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Evaluation of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria Isolated From Rhizospheric Soil of Parthenium Plant

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Journal of Biotechnology

and Crop Science

4(5): 74-80, 2015

Isolation of Trichoderma spp. and determination of their antagonistic, biochemical

and plant growth promotion activity
Vishal Tripathi, R. Singh, BK Sharma, HB Singh
Received: 04 September 2015 Revised Accepted: 11 October 2015


Trichoderma spp. has been reported to be effective in controlling plant diseases, and the action of fungal hydrolytic
enzymes has been considered as one of the mechanism involved in the antagonistic process. In this study a total of 27
Trichoderma isolates were isolated from the rhizospheric soil samples of different plants collected from Mirzapur district
of Uttar Pradesh. The biocontrol activities of these isolates were studied by dual culture method against the phyto-
pathogens Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii. Trichoderma isolate BM-4(ii) showed maximum inhibition (88.00%)
of Sclerotium rolfsii, whereas Trichoderma isolate BG-3(ii) showed the maximum inhibition (88.88%) of Rhizoctonia
solani. This effect might be attributed to the different mechanism of actions opted by different Trichoderma species.
Further all the 27 isolates were screened for the production of secondary metabolites. Out of the 27 isolates, all the
isolates produced cellulase, lipase, and amylase, 11 of them produced protease, 18 produced chitinase, and 17 produced
pectinase and phosphatase both. Selected isolates of Trichoderma were examined for plant growth promotion on Moong,
as a marked increase in the root length and shoot length was observed in comparison to control which was not treated with
Trichoderma. SDS PAGE analysis of the seedlings treated with Trichoderma showed that there was an increase in the
total protein content of the seedlings in comparison to the untreated control seedlings.

Key Words: Plant growth promotion, Secondary metabolite, SDS PAGE


The management of plant diseases is an imperative antagonistic microorganism is a promising

need in the 21st century to meet the increasing alternative to the use of chemicals. Trichoderma is an
demand for a continuous and healthy food (devoid of asexually reproducing fungi which is a ubiquitous in
residues of chemical pesticides) supply for an ever nature. Many strains of Trichoderma spp. are strong
increasing human population. As the human society opportunistic invader, faster metabolic rates, produce
is becoming aware of the hazards of the chemical anti-microbial metabolites, and physiological
pesticides and chemical fertilizers, there is growing conformation are key factors which chiefly
demand to mitigate the amount of chemicals being contribute to antagonism of these fungi. By virtue of
released into the environment or to stop its use their ability to decompose organic matter, they are
altogether. Biocontrol of plant pathogens through free-living in soil as saprophytes. However, these
species also have the capability to live on other
Vishal Tripathi ( )
Environment and Sustainable Development, BHU, Varanasi-
fungi, and the ability to colonize plant roots and
221005 rhizosphere. Mycoparasitism, spatial and nutrient
Email: competition, antibiosis by enzymes and secondary
Rajesh Singh metabolites, and induction of plant defense system
Department of GPB, IAS, BHU, Varanasi-221005
are typical biocontrol actions of these fungi.
BK Sharma, HB Singh
Mycology and Plant Pathology, BHU, Varanasi-221005
J of Biotech & Crop Sci (2015) 4(5): 74-80

METHODS AND MATERIALS days old culture of Trichoderma for S. rolfsii at equal
distance from the periphery of the plate. Inoculated
The healthy plants were uprooted from the plates were incubated at 251oC in BOD indicator.
experimental fields of the Rajeev Gandhi South The radial Colony interaction between the soil fungi,
Campus (RGSC) and the adhered soil of the bacteria and the individual species of test pathogen
rhizospheric zone was scraped and collected in small can be studied by adopting Dual Culture Experiment.
poly bags. Growth of the pathogen and Trichoderma was
measured at an interval of 24 hrs up to 7 days after
Isolation of Trichoderma from the Rhizospheric incubation. Controls without Trichoderma were
soil: One gram of soil sample was weighed and maintained and each treatment was replicated twice.
mixed in test tube containing 10 ml sterilized Observations were recorded up to 7 days of
distilled water. This was 10-1 dilution. Mixed inoculation on area covered by Trichoderma strains
properly after sedimentation, took one ml concentrate and the pathogen. Inhibition of mycelial growth of
and mixed well in test tube of 9ml sterilized distilled pathogen by each strain was recorded and the
water. percentage growth inhibition was calculated as per
formula by, (Dennis and Webster 1971) given below:
This was 10-2 dilution. One ml of water was taken
from the 10-2 dilution and transferred in another test % growth inhibition = r r/r 100
tube containing 9 ml of sterilized distilled water. This Where, r = Colony growth in control plate.
was 10-3 dilution. This process was repeated up to 10- r = Colony growth in intersecting plate.
dilutions 250 ml concentrate from 10-5 and 10-6
dilutions was taken and poured in Trichoderma Biochemical analysis of isolated Trichoderma spp.:
Selective Media (TSM) plates respectively. The isolated Trichoderma strains were tested for the
production of various biochemicals. For phosphate
The concentrates were spread on the medium with test, firstly NBRI-BPB media was prepared and
the help of spreader. Inoculated plates were kept in poured into the petriplates after autoclaving in test
incubator for 2-3 days at 282C. After incubation tubes with 25ml media each. Trichoderma from fresh
when colonies of Trichoderma were seen on plates, plates were inoculated with 5 mm diameter mycelial
then picked and mycelium was inoculated on PDA disc. The plates incubated at 281oC for 2-3 days.
poured plate for obtaining pure culture. These strains After incubation, a clear zone was checked around
were preserved on slant of PDA for further use. bacteria and fungi inoculated. If zone present, it
designated that isolate is positive for phosphate
Screening of different Trichodrma isolates against solubilization (Mehta and Nautiyal 2003). For
the pathogens Rhizoctonia solani, and Sclerotium amylase test, firstly amylase media was prepared and
rolfsii: Colony interaction between the soil fungi, poured into the petriplates after autoclaving in test
bacteria and the individual species of test pathogen tubes with 25ml media each. Trichoderma from fresh
can be studied by adopting Dual Culture Experiment. plates were inoculated with 5 mm diameter mycelial
(Upadhyay and Mukhopadhyay 1986). Trichoderma disc. The plates incubated at 281oC for 3-5 days.
isolated from soil sample were evaluated against After incubation, the plates were flooded with an
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Sclerotium rolfsii and iodine solution and a yellow zone around colony was
Rhizoctonia solani in the laboratory by dual culture noticed. If the yellow zone was present; the isolates
technique to screen out the most efficacious one. were designated as positive for amylase activity
Petri dishes (90 mm) containing PDA media were (Society for American Baceriologists, 1951). For
inoculated with 5 mm diameter mycelial disc of 7 lipase test, firstly lipase media was prepared and
J of Biotech & Crop Sci (2015) 4(5): 74-80

poured into the petriplates after autoclaving in test the chitin was suspended in water and was sterilized
tubes with 25ml media each. Trichoderma from fresh by autoclaving. The solid content of sterile solution
plates were inoculated with 5 mm diameter mycelial was determined by moisture analysis and the amount
disc. The plates incubated at 281oC for 3-5 days. needed to give 2.4% in the basal medium was
After incubation, white crystals were observed calculated. In practice, plate were prepared with an
around the colony. Such isolates designated as lipase under layer of 1.5% agar and 3ml over layer of test
positive (Sierra 1957). medium. After 5-8 days of incubation clear zone
were observed in the opaque agar around colonies
For pectinase test, firstly pectinase media was able to degrade chitin.
prepared and poured into the petriplates after
autoclaving in test tubes with 25ml media each. To analyze the plant growth promotion activity of
Trichoderma from fresh plates were inoculated with selected Trichoderma isolates: Five best strains of
5 mm diameter mycelial disc. The plates incubated at Trichoderma were selected on the basis of their
281oC for 3-5 days. After incubation, the plates biochemical analysis and antagonism activity and
were flooded with 1% aqueous solution of hexadecyl were analyzed for plant growth promotion activity.
trimethyl ammonium bromide. Transparent circle The Moong seeds were soaked in water for
around mycelium/inoculum seen was positive overnight. These seeds were surface sterilized with
indication of pectinase (Hankin et al 1971). Test tube NaOCl for 30 sec, then three times washed with
containing 5ml of nutrient broth were incubated with autoclaved distilled water. Sterilized seeds were
bacterial strains and incubated at 300C in rotatery soaked in 2% CMC for 10 minute after that seeds
shaker operated at 180 rpm for 24 hrs 10l of were transfered on sterilized Whatmann filter paper
suspension were spotted on the cellulolytic media for 1 hour. Spore suspensions of selected
plate containing substrate of enzyme to be tested and Trichoderma strains were prepared. Moong seeds
incubated at 300C in BOD incubator for 48 hrs. were treated with these spore suspensions. Moist
chamber were prepared by placing two sterilized
For visualization of -D glucan hydrolysis the filter paper inside the petriplates and then the filter
medium plates were flooded with an aqueous paper were sprinkled with sterilized distilled water.
solution of congored (1mg/ml) for 15 minute Trichoderma treated moong seeds were placed inside
followed by NaCl (5.8%). These plates were the moisture chamber. These moisture chambers
observed for clear zone around colonies exhibiting were incubated for seven days at 28 2 C. The
the corboxy methyl cellulose activity. Chitinase moisture content was maintained by sprinkling water
activity was determined with a medium composed 0f on the filer paper. The plant growth promotion
500ml of mineral solution, 500ml of distilled activity was analyzed after seven days by measuring
water.0.002% of yeast extract, 15g of agar and 2.4% the root and shoot growth with respect to the control
of purified chitin. plant which were not treated with Trichoderma.

The chitin was prepared by treatment of chitin (Poly- To analyze the total Protein content of Trichoderma
N-acetylglucosamine from crab shells, sigma) as treated Moong (Phaseolus aureus) seedlings
described by Campbell and Williams (1951). The through SDS (PAGE): Material and reagents:
chitin was dissolved in 50% sulfuric acid and the Mortar and pestle (autoclaved), ice, ice bucket
solution was quickly poured into15 volumes of centrifuge tubes, 100ml extraction buffer (0.2M Tris.
distilled water. The precipitated chitin was collected Cl pH=8.0). Seedlings were taken from germinating
by centrifugation. The washing and centrifugation seed treated with Trichoderma. 1g of seedling was
was continued until the acid was removed. Finally weighed. The seedling was transferred into the
J of Biotech & Crop Sci (2015) 4(5): 74-80

mortar and 5ml of 0.2M Tris Cl (pH 8) was added. gel solution prepared was poured between the glass
The mortar pestle was kept in ice bucket and seedling plates. It was overlaid with water and was allowed
was crushed with the help of pestle, till fine slurry to polymerize for 30-40 min at 37C. The overlaid
was made. The slurry was transferred in centrifuge solution was removed. The gel was washed 2-3 times
tubes and centrifuged at 10,000rpm at 40C for 10 with DW.
min. The supernatant was transferred in fresh tubes
and again centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 10 min. The Now 5% stacking gel was poured. The comb was
final inserted and the gel was left to polymerize. The
comb was removed, the wells were cleaned with a
Table 1 Name of Trichoderma isolates obtained syringe and the gel plates were assembled in the
from different rhizospheric soil samples. electrophoresis chamber, filled with the
Name of Isolate Soil Sample electrophoresis buffer. Approximately 50 g of
BM-1(i) Mustard protein sample was taken with 2X sample buffer in
BM-1(ii) Mustard 1:1 ratio. This was boiled in boiling water bath for 5
BJ-2(i) Barley
min. The samples were loaded with the help of
BJ-2(ii) Barley
BJ-2(iii) Barley micropipette. The gel was runned at 2-3 Ma/lane at
BJ-2(iv) Barley constant voltage of 80 Volts till the sample was in
BJ-2(v) Barley stacking gel and after that the voltage was raised to
BG-3(i) Chickpea 100 Volts. The gel was allowed to run till the dye
BG-3(ii) Chickpea
BG-3(iii) Chickpea
reached to 0.5 cm from the lower edge of the gel.
BM-4(i) Maize
BM-4(ii) Maize After the completion of electrophoresis gel, it was
BM-4(iii) Maize taken out in a tray containing the fixing solution. The
BM-5(i) Mustard
gel was left in it for 30 min. The gel was left for
BM-5(ii) Mustard
BG-6(i) Garlic overnight in staining solution. Next day the gel was
BG-7(i) Chickpea taken out and kept it distaining solution. The gel was
BC-9(i) Croton distained till the bands became clear. After distaining
BC-9(ii) Croton of gel, image was taken by gel documentation.
BC-9(iii) Croton
BP-10-(i) Parthenium histroforus
BO-11(i) Oat RESULTS
BU-12(i) Solanum nigrum
BG-13(i) Chick Pea A total of 27 isolates of Trichoderma were isolated
BG-13(ii) Chick Pea from different soil samples on the basis of different
JC-18(i) Chilli
JC-18(ii) Chilli
parameters of colony characteristics like colony
shape, size, surface, margin and colour.
supernatant obtained was stored at 40C for further
Result of antagonistic test: Antagonistic potential of
use. 12% separating gel and 5% stacking gel were
Trichoderma against different pathogens was studied
prepared. APS and TEMED were added just before
by dual culture method. Against the pathogen
pouring of the gel solution, as TEMED initiates the
Rhizoctonia solani It was found that Trichoderma
cross-linking of the gel solution. Glass plates were
strain BG-3(ii) showed the maximum percentage
carefully cleaned with warm soapy water again
inhibition with percentage inhibition of 88.88%, and
thoroughly rinsed with DW and dried and wiped with
BG-3(iii) showed the minimum percentage inhibition
alcohol. The gel plates were assembled with the
with inhibition percentage of 66.66%, only 9
spacers and the clamp. Now poured the separating
J of Biotech & Crop Sci (2015) 4(5): 74-80

sclerotia were produced with JC-18(i), however, around colonies. Among the 27 isolates of
maximum number of sclerotia were observed to be Trichoderma maximum activity protease production
produced with JC-18(ii). was observed in BC-9(ii) isolate, followed by JC-
18(ii), minimum activity was observed in 14 isolates
It was found that Trichoderma strain BM-4(ii) and average activity was observed in another 5
showed the maximum percentage inhibition with isolates.
percentage inhibition of 88.00%, and BG-3(iii)
showed the minimum percentage inhibition with Five isolates did not show any result, however good
inhibition percentage of 55.55%, minimum numbers amount of protease production was observed in the
of sclerotia were produced with JC-18(ii), however, rest of the isolates. After 3-5 days of incubation
maximum number of sclerotia were observed to be when the plates were flooded with iodine solution a
produced with BC-1. yellow zone around the colonies was found which
gave the positive indication of amylase production.
Result of Biochemical tests: One percent aqueous
solution of Hexa decyltrimethyl ammonium bromide Among the 27 isolates of Trichoderma maximum
precipitated the intact pectin in the medium. Thus activity of amylase production was observed in JC-
clear zones around colony or opaque medium 18(ii), isolate, followed by BC-9(i),minimum activity
indicate degradation of pectin. Among the 27 isolates was observed in BG-3(i) and average activity was
of Trichoderma maximum activity was observed in observed in another 3 isolates, however good amount
BJ-2(v) isolate, followed by BC-9(ii) and average of amylase production was observed in the rest of the
activity was observed in 7 isolates. Five isolates did isolates. The formation of crystals of the calcium
not show any amount, however good amount of salts around the colonies was observed which gave
pectinase production was observed in the rest of the positive indication of lipase activity. Among the 27
isolates. isolates of Trichoderma, lipase production activity
was observed in all the isolates in which maximum
The blue colour of medium became transparent after activity was observed in BM-4(i) isolate followed by
dissolution of phosphate by enzyme phosphatase BO-11(i), minimum activity was observed in BU-
secreted by Trichoderma. Thus media became 12(i) ,2 isolates shown average amount and fair
transparent around the colony otherwise blue due to amount of lipase production was observed in rest of
lack of enzyme. Among the 27 isolates of the isolates. Clear zones around colony or opaque
Trichoderma maximum activity of phosphatase medium, when the plates were flooded with
production was observed in BM-4(iii) isolate, congored, indicated the production of cellulose.
followed by JC-18(ii), minimum activity was
observed in 6 isolates and average activity was Among the 27 isolates of Trichoderma, cellulase
observed in another 8 isolates. production activity was observed in all the isolates
in which maximum activity was observed in BO-
Four isolates did not show any result, however good 4(iii) isolate followed by BJ-2(i), minimum activity
amount of phosphatase production was observed in was observed in JC-18(i), 4 isolates showed average
the rest of the isolates. After incubation complete result and good amount of cellulase production was
degradation of the gelatin was observed as a clearing observed in rest of the isolates. After 3-5 days of
in the opaque agar around colonies. When the plate incubation clear zones were seen in the opaque agar
was flooded with an aqueous saturated solution of around the colonies able to degrade chitin. Among
ammonium sulfate, a precipitate formed which made the 27 isolates of Trichoderma maximum activity of
the agar more opaque and enhanced the clear zone chitinase production was observed in BM-4(iii)
J of Biotech & Crop Sci (2015) 4(5): 74-80

isolate, followed by BO-11(i), minimum activity was CONCLUSION

observed in 6 isolates and average activity was
observed in another 4 isolates. Four isolates did not The success of bio-control agents is dependent upon
show any result, however good amount of chitinase the complex interactions that these beneficial
production was observed in the rest of the isolates microbes establish with pathogens and plants in the
soil ecosystem. A better understanding of these
Result of plant growth promotion: Seeds of Moong processes and of the molecular cross-talk occurring
(Phaseolus aureus) were treated with the seven days among the participants will not only result in the
old spores of Trichoderma. The root length and shoot application of safer and less expensive methods to
length of the seedlings were measured after six days protect plants and increase crop yield, but also will
of incubation to analyze the plant growth promotion extend our knowledge of how a disease process
activity of different Trichoderma isolates. Among the develops. Recent advances in modern techniques
6 isolates of Trichoderma, maximum plant growth such as proteomics and metabolomics could provide
promotion activity was reported in the seedling of novel information about the complex tripartite
that seed which was treated with the isolate BO- interactions, in particular about the ability of
11(i). Trichoderma to sense the environment, the plant and
the microbial community. However it is clear that
Table 2 Plant growth promotion test. different approaches, i.e. genetic, molecular,
Isolates Root length in cm Shoot length in cm biochemical and ecological, should be integrated to
BJ-2(v) 2.3 1.1 conduct future studies in biocontrol research and
BC-9(ii) 3.5 2.0
BM-4(iii) 3.1 1.1 development of new technologies.
JC-18(ii) 5.5 2.2
BO-11(i) 6.3 2.4 In particular, a modern and more effective use of
Control 1.3 1.0
beneficial microbes such as Trichoderma should take
into account an actual understanding of the biology
Result of Protein Profiling
and the interaction capabilities of these agents,
1 2 3 4 5
starting with the implementation of new strain
selection protocols that consider the multiple
beneficial effects exerted on the colonized plant.
Genetic manipulation offers novel opportunity to
achieve improved biocontrol efficacy.


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Lane1 and 2=BSA, Lane3=BO-11(i) isolate, chitin decomposing microorganisms of
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Dennis C, Webster J (1971) Antagonistic Prpoperties
Increase in total protein content was observed in the of species groups of Trichoderma.
plant treated with isolate BO-11(i). Production of volatile antibiotics.
Transactions of the British Mycological
Society 57: 41-48.
Hankin L, Zucker M, Sands DC (1971) Improved
solid medium for the detection and
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enumeration of pectolytic. bacteria App Society for American Bacteriologists (1951) Manual
Microbiol 22: 205 - 209.2. of methods for pure culture of bacteria.
Mehta S, Nautiyal CS (2003) An Efficient Method McGraw Hill, New York NY Loose leaf
for Qualitative Screening of Phosphate np.
solubilising Bacteria. Current Microbiology Upadhyay JP, Mukhopadhyay AN (1986) Biological
45: 51 56. control of Sclerotium rolfsii by Trichoderma
Sierra G (1957) A simple method for detection of harzianum in sugar beet. Trop Pest Manage
lipolytic activity of microorgaqnisms and 32: 215-220.
some observation on the influence of the
contact between cells and fatty acid
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