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J. Zuo, L. Daniel, V. Soebarto (eds.

), Fifty years later: Revisiting the role of architectural science in design and practice:
50th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2016, pp. 299308. 2016, The Architectural
Science Association and The University of Adelaide.

Mobile gaming for agonistic design

Alexander Holland1 and Stanislav Roudavski2

The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

Abstract: This paper demonstrates how mobile games can contribute to participatory design and its aim
of achieving positive change through the involvement of stakeholders. This overarching goal is considered
via a particular case-study that utilizes a purpose-built smartphone game. The case-study applies this
game to the design challenges of urban cycling. Utilisation of the game in a stakeholder workshop suggests
that mobile play can aid understanding and help to establish communication amongst diverse
participants. For further information and media, see

Keywords: mobile games; urban cycling; participatory design; infrastructuring; urban design.

1. Participatory design toolkits

What are we looking at? Are we there? Were in it? On that bike? Participant A, first
reaction to PocketPedal.
This paper engages with agonistic characteristics of participatory design or constructive controversies
among adversaries who have opposing matters of concern but also accept other views as legitimate.
(Bjrgvinsson et al., 2010, p. 48) In the presence of such controversies, design can be understood as a
negotiation of social change between individuals, social contexts and design artefacts (Latour, 2005).
Consequently, an important objective of participatory design is to promote the negotiation of social
change for the production of critical alternatives rather than objects or products (Gerrard and Sosa, 2014).
Construction of conditions needed for such negotiations has been described as infrastructuring, or the
aligning of inscribed norms and values across contexts through socio-material negotiations. (Star and
Bowker, 2006[2002]; Karasti et al., 2010) This search for alignment is motivated by the recognition that
physical construction will not be supported without a cultivation of fertile social infrastructure (Clement
et al., 2012; Karasti, 2014). This type of infrastructure sustains and enables dreams of the new. It consists
of knowledge, know-how and institutions, existing as dynamic fabrics of relationships a kind of ecology.
Successful establishment of such infrastructure depends on the construction of a common language
(Neumann and Star, 1996). The toolkit discussed in this paper aims to assist with this shared languaging.
300 A. Holland and S. Roudavski

This commonality does not necessarily resolve as a consensus, or even compromise. Instead, the non-
existence of a single homogeneous public and the resulting agonism can be seen as a norm. Consequently,
in conditions of agonistic democracy (Mouffe, 2005), the goal is not consensus, but the discovery and
cultivation of commonalities. Such commonalities can manifest as boundary objects (Star and
Griesemer, 1989) that can inhabit different communities of practice. These objects can be used and
understood differently by different groups but retain their identity across sites. Stakeholders can
colonize such objects for the collective creation of values. Work discussed below seeks to activate
such boundary objects through the introduction of mobile-game worlds as shared design things (Ehn,

Figure 1. In game images. I: an open door blocks the players path.

II and III: difficult intersections in order to make room for left hand vehicles, the player must move
across lanes of traffic. IV: the player has successfully navigated the level.
[A]ll people are creative and can contribute to design if provided an appropriate setting and tools
(Vaajakallio and Mattelmki, 2014). Design games can act as such tools, and help stakeholders explore
the world and its future states (Lerner, 2010; Sanders and Stappers, 2014) making solutions more
probable (Brandt, 2006; Vaajakallio and Mattelmki, 2014) in the processes identified above as
Computer games can further extend the capabilities of design games (von Borries et al., 2007; Lerner,
2014), and are effectives as tools for social inclusion (European Commission's Joint Research Centre et al.,
2013). Yet, their detailed environments can be less open to individual interpretation than board or parlour
design games (Brandt and Messeter, 2004). Furthermore, stationary videogame systems can exclude non-
gamers, requiring dedicated spaces and knowledge of unfamiliar conventions and demanding controllers.
At the moment of writing, the accessibility of games is being redefined by portable devices such as
smartphones. Games running on such devices can be played in diverse locations and social situations by
much broader publics. Such mobile games have been used in the context of design for example, for
exploration (Ehn et al., 2014), the education of planners (Valdez Young, 2013), or to demonstrate the
interrelationship between games and cities (de Souza e Silva and Hjorth, 2009). However, a review of
Mobile gaming for agonistic design 301

current literature indicates that purposeful application of games for infrastructuring, and more specifically
to the construction of common languages in the context of intractable design problems, has not been
previously attempted. Development of possibilities promised by this approach is the focus of this paper.

2. Urban cycling as an agonistic test-case

Its kind of continual, isnt it? Its just continual drip drip annoyance. Its not one particular
thing, its all the time. Participant B, attempting to articulate the problems of St Kilda Road.
As its case-study, this paper considers St Kilda Road, a busy commuter corridor with inadequate cycling
provisions in Melbourne, Australia. The challenges of tackling urban cycling are appropriate as a case-
study because of their similarity to other design problems involving multiple and diverse stakeholders. To
date, conventional design approaches have been ineffective in improving the roads cycling conditions.
Research discussed in this paper seeks to consider viable extensions to the established design methods.
According to a recent report, on an average day, St Kilda Road is used by 41,000 vehicles, 200,000
tramway passengers and 3,000 cyclists (GHD, 2014). Such traffic exceeds governmental recommendations
for when bicycles and cars should be physically separated (Austroads, 2011). In contradiction to these
guidelines, cycling provisions along the route consist of lanes painted onto the road. These lanes are
narrow, discontinuous at intersections, and, in some places, cross multiple streams of motor traffic. Such
road conditions lead to physical collisions and social hostilities. This is recognised by cycling support
groups (Bicycle Network Victoria, 2000) and governmental organisations (Austroads, 2011) alike, yet
proposals to isolate cyclists from vehicles have not been implemented. The rest of this section describes
typical design challenges of this situation and establishes directions for subsequent exploration.

2.1 Understanding complexity

The first of these directions emphasises the highly complex nature of typical design challenges that cannot
be easily represented by numerical data. In the period of 20102015, VicRoads, the governmental road
authority, recorded 122 crashes involving cyclists along St Kilda Road, one of the highest collision rates in
the state (VicRoads, 2016). These included the following common events: 1) DCA 163 vehicle door event
occurring when a driver or passenger in a parked car opens a door in the path of a passing cyclist. A study
commissioned by the Road Safety Action Group found that all cyclists observed along St Kilda Road ride
within car door swings (CDM Research, 2015); and 2) DCA 167 Left turn side swipe, an event occurring
when a vehicle veers into a cyclist when attempting to turn off/on St Kilda Road, mostly at intersections.
The primary cause of such incidents are motorists unware that a cyclist is riding between them and the
kerbs (Johnson et al., 2010).
While useful, such statistics cannot portray near misses, the context of accidents or stakeholder
behaviours, and can distort the character of events through rigid categorisation. For example, an incident
involving a cyclist coming off a bike as the result of needing to avoid a suddenly opened car door might
be classified as the generic DCA 174 Out of Control on a Carriageway, rather than as a dooring incident.
In other cases, efforts to reduce kerbside side-swipe collisions by implementing left-hand turning lanes at
intersections force cyclists to merge with streams of centre-lane traffic. The complex chains of events
surrounding the resulting events can be lost during data collection and classification.
Moreover, it has been estimated that only 1 in 30 non-fatal cyclist crashes in Victoria are reported to
the police (Harman, 2007). Crashes are usually recorded by police when assessing property damage after
the event. Therefore, it can be difficult to report crashes that did not affect the vehicle, but have caused
302 A. Holland and S. Roudavski

significant injury to a cyclist (Monash University Accident Research Centre et al., 2012; Amy Gillett
Foundation et al., 2015). This paper suggests that these observations highlight the need for analysis and
design tools that can better engage with urban cycling as a complex situation and a holistic experience.

2.2 Engaging with diversity

The second direction explored in this paper acknowledges that complex design challenges can be
experienced differently by different stakeholders. For example, the Amy Gillett Foundations report
(2015) demonstrates that current reporting mechanisms do not recognise the varied travel experiences
of drivers and cyclists. On the road, cyclists are more vulnerable than drivers (Monash University Accident
Research Centre et al., 2012), navigating through the urban environment in a different manner than
motorists. This situation is not only stressful for cyclists, who expose themselves to higher chances of
harm, but also for drivers, who must interact with road users with unfamiliar and potentially
unpredictable behaviours. This traffic stress differs not only between types of road users but also
between genders (Garrard et al., 2008) and individuals (Mineta Transportation Institute et al., 2012).
Such differences effect on-road events (Vanlaar et al., 2008) and, consequently, cyclist safety
(Aultman-Hall and Hall, 1998). Studies indicate that awareness and empathy improve road safety. For
example, the likelihood of collisions between cars and motorcycles decreases not only when a car driver
rides a motorcycle him/herself, but also when a driver simply knows someone who does (Crundall et al.,
2008). Accordingly, design and consultation tools need the ability to present complexity from multiple
points of view, providing experiences that might otherwise be inaccessible to key stakeholders.

2.3 Communicating accessibly

Examples of how the propagation of knowledge through friends or families helps to develop more
nuanced understandings of complex situations affirm the need for effective communication. To reduce
the frequency of crash events along St Kilda Road, campaigns have attempted to inform drivers by
attaching watch out for bike stickers to vehicle doors (Bolitho, 2013), and installing temporary warning
signs (CDM Research, 2012), without success. Such studies point out that personal stories are more likely
to bring change than deterrents such as general warnings or fines. At the same time, it has been shown
that effective road-user education is essential for the promotion of cycling and cycling safety. This
teaching needs to focus on cyclists (Australian Government's Department of Health and Ageing et al.,
2008) but also on the general public who need to be educated about the severity of the pedestrian and
bicyclist crash problem and the urgent need to deal with it. [] Instead of being viewed as punitive
measures aimed against motorists, [bicycle-safety measures] should be presented as new opportunities
for all segments of the population. (Pucher and Dijkstra, 2000, p. 30). Consequently, this paper argues
that there is a need is for new tools that can communicate complex situation to a variety of stakeholders
in an intuitive, memorable and emotionally relevant manner.

3. A game of urban cycling

There are a lot of dangers for cyclists out there in Melbourne today such as cars parked
on the bike lane, which stop you getting a high score! Participant C, reflecting on his ride.
The research discussed in this paper engages with one particular type of tool, a mobile game that
simulates urban cycling. Called PocketPedal, this game was developed to understand how design can
benefit from the integration of interactive and situated technologies.
Mobile gaming for agonistic design 303

PocketPedal is a single-player, real-time, quick-paced 3D game that runs on smartphones. The players
objective is to traverse a segment of St Kilda Road without crashing, cycling safely to obtain a high score.
The player is present in the game as an avatar of a cyclist. The game randomly assigns a new avatar at
each run, for example a middle aged man in lycra (MAMIL); a young male office worker; or a female
university lecturer. The player attempts to reach the city one ride at a time, negotiating through
increasingly difficult challenges. Each attempt is short, from tens of seconds to several minutes. Players
aim to improve their score through multiple attempts. The game does not require introductory tutorials;
on-screen messages give suggestions and provide feedback as required. An attempt is terminated if the
player reaches the city or if the avatar experiences a serious collision [Figure 1.IV]. At that moment, the
game presents an assessment of the completed ride or a description of the injury and restarts.
PocketPedals environment is made of colourful, blocky objects. Players access the game via a third-
person camera view, seeing the road from an overhead perspective [Figure 1.I]. The camera shows a
limited fragment of the road constraining forward planning [Figure 1.I]. A shallow depth-of-field effect
blurs distant objects, further limiting perception [Figure 1.I, top left corner].
The game implements the following objects: 1) Avatar: a representation of a cyclist whose motion is
informed by a physics simulation. 2) Route: a precarious on-road bicycle path that proceeds between
parked vehicles and lanes of motor traffic [Figure 1.I, central area]. 3) City: a two-kilometre section of St
Kilda Road with a river, a main bridge, major landmarks, surrounding buildings, landscaping and road
furniture [Figure 1.I]. 4) Roads with comprehensive road markings, vehicular and cycling lanes, cyclist
stopping areas before intersections, tramways, intersections and other features. 5) Vehicles are organized
into automated traffic moving according to road rules. Density of the traffic represents actual on-road
conditions. There are vehicles of different types cars, trucks, buses, etc. with different driving patterns
and access permissions. Based on realistic probabilities, the vehicles are ascribed types of driving
behaviours ranging from obedient to aggressive. Stationary vehicles are generated at parking spaces
located between the path and the kerbs. Depending on their size and behaviour they can partially obstruct
the bicycle lane. Vehicles can also double-park, blocking the bicycle path completely. Stationary vehicles
can also open their doors when the avatar cycles past.
Players interface with the game through touch. Tapping the centre of the screen makes the avatar
pedal forward. Tapping the edges controls turning, and a down swipe initiates breaking. The players
performance is represented by two numbers. The first, the score [Figure 1.II, top left corner], aggregates
with distance, while the second [Figure 1.II, top right corner] acts as a multiplier that accelerates or
decelerates the rate with which the score changes. This multiplier represents the quality of the players
riding and is increased when the player stays in the bicycle lane, or navigates through other cycling
provisions such as stopping boxes [Figure 1.III, central area]. When the player leaves the lane or is too
close to a hazard the quality multiplier decreases, and the rate of point aggregation is reduced. If the
multiplier is at zero, the player stops gaining points and cannot increase his/her score.

3.1 Game mechanics and participatory design objectives

PocketPedal provides an immersive experience of the road. As described earlier, cycling collisions are not
discrete incidents. Crashes instead occur as sequences of events in dynamic and interconnected
environments. In a game like PocketPedal, these sequences can be persuasively replicated.
For example, [Figure 1.I, central area] shows the open door of a parked car blocking the path, requiring
the player to leave the kerbside and merge with fast moving traffic. The proximity of car parking spaces
304 A. Holland and S. Roudavski

to unprotected bicycle lanes is problematic not only because of the ever-present danger of dooring but
also as a source of continually accumulating stress and its effects. Unlike statistical surveys, PocketPedal
represents not only the unitary events of serious collisions but also the context: cognitively demanding
navigational tasks; reasons for sudden direction changes; and the need for making choices between
similarly unattractive options, all under pressure. Often, the apparently erratic behaviour of a cyclist (or a
player) can be explained by the accumulated frustration of having to slow down or stop to comply with
the rules and provisions of the road that might seem illogical, unreasonably dangerous and unfair.
The game also provides an opportunity to replay the same situation in quick succession, supporting
the accumulation of knowledge, experiences and skills that are hard to achieve with other tools or on the
real-world road. The virtual road can provide such experiences because of its automated traffic that is
based on observed driving behaviour. Aggressive vehicles are (Walker et al., 2014) are blind to the player
and change speeds quickly, drifting in and out of their lanes and swerving suddenly. Cautious vehicles,
on the other hand, accelerate slowly, remain in their lane and are responsive to the player, slowing down
several metres behind the avatar and other vehicles. Novel events reliably arise from the interaction
between the spatial conditions, the player and differentiated non-player road users. For example, in
PocketPedal, side-swipe collisions are produced by the tunnel vision where automated vehicles focus on
the events in front of them and are likely to miss an avatar at the side, like in real life. Real-world events
of this kind were discussed in the section on urban cycling and emerge in the game not as predetermined
occurrences but as an emergent effect of local interactions. Generated in response to local conditions,
such events are always different. They can happen at low or high speeds, in different lanes, at straight
sections or during turning. To the player, these collisions might appear as unfortunate accidents, products
of irresponsible driving by the motorists, hard-to-avoid errors induced by the challenging driving
conditions, or bad personal decisions.
Another example of the effects produced by game mechanics relates to the scoring system. This
system encourages players to become invested in their avatars success, facilitating active engagement.
Moments such as when a bicycle lane disappears [Figure 1.III], or when multiple parked vehicles block the
path, are made frustrating because players have no choice but to accept a reduced score. In other cases,
players with good scores may ride faster and more recklessly, confident that their score is already high.
Finally, players, wanting to better a previous score, might employ new navigation methods. These
discovered behavioural changes could be tactical moderating the speed more carefully or strategic,
such as ignoring potentially dangerous cycling infrastructure [Figure 1.II, 1.III]. As the game is intended to
support short, repeated attempts, players are encouraged to experiment with many methods and
approaches that would be much harder or impossible to try on a real road.
To conclude, even when experienced by an individual player, the mechanics of PocketPedal create a
magic circle (Huizinga, 1949[1944]) within which players can be safely exposed to the physical (Garrard et
al., 2010) and emotional (Aldred, 2012) challenges of cycling. However, the design of PocketPedal
presumes its immersion into the context of social play and the additional effects possible through such
integration are discussed in the subsequent section.

3.2 Mobile gaming for infrastructuring

How can a game act as a boundary object? Can it provide enhanced capabilities to align the participants
around a shared, though problematic or even controversial, object of concern (Ehn, 2008, p. 93)? To
support such alignment, PocketPedal is intended to be experienced collectively. The observations
presented here are derived from a workshop that included cyclists, drivers, workers, doctors and planners.
Mobile gaming for agonistic design 305

During the workshop, stakeholders participated in a series of curated activities. Data was collected
through video recordings, interviews and questionnaires, before, during, and after the event.
This social context of group play in a shared physical location provides for a dramatically extended
repertoire of play patterns, especially in the case of mobile games played on portable devices. For
example, a mobile game can be controlled by a group suggesting actions, played by individuals in parallel,
exchanging remarks; played in turns, with debriefings or competitively; demonstrated and commended
on by experienced players; framed by other games or activities and so on. In the words of Participant D,
observing the workshop group:
The game is a great leveller, with drivers and cyclists meeting in more neutral ground.
The rest of this section presents two beneficial effects of curated social play: 1) nested play and
2) parallel play.
Nested play inserts PocketPedal into other activities, exposing players to multiple modes of
interaction. This curated embedding encourages direct and incidental communication, extending the
capabilities of the in-game mechanics. For example, in the workshop, the game was preceded by warm-
up activities including: 1) a quiz where participants had to match slides of game scenes with city locations;
2) a sorting task, where participants had to label themselves as types of road users; 3) a reverse interview
where pairs of participants had to ascribe behaviours to one another; 4) an activity where participants
had to analyse a movie of the road; and 5) a card game that asked players to organise photographs into
different types of cycling journeys. Such activities interfaced people that do not typically meet and
encouraged them to engage with subtleties of their existing preconceptions. Beyond that, these warm-up
exercises allowed exploration of alternative and possibilities. Such explorations helped participants to
appreciate game environments in greater nuance than was warranted by in-game geometry or
automation. The contexts of the varying out-of-game experiences discussed during these curated
activities also lead to reconsiderations of in-game events in reference to other locations and situations.
Further nesting encouraged players to engage with each other and with different capabilities of the
game. Collaborative play saw one player guiding their avatar at the instructions of the group, requiring
participants to negotiate a shared goal, at speed, and with immediate consequences. Other activities
paired a playing participant with an observer, who documented their attempts and then recounted
his/her observations. Role-switching between actors and spectators challenged players to come into new
social relationships and develop novel understandings.
Oh you are a lycra person alright, speed up!, Participant B observing another player.
Cool-down activities included: 1) a roundtable where participants discussed hopes and ideas for
future change, 2) a questionnaire were participants answered questions around their game experience,
and 3) follow-up interviews conducted a week after the event. Cumulatively, these activities provided an
opportunity for collaborative reflection: sharing of experiences, comparisons of interpretations and the
voicing of thoughts on future design possibilities. As it was mentioned by Participant D, approaching the
issue in an unorthodox way enabled the opportunity for novel ideas.
Within this context, parallel play is a set of deliberately curated relationships made possible by the
mobile nature of the game. Although experienced collectively, the phones with PocketPedal city are
carried personally: a reversal of ones normal relationship with the urban, which exists as a shared entity
that is experienced by individuals. This configuration offers several benefits for infrastructuring. Firstly,
portability allows for virtual experiences to be staged anywhere, at any time. In the context of the
306 A. Holland and S. Roudavski

workshop, players could interact with the game in any space, with any participant, as groups or
individuals, easily rearranging. At one time several participants could play as individuals; others in a small
group, standing near the window, while the rest preferred the sunny outside. The familiarity of the phones
helped non-gamers most of the workshop group feel at ease as players. Instead of being intimidated
by unfamiliar activities, parallel smartphone play facilitated rapport and creativity triggering laughter,
excitement and the formation of friendly rivalries.
Participant A, not so familiar with games, isnt going so well: ending her ride in a high-speed
crash. The music slows down and becomes sombre. You crashed! the game flashes. Youve
ended up with a sad family! Participant B, in another group, turns around to offer
condolences. I hit a truck, she sympathises, I was going too fast.
Such interactions are an example of parallel action. When playing PocketPedal, some players moved
together, comparing riding conditions in tight groups. Others, hearing laughter and commotion, would
become curious and roam. To see the small screens, players needed to move closer, provoking
spontaneous interactions. These could be as simple as pointing out an unseen hazard on anothers screen,
leaning over to commiserate over a crash, or expressing mock dismay at the low amount of traffic another
is facing in comparison with that in their journey. On the other hand, the interactions could be more
sophisticated when sharing a personal memory or discussing the political context.
It is impossible to completely know, or fix, complex systems because they can result in pragmatically
useful but incompatible knowledges. (Bucciarelli, 2009). Yet, in the words of Participant D,
[Playing the game in the workshop] made the issues seem more tangible, approachable
and open to change, [going beyond] the general opinion that cycling infrastructure is bad as
a whole and therefore too large a problem to fix.
Collaborative mobile games allow stakeholders to co-play through issues via immersive simulations that
support spontaneity and improvisation in combination with curation. To conclude, curated and
embedded, the game emerges as a provocative boundary object that can highlight issues of concern and
establish common languages without dismissing actual disagreements.

4. Steps towards a common language

Thats obviously the ex-husband, Participant A, noting an aggressive vehicle manoeuvre.
The magic circle of play is attractive and powerful because it gives access to the unlikely and the
impossible. However, this magic can also isolate players from the everyday world, transposing them into
a distinctly otherworldly state. By contrast, strategies discussed in this paper seek to capitalise on the
characteristics of curated play to establish common languages that link stakeholders to real-world issues
while maintaining the magic of playing. Such languages are necessary for social infrastructuring and,
consequently, for the emergence and adoption of viable design decisions. The discussion of mobile
gaming in application to the design challenge of urban cycling demonstrates that these games hold
exciting promise as tools for participatory design. They are able to facilitate better communication by
acting as immersive and engaging boundary objects. The shared engagement with these boundary objects
leads to greater inclusion of diverse stakeholders and the development of rapport that is necessary for a
deeper understanding of the experiences and needs of others. With this, games can contribute to more
nuanced appreciations of complex design situations and the subsequent construction of platforms for
Mobile gaming for agonistic design 307

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