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Narrative Writing Rubric-2017

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Type of Writing: Narrative

7th & 8th Grade Written Composition Rubric

Name: Date:

Total Pts. Possible: 20

A = 18-20 pts. B = 13-17 pts. C = 8-12 pts. D = 5-7 pts. F = 0-4 pts. Total Points/Grade :

4 3 2 1 0

Consistent, though not Reasonable control; some Inconsistent control; the Limited control; minimal Little to no
necessarily perfect, control; strengths and some weaknesses outweigh the attempt control
many strengths present weaknesses strengths
Demonstrates full Demonstrates effective Demonstrates basic Demonstrates limited Little to no

comprehension of comprehension of ideas comprehension of comprehension of comprehension

of ideas

complex ideas in the expressed in the text(s) ideas expressed in the ideas expressed in the
text(s) text(s) text(s) /

WRITING: WRITTEN EXPRESSION (W.7.3, L.7.3, L.7.6, W.8.3, L.8.3, L.8.6)

Provides effective and Provides effective Provides some Minimally develops the Under-
comprehensive development of development of narrative elements developed
development of narrative elements narrative elements (experiences, and

narrative elements (experiences, (experiences, characters, events, inappropriate

(experiences, characters, events, point characters, events, point of view) using to task,
characters, events, of view) using clear point of view) using limited or unclear purpose, and
point of view) through dialogue, pacing, somewhat clear dialogue, pacing, audience
clear and convincing description, reflection, dialogue, pacing, description, reflection,
dialogue, pacing, and multiple plot lines description, reflection, and multiple plot lines /
description, reflection, Includes mostly relevant and multiple plot lines Includes minimal 4
and multiple plot lines information from the Includes somewhat information from the
Includes well-chosen, passage to support relevant information passage to support
relevant information situation from the passage to situation
from the passage to Largely appropriate to support situation Limited in its
support situation task, purpose, and Somewhat appropriate appropriateness to
Consistently audience to task, purpose, and task, purpose, and
appropriate to task, audience audience
purpose, and audience
Purposeful Clear organizational Some organizational Limited organizational Lack of
organizational structure in which structure in which structure in which organizational
structure in which related ideas are related ideas are related ideas are not structure
related ideas are grouped logically to grouped logically to grouped logically to No coherence
grouped logically to support the writers support writers support writers

support the writers purpose purpose purpose No conclusion

purpose Progression of ideas is Progression of ideas is Progression of ideas is
Progression of ideas is fairly easily followed discernible, but not somewhat unclear
easily followed Effectively manages the obvious Ineffective /
Skillfully manages the sequence of events Adequately manages management of the
sequence of events using words, phrases, the sequence of events sequence of events
using words, phrases, and clauses using words, phrases, due to limited use of
and clauses Provides a clear and clauses words, phrases, and
Provides a strong conclusion that follows Provides an adequate clauses
conclusion that follows from the narration conclusion that Weak conclusion that
logically from the somewhat follows from does not follow from
narration the narration the narration

Consistently precise Mostly precise and Somewhat precise and Limited use of specific Little to no
and domain-specific domain specific domain specific language precise
language or
Vivid descriptive Mostly descriptive Some descriptive Limited use of

words, phrases, and words, phrases, and words, phrases, and description or sensory

sensory details sensory details sensory details details that may be No sentence
appropriate to task appropriate to the task appropriate to task inappropriate to task variety
Fluid, very easy to Sentences mostly varied Some sentence variety Difficult to follow due to
follow because of in length, structure, and in length, structure, limited sentence Inappropriate
style /
variety in length, beginnings and beginnings variety
structure, and Effective style Mostly effective style Limited effectiveness
beginnings of of style
Effective style
Sixth Eighth Grade Directive
7th & 8th Grade Written Composition Rubric


Effective, consistent Effective command of Inconsistent command Limited command of Little to no
command of conventions of standard of conventions of conventions of command of

conventions of English standard English standard English conventions

standard English Few distracting errors in Some patterns of Multiple distracting
Few minor errors in grammar and usage errors in grammar and errors in grammar and Frequent
grammar and usage * Meaning is mostly clear usage usage errors
Meaning is clear Understanding of Understanding of

throughout meaning is somewhat meaning is impeded by Hard to

impeded by errors errors understand

th th
* 7 & 8 grade specific grammar and usage skill for focus:

L.7.1c Place phrases and clauses in a sentence, recognizing and correcting misplaced and dangling modifiers
L.8.1d Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb voice and mood

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