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Pampas Cat Group

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Number 3096, 35 pp., 20 figures, 4 tables May 19, 1994

The Pampas Cat Group

(Genus Lynchailurus Severtzov, 1858)
(Carnivora: Felidae), a
Systematic and Biogeographic Review

Abstract ........................ 2
Resumen ........................ 2
Introduction ........................ 2
Acknowledgments ........................ 3
Materials and Methods ........................ 4
Gazetteer ........................ 5
Morphological Variation in Skulls .........................- 8
Bullar Region ........................ 8
Orbital Region ........................ 11
Palatal Region ........................ 11
Neurocranium ........................ 11
Teeth ........................ 13
Metric Characteristics of Skulls ........................ 15
Coat Pattern Variation ........................ 16
Description of Basic Spotting Types ........................ 17
Geographic Variation ........................ 20
Habitats ........................ 21

' Research Associate, American Museum of Natural History; Researcher, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales,
Departamento de Biodiversidad, C/ J. Gutierrez Abascal No. 2, Madrid 28006, Spain.

Copyright American Museum of Natural History 1994 ISSN 0003-0082 / Price $4.30

Taxonomic Accounts ................... 23

The genus Lynchailurus ................... 23
Species ................... 24
Subspecies ................... 26
Taxonomic Summary ................... 31
Conservation ................... 32
References ................... 33
Appendix 1 ................... 36
Appendix 2 ................... 36

A systematic study of 86 specimens of South ical forests at middle elevations in central Chile,
American cats formerly known as Felis colocolo and in high-elevation steppes in northern Chile on
reveals three species, in addition to a new sub- the western slope of the Andes. The latter species
species described herein. The three species are may be endangered, because its distribution is lim-
grouped in the genus Lynchailurus on the basis of ited. Assigned subspecies are as follows: L. pajeros
shared character states. Lynchailurus pajeros oc- budini and L. p. crespoi, in northwestern Argen-
curs on high-elevation steppes from Ecuador to tina; L. p. crucinus, in southern Argentina and
Bolivia and Argentina (eastern slope ofthe Andes), Chile; L. p. garleppi, in Peru; L. p. pajeros, in
and farther south in Argentina into lowland steppe, central Argentina; L. p. steinbachi, in Bolivia; L.
shrubland, and dry forest habitats. Its southern p. thomasi, from Ecuador; L. braccatus braccatus,
limit is Patagonia (Argentinean and Chilean). Lyn- in southwestern Brazil and Paraguay; L. b. mu-
chailurus braccatus is found in Brazil, Paraguay, noai, in Uruguay and southern Brazil; L. colocolo
and Uruguay, where it occupies humid and warm- colocolo, in central Chile; and L. c. wo/ffsohni (new
er grassland and forested areas, at moderate ele- subspecies), in northern Chile.
vations. Lynchailurus colocolo occurs in subtrop-

Un estudio sistemaitico realizado sobre una chailurus colocolo aparece en bosques subtropi-
muestra de 86 ejemplares del felido sudamericano cales de altitud media en Chile central, y en estepas
anteriormente conocido como Felis colocolo re- de altura en el norte de Chile, en la vertiente oc-
vela tres especies, ademas de una nueva subespecie cidental de los Andes. Esta uiltima especie podria
descrita en este articulo. Estas tres especies se agru- encontrarse amenazada, ya que habita un area muy
pan en el genero Lynchailurus, utilizando como limitada. Las subespecies asignadas son las si-
base estados de caracter compartidos. Lynchail- guientes: L. pajeros budini y L. p. crespoi, en el
urus pajeros se extiende a lo largo de las estepas Nororeste de Argentina; L. p. crucinus, en el sur
de altura desde Ecuador hasta Bolivia y Argentina de Argentina y Chile; L. p. garleppi, en Peru; L.
(en la vertiente oriental de los Andes), extendien- p. pajeros, en el centro de Argentina; L. p. stein-
dose hasta Argentina, donde desciende a habitats bachi, en Bolivia; L. p. thomasi, en Ecuador; L.
esteparios y bosques secos a baja altitud, llegando braccatus braccatus, en el Suroeste de Brasil y
hasta la Patagonia (Argentina y Chile). Lynchail- Paraguay; L. b. munoai, en Uruguay y sur de Bra-
urus braccatus se encuentra en Brasil, Paraguay y sil; L. colocolo colocolo, en el centro de Chile; y
Uruguay, donde ocupa praderas y bosques mas L. c. wolffsohni (nueva subespecie), en el norte de
h(umedos y calidos, de altitud moderada. Lyn- Chile.

Felids have engendered considerable sys- tion. The cause of the problem is the same
tematic controversy, and the pampas cat, as for other cats: small samples, lack of in-
usually known as Felis colocolo, is no excep- formation, ambiguous original descriptions,

and authors ignoring earlier publications. Dif- not seen Cabrera's (1940) paper, which was
ferent generic classifications resulting from published close to the same time. Felis col-
the study of a variety ofcharacters (e.g., mor- ocolo has since been regarded as a polytypic
phological, morphometrical, behavioral, bio- species.
chemical, and cytogenetic) have resulted in I found some unusual patterns ofvariation
the recognition of 4 to 19 genera. The ten- within the populations identified as colocolo
dency during recent years to group many felid while conducting a phylogenetic study on the
species into large cosmopolitan genera (e.g., living species of felids. An examination of all
Ellermann and Morrison-Scott, 1966; Hon- available museum specimens reveals that this
acki et al., 1982; Corbet and Hill, 1980, 1986, assemblage consists of three closely related
1991) has simplified the nomenclature, but species. Their diagnostic characters and geo-
these assemblages are not supported by orig- graphic distributions are the subject of this
inal data. report.
The first published record of the colocolo
group was provided by Azara (1801), who
mentioned a cat from the pampas of Buenos
Aires, Argentina, the "chat pampa" ("pa- Most of the research work for this article
jero" in his Spanish version, published in was done under the benefit of a postdoctoral
1802). Three species related to the "chat fellowship of the Ministry of Education and
pampa" or "pajero" have been described to Science (Spain), at the Division of Mammals,
date: Felis colocolo Molina, 1782; Felis pa- National Museum ofNatural History (Wash-
jeros Desmarest, 1816; and Felis braccata ington DC). I want to thank all the staff of
Cope, 1889; along with several subspecies of that division for their help, but especially Mi-
each. Nomenclatural problems related to col- chael D. Carleton, who provided the neces-
ocolo started when Hamilton Smith (in Grif- sary facilities. Robert S. Hoffmann also pro-
fith et al., 1827) published a drawing of a vided support. The study was concluded at
specimen collected in Guyana, which he the Department of Mammalogy, American
identified as Molina's colocolo. Although the Museum of Natural History (AMNH), New
external characters illustrated are not now York. I am indebted to members of the
considered to be diagnostic, many authors AMNH stafffor their help, especially Sydney
(e.g., Gay, 1847; Mivart, 1881) followed Anderson, who provided valuable informa-
Hamilton Smith's identification. Other re- tion and personal support, but also Guy Mus-
searchers seemed to ignore Gray's (1874) ser, for his professional support. The coop-
criticism of this drawing. The true identity eration of Julio Gisbert also has been
ofcolocolo became even more confused when fundamental for this work; he not only helped
Philippi (1869) associated colocolo with the with the tedious work of taking pictures for
Andean mountain cat, Oreailurus jacobitus my photographic file, but also discovered one
(Cornalia, 1865), an opinion accepted by of the characters discriminating the Chilean
many authors. Pocock (1941) even proposed species; in addition, he made the figures for
the generic name Colocolo for the Andean this paper. Clare Flemming (AMNH) helped
mountain cat. Cabrera (1940), however, to solve countless technical problems during
showed that Molina's colocolo and Cornalia's the preparation of the figures. For this study,
jacobitus were different animals. He also I also benefitted from a Collection Study
called attention to the affinity between all Grant of the American Museum of Natural
populations assigned to colocolo, braccata, History. I am very grateful to the people in
and pajeros (the latter two names were placed charge of the collections examined, for kindly
in the synonymy of pajeros by Allen, 1919), providing easy access to the specimens under
and proposed including them all under Lyn- their care: M. Carleton and L. Gordon, Na-
chailurus colocolus. Pocock (1941) included tional Museum of Natural History; B. Pat-
the same forms under pajeros because he be- terson and W. Stanley, Field Museum ofNat-
lieved (as did Allen) that colocolo and jacob- ural History; G. Musser and W. Fuchs,
itus were synonyms. Obviously, Pocock had merican Museum of Natural History; P.

Jenkins and D. Hills, Natural History Mu- Adults are specimens having the spheno-
seum; M. Piantanida and M. Canevari, Mu- occipital synchondrosis totally ossified, as
seo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales; M. previously observed on lynxes (Garcia-Perea,
Rutzmoser, Museum of Comparative Zool- 1991). My observations on several felid spe-
ogy; J. Patton, Museum of Vertebrate Zool- cies indicate that this is a valid criterion for
ogy; M. Delibes and J. Cabot, Estacion Biol- determining skeletal maturity.
ogica de Dofnana. This article has been I began my evaluation of morphological
significantly improved by the critical revi- variation using 175 qualitative characters of
sions of Alfred Gardner, Robert Voss, Syd- the cranium, mandible, and teeth, developed
ney Anderson, Julio Gisbert, Kevin Sey- for comparisons among living species of fe-
mour, Guy Musser, and Scott Steppan. lids worldwide. However, only 12 characters
presented useful variation in my sample of
MATERIALS AND METHODS the colocolo group, and these are described
in this paper, using the terminology of Jayne
Suitable samples of felids are usually dif- (1898), Gaunt (1959), and Hunt (1974, 1987).
ficult to obtain. Often only skins without Data for five external measurements (in
skulls are available and many specimens are millimeters and grams) were taken from in-
juveniles. Specimens of Pampas cats are also formation on specimen labels. I used digital
scarce in collections. For this study, I ex- calipers to take 10 cranial measurements (re-
amined 86 specimens, consisting of 72 study corded to the nearest 0.01 mm). Only adults
skins and 51 skulls, from eight large North were measured for this study. Measured vari-
American, South American, and European ables, commonly used for felids, and their
collections (see Appendix 1). The original abbreviations, are as follows (fig. 1):
sample consisted of 102 specimens, but 16
were subsequently excluded because they HB Head + body length. Tip of nose to
came from zoos, had unknown localities, or dorsal base of tail.
had been misidentified (Appendix 2). T Tail length. Dorsal base to tip of tail
The collections consulted or mentioned in (not including hairs).
the text, with their acronyms (after Duellman HF Hind foot length. Distal tip of pad
et al., 1978) are the following: of longest toe, to edge of heel.
E Ear length. Maximum length from
AMNH American Museum of Natural History, inferior notch to tip of pinna.
New York (USA) W Weight (mass).
BM Natural History Museum, London GLS Greatest length of skull along the
(United Kingdom) medial plane.
EBD Estacion Biologica de Doiiana, Sevilla CBL Condylobasal length. Distance from
(Spain) anterior margin of incisive alveoli to
FMNH Field Museum of Natural History, Chi- posteriormost surface of occipital
cago (USA) condyles.
KU University of Kansas, Museum of Nat- RWC Rostral width across canines. Max-
ural History, Lawrence (USA) imum width across outer margins of
MACN Museo Argentino de Ciencias Natur- upper canines.
ales, Buenos Aires (Argentina) MW Mastoid width. Maximum breadth
MCZ Museum ofComparative Zoology, Har- across mastoid processes.
vard University, Cambridge (USA) IOW Interorbital width. Least distance
MHNM Museo de Historia Natural de Monte- between orbits.
video, Montevideo (Uruguay) POW Postorbital width. Least distance
MLP Museo de La Plata, La Plata (Argentina) across postorbital constriction.
MVZ Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Uni- ZW Zygomatic width. Maximum dis-
versity of California, Berkeley (USA) tance across zygomatic arches.
UMMZ Museum of Zoology, University of P4L Length of P4 at cingulum. Greatest
Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA) length, on labial side, on cingulum.
USNM National Museum of Natural History, ML Mandible length. Length of mandi-
Washington D.C. (USA) ble from anterior margins of incisive
ZMB Zoologisches Museum, Berlin (Germa- alveoli to posterior surface of con-
ny) dylar process.

I ,,Ill:llll -I


. - ML - 'I

Fig. 1. Variables measured from skulls examined or from the literature.

Variables medidas en craneos examinados o tomadas de la bibliografia.
GLS Greatest length of skull (Longitud total craneal)
CBL Condylobasal length (Longitud condilobasal)
RWC Rostral width across canines (Anchura rostral a nivel de los caninos)
MW Mastoid width (Anchura mastoidea)
IOW Interorbital width (Anchura interorbitaria)
POW Postorbital width (Anchura de la constriccion postorbitaria)
ZW Zygomatic width (Anchura zigomatica)
P4L Length of P4 at cingulum (Longitud del P4 en el cingulo)
ML Mandible length (Longitud mandibular)
SCL Length of sagittal crest (Longitud de la cresta sagital)

SCL Length of sagittal crest. Maximum of fading. Many earlier publications contain
length of sagittal crest. carefully detailed color descriptions made on
SCL/GLS Ratio representing length of sagittal fresh or recently collected specimens (for col-
crest relative to greatest length of ocolo see Azara, 1802; Cope, 1889; Wolff-
skull. sohn, 1908; Lonnberg, 1913; Pocock, 1941;
My descriptions of pelage variation em- Cabrera, 1961; Ximenez, 1961).
phasize the characteristics and distribution For convenience, I recognized five units for
of the markings. Spotting patterns are im- the morphological analysis (fig. 2). Each rep-
portant in felid systematics. Closely related resents an apparently continuous population.
cats sometimes show similar patterns, which
are misinterpreted (e.g., Lynx lynx has been
confused with Lynx pardinus in Carpathian GAZETTEER
and Caucasus Mts.). Color is also important, I used primary data from specimen labels
but is unreliable in old study skins because and the collector's fieldnotes to develop this

90 80 70 60 50 40 30

110 100 90 80
60 50 40 30 20

Fig. 2. Distribution of Lynchailurus colocolo, showing the five populations considered for morpho-
logical analysis.
Distribucion de Lynchailurus colocolo, mostrando las cinco poblaciones consideradas para el an'alisis

gazetteer. Other data were obtained from the 18. Collon-Curfa (I1000-2000 m), 40007'S/
Ornithological Gazetteers published by the 70044'W.
Museum of Comparative Zoology at Har- Provincia Rio Negro:
vard, from the gazetteers published by the 19. Estancia Huanu-luan (950 m), 41022'S/
US Board on Geographic Names, and from 69052'W.
the Times Atlas of the World (1990, 8th ed.). 20. Viedma (40 m), 4048'S/63000'W.
21. Maquinchao (888 m), 411 5'S/68044'W.
Additional information from the taxonomic 22. Southern border of Nahuel Huapi lake (767
literature is indicated in parentheses imme- m), 40058'S/71030'W.
diately after the record. 23. Ministro Ramos Mexia (502 m), 4030'S/
Information includes: names of localities 67017'W.
arranged by political divisions (provincia, Provincia Salta:
departamento, estado) within each country; 24. Chorrillos Mt., 5000 m, 241 1'S/662 1'W.
elevation above sea level in meters; and geo- 25. Aguaray (565 m), 22016'S/63044'W.
graphic coordinates (latitude south / longi- Provincia Santa Cruz:
tude west). Elevations in parentheses were 26. Rio Gallegos (sea level), 5138'S/691 3'W.
taken from reference sources and often rep- 27. Cabo Tres Puntas (sea level), 4706'S/
resent the elevational range of a mountain or Provincia Tucumian:
elevations determined from topographic lines 28. Concepcion (400 m), 27020'S/6535'W.
on maps. Elevations without parentheses are
original data from collectors. Localities are BOLIVIA
plotted in figure 3. Departamento Cochabamba:
29. Tiraque, 4000 m, 1725'S/65043'W.
Provincia Buenos Aires: Estado Mato Grosso:
1. 20 miS San Blas (sea level), 40'33'S/62l 5'W. 30. Descalvado (142 m), 1645'S/5742'W.
2. Estancia San Jose (sea level), 4008'S/6255'W. 31. Chapada dos Guimaraes (793 m),
Provincia Catamarca: 1 5026'S/55045'W.
3. La Atravesada, Dpto. Andalgala, 1800 m, Estado Mato Grosso do Sul:
24022'S/64020'W. 32. Maracaj'u (500-1000 m), 21038'S/55010'W.
4. Antofagasta de la Sierra (3450 m), 33. Fazenda Piqui, Aquidauana (160 m),
26004'S/67025'W. 20028'S/55048'W (Ximenez, 1970).
5. Catamarca (501 m), 2828'S/65047'W. Estado Rio Grande do Sul:
Provincia Cordoba: 34. Sao Louren9o do Sul (sea level), 31022'S/
6. Salinas de Serrezuela (279 m), 30038'S/ 51058'W (Ihering, 191 1).
Provincia Chubut: CHILE
7. Rio Senguerr (200-500 m), 45032'S/68054'W. Provincia Aconcagua:
Provincia Jujuy: 35. Mountains above Catapilco lake (900 m),
8. Sierra de Santa Victoria (3000-5000 m), 32034'S/7 11 7'W.
22023'S/6501 7'W. Provincia Coquimbo:
Provincia La Pampa: 36. Marquesa (337 m), 29058'S/71000'W (Os-
9. Estancia El Retofio, General San Martin (150 good, 1943).
m), 38018'S/6339'W. Provincia Magallanes:
10. Victorica (311 m), 36013'S/65027'W. 37. Puerto Prat, Ultima Esperanza Inlet (100 m),
11. Telen (302 m), 36016'S/65030'W. 5 1038'S/72038'W.
12. Departamento Caleu-Caleu (100-200 m), 38. Cerro Castillo (1110 m), 51016'S/72021'W
38035'S/64000'W. (Johnson et al., 1990).
13. Toay (190 m), 36040'S/64021'W. Provincia Santiago:
14. Puelches (200 m), 38009'S/6555'W. 39. Santiago (500 m), 33027'S/70040'W.
Provincia La Rioja: 40. VegasdeCuracavi(100m), 33024'S/71009'W.
15. Sierra Velazco (1000-4000 m), 29005'S/ Provincia Tarapaca:
67005'W. 41. Camarones river (2000-4000 m),
16. Villa Union (1240 m), 29018'S/68012'W. 19001'S/69052'W (Mann, 1945).
Provincia Neuquen: 42. Putre, Tacna, 4120 m, 18012'S/69035'W.
17. Between Catin-Lil and Las Coloradas (1000 Provincia Valparaiso:
m), 39039'S/70036'W. 43. Malacara (300 m), 33000'S/71005'W.

44. Cerro Llai-Llai, 800 m, 3250'S/7057'W. MORPHOLOGICAL VARIATION

45. Limache (85 m), 33000'S/7 116'W. IN SKULLS
46. Cerro de la Campana, Quillota, 1800 m,
32057'S/7 1008'W. BULLAR REGION
47. Punta Caraumilla (sea level), 33006'S/
7 1044'W. The auditory bulla of felids is formed by
48. Viiia del Mar (sea level), 3302'S/71035'W three elements (ectotympanic, rostral ento-
(Wolffsohn, 1908). tympanic, and caudal entotympanic), and
consists of two chambers separated by a sep-
ECUADOR tum (Hunt, 1974, 1987). The anterior cham-
Provincia Napo: ber is formed by the rostral entotympanic
49. Cerro Antisana, E side (5704 m), 0030'S/
78008'W. (poorly developed in felids) and the ectotym-
Provincia Pichincha: panic (T); the posterior, by the caudal ento-
50. Quito (2818 m), 0001 3'S/78030'W. tympanic (CE; fig. 4). The position of the
51. Cerro Pichincha, NE side, 3660 m, 0010'S/ septum (S) is marked by an obvious groove
78033'W. in the ventral side of the bulla that extends
diagonally from its anterointernal corner to
PARAGUAY the midpart of the lateral wall, behind the
Departamento Presidente Hayes:
52. Fortin Juan de Zalazar (150 m), auditory meatus. The anterior chamber is ap-
23006'S/5901 8'W. proximately ring-shaped; the posterior, na-
Departamento Central: vicular-shaped. The degree of development
53. Asuncion (77 m), 251 5'S/57040'W. ofboth chambers is variable between species,
Departamento Concepcion: but the relative size of ectotympanic in re-
54. San Luis de la Sierra (200 m), 2225'S/57027'W lation to caudal entotympanic usually is con-
(Weigel, 1961). sistent within species. Some variation in the
PERU degree of inflation of the posterior chamber
Departamento Amazonas: may be evident between subspecies. I rec-
55. Condechaca, Rio Utcubamba, 2134 m, ognize three types of variation in the relative
05030'S/7832'W. size of ectotympanic and entotympanic, as
Departamento Cuzco: described below.
56. Hacienda Capana, near Ocongate (3500-4000 Ectotympanic. This bone shows variation
m), 13028'S/7125'W. in the degree of development of its postero-
Departamento Huanuco: ventral region. To evaluate this feature, I es-
57. Ambo (2064 m), 10005'S/7607'W. timated the percentage oftotal bullar volume
Departamento Pasco: represented by the ectotympanic. The three
58. Huariaca, 2745 m, 10027'S/7607'W.
Departamento Puno: types found (fig. 4) are:
59. Picotani (4390 m), 1433'S/69048'W. Type 1- Has the largest ectotympanic (40-
60. Ilave, 3962 m, 16005'S/69040'W. 50% of bullar volume), which is inflated ven-
61. Putina, 3962 m, 1455'S/6952'W. trally and posteriorly. All specimens of pop-
ulations 1 and 2 belong to this type, along
URUGUAY with a single specimen from population 3
Departamento Cerro Largo: (USNM 172786). The ectotympanic is slight-
62. Tarariras (100-200 m), 32028'S/55001'W ly smaller in population 1 than in population
(Ximenez, 1961). 2, a difference estimated to be about 10% of
Departamento Lavalleja:
63. Zapican (231 m), 33031'S/54055'W (Xime- bullar volume.
nez, 1961). Type 2- Has a moderately developed ec-
Departamento San Jose: totympanic (25-35%), which is expanded
64. Hacienda Herminia, Parque San Gregorio (0- ventrally and posteriorly, but not so con-
100 m), 34041'S/56050'W.
65. Chamizo (0-100 m), 34015'S/5556'W (Xim- spicuously inflated as in the previous group.
enez, 1961). This type characterizes specimens of popu-
Departamento Soriano: lation 3, with the single exception noted ear-
66. Arroyo Perdido (0-100 m), 3323'S/5722'W lier. I found some geographic variation in this
(Ximenez, 1961). character. Specimens in the northern half of

110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

Fig. 3. Localities where specimens have been collected. Names corresponding to the numbers are in
the gazetteer. Area in black square has been enlarged (A). Black triangle (S.) is Santiago, Chile.
Localidades donde se colectaron los ejemplares. Los nombres correspondientes a los n(umeros estan
en el "gazetteer." El area incluida en el cuadrado negro ha sido aumentada (A). El triangulo negro (S.)
es Santiago, Chile.


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Fig. 4. Three types of bulla in relation to the degree of development of ectotympanic (T) and caudal
entotympanic (CE), in ventral (left) and lateral (right) view. (S) septum groove.
Tres tipos de bulla en relaci6n con el grado de desarrollo del ectotimppanico (T) y entotimpanico caudal
(CE), en normas ventral (izquierda) y lateral (derecha). (S) surco del septum.

the range show 25-30% of bullar volume; panics. Correlated with the three types of ec-
those in the southern half, 30-35%. totympanic development just described, I
Type 3- Lack significant posteroventral found poorly developed entotympanics in
expansion or inflation of the ectotympanic, specimens of type 1. In lateral view (fig. 4)
which represents 20-25% of bullar volume. the ectotympanic extends below the ventral
Specimens from populations 4 and 5 show limit ofthe entotympanic. Specimens of type
this type of bulla. 3 present the opposite extreme, with the cau-
Variation in inflation of the bullae, re- dal entotympanic well-developed anteriorly,
ported for these cats by Allen (1919) and Po- its ventral portion remarkably inflated. In lat-
cock (1941), agrees with my results. Allen eral view, the entotympanic of type 3 spec-
(1919) compared two specimens representing imens exceeds the ventral limit of the ecto-
my populations 5 and 3, respectively, and tympanic. Specimens of type 2 show an
said that the bulla was less inflated in the intermediate morphology, but the entotym-
former than in the latter. Pocock (1941) re- panic still extends below the ectotympanic in
corded a relatively larger anterior chamber lateral view.
in the bullae of specimens representing my Morphology of mastoid processes. These
populations 2 and 3 (southern part) than was processes are located over the posterodorsal
found in specimens from other areas. part of the bulla, and the extent of their con-
Caudal entotympanic. Variation in this part tact with bullae is variable and correlated with
of the bulla is related to the degree of ecto- development of the mastoid process. I found
tympanic development. Large ectotympanics two morphotypes for this character (fig. 5):
are associated with small caudal entotym- Type 1- Mastoid process (MP) poorly de-

veloped posteriorly and separated from the

paroccipital process (PP) by a wide notch re-
vealing the surface of the bulla between them.
Mastoid and paroccipital processes are only
in contact dorsally (fig. 5A). With slight vari-
ations, this morphotype appears in popula-
tions 3, 4, and 5. In specimens of population
3, the paroccipital processes tend to be short A
and projected slightly backwards. In popu-
lations 4 and 5, these processes tend to be
longer, cup-shaped, and cover the bulla pos-
Type 2- Mastoid process well developed
posteriorly, and covers the bulla (fig. SB). This
condition is typical of population 2. Speci- MP
mens of population 1 show an intermediate
condition in which part of the bullar surface
is exposed laterally.
Inferior oblique muscle fossa. This fossa
(IOMF), origin of inferior oblique muscle,
occupies one of two different positions in the
orbital wall:
Type 1- Fossa located on the lacrimal-
palatine-maxilla suture (fig. 6A). All popu-
lations except 1 and 2 show this type.
Type 2- Fossa situated on the lacrimal-
palatine suture (fig. 6B). All specimens from
populations 1 and 2 show this type.
Shape of notch for postpalatine vein. The
shape of this notch, usually consistent within Fig. 5. Lateral view of neurocranium, showing
felid species, showed some individual vari- the two types of mastoid processes (MP) in relation
ation, but in general, two morphotypes can to paroccipital processes (PP). (A) type 1; (B) type 2.
be distinguished: Aspecto lateral del neurocr'aneo, mostrando los
Type 1- Notch for postpalatine vein wide dos tipos de procesos mastoideos (MP) en relaci6on
and comparatively shallow (fig. 7A). This con los procesos paraoccipitales (PP). (A) tipo 1;
morphotype is present in all the specimens (B) tipo 2.
from populations 1, 2, and 3.
Type 2- Notch narrow and deep (fig. 7B).
This morphotype is typical of populations 4 Type 2- U shaped edge, with no medial
and 5. notch (fig. 8B). This type appears in 70% of
Shape of posterior margin of the palate. I specimens from populations 1 and 2.
found two morphotypes for the posterior
margin of the palate in my sample: NEuRocRANium
Type 1- U shaped edge, with a medial
notch (fig. 8A). This type appears in all the Development of the sagittal crest. In ju-
specimens of populations 3, 4, and 5. In pop- venile animals, there is no sagittal crest; in-
ulations 1 and 2, only 30% show this type (n stead a pair of temporal ridges (TL) runs along
= 13). the parietals, nearly paralleling the suture be-


Fig. 6. Two different positions adopted by inferior oblique muscle fossa (IOMF). (A) type 1; (B) type
2. (L) lacrimal bone; (M) maxilla bone; (P) palatine bone.
Dos posiciones diferentes adoptadas por la fosa del mu'sculo oblicuo inferior (IOMF). (A) tipo 1; (B)
tipo 2. (L) hueso lacrimal; (M) hueso maxilar; (P) hueso palatino.

tween parietals (fig. 9A). During postnatal de- all possible levels of development of this
velopment, these temporal ridges move clos- structure into four stages as follows (fig. 9):
er, and eventually meet on the interparietal Type A- Juvenile stage. Temporal ridges
(IB) at the midline of the skull. The sagittal present, but no sagittal crest.
crest (SC) starts to develop from that intersect Type B- Sagittal crest poorly developed,
and the lambdoidal crest. With age, the crest restricted to interparietal region.
lengthens anteriorly, the lyre-shaped area be- Type C- Sagittal crest moderately devel-
tween temporal ridges becoming reduced in oped, occupying posterior half of suture be-
length and breadth. Although development tween parietals.
of the sagittal crest shows some individual Type D- Sagittal crest well developed, oc-
variability, differences also exist between cupying total length of parietal suture.
populations. To facilitate analysis, I sorted To avoid ontogenetic variation, I scored

Fig. 7. Two different shapes observed for the notch for postpalatine vein. (A) type 1; (B) type 2.
Dos formas diferentes observadas en la escotadura para la vena postpalatina. (A) tipo 1; (B) tipo 2.

only adults for this character. All but seven paratively high frequency; 63% of the total
adults from populations 3, 4, and 5 (n = 23) (n = 8).
show sagittal crest type B. The seven excep- Populations 1 and 2. Present in a low per-
tions (30%) show type C. The only adult spec- centage of individuals, 33% of the total (n =
imen examined of population 1 fits type C. 6).
All specimens of population 2 (n = 6) show Population 3. Absent in all specimens ex-
type D. amined (n = 21).
TEETH Shape of P3 main cusp. The main cusp
(paracone) of the upper third premolar (P3)
Frequency of P2. Pampas cats have a ten- shows variation in height and shape, as fol-
dency to lose the upper second premolar (P2). lows:
The tooth appears only occasionally and is Type 1- Paracone narrow and long in lat-
poorly developed (fig. 10). Its frequency var- eral view (labial aspect), giving the tooth an
ies among populations as follows: acutely pointed appearance (fig. 1 1, left). This
Populations 4 and 5. P2 present in com- type occurs in all specimens of populations

Fig. 8. The two morphotypes observed for the shape of posterior edge of the palate. (A) type 1; (B)
type 2.
Los dos morfotipos observados para la forma del borde posterior del paladar. (A) tipo 1; (B) tipo 2.

Type A Type B


Type C Type D

Fig. 9. Different degrees of development of temporal lines (TL) and sagittal crest (SC). Type A,
juvenile stage. Types B, C, D, variability among adults. IB: interparietal bone.
Diferentes grados de desarrollo de las lineas temporales (TL) y la cresta sagital (SC). Tipo A, estado
juvenil. Tipos B, C, D, variabilidad entre adultos. IB: hueso interparietal.

cone), a large paracone, and a posterior meta-

style (fig. 13). The protocone, which tends to
be smaller than the parastyle in felids, is vari-
able in size in the pampas cat group, being
absent or vestigial in some specimens (fig. 13
left), but appearing moderately developed in
most (fig. 13 right). The protocone is present
in 75% of specimens in populations 1 and 2
(n = 12), 80% in populations 4 and 5 (n =
5), and 83% in population 3 (n = 23).
Lingual tubercles on cl. Azara (1802) men-
tioned the presence of a second cusp on the
lower canine, near the incisors (that is, on the
Fig. 10. Size and shape of upper second pre- lingual side of the tooth) in his Pampean
molar (P2), as it appears in individuals examined. specimens. Ximenez (1961, 1970) men-
Tamafio y forma del segundo premolar superior tioned a small protuberance in the same lo-
(P2), segun se ha observado en los individuos ex- cation in specimens from Brazil and Uruguay
aminados. (populations 4 and 5). I found that all spec-
imens have a protuberance on this part of the
canine that represents an enlargement of the
1, 2, and 3, with the exception of specimens basal portion of a ridge running down the
from Ecuador. lingual surface of the crown (fig. 14A). This
Type 2- The paracone is short and wide protuberance acquires the shape of a small
in lateral aspect, lacking the sharp appearance cuspid in some specimens of populations 4
of type 1 (fig. 11 right). This type is present and 5 (fig. 14B). Although I have not seen
in all specimens of populations 4 and 5, and this cuspid in specimens of populations 1, 2,
specimens from Ecuador. and 3, the specimen described by Azara be-
Presence of parastyle on P3. The upper third longed to population 3, so it might be possible
premolar may have two or three cusps in to find this character in other populations as
felids: a main central cusp (paracone), a pos- well.
terior cusp (metastyle), and sometimes an an- METRIC CHARACTERISTICS
terior cusp (parastyle). The parastyle tends to OF SKULLS
be absent in felids, except in big cats (Salles,
1992). I found this cusp present (although Tables 1 and 2 show the values for 14 di-
reduced) in three specimens representing mensions and 1 ratio based on measurements
populations 4 and 5 (fig. 12 left). on adult specimens from my sample, and on
Presence and size of P4 protocone. The up- other data collected from the literature
per carnassial (P4) usually has four cusps: two (Lonnberg, 1913; Wolffsohn, 1923; Cabrera,
small anterior cusps (parastyle and proto- 1961; Ximenez, 1961). Sample sizes of the

Fig. 11. Shape of upper third premolar (P3) main cusp, paracone (pa). Left, type 1; right, type 2.
Forma de la c'uspide principal, paracono (pa), del tercer premolar superior (P3). Izquierda, tipo 1;
derecha, tipo 2.

PS pa

Fig. 12. Parastyle (ps) of upper third premolar (P3) occurs in some specimens (left, type 1), but is
absent in others (right, type 2). (pa) paracone; (ms) nmetastyle.
El parastilo (ps) del tercer premolar superior (P3) aparece en algunos ejemplares (izquierda, tipo 1),
pero esta ausente en otros (derecha, tipo 2). (pa) paracono; (ms) metastilo.

different populations studied are too small to medium size and show a little geographical
be useful for statistical analyses, but the val- variation from north to south, with the larg-
ues in tables 1 and 2 illustrate some trends est in the south (Uruguay).
in mensural variation.
As in other cats (e.g., lynxes; Garcia-Perea,
1991), there is sexual dimorphism in size COAT PATTERN VARIATION
within every population, males being larger Felids show great variation of coat pat-
than females. Cranial measurements of adults terns. Similarity between species has often
also suggest size differences between some been used to indicate phylogenetic relation-
populations as follows: (a) specimens of pop- ships, and variation within species as taxo-
ulations 1 and 2 are largest and have the most nomic criteria for subspecific differentiation.
developed sagittal crests (usually extending My study of the distribution and charac-
full length of parietal suture); (b) specimens teristics of pelage markings revealed a sig-
of population 3 vary geographically in size, nificant amount of variation, which partially
those in the north (Ecuador) being the small- explains the large number of taxa described
est, and those in Patagonia being largest (sim- for this group.
ilar to those in populations 1 and 2, fig. 2); Color and pattern variation for the parts
(c) specimens of populations 4 and 5 are of of the head, body, and tail, are as follows:


Fig. 13. Protocone (p) of upper fourth premolar (P4) tends to be present in most specimens (right,
type 2), but it is absent in a low percentage of themL (left, type 1). (ps) parastyle; (pa) paracone; (ms)
El protocono del cuarto premolar superior (P4) tiende a estar presente en la mayoria de los ejemplares
(derecha, tipo 2), pero esta ausente en un pequeno porcentaje de ellos (izquierda, tipo 1). (ps) parastilo;
(pa) paracono; (ms) metastilo.

Face: No characteristic pattern, except for

two transverse dark lines crossing each cheek,
the upper one starting in the external corner
of the eye, and the inferior one, almost par- Ir
allel, running up around the lateral side of
the cheeks.
Ears: Usually darker dorsally than sur-
rounding areas, a dark anteroexternal border,
and sometimes with a pale spot.
Spinal crest: An erectile crest of fur (about
3 cm wide) beginning behind the shoulders
and extending along the dorsal midline. Hairs
remarkably longer than remainder of back
and flanks. Color of crest usually contrasts
with ground color of dorsolateral pelage.
Throat: Two or three transverse dark
Chest and abdomen: Numerous dark spots,
or transverse lines of dark spots.
Tail: Ringed or not, with either a dark or
pale tip.
Legs: Two or three dark stripes usually
present between elbow and wrist, and three
to five between knee and ankle. These stripes
usually form complete rings around the leg,
but may be interrupted (incomplete) on inner
Feet: In some forms, feet can be dark both
on dorsal and ventral surfaces, or only below.
/0 ':
Description of basic spotting types. Anal- (9.
ysis of spotting variability in my sample shows
the three general patterns (types 1, 2, and 3) Fig. 14. All specimens show one lingual ridge
illustrated in figure 15. For two, I found some (ir) on each lower canine (type 1), but only some
variation consisting of a graduated expres- of them show a tubercle on the basal portion of
sion of the markings, described in types 2A the ridge (lrt). (A) type 1; (B) type 2.
to 2C, and 3A and 3B as follows: Todos los ejemplares muestran una cresta lin-
Type 1- Characterized by oblique, rusty- gual (lr) en cada canino inferior (tipo 1), pero solo
cinnamon cheek stripes and lines on flanks, algunos de ellos muestran un tuberculo en la parte
basal de la cresta (lrt). (A) tipo 1; (B) tipo 2.
over a reddish or dark gray background
(Wolffsohn, 1908, mentioned these two
phases in central Chilean cats, only differing
in the background color). The spinal crest is Type 2A- Characterized by large, reddish
conspicuous, black and rusty, the pattern re- brown rosettes with darker borders, arranged
sulting from alternating black and orange col- in oblique chains along the flanks. Spinal crest
or bands on each hair. Tail has four or five and tail rings are same color as flank spots.
reddish rings, the last two appearing darker. Tail ringed from base to tip. Base of ears same
Ears are cinnamon dorsally, with blackish color as head, otherwise ears are black with
edges and black tips. Ventral markings are a small gray spot. Stripes on legs and the
rusty ochraceous, on a more or less white ventral markings are dark brown (almost
background. Rings and stripes on legs are dark black) on a more or less white background.
brown, somewhat rustier-colored on hind legs. Feet similar to the background color of the
Feet are cinnamon dorsally, with small dark body, but with some small, dark spots on the
spots. dorsal surfaces.

Values of 14 Cranial Measurements and One Ratio (in percent) for Adult Pampas Cats
Names of measurements and museum acronyms under Materials and Methods.
Valores de 14 Medidas Craneales y un Indice (en porcentaje) para Gatos de las Pampas Adultos. Nombres
de las variables y abreviaturas de los museos en "Materials and Methods."
Population 1
USNM 391853 ? 98.6 90.7 28.9 45.6 18.9 28.4 73.1 11.4 62.5 30
Population 2
FMNH 24370 a3 107.5 99.4 26.1 46.0 21.6 29.2 - 12.4 68.8 39
BM 108.0 99.7 26.0 47.5 20.9 29.3 77.6 12.3 70.4 30
BM 110.1 100.4 26.5 47.0 22.0 30.7 79.3 11.4 70.4 46
BM 104.1 95.4 25.2 48.5 19.8 28.7 78.8 12.2 65.9 50
BM a 107.0 97.7 27.0 48.9 22.7 28.6 84.3 11.8 69.5 53
BM ? 107.0 97.6 25.5 47.2 - 27.7 77.6 11.9 67.7 41
Population 3
-a 88.0 82.0 - - 16.5 24.8 64.0 10.0 - -
FMNH 43291 90.4 84.5 22.3 38.0 18.9 26.8 62.9 11.0 57.9 18
AMNH 76150 90.7 84.7 23.1 38.7 18.8 27.8 65.5 11.1 57.3 15
FMNH 52488 a 98.0 90.5 24.2 42.0 18.3 29.6 72.0 11.3 63.4 22
MVZ 114942 a 96.7 88.6 23.5 42.7 18.3 28.5 70.3 11.8 62.4 22
MVZ 114943 100.8 92.1 23.1 42.6 21.0 27.2 71.8 11.2 64.6 25
FMNH 68318 89.2 82.3 20.3 38.9 19.4 29.5 60.1 11.0 54.2 12
BM 91.6 84.7 21.7 41.2 17.6 27.2 65.7 11.5 57.1 15
MVZ 114777 9 97.1 88.8 22.7 45.0 18.2 30.2 69.9 11.6 62.6 18
MVZ 139613 ? 96.2 89.0 22.7 41.2 17.1 27.6 64.3 11.2 61.5 18
BM 96.1 88.0 22.6 41.1 18.6 29.5 68.4 11.2 60.7 12
EBD 8741 ? 101.4 94.2 25.3 43.1 20.7 26.0 73.3 12.0 64.8 17
NW Argentina
BM 103.2 94.4 25.0 43.7 19.0 27.8 72.5 12.6 65.5 17
MACN 30103 96.3 88.8 25.1 42.5 19.1 29.0 70.6 12.0 63.5 18
MACN 17816 ? 101.9 94.1 25.6 45.6 19.7 27.8 76.0 11.7 65.0 24
C + S Argentina
AMNH 16695 109.0 99.3 26.5 49.6 22.3 29.0 78.9 11.8 71.5 16
BM 104.7 - 24.3 47.4 19.8 28.9 71.5 13.0 67.2 18
MACN 16489 a 109.2 99.0 26.3 50.9 - - 79.2 11.0 69.0 21
BM 9 97.3 90.3 22.8 45.7 - 29.6 70.9 11.3 63.8 12
BM 94.4 87.9 23.6 43.8 21.1 29.4 72.5 11.6 61.4 10
USNM 172786 ? 92.7 84.0 22.1 42.3 - 28.2 67.8 11.1 59.8 14
BM ? 102.7 93.7 23.7 45.0 19.9 28.7 69.2 12.0 65.3 12
Population 4
AMNH 133977 a 96.6 91.8 21.9 39.3 17.8 27.4 63.3 11.6 60.9 9
AMNH 354 94.3 89.4 21.6 39.2 18.3 29.7 62.1 11.6 59.4 16
AMNH 243110 98.7 91.1 23.0 41.6 17.6 29.1 67.5 11.4 63.8 11
Population 5
AMNH 189394 100.5 91.8 24.1 42.9 17.2 -
65.4 13.0 62.5 9
MNCNM 884b - - - - -
66.7 11.0 58.8
a Lonnberg, 1913.
b Ximenez, 1961.

Values for Five External Measurements of Adult Pampas Cats
Names of measurements and museum acronyms under Material and Methods.
Valores de Cinco Medidas Externas para Gatos de las Pampas Adultos. Nombres de las variables y
abreviaturas de los museos en "Materials and Methods."
Gender HB T HF E W
Population 2
-a a 670 290 120 57
BM d 567 322 139 61
BM 559 280 130 62
BM a 595 325 128 60
BM a 642 295 118 65
Population 3
_b d 510 270
FMNH 68381 2 464 240 105 50
BM 2 520 280 118 49
BM 2 750 285 115 55
NW Argentina
BM 633 281 133 46
MACN 30103 535 266 122 46
C + S Argentina
BM 650 279 48
MLP 8639C 540 230 120 45
Population 4
AMNH 133977 a 560 330 130 34
AMNH 354 8 467 230
AMNH 243110 523 279 127 53 2900
Population 5
MNCNM 884d 532 292 121 52
a Wolffshon, 1923.
b L8nnberg, 1913.
Cabrera, 1961.
dXimenez, 1961.

Type 2B- It is possible to recognize the individuals show indistinct oblique darker
pattern described for type 2A, but body lines on flanks. Stripes on front and hind legs
markings and tail rings are paler and less con- are conspicuous and dark brown, as are ven-
spicuous, and background color is also paler. tral markings.
Stripes on front legs are dark brown, like those Type 3A- Specimens of this type exhibit
in type 2A, but paler on hind legs. an almost uniform brown agouti color dor-
Type 2C- Specimens are almost uniform- sally, with some traces ofdark brown rosettes
ly grayish, usually with no signs of dorsal on the flanks. Spinal crest is a little darker
spots or rings on body and tail, although some than ground color. Tail not ringed, black at



3B 2C



Fig. 15. Three basic types of coat pattern identified, and their variation.
Los tres tipos basicos de diseino del pelaje identificados y su gradacion.

the tip. Ears tricolor with a black band along tail less extensive than in type 3A and, in
anterointernal border, reddish on basal por- part, consisting of discontinuous rings.
tion, and creamy-white over the remaining Geographic variation. The different coat
outer surface. Leg stripes and ventral mark- pattern types are distributed geographically.
ings are black. Throat is white, becoming or- I did not find any significant geographic vari-
angish behind the first throat stripe, and over ation among specimens showing the type 1
all other ventral surfaces. Feet are dorsally pattern. For type 2, I found a gradation (fig.
and ventrally black, including wrists and an- 15, 2A-2C) in the level of expression of
kles (fig. 15). markings related to latitude and elevation
Type 3B- Similar to type 3A, although (table 3, fig. 16). Specimens from the north-
background color generally paler, more yel- ern parts ofthe distribution (near the equator)
lowish on back and flanks. Spots on the flanks have the type 2A pattern, while specimens
are more conspicuous (brown) than in type inhabiting the southern parts (up to 470 S)
3A. Leg stripes and ventral markings are sim- show the type 2C pattern. I found type 2B
ilar to those of type 3A. Feet are black only only in the area between 22 and 39 S, where
on palmar and plantar surfaces. Black tip of specimens of pattern types 2A and 2C also

Variation of Type 2 Coat Pattern in Relation to Latitude, Elevation, and Habitat
Variaci6n del Tipo 2 de Diseiio del Pelaje, en Relacion con la Latitud, Altitud y Tipo de Habitat.
Lat Alt.
(OS) (m) Pattern Habitat
0 5704 2A Highland shrub steppes
0 3660 2A Highland shrub steppes
0 2818 2A Highland shrub steppes
5 2134 2A Forests in dry inner Andean valleys
10 2064 2A Highland shrub steppes and grasslands
10 2745 2A Highland shrub steppes and grasslands
13 3500-4000 2A Highland shrub steppes and grasslands
14 4390 2A Highland shrub steppes and grasslands
17 4000 2A Highland shrub steppes and grasslands
22 3000-5000 2A Highland shrub steppes and grasslands
22 565 2B Dry forests and savannas
24 5000 2A Highland shrub steppes and grasslands
23-25 2500 2B Highland shrub steppes and grasslands
27 1800 2B Highland shrub steppes and grasslands
27 400 2B Dry forests and savannas
28 501 2B, 2C Dry forests and savannas
29 1240 2A Dry shrub steppes
29 1000-4000 2A Highland shrub steppes and grasslands
30 279 2B Dry forests and savannas
36 311 2B Dry forests and savannas
36 302 2C Dry forests and savannas
36 190 2B Dry forests and savannas
38 150 2B Dry forests and savannas
38 100-200 2B Dry forests and savannas
39 1000 2B Patagonian shrub and grass steppes
40 767 2C Patagonian shrub and grass steppes
40 502 2C Dry shrub steppes
40 sea level 2C Dry forests and savannas
41 950 2C Patagonian shrub and grass steppes
41 888 2C Dry forests and savannas
45 200-500 2C Patagonian shrub and grass steppes
47 sea level 2C Patagonian shrub and grass steppes

occur. This latitudinal range covers the tran- graphic units (after Hueck and Seibert, 1972;
sitional zone where distributions shift from Cabrera, 1976; Pearson, 1980; Mares et al.,
highland steppe to lower elevation dry forest 1989; and Johnson et al., 1990) are given
and shrubland. below. They include vegetation type, eleva-
The variants of type 3 (fig. 15: types 3A tional range (in meters), annual average tem-
and 3B) represent two expressions ofthe same perature (degrees Celsius), and annual rain-
pattern. I did not find intermediates. fall (in millimeters).
Paramos: Shrub steppes (3200) 3800-4700
m, 1-10C, 1000-2300 mm.
HABITATS Forests in dry inner-Andean valleys: 400-
I examined phytogeographic and climatic 2000 m, 16-270C, 300-800 mm.
characteristics of the localities (information Andean highlands: Shrub steppes and
mainly from Hueck and Seibert, 1972) to grasslands, elevation between 3000 and 4000
identify potential patterns of habitat prefer- m in the north, and 600 and 1500 m in the
ence, as well as constraints affecting the dis- south, variable temperatures and rainfall de-
tribution of these cats. pending on latitude and elevation.
My general descriptions of the phytogeo- Puna: Open shrub steppes and grasslands

90 80 70 60 50 40 30

6 5.0
4 3 2
f I ,

110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
Fig. 16. Geographic distribution of the different types of coat pattern identified.
Distribucion geografica de los diferentes tipos de diseiio del pelaje identificados.

between 3400 and 4300 m, and grass steppes Espinal: Dry forests, sea level to 400 m,
above 4300 m (limit 4500 m), 3-10C, 100- 14-180C, 300-600 mm.
500 mm. Monte: Dry shrub steppes, sea level to 1000
Chaco: Dry forests and savannas, from < m, 14-20C, 100-350 mm.
100 to 500 m, 19-240C, 500-1000 mm. Cerrado: Dry tree/shrub savannas, open

canopy, 200-600 m, 24-270C, 1100-2000 (southern range of population 3) inhabit the

mm. shrubland and grassland steppes of Patagon-
Campos limpos and sujos: Open grasslands ia. Specimens from this area ranged from sea
with small shrubs, 500-2000 m, 24-27C, level to 1100 m. The temperature is low, 0-
1100-2000 mm. 13C, and annual rainfall is 100-600 mm.
Pantanal: Mesic savannas, almost totally 4) Animals living in central Chile (popu-
inundated during the rainy season, 100-200 lation 2) inhabit subtropical, xerophytic for-
m, 24-27C, 1200-1400 mm. ests, occasionally penetrating the spiny
Upland mesophytic forests: With well-de- shrublands to the north. Collecting localities
veloped canopy, 200-500 m, 24-25C, 1 100- range from sea level to 1800 m. Tempera-
2000 mm. tures vary from 13 to 15C, and annual rain-
Subtropical xerophytic, sclerophyll forests: fall from 150 to 1500 mm. This population
Sealevelto 1900m, 13-15C, 150-1500 mm. lives on the western slope of the Andes.
Pampas: Grass and shrub steppes, grass- 5) Cats from southwestern Brazil and Par-
lands, sea level to 1200 m, 14-19C, 700- aguay (population 4) inhabit shrubland and
1300 mm. grassland steppes (campos limpos and sujos),
Patagonian steppes: Shrub and grass dry savannas (campos cerrados), humid sa-
steppes, humid grasslands, sea level to 1500 vannas (pantanal), and deciduous forests.
m, 5-14C, 100-600 mm. Specimens have been collected between 142
According to my samples, the following and 793 m above sea level. Temperatures
groups show habitat affinity: range from 20 to 27C, and annual rainfall
1) Cats living in highlands from Ecuador varies from 1100 to 2000 mm.
to NW Argentina (northern part of popula-
tion 3), as well as northern Chile (population TAXONOMIC ACCOUNTS
1), inhabit areas of shrub and grass steppes The genus Lynchailurus
(pframos and marginal areas of the puna),
and occasionally penetrate dry forests in the Lynchailurus Severtzov, 1858: 385. Type species
upper part of inner Andean valleys. Elevation Felis pajeros Desmarest, 1816, by monotypy.
ranges from 1800 to 5000 m, based on ele- Pajeros Gray, 1867: 269. Type species Pajeros
vations recorded by collectors; elevations pampanus Gray, 1867, by monotypy.
found in bibliographic sources often refer to The Pampas cats have been included either
elevational ranges in mountains, or to a gra- in the monotypic genera Lynchailurus (most
dient between topographic lines. These areas authors prior to Corbet and Hill, 1980), or
are cold (1-10C), but can be milder in valleys Panthera (Fitzinger, 1869), or Pajeros (Gray,
(16-27C). Annual rainfall is variable (100- 1867); in the genus Felis Linnaeus, 1758
2300 mm). Specimens from northern Chile (mostly after Corbet and Hill, 1980); in the
have been collected on the western slope of genus Leopardus Gray, 1842 (e.g., Herring-
the Andes. All other populations live either ton, 1985; Salles, 1992); or in the genus On-
on the eastern slope of the Andes or farther cifelis Severtzov, 1858 (e.g., Wozencraft,
east. 1993). Some authors included colocolo under
2) Animals living in lowlands of north- Oncifelis (e.g., Allen, 1919), or Montifelis
western and central Argentina (central part Schwangart, 1941, or Colocolo Pocock, 1941,
of population 3), as well as in Uruguay and but the species they had in mind was actually
southern Brazil (population 5) inhabit grass- 0. jacobitus (Cornalia, 1865). Antonius (1933)
lands (pampas), dry and mesophytic forests proposed for Felis braccatus (Brazilian pam-
(chaco and espinal), shrubland steppes (mon- pas cat) the subgenus Mungofelis. Other au-
te), and transitional areas. Specimens from thors (Pocock, 1917) included Dendrailurus
these areas came from elevations ranging from Severtzov, 1858, as a synonym of Lynchail-
sea level to 1240 m. Temperatures are mod- urus, an error because the type species of
erate (14-24C) and annual rainfall varies Dendrailurus (F. strigilata Wagner, 1841) is
from 300 to 1300 mm (100-350 mm in mon- based on Hamilton-Smith's (in Griffith, 1827)
te). unidentifiable drawing of an animal from
3) Cats from southern Argentina and Chile Guyana.

These different associations of names re- 4), I found five characteristic of the "colo-
flect uncertainty about the relationships be- colo" group (populations 1 and 2), two char-
tween Pampas cats and other South Ameri- acterizing the "pajeros" group (population 3),
can cats. I found three closely related species and five distinguishing the "braccatus" group
(see next section) that show affinities in mor- (populations 4 and 5). The three groups also
phology and habitat preference not shared differ in habitat preference. Although one
with other cats, supporting the conclusion that can argue that the apparent allopatric distri-
the Pampas cats should be recognized as a bution of these groups makes it difficult to
separate genus, for which the oldest available decide whether they represent species or well-
name is Lynchailurus Severtzov, 1858. established subspecies, the level of differen-
Lynchailurus differs from other South tiation relative to that seen in other felid
American genera by the spinal crest of con- groups recommends specific separation. The
spicuously long dark hairs that extends from level of geographic variation observed within
behind the shoulders to the base of the tail; the "pajeros" group and the moderate vari-
the large anterior chamber of the bulla due ation shown within the less extensive "brac-
to the posteroventral hypertrophy of the ec- catus" and "colocolo" populations suggest
totympanic; and ridges present on both sides that they have been genetically isolated for a
of the upper canines. Other distinctive char- long period. The extent of variation within
acters include inconspicuous tail rings; a vari- each is comparable to that found between
able pattern of dorsal spotting, ranging from recognized subspecies in other felids. Further
large rosettes to faint, almost invisible oblique studies (e.g., molecular and cytogenetic) are
lines; the presence of several dark rings on desirable to test these taxonomic hypotheses.
front and hind legs, and several transverse The taxonomic arrangement and species-lev-
dark stripes on the throat. Many of these el nomenclature is as follows. Synonyms are
characteristics were described by Pocock given under subspecies in the taxonomic
(1917, 1941). summary.
Lynchailurus representatives are found Lynchailurus colocolo
from sea level to 5000 m. Collection localities (Molina, 1782)
at high elevations are usually on the marginal
areas of the puna, and it is possible that these Felis colocola Molina, 1782: 295.
cats do not penetrate into that habitat be- HOLOTYPE: Not designated.
cause of competition with the Andean moun- TYPE LocALiTr: "Boschi del Chili," re-
tain cat, 0. jacobitus. stricted to "province of Valparaiso" by W.
SPECIES H. Osgood (1943).
With fehds, it is often difficult to find mor- DIAGNOSTIC CHARAcTERS: See table 4.
phological characters that are completely di- DISTRIUION: Highlands of northern Chile
agnostic, especially in closely related species, and forests of central Chile (western slope of
because atypical character states commonly the Andes).
appear at low frequency. For this reason, dis- REMARKCS: The local names for this cat are
tinctive morphological gaps in single char- "huifna" and "gato montes." Because the for-
acter states may not prove useful for detecting mer also is applied to F. guigna, and the latter
genetic discontinuities between species. I have to F. geoffroyi, I suggest "colocolo" to avoid
found, however, that sets of character states confusion.
can be used to assign specimens to species.
This problem has been described for lynxes Lynchailurus pajeros
(Garcia-Perea et al., 1985; Garcia-Perea, (Desmarest, 1816)
1991), especially in the two Palearctic spe- Felis pajeros Desmarest, 1816: 114.
cies, Lynx pardinus and L. lynx, where only
one of the morphological characters exam- HOLOTYPE: Not designated.
ined allowed full separation of the two. TYPE LocALITY: Based on Azara's account
Out of 13 morphological characters (table (1802: 160) "Pajero" is "las pampas de Bue-

Summary of the Characteristics of the Three Species of Lynchailurus
Resumen de las Caracteristicas de las Tres Especies de Lynchailurus
CoocoCloa Pajerosh Braccatus
Ectotympanic Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
Mastoid process Type 2 Type 1 Type 1
Palate, notch for postpalatine Type 1 Type 1 Type 2
Palate, posterior edge Type 2 (70%) Type 1 Type 1
Type D sagittal crest Yes No No
Inferior oblique muscle fossa Type 2 Type 1 Type 1
Frequency, P2 Low 0 High
Shape, P3 paracone Type 1 Type 1 Type 2
Parastyle on P3 No No Yes
Frequency, P4 protocone 75% 83% 80%
Lingual cusp, lower canine No Yes, very low frequency Yes, high frequency
Coat pattern Types 1, 2A Type 2 Type 3
Body size Large Small to large Medium
Distribution N and C Chile Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uru-
Argentina, S Chile guay
Side of Andes West East East
Habitat N: Highland steppes Grass and shrub Grass and shrub
C: Subtropical forest steppes, dry forests steppes, humid savan-
nas, deciduous forests
Elevation (m) range N: 2000-4000 0-5000 0-793
C: 0-1800
a Populations 1 and 2.
b Population 3.
c Populations 4 and 5.

nos Ayres, entre los 35 y 36 grados," Argen- Lynchailurus braccatus

tina. (Cope, 1889)
COMMON NAME: Pampas cat, gato de las Felis braccata Cope, 1889: 144.
DIAGNOSTIC CHARACTERS: See table 4. HoLoTYPE: AMNH 354. Adult male col-
DISTRIBUTION: Highlands on the eastern lected by E. D. Cope in November, 1884.
slope of the Andes in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, TYPE LOCALITY: "The province of Rio
and northwestern Argentina; lowlands of Grande do Sul, or in Matto Grosso," restrict-
northwestern, central, and southern Argen- ed by J. A. Allen (1919: 378) to "Chapada,
tina; and Chilean Patagonia. Mato Grosso," Brazil.
REMARKS: The type locality corresponds to COMMON NAME SUGGESTED: Pantanal cat.
the specimens described by Azara (1802: 160), DIAGNOSTIC CHARACTERS: See table 4.
on which Desmarest based his Felis pajeros. DISTIUBUTION: Paraguay, Uruguay, and
Most authors cited Azara's (1801: 114) de- southwestern and southern Brazil.
scription of "Le Chat Pampa" as the basis of COMMENTS: The local name for this cat is
Desmarest's (1816: 114) description of Felis "gato palheiro," but because it can be con-
pajeros, and mentioned Paraguay as the type fused with L. pajeros, I propose the common
locality (e.g., Olfers, 1818; Lesson, 1827). name "Pantanal cat" (although this species
Nevertheless, Desmarest cited "le Pajeros de does not live exclusively in pantanal areas, it
d'Azara" (from Azara, 1802) as the basis of is the only species of this group occurring
his short description. there).

Lynchailurus pajeros crucinus Lynchailurus pajeros budini


Fig. 17. Types of coat pattern characterizing three subspecies of Lynchailurus pajeros.
Tipos de diseiios del pelaje que caracterizan a tres subespecies de Lynchailurus pajeros.

SUBSPECIES but the small sizes of the samples analyzed

for the different subspecies prevent making
Observations, along with the original de- more objective determinations.
scriptions of the subspecies, provide infor- Populations from Ecuador and Peru, as-
mation about the taxonomic identity of some signed to thomasi Lonnberg, 1913, and gar-
populations. However, my sample was not leppi Matschie, 1912, respectively, have sim-
large enough to re-evaluate all of the subspe- ilar patterns of pelage markings (type 2A; fig.
cies described. This will require larger sam- 17) and cranial morphology; they also live in
ples from throughout the distributional range similar habitats (steppe highlands). However,
of the group. specimens of thomasi are conspicuously
The most problematic question is how smaller than those of garleppi, and their ec-
many subspecies are referable to the species totympanic chamber is smaller (close to that
L. pajeros, since available data suggest clinal of braccatus). Therefore, I recognize these two
variation from north to south in morpholog- morphotypes as representing different sub-
ical characters. There seem to be three groups species.
showing habitat affinities and morphological Specimens from Bolivia are assigned to
similarities (northern, central, and southern), steinbachi Pocock, 1941. The two skulls in

Lynchailurus pajeros thomasi of Tucuman and Salta, with no mention of

new specimens. His information is not con-
sistent with the data obtained from my sam-
ple and because Cabrera never explained this
change, I am relying on his primary infor-
mation (chaco region). Similarity in external
characters and habitat suggests that crespoi
may be a synonym of budini, but I would
need more specimens from the type locality
of crespoi (only known from the type speci-
men, a skin in bad condition), to determine
if it agrees with budini or not.
The population from central Argentina is
D V the nominal subspecies of L. pajeros (Des-
marest, 1816). Color in this population is dis-
tinctive. The coat pattern shows the types 2B
and 2C, but the color has an overall orangish
hue and the ventral markings are orange. Ac-
cording to my sample, its distribution is lim-
ited to La Pampa province (espinal forest).
However, the type locality (pampas of Bue-
nos Aires between 35 and 36S) is farther east
(fig. 18). Azara's (1802) description of the
"pajero" agrees with the characteristics of my
specimens, and it is unlikely that he erred in
the locality because he collected the speci-
mens himself. Obviously, the distributional
range of this population has been reduced
substantially during the last two centuries.
Animals from southern Argentina are as-
signed to crucinus Thomas, 1901. Pelage is
always type 2C (fig. 17) with the typical gray-
Fig. 17. Continued. ish color. The body size is the largest of L.
pajeros, and the ectotympanic chamber is
larger than in typical pajeros. The subspecific
my sample are larger than skulls of garleppi separation of crucinus and pajeros is justified.
from neighboring Peru. Coloration of the ro- The population in southern Chile should be
settes is also paler. There is not enough in- included in the subspecies crucinus.
formation to fully evaluate the validity ofthis Brazilian specimens are assigned to brac-
subspecies, and until more specimens are catus Cope, 1889. Matschie (1912) described
studied, I treat it as a separate taxon. Felis (Lynchailurus) colocola neumayeri (ho-
Populations living in mountainous areas of lotype ZMB 34506), based on one specimen
northwestern Argentina and assigned to bud- supposedly collected in Rio das Mortes, Mato
ini Pocock, 1941, and crespoi Cabrera, 1957, Grosso (Brazil, close to the type locality of
show several degrees of fading of pelage braccatus). Allen (1919) and Pocock (1941)
markings (types 2A to 2C; fig. 17). These considered neumayeri as a form of 0. jacob-
forms live in a transitional area where the itus (called by them colocolo), and Cabrera
habitat shifts from steppe highlands to dry (1958) treated it as a synonym of braccatus.
forested lowlands. When Cabrera (1957) de- Matschie's description indicates that his
scribed crespoi, he said his specimen came specimen is not related to braccatus. Its ex-
from Aguaray's chaco, but later, in his catalog ternal measurements (head + body 850 mm,
of South American mammals he noted that tail 410 mm) and some characteristics of the
the habitat ofthis form is in the humid forests coat pattern (two dark stripes on the front,

110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
Fig. 18. Striped areas represent approximate ranges of the different subspecies of these groups. Black
triangles: type localities.
Las areas rayadas representan las areas aproximadas de distribucion de las diferentes subespecies de
este grupo. Triangulos negros: localidades tipicas.

with several small spots between them; eight fit into braccatus, but they could well fit ja-
ochraceous tail rings; pale gray feet; large spots cobitus. Schwangart (1941) and Mann (1945)
between the shoulders forming bands) do not identified the specimen as jacobitus, suggest-

Lynchailurus braccatus braccatus Lynchailurus braccatus munoai


Fig. 19. Types of coat pattern characterizing the two subspecies of Lynchailurus braccatus. (L) lateral
view; (D) dorsal; (V) ventral.
Tipos de disefios del pelaje que caracterizan a las dos subespecies de Lynchailurus braccatus. (L)
aspecto lateral; (D) dorsal; (V) ventral.

ing that the locality in the label is wrong, variation exists in coat pattern (type 3B in
because jacobitus inhabits only high-altitude munoai, fig. 19) and in body size (munoai is
steppes of the Andes in Peru, Bolivia, Chile, larger). In addition, the ranges of braccatus
and Argentina. L. braccatus braccatus shows and munoai are separated by rainforest.
coat pattern type 3A (fig. 19), and occurs in Therefore, it is reasonable to retain munoai
warmer and more humid habitats than do as a separate subspecies. The specimen col-
other congeners. My observations indicate lected by Ihering (191 1) in Sao Louren9o (Rio
that animals from Paraguay should be as- Grande do Sul) is assignable to munoai.
signed to braccatus. Two of the Paraguayan Pocock (1941) described huina for the pop-
records included in Redford and Eisenberg ulation living in central Chile, but it is a syn-
(1992) could be misidentified specimens (see onym of Molina's colocolo. This population
Appendix 2). is characterized by coat pattern type 1 (fig.
Specimens from Uruguay are assigned to 20). Its size is largest for the genus and it
munoai Ximenez, 1961. The morphological occupies subtropical xerophytic forests.
differences between the skulls of braccatus The population in northern Chile has been
and munoai are not distinctive, although some assigned to garleppi by Osgood (1943), to

Lynchailurus colocolo colocolo Lynchailurus colocolo wolffsohni


Fig. 20. Types of coat pattern characterizing the two subspecies of Lynchailurus colocolo. (L) lateral
view; (D) dorsal; (V) ventral.
Tipos de disefios del pelaje que caracterizan a las dos subespecies de Lynchailurus colocolo. (L) aspecto
lateral; (D) dorsal; (V) ventral.

budini by Cabrera (1961), and to colocolo by pi and budini from the eastern slope. For these
Mann (1945). Osgood (1943) noted a prob- reasons, I assign this population to L. colo-
lem in identifying a specimen of this popu- colo, but as a subspecifically distinct popu-
lation at subspecies level and said that it lation. Differences include minor variation in
"perhaps will prove nearer to garleppi than the ectotympanic and paroccipital processes,
colocolo." Coat pattern of this population different coat patterns (type 2A in the north-
(type 2A; fig. 20) is similar to that of garleppi. ern form), and different habitat preferences.
However, examination of cranial character- This population is separated by nearly 2000
istics indicates that specimens from northern km from the central Chilean population. Be-
Chile are closer to the central Chilean spec- cause the population from northern Chile does
imens than to garleppi or any other known not yet bear a name, I propose the following
population of Lynchailurus (table 3). In ad- name:
dition, this population lives on the west
drainage of the Andes, as does the central Lynchailurus colocolo wolffsohni,
Chilean population, in isolation from garlep- new subspecies

HOLOTYPE: USNM 391853 (National Mu- marones, provincia Tarapaca, between 2000
seum of Natural History, Washington DC, and 4000 m, Chile" based on the information
USA), adult specimen of unknown sex (skin provided by Mann (1945: 28). He collected
and skull) collected on the rio Camarones, specimens (probably including the holotype)
provincia Tarapaca, between 2000 and 4000 of this subspecies at the type locality, and
m, Chile, donated by G. Mann in 1949. indicated that this cat lives in "los contra-
OTHER SPECIMEN: FMNH 24358 (Field fuertes andinos, cuyo territorio se establece
Museum of Natural History, Chicago), ju- ya a unos 2000 metros para elevarse hasta
venile male still replacing the milk dentition 4000 metros de altura."
(skull and skin) collected in Putre, Tacna
(Chile), at 13,500 ft, by C. C. Sanborn, on TAXONOMIC SUMMARY
the 28th of June, 1924.
DIAGNOSIS: A subspecies of Lynchailurus Geographic locations of the different sub-
colocolo, with coat pattern similar to that species mentioned below are illustrated in fig-
found in L. pajeros garleppi, characterized by ure 18.
large, reddish brown rosettes, darker in their
borders, running in oblique chains along the
flanks; spinal crest and tail rings same color Lynchailurus colocolo
as flank spots; tail ringed from the base to the (Molina, 1782)
tip (usually 8 rings); ears dorsally black with One doubtful subspecific name included in
a small gray spot; stripes on the legs (2 or 3 this species is Panthera maracaya albescens
on front legs, 3 to 5 on hind legs) and ventral Fitzinger, 1869: 232.
markings dark brown, almost black, on a
white background. Cranial characteristics are L. c. colocolo (Molina, 1782)
typical for the species L. colocolo, with a large Felis colocola Molina, 1782: 295.
ectotympanic chamber (representing 40% of Felis colorolla Bechstein, 1800: 699 (in Cabrera,
bullar volume); mastoid process well devel- 1958).
oped posteriorly; posterior edge of the palate Felis colocolo Molina, 1810: 245.
U-shaped, with no medial notch in adults; Lynchailuruspajeros huina Pocock, 1941: 261 (type
sagittal crests well developed, occupying most locality, "The range of mountains over Lake
or all of the parietal suture; presence of upper Catapilco, near Aconcagua, 900 m"; holotype
premolar. Differs from nominal subspecies
in type of coat pattern, in having smaller ec- HoLorYPE: Not designated.
totympanic, and in having less extensive TYPE LocALITY: "Province of Valparaiso,"
mastoid processes. Chile.
MEASUREMENTS: The only adult specimen RANGE: Central Chilean provinces, from
examined (holotype) is of unknown sex and Coquimbo probably to Concepcion (Wolff-
has no external measurements. It has the fol- sohn, 1908).
lowing cranial measurements: GLS 98.6, CBL
90.7, RWC 28.9, MW 45.6, IOW 18.9, POW L. c. wolffsohni, new subspecies
28.4, ZW 73.1, P4L 11.4, ML 62.5, SCL/TL HOLOTYPE: USNM 391853.
30. TYPE LocALITY: Rio Camarones, provincia
HABITAT: Highland shrub and grass steppes Tarapaca, between 2000 and 4000 m, Chile.
(pairamos, marginal areas ofpuna) on the west RANGE: Highlands of Tarapaca province
side of the Andes, between 2000 and 4000 (N Chile), western slope of Andes.
m altitude.
ETYMOLOGY: The name "wolffsohni" is a
tribute to John A. Wolffsohn, who signifi- Lynchailurus pajeros
cantly contributed to the knowledge of Chil- (Desmarest, 1816)
ean colocolos. L. p. budini Pocock, 1941
COMMENTS: The label of the type specimen
indicates "Camarones, Tarapaca, Chile." The Lynchailurus pajeros budini Pocock, 1941: 263.
type locality may be regarded as "rio Ca- HOLOTYPE: BM

TYPE LocALirT: "Mount Sola, 2500 m, in L. p. thomasi (L6nnberg, 1913)

Salta, northern Argentine." Felis pajeros thomasi LUnnberg, 1913: 7.
RANGE: Mountains of northwestern Argen-
tina, eastern side of Andes. HOLOTYPE: Unknown.
TYPE LOCALITY: "Near Quito," Ecuador.
L. p. crespoi (Cabrera, 1957) RANGE: Highland steppes of Ecuadorean
Felis (Lynchailurus) colocolo crespoi Cabrera, 1957: Andes, eastern side.
71. Lynchailurus braccatus
HoLoTYPE: MACN 36230. (Cope, 1889)
TYPE LocALITY: "Aguaray, provincia de L. b. braccatus (Cope, 1889)
Salta," Argentina.
RANGE: Only known from the type locality. Felis braccata Cope, 1889: 144.
L. p. crucinus (Thomas, 1901) HOLOTYPE: AMNH 354.
Felis pajeros crucina Thomas, 1901: 247. TYPE LocALITY: "Chapada, Matto Gros-
so," Brazil.
HOLOTYPE: BM RANGE: Southwestern Brazil (Mato Grosso
TYPE LocALiTrrY: "Santa Cruz," Argentina. and Mato Grosso do Sul), Paraguay.
RANGE: Southern half of Argentina, and L. b. munoai (Ximenez, 1961)
Chilean Patagonia.
Felis colocola munioai Ximenez, 1961: 3.
L. p. garleppi Matschie, 1912 Felis colocola munoai Ximenez, 1970: 1-4.
Lynchailuruspajerosgarleppi Matschie, 1912:259. HoiLoTYPE: MHNM 884.
HoLoTYPE: ZMB 21244. TYPE LOCALITY: "Arroyo Perdido, Depar-
TYPE LocALITY: "von Cuzco in Siidost- tamento de Soriano," Uruguay.
Peru, im Gebiet des Apurimac, der durch den RANGE: Southern Brazil (Rio Grande do
Ucayali zum oberen Amazonas abwiissert." Sul), Uruguay.
RANGE: Highland steppes of Peruvian An- Specific names applied to unidentifiable
des, eastern side. specimens: Felis lineata Swainson, 1838, and
Felis strigilata Wagner, 1841, which were ap-
L. p. pajeros (Desmarest, 1816) plied to Hamilton Smith's (in Griffith et al.,
Felis pajeros Desmarest, 1816: 114. 1827) drawing.
Felis pageros Lesson, 1827: 195. A name associated with this group that
Felis pampa Schinz, 1831: 164. should be excluded is Lynchailurus pajeros
Pajeros pampanus Gray, 1867: 269. hyperthrix Schwangart, 1941. This taxon was
Felis passerum Sclater, 1871: 700. described based on a misidentified skin of
manul (Weigel, 1961).
HOLOTYPE: Not designated.
TYPE LocALrry: "Pampas de Buenos Ayres CONSERVATION
entre los 35 y 36 grados," Argentina.
RANGE: La Pampa province, central Ar- This species group is one of the least well
gentina. known of the South American cats. They are
included in Appendix II of CITES, under the
L. p. steinbachi Pocock, 1941 common specific term Felis colocolo. The
Lynchailuruspajeros steinbachi Pocock, 1941: 264. recognition of three species in this group
means that their individual ranges are small-
HoLoTYPE: BM er than formerly perceived. An evaluation of
TYPE LocALITY: "Tiraque, Cochabamba, the status of these three species is warranted.
western Bolivia, 4000 m." Lynchailurus colocolo, as now restricted,
RANGE: Highland steppes of Bolivian An- could be the most endangered, because its
des, eastern slope. range is significantly smaller.

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APPENDIX 1 MACN 50.456 (skin), MACN 50.457 (skin),

Material Studied MACN 51.164 (skin), MACN 51.167 (skin),
MACN 17.821 (skin), MACN 36.230 (skin) ho-
Lynchailurus braccatus lotype of crespoi, MACN 34.322 (skin), MCZ
Brazil: AMNH 133977 (skull and skin), AMNH 19224 (skull and skin), MCZ 19501 (skull and
354 (skull and skin) holotype of braccata, FMNH skin), MCZ 19225 (skin), USNM 171952 (skin),
28335 (skull and skin), USNM 256127 (skull and USNM 172786 (skull), USNM 172785 (skull).
skin). Bolivia: BM (skull and skin) holotype
Paraguay: AMNH 243110 (skull and skin), of steinbachi, EBD 8366 (skin), EBD 8741 (skull),
AMNH 148573 (skin). EBD 14430 (skull).
Uruguay: AMNH 189394 (skull and skin). Ecuador: AMNH 76150 (skull and skin), BM (skull and skin) topotype of thomasi,
Lynchailurus colocolo FMNH 43291 (skull and skin).
Central Chile: BM (skull and skin), Peru: BM (skull and skin), BM
BM 1.1 1.18.1 (skull), BM (skull and skin), (skull and skin), BM (skin),
BM (skull and skin), BM 1.1 1.6.2 (skull FMNH 52488 (skull), FMNH 68318 (skull and
and skin) holotype of huina, FMNH 24418 (skull), skin), FMNH 25350 (skin), FMNH 49735 (skin),
FMNH 24370 (skull), FMNH 25145 (skin), FMNH MVZ 139613 (skull), MVZ 114942 (skull and skin),
49931 (skin), USNM 391852 (skin). MVZ 114777 (skull and skin), MVZ 114943 (skull
Northern Chile: FMNH 24358 (skull and skin), and skin).
USNM 391853 (skull and skin) holotype of wolff- South Chile: BM (skull).
Chile: BM (skull and skin), BM
1846.11.3.11 (skull), BM 1873.12.16.1 (skull and
skin), BM (skull).
Lynchailurus pajeros APPENDIX 2
Argentina: AMNH 36934 (skin), AMNH 16695 Specimens Excluded from the Study
(skull and skin), BM 42.57 (skull), BM
(skull and skin), BM (skull and skin), BM FMNH 104925, Zoo specimen, unknown locality
1899.2.22.3 (skull and skin), BM (skull MACN 4-400, Zoo specimen, unknown locality
and skin), BM (skull), BM MACN 4-45, Unknown locality
(skull and skin) holotype of crucina, BM MACN 30-8, Zoo specimen, unknown locality
(skull and skin) holotype of budini, BM MACN 25.5, Zoo specimen, unknown locality
(skin), BM 84.7 (skin), FMNH 21677 (skin), MACN 26.186, Unknown locality
FMNH 21679 (skin), MACN 16489 (skull), MACN 26.187, Unknown locality
MACN 17816 (skull), MACN 15582 (skull and MACN 50.465, Unknown locality
skin), MACN 14086 (skull and skin), MACN MACN 50.466, Unknown locality
50446 (skull and skin), MACN 30103 (skull and MACN 15, 0. geoffroy, Argentina
skin), MACN 1.23 (skin), MACN 29.765 (skin), MVZ 21936, L. rufus, Argentina (wrong locality)
MACN 25.33 (skin), MACN 34.326 (skin), MACN MVZ 116007, domestic cat, Peru
34.565 (skin), MACN 34.631 (skin), MACN MVZ 141633, domestic cat, Peru
34.632 (skin), MACN 37.39 (skin), MACN 37.40 UMMZ 125557, H. yagouaroundi, Paraguay
(skin), MACN 37.117 (skin), MACN 39.721 (skin), UMMZ 125558, H. yagouaroundi, Paraguay
MACN 41.163 (skin), MACN 49.169 (skin), USNM 540867, Zoo specimen, unknown locality

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