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Physical Science: Romans 8: 31 "If God Is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us?"

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Romans 8: 31

"If God is for us, who

can be against us?

Vector Addition: Computing for the
resulting or net magnitude of vector
Makes use of the base ten place value system
Convert from one metric measure to another by
Upward and Right motion
multiplying or dividing be ten or moving a
indicates positive (+) sign
decimal place.
Downward and Left motion
indicates negative (-) sign
Prefixes used in the Metric System:
Meter basic unit for length (Km)
Grams basic unit for mass (cg) 5 () + 5 () = 10 ()
Liters basic unit for volume (mL) 5 () + 5 () = 0
5 () + 10 (--) = 15 (----)
Prefix Symbol Numeral Form Scientific 5 () + -10 (--) = -5 ()
notation 5 () + -15 (----) = -10 (--)
nano n 0.000000001 1 x 10-9
micro 0.000001 1 x 10-6
milli m 0.001 1 x 10-3 Example: A care moves 20 km north, then 10 km
-2 south. What is the displacement of the car?
centi c 0.01 1 x 10
deci d 0.1 1 x 10-1
Solution: 20 km + 10 km northward (since the
deka da 10 1 x 10 resultant has positive sign it indicates a direction
hecto h 100 1 x 102 towards north)
kilo k 1000 1 x 103
PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM: to determine the result of
The SI Units of Measurement adding ONLY TWO vectors that make a RIGHT ANGLE to
each other.
English-Metric Metric-English Length a2 + b2 = c2
1 in 2.54 cm 1 cm 0.3937 in 12 in 1 ft
1 ft 0.3048 m 1 m 3.281 ft 3 ft 1 yd
1 yd 0.9144 m 1 m 10.94 yd 5280 ft 1 mile c
1 mile 1.609 km 1 km 0.6214 mi Weight a b
1 qt 0.946 L 1 L 1.057 qts 16 ou 1 lb
1 gal 3.785 L 1 L 0.2642 gal 200 lbs 1 ton
1 ou 28.35 g 1 g 0.0353 ou Volume
1 lb 453.59 g 1 g 0.0022 lb 2 cups 1 pt a
4 qt 1 gal
Example: James leaves the base camp and hikes 11 km,
1. SCALAR: Quantities signifying magnitude only resulting displacement.
Ex: Mass, charge, length, temperature, Solution: The result (resultant) of walking 11 km
speed north and 11 km east is a vector directed northeast
as shown in the diagram to the right. Since the
2. VECTOR: Quantities signifying magnitude and northward displacement and the eastward
direction displacement are right angles to each other, the
Ex: Weight, displacement, Velocity, Pythgorean theorem can be used to determine the
Acceleration, Momentum resultant.

DR. CARL E. BALITA REVIEW CENTER TEL. NO. 735-4098/7350740 -1-

11 km, E

2. The reading on each

11 km, N
11 km, N
11 km, E scale is half your weight. Then
+ =
R the sum of the scale readings
will balance your weight and
the net force on you will be
zero. If you lean more on one
112 + 112 = R2 scale than the other, more
242 = R2 than half your weight will be
156 = R read on that scale but less on
The result of adding 11 km north plus 11 km east is a the other, so they will still add
vector with a magnitude of 15.6 km. up to your weight.

2. SECOND LAW OF MOTION: When the resultant or

NEWTONS LAWS OF MOTION net force acting on an object is not equal to zero,
1. FIRST LAW: Every object continues in its state of rest, the object will accelerate.
or of uniform motion with constant speed in a straight
line, unless acted upon by unbalanced external forces
impressed upon where F force in Newtons
F = ma m mass in Kg
Inertia Net Force Normal Force a acceleration in m/s2
The property of The vector sum of The force equal in
things to resist forces that act on magnitude but Acceleration is directly proportional to force
changes in an object opposite in (as one increases, the other increases) but
motion direction of the inversely proportional to mass (as one increases,
gravitational force the other decreases)

Mass The quantity of matter in an object

Weight The force due to gravity on an object
Newtons The SI unit of force. One newton (N)
is the force that will give an object of
mass 1 kg an acceleration of 1 m/s2
Volume The quantity of space an object

Mechanical Equilibrium state of an object 1. Find the acceleration of a 3.0 kg object when a
which there are no changes in motion net force of 30N acts on it?
If at rest, the state of rest persists F = ma
If moving, motion continues without 30N = 3.0 kg x a
change a = 30N/ 3.0 kg
Objects at equilibrium have net force of ZERO. a= 10 m/s2
(In the diagram above, the second example is in
mechanical equilibrium) 2. A 3 kg object requires 10N of force to accelerate it
at a certain speed. How much force will a 6 kg
Example: object require to accelerate it at the same speed?
1. What is the net force on a bathroom scale when a Since the mass is directly proportional to
50-kg person stands on it? force, as mass increases the force required
2. Suppose you stand on two bathroom scales with also increases. The 6 kg object has twice mass
your weight evenly divided between the two scales. from that of the 3 kg object so it would
What will each scale read? What happens when you require twice as much force to achieve the
stand with more of your weight on one foot than the same acceleration. Twice 10N is 20N.
3. THIRD LAW OF MOTION: To every action there is
Answer: always an opposed equal reaction.
Gravitational force is equal to the support force! Whenever one object exerts a force on a second
1. Zero, as evidenced by the scale remaining at rest. object, the second object exerts an equal and
The scale reads the support force, which has the opposite force on the first.
same magnitude as weight- not the net force.

DR. CARL E. BALITA REVIEW CENTER TEL. NO. 735-4098/7350740 -2-

Example: While driving down the road, a firefly strikes an object which increased as temperature
the windshield of a bus and makes a mess in front of the increases
bus. The firefly hit the bus and the bus hits the firefly. Heat/ Thermal Energy Energy produced as
Which of the two forces is greater: the force on the heat is transferred from object with higher
firefly or the force on the bus? temperature to that with lower temperature until
it reaches equilibrium.
Answer: The forces on the fly and on the bus are
EQUAL. Methods of Heat Transfer:
1. Conduction: transmission of heat from two
Uniformly Accelerate Motion objects with DIRECT contact
Distance How far one object moves from 2. Convection: heat transfer through AIR and water
location to another currents
Displacement Distance with direction 3. Radiation: heat transfer through RAYS or WAVES
Speed Distance traveled per unit of time; emitted by a very hot object.
measures how fast an object changes
position Temperature: measure of the average translational
Velocity Speed of an object with direction kinetic energy per molecule in a substance, measured in
Acceleration Rate at which velocity changes with degrees Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin
time, in magnitude or direction

Celsius to Fahrenheit = (oC x ) + 32

Speed =

Fahrenheit to Celsius = (oF - 32) x

Average speed =
Celsius to Kelvin = oC + 273.15

Absolute zero: lowest possible temperature

Acceleration =
that a substance may have
Newtons Law of Cooling: rate of loss of heat
ENERGY, WORK, POWER from an object is proportional to the
2. Energy Property of a system that enable it to do temperature difference between object and its
work. surroundings
Potential Energy: Energy at rest; Energy that
something possesses because of its position
weight x height = (m)(g)(h)

Kinetic Energy: Energy in motion

mass x speed2

Mechanical Energy: Energy due to the

position of something or the movement of
Conservation of Energy: Energy cannot be
created or destroyed, only transformed from one
form into another, but total amount of energy
never changes.
3. Work Product of force and the distance moved;
unit of work is joule
Work = force (f) x distance (d)
4. Power Rate at which energy is expended; unit of
power is joule/sec.
Power = work done (W)/time (t)

THERMODYNAMICS study of heat and its

transformation to different forms of energy.
Internal Energy: Energy produced from the
attractive and repulsive forces of molecules in

DR. CARL E. BALITA REVIEW CENTER TEL. NO. 735-4098/7350740 -3-

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