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Legenda Telaga Warna

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Legenda Telaga Warna - The Legend of Telaga Warna - Jawa Barat

Ages ago, there was a kingdom in West Java. The country was led by a
king. Prabu, that people called him. He was a good and wise king. Not surprisingly, when the
country was prosperous and peaceful. There was no hungry people in the country. All very
pleasant. Sadly, Prabu and his wife do not have children. That is what made the royal couple
very sad. Advisory of Prabu suggested that they adopt a child. But the Prabu and Queen did not
agree. "For us, the biological son is better than adopted children," they said.

Queen often moody and crying. Prabu too was sad to see his wife. Then Prabu went to the forest
to meditate. There, the Prabu continued to pray, to be blessed with children. A few months later,
their wish came true. Queen had become pregnant. All the people in the kingdom happy. They
flood the court with gifts.

Nine months later, the queen gave birth to a daughter. People of the land went back to the little
princess sent various gifts. Babies grow into children funny. A dozen years later, she has become
a beautiful teenager. Prabu and Queen is very fond of his daughter. They gave her whatever she
wanted. But it makes it a spoiled girl. If the desire is not fulfilled, the girl would get mad. She
even used to say rude. However, parents and people in the kingdom loved her.

Days passed, Princess has grown to be the prettiest girl in the whole country. Within a few days,
be 17 years old daughter. So the people in the country went to the palace. They carry a variety of
exquisite gift. Prabu collects gifts are very much of it, and then store it in the court room. At
times, he could use it for the benefit of the people. Prabu just took a bit of gold and jewels. He
took it to a jeweler.

"Please, make a beautiful necklace for my daughter," said Prabu.

"Birthday came. Population of the country gathered in the palace square. When the King and
Queen came, people are elated. Warm welcome more audible, when a beautiful princess beauty
appeared in front of everyone. Everybody admired her beauty. Prabu got up from his chair. The
beautiful necklace was holding.

"My beloved daughter, today I give you this necklace. This necklace is giving the people of the
country. They love you so much. They dedicate this prize, because they are excited to see you
grow into adulthood. Wear this necklace, boy, "said Prabu.

Princess accepted the necklace. Then she saw the necklace at a glance.
"With pleasure, Your Majesty," said the jeweler. He then worked as best as possible, with all my
heart. He wanted to create the most beautiful necklace in the world, because he loved his

"I do not want to wear it. This necklace is ugly! "Said the Princess.

Then she threw the necklace. The beautiful necklace was broken. Gold and gems scattered on the

It was really shocking. No one would have thought, would do such a daughter. No one spoke.
Silence. Suddenly, there was weeping queen. Cries followed by everyone.

Suddenly spring water from the courtyard. At first, forming a small pond. Then the court began
to flood. The palace was filled with water like a lake. Then the bigger lake and drown palace.

On a sunny day, we could see the lake is full of beautiful colors and amazing. The color comes
from the shadow of the forest, plants, flowers, and sky around the lake. But people say, the
colors came from Princess necklace scattered at the base of the lake.

========== =============================

Zaman dahulu, ada sebuah kerajaan di Jawa Barat. Negeri itu dipimpin
oleh seorang raja. Prabu, begitulah orang memanggilnya. Ia adalah raja yang baik dan bijaksana.
Tak heran, kalau negeri itu makmur dan tenteram. Tak ada penduduk yang lapar di negeri itu.
Semua sangat menyenangkan. Sayangnya, Prabu dan istrinya belum memiliki anak. Hal itu lah
yang membuat pasangan kerajaan itu sangat sedih. Penasehat Prabu menyarankan, agar mereka
mengangkat anak. Namun Prabu dan Ratu tidak setuju. Buat kami, anak kandung adalah lebih
baik dari pada anak angkat, sahut mereka.

Ratu sering murung dan menangis. Prabu pun ikut sedih melihat istrinya. Lalu Prabu pergi ke
hutan untuk bertapa. Di sana sang Prabu terus berdoa, agar dikaruniai anak. Beberapa bulan
kemudian, keinginan mereka terkabul. Ratu pun mulai hamil. Seluruh rakyat di kerajaan itu
senang sekali. Mereka membanjiri istana dengan hadiah.
Sembilan bulan kemudian, Ratu melahirkan seorang putri. Penduduk negeri pun kembali
mengirimi putri kecil itu aneka hadiah. Bayi itu tumbuh menjadi anak yang lucu. Belasan tahun
kemudian, ia sudah menjadi remaja yang cantik. Prabu dan Ratu sangat menyayangi putrinya.
Mereka memberi putrinya apa pun yang dia inginkan. Namun itu membuatnya menjadi gadis
yang manja. Kalau keinginannya tidak terpenuhi, gadis itu akan marah. Ia bahkan sering berkata
kasar. Walaupun begitu, orangtua dan rakyat di kerajaan itu mencintainya.

Hari berlalu, Putri pun tumbuh menjadi gadis tercantik di seluruh negeri. Dalam beberapa hari,
Putri akan berusia 17 tahun. Maka para penduduk di negeri itu pergi ke istana. Mereka membawa
aneka hadiah yang sangat indah. Prabu mengumpulkan hadiah-hadiah yang sangat banyak itu,
lalu menyimpannya dalam ruangan istana. Sewaktu-waktu, ia bisa menggunakannya untuk
kepentingan rakyat. Prabu hanya mengambil sedikit emas dan permata. Ia membawanya ke ahli

"Tolong, buatkan kalung yang sangat indah untuk putriku, kata Prabu.

"Dengan senang hati, Yang Mulia, sahut ahli perhiasan. Ia lalu bekerja sebaik mungkin, dengan
sepenuh hati. Ia ingin menciptakan kalung yang paling indah di dunia, karena ia sangat
menyayangi Putri.

Hari ulang tahun pun tiba. Penduduk negeri berkumpul di alun-alun istana. Ketika Prabu dan
Ratu datang, orang menyambutnya dengan gembira. Sambutan hangat makin terdengar, ketika
Putri yang cantik jelita muncul di hadapan semua orang. Semua orang mengagumi
kecantikannya. Prabu lalu bangkit dari kursinya. Kalung yang indah sudah dipegangnya.

"Putriku tercinta, hari ini aku berikan kalung ini untukmu. Kalung ini pemberian orang-orang
dari penjuru negeri. Mereka sangat mencintaimu. Mereka mempersembahkan hadiah ini, karena
mereka gembira melihatmu tumbuh jadi dewasa. Pakailah kalung ini, Nak, kata Prabu.

Putri menerima kalung itu. Lalu ia melihat kalung itu sekilas.

"Aku tak mau memakainya. Kalung ini jelek! seru Putri.

Kemudian ia melempar kalung itu. Kalung yang indah pun rusak. Emas dan permatanya tersebar
di lantai. Itu sungguh mengejutkan. Tak seorang pun menyangka, Putri akan berbuat seperti itu.
Tak seorang pun bicara. Suasana hening. Tiba-tiba terdengar tangisan Ratu. Tangisannya diikuti
oleh semua orang.

Tiba-tiba muncul mata air dari halaman istana. Mula-mula membentuk kolam kecil. Lalu istana
mulai banjir. Istana pun dipenuhi air bagai danau. Lalu danau itu makin besar dan
menenggelamkan istana.

Di hari yang cerah, kita bisa melihat danau itu penuh warna yang indah dan mengagumkan.
Warna itu berasal dari bayangan hutan, tanaman, bunga-bunga, dan langit di sekitar telaga.
Namun orang mengatakan, warna-warna itu berasal dari kalung Putri yang tersebar di dasar
The Legend of Telaga Warna

once upon time, there was a kingdom in west java. the kingdom was lead by king. the name was
prabu. he was the king of the good and wise. mot suprisingly, if the kingdom was prosperous and
peaceful. there was no hungry people in the kingdom. All of them were very exciting.

unfortunately, Prabu and his wife didn't have a child. they were very sad. Prabu advisers suggest,
to raise children. but Prabu and his wife didn't agree. his wife often wistful and crying. Prabu
also participate sad to saw his wife. then, Prabu went to the forest to be imprisioned.

in the forest, Prabu always pray to God. so that he presented a child. several month later, their
desire realized. his wife was pregnant. All the people in the kingdom were very happy. they
overwhelm the palace with the prize. nine month later, his wife birth a daughter. the population
return to send a small daugther was variety of prizes.

the baby grew into a child's funny. several years later, she had to become a beautiful teenager.
Prabu and his wife love to the daughter. but that made her a spoiled girl. if it desire not obey, the
girls will be angry. however parents and people in the kingdom love her. in a few days, the
daughter age 17 years. the population went to the palce. they bought a variety gifts that were
very beautiful. all people admire the beauty.

Prabu stand up and gave the necklace to the daughter and said :" My beloved daughter, this day I
give this necklace for you. Necklace is the gift of people from across the kingdom. they are very
loved you. they present a necklace, because they were so happy saw you adult. use this necklace
my daughter."

Daughter receive the necklace but she throw the necklace and said : " I didn't want to use it. it
was bad" the beautiful necklace was broken. the gold and jewel spread on the floor. Prabu and
his wife crying. all the people followed crying too. suddenly appear springs from the pages
palace. at first a small pond. the start flooding the palace, after that, the palace also filled the
water like the lake. and the lake was big castle and drown.

Now, the lake was called TELAGA WARNA. lake was located in the summit. on sunny day, we
can see the lake is full of beautiful colors and amazing. the people say the color come frome the
daughter necklace in basic.

Cerita legenda dari Jawa Barat: Dongeng Legenda Telaga Warna berbahasa Inggris. Selamat

Long, long ago there was a kingdom in West Java. The kingdom was ruled by a king. People
called their king His Majesty Prabu. Prabu was a kind and wise king. No wonder if that country
was prosperous. Theres no hunger in this kingdom.

It was a very happy condition. But it was a pity that Prabu and his queen hadnt got any children.
It made the royal couple very, very sad. Some old men and women who was respected by Prabu
suggested the king to adopt a child. But Prabu and the queen didnt agree. No, thank you. But
for us, our own daughter or son is better than adopted children.

The queen was very sad. She often cried. That was why Prabu decided to go. He went to the
jungle. There he prayed to God. Everyday he begged for a child. His dream came true. A few
months later, the queen got pregnant. All people in the kingdom felt happy. They sent many
presents to the palace to express their happiness.

Nine months later a princess was born. People sent their presents again as a gift to a little
princess. This baby grew as a beautiful teenager then.

Prabu and Queen loved their daughter so much. They gave what ever she wanted. It made
Princess a very spoiled girl. When her wish couldnt be realized, she became very angry. She
even said bad things often. A true princess wouldnt do that. Even though the princess behaved
badly, her parents loved her, so did the people in that kingdom.

Day by day, the princess grew more beautiful. No girls could compare with her. In a few days,
Princess would be 17 years old. So, people of that kingdom went to palace. They brought many
presents for her. Their presents gift were very beautiful. Prabu collected the presents. There were
really many presents. Then Prabu stored them in a building. Some times he could take them to
give to his people.

Prabu only took some gold and jewels. Then she brought them to the goldsmith. Please make a
beautiful necklace for my daughter, said Prabu. My pleasure, Your Majesty, the goldsmith
replied. The goldsmith worked with all his heart and his ability. He wanted to create the most
beautiful necklace in the world because he loved his princess.
The birthday came. People gathered in the palace field. When Prabu and queen appeared, people
welcomed them happily. Prabu and his wife waved to their beloved people.

Cheers were louder and louder when the princess appeared with her fabulous pretty face.
Everybody admired her beauty. Prabu got up from his chair. A lady gave him a small and
glamorous pillow. A wonderful necklace was on it. Prabu took that necklace. My beloved
daughter, today I give this necklace to you. This necklace is a gift from people in this country.
They love you so much. They presented it for you to express their happiness, because you have
growing to a woman. Please, wear this necklace, said Prabu.

Princess accepted the necklace. She looked at the necklace in a glance. I dont want to accept it!
Its ugly! shouted the princess. Then she threw the necklace. The beautiful necklace was
broken. The gold and jewels were spread out on the floor

Everybody couldnt say anything. They never thought that their beloved princess would do that
cruel thing. Nobody spoke. In their silence people heard the queen crying. Every woman felt sad
and began crying too. Then everybody was crying.

Then there was a miracle. Earth was crying. Suddenly, from the under ground, a spring emerged.
It made a pool of water. The palace was getting full. Soon the place became a big lake. The lake
sank all of the kingdom.

Nowadays the water on that lake is not as full as before. There is only a small lake now. People
called the lake Talaga Warna. It is mean Lake of Colour. Its located in Puncak, West Java.
On a bright day, the lake is full of colour. So beautiful and amazing. These colors come from
shadows of forest, plants, flowers, and sky around the lake. But some people said that the colours
are from the princesss necklace, which spreads at the bottom of the lake. Sumber Talaga Warna

rrative Text : Legend of Telaga Warna

Published Februari 27, 2013 by sowon

Long previously, there was a kingdom in West Java. the dominion was dominated by a king
named His impressiveness Prabu.
Prabu was a form and wise king. however it absolutely was a pity that Prabu and his queen
hadnt got any kids. The queen usually cried. That was why Prabu visited the jungle. There he
prayed to God on a daily basis, solicitation for a toddler.

A few months later, the queen got pregnant. 9 months later, a aristocrat was born. Prabu and
Queen favorite their lovely girl such a lot. They gave no matter she needed. It created aristocrat
transform a awfully spoiled lady.

One day, the aristocrat celebrated her seventeenth celebration. many folks gathered within the
palace. Then, Prabu took out a jewelry that was made up of gold and jewel.

My beloved girl, nowadays I offer you this jewelry. Please, wear this jewelry, aforementioned

Narrative Text -Telaga warna

I dont need to wear it! Its ugly! yelled the aristocrat. Then she threw the jewelry. the
attractive jewelry was broken. The gold and jewels were detached on the ground. everyone could
not say something. They neer thought that their beloved aristocrat would try this cruel factor. In
their silence, individuals detected the queen crying. each lady felt unhappy and started crying,
too. Then, everyone was crying. Then, there was a miracle. Earth was crying.

Suddenly, from the underground, a spring emerged. It created a pool of water. Soon, the place
became a giant lake. The lake finally sank the dominion.

Nowadays, individuals referred to as the lake Telaga Warna. It suggests that Lake of Color.
On a bright day, the lake is choked with color. These colours come back from shadows of forest,
plants, flowers, and sky round the lake. however some individuals aforementioned that the
colours area unit from the princesss jewelry, that spreads at very cheap of the lake.

Legend of Telaga Warna

Long long ago, there was a kingdom in West Java. The kingdom was ruled by a king entitled His
Majesty Prabu.

Prabu was a kind and shrewd king. But it was a pity that Prabu and his queen hadn't got any
children. The ruler often bawled. That was why Prabu went to the jungle. There he prayed to
God every day, begging for a child.
A couple of months later, the ruler got with child. Nine months subsequent, a princess was born.
Prabu and ruler loved their beautiful female child so much. They provided whatever she liked. It
made Princess turn into a very ruined girl.

One day, the princess commemorated her 17th anniversary party. Many persons accumulated in
the castle. Then, Prabu took out a necklace which was made from gold and jewel.

"My beloved daughter, today I give you this necklace. Please, wear this necklace," said Prabu.

Narrative Text -Telaga warna

"I don't want to wear it! It's ugly!" yelled the princess. Then she chucked the necklace. The
attractive necklace was broken. The gold and jewels were disperse out on the floor. Everybody
couldn't say any thing. They not ever considered that their beloved princess would do that
fiendish thing. In their silence, persons perceived the queen bawling. Every woman felt
miserable and started bawling, too. Then, everyone was bawling. Then, there was a miracle.
Earth was bawling.

abruptly, from the below ground, a spring emerged. It made a pool of water. Soon, the location
became a big lagoon. The lagoon finally sank the kingdom.

Nowadays, people called the lagoon "Telaga Warna". It means "Lake of Color". On a bright day,
the lagoon is full of hue. These colors come from shaded of plantation, plants, blossoms, and
atmosphere around the lake. But some persons said that the colors are from the princess's
necklace, which disperses at the bottom of the lake.

Contoh Narrative Text : legend of telaga warna

legend of telaga warna

long long ago, there was a kingdom in west java. the kingdom was ruled by a king named his
majesty prabu.

prabu was a kind and wise king. other then it was eventually a pity that prabu and his queen
hadnt got any children. the queen typically cried. or a why prabu went to actually the jungle.
there he prayed to actually god daily, begging to produce a kid.
many months later, the queen got pregnant. 9 months later, a princess was born. prabu and queen
loved their beautiful daughter such a lot. these gave no matter she needed. it created princess flip
inside terribly spoiled girl.

sooner or later, the princess celebrated her 17th birthday party. most people gathered within the
whole palace. then, prabu took out a necklace that was made out of gold and jewel.

my beloved daughter, nowadays i provide you with this necklace. please, wear this necklace,
same prabu.

narrative text -telaga warna

i dont need to actually wear it ! its ugly ! shouted the princess. then she threw the necklace. the
beautiful necklace was broken. the gold and jewels were spread out upon the floor. everybody
couldnt say something. these never thought that their beloved princess would try this cruel factor.
in his or her silence, individuals heard the queen crying. each lady felt sad and began crying, too.
then, everybody was crying. then, there was a miracle. earth was crying.

suddenly, due to underground, a spring emerged. it make a pool of water. soon, the place became
a giant lake. the lake finally sank the kingdom.

today, individuals known as lake telaga warna. it implies lake of color. connected to bright day,
the lake is full of color. these colours derive from shadows of forest, plants, flowers, and sky
along the lake. other then a few individuals same that the colours are due to princesss necklace,
that spreads along at the bottom of one's lake.

Long long ago, there was a kingdom in West Java. The kingdom was ruled by a
king named His Majesty Prabu.
Prabu was a kind and wise king. But it was a pity that Prabu and his queen hadn't got
any children. The queen often cried. That was why Prabu went to the jungle. There he prayed to
God every day, begging for a child.
A few months later, the queen got pregnant. Nine months later, a princess was born.
Prabu and Queen loved their beautiful daughter so much. They gave whatever she wanted. It
made Princess turn into a very spoiled girl.
One day, the princess celebrated her 17th birthday party. Many people gathered in the
palace. Then, Prabu took out a necklace which was made from gold and jewel.
"My beloved daughter, today I give you this necklace. Please, wear this necklace,"
said Prabu.

Narrative Text -Telaga warna

"I don't want to wear it! It's ugly!" shouted the princess. Then she threw the
necklace. The beautiful necklace was broken. The gold and jewels were spread out on the floor.
Everybody couldn't say anything. They never thought that their beloved princess would do that
cruel thing. In their silence, people heard the queen crying. Every woman felt sad and began
crying, too. Then, everybody was crying. Then, there was a miracle. Earth was crying.
Suddenly, from the underground, a spring emerged. It made a pool of water. Soon,
the place became a big lake. The lake finally sank the kingdom.
Nowadays, people called the lake "Telaga Warna". It means "Lake of Color". On a
bright day, the lake is full of color. These colors come from shadows of forest, plants, flowers,
and sky around the lake. But some people said that the colors are from the princess's necklace,
which spreads at the bottom of the lake.
Legend of Telaga Warna

Submitted by robifirdaus1 on April 24th, 2013

Category: Articles

Legend-Telaga Warna Colour Lake Here is the legend that should be read. The origin of the
legend of Colour Lake in West Java, there used to be a kingdom called the Kingdom
Kutatangeuhan. The people of this kingdom lived a quiet, wealthy, and prosperous. Because,
King Kutatangeuhan, the King and Queen Suwartalaya Purbamanah, very wise. Everything,
walk in peace, without lacking anything.

Unfortunately only one. The king and queen have not been blessed with a child. Thus, it became
the anxiety both. Adviser to the king suggested that they adopt a child. However, the king and
queen Kutatangeuhan not approve.

"We feel better than having children of his own adopted son," replied the counsel them about the

This restlessness makes the queen often cry alone. Follow the king was sad to see his wife crying
constantly. Therefore, he decided to go to the forest to meditate to pray for blessed with children.
For months, the king prayed. In the end, the prayer was granted by the Creator. Ratu became

Not only the royal family are happy, people Ketatangeuhan also happy to hear the news. They
flooded the court with gifts to welcome the arrival of their child's leader. When born, the child
was given the name Rukmini Gilang. The little girl was born as the son of a funny, sweet, and

Unfortunately, Rukmini Gilang not well taken care of by the king and queen. Howling grew into
a spoiled girl with properties that are less good. He did not hesitate to say rude to get what she
wants. Even so, whether the king, the queen, and the people loved him. At the age of 17, King
was about to reward her daughter Suwartalaya necklace. He took the gold and gems into jewelry

On the birthday of the princess, King Suwartalaya said, "My beloved daughter, today is your
birthday, his 17th. I will give you this necklace. Wear this necklace, boy. "

Howling Rukmini saw the necklace at a glance, and then denied it. Necklace made with love it
spilled everywhere on the floor. "What is this necklace? Ugly necklace "cried Gilang Rukmini.

The rejection was surprising. Nobody would suspect princess did just that. All quiet. Queen
Purbamanah suddenly cried seeing her daughter's behavior. His subjects also followed this
crying queen crying. Eventually, all were moved to tears, to court them wet with tears.
Of the land, jetted out also that more and more and more. Ketatangeuhan empire was sinking.
Then, created a very beautiful lake (Telaga Warna).

The name of the lake is now known: Telaga Warna. The colors come from shadows of forest,
plants, flowers, and sky around the lake. However, people say, the colors are derived from the
necklace Princess Rukmini Gilang scattered at the base of the lake.

Similarly, articles on the history of the origin of the legend of Telaga Warna, may be useful for
historical info you even more. Searches related to Telaga Warna Legend

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folklore color lake, crater lake colors, lake colors Limassol history, the origin of the color lake

Talaga Warna

Long time ago, theres a kingdom in West Java. That country was lead by a king. Prabu,
that was he called. He s a kind and wise king. No wonder, if the country prosperous and
peacefyl. Theres no hungry residence.

Everything really enjoyful. Unfortunetely, Prabu and his wife not had child yet. That
made the kingdom couple sad. Prabu Conselour suggested, so that they adopted child. But, Prabu
and his wife disagree. Queen was gloomy and cried. Prabu became sad for saw his wife. Then
Prabu went to the wild for asceticismed. In the wild, Prabu keep prayed, so that hes given a
child. The following month, their wish came true. The Queen pregnant. Whole people in the
kingdom felt happy. They filled the kingdom with presents.

Nine months later, Queen gave birth to her daughter. Prabu and Queen really loved their
daughter. Thay gave their daughter whatever she wanted. But it made her became spoiled girl. If,
her wish not to be filled was angry. She even said rought. Eventough like that, her parent and
people in that kingdom loved her.

The Princess grew up to be the most beautiful girl in whole country. In few days, princess
would have an age 17 years old. So people in the country went to the kingdom. They brought
many kind of beautiful presents. Prabu collected the presents, then kept it in kingdom hall.

Prabu took some diamonds. He brought these to a necklace maker to make the most
beautiful necklace in the world , because he loved his daughter very much.

Then, the birthday came and the residence gathered at kingdom hall. Prabu rised from his
chair and presented a beautiful necklace to his daughter. The necklace is a gift from people in
the whole country. They love you. They present this gift, because they happy to see you grow
mature. Use this necklace, Dear. said Prabu.

Princess received the necklace then she looked at a glance. I dont want to use it. This
necklace is bad ! said Princess. Then she threw the necklace. The beauty necklace also rotten.
Gold and diamonds spread in the floor.

That really surprised. Nobody supposed, Princess would do that. Nobody talked.
Suddenly heard Queen was crying. Her tears was being followed by whole people.

Suddenly appear tears from kingdom yard. Originally to from small pool. Then the
kingdom started flood. The kingdom was also filled by water like lake.

Now, the lake called Talaga Warna. The lake to be in the top. We can see the lake full of
beautiful colours and amazing. The colour come from whild shadow, plant, flowers, and sky
surrounding the well. But people said, the colours came from Princess s necklace that spread in
bottom of the well.

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