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Rates of Reaction Factor T

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Rates of Reaction

Raising the Temperatures

Prof. Dr. Suyono, M.Pd.
Physical Chemistry III Team
Rates of Reaction
Raising the Temperatures

Raising the temperature has the same effect on all reactions.

Raising the temperature makes the particles move faster.
This means that more particles collide with each other per
The rate of the reaction increases.
Also, the faster the particles are traveling, the greater is the
proportion of them which will have the required activation energy
for reaction to occur.
As a general guide,
raising the temperature of reaction by 10oC will double the rate of
the reaction.
Rate as temperature function
r (T)
collision theory
chemical reaction occur through:
1. Collision
2. Breaking down the bonding pemutusan ikatan
3. Making new bonding
T >>, so r >>
T<<, so r <<
ans: T >> causing :
1. Average rate of molecule >>, collision >>
2. Ekin >>, E of collision >>
3. molecule with energy Ea >>

T >> 10oC r >> 2x - 3x (reaction temperature coefcient)

Example: r at 20oC = a M.s-1
reaction temperature coefcient)= 2. calculate r at 60oC?
ans: (2)40/10 x initial cons. = 16 a M. s-1
Ea Concept
P + QR PQR* PQ + R
(activated complex)


P + QR

PQ + R
Reaction rate law
r = k [ ] [ ]
r [C] constant, its mean that and still remain, whereas T, r

So, k change because of T

k (T)
T , so k specic
T, so k

k vs T graph
vant Hoff (1887)

From the graph : the curve is not linear, but exponential
Arrhenius (1889)
k = A . e-Ea/RT
Modication Arrhenius law to linear equation:
k = A . e-Ea/RT Ea
ln k = ln A - (2)

ln A

tg = -Ea/R
ln k

The activation energy is related to the rate
constant by the Arrhenius equation

E a
k Ae
/ RT

k = rate constant
Ea = activation energy
e = base of the natural logarithm
R = gas constant = 8.314 J mol-1 K-1
T = Kelvin temperature
A = frequency factor or pre-exponential factor
From k and T data (more than 2 data), we can determine the value
Exponential factor (A)

What is the quantitative correlation of k and temperature changing

from T1 to T2?:
d ln k .

Ea Ea .T
ln k ln A ln A
d ln k Ea 2 Ea
.T 2
d ln k 2
Constant Ea assumption
k2 T 2
Ea dT
d ln k

Ea 1 1
ln k 2 ln k1
R T1 T 2
k2 Ea 1 1
ln .......... .......... .......... ......( 3 )
k1 R T1 T 2
r k , so
r2 Ea T 2 T1
ln .......... .......... .....( 4 )
r1 R T1T 2
1. Harga k untuk reaksi:
CH 3
I C 2H 5
ONa CH 3
OC 2
H 5

Di dlm etanol, yg diamati pada beberapa suhu adl sbb:

to,C 0 6 12 18 24 30
k/10-5 5,60 11,8 24,5 48,8 100 208
Tentukan nilai A dan Ea, bila diketahui R = 8,3144 JK-1mol-1

2. Suatu reaksi memp. energi pengaktifan 65 kJmol-1. Laju Rx pd 100O C adl 7,

8 x 10-2 mol liter-1 detik-1. Pada temp brp laju Rx menjadi 1/10x Rx pd 100O C.
Dan hitung laju Rx pd 20O C jika data yg lain tetap.

3. Dari data di bawah ini:

Suhu Laju Rx
0O C 1,5 x 10-3 mol liter-1 detik-1
20OC 1,5 x 10-2 mol liter-1 detik-1
Hitung Ea
Hitung laju Rx pd 50oC pd kondisi lain yg sama

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