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Lift Up A Standard - Emeka Anslem

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Emeka Anslem

First published in 2017
Copyright Emeka Anslem
Phone: +2349024529639
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Never mind, lets begin!


It takes the anointing of the Holy Spirit to
start and finish strong. Without the anointing,
what you started strong may suddenly gather
storms. Storms will eventually pour down
rain, and continuous rain will definitely cause
a flood. And trust me, without the anointing,
you can't do anything against a flood.

In Isaiah 59:13-21, the bible explains a

scenario of great difficulty for God's people.
Evil completely took over the land. Let's read
what it says:
Isaiah 59:
13. In transgressing and lying against the LORD,
and departing away from our God, speaking
oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering
from the heart words of falsehood.
14. And judgment is turned away backward, and
justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the
street, and equity cannot enter.
15. Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from
evil maketh himself a prey: and the LORD saw it,
and it displeased him that there was no judgment.
16. And he saw that there was no man, and
wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore
his arm brought salvation unto him; and his
righteousness, it sustained him.
17. For he put on righteousness as a breastplate,
and an helmet of salvation upon his head; and he
put on the garments of vengeance for clothing,
and was clad with zeal as a cloke.

18. According to their deeds, accordingly he will
repay, fury to his adversaries, recompence to his
enemies; to the islands he will repay recompence.
19. So shall they fear the name of the LORD from
the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun.
When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the
Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against
20. And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and
unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob,
saith the LORD.
21. As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith
the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my
words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not
depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of
thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed,
saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever.

Honestly, painting a picture of those verses in

my mind makes me want to cry. Verse 15
particularly says that "truth failed, and people

who refused to do evil became a prey". In other
words, they either did evil or be persecuted.

What would you do when bills are piling up,

family members are sickly with no medical
aid, no food to eat, no job to execute, and
there is no hope of getting God's divine
intervention? It was a flood of problems for
God's people. Their problems were literally
killing them. Meanwhile, they began their
journey with God.

From verse 16 to 21, God saw all of those

challenges and concluded that the reason
why evil was so much was because there was
no intercessor; someone who would stand in
the gap or make a covenant between man
and God. Then He sent Jesus to be our
mediator. Jesus in turn sent us His Spirit, so

that we won't have to be disconnected from
God like they did in the old covenant.

Verse 19 gave us an assurance; it says "...

When the enemy shall come like a flood, the Spirit
of the Lord (in you) will lift up a standard against
him". In the old covenant, they couldn't do
anything against a flood of problems; but in
the new testament, we can use the anointing
of the Holy Spirit to lift up a standard against
the flood of problems that comes our way.
Verse 21 particularly describes the covenant
that God made with His people; it says "His
Spirit must remain in His people, and His word
must remain in their mouth".

That's the new covenant; if you don't want

the challenges of this world to consume you,
then you must consciously work with the Holy
Spirit. Let me put it this way; if you want God

to intervene on your earthly matters, then His
Spirit has to be in you.


After God created the earth, He created man
and gave him dominion over it. God did not
give the earth's dominion to spirits, He gave it
to man. And that also means that whatever is
not born of man has no legal right to
dominate the earth.

Even God couldn't violate this lease when

Satan illegally operated on the earth. He
probably wanted to destroy Satan
immediately with His power, but He couldn't
because He didn't have the right to do so. He
had to make covenants with faithful men
before He could use His powers on earth. A
covenant is an agreement between two
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people; in this case, God and man. God tells
man what to do in order for Him to intervene
in our matters. Anytime man plays his part,
God also plays His part.

Don't get me wrong; God is omnipotent and

unlimited in power, but He has limited
Himself by His word. He gave man dominion
over the earth, and that means even He
would need man's permission to exercise
authority on the earth. Satan didn't take
permission, he's an intruder, and that's why
God began to look for faithful men who He
could establish a covenant with in order to
stop Satan and his evil works.

Covenants between God and man have

always existed. We may not have noticed it,
but what kept Adam and God together was a

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covenant. And this covenant is clearly stated
in Genesis Chapter 2. Let's read it:

Genesis 2:
15. And the LORD God took the man, and put him
into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
16. And the LORD God commanded the man,
saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest
freely eat:
17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that
thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Did you see that? God gave His blessing to

man, and told him that if he doesn't want to
be disconnected from the blessing, then he
must be obedient to the instruction. But
Adam disobeyed, and he lost everything,
including the garden. This process continued
like that; and that's why Isaiah 59:16 says
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"there was no man". God saw all the
difficulties that His people were going
through, but He couldn't do anything about
their sufferings because there was no man to
establish a covenant with. Anytime man
violated the covenant, God's power on the
earth becomes limited.

Abraham, Noah, Moses, and many others also

had covenants with God. Remember how
Moses received the ten commandments for
the children of Israel? The whole essence of
those commandments was to keep God on
their side.


Before Jesus came, the fight had been against
the flesh. All the prophets that were sent
fought against flesh. Moses fought against

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Pharaoh, Joshua fought against Jericho and
many other cities.

But when Jesus came, He made us

understand that the fight is not against flesh
and blood, but against principalities and
powers, and against spiritual wickedness in
high places. And that's why all those great
men and prophets couldn't finish the war. His
disciples almost made the same mistake, but
Jesus cautioned them. That's why we began
to see scriptures like "If your enemy is hungry,
feed him. If he is thirsty give him a drink", "if
someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn your
other cheek to him as well", "if someone takes
your coat, don't stop him from taking your shirt".
Only Jesus could finish the war against
wickedness. He particularly said in John 19:30
that "It is finished".
At the root of wickedness was Satan. Man
had dominion over the earth, but he didn't
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have power to cast out devils. And since he
couldn't cast out the root of wickedness, he
simply fought against the surface. But that
kind of fight never ends. In fact, in Ps 56:1,
King David described it as a daily fight. That's
why people who think their neighbour is their
problem will always see their neighbour as
their problem.

At age 30, Jesus received the power of the

Holy Spirit after baptism. Afterwards, we saw
Him torment demons, healed all kinds of
sicknesses and diseases. He was the first man
who had power to cast out demons from the
affairs of men. And these were things man
could not do. Man had dominion, but he
didn't have power to cast out demons. It's like
telling a police officer that he has authority to
stop a vehicle on the road. But in reality, he
doesn't have the power to actually stop a
vehicle. That also means that if he refuses to
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leave the road when a vehicle is approaching,
he would be hit by the vehicle. He has the
authority, but he doesn't have the power. On
the other hand, Satan doesn't have the
authority, but he had the power.

But all power has been given to Believers

now, including the power to cast out demons.
We have the legal right and spiritual power to
cast out demons, and that's because the devil
is an illegal occupant here. In Mark 16:17,
Jesus particularly said "these signs shall follow
them that believe; in my name, they shall cast out


Jesus' time on the earth was up after His
resurrection. He could no longer cast out
demons and heal sicknesses or cure diseases
like He did. His body had been glorified to a
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heavenly body; He no longer had that earthly
body that could do all those miracles. Before
that time, His disciples could use His name to
cast out demons, because He was around to
comfort them. But when He was ascending to
heaven, He told them to stay in the upper
room until they received the power of the
Holy Ghost.

Why did He ask them to go to the upper room

to wait for spiritual empowerment? Since
they already had His name, they could have
easily continued to cast out demons, right?
No! They couldn't do that anymore, as long as
He was no longer on the earth. When He was
on earth, He could defend His name. Any
demon that refused to be subjected to His
name would have to face Jesus directly.
Remember how a woman reported a case to
Jesus which his disciples could not fix? The
lunatic child that resisted the disciples
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couldnt resist Jesus when He appeared. Jesus
was here, so He could defend His name. But
He knew things would be different when He
leaves them; and that even if they have to
continue using His name, they'd need another
person who will defend His name here on
earth. And that's where the ministry of the
Holy Spirit was introduced. Let's read the

John 14:
16. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give
you another Comforter, that he may abide with
you for ever
17. Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world
cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither
knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth
with you, and shall be in you.
18. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to

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Did you notice verse 18? The reason why He
is sending His Spirit is because He wants to
make sure we're comfortable when He goes
to The Father. The Holy Spirit became the
spiritual representative of the physical Jesus
to man. He could do everything Jesus did on
earth and even more. Let's see how John 16
put it:

John 16:
12. I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye
cannot bear them now.
13. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come,
he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not
speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear,
that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to
14. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of
mine, and shall shew it unto you.

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Notice verses 13 and 14, the Holy Spirit will
simply receive from Jesus and show what is
received to us. He doesn't have a personal
ministry; His ministry is to glorify Jesus in the
lives of God's people. He makes Jesus work
in our lives. That also means that through the
Holy Spirit, Jesus is still defending Believers.
Isn't that a joyful thing?

Once you have the Holy Spirit in you, then
you have a license to cast out demons and do
exploits in life. Remember that this is the
current covenant that God has with man,
according to Isaiah 59:21.

After the disciples of Jesus received the Holy

Spirit, they began to witness Jesus to the
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people with boldness. Peter especially,
someone who could not identify with Jesus,
suddenly got 3000 people saved in one day. I
don't blame Peter; his miracle working master
had been captured. Remember how he cut
the ear of one of the guards that came to
capture Jesus? He had confidence in the
miracle working Jesus, not the captured one.
He could fight back oppositions because Jesus
was with them; but when Jesus was captured,
he lost confidence. And that's why he couldn't
identify with Jesus when He was captured. He
lost the comfort that he felt around Jesus. It's
totally not his fault.

But that's why the Holy Spirit is within us

now, to comfort us on every side. So that we
won't have to deny Jesus like Peter did the
first time. After they received the Holy Ghost,
series of trials came against them to stop

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witnessing Jesus, but instead, they intensified
their witnessing. They were unstoppable!

They couldn't stop them when Jesus was with

them, and they couldn't stop them when the
Holy Spirit was in them. The similarity
between those two points in time is the
presence of Jesus.

That's why the bible calls us overcomers.

That's why we are more than conquerors.
When God is with us, who can be against us?

No matter what you may be going through,

you'd surely breakthrough. The Holy Spirit in
you would always lift up a standard against
your oppositions, if you let Him.

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Through prayers, and demonstrating your
faith in God's Word. If you ever feel like the
Holy Spirit is not lifting up a standard against
your oppositions, then it's probably because
your anointing is low, and you're not able to
communicate properly to the Holy Spirit
through your spirit. When your anointing is
low, it means you've not been praying, and
most especially, you've not been studying
God's word. Remember that the Holy Spirit
glorifies Jesus, and Jesus is the word of God.
So if there is no word in you, there'd be
nothing to glorify. Or simply put, there'd be
no standard to lift against the opposition.

In case you've never received the Holy Spirit,

it's not something you'd need a special
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ceremony for. In John 14:26, Jesus said the
Holy Spirit is the Comforter whom the Father
will send in His name. In other words, all
you have to do is ask God to baptize you with
the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus, and
that's it! However, if you're set, I can guide

Lift your right hand towards heaven and

declare these words boldly;

Heavenly Father, my heart is set for the

manifestation of your Holy Spirit. Therefore, I
ask that you baptize me today with the Holy
Spirit, in the name of Jesus!


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Start speaking!
God's word is not just for our hearts, but also
for our mouth. Jesus is the word of God; but
He didn't perform any miracle until He spoke.

Even though He was the word of God, He still

had to speak to the fig tree, He still had to
speak to blind Barthemaus, He still had to
speak to the woman with the issue of blood,
He still had to speak to the ten lepers, He still
had to speak to the centurion's servant, He
still had to speak to Lazarus that was dead for
days, He still had to speak to feed five
thousand people. He came as "the speaking-
word" of God, not the silent word.
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Even when they came to capture Him, what
He said made his captors tremble. Catching
Him was impossible as long as He was still
speaking. Scripture even tells us that He was
tormented only because He stopped
speaking. And the reason why He stopped
speaking was so that His mission on earth
would be fulfilled.

The life of Jesus is enough proof that if we

won't stop speaking the word, then the devil
will have no place in our lives. The value of
the word is seen when it is spoken.

Speaking in faith is often the first step to

engaging the Holy Spirit and actualizing any
miracle. In the beginning, God spoke and the
Spirit of God moved to perform what God
said. Also, I believe that spoken words have a
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force that mobilizes people to where their
breakthrough will happen. The woman with
the issue of blood spoke in her heart; and
suddenly, she did what she spoke. Even
though there were obstacles on her path, she
still managed to touch the hem of Jesus'
garment. Jesus spoke concerning the
Centurion's servant, and before the
messengers could return to the centurion to
deliver the message, his servant had already
responded to the spoken word.

If you want to see a blessing tomorrow, then

speak to it today. Jesus spoke to the fig tree
one day, and by the next day, what Jesus
spoke had come to pass. Spoken words may
not pay your bills, but they would move you
to do things that will help you pay your bills.
When challenges are becoming too tough,
start speaking. As a matter of scriptures,
spoken words are like hammer, and they're
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able to break any tough challenge. Things
around you may be bad, but say how you'd
like to see those things. When you're faced
with a challenge, don't wait till you know
what to do; rather, speak to the situation by
telling it what to do. If you speak well at the
start, then you're likely not going to have a


That Centurion in Luke chapter 7 clearly
understood authority. He had soldiers and
slaves under him; people who would do
everything to ensure that his commands are
immediately and neatly executed. He also had
superiors; people whom he must submit to at
all cost. Now this Centurion had a sick servant
whom he loved - and would do anything to
keep him alive.

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Thank God he knew about Jesus, because he
sent some of his servants to look for Him.
When Jesus was approaching the Centurion's
chamber, some high ranked soldiers ran to
Him with a message from the Centurion. The
centurion literally told Jesus that He didn't
need to come all the way to his chamber to
heal his sick servant, all he wanted from Him
was to speak the word of healing, and the
militia of the kingdom of God would go and
execute the command. He even said that the
reason why He sent his servants to meet him
was because he wasn't worthy enough to
stand before a man like Jesus, just like many
of his soldiers couldn't stand before him. Isn't
this a perfect picture of a believer's

The authority of a believer is tied to his

mouth. Anytime we speak in relation to God's
word, the angels pick what we've said, so that
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God can fix what we've said. No wonder the
bible says God has given us a mouth that no
enemy can resist nor gainsay. "Out of the
abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks"; if you
think your spoken words are not producing
enough, then fill your heart with the ever
productive word of God.

A certain woman had an accident that landed

her in a very narrow drainage. The motorbike
that conveyed her was resting on her, while
the vehicle that hit them was resting on the
motorbike. Yes, everybody thought she had
died, because there was no way anyone
would survive that kind of accident. But here
was the woman, she could not feel any other
part of her body except her mouth. She kept
on saying "I shall not die but live to declare the
goodness of God". And mysteriously, when they
lifted the car and the motorbike, they found

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her alive and well, there was not even a
scratch on her body.

I woke up to pray one morning and suddenly

developed a stomach ache that made it very
uncomfortable for me to pray. But I heard the
Spirit of the Lord say "I have given you a
mouth that none of your adversaries shall be
able to resist nor gainsay". I spoke to the
situation, and that was it.

That woman should have died; but obviously,

God has made our mouth more powerful
than any situation or circumstance. Do not
stay quiet when you really should be
speaking. Everything may be down, the
economy may be tough, the roads may the
rough, house rent and school bills may be
due, but God is still waiting for you to speak.

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Faith is a speaking force. When Jesus spoke,
demons were tormented and oppressed; but
when He stopped speaking, they tormented
Him till He was crucified. If you believe the
word you've received, then speak it. It's okay
to be peaceful about what you believe, but do
not stay quiet about it. May God give us

I'm really glad you read this book. And I pray

that the revelation you've caught from it will
speak in your life greatly, in the name of

God bless you, I love you, and dont forget to

send me your testimonies.

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