Net Zero Energy Building
Net Zero Energy Building
Net Zero Energy Building
1. Energy focus
• Reduces Dependence on Fossil Fuels
Energy demand
Colling load
Economical and
Process of construction
Current Status
Development Efforts:
• The Google photovoltaic campus
• The Microsoft 480-kilowatt photovoltaic campus
• Zero Energy Home model for India presented by
3C company at Acres 2011
The Indira Paryavaran Bhavan.
• India’s first net zero energy building
• Constructed with adoption of solar passive design and energy-efficient
building materials.
• Building boasts an earthquake-resistant structure with a total plinth area of
31,488 sq. m.
• More than 50 per cent area outside the building is a soft area with plantation
and grass.
• The building has a robotic parking system in the basement that can
accommodate 330 cars.
• Thin-client networking system has been provided instead of conventional
desktop computers to minimise energy consumption.
• Design allows for 75% of natural daylight to be utilised to reduce energy
• Installed capacity of 930 kW peak power, the building has the largest
rooftop solar system among multi-storied buildings in India.
• Union environment minister Prakash Javadekar showcased the building to
United Nations secretary general Ban Ki-moon on 13/1/15
With the advancement in renewable
technology, Net Zero Energy Buildings are the
future. Many governments have framed Zero
Energy building laws. Few governments are also
providing subsidies to individuals and
organizations for creating Zero Energy Buildings.
But the goal of zero energy buildings would not
be fulfilled till the time all the people don’t
understand their responsibility and contribute
towards reducing energy consumption.
Future Planning
• Find the commercial Building in next few day
• Case Study for this commercial Building
• Convert this Commercial Building in NZEB and
compare the Costing and give advantages for N
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