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The Successful Management of A Penetrating Cardiac Injury in A Regional Hospital: A Case Report

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160 J Emerg Crit Care Med. Vol. 19, No.

4, 2008

The Successful Management of a Penetrating Cardiac

Injury in a Regional Hospital: A Case Report
Wen-Yen Chang, Jane-Yi Hsu, Yee-Phoung Chang,
Chia-Sheng Chao, Kuang-Jui Chang

Stabbing injuries of the heart are uncommon but have a high mortality rate. Most patients with
cardiothoracic stabbing injuries die on admission to the emergency department. The management of
cardiac stabbing injuries is dependent on rapid diagnosis and prompt surgical repair. We report our
successful management of a patient with left ventricle penetrating injury. A 36-year-old female suffered
from a stabbing injury to the left chest with hypovolemic shock. She underwent emergency anterolateral
thoracotomy with repair of left ventricle without cardiopulmonary bypass. The postoperative course was
uneventful except for acute tubular necrosis and the patient recovered gradually over the next two weeks.
The patient was discharged on the 17th days after the operation without any follow-up problems.

Key words: heart, stabbing injury

Introduction cardiopulmonary resuscitation, prompt diagnosis,

surgical intervention, excellent surgical technique
Cardiac stabbing injuries are not frequent, and the ability to provide excellent surgical critical
but when they occur they are a life-threatening care to these patients postoperatively. Herein, we
emergency. These injuries require prompt and discuss the clinical features, diagnosis, treatment
specific treatment in order to decrease mortality and and prognosis of such cases.
morbidity. The wounded heart is likely to follow
one of two courses: tamponade or exsanguination. Case Report
About 90% patients will present with classic signs
of pericardial tamponade, including hypotension, A 36-year-old female was healthy before
elevated jugular veins and muffled heart sounds until she suffered from a stabbing injury to the left
(Becks triad)(1). A few patients may bleed freely chest during an assault with a knife by her hus-
into the thoracic cavity and exsanguination then band. She arrived at our emergency department by
occurs. Most victims die at the scene or in the ambulance about 30 minutes later. The heart rate
emergency room. If they survive to reach hospital, and respiratory rate were 94 per minute and 20 per
they will be showing signs of hemorrhagic shock. minute, respectively, on the ambulance. During the
The key to successful management of penetrating journey she was conscious and alert. Unfortunately,
cardiothoracic injuries is based on a high level on arrival in our emergency room, she entered
of suspicion, the physical findings, immediate severe shock with unconsciousness and in the ab-

Received: October 24, 2007 Accepted for publication: March 6, 2008

From the Division of Thoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Kaohsiung Armed Forces General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Address reprint requests and correspondence: Dr. Jane-Yi Hsu
Division of Thoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Kaohsiung Forces General Hospital
2 Zhongzheng 1st Road, Lingya District, Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: (07)7494963
Penetrating cardiac injury 161

sence of the knife in the left chest, active bleeding pericardium. Next, a 16-French Foleys urine
via the left chest was occurring. Her heart rate and catheter was inserted and the balloon was filled
respiratory rate were measured as 119 per minute with saline to obstruct the penetrating wound of the
and 25 per minute, respectively. Her blood pressure LV by gentle traction (Fig. 1). Direct LV repair was
was undetectable and her jugular veins were made using 3 O prolene with five interrupt stitches
distended. We performed endotracheal intubation that were reinforced with a plaget (Fig. 2). The lac-
immediately and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. eration wound of the left upper lobe of lung was
An electrocardiogram showed tachycardia and ST repaired with 3 O catgut. During the operation, we
segment elevation in V3-V5. An arterial blood gas did not use a cardiopulmonary bypass to facilitate
test showed metabolic acidosis (pH: 7.004, HCO3: the cardiac repair.
10.8, BE: -20.2). An echocardiogram resulted in Postoperatively, acute tubular necrosis was
suspected pericardial effusion. She was transferred to noted and was treated with hydration and a low
the operating room after a short period of hemodynamic dose diuretic agent, which resulted in recovery.
improvement. An anterolateral thoracotomy via the Elevated serum levels of amylase and lipase (amy-
fourth intercostal space was made at once. lase: 222 U/L, lipase: 175 U/L) were also noted,
On exploration, a laceration wound over but they returned to normal spontaneously several
the left upper lobe of lung about 1 cm in length days later. An echocardiogram was performed on
with active bleeding and an air leak were noted. the sixth day after the operation and showed normal
Pericardial tamponade was also noted and we open LV and right ventricle (RV) wall motion as well
the pericardium. A penetrating wound of the left as adequate LV systolic function. The patient was
ventricle (LV) about 1 cm in length was found. discharged on the 17th day after the injury with
A large amount of blood was evacuated from the fully mobility and without complications.

Fig. 1 The left ventricle penetrating wound was obstructed

by insertion of a Foleys urine catheter insertion and
balloon, which was filled with enough fluid such that
with gentle traction blood loss was limited
162 J Emerg Crit Care Med. Vol. 19, No. 4, 2008

Fig. 2 The left venticle penetrating wound was direct repaired

using a sandwich procedure made up a plaget, 3 O
prolene and five interrupted stitches

Discussion it may be attributed mistakenly to other injuries.

Furthermore, the neck veins may be flat if there has
Penetrating cardiothoracic injury includes both been massive blood loss. Pericardial tamponade is
stab and gunshot wounds. Stabbing wounds gener- the unique manifestation of cardiac injury. This de-
ally occur more frequently than gunshot wounds (2). creases the ability of heart to fill, resulting in a sub-
Cardiac rupture is a common cause of death after a sequent decrease in LV filling and a lower ejection
stabbing cardiothoracic injury. The most common fraction; thus there is an effective decrease in cardi-
site of a stabbing cardiac injury is the RV because it ac output and stroke volume. Pericardial tamponade
has the greatest anterior exposure; this is followed also provides a protective effect as it can limit
by the LV, right atrium (RA), left atrium (LA) extraprecardial bleeding into the left hemithoracic
and the intrapericardial great vessels. The highest cavity, thus preventing exsanguinating hemorrhage.
mortality rate is found for LV injury because this In our case, the patient presented with distend jugu-
reflects pump failure and this is followed by RV and lar veins, hypotension after resuscitation without
superior vena cava injuries(3,4). massive fluid transfusion and no dullness sound
The clinical presentations of penetrating from the left chest wall. Pericardial tamponade was
cardiac injuries range from complete hemodynamic immediately suspected.
stability to acute cardiovascular collapse. Becks Penetrating cardiac injuries are generally
triad, consisting of distended neck veins, muffled suspected from the physical examination. Some
heart sounds and hypotension, represents the patients presenting with a penetrating cardiac injury
classical presentation of the patient arriving in the may be completely stable and the diagnosis can
emergency department with pericardial tamponade. be missed. A chest X-ray may show an enlarged
However, hypotension may be absent with a smaller globular heart shadow or the pneumopericardium
injury if the pre-hospital time is short or, if present, may be visible. These findings are present in ap-
Penetrating cardiac injury 163

proximately half of all cases but are non-specific(1). bypass is needed. This incision also causes less
EKG findings can include low voltages, S-T postoperative pain and respiratory dysfunction than
changes or inverted T waves. The most important a thoracotomy. However, it gives poor access to the
tool in the rapid evaluation of cardiac injury is back of the heart. A left anterolateral thoracotomy
echocardiography. It can detect the pericardial is the incision of choice for the management of
effusions and suggest, if the results are positive, patients with penetrating cardiac injuries that ar-
that the surgeon has the option of performing a rive in extremis(6). This incision is most often used
thoracotomy, depending on the hemodynamic in the emergency department for resuscitative pur-
stability of the patient. Echocardiography can poses. It is also the incision of choice in patients
decrease the time needed to establish a diagnosis undergoing celiotomy who deteriorate secondary to
and thus it increases the survival rate. Furthermore, unsuspected cardiac injuries. The left anterolateral
it also is useful in diagnosing abnormal pericardial thoracotomy can be extended across the sternum as
fluid in doubtful cases(5). a bilateral anterolateral thoracotomy if the patients
Pericardiocentesis was not suggested be- injuries extend into the right hemithoracic cavity(7).
cause penetrating into a cardiac chamber may This approach is the incision of choice in a patient
yield a false-positive result, while clotting of who is hemodynamically unstable or suffering from
the blood in the pericardial cavity may yield a injuries that have traversed the mediastinum. This
false-negative result. Furthermore, drainage of incision allows full exposure of the anterior medias-
the pericardial blood is often incomplete and tinum and both hemithoracic cavities.
tamponade may persistent or recur. Nonetheless, A f t e r t h o r a c o t o m y o r s t e r n o t o m y, t h e
pericardiocentesis may have a role when no surgeon pericardium should be opened and the heart should
or operating room is available because the proce- be made visible. This should relieve tamponade, if
dure can be carried out in the emergency room and present and allows digital control of the ventricle
pericardial decompression by pericardiocentesis wound. If the injury is quite large, a urinary cath-
might create the time to allow transfer of the eter can be inserted through the defect and the
patient to an operating room or trauma center. balloon filled with enough fluid to control most of
Pericardiocentesis was not performed in our case the bleeding. However, if the balloon is overfilled,
after pericardial tamponade was clearly impressed the chamber volume and cardiac output may be
via echocardiography. We immediate perform a compromised. In atrial and caval injuries, a side-
thoracotomy to control bleeding and repair the heart biting vascular clamp can be used to control
injury. bleeding during repair. It is very important that
In contrast to abdominal injuries, which can direct repair of ventricle wounds is not carried
be easily accessed via celiotomy, the management out. Ventricular wounds are best sutured with
of penetrating cardiothoracic injuries requires ac- interrupted pledgeted mattres. Fortunately, there
curate judgment when selecting the best approach were no coronary artery, valve or large vessel
to the injury. A median sternotomy is the incision injuries in our case. After opening the pericar-
of choice in patients admitted with penetrating dium, a urinary catheter was inserted via the LV
cardiac wounds that may harbor an occult or non- penetrating wound and fill with adequate fluid.
hemodynamically compromising cardiac inju- The patients vital signs began to improve after the
ries(6). This provides better exposure to all parts of bleeding was controlled and we were able to repair
the heart and is convenient if a cardiopulmonary the heart without any problems.
164 J Emerg Crit Care Med. Vol. 19, No. 4, 2008

D r. K a r m y - J o n e s s u g g e s t e d t h a t v e i n in the extremities (7). Dr. Tyburski reported that

grafting with a cardiopulmonary bypass should be patients with intrapericardial great vessel injuries
performed in cases where the injuries are associated or multiple chamber wounds have a lower survival
with the proximal major coronary arteries or if there rate than those with a single-chamber wound (3).
is evidence of significant myocardial ischemia (8). In patients with stab wounds, those with car-
Cardiopulmonary bypass is extremely help- diac tamponade have a better outcome than those
ful when used for rewarming and for reversing without tamponade(1-4).
acute metabolic deficits. Although the urgency of
the situation did not permit the use of the heart- Conclusions
lung machine, he reports that mortality ought
to be reduced if a cardiopulmonary bypass was Penetrating cardiac injuries are relatively
employed. rare but have a very high mortality rate. The
Vo l u m e r e s t o r a t i o n s h o u l d p r o c e e d key to successful management of a penetrating
s i m u l t a n e o u s l y w i t h s u rg i c a l i n t e r v e n t i o n , cardiac injury is early diagnosis and emergency
preferably using whole blood or packed red blood surgical intervention. Echocardiography can
cells. Internal cardiac compressions should be decrease the time needed to establish a diagnosis
performed if the heart is not beating and arrhythmia of penetrating cardiac injury, which is very use-
should be treated with internal defibrillation and ful. It has high accuracy, specificity and sensitivity
medication. when detecting a penetrating cardiac injury; fur-
Complications are common and may oc- thermore it is also an easy and noninvasive method.
cur immediately. The most common immediate A left anterolateral thoracotomy should always be
complications are respiratory in nature, such as performed on patients who are hemodynamically
atelectasis, residual pneumothorax, pneumonia, unstable. This incision is most often used in
empyema, residual hemothorax and lung abscess. emergency departments for resuscitative purposes.
Multiple organ dysfunction related to hemorrhagic A median sternotomy is the incision of choice
shock may also occur. In the present case, the pa- in patients with some degree of hemodynamic
tient developed acute tubular necrosis with polyuria stability. Penetrating cardiac injuries are often
and transient hyperamylasemia. These were re- lethal and have a poor prognosis; therefore doctors
versed by adequate supportive treatment. Cardiac need to have a high level of suspicion with such
function complications may also occur and usually injuries, which need to be treated aggressively with
present late with the most delayed complication resuscitation, early diagnosis and early surgical
reported being a ventricular septal defect (VSD) by repair.
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