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Method Development and Validation of Cleaning Procedure For Fenbendazole Residual Determination in Manufacturing

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Online - 2455-3891

Vol 9, Issue 3, 2016 Print - 0974-2441

Research Article



Department of Chemistry, K.L. University, Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. 2Celltrionpharm, Inc. Seoul,
South Korea. 3Department of Chemistry, YSR Engineering College of Yogi, Vemana, University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Received: 24 February 2016, Revised and Accepted: 10 March 2016


Objectives: Cleaning validation is the methodology used to assure that a cleaning process removes residues of the active pharmaceutical ingredients
of the product manufactured in a piece of equipment. All residues are removed to predetermined levels to ensure the quality of the next product.
Today, manufactured is not compromised by waste from the previous product and the quality of future products using the equipment, to prevent cross
contamination, and as a good manufacturing practices requirement. The main aim of the study was to develop and validate a new simple, precise,
and accurate reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for fenbendazole (FBZF) residual determination in veterinary
active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturing.

Methods: The method was developed using the isocratic solvent system, HPLC grade acetonitrile, and Mill-Q water in the ratio of 60:40 (volume/
volume), and 1% hydrochloric methanol is used as diluent. Successful elution of the FBZF was achieved on Waters Symmetry C-18 column with
250 mm×4.6 mm internal diameter and 5 μm particle size.

Results: The method validation was successfully applied for routine analysis for cleaning/residual samples. The developed reverse phase liquid
chromatography method was validated with respect to specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision, and high sensitivity with detection limits and
quantification limits ranging from 0.2 ppm to 15 ppm.

Conclusion: The present developed and validated method is run successfully for FBZF residual determination of cleaning samples in veterinary active
pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturing.

Keywords: Fenbendazole, Residual determination, Reversed phase high-pressure liquid chromatography and cleaning validation.

INTRODUCTION been associated with concurrent use of anti-trematode therapeutic

agents [2]. Never use products for livestock on dogs and cats, unless
Fenbendazole (FBZF) (Fig. 1) is a veterinary anthelmintic (Wormer) they are explicitly approved for both livestock and pets [3]. Pets may not
compound belonging to the chemical class of the benzimidazoles. tolerate livestock formulations. It is obvious that veterinary products
FBZF is one of generic anthelmintics most used on livestock are not intended for and should never be used on humans [4].
worldwide. For livestock, it is available in the form of drenches, feed
activates, bouls, tablets, pills, etc., and slow release devices, all for oral METHODS
administration [1]. There is no classic injectable or pour-ones with
FBZF, excepting some drenches that can are approved for intraruminal Chemicals
injection in some countries [2]. It is used mainly on veterinary parasites Reference standard of FBZF and cleaning samples was obtained from
controlled gastrointestinal and respiratory roundworms (=nematodes) well-reputed research laboratories and characterized by the use of
and tapeworms in sheep, goats, pig poultry, dogs, and cats. It has a liquid chromatography (LC)/mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic
broad spectrum of activity against gastrointestinal round worms resonance, and infrared. All reagents used were of analytical reagent
and lung worms of livestock including adults and L4-larvae of the grade unless stated otherwise. Mill-Q water and high-performance
most important species (e.g., of the genus bunostomum, hemonchus, liquid chromatographic (HPLC) grade acetonitrile were purchased from
ostertagia teladorsagia, trichostrongylus, cooperia, nematodirus, Thermo Scientific (Qualigens) and Merck, Mumbai, India. The solutions
chabertia, oesophagostomum, trichuris, dictyocaulus, muellerius, and the mobile phase prepared were stored at room temperature.
etc.) as well as arrested larvae of several species [3]. It is also effective The LC system was equipped with quaternary gradient pumps with
against most livestock tapeworms and the major parasitic roundworms autosampler and column oven, autoinjector connected to a variable
(e.g., ancylostoma, toxocara, trichuris, uncinaria). Based on recent wavelength programable ultra violet-visible detector all were controlled
studies, this is information there is acceptance of an active ingredient by open lab software and manufactured by Agilent Technologies with
by the most influential regulatory bodies such as EMA, USFDA, and AUS model number 1200 series.
for use on livestock [4].

Despite being widely used as a dewormer in many species, toxicity
has been reported. Birds (storks, pink pelicans, vultures, pigeons, and
doves) and reptiles (vipers, turtles, and tortoises) have shown toxicity
associated with bone marrow suppression, intestinal crypt cell necrosis,
and distal villi sloughing [1]. Abortions in domestic ruminants have Fig. 1: Structure of fenbendazole
Yelamanchi et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 3, 2016, 316-323

Selection of suitable mobile phase, diluent and wavelength DISCUSSION

The mobile phase for the analysis of cleaning method validation for
residual determination of FBZF was set by injecting different ratios Optimization of the chromatographic conditions
of acetonitrile HPLC grade water, and 1% Hydrochloric methanol The nature of the sample, its molecular weight and solubility decide
the proper selection of the stationary phase. The drug FBZF being non-
(1 ml concentrated HCl in 100 mL of methanol) is used as diluent.
polar is preferably analyzed by reverse phase columns and accordingly
The selected mobile phase ratio was acetonitrile:HPLC grade water
C18 column was selected. So, the elution of the compound from the
is 60:40 (ml/ml). Similarly, for the selection of diluent, we tried the
column was influenced by polar mobile phase. The concentration of
standard into different solvents such as water, methanol, and mobile
the acetonitrile and high-pressure liquid chromatography grade water
phase 1% hydrochloric methanol. Finally, the selected diluent was 1%
was optimized to give symmetric peak with short runtime based on
hydrochloric methanol. Similarly, for the wavelength selection, we tried
asymmetric factor and peak area obtained. Different mobile phases
at different nanometers (nm) but at 254 nm it gives a higher response.
were tried but the selected mobile phase in the Waters Symmetry C-18
The selected mobile phase, diluent, and wavelength have given a sharp
column with 250 mm×4.6 mm internal diameter, and 5 μm particle size
peak with low tailing factor 1.0 (<2) [9].
has given a sharp peak with tailing factor 1.00 (<2) at retention time
Instrumentation and analytical chromatographic conditions 4.693 minutes and the chromatographic run time is 10 minutes with
The chromatographic analysis of the cleaning method validation the mobile phase acetonitrile, HPLC grade water 60:40 (ml/ml) [8]. The
for residual determination of FBZF was carried out on Agilent high- retention time of FBZF was found to be 4.693 minutes which indicates
pressure liquid chromatography Model-1200 series containing a good baseline. The % of relative standard deviation (RSD) values
quaternary pump, variable wavelength programable ultra violet- for accuracy and precision studies obtained were less than 2 (2%)
visible detector, and autoinjector with up to 1-1000 μl loop, column which revealed that developed method was accurate and precise. The
oven modules. Chromatographic analysis was performed using Waters system suitability and validation parameters are given in (Table 1).
Symmetry C-18 column with 250 mm×4.6 mm internal diameter and The high percentage of recovery of FBZF was found to be 90 (90.22%)
5 μm particle size. Sartorius electronic balance with model NumberCP- indicating that the proposed method is highly accurate. Proposed liquid
225D was used for weighing. chromatographic method was applied for analysis of cleaning method
validation for residual determination of FBZF [5-8].
Isocratic elution with, acetonitrile, high-pressure liquid chromatography
grade water 60:40 (ml/ml) was selected with a flow rate of Method validation procedure
1.0 ml/minutes and injection volume 10 μl. The detection wavelength After the completion of high-pressure liquid chromatography method
was set at 254 nm with a runtime of 10 minutes. The mobile phase development, the objective of the method validation is to demonstrate
was prepared freshly, and it was degassed by sonication for 5 minutes that the method is suitable for its intended purpose as it is stated in
before use. The column was equilibrated for at least 10 minutes with International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines. The method
the mobile phase flowing through the system. The column oven module was validated for system suitability, precision, specificity, linearity, limit
and the high-pressure liquid chromatography system were kept at 30°C of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ), and recovery [9].
temperature [5-8].
Table 1: System suitability and precision parameters
Preparation of standard solutions
Pure standards of FBZF were used as external standards in the analysis. Injection Area of FBZF Retention Tailing
Different concentrations of the standards were used based on the number 10 ppm standard time factor
range required to plot a suitable calibration curve. About 100 mg of solution
the standard FBZF was accurately weighed and transferred into 100 ml
1 5914939 4.740 1.00
volumetric flask and make up with sufficient diluent. The volumetric 2 5895555 4.730 0.96
flask containing standard solution was sonicated for 10 minutes. Take 3 5859784 4.717 1.00
1 mL of above solution into the 100 mL volumetric flask and make up 4 5839105 4.707 1.03
to the mark with diluent, and it is used as standard. Similarly, different 5 5841227 4.700 1.03
concentrations of these standards were analyzed using the same 6 5831793 4.693 1.05
chromatographic conditions, and a calibration curve was generated. Average 5863734 4.715 1.01
The sample recorded chromatogram is in (Fig. 2). Standard deviation 34010.32413 0.0 NA
% RSD 0.58% 0.38 NA
Diluent Acceptance criteria NMT 5.0% NMT 1.0% Tailing <2
Used diluent (1% methanol hydrochloric acid solution) as blank. RSD: Relative standard deviation

Fig. 2: 10 ppm standard chromatogram

Yelamanchi et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 3, 2016, 316-323

System suitability and precision parameter From the Table 4, it is clear that the area response of FBZF versus
To verify that analytical system is working properly and can give concentration in ppm of FBZF is linear in the range of interest. The
accurate and precise results, the system suitability and precision correlation coefficient and regression coefficient calculated from the
parameters are to be set. System suitability and precision tests were regular plot are >0.999. Hence, the method is linear for the residual
carried out on freshly prepared 10 ppm standard solutions of FBZF, determination of FBZF.
and it was calculated by determining the SD of FBZF standards by
injecting standards in six replicates at 10 minutes interval. The LOD and LOQ
values of %RSD prove that the method is accurate and precise, and LOD is the lowest amount of analyte in a sample that can be detected, but
acceptance criteria are not more than 5 (5.0%) for absorbance not necessarily quantitated, under the stated experimental conditions [9].
response, not more than 1 (1.0%) for retention time. The values were
recorded in (Table 1). LOQ is the lowest amount of analyte in a sample that can be quantitated
with acceptable precision, under the stated experimental conditions.
FBZF 10 ppm standard preparation
Weigh about 50.13 mg of FBZF standard into a 50 mL volumetric flask
dissolve and diluted volume with diluent. Take 1 mL of above solution Table 2: Specificity parameters
into the 100 mL volumetric flask and make up to the mark with diluent.
Peak name RT
From the Table 1, it can be concluded that the system suitability and Blank No peaks
precision parameters meet the requirements of method validation. Blank with swab stick No peaks
10 ppm standard solution 4.753
Specificity parameter RT: Retention time
Specificity is the ability of the analytical method to assess the analyte in
the presence of components that may be expects to be present such as
impurities, degradation products, and matrix components. Table 3: Linearity different levels of concentrations

Specificity tests were carried out on above prepared 10 ppm standard Concentration Stock solution Volume
solution of FBZF, and it was determining by injecting blank, blank with in ppm to be added make up to
swab stick, and specify solution (standard solution) for FBZF material 0.2 0.02 100
at 10 ppm standard solution. 0.5 0.05 100
1.0 0.10 100
From the Table 2, Fig. 3 proves that method is specific that is there is no 3.0 0.30 100
interference of blank peaks in FBZF standard solution. 5.0 0.50 100
8.00 0.80 100
Linearity 10.0 1.00 100
The linearity of an analytical method is its ability to elicit test results 13.0 1.30 100
that are directly or by a well-defined mathematical transformation, 15.0 1.50 100
proportional to the concentration of analyte in the sample within a
given range [9].
Table 4: Linearity parameters
The developed method has been validated as per ICH guidelines; the
standard solutions of FBZF in the mass concentration range of 0.2 ppm Trial number Actual concentration (ppm) Area response
to 15 ppm were injected into the chromatographic system [9]. The 1 0.2 223073
chromatograms were developed, and the peak area was determined 2 0.5 343692
for each concentration of the drug solution. Calibration curve of 3 1.0 838731
FBZF was obtained by plotting the peak area ratio versus the applied 4 3.0 1775030
concentrations of FBZF. The linear correlation coefficient was found 5 5.0 2894229
to be 1.0 (0.999). The values and calibration curve were recorded in 6 8.0 4705246
Table 4 and Fig. 4. 7 10.0 5954186
8 13.0 7505160
Preparation of FBZF stock solution and linearity solutions 9 15.0 8575858
Weighed 100.12 mg of working standard into 100 mL volumetric flask Slope 567172223.3
dissolved and diluted up to the mark with diluent. Preparation of Correlation coefficient 0.999681792
Regression coefficient 0.999363686
different levels of concentrations.

Fig. 3: Over laid chromatogram for specificity

Yelamanchi et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 3, 2016, 316-323

Limit of detection (LOD)=(3.3×Residual standard deviation)/slope [9]. Rinse recovery

The rinse recovery of the sampling method shall be established by
Limit of quantification (LOQ)=(10×Residual standard deviation)/ spiking a solution of known concentration on both stainless surface and
slope [9]. glass plate. Recovery the spiked sample from the surface by rinsing the
surface with the sampling agent [9].
Acceptance criteria
The % of RSD for area response of FBZF six replicates at LOQ level Preparation of rinsed spiking solution
should be NMT 10 (10.0%). Weighed about 100.25 mg of the test sample and transferred into
100 mL volumetric flask. Dissolved and dilute up to the mark with
Performed a regression analysis of the linearity data with concentration diluent. Mixed well. Take 10 mL of the above solution into 100 mL
versus ppm on X-axis. Calculated the residual SD of the Y data. Calculated volumetric flask. Dissolved and dilute up to the mark with diluent.
the slope of the linearity curve generated with concentration on X-axis Mixed well.
and area response on Y-axis from Tables 4 and 5, Fig. 5.
Rinse recovery study on stainless plate
Preparation of LOD solution Selected three cleaned and dried 10 cm×10 cm surface area stainless
About 0.06 mL of FBZF stock solution taken into 100 mL volumetric steel plates. Spread 10 mL of the spiking solution on dried 10 cm×10 cm
flask and diluted up to the mark with diluent. Injected in triplicate. The surface area steel plates, taking utmost care to avoid any spillage. Dry
LOD Experimental results are recorded in Table 7. the plate at room temperature. Using 100 mL of accurately measured
diluent recover the test sample from 10 cm×10 cm surface area stainless
Preparation of LOQ solution steel plate, by gentle swirling. Filter and inject into high-pressure liquid
About 0.2 m of FBZF stock solution taken into 100 ml volumetric flask chromatography. Performed the exercise in triplicate.
and diluted up to the mark with diluent. Injected in six replicates. The
LOQ experimental results are recorded in Table 8. Rinse recovery study on glass plate
Select three cleaned and dried 10 cm×10 cm surface area glass plate.
LOQ solution precision Spread 10 mL of the spiking solution on dried 10 cm×10 cm surface
From the Table 8 precision results, it can be concluded that the cleaning
method validation is precise at LOQ at concentration 2.0 ppm and LOD
at concentration 0.6 ppm level. Table 5: Residual output for linearity parameters

Recovery study (or) accuracy Residual output

To study of the reliability, suitability, and accuracy of the method Observation Predicted Y Residuals
recovery experiments were carried out for cleaning method validation
1 116044.4992 107028.5008
for residual determination of FBZF are broadly classified into two
2 290111.248 53580.75204
stages [9]: 3 580222.4959 258508.5041
1. Rinse method 4 1740667.488 34362.51226
2. Swab method. 5 2901112.48 −6883.479563
6 4641779.967 63466.0327
7 5802224.959 151961.0409
8 7542892.447 −37732.44686
9 8703337.439 −127479.4387

Table 6: Limit of detection and Limit of quantification

Theoretical Results

Theoretical LOD in mg/mL 0.6 ppm
Theoretical LOQ in mg/mL 2.0 ppm
LOD: Limit of detection, LOQ: Limit of quantification

Table 7: Limit of detection experimental results

Fig. 4: Calibration curve for linearity
Trial Area response
1 387254
2 385337
3 385759

Table 8: Limit of quantification experimental results

Injection number Area response

1 1190378
2 1187660
3 1190200
4 1185441
5 1184204
6 1183182
% RSD 0.26
Acceptance criteria NMT 10.0%
Fig. 5: Residual plot for linearity parameters RSD: Relative standard deviation

Yelamanchi et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 3, 2016, 316-323

area glass plate, taking utmost care to avoid any spillage. Dry the Using 100 mL of accurately measured diluent recover the test sample
plate at room temperature. Using 100 mL of accurately measured from 10 cm×10 cm surface area glass plate, by gentle swirling. Filtered
diluent recover the test sample from 10 cm×10 cm surface area glass and inject into high-pressure liquid chromatography. Performed the
plate, by gentle swirling. Filtered and inject into high-pressure liquid exercise in triplicate. Finally recorded the area of the test sample
chromatography. Performed the exercise in triplicate. Finally recorded in swab recovery on stainless plate and glass plate in Table 10 than
the area of the test sample in the rinse recovery on stainless plate and calculate the % rinse recovery, % swab recovery below formula.
glass plate in Table 9.
From the Table 10 results, it can be concluded that % of rinse and %
Swab recovery of swab recovery on SS plate and the glass plate is consistently above
The swab recovery of the sampling method shall be established by 80.0 (80.0%). The values obtained above are in good agreement in
spiking a solution of known concentration on stainless steel surface. terms reliability, suitability, and accuracy of the proposed method.
Recover the spiked sample from the surface by swabbing the surface
using swab stick with the sampling agent [9]. Solution stability and mobile phase stability
To determine the stability of sample solution, the mobile phase 10 ppm
Preparation of swab spiking solution standard and cleaning sample solutions of FBZF were prepared and
Weighed about 100.67 mg of test sample taken into 100 mL volumetric analyzed immediately after preparation and after different time
flask dissolved and diluted with diluent. Further, 10 mL of this solution intervals up to 24 hrs, while maintaining the sample cooler temperature
diluted to 100 mL with diluent. Take 10 mL of the above solution into at about 30 (30°C). The results from these studies indicated the
100 mL volumetric flask. Dissolved and dilute up to the mark with standard and sample solution was stable at room temperature for at
diluent. Mixed well. least 24 hrs. The sampled chromatograms are recorded as below in
Figs. 6-11 [9].
Swab recovery study on stainless plate
Select three cleaned and dried 10 cm×10cm surface area glass plates. Record of analysis for FBZF cleaning samples
Spread 10 mL of the spiking solution on dried 10 cm×10 cm surface Triplicate FBZF cleaning samples are run successfully using this
glass plates, taking utmost care to avoid any spillage. Dry the plate at method, and the experimental results and chromatograms are recorded
room temperature. in Figs. 12-16 [9].

Fig. 6: Blank solution immediately prepared

Fig. 7: Standard solution immediately prepared

Fig. 8: Sample solution immediately prepared

Yelamanchi et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 3, 2016, 316-323

Fig. 9: Blank after 24 hrs injected chromatogram

Fig. 10: Standard after 24 hrs

Fig. 11: Sample After 24hours

Fig. 12: Blank

Table 9: % Rinse recovery results Table 10: % Swab recovery results

% Rinse recovery % Swab recovery

Serial Type % Recovery Mean % SD % RSD Serial Type % Recovery Mean % SD % RSD
number recovery number recovery
1 SS plate 86.90 86.89 0.03 0.04 1 SS plate 90.52 90.22 0.26 0.29
2 86.92 2 90.09
3 86.86 3 90.04
4 Glass plate 87.20 87.00 0.20 0.22 4 Glass plate 89.69 89.79 0.09 0.10
5 86.81 5 89.85
6 86.98 6 89.84
RSD: Relative standard deviation, SD: Standard deviation RSD: Relative standard deviation, SD: Standard deviation

Yelamanchi et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 3, 2016, 316-323

Fig. 13: 10 ppm standard chromatogram

Table 11: Summary and evaluation of results

Validation parameter Acceptance criteria Results

System suitability The % of RSD for the area response of FBZF System suitability parameter meets the criteria
peak obtained from six replicate injections % of RSD=0.58%
of system suitability should be NMT 5.0%
Specificity The peaks of blank should not interfere The peaks of blank do not interfere with FBZF peak
with FBZF peak Individual solutions

Peak name Retention time (in minutes)

Blank No peak
Blank with swab stick No peak
System suitability solution 4.753
Linearity The correlation coefficient and The method is linear
the regression coefficient between Correlation coefficient=0.99968
concentration and area response of Regression coefficient=0.99936
FBZF should be NLT 0.995
LOD/LOQ The RSD for area response of FBZF from The RSD for area response of FBZF from six replicates at LOQ
six replicates at LOQ level should be level=0.26%
NMT 10.0%
LOQ in mg/mL 0.0020 mg/mL (2.0 ppm)
LOD in mg/mL 0.0006 mg/mL (0.6 ppm)
Recovery study Report the % rinse recovery if the % % Rinse recovery
rinse recovery is less than 80.0% then
incorporate the recovery factor to the Type % Recovery Mean % recovery SD % RSD
analytical method SS plates 86.90 86.89 0.03 0.04
Glass plates 87.20 87.00 0.20 0.22
Recovery study Report the % swab recovery if the % swab % Swab recovery
recovery is less than 80.0% then incorporate
the recovery factor to the analytical method Type % Recovery Mean % recovery SD % RSD
SS plates 90.52 90.22 0.26 0.29
Glass plates 89.69 89.79 0.09 0.10

RSD: Relative standard deviation, SD: Standard deviation, LOD: Limit of detection, LOQ: Limit of quantification, FBZF: Fenbendazole

From the above chromatograms or figures observes that there is the high purity of the drug, i.e., All residues are removed to predetermined
absence of FBZF content in triplicate bulk cleaning samples. Hence, levels to ensure the quality of the next product and also to prevent cross
proved this method is applicable for FBZF bulk cleaning samples. contamination and as a good manufacturing practices requirement.
Based on the above-observed results, the developed cleaning method
RESULTS validation for FBZF method is valid and run successfully the summary
and evaluation of results are in below Table 11.
As there is a growing demand of FBZF in veterinary active pharmaceutical
ingredient market, it is required to develop fast, cost effective, stable, CONCLUSION
precise, and sensitive analytical cleaning method. The primary target in
developing and validate this cleaning RP-HPLC method is to achieve the A validated reversed phase high-pressure liquid chromatography
optimum resolution between products with other products to supply cleaning method has been developed for cleaning method validation for

Yelamanchi et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 3, 2016, 316-323

Fig. 14: 1st sample chromatogram

Fig. 15: 2nd sample chromatogram

Fig. 16: 3rd sample chromatogram

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