2017 PG Course Fees
2017 PG Course Fees
2017 PG Course Fees
The fees listed are based on the annual tuition fee for students commencing in 2017. Tuition fees will increase each year.
See JCUs Tuition Fee Policy for International Students for the most up to date information on fee increases.
The Policy can be found at jcu.edu.au/policy/student-services/tuition-fee-policy-for-international-students.
2017 English
Mid-Year Minimum prerequisites and
Course Tuition Fee Duration Campus/Mode Band
Intake additional documentation
(per year) Level
Master of Business Administration $28,000 2 T,C** Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.24] General stream or Majors: Conflict bachelor degree or other qualifications with
Management and Resolution, Creativity and relevant professional experience.
Master of Business Administration-Master $28,000 2 T Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
of Conflict Management and Resolution bachelor degree in business or legal
[see p.24] discipline, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Master of Development Practice [see p.38] $37,000 2 C No 1 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
bachelor degree. Preference will be given to
applicants with demonstrated experience or
interest in international development practice.
Master of Economics [see p.26] $28,000 2 T Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
General stream or Majors: Environmental bachelor degree in a discipline other than
Management, International Political Economy economics, or other qualifications with relevant
professional experience.
Master of Education [see p.27] $27,000 1.5 T,C,E** Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Majors: Global Contexts, Leadership and bachelor degree in a discipline other than
Management, Sustainability education with a minimum of at least two years
academic and/or professional experience OR a
bachelor degree in Education. Note: this course
does not lead to teacher registration.
Master of Guidance and Counselling $27,000 1.5 E Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.27] bachelor degree in education, psychology,
social work, law, health or career
development, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Master of Information Technology $29,000 2 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.24] Majors: Computing and Networking, bachelor degree or other qualifications with
Interactive Technologies and Game Design relevant professional experience.
Master of Information Technology-Master $29,000 2 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and
of Business Administration [see p.24] appropriate bachelor degree in information
technology, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Master of Nursing [see p.28] $29,000 1.5 E Yes 3a Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Majors: Advanced Clinical Practice, Clinical bachelor degree in nursing and completed
Education, Leadership and Management a minimum of one year of full-time clinical
experience as a registered nurse in Australia.
Master of Pharmaceutical Public Health $31,000 1.5 E Yes 3a Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.32] bachelor degree, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Master of Professional Accounting $28,000 2 T,C No 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.26] bachelor degree in a non-accounting
discipline or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Master of Professional AccountingMaster $28,000 2 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
of Business Administration [see p.26] bachelor degree in a business discipline other
than accounting, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Master of Psychology (Clinical) [see p.28] $33,000 2 T No 3c Completion of a recognised and appropriate
bachelor degree with Honours (with Class 1 or
2A) from a course accredited by the Australian
Psychological Society. Additionally, two
Academic Referee Reports, personal statement
and Resume/Curriculum Vitae.
Master of Public Health [see p.32] $29,000 1.5 T Yes 3a Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Majors: Aeromedical Retrieval, Biosecurity and bachelor degree in a health discipline
Disaster Preparedness, Communicable Disease or other qualifications with relevant
Control, General, Health Promotion professional experience. Additionally,
two Academic Referee Reports, personal
statement, resume/Curriculum Vitae.
Master of Public Health-Master of Business $29,000 2 T Yes 3a Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Administration [see p.32] bachelor degree in a health discipline or other
qualifications with relevant professional
experience. Additionally, two Academic
Referee Reports, personal statement, resume/
Curriculum Vitae.
18 | www.jcu.edu.au
2017 English
Mid-Year Minimum prerequisites and
Course Tuition Fee Duration Campus/Mode Band
Intake additional documentation
(per year) Level
Master of Public Health and Tropical $29,000 1.5 T,E Yes 3a Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Medicine [see p.32] bachelor degree in a related discipline or
other qualifications with relevant professional
experience. Additionally, two Academic
Referee Reports, personal statement, Resume/
Curriculum Vitae.
Master of Rural and Remote Medicine $29,000 1.5 E Yes 3a Applicants must be registered health
[see p. 29] practitioners with AHPRA and be experienced
rural health practioners; or have completed or be
enrolled in a training program in rural medicine
or general practice as certified by the Australian
College of Rural and Remote Medicine or by the
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners;
or be a current student of an Australian Medical
Council (AMC) accredited medicine program.
Master of Rehabilitation [see p.28] $29,000 1.5 E Yes 3a Completion of at least a Bachelor of
Majors: Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy or
Speech Pathology Speech Pathology at an Australian University
or hold an equivalent international entry level
qualification in one of these professions. Note:
completion of this program will not enable
Australian registration of overseas qualified
Master of Science $36,000 1.5 T,C** Yes 1 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Majors**: Aquaculture Science and Technology, bachelor degree in science, attaining a minimum
Environmental Earth Science, Environmental of 70% or other qualifications with relevant
Management [see p.34] Fisheries Biology and professional experience.
Management, Marine Biology and Ecology,
Tropical Biology and Conservation [see p.39]
Master of Social Science [see p.39] $30,000 1.5 T,C Yes 1 Completion of a recognised and
Majors: Asia-Pacific Governance and appropriate bachelor degree in a social
Development, Environment and Heritage science discipline, attaining a minimum
of 70% or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Master of Social Work (Professional $27,000 2 T,C,E No 3c Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Qualifying) [see p.39] bachelor degree in a discipline other than social
work, or other qualifications with relevant
professional experience.
Master of Teaching and Learning (Primary) $27,000 2^^ T,C No An overall Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.27] IELTS (or bachelor degree which includes the equivalent
equivalent) of full year of study in areas appropriate to
score of curriculum demands of primary teaching in
7.5 (with Australian schools; that is subjects that link
no score to the national school curriculum (Australian
below 7 Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority
in reading (ACARA)) content in English, technologies,
and writing mathematics, science, humanities and social
and a score sciences, the arts, health and physical education.
of no less
than 8 in
Master of Tropical Animal Science [see p.40] $33,000 1.5 T No 3a Completion of a recognised and
appropriate bachelor degree in animal
science, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Master of Tropical Urban and Regional $33,000 1.5 C Yes 1 Completion of a recognised and
Planning [see p.30] appropriate bachelor degree in geography,
environmental studies, planning or relevant
discipline, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Master of Tropical Veterinary Science $36,000 1.5 T No 3a Completion of a recognised and
[see p.40] appropriate bachelor degree in veterinary
science, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Minerals Geoscience Masters [see p.38] $36,000 2 T Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and
appropriate bachelor degree in
geology, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
| 19
2017 English
Mid-Year Minimum prerequisites and
Course Tuition Fee Duration Campus/Mode Band
Intake additional documentation
(per year) Level
Graduate Diploma of Accounting [see p.26] $28,000 1 T,C No 1 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
bachelor degree, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Graduate Diploma of Biomedical Sciences $31,000 1 T No 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.29] bachelor degree in biomedical sciences or related
science discipline, or other qualifications with
appropriate relevant experience.
Graduate Diploma of Biotechnology $36,000 1 T Yes 1 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.38] bachelor degree in science or biomedical
science, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Graduate Diploma of Clinical Psychology $33,000 1 T Yes 3c Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.28] bachelor degree with honours (with Class 1 or
2A) from a course accredited by the Australian
Psychological Society. Additionally, two
Academic Referee Reports, personal statement
and Resume/Curriculum Vitae.
Graduate Diploma of Development Practice $37,000 1 C No 1 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.38] bachelor degree. Preference will be given to
applicants with demonstrated experience or
interest in international development practice.
Graduate Diploma of Economics [see p.26] $28,000 1 T Yes 1 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
bachelor degree, in a discipline other than
economics, or other qualifications with relevant
professional experience.
Graduate Diploma of Education $27,000 1 T ,C No An overall Completion of a recognised and appropriate
(Secondary)^ [see p.27] IELTS (or bachelor degree in a discipline other than
equivalent) education. Additionally, applicants previous
score of degree must include a sufficient amount of study
7.5 (with in their intended teaching areas.
no score
below 7
in reading
and writing
and a score
of no less
than 8 in
Graduate Diploma of Health Professional $29,000 1 E Yes 3a Applicants must be a registered nurse, doctor
Education [page 29] of medicine or other health professional in
Australia; or completion of a recognised and
appropriate bachelor degree in a relevant
discipline with two years relevant experience.
Graduate Diploma of Health Promotion $29,000 1 E Yes 3a Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.29] bachelor degree in medical, nursing or allied
health, or other qualifications with relevant
professional experience.
Graduate Diploma of Nursing [see p.28] $29,000 1 E Yes 3a Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Majors: Advanced Clinical Practice, Clinical bachelor degree in nursing and completed
Education and Leadership and Management. a minimum of one year of full-time clinical
experience as a registered nurse in Australia.
Graduate Diploma of Public Health and $29,000 1 T, E Yes 3a Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Tropical Medicine [see p.32] bachelor degree in a medical, nursing, allied
health or appropriate discipline, or other
qualifications with relevant professional
experience. Additionally, two Academic Referee
Reports, personal statement and Resume/
Curriculum Vitae.
Graduate Diploma of Psychology [see p.28] $33,000 1 T,C No 1 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
bachelor degree with honours (with Class 1 or
2A) from a course accredited by the Australian
Psychological Society. Additionally, two
Academic Referee Reports, personal statement
and Resume/Curriculum Vitae.
Gradaute Diploma of Rehabilitation $29,000 1 E Yes 3a Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Majors: Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, bachelor degree in Physiotherapy,
Speech Pathology [see p.28] Occupational Therapy or Speech Pathology.
Note: completion of this program will
not enable Australian registration of
overseas qualified health professionals.
20 | www.jcu.edu.au
2017 English
Mid-Year Minimum prerequisites and
Course Tuition Fee Duration Campus/Mode Band
Intake additional documentation
(per year) Level
Graduate Diploma of Rural and Remote $29,000 1 E Yes 3a Applicants must be registered health
Medicine [see p. 29] practitioners with AHPRA and be experienced
rural health practioners; or have completed or be
enrolled in a training program in rural medicine
or general practice as certified by the Australian
College of Rural and Remote Medicine or by the
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners;
or be a current student of an Australian Medical
Council (AMC) accredited medicine program.
Gradaute Diploma of Science $36,000 1 T,C** Yes 1 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Majors**: Aquaculture Science and Technology, bachelor degree in science, attaining a minimum
Environmental Earth Science, Environmental of 70% or other qualifications with relevant
Management [see p.34] Fisheries Biology and professional experience.
Management, Marine Biology and Ecology,
Tropical Biology and Conservation [see p.39]
Graduate Diploma of Social Science $30,000 1 T,C No 1 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.39] bachelor degree, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Graduate Diploma of Tropical Animal $33,000 1 T No 3a Completion of a recognised and
Science [see p.40] appropriate bachelor degree in animal
science, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Graduate Diploma of Tropical Medicine and $29,000 1 E Yes 3a Completion of a recognised and
Hygiene [see p.29] appropriate bachelor degree in medical,
nursing or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Graduate Diploma of Tropical Veterinary $36,000 1 T No 3a Completion of a recognised and
Science [see p.40] appropriate bachelor degree in veterinary
science, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Graduate Certificate of Accounting $14,000 0.5 T,C No 1 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.26] bachelor degree, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Graduate Certificate of Biomedical Sciences $15,500 0.5 T No 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.29] bachelor degree in biomedical sciences or related
science discipline, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Graduate Certificate of Biotechnology $18,000 0.5 T Yes 1 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.38] bachelor degree in science or biomedical
science, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Graduate Certificate of Business $14,000 0.5 T,C Yes 1 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Administration [see p.24] bachelor degree, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Graduate Certificate of Clinical Psychology $16,500 0.5 T No 3c Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.28] bachelor degree with honours (with Class 1 or
2A) from a course accredited by the Australian
Psychological Society. Additionally, two
Academic Referee Reports, personal statement
and Resume/Curriculum Vitae.
Graduate Certificate of Disaster Health and $14,500 0.5 T Yes 3a Completion of a recognised and
Humanitarian Assistance [see p.29] appropriate bachelor degree in medical,
nursing or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Graduate Certificate of Education [see p.27] $13,500 0.5 E Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Please check jcu.edu.au/courses-and-study for bachelor degree and completion of an approved
availability in 2017 course of teacher education.
| 21
2017 English
Mid-Year Minimum prerequisites and
Course Tuition Fee Duration Campus/Mode Band
Intake additional documentation
(per year) Level
Graduate Certificate of Health Professional $14,500 0.5 E Yes 3a Applicants must be a registered nurse, doctor
Education [page 29] of medicine or other health professional in
Australia; or completion of a recognised and
appropriate bachelor degree in a relevant
discipline with two years relevant experience.
Graduate Certificate of Health Promotion $14,500 0.5 E Yes 3a Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.29] bachelor degree in medical, nursing or allied
health, or other qualifications with relevant
professional experience.
Graduate Certificate of Information $14,500 0.5 T,C Yes 1 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Technology [see p.24] bachelor degree, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Graduate Certificate of Nursing [see p.28] $14,500 1* E Yes 3a Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Majors: Neonatal Care, Rural and Remote bachelor degree in nursing and completed
Practice, Clinical Education, Advanced Clinical a minimum of one year of full-time clinical
Practice, and Leadership and Management. experience as a registered nurse in Australia.
Graduate Certificate of Planning & $16,500 0.5 E Yes 1 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Indigenous Communites [see p.30] bachelor degree, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Graduate Certificate of Public Health $14,500 0.5 E Yes 3a Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.32] bachelor degree in medical, nursing, allied
health or appropriate discipline, or other
qualifications with relevant professional
experience. Including the submission of
two Academic Referee Reports, personal
statement and Resume/Curriculum Vitae.
Graduate Certificate of Rehabilitation $14,500 0.5 E Yes 3a Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Majors: Occuapational Health, Occupational bachelor degree in Physiotherapy,
Therapy, Physiotherapy, Speech Pathology Occupational Therapy or Speech Pathology.
[see p.28] Note: completion of this program will
not enable Australian registration of
overseas qualified health professionals.
Graduate Certificate of Science $18,000 0.5 T,C** Yes 1 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Majors**: Aquaculture Science and Technology, bachelor degree in science, or other qualifications
Environmental Earth Science, Environmental with relevant professional experience.
Management [see p.34] Fisheries Biology and
Management, Marine Biology and Ecology,
Tropical Biology and Conservation [see p.39]
Graduate Certificate of Travel Medicine $14,500 0.5 E Yes 3a Completion of a recognised and
[page 29] appropriate bachelor degree in medical,
nursing, or other qualifications with
relevant professional experience.
Graduate Certificate of Tropical Animal $15,000 0.5 T No 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Science [see p.40] bachelor degree in animal science,
or equivalent prior learning including
relevant professional experience.
Doctor of Education [see p.43] $31,000 4 T,C,E Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Doctor of Medicine [see p.43] $36,000 4 T,C,E Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
22 | www.jcu.edu.au
2017 English
Mid-Year Minimum prerequisites and
Course Tuition Fee Duration Campus/Mode Band
Intake additional documentation
(per year) Level
Doctor of Pharmacy [see p.43] $33,000 4 E Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Doctor of Psychology (Clinical Psychology) $36,000 4 T Yes 3c Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Doctor of Public Health [see p.43] $33,000 4 E Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Doctor of Philosophy (Agriculture, $36,000 4 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Environmental and Related Studies) bachelor degree with research component (or
[see p.43] equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Doctor of Philosophy (Architecture and $33,000 4 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Building) [see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Doctor of Philosophy (Creative Arts) $31,000 4 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Doctor of Philosophy (Education) [see p.43] $31,000 4 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering and $36,000 4 T Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Related Technologies) [see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Doctor of Philosophy (Health) [see p.43] $33,000 4 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Doctor of Philosophy (Health) [Nursing] $31,000 4 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Doctor of Philosophy (Information $33,000 4 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Technology) [see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
| 23
2017 English
Mid-Year Minimum prerequisites and
Course Tuition Fee Duration Campus/Mode Band
Intake additional documentation
(per year) Level
Doctor of Philosophy (Management and $31,000 4 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Commerce) [see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical and $36,000 4 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Molecular Sciences) [see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical $36,000 4 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Sciences) [see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical $36,000 4 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Sciences) [Marine Biology] [see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Doctor of Philosophy (Society and Culture) $31,000 4 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Master of Philosophy (Agriculture, $36,000 2 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Environmental and Related Studies) bachelor degree with research component (or
[see p.43] equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Master of Philosophy (Architecture and $33,000 2 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Building) [see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Master of Philosophy (Creative Arts) $31,000 2 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Master of Philosophy (Education) [see p.43] $31,000 2 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Master of Philosophy (Engineering and $36,000 2 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Related Technologies) [see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Master of Philosophy (Health) [see p.43] $33,000 2 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
24 | www.jcu.edu.au
2017 English
Mid-Year Minimum prerequisites and
Course Tuition Fee Duration Campus/Mode Band
Intake additional documentation
(per year) Level
Master of Philosophy (Health) [Nursing] $31,000 2 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Master of Philosophy (Information $33,000 2 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Technology) [see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Master of Philosophy (Management and $31,000 2 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Commerce) [see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Master of Philosophy (Medical and $36,000 2 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Molecular Sciences) [see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Master of Philosophy (Natural and Physical $36,000 2 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
Sciences) [see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Master of Philosophy (Society and Culture) $31,000 2 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
[see p.43] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent), a Preliminary Project Proposal and
Statement of Research Training, Experience, Skills
and Attributes forms (refer to the JCU Graduate
Research School website).
Graduate Diploma of Research Methods $29,000 1 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
(Tropical Health and Medicine) [see p.42] bachelor degree (or equivalent) in a relevant
discipline, research proposals, personal
statement, Resume/Curriculum Vitae.
Graduate Diploma of Research Methods $29,000 1 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
(Tropical Environments and Societies) bachelor degree (or equivalent) in a relevant
[see p.42] discipline, research proposals, personal
statement, Resume/Curriculum Vitae.
Graduate Certificate of Research Methods $14,500 0.5 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
(Tropical Health and Medicine) [see p.42] bachelor degree with research component (or
equivalent) in a relevant discipline, research
proposals, personal statement, Resume/
Curriculum Vitae.
Graduate Certificate of Research Methods $14,500 0.5 T,C Yes 2 Completion of a recognised and appropriate
(Tropical Environments and Societies) bachelor degree with research component (or
[see p.42] equivalent) in a appropriate discipline, research
proposals, personal statement, Resume/
Curriculum Vitae.
All fees are in Australian dollars. + Fees for graduate certificates are listed at a half-year rate.
Campus availability: T = Townsville; C = Cairns; E = External * Available as part-time study only
External is usually offered by distance or flexible delivery, but may require limited ** Not all majors available at all campuses
attendance on campus. ^ This course is under review, please contact JCU for further information
For Singapore campus offerings see page 8. ^^ This is a two year course accelerated to one and a half years. In order to calculate
For Brisbane campus offerings see page 11. the full course cost the annual fee is multiplied by 2.
English language band information can be found on page 59.
| 25