Literacy Planning Pex4
Literacy Planning Pex4
Literacy Planning Pex4
SPELLING/GRAMMAR Students receive their new spelling lists for the week Students create sentences using their spelling words. Break words into their affixes: Prefixes/Suffixes or Words within Words A-Z Spelling Activities to be
9:00-9:10 Students identify unknown words and complete dictionary definitions for completed
these words
Spelling Groups
Lesson Objective Discuss text-to-self and text-to-world connections when reading a text Identify the most important parts of the text Identify the most important parts of the text Apply knowledge of
Students will be able to; Identify unknown words in a text and use a dictionary to understand the Summarise the text in sequential order Summarise the text in sequential order spelling strategies to spell
meaning words correctly
DAILY 5 & Guided reading with BLUE group at Jellybean table. Guided reading with YELLOW group at Jellybean table. Guided Reading with PURPLE group at Jellybean table. Whole class:
READING GROUPS Read through the text as a group and highlight any unknown words in the REVIEW: Focus on summarising the text and identifying the purpose of the BOOK WEEK PARADE REVIEW: Focus on summarising the text and identifying the purpose of Mark homework - select
9:10-9:40 text. text. the text. students to share their
Reading Groups Guide discussion making text-to-self and text-to-world connections. results for grammar
Discuss any unknown terms and words. Gain context of the text using Write on portable whiteboard: Write on portable whiteboard: homework. Discuss any
Guided Reading Focus: shared discussion and ICT if applicable. Summarising a text is capturing the most important parts of the text and Summarising a text is capturing the most important parts of the text common errors and make
COMPREHENSION expressing, or restating, them briefly. It helps us remember what we've and expressing, or restating, them briefly. It helps us remember what note of these for revisiting.
Key Questions: read and allows us to share the key information with others. we've read and allows us to share the key information with others.
Blue: Summarising Have you experienced or seen similar events/people/places? Spelling tests
Yellow: Summarising What does this remind you of? Read through the text as a group and highlight any unknown words in the Read through the text as a group and highlight any unknown words in All students complete an
Purple: Summarising What were you feeling as you read the text? text. the text. individual spelling tests
Grey: Novel study Students locate unknown words in dictionary and write definitions and assigned via. A-Z Spelling
sentences for these words. Key questions: Key questions: on iPads.
What purposes are texts written for? What purposes are texts written for?
Remaining students to complete daily five: x3 rounds of 7 minutes. What are the key points/events in the text? What are the key points/events in the text?
Word work What do you think the purpose of this text is? What do you think the purpose of this text is?
Work on writing Students locate unknown words in dictionary and write definitions and Students locate unknown words in dictionary and write definitions and
Read to self sentences for these words. sentences for these words.
Students write in their daily five books the title of the text, it's purpose and Students write in their daily five books the title of the text, it's purpose
summarise the key points or events. and summaries the key points or events.
GREY group to complete a shared reading session of their novel at the Remaining students to complete daily five: x3 rounds of 7 minutes.
middle island desk. Word work
Students work through novel study (two chapters and booklet activities) Work on writing
Read to self
Remaining students to complete daily five: x3 rounds of 7 minutes.
Word work
Work on writing
Read to self
Differentiation Spelling groups levelled based on PLD data gathered end of Term 2. Stages Spelling groups levelled based on PLD data gathered end of Term 2. Stages Spelling groups levelled based on PLD data gathered end of Term 2. Spelling groups levelled
vary in complexity of words assigned to students, as well as number of vary in complexity of words assigned to students, as well as number of Stages vary in complexity of words assigned to students, as well as based on PLD data
words given. words given. number of words given. gathered end of Term 2.
Reading groups texts are levelled for reading ability based on Lexile data Reading groups texts are levelled for reading ability based on Lexile data Reading groups texts are levelled for reading ability based on Lexile Stages vary in complexity
(regularly monitored as students complete tests daily/weekly) (regularly monitored as students complete tests daily/weekly) data (regularly monitored as students complete tests daily/weekly) of words assigned to
Reduced work load for BLUE group during guided reading sessions. Extension provided for GREY group: Novel study students, as well as
Activities and questioning for each section contain both closed and open number of words given.
questions, requiring low-to-high order thinking processes. Students are
required to reread the text and make connections to answer a range of
literal, inferential and evaluative questions.
Assessment Conferencing and anecdotal notes Yellow: Daily 5 Workbook: Work sample Daily 5 Workbook: Work sample Anecdotal notes of any
Rubric: Rubric: grammar concepts that
needs to be revisited with
<<Summarize Assessment Rubric - Daily 5.pdf>> <<Summarize Assessment Rubric - Daily 5.pdf>> whole class or specific
Grey: Observation and work sample: Egypt Game Workbook students
Spelling assessment: Data
from test collection
Resources Homework and Home work books Daily 5 Books Daily 5 Books Homework Books
Daily 5 Books Reading group materials Reading group materials iPads
Dictionaries, highlighters Grey group novel study packs
Body Break Body Break Body Break Body Break Body Break
Lesson Objective Learn language patterns of the model text through repeated oral Learn language patterns of the model text through repeated oral rehearsal Learn language patterns of the model text Learn language patterns of the model text through repeated oral
rehearsal through repeated oral rehearsal. rehearsal.
Choose language to incorporate in our writing Analyse and deepen their understanding of the model text through
that builds certainty from the reader literal, inferential and evaluative questioning.
WRITING Introduction: Introduction: Introduction: Rehearse using story map, text and Introduction:
9:45-10:25 Show students the hook and ask them questions what they think it is. Rehearse text using text map. actions. Rehearse text using story map and actions.
Imitation Introduce the model text for the unit: Why Western Swamp Dragons are
extinct. Activity: Analyse the text: Activity: Deeping understanding - Text comprehension
Focus: Examine the images on the map then split the class into four groups. Each Review: This text made me believe that Western Students are to answer literal, inferential and evaluative questions
Learn the structure and Activity: group is to have one paragraph/section of the text. Groups take pictures of Swamp Dragons were real. What parts of the text relating to the text.
language features of an Model a read-through of the text. Teacher to model the structure and the map and the actions. Students are given 20 minutes to rehearse their do you think fooled me? Display questions on whiteboard for students to answer in their
explanation text through flow of the text using pauses, upward afflictions, pausing between paragraph, and add actions (one group in wet area, two in classroom, one Discuss: What is language that signals certainty or talk4writing books.
oral language paragraphs etc. on balcony). Groups come back to the room and are to then lead the class uncertainty. Create poster for reference.
in learning their section. Questions:
Students rehearse with the teacher to memorise. Work collaboratively to Activity: What caused the Western Swamp Dragons to go extinct?
design a story map for the text. Discuss any unknown words in the text Jumpstart Grammar activity pg. 108-109. Students sort the sentence sign-posts into
(subject specific language). Students sort the sentence sign-posts into 'signalling certainty' or 'signalling certainty' or 'signalling uncertainty' into What environment was the Western Swamp Dragons’ native habitat?
'signalling uncertainty' into their T4W books. Students to provide more their T4W books. Describe the habitat.
Comprehension questions: 'certain' or 'uncertain' sentence signposts to add. Whiteboard:
-What does the term ‘extinct’ mean? Model: How to create a sentence using the sentence signposts. CERTAIN AND UNCERTAIN SENTENCE SIGNPOSTS What caused the Western Swamp Dragon to develop scale disease?
-What animals do we know that have gone extinct? Divide your page in two and write in the signposts
-What causes animals to go extinct? Students then practice debating using certainty by arguing the existence of displayed as 'Signalling certainty' or 'Signalling Where could you see this text being published, read, or displayed?
-Are these natural/man made occurrences? the Western Swamp dragon. For or Against. uncertainty'.
Why did the author use the word ‘unfortunately’ to describe the action
-What are wetlands/scrublands/farm houses? Have you seen or visited Are there anymore we can add or think of?
of Western Swamp Dragons being pushed into areas of sandy
any of these environments? Conclusion: Students to provide more 'certain' or 'uncertain'
-What is the purpose of the question in the first paragraph? Get students to demonstrate a debate using the certainty sentence sentence signposts to add.
signposts and have the class rate who's argument was strongest.
How effective do you think this text is in explaining how Western
Model: How to create a sentence using the
Conclusion: Swamp Dragons went extinct?
sentence signposts.
Rehearse text using story map.
Students then practice debating using certainty by
What has the author used or done that makes a good explanation for
arguing the existence of the Western Swamp
why Western Swamp Dragons became extinct?
dragon. Alternative topics: Santa is real. Students
write sentences as modelled by teacher using a Conclusion:
sentence signpost and the supporting statement. Discuss answers as a class. Students share their responses to the
Get students to demonstrate a debate using the
certainty sentence signposts and have the class
rate who's argument was strongest.
Differentiation Groups assigned to cater for a blend of ability levels and personalities Enable: Students focus on creating sentences that Enable: Students do not need to answer in full sentences, however can
Group 1: Amou, Donald, Junior, Amron make sense. Students read aloud to check. Check attempt to if they wish. Teacher to scribe for students if needed in
Group 2: Israel, Josh, Machar, Molriana in with students during lesson - Scaffold by ending conference on-the-spot during the lesson.
Group 3: Daniel, Mariama, Sukhman, Jayan, Janelle the setence. Students to assign a sentence
Group 4: Benny, Chiara, Elden, Tara signpost. Extend: Use the text to inspire an illustration of the Western Swamp
Tara, Machar, Amou / Daniel? Elden? Mariama? Dragon in it's natural habitat. Google Perth wetlands to see what
environments are home to this creature. Show your interpretation of
Possible endings for students to complete: the Western Swamp Dragon in it's natural habitat using the MISSING
... That western swamp dragons exist. poster template provided.
... Western swamp dragons have been sighted in
the Bullsbrook areas.
... The cattle were eaten by western swamp
... Footprints were found in the swampy wetlands
north of the river, believed to be those belonging
to a western swamp dragon.
Extend: Write it into a convincing paragraph to
fool a reader.
Assessment Work sample collection and achievement scale Collection of students' responses. Assessed using scale for each level of
documented questioning in relation to the text using grid below:
T4W - Signalling Certainty and Uncertainty T4W Comprehension Questions
Resources T4W Hook T4W Text Complete a Jumpstart Grammar activity pg. 108- Story Map and Text 109.
E2W7NNkhLlL0YKH5nPckrxbDNHB20ytubyEd_8/edit?usp=sharing T4W books <<MISSING Western Swamp Dragon Poster.docx>>
iPads Sentence signposts displayed
T4W Text Jumpstart Grammar activity pg. 108-109
Butcher paper and sharpies
T4W books <<Signalling Certainty or Uncertainty.docx>>
Term 3 Week 7 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
SPELLING/GRAMMAR Students receive their new spelling lists for the week Students create sentences using their spelling words. Synonyms/Antonyms or/and Change the tense Break words into their affixes: Prefixes/Suffixes or Words within Words Spelling Tests
9:00-9:10 Students identify unknown words and complete dictionary Mark grammar homework
definitions for these words
Spelling Groups
Lesson Objective Recall the purpose of summarising a text Identify the most important parts of the text Read voraciously Identify the most important parts of the text Apply knowledge of spelling
Students will be able to; View the strategy of summarising through modelled Summarise the text in sequential order Use a range of comprehension strategies to analyse and Summarise the text in sequential order strategies to spell words
reading. respond to a shared novel correctly
Identify main ideas within a text
DAILY 5 & Guided reading with BLUE group at Jellybean table. Guided reading with YELLOW group at Jellybean table. GREY group to complete guided reading session at the Guided Reading with PURPLE group at Jellybean table. Whole class:
READING GROUPS Read the text and introduce the learning intention. REVIEW: Focus on summarising the text and identifying the purpose of jelly bean table. REVIEW: Focus on summarising the text and identifying the purpose of the Mark homework - select
9:10-9:40 Explicit teaching: the text. Students work through novel study (two chapters and text. students to share their results
Reading Groups Write on portable whiteboard: accompanying booklet activities). for grammar homework.
Guided Reading Focus: Summarising a text is capturing the most important parts Write on portable whiteboard: Write on portable whiteboard: Discuss any common errors and
Blue: Summarising of the text and expressing, or restating, them briefly. It Summarising a text is capturing the most important parts of the text Remaining students to complete daily five: x3 rounds of Summarising a text is capturing the most important parts of the text and make note of these for
Yellow: Summarising helps us remember what we've read and allows us to and expressing, or restating, them briefly. It helps us remember what 7 minutes. expressing, or restating, them briefly. It helps us remember what we've read revisiting.
Purple: Summarising share the key information with others. we've read and allows us to share the key information with others. Word work and allows us to share the key information with others.
Grey: Novel study Work on writing Spelling tests
Students watch the teacher model the self-questioning Read through the text as a group and highlight any unknown words in Read to self Read through the text as a group and highlight any unknown words in the All students complete an
processes of summarising through think-aloud statements. the text. text. individual spelling tests
assigned via. A-Z Spelling on
Key Questions: Key questions: Key questions: iPads.
What is the purpose of this text? What is it What purposes are texts written for? What purposes are texts written for?
telling me about? What are the key points/events in the text? What are the key points/events in the text?
What is this selection about? What do you think the purpose of this text is? What do you think the purpose of this text is?
What are the main ideas of this selection? Students locate unknown words in dictionary and write definitions and
What is my evidence? Students locate unknown words in dictionary and write definitions and sentences for these words.
What is not important to remember in this sentences for these words. Students write in their daily five books the title of the text, it's purpose and
selection? Why? summaries the key points or events.
Students write in their daily five books the title of the text, it's purpose
Discuss with students: and summarise the key points or events. Remaining students to complete daily five: x3 rounds of 7 minutes.
Do you agree with how I summarised the text? Word work
Did I miss any important information? Did I add Remaining students to complete daily five: x3 rounds of 7 minutes. Work on writing
in any irrelevant or not-so-necessary Word work Read to self
information? Work on writing
Students copy down the dot points of what we found were Read to self
the main ideas of the text were.
Remaining students to complete daily five: x3 rounds of 7
Word work
Work on writing
Read to self
Differentiation Spelling groups levelled based on PLD data gathered end of Spelling groups levelled based on PLD data gathered end of Term Spelling groups levelled based on PLD data gathered end Spelling groups levelled based on PLD data gathered end of Term 2. Stages Spelling groups levelled based
Term 2. Stages vary in complexity of words assigned to 2.Stages vary in complexity of words assigned to students, as well as of Term 2. Stages vary in complexity of words assigned vary in complexity of words assigned to students, as well as number of words on PLD data gathered end of
students, as well as number of words given. number of words given. to students, as well as number of words given. given. Term 2. Stages vary in
Reading groups texts are levelled for reading ability based Reading groups texts are levelled for reading ability based on Lexile data Extension provided for GREY group: Novel study Reading groups texts are levelled for reading ability based on Lexile data complexity of words assigned
on Lexile data (regularly monitored as students complete (regularly monitored as students complete tests daily/weekly) Activities and questioning for each section contain both (regularly monitored as students complete tests daily/weekly) to students, as well as number
tests daily/weekly) closed and open questions, requiring low-to-high order of words given.
Reduced work load for BLUE group during guided reading thinking processes. Students are required to reread the
sessions. text and make connections to answer a range of literal,
inferential and evaluative questions.
Assessment Daily 5 Workbook: Work sample Daily 5 Workbook: Work sample Observation and work sample: Egypt Game Workbook Daily 5 Workbook: Work sample Anecdotal notes of any
(Collated for assessment against rubric after five lessons Rubric: Rubric: grammar concepts that needs
on topic) to be revisited with whole class
<<Summarize Assessment Rubric - Daily 5.pdf>> <<Summarize Assessment Rubric - Daily 5.pdf>> or specific students
Spelling assessment: Data from
test collection
Resources Homework and Home work books Daily 5 Books Daily 5 Books Daily 5 Books Homework Books
Daily 5 Books Reading group materials Reading group materials Reading group materials iPads
Reading group materials Grey group novel study packs <<RRG_C11_Summarize_Text.pdf>>
Body Break Body Break Body Break Body Break Body Break
Lesson Objective Identify grammar and language features in the model text Identify cause and effects in the model text Create sentences that describe a cause and effect Co-construct a toolkit by identifying key devices to include in an explanation
through discussion and text annotation Link events from the model text to create cause-effect relationship using relationship by using casual connectives to show the text
the given template connection.
Differentiation Enable: Students copy the annotations discussed and Enable: Students demonstrate their understanding in the template by Enable: (Tara, Machar, Amou) Students will experiment
presented on the model text. Tara/Amou/Machar can drawing the event and noting keywords from the text to match. Scribe with mastering the E>C connective sentences. Provide
underline the features and conference with teachers what for students as you question them "what happened next" "what was the students with the events as sentence starters and
they are to scribe. effect/cause of this" provide them the choice of 'as a result of' or 'because' to
finish the sentence with the cause identified in the text.
Extension: Students to re-read STEM text from previous Extension: Students use the Nat Geo website to identify causes for the Provide scaffolding and scribing if necessary.
STEM lesson and annotate text with features discussed. extinction of other animals and note these down in their Talk4Writing
books under "causes for extinction". Extension: Re-write the 2nd, 3rd and 4th paragraphs of the model text using more casual connectives to
animals/extinct-animals/ describe the cause and effect relationships in the
Assessment Work sample: T4W book Work Sample and three-point checklist Work sample: T4W book Work sample: T4W book
Resources Model text written out on butcher paper Model Text Cause and Effect images Model Text Cause and Effect images Butcher paper
Sharpies Magnets/Blue-tac Magnets/Blue-tac Sharpies
Dominos (6x) Butcher paper Model text
Model text printed out for students, line spacing and <<Cause and Effect W.S. Dragons.pdf>> Sharpies T4W books
margins so they can annotate Nat Geo website on whiteboard: T4W books
Highlighters, coloured pencils
Lesson Objective Identify main ideas within a text Understand cause and effect relationships in texts by identifying Read voraciously Understand cause and effect relationships in texts by Apply knowledge of spelling strategies to spell
Students will be able to; Evaluate what information in the text are most effects and describing their causes using literal clues and Use a range of comprehension strategies to analyse and identifying effects and describing their causes using literal clues words correctly
purposeful to include in a summary inferential reasoning within the text. respond to a shared novel and inferential reasoning within the text.
DAILY 5 & Guided reading with BLUE group at Jellybean table. Guided reading with YELLOW group at Jellybean table. GREY group to complete guided reading session at the Guided Reading with PURPLE group at Jellybean table. Whole class:
READING GROUPS Read the text and introduce the learning intention. Focus on identifying Cause-and-Effect relationships in the text. jellybean table. Focus on identifying Cause-and-Effect relationships in the text. Mark homework - select students to share their
9:10-9:40 I can identify main ideas within a text and evaluate (FICTION) Students work through novel study (two chapters and (FICTION) results for grammar homework. Discuss any
Reading Groups what information in the text is most purposeful to accompanying booklet activities). common errors and make note of these for
Guided Reading Focus: include in a summary. Write on portable whiteboard the strategy and learning Write on portable whiteboard the strategy and learning revisiting.
Blue: Summarising intention: Remaining students to complete daily five: x3 rounds of 7 intention:
Yellow: Cause and effect As a group, revise the main ideas. Go through the main Identifying cause and effects relationships in a text is minutes. Identifying cause and effects relationships in a text is Spelling tests
(FICTION) ideas that were provided last lesson and ask students understanding the events in the text that happen (effects), Word work understanding the events in the text that happen (effects), All students complete an individual spelling
Purple: Cause and effect what evidence is given in the text to support these ideas. along with the reason why they happen (causes). Work on writing along with the reason why they happen (causes). tests assigned via. A-Z Spelling on iPads.
(FICTION) Once discussed, students select no more than three main Read to self
Grey: Novel study ideas to go into their summary and write these into their SC: I can explain the causes and effects in a text by identifying SC: I can explain the causes and effects in a text by identifying
Daily 5 books. how events occurred and why they happened. how events occurred and why they happened.
Key Questions: Read through the text as a group and highlight any unknown Read through the text as a group and highlight any unknown
What makes you think this idea is important? words in the text. Discuss any unknown terms and words. Gain words in the text. Discuss any unknown terms and words. Gain
Is there lots of detail provided by the author context of the text using shared discussion and ICT if applicable. context of the text using shared discussion and ICT if applicable.
about this idea?
Is this idea spoken about more than once? Key questions: Key questions:
Is it the way it is presented visually? What kind of text is this? What is it's purpose? What kind of text is this? What is it's purpose?
What happened and why did it happen? What happened and why did it happen?
Remaining students to complete daily five: x3 rounds of What were the clue words? What were the clue words?
7 minutes. Why would this have happened? Why would this have happened?
Word work Give examples of cause-and-effect relationships Give examples of cause-and-effect relationships
Work on writing throughout your life—in your family, throughout your life—in your family,
Read to self in sports, and in your friendships. in sports, and in your friendships.
As a group, discuss causes and effects in the text by categorising As a group, discuss causes and effects in the text by
parts of the text as either the effect (what happened) or causes categorising parts of the text as either the effect (what
(why an event happened). Students fill out the cause and effect happened) or causes (why an event happened). Students fill
graphic organiser in Assessment. out the cause and effect graphic organiser in Assessment.
Remaining students to complete daily five: x3 rounds of 7 Remaining students to complete daily five: x3 rounds of 7
minutes. minutes.
Word work Word work
Work on writing Work on writing
Read to self Read to self
Differentiation Spelling groups levelled based on PLD data gathered end Spelling groups levelled based on PLD data gathered end of Term Spelling groups levelled based on PLD data gathered end of Spelling groups levelled based on PLD data gathered end of Spelling groups levelled based on PLD data
of Term 2. Stages vary in complexity of words assigned to 2. Stages vary in complexity of words assigned to students, as Term 2. Stages vary in complexity of words assigned to Term 2. Stages vary in complexity of words assigned to gathered end of Term 2. Stages vary in
students, as well as number of words given. well as number of words given. students, as well as number of words given. students, as well as number of words given. complexity of words assigned to students, as
Reading groups texts are levelled for reading ability Reading groups texts are levelled for reading ability based on Extension provided for GREY group: Novel study Reading groups texts are levelled for reading ability based on well as number of words given.
based on Lexile data (regularly monitored as students Lexile data (regularly monitored as students complete tests Activities and questioning for each section contain both closed Lexile data (regularly monitored as students complete tests
complete tests daily/weekly) daily/weekly) and open questions, requiring low-to-high order thinking daily/weekly)
Reduced work load (chunking the task across sessions), processes. Students are required to reread the text and make
scaffolding and explicit modelling of the task required for connections to answer a range of literal, inferential and
BLUE group during guided reading sessions. evaluative questions.
Assessment Daily 5 Workbook: Work sample Work sample and observations Observation and work sample: Egypt Game Workbook Work sample and observations Anecdotal notes of any grammar concepts that
(Collated for assessment against rubric after five lessons Rubric: Rubric: needs to be revisited with whole class or
on topic) specific students
<<C-Recognize_Explain_Cause_and_Effect-Assessment.pdf>> <<C-Recognize_Explain_Cause_and_Effect-Assessment.pdf>> Spelling assessment: Data from test collection
Resources Homework and Home work books Daily 5 Books Daily 5 Books Daily 5 Books Homework Books
Daily 5 Books Reading group materials Reading group materials Reading group materials iPads
Reading group materials
<<RRG_C16_Cause_Effect.pdf>> <<RRG_C16_Cause_Effect.pdf>>
Body Break Body Break Body Break Body Break Body Break
Lesson Objective Analyse the text and 'box up' the components of the Conduct research for an explanation text by noting key Use research to select information to include in a model text
model text identifying what devices are used in each information, events, and technical vocabulary to use in our text Use the box up template to plan and complete text innovation
paragraph innovation of the model text
WRITING Introduction: Rehearse the text. Pick one student from Introduction: Rehearse the text. Pick one student from each Introduction: Rehearse the text. Pick one student from each ?
9:45-10:25 each group to lead the class with their actions. group to lead the class with their actions. group to lead the class with their actions. SCITECH EXCURSION
Activity: Review the box up planner as a class. Restate the different Activity: Collaboratively students and the teacher will begin to
Review the toolkit. sections boxed up from the model text. Compare our model text fill out the innovation side of the box up planner. Teacher will
Highlight the devices we added and look for the to the hamburger template. Does it make the whole burger? discuss what will go in the first section and then draft the
examples in the text. Include students in the discussion paragraph using these ideas. Continue to do this, filling out the
by asking select students to give an example of their own. Activity: innovation boxes and drafting the corresponding paragraph on
Explain the boxing up task. Teacher will lead 'BOXING UP' Before starting our innovation, we need to become experts on the butcher paper.
the text on the Smart TV using a word document with our topic. To innovate on our model text, we are going to change
three columns. See attachment. the animal to the Tasmanian Tiger but this requires knowing Key questions:
Students will work with the teacher to identify what each about it's extinction and facts about the animal. What items from our toolkit do we include in here?
'boxed up' section will contain using the toolkit and What did the model text do in this section?
model text to identify the elements for each box. Teacher As a class, read through the information about the Tasmanian What information goes in this section?
will fill in this in on the Smart TV whilst students Tiger. Students note down important events and facts in their What can we include here? What shouldn't we
complete their own on the A3 sheet of paper provided. Talk4Writing books. include here?
Conclusion: As a class, identify the main reason, second reason and third Conclusion: Review what has been completed as a class. Ask
Pose the topics to the students for their explanation reason leading to it's extinction and place these into the BOXING students:
texts. UP template under the 'Innovation' heading. Highlight the What toolkit items have we used?
Encourage students to borrow books or start researching technical vocabulary in the text that we can use in our What technical language have we used?
on a topic they may be interested in. innovation. Read through and edit.
Explanation topics are:
How to live a healthy lifestyle Create a glossary in Talk4Writing books for technical words using
Why the Tasmanian tiger went extinct the information from the text.
Why do volcanos erupt
Why Lebron James/Kobe Bryant is the world's The teacher models on the SmartTV, whilst students also fill out
greatest basketball player the boxing up template with the information gathered and place
Why alcohol/smoking is bad for your health the information or elements in the respective section to match
the explanation structure.
Key questions:
Where could this be useful? In what part of my text?
Should I use this as my main, second or third reason?
Should I just use this term, or define it to my reader in
some way?
Ask students what words we can add to our word wall. Get
students to contribute ideas and assign students to put these
words up in the correct section of the word wall.
Differentiation Enable: Students who require support will copy down the Enable: Students will be supported through explicit instruction Enable: Students will be supported through explicit instruction
information filled in by the teacher on the Smart TV. on how to fill out the BOXING UP template and teacher on how to fill out the BOXING UP template and teacher
Extend: Students will use the information filled in by the modelling. Students will use the teacher modelled examples to modelling. Students will use the teacher modelled examples to
teacher on the Smart TV to fill in their sections pulling out fill out their templates. fill out their templates. Students will copy down the innovation
specific annotations to better detail the components Extend: Students will be more independent in the filling out the in their Talk4Writing book and may make attempts at changing
required for each section. template. Students will use skills of research and understanding the text.
of text structure to assign information to each section without Extend: Students will be more independent in the filling out
modelled guidance from the teacher. the template. Students will use skills of research and
understanding of text structure to assign information to each
section without modelled guidance from the teacher. Students
will complete their innovation draft using their own ideas but
keeping to the structure and plan in the boxed up planner.
Assessment Work sample: A3 box up completed Work sample: A3 box up completed Work sample: A3 box up completed
Talk4Writing book - draft
Resources Completed box up to guide teacher (printed): Box Up Planner A3 from previous lesson
<<W.S. DRAGON BOX UP.docx>> moments/extinction-thylacine Benjamin, the last thylacine text print out from previous lesson
Blank box ups for live document to fill out with class and Talk 4 Writing books
A3 copies (19) for students: Boxing up completed from previous lesson Butcher paper, sharpies