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Installation of Stationary Pumps

for Fire Protection
NF PA 2 0 Installation of Stationary
Pumps for Fire Protection

This standard deals with the selection and installation

of pumps supplying liquid for private fire protection
NF PA 2 0 General Requirements


General Requirements •Pumps

This standard shall apply to centrifugal single-stage
and multistage pumps of the horizontal or vertical
shaft design and positive displacement pumps of
the horizontal or vertical shaft design.

• Other Pumps
Pumps other than those specified in this standard
and having different design features shall be
permitted to be installed where such pumps are
listed by a testing laboratory.

These pumps shall be limited to capacities of less

than 1892 L/min (500 gpm).
NF PA 2 0 General Requirements


General Requirements

Pumps and Drivers •
Fire pumps shall be dedicated to and listed for fire
protection service.

Acceptable drivers for pumps at a single installation
are electric motors, diesel engines, steam turbines, or
a combination thereof.
NF PA 2 0 General Requirements


General Requirements

Pumps and Drivers •A centrifugal fire pump for fire protection shall be
Centrifugal Fire Pump Capacities
selected to operate at less than or equal to 150
percent of the rated capacity.

•Centrifugal fire pumps shall have one of the rated

capacities in L/min (gpm) identified in Table
5.8.2 and shall be rated at net pressures of 2.7 bar
(40 psi) or more.
NF PA 2 0 General Requirements


General Requirements
• Pumps shall be provided with a nameplate.
Pumps and Drivers
Centrifugal Fire Pump Capacities
NF PA 2 0 General Requirements

Introduction • Discharge.

General Requirements A pressure gauge having a dial not less than 89 mm
Pumps (3.5 in.) in diameter shall be connected near the
Pumps and Drivers
discharge casting with a nominal 6 mm (0.25 in.)
Centrifugal Fire Pump Capacities
gauge valve.
pressure gauge s
The dial shall indicate pressure to at least twice the
rated working pressure of the pump but not less than
13.8 bar (200 psi).
• Suction
A pressure gauge having a dial not less than 89 mm
(3.5 in.) in diameter shall be connected near the

dgaisucgheavrgaelvcea. sting with a nominal 6 mm

(0.25 in.)

The gauge shall have a pressure range two times the

rated maximum suction pressure of the pump, but
not less than 6.9 bar (100 psi).
NF PA 2 0 General Requirements


General Requirements

Pumps Automatic Relief Valve

Pumps and Drivers
Centrifugal Fire Pump Capacities
Nameplate Minimum size of the automatic relief valve shall have
pressure gauge s a nominal size of 19 mm (0.75 in.) for pumps with a
Automatic Relief Valve rated capacity not exceeding 9462 L/min (2500
gpm) and have a nominal size of 25 mm (1 in.) for
pumps with a rated capacity of 11,355 to 18,925
L/min (3000 to 5000 gpm).
NF PA 2 0 General Requirements


General Requirements The fire pump, driver, and controller shall be

Pumps and Drivers pthroteucgthe damg
Centrifugal Fire Pump Capacities
Nameplate aignestcpauo sseidblbeyinexteprlrouspiotnio,nfioref ,sf
pressure gauge s
elrovoidce, earthquake, rodents, insects,
Automatic Relief Valve Indoor fire pump units shall be physically
windstorm, freezing, vandalism, and other separated
Equipment Protection or protected by fire-rated construction in accordance
with Table
NF PA 2 0 General Requirements


General Requirements Steel Pipe
Pumps Steel pipe shall be used above ground except for
Pumps and Drivers
Centrifugal Fire Pump Capacities connection to underground suction and
Nameplate underground discharge piping.
pressure gauge s
Automatic Relief Valve Joining Method
Equipment Protection Sections of steel piping shall be joined by means of
Pipe and Fittings
screwed, flanged mechanical grooved joints or other
approved fittings.

Cutting and Welding

it is performed in accordance with NFPA 51B,

Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding,
Cutting, and Other Hot Work.
NF PA 2 0 General Requirements


General Requirements
Supervised Open
Pumps and Drivers
Centrifugal Fire Pump Capacities Where provided, the suction valve, discharge valve,
Nameplate bypass valves, and isolation valves on the backflow
pressure gauge s prevention device or assembly shall be supervised
Automatic Relief Valve open.
Equipment Protection
Pipe and Fittings
Valve Supervision Supervised Closed

The test outlet control valves shall be supervised

NF PA 2 0 General Requirements

Introduction 1. Electric Supply

General Requirements

Pumps and Drivers Careful
the consideration
dependability of theshall be given
electric supplyinsystem
each case
and to
Centrifugal Fire Pump Capacities the wiring system.
pressure gauge s •Consideration shall include the possible effect of
Automatic Relief Valve
fire on transmission lines either in the property or in
Equipment Protection
Pipe and Fittings
adjoining buildings that could threaten the property.
Valve Supervision
Power Supply
2. Steam Supply
• Careful consideration shall be given in each case to

tshueppdleypseynsdteambi.lity of the steam supply and

the steam

•Consideration shall include the possible effect of

fire on transmission piping either in the property or
in adjoining buildings that could threaten the
NF PA 2 0 General Requirements


General Requirements

Pumps Pump shaft rotation shall be determined and

Pumps and Drivers
correctly specified when ordering fire pumps and
Centrifugal Fire Pump Capacities
equipment involving that rotation.
pressure gauge s
Automatic Relief Valve

Equipment Protection
Pipe and Fittings
Valve Supervision
Power Supply Dependability
Pump Shaft Rotation
NF PA 2 0 General Requirements


General Requirements

Pumps and Drivers Pressurenot
capacities maintenance pumps
less than any shallleakage
normal have rated
Centrifugal Fire Pump Capacities
•The pumps shall have discharge pressure sufficient to
pressure gauge s
Automatic Relief Valve maintain the desired fire protection system pressure.
Equipment Protection
Pipe and Fittings •A check valve shall be installed in the discharge
Valve Supervision
Power Supply Dependability
Pump Shaft Rotation
Pressure Maintenance
• Indicating butterfly or gate valves shall be

ivnalsvuec, hanpdlaoceths earsmneisecdelldantoeomuaskf

eittihnegps uamccpe,sscihbelekc for repair.

NF PA 2 0 General Requirements

General Requirements
Check valves and backflow prevention devices and

Pumps and Drivers
assemblies shall be listed for fire protection service.
Centrifugal Fire Pump Capacities
Where the backflow prevention device or assembly
incorporates a relief valve, the relief valve shall
pressure gauge s
discharge to a drain appropriately sized for the
Automatic Relief Valve
maximum anticipated flow from the relief valve.
Equipment Protection
Pipe and Fittings
Valve Supervision Water discharge from the relief valve shall be
Power Supply Dependability readily visible or easily detectable.
Pump Shaft Rotation
Pressure Maintenance

Backflow Preventers
NF PA 2 0 General Requirements
•General Requirements

Pumps and Drivers Suction and discharge piping shall be thoroughly
Centrifugal Fire Pump Capacities inspected, including checking all flanged and
Nameplate mechanical connections per manufacturers'
pressure gauge s recommendations, after the pump house or skid
Automatic Relief Valve unit is set in place on the permanent foundation
Equipment Protection
Pipe and Fittings
Valve Supervision
Power Supply Dependability
Pump Shaft Rotation
Pressure Maintenance

Backflow Preventers
Packaged Fire Pump Systems
NF PA 2 0
Centrifugal Pumps
•General Requirements

Centrifugal Pumps
Centrifugal pumps shall be of the overhung impeller
design and the impeller between bearings design.

The overhung impeller design shall be close coupled or

separately coupled single- or two-stage end suction -
type [see Figure A.6.1.1(a) and Figure A.6.1.1(b)] or in-
line-type [see Figure A.6.1.1(c) through Figure

A.6.1.1(e)] pumps.
NFPA 20 Eng Ahmed Shalaby

NF PA 2 0
Centrifugal Pumps
•General Requirements

Centrifugal Pumps
FIGURE A.6.1.1(a) Overhung Impeller — Close
Coupled Single Stage — End Suction.
NFPA 20 Eng Ahmed Shalaby

NF PA 2 0
Centrifugal Pumps
•General Requirements

Centrifugal Pumps
Types Coupled
FIGURE Single StageOverhung
A.6.1.1(b) — FrameImpeller
Mounted.— Separately
NFPA 20 Eng Ahmed Shalaby

NF PA 2 0
Centrifugal Pumps
•General Requirements FIGURE A.6.1.1(c) Overhung Impeller — Close
• —
Centrifugal Pumps
Types CPaocukpalgedinSgi)n. gle Stage In-Line
(Showing Seal and
NFPA 20 Eng Ahmed Shalaby

NF PA 2 0 Centrifugal Pumps
• Introduction
• General Requirements
FIGURE A.6.1.1(e) Overhung Impeller — Separately

Centrifugal Pumps
Types Coupled Single Stage — In-Line — Flexible Coupling.
NFPA 20 Eng Ahmed Shalaby

NF PA 2 0 Centrifugal Pumps
• Introduction
• General Requirements
• Pumps shall furnish not less than 150 percent of

Centrifugal Pumps
Types rated chaepaadc. ity at not less than 65 percent of
Factory and Field total
The shutoff head shall not exceed 140 percent of

rated head for any type pump.

NFPA 20 Eng Ahmed Shalaby

NF PA 2 0 Centrifugal Pumps
• Introduction
• General Requirements Where necessary, the following fittings for the pump

Centrifugal Pumps
Types sahuathllobreizpedrorveipdredsebnytahteivpeu: mp
Factory and Field manufacturer or an
Performance 1. Automatic air release valve
Fittings 2. Circulation relief valve
3. Pressure gauges

Pipeline Strainer

Pumps that require removal of the driver to remove

rocks or debris from the pump impeller shall have a
pipeline strainer installed in the suction line a
minimum of 10 pipe diameters from the suction flange.
The strainer screens shall have a free area of at least
four times the area of the suction connections, and
the openings shall be sized to restrict the passage of
a 7.9 mm (0.3125 in.) sphere.
NFPA 20 Eng Ahmed Shalaby

NF PA 2 0 Centrifugal Pumps
• Introduction
• General Requirements
Coupling Type

Centrifugal Pumps
•The pump and driver on separately coupled–type
Factory and Field
pumps shall be connected by a rigid coupling,
Fittings flexible coupling, or flexible connecting shaft.
• All coupling types shall be listed for this service.
Connection to
NFPA 20 Eng Ahmed Shalaby

NF PA 2 0 Electric Driver
• Introduction • Power Source
• General Requirements

Power shall be supplied to the electric motor –

Centrifugal Pumps
• Electric Driver driven fire pump by a reliable source or two or more
General approved independent sources.

• Motors

All motors shall comply with NEMA MG-1, Motors

and Generators, shall be marked as complying with
NEMA Design B standards, and shall be specifically
listed for fire pump service.

• On-Site Standby Generator Systems

•All electrical equipment and installation methods shall

comply with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code

NFPA 20 Eng Ahmed Shalaby

NF PA 2 0 Engine Driver
• Introduction
• General Requirements Engine Type

Centrifugal Pumps
• Electric Driver 1. Diesel engines for fire pump drive shall be of the
• Engine Driver compression ignition type.
Engine Type
2. Spark-ignited internal combustion engines shall
not be used.
3. Listing. Engines shall be listed for fire pump
NFPA 20 Eng Ahmed Shalaby

NF PA 2 0 Engine Driver
• Introduction
• General Requirements
• Over speed Shutdown Device

Centrifugal Pumps
• Electric Driver
• Engine Driver 1. Engines shall be provided with an over speed
Engine Type shutdown device.
Over speed 2. It shall be arranged to shut down the engine at a
Shutdown speed approximately 2 0 percent above rated
engine speed and to be manually reset.
3. Also, A tachometer shall be provided to indicate
revolutions per minute of the engine, including
zero, at all times.
NFPA 20 Eng Ahmed Shalaby

NF PA 2 0 Engine Driver
• Introduction
• General Requirements

Centrifugal Pumps
• Electric Driver Accessories
• Engine Driver
Engine Type
1. Oil Pressure Gauge
Over speed Shutdown Device
2. Temperature Gauge

43 .


5. Radiators
6. Fan
NFPA 20 Eng Ahmed Shalaby

NF PA 2 0 Engine Driver
• Introduction
• General Requirements

Centrifugal Pumps Ventilation
• Electric Driver
• Engine Driver Ventilation shall be provided for the following
Engine Type functions:
Over speed
Shutdown 1. To control the maximum temperature to 49 ° C
Pump and Engine Protection (120 ° F) at the combustion air cleaner inlet with
engine running at rated load
2. To supply air for engine combustion
3. To remove any hazardous vapors
4. To supply and exhaust air as necessary for

radiator cooling of the engine when required

Engine Exhaust

Each pump engine shall have an

independent exhaust system.
NFPA 20 Eng Ahmed Shalaby

NF PA 2 0 Acceptance Testing
• Introduction
• General Requirements

Centrifugal Pumps Suction piping shall be flushed at a flow rate not less
• Electric Driver
• Engine Driver
than indicated in Table or at the
•Acceptance Testing Hydrostatic hydraulically calculated water demand rate of the
Tests and Flushing system, whichever is greater.
NFPA 20 Eng Ahmed Shalaby

NF PA 2 0 Acceptance Testing
• Introduction
• General Requirements

Centrifugal Pumps Hydrostatic Test
• Electric Driver

• Engine Driver Suction and discharge piping shall be

•Acceptance Testing Hydrostatic hydrostatically tested at not less than 13.8 bar (200
Tests and Flushing psi) pressure, or at 3.4 bar (50 psi) in excess of the
maximum pressure to be maintained in the system,
whichever is greater.

The installing contractor shall furnish a certificate

for flushing and hydrostatic test prior to the start
of the fire pump field acceptance test.
NFPA 20 Eng Ahmed Shalaby

NF PA 2 0 Questions
• Introduction
• General Requirements

Centrifugal Pumps
• Electric Driver
• Engine Driver
• Acceptance Testing
• Questions

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