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To215 S13-The Incredible Satanic Vision

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The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand Resources to aid your
what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually Understanding
implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!

Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

Stand by for insights so startling

you will never look at the news the same way again.



We have spoken a great deal about Albert Pike in the past few weeks, as
we have examined, in some detail, his monumental Freemasonry teaching
guide entitled, "Morals And Dogma of the Ancient And Accepted Scottish
Rite of Freemasonry". Pike was the Grand Commander of North American
Freemasonry from 1859-1891. During his tenure, Pike caught a global
vision of what Freemasonry could achieve, and so he turned his immense
intellect toward achieving this vision. Consequently, Albert Pike was
considered to be the foremost Freemason leader of the world at that time,
and perhaps, the greatest of all time.

Before we move any further into our study, let us learn a few biographical
facts about Albert Pike. Albert Pike, former Confederate War hero,
became the leader of North American Freemasonry after the Civil War.
Pike is considered to be the greatest leader ever of Freemasonry, because:

He was a certified genius

He spoke 16 languages fluently
He graduated from Harvard University
He achieved rank of Brigadier General of Confederate Army in
Civil War
He was thoroughly familiar with the Jewish occult system, the
Cabala, the stone system of the New World Order

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After Pike assumed leadership of Northern Freemasonry, he took up his

headquarters in the "Temple of Understanding" in Washington, D.C., just
13 blocks north of the White House and in direct line of that great
Freemasonry obelisk, the Washington Monument (Study the Freemasonry
Connection article this week). When Andrew Johnson succeeded President
Abraham Lincoln, Pike had unreserved access to the White House,
because Johnson was a Freemason.<1>

At this time, Albert Pike's tremendous vision as to what the future of

global Freemasonry might be like, plus the fact that he had the ear of the
President of the United States, propelled American Freemasonry into the
forefront of leadership in the drive to the New World Order. During the
period from President Johnson to Harry S. Truman, many of the Presidents
were Freemasons at the very time when real, substantive progress was
being made to advance the global aims of the New World Order. Consider
the Presidents in this time frame:

Andrew Johnson 1865-1869

James A. Garfield 1881
William McKinley 1897-1901
Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909
William Howard Taft 1909-1913
Warren G. Harding 1921-1923
Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933-1945
Harry S. Truman 1945-1953<2>

Thus, in the pivotal period of time from the Civil War to the beginning of
the Cold War, many of those years had a Freemason President in office. To
be exact, in the very pivotal time period from 1865-1953, a period of 88
years, Presidents who were Freemason occupied the White House for 44
of those years! If you will read Seminar #2, you will see that occultists
place great faith in numbers. Eleven is one of their most sacred numbers,
and multiplications of 11 are also sacred. This is one of the reasons that
Freemasons revere the number 33, because it is sacred number 11 times 3,
the number of their trinity. (For a more thorough treatise on the subject of
the Occult Belief In The Power Of Numbers, download CE1024 &

Simply remember this about the power and ability of occultists to achieve
their goals: VHS or DVD

1. Their power is supernatural, but it is Luciferian

Turn to Job 1:6, for a unique look at the ability of that supernatural being, Satan, to cause havoc in
this world. "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the
LORD, and Satan came also among them. And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou?

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Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up
and down in it.'

Satan's to God answer was, "I was on the earth, going to and fro in it, and walking up and down in it."
Now, this is incredible, because we conceive of the earth as being a pretty big place, even by today's
modern standards. But, it is not a big place to Satan, for he can just going to and fro and walk up and
down in the earth. The picture here is that of you and your garden; you certainly can going to and fro
and walk up and down in it, can't you? To you, a garden is not a terribly big place, and you are its
undisputed master. The earth is the same type of thing with Satan. For this supernatural demon, the
earth is a mighty small place, and its human inhabitants are easy pickings. We humans have no
concept of the power of Satan and his demonic host, for not only are they more than a match for any
human, they hate all mankind with a vengeance, because we are all "made in the image of God". This
brings me to point 2 in my discussion of the power and ability of occultists to achieve their goals.

2. God is in control, even of the demonic host and their leader, Satan/Lucifer

God is in such control of world events that Satan and his demonic host cannot do anything that is not
allowed by God. When God forces Satan to manipulate his human hosts to accomplish something that
fulfills Bible prophecy, God gets the glory. This is why God so emphatically stated, concerning His
prophecies coming true, "Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail,
none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them." In
other words, every one of God's prophecies shall have "her mate" in fulfillment. The greatest example
of God's omnipotence prevailing over Satan's rebellion is the rebirth of the nation, Israel, just as God
had foretold. Satan hated Israel with a vengeance because he hated God, and Israel was God's Chosen
People. If Satan had any degree of latitude whatsoever, he would have moved heaven and earth to
prevent Israel from coming back to the land as a nation in 1948. In fact, Satan tried to prevent this
from happening when he mightily used Adolf Hitler to attempt to execute every single Jew in the
world. But, he failed, and Israel did come back, just as God foretold!

But, now let us return to one of the greatest occultists in history, Albert Pike. As do most occultists,
Albert Pike had supernatural spirit guides, who dispensed "Divine Wisdom" as to how to achieve the
New World Order. A "spirit guide" is a "being" who meets someone who has given themselves over to
the practice of the occult; however, please understand that many people who are practitioners of the
New Age Religion do not view this as a bad thing. In fact, they would argue vociferously that they are
filled with happiness and joy by interacting with their "spirit guides", not realizing that they have been
temporarily deceived by Satan who, along with his demons, can appear as an Angel of Light in order
to deceive ("And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no
great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness ..." 2 Corinthians

So, Albert Pike received a demonic vision, described below. On January 22, 1870, Pike and one of his
international co-conspirators, Guiseppe Mazzini, published the Plan which would establish the
New World Order. This Plan was kept very secret, only within Freemasonry circles since the time of
its inception, known only to fellow occult Illuminist conspirators. (This information is taken from a
book from a former Luciferian Illuminist, Doc Marquis. His book is "Secrets of the Illuminati" and
reveals much formerly hidden detail known only to Illuminists).

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The secret Pike plan to control the world foresaw the need for three world wars. Stop here for a
moment to remember the date of this prediction: January 22, 1870. This date is 44 years before the
beginning of World War I. Once you understand the facts we are about to share with you and realize
the length of time between this prediction and the beginning of its fulfillment, you can understand
how supernatural forces were truly in command. Further, January 22, 1870, is occulticly significant
also. The number 22 is one of the three important occultic primary numbers (11, 22, and 33).

The Pike Plan to overthrow the Judeo-Christian Old World Order, and establish the Satanic New
World Order foresaw the need for war. However, this war was not the type of warfare the world had
seen historically. This war was to be on a much larger scale than history had ever recorded. This
war was to be global, or world-wide.

The details of this Pike Plan {January 22, 1870} for three (3) World Wars to establish the New World
Order is as follows: (As you are reading this demonic prophecy, remember the occult concept of
Thesis battling Antithesis to produce the new system, Synthesis. World Wars I & II were fought to
establish Antithesis, to set up the Cold War, that "controlled conflict or threat of conflict" that would
produce the new system, Synthesis).

I. The First World War was designed to enable the Czarist Government in Russia to be finally and
completely overthrown. The new Russian government was foreseen to be atheistic and militaristic.
Further, Pike specified that this new Russian Government was to be Communistic. Karl Marx had
published his Communist Manifesto in 1848, exactly 22 years before this occultic prophecy through
Albert Pike. Isn't it interesting that the occultic number 22 keeps popping up? The multiplier numbers,
44 and 66 also keep appearing, as you will see in a few moments.

History records that this First World War did, indeed, occur just as listed, above. The Western powers
in Europe, in conjunction with the United States, financed Lenin's expedition into Russia<3>, they
financed his government consistently, and we have financed Russian Communism at least once per
decade since then.

II. The Second World War was foreseen to originate between Great Britain and Germany. However,
one of the planned results of this war was to strengthen the new Communist Russian government, so
that it could weaken and destroy other governments and religions.

History again records that the Second World War did, indeed, accomplish this objective. The war
started when Germany invaded Poland, causing Great Britain to declare war on Germany. Very soon,
the troika (3's) of powers were set up to wage this war. The Black Magic occultists allied themselves
when Germany linked with Italy and Japan; the White Magic occultists allied themselves together as
Great Britain linked with the United States and Russia. Do not be deceived. This war was fought
between two (2) New World Order forces, the "evil" alliance of the Axis Powers or the "good"
alliance of the Allied Powers; the war was between the Black Magic forces against the White Magic
forces. But, we shall return to this subject in more depth at a later time.

Certainly, the Pike vision of the Second World War building Russian Communism into a super power
was fulfilled to a startling degree. Historians have always been mystified as to how Churchill and
Roosevelt could have given away all of Eastern Europe to the Soviets, when the preponderance of
power was clearly against the Soviets. Clearly, when Roosevelt and Churchill ceded all of Eastern

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Europe to Russia, the Communist Government of Russia, now known as the U.S.S.R. {Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics) completed its transition to a super power, exactly as Pike's vision had
foretold. And, let us not forget that the Second World War had given Russia capabilities it had not
possessed before the War. Not only did we build up the Russian military to a frightful degree, but we
had also built entire factories East of Moscow that gave Russia an instant manufacturing base. Even
though Russia had paid dearly in human lives during the War, they came out of the conflict a
superpower. Thanks to Roosevelt, Russia now had a kingdom to go along with its new military and
industrial base.

Now, you know that Freemason President Roosevelt gave this territory to Russia simply and only
because he was being true to Pike's vision of 1870!! You will never read this true history in any of
your books!!

III. The Third World War was foreseen to be between Judaism and Islam. This prophecy is
incredible in many ways, beginning with the understanding that this prophecy of a third world war
occurred in 1870, a time when Israel did not exist as a nation, and when no one except
Fundamentalist, Bible-believing Christians believed it would ever exist again.

Watch the events in Israel very carefully, because the final chapter is being written there. The demonic
'guiding spirits' of Freemasonry, of the leaders of the New World Order Plan, are planning a final,
definitive Third World War, which will begin between Israel and her Arab neighbors and spread to the
entire world. Literally, out of the smoke and destruction of this Third World War, Antichrist will come

Now, here is the most interesting aspect of this demonic plan; it fits with Scripture!! God foretold Last
Day's Judgment on the Arabs in several places, listed below!!

In Obadiah, God foretells the destruction of the House of Esau, particularly the people of Edom,
in the Last Days. God is promising this deliverance for the way in which these Arabs treated
His chosen People. While severe judgment did fall upon the nation of Edom in 70 A.D., they
were not wiped out as a people, nor was the destruction at the hands of Israel, as Verse 18
foretells, nor was it the fulfillment of the final days' judgment, which the Bible consistently
labels the "Day Of The Lord" {Verse 15}
Joel 2:18-3:21, God foretells tremendous judgment of all nations in the world, starting with the
Arabs, beginning when God "reverses the captivity" and "restores the fortunes" of Israel, a date
we know as May 14, 1948. Read this passage carefully, and you will see the hand of God
foretelling judgment swirling all around Israel after she is restored to her land. Joel 2:30-31
seem to foretell nuclear war at this time.
While Israel will escape physical destruction by the miraculous power of God, she will be in so
much danger that God Himself will supernaturally protect her. In Daniel 12:1, we see that, in
the time of the End, Israel will be in such danger that "Michael shall arise to defend your
[Daniel's] people [Israel]."

Therefore, we can place great emphasis and credibility in this demonic vision of the Third World War.
Out of the smoke and destruction of this War, Antichrist will stride triumphantly, to put an end to the
War, to finally give the embattled world "Peace and Safety". But, as 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4 foretells,

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when people are saying this, the world will explode in destruction.

The current events in Israel, where she is giving up "land for peace" makes no sense any other way.
Israel's leaders, some of whom are former generals in the Army, have lent their support to this idiotic
plan. Militarily, this plan is a disaster, for it allows the Arabs a permanent home so deep within Israel
that the military might not be able to successfully defend Israel if the attack comes from within the
Palestinian State. The Jewish Orthodox community is overwhelmingly of the opinion that this "Peace
Plan" is a recipe for war, not peace. They are right; that is the Plan.

Why, you ask, are so many Israeli leaders, who should know better, creating and supporting this Plan
of giving the Palestinians a state, and giving up the Golan Heights? I believe it is for two reasons:

1. They are Humanists, and therefore, are capable of being deceived by Satan
2. They have been given "concrete" assurances by the Western Powers that their security will be
"guaranteed" if they agree to this Plan.

For whatever reason, Israeli liberal leaders have created this unworkable Plan, and have carried out
many of its provisions. Now, with the new Conservative Prime Minister in place, the scene may be set
for a real explosion, because of his unwillingness to proceed any further with the Plan. And, if he
were to attempt to roll back any of the concessions already carried out, the result will be war!!

Watch Israel and the events of the Middle East. Antichrist is going to appear during this planned
World War Three. The stage is finally set. Albert Pike's demonic vision of three world wars being
necessary to achieve the New World Order is nearly at the end. Now, you know why we have had
unparalleled war and threat of war during this Twentieth Century! Truly, Jesus was entirely correct
when He foretold, in Matthew 24:6 that unparalleled war would characterize the Last Days of Time
before Antichrist arose!!

Also remember Revelation 17:17, "For God has put it into their hearts to carryout His own purpose
by acting in harmony in surrendering their royal power and authority to the Beast, until the
prophetic words...of God shall be fulfilled."

Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the
reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you
develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you
can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I
have been able to use this knowledge many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a
result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an
eternal difference.

If you are not born again, I encourage you to either E-Mail me so we can talk, or go to a Fundamental
Bible-believing church in your area (we can help you find one), where someone can show you the
blessed, and easy, Biblical way in which you are born again. Remember Jesus' Words, "You must be
born again ..." (John 3:3-7).

If you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can
see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news, then we need your

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support to stay on the Internet.

The sword is coming, and coming both quickly and with enormous power. But, most people,
including most Christians, do not see it coming. Will you be a "Watchman On The Wall" with us?
(Ezekiel 3:17-19, God's most solemn warning)

Finally, we would love to hear from you.

You can contact us by mail or email.

God bless you, and may He maintain a "Hedge of Protection" around you and your family.

Return to currently in the news index to select additional articles.

<1>"Masonic Holy Bible", Master Reference Edition, Heirloom Bible Publishers, 1964, 'Masonic
Presidents Of Our Country'.


<3>"Chart Of The World Revolution", by Nesta Webster, Constable & Co., London, 1921.

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