend on the density. Non
porous behaviour used in modelling. Geofoam
mechanical properties like insulation coefficients are
which have different thicknesses, density and
also density dependent. EPS densities for practical
constant footing dimensions
civil engineering applications range between
0.15kN/m3 to 0.30 kN/m3
Table 3, Geofoam properties for Plaxis (1)
Table-2 shows compression strength of geofoam at Density of
0.20 0.22 0.30
1% of strain, i.e. geofoam is in elastic limit. Fig.1 Geofoam (kN/m3)
shows stress strain behaviour of geofoam. This is Youngs Modulus
4000 5500 7800
useful in final result (kN/m2)
Poissons Ratio 0.12 0.125 0.17
Table 2, Mechanical Properties of Geofoam as per
ASTM D6817-02. (7) Cohesion (kN/m2) 38.75 41.88 62
Type EPS19 EPS22 EPS29
Density min. Friction Angle
0.19 0.22 0.29 2.0 2.0 2.50
(kN/m3) (Deg)
Resistance min. 40 50 75 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS
at 1% (kPa) Finite element analysis of grade footing with and
Flexural with out EPS Geofoam under loading condition
Strength, min 207 276 345 was carried out using PLAXIS 2D professional
(kPa) finite element software. The nodes on left & right

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Improved Foundation System on Marine Clay Using Geofoam

vertical boundary were not allowed to displace

horizontally (horizontal fixity) but allowed to
undergo vertical displacement whereas all the
displacement of the nodes at the bottom surface
was arrested (total fixity). A typical geometry
model of EPS Geofoam & grade footing under
loading condition is shown in Fig. 2. The material
EPS Geofoam was modelled as Mohr-Coulomb
model with 15 node triangular elements was
considered. 100kN/m2 typical loading is applied on
footing. Geofoam properties for modelling are as
per table 3. Various combinations of sizes and density
of geofoam under footing are considered. Various
ratios of thicknesses of geofoam to thickness of Fig. 3 Typical Deformed shape for Marine clay
foundation & density are considered as for analysis with Geofoam (EPS)
these are shown in table 4.

Fig. 4 Typical Deformed shape for Marine clay

without Geofoam (EPS)
Fig. 2 Typical analytical model of footing on
Marine clay with Geofoam (EPS) RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
Based on table 4, various models was prepared fig. 5 shows load settlement curve for constant
and reviewed. density of geofoam with different thickness of
geofoam & footing without geofoam. Load
Table 4, Geofoam (EPS) combination for Plaxis capacity without geofoam is 30kN/m2 and it will
Density of Thickness of increase with addition of geofoam from 30kN/m2
Geofoam (kN/m3) Geofoam(mm) to 54kN/m2.
Fig. 6 shows load settlement curve for various
Case1 With out Geofoam - densities of geofoam and constant geofoam
Case2 300 thickness. It shows that there is minor change on
Case3 450 load capacity.
0.20, 0.22, 0.30
Case4 600
Case5 750

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Daigavane P. B. & Jain K.

3. Effect of higher density of geofoam have less

effect on load carrying capacity as compared to
thickness of geofoam

1. Padade, Amit & Mandal, J. N. (2012), Behavior
of Expanded polystyrene (EPS) Geofoam under
Triaxial loading condition, EJGE Vol.17, 2543-
2. EDO (1992), Expanded Polystyrene
Construction Method, Riko Tosho Publishers,
Tokyo, Japan.
3. Brinkgreve, R. B. J., Swolfs, W. M. and Engine,
E. (2011) PLAXIS 2D, 2010, Manual 4,
Fig. 5 Typical Load Settlement curves for Marine AN, Deflt, Netherland.
clay with and without Geofoam (EPS) 4. Gao, H., Chen, G. and Wang, Z. (2012) The
Mechanical Behavior of the Embankment
Filled with EPS Composite soils, Advanced
Material Research Vols, Switzerland, 2813-18
5. Horvath, J. S., (1995), Geofoam Geosynthetic,
Horvath Engineering, P.C., Scarsdale, NY
6. Stark, T.D., Horvath, J.S. (2004) Geofoam
Applications in the Design & Construction of
Highway, NCHRP, USA, web document,
Vol.65, 792
7. Standard Specification for Rigid Cellular
Polystyrene Geofoam, ASTM D6817 (2002).
8. Daigavane, P.B. (1999), Reduction of Swelling
Pressures by use of Geosynthetics, Doctoral
Thesis, Nagpur University, Nagpur, India.
Fig. 6 Typical Load Settlement curves for Marine
clay with constant thickness of Geofoam (EPS) & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
various densities The authors wish to acknowledge, The Director of
Technical Education, Mumbai, (M.S.). The
CONCLUSIONS Principal Govt. College of Engg. Amravati and
Finite element simulation has been carried out on Professor S.V. Joshi, Principal, Government
footing with expanded polystyrene (EPS) geofoam College of Engineering & Research Avasari, Pune
under uniform loading condition. From the study for their valuable guidance, support and
following conclusions are drawn encouragement to write this paper.

1. Load carrying capacity of foundation system

with geofoam is higher than without geofoam
2. There is definite reduction in settlement by

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