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A Three-Pronged Approach To Urban Arterial Design - A Functional + Physical + Social Classification

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Original Article

A three-pronged approach to urban arterial design:

A functional þ physical þ social classification

Reena Tiwari and Carey Curtis*

School of Built Environment, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia.

*Corresponding author.

Abstract There is an emerging practice in urban arterial design, which seeks to shift the focus from
segregating different users of the street to integrating them. In this respect, the integration of traffic and place
functions is identified as the way forward. After a review of the US design models – Complete Streets Smart
Codes, Context Sensitive Solutions and Quilt-Net approach, this article using a functional, physical and social
evaluation approach to urban arterials, proposes a model for arterial classification. Drawing on our research
based in Perth, we present a classification and design model ‘FUS-ion’ (Function, Universality, Scale) based on a
management tool proposed by Curtis and Tiwari, which we have subsequently refined and further developed
after its application on an existing urban arterial segment in Perth, Australia. This model brings together three
key dimensions of Transport, Built-form and People. It responds to varying scales ranging from street segment
to metropolitan thoroughfares and is geared to be used as a tool to manage the arterial system, both within an
existing urban framework and for the planning of new developments.
URBAN DESIGN International (2012) 17, 129–143. doi:10.1057/udi.2012.7

Keywords: liveable streets; urban arterials; transport–land use integration; traffic management and

Introduction covers a range of scales from streets to metropo-

litan thoroughfares). Fellow Australian, David
The debate about liveable streets has been ongo- Engwicht (2008) highlights the move towards a
ing since the 1960’s with questioning by planners, change in practice in his comparison of ‘First
designers and traffic engineers. Issues of traffic Generation’ and ‘Second Generation’ measures
congestion, crashes, inequitable access to trans- to create liveable vibrant streets. He describes
port and services, air and noise pollution and First Generation measures as those where
dominance of car use for all journeys were attempts were made to establish a balance
captured in Buchanan’s (1963) seminal report. between motorists and pedestrians by confronting
Appleyard’s (1981) analysis showed how human the motorists and their desire for speed. These
interaction on and across the street reduced as measures resulted in a situation of satisfying
both the speed and quantity of motorised traffic either motorists or the pedestrians. Invariably the
increased. Jacobs (2001) argued that the street so called ‘balance’ simply meant weighing the
brought the community together. He comments needs of non-motorised uses and then resolving
that 1960’s planning was about segregation rather to design in favour of motorised traffic. There was
than integration, the idea being that people were also little focus on the street itself, only on the
to congregate in parks and the street was to be for traffic. The Second Generation measures move
fast efficient movement. practice on. They are about bringing a common
There is an emergent interest in developing set of values held by different users of the street to
a new practice in the design and management of find creative ways of addressing their conflicting
the urban arterial (In this article, ‘urban arterial’ yet justifiable requirements (Engwicht, 2008).

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Tiwari and Curtis

Monderman (2005) in his ‘Shared Space’ project threats) was undertaken on the existing design
also argued for integration rather than segrega- using the FUS-ion model. Hence, the model
tion. He asserts that the street is an important becomes a useful tool to first, identify the existing
place for economic and social transactions and situation and second, aid in identifying issues that
that by calming traffic these functions can be need to be addressed in order to progress urban
enhanced. Three classification and design models arterials towards desired future scenarios.
that have emerged in the United States, Complete
Streets Thoroughfare Assemblies Smart Code Module
(Duany et al, 2003), Context Sensitive Solutions An Examination of Emerging Practice in the
in Designing Major Urban Thoroughfares for Walk- United States
able Communities (Institute of Transportation
Engineers, 2006), and Quilt-Net approach (Abbate, To appropriately describe the Complete Streets
2007) demonstrate a shift in the focus from Smart Code Transect Planning, it is first necessary
segregating users to integrating different users to discuss the original use of transects. According
of the street. Today, the integration of traffic and to DPZ (6) a transect of nature, as developed by
place functions is identified as the way forward. Alexander Von Humboldt in the late eighteenth
This article is structured as follows. The first century y is a geographical cross-section of a region
section will review the US design models. We intended to reveal a sequence of environments (Duany
acknowledge that immense work has been done et al, 2003). It is a particularly useful method in
in Europe – ‘Shared Space’ by Monderman (2005) highlighting varying characteristics that occur
and ‘Place and Link’ theory by Peter Jones et al in different zones. Similarly, the rural to urban
(2007) – to name a few. However, for the scope transect is divided into different zones deter-
of this article we have limited our study and mined by their level of physical and social
analysis to three US-based design models, pri- intensity and character. This application to the
marily because Australian and the US cities share built environment is based on the premise that
similar issues and experiences because of their human beings thrive in different places, such
auto-centric planning and development. The as an urban centre or a rural hamlet (Duany
three US design models that are reviewed are – et al, 2003). Furthermore, according to DPZ (2003):
Complete Streets Smart Codes, Context Sensitive
Solutions (CSS) and Quilt-Net approach. While the One of the principles of Transect-based plan-
first model is about creating walkable environ- ning is that certain forms and elements belong
ments by outlining a typology of thoroughfares in certain environments. For example, an
to suit different built form contexts covering rural apartment building belongs in a more urban
to urban spectrum, the second is a ‘project- setting, a ranch house in a more rural setting.
oriented and location-specific process’ with an Some types of thoroughfares are urban in
emphasis on multi-modality (Laplante et al, 2008). character, and some are rural. A deep
The third model – Quilt-Net approach – has place- suburban setback destroys the spatial enclo-
making as its key objective in its proposed sure of an urban street; it is out of context.
application towards achieving land use–transport
integration in Broward County, Florida. An In addition, much like transect of nature, transect
evaluation of the strengths and weakness of these planning involves zones and communities that
new models is made. It is evident that there are first characteristic places on a specific transect,
remain issues that need to be addressed in order and second, evolve over time (Duany et al, 2003).
to develop a holistic model that can be applied to Different types of thoroughfare are allocated
existing and proposed urban arterials. Drawing to different transect zones. These thoroughfare
on our research based in Perth, we present typologies are derived on the basis of roadway
a classification and design model ‘FUS-ion’ vehicle capacity as shown in Figure 1 and are
(Function, Universality, Scale) based on a manage- defined by lanes, lane widths, parking, speed
ment tool proposed by Curtis and Tiwari (2008), and numerous other factors as elaborated in
which we have subsequently refined and further Complete Streets Thoroughfare Assemblies Smart
developed after its application on an existing Code Module by Duany Plater-Zyberk et al. The
urban arterial segment in Perth, Australia. A table shows the permutations of thoroughfares
desired future scenario was outlined after a SWOT roads for different transects based on vehicles
analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and per day (VPD) as outlined in the Smart Codes. On

130 r 2012 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International Vol. 17, 2, 129–143
A three-pronged approach to urban arterial design

Figure 1: Numbers of VPD by Road Type- US Smart Codes.

Source: ‘Module Table 4C Thoroughfare Assemblies’, Smart Code Version 9.2, ‘Smart Code Summary’ prepared by Duany
Plater-Zyberk & Co. with Chester (Rick) Chellman, P.E.; Richard A. Hall, P.E.; Peter Swift, P.E.

the basis of the estimated VPD and the design The use of person capacity instead of vehicle
speed envisioned for a specific transect, a parti- capacity becomes one of the key factors for a new
cular thoroughfare type can be selected. Thus, arterial street design paradigm developed by
Complete Streets Thoroughfare Assemblies Smart Code the Institute of Transportation Engineers in the
Module proposes a versatile system of categoriz- United States known as the Context Sensitive
ing thoroughfares to diverse built environments Solutions in Designing Major Urban Thoroughfares
and local context. Further, the rural to urban for Walkable Communities (CSS).
landscape is divided into six transects, or pre- Context sensitive thoroughfare design is a
cincts, and the table of thoroughfares primarily particular way of approaching the planning
based on vehicle capacity stipulates what type and design of transportation projects, which is a
of thoroughfare is permitted or not permitted process of balancing the needs of various stake-
within that precinct (Figure 1). The physical holders (Institute of Transportation Engineers,
and social dimensions of road design are also 2006). On the basis of this, a definition has been
addressed through a range of other design drivers developed by the Institute of Transportation
including block widths, pedestrian Right-Of- Engineers (2006) to describe a CSS as:
Ways, walkway widths, building envelopes and
building typologies (Duany et al, 2003). y a collaborative, interdisciplinary process
However, as mentioned by Aurbach (2009), that involves all stakeholders to design a
‘there is a lack of inter-neighborhood or city-scale transportation facility that fits its applicable
guidance for network configuration’. The manner setting and preserves scenic, aesthetic, his-
in which the thoroughfare types fit in a city-scale toric and environmental resources, while
network is not demonstrated, as the Smart Code maintaining safety and mobility. CSS respect
mainly outlines a linear progression of thorough- design objectives for safety, efficiency, capa-
fares from rural to urban. Further, Complete Streets city and maintenance, while integrating
Thoroughfare Assemblies Smart Code Module does community objectives and values relating to
not address multi-modality nor prioritises transit compatibility, livability, sense of place, urban
or bicycle modes (13, Table 14 P.SC42). design, cost and environmental impacts.
The basic premise of using VPD to determine
road cross-sections does not take into account This idea of ‘context’ regarding context sensitive
multi-modal capacity (persons per day). thoroughfare design is further elaborated on,

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Tiwari and Curtis

describing context as encompassing environ- CSS is different from the conventional thor-
mental, social, economic and historical elements oughfare design, which is frequently driven by
of a community. Therefore, context is comprised traffic demand and level of service objectives.
of the built and natural environment. The This leads to a functional classification and deter-
primary elements that influence the context mination of number of lanes. Certainly, these
include buildings, landscaping, land-use mix, factors are high priority in CSS, but they are
site access and public and semi-public open balanced along with economic, environmental or
spaces (Institute of Transportation Engineers, historic preservation objectives of the community
2006). In addition, the Institute of Transporta- (Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2006). The
tion Engineers (2006) suggest the properties advantage of the CSS approach is that instead of
and activities within a thoroughfare and adjacent vehicle capacity, it targets existing urban fabric
to it, are part of the built environment, as these and emphasises the place-making aspects inher-
are characteristics that define a context zone. ent within the arterial road corridor. Furthermore,
This approach brings the important notion that the approach guides towards the provision of a
road design depends on more than simply the safe environment for all users, rather than the
road itself, in this case the relationship with single-focus of vehicular users, by shifting focus
the land uses and building within the corridor to multi-modality. Where the CSS approach is
are also important (Institute of Transportation limited, though, is in its street-segment specific
Engineers, 2006). This is a positive approach and project-based approach. Although this is
towards road design. clearly a central objective of arterial road plan-
Street Design, ITE argues (Leach, 2006), should ning, we assert the need to address the relation-
incorporate, and consider, a number of aspects ship of arterial roads at both the neighbourhood
(Table 1). Rather than defining a street between and city scale (Curtis and Tiwari, 2008). The
the curbs, it should be considered from the case study of Culver Boulevard, Culver City,
adjoining building-faces. There should ideally California (Institute of Transportation Engineers,
be a high degree of integration with land uses 2006) demonstrates this point. The case study
and also transportation. Therefore, the ability to was conducted at a specific street segment and
accommodate multi-modal transportation needs considered the context zone, the surrounding
to be reflected in both capacity and the quality of land uses and parts of neighbourhood to a certain
service. As a result, emphasis needs to be taken extent, such as the commercial zone and sur-
from vehicle access and safety to the wider spec- rounding residential density. Neglected, however,
trum of multi-modal access and safety. Because is the demonstration of how this major arterial
of this multi-modal element, a heightened user- sits within the transport network at the wider
provider interface is needed, as opposed to the city or metropolitan scale.
minimal direct transportation user-provided The Quilt-Net approach has place-making as its
interaction. Finally, there must be an increased objective while using land use–transport integra-
focus on arterial roads as public space. This tion for redevelopment activities in Broward
departs from a past philosophy where arterial County, Florida. The Quilt-Net approach, like
roads have typically been exclusively designed the Transect approach, also develops a typology
and used for vehicles and not acknowledged as of corridors (thoroughfares) based on the nature
a vital element in the public realm. of centres they pass through, including: Urban

Table 1: Traditional versus multi-modal approach to street design

From To

Streets defined from curb-to-curb Streets defined building-face to building-face

Little integration with adjacent land uses High degree of land use–transportation integration
Little focus on environmental quality Increased focus on arterial streets as public space
Vehicle capacity and through-put Multi-modal capacity and quality of service
Vehicle access and safety Multi-modal access and safety
Passive approach to right-of-way management Active right-of-way and curb-side management
Little direct transportation user–provider interaction Heightened user–provider interface

Source: Context Sensitive Solutions in Multi-modal Urban Corridor Planning: Arlington, Virginia’s Experience, Credit: Dennis M.
Leach, AICP.

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A three-pronged approach to urban arterial design

Figure 2: From top – Urban Residential Corridor, Urban Main Street Corridor, and Suburban Centre Commercial Corridor, adapted
from Abbate Architect, 2007, C2, pp. 26–27.

Core Corridor, Urban Residential Corridor, Urban through a variety of zones, namely those seen
Main Street Corridor, Suburban Centre Commer- in the city, the main street commercial areas
cial Corridor, Suburban Centre Residential Corri- typically seen in sub-centres, suburban areas and
dor, Suburban Institutional/Employment Centre finally rural areas. These corridors and the
Corridor and Rural suburban Corridor. Some various centres recognised, however, may vary
of these are illustrated in Figure 2. These terms in different localities, and as such may not be
describe the context zone within which a corridor appropriate for outright adoption. Arguably, a
exists. The Urban Core corridor, which involves means to identify applicable corridors is appro-
the highest degree of density, typically experi- priate for various localities. Although it recog-
ences high traffic volumes, and would have a nises these various context zones, it neglects the
variety of land uses. It then progresses towards transition from one zone to the next, which is
the lowest density, which is the Rural Suburban equally as important to deal with.
corridor, which is housing among a rural sett- In Broward County, ‘place-making’ is one of the
ing. This gradual progression is much like the key drivers with corridor designations adopted
Complete Streets Smart Code Transect Plann- for urbanised, transitioning and urban, and rural
ing approach, in that it is a gradual progression developed areas countrywide. The relationships

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Tiwari and Curtis

between buildings, streets and pedestrian ways K Green Tunnels and Palm Promenades that
are identified and context-based block patterns contribute to comfortable and legible roadways
are established. The requirements for pedestrian and promenades.
and bicycle modes are emphasised by adopting K Town Centres and Community Cores that
pedestrian level service models for county and accommodate mix of housing types, mixed
local roads and multi-modal transport systems uses and coherent public places with local
(Abbate, 2007). By adopting such measures, landmarks.
the transport system is able to support higher K Community Patterns of existing infrastructure
volumes of people more efficiently and create a that can adapt to accommodate the above.
vibrant place. The focus is placed on people and
the ability to accommodate a variety of modes as These components give form and shape to the
opposed to the private vehicle. Thus, a higher built environment for the county and its munici-
degree of activity per linear metre of street (this palities, and thus place-making at different scales
in itself is a refreshing new measure compared is implemented relatively successfully. These
with ‘VPD’, for example) is achieved in addition ideas are closely linked to those introduced by
to an enhanced pedestrian environment. This Lynch (1960), who defines the physicality of space
increased choice in mobility also acts as a catalyst with concepts such as node, landmark, path, edge
for sustainable redevelopment. and district. The focus of the Quilt-net approach
Community preferences and needs drive the rests firmly on sense of place, which is closely
Quilt-net design in relation to the location of linked to identity. According to Lynch (15)
activities adjacent to public spaces, provision identity, structure and meaning are three aspects
of shaded, comfortable and safe public spaces of environmental image, which always appear
and pedestrian amenities. Revealing the commu- together. Environmental image first involves
nity preferences occurs through the community identification, which suggests that an object is
engagement process. This may take the form of distinct and as such is a separable entity. Second,
a deliberative event before the inception of a the image includes a spatial or pattern relation of
project, but whatever form it takes, the dialogue the object to the observer and importantly to other
between the community and designers must be objects, and finally it includes some form of
broad and inclusive, yet focussed on the issues meaning for the observer (Lynch, 1960). While it is
that influence the design. Studying the commu- refreshing and highly important to see the
nity patterns is also an important aspect. How- emergence of place-based design considerations
ever, local knowledge can reveal a greater in arterial road planning, perhaps because the
depth to the community history and diversity Quilt-net approach has its roots in the concept of
that greatly influences the design process, which sense of place, it appears to lack some of the other
develops a response that is genuinely tied to the necessary elements in designing for movement
local sense of place. The drivers for design are and place. One such element is the movement
safe traffic movement (to ensure pedestrians and hierarchy, which is overlooked, and as such,
motorists can mix in an environment that permits significant traffic movement such as freight is
efficient movement for all transport modes), the unaccounted for. In addition, through-traffic
local context and the need to meet the require- movement of a city is also neglected. This is
ments of pedestrian and transit modes. The evident in its Quilt-net structure (Figure 3).
guidebook states that Regional and Local Activity The grid for the Quilt Net is roughly 1 mile 
Centres, as well as community or corridor master 1 mile. The major corridors, roughly 1-mile apart
plans should be inclusive of the overall transporta- in each direction, act as arterials that contain the
tions system, its modes, extent, and capacity, in order movement between places. The arterial road
to direct decisions regarding the design of the corridor network forms the underlying pattern of the
and adjacent lands (Abbate, 2007). quilt, or the ‘seams’ between the patches (Abbate,
According to Abbate (2007), there are four 2007). According to Abbate, within the patches
common principal components, including: (roughly square sections), development patterns
vary, due to the influence of economic and market
K An armature of streets and corridors that trends over time. In addition, this variation
accommodates regional transit, local transit, also occurs in response to evolving site develop-
park-n-ride facilities and an interconnected ment policies and regulations. The major corri-
walkway system. dors act as seams as they become triggers for the

134 r 2012 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International Vol. 17, 2, 129–143
A three-pronged approach to urban arterial design

fundamental elements are pivotal to the success-

ful function of arterial thoroughfares when
attempting to integrate a multi-modality transport
system with land uses and place-making. We
consider a three-pronged approach – FUS-ion – as
the way forward:

K Function – Importantly, the needs of freight

movement and through-traffic movement in a
city cannot be ignored.
K Universality/adaptability – A model must be
applicable to new developments as well as
existing ones. If a model is not applicable to
both new and existing sectors of the city, it will
fail at achieving a holistic response to functional,
Figure 3: Quilt-net structure. physical and social dimensions across the vary-
Source: Adapted from Abbate architect, 2007, C1, p. 9. ing degrees of detail within a metropolitan area.
In addition, when considering the social dimen-
sion, the model must be dualistic in that it
development of town centres or community core creates a safe and energy efficient environment
areas as shown in Figure 3 at the same time while ensuring all stakeholders are involved in
becoming unsuitable for freight movement. the process of classification and design.
The advantage of the Quilt-net approach is that K Scale – It is necessary to examine the coverage
it has been able to look at the urban arterial in of a range of scales from metropolitan and
a system and consider it at different scales and neighbourhood to the street-segment. Each
has been able to respond to place-making aspects level of detail is necessary as changes to a
by developing a context specific built-form street-segment, for example, may affect the
vocabulary. The disadvantage is that important entire neighbourhood and also the entire
aspect like freight movement is unable to find metropolitan region. Whether these affects are
a place within the proposed non-hierarchical adverse or favourable is to be anticipated by
thoroughfare structure. examining each level of detail.

The various considerations for the three-

Building on Emerging Practice pronged approach – FUS-ion – are summarised
in Table 2.
We applaud the development of these new The FUS-ion approach builds on our earlier
emergent US approaches to the design of the work – see Curtis and Tiwari (2008) – where we
urban arterial. In our analysis on the above three have put forward a new typology for urban
approaches, however, we find some small short- arterials that can be can be used to replace the
comings. While the Smart Code does not prior- traffic function-based classification of different
itise multi-modality, the CSS approach remains road types (shown in Table 3) and also to enable
project-specific making a limited response at city central issues to be exposed in the tasks required
scale. Response to freight movement appears to to transition to arterials integrating transport
be a missing dimension in the Quilt-net approach. and place functions. The three key dimensions
The important contribution they make, however, under Transport function are Speed, Volume and
is to bring into sharp focus the need to consider Access, whereas the three key dimensions under
place functions and traffic functions, the need to Place functions (Activity/Built form functions)
provide for all modes of transport and to pay are Activity Intensity, Scale and Sensitivity to
strong attention to the environmental context. through traffic.
Our interest is in building further this emergent Building on Table 3, Figure 4 highlights the two
practice. dimensions of the new typology, Transport and
We assert that a model for arterial classifica- Activity/Built form on its X and Y-axes. The third
tion and design must give consideration to the dimension ‘People’ is shown on the third axis.
functional, physical and social dimensions. These The ‘People axis’ factors in the desire to bring

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Tiwari and Curtis

Table 2: The three-pronged design approach: FUS-ion

Prongs Purpose

Place and traffic function Emphasises the need of a sustainable transport system well integrated with adjacent land use that
gears towards multi-modality while taking into account needs of freight movement and
through traffic movement in the city
Physical dimension Encompasses place-making aspect through urban design and land use focus
Social dimension Dualistic in its objective of first creating a safe and energy efficient environment responding to the
needs of all users and, second getting the voices of all stakeholders heard in the process of
classification and design

Applicability towards new This ensures a holistic and integrated response can be achieved
and existing development
Applicability for all This ensures an involvement of the community creating a sense of ownership and identity which is
stakeholders/users critical for place-making

Coverage of a range of Each level of detail must be examined as changes at any level have consequences that must be
scales anticipated

all of the stakeholders (community, design pro- when counting freight volume), speed (B) and
fessional, traffic engineers and policymakers) access (C) are the three main factors that need to
together into the decision-making process while be considered to classify the nature of an arterial.
evaluating and envisioning a specific arterial The factors of built form and activity that need
within the framework of other two axes: Trans- due consideration include the scale of the built
port and Activity/Built form axes. The ‘People environment (1), the degree of activity intensity
axis’ is the social element in urban arterial design (2) and the level of sensitivity (3) that should be
and is typically overlooked. Yet it is arguably the given to through traffic.
factor that contributes to the success or failure of
the design of the urban arterial. Careful consid-
eration must be given to social elements. In order Application – Case Study: Manning Road
to achieve this engagement with various relevant Urban Arterial, Perth, Western Australia
stakeholders must take place. According to the
Institute of Transportation Engineers (2006), it is A detailed evaluation of a segment of Manning
necessary for the community to have a vision for Road (District Distributor A carrying a volume of
the project area. In addition, goals and objectives around 27 000 VPD with a posted speed limit
should be developed that focus on achieving the varying between 60 kph and 70 kph) in Perth,
vision. If a vision has not been developed, an Western Australia, based on the above Evaluation
opportunity exists for stakeholders to create such Chart was undertaken. Evaluation of the corridor
a vision during the community engagement considers the physical (built form), functional
process (ITE, 2011). Some ideas typically involved (land use and transportation) and social (commu-
in visions include creating a safe environment nity perception and psychological links) dimen-
for multiple user groups. This not only includes sions in order to reinforce the importance of
various transport methods, but also commu- accounting for activity and built form, as well as
nity members such as youth, the elderly and transport in managing and transitioning to an
the disabled. By involving stakeholders in the Activity Corridor.
classification process in addition to community
engagement, a greater step can be made towards I. Role-Play and Round Table to Assess the Current
an appropriate classification and design of an Status of the Urban Arterial Using Evaluation Chart
arterial. In order to determine the desired future status
As Figure 4 shows, there are a number of for Manning Road, studio design workshops
transport issues that are considered. Desired were conducted that involved architecture and
volume (A) (based on people per day except planning students, many of who were residents

136 r 2012 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International Vol. 17, 2, 129–143
A three-pronged approach to urban arterial design

through traffic

Sensitivity to






Activity/built form dimension

Figure 4: FUS-ion approach to arterial classification.


Index: Transport axis factors: Speed=A, Volume=B, Access=C.


Built form axis factors: Scale=1, Activity intensity=2, Sensitiv-

ity to through traffic=3.

District centre/major facility – for
example, stand alone hospital

Heavy industry and large light

Low density residential; small

of this area (16); and professionals and policy-

makers (Bentley Technology Precinct Workshop
or university campus

light industrial areas

August 2009). The first task was to assess the

current status using the evaluation tool. Partici-
pants were given the Evaluation Chart, which
provided the framework for collecting and ana-
Local centre
City Centre


lysing data for Manning Road. Observations,


surveys and secondary sources were used to


populate Column 3 – ‘description of existing

situation’ on the Evaluation Chart (Table 4). The
Industrial area

next step was to determine desirable character-

Other urban

istics for a future scenario and identifying

transition challenges or issues in order to arrive


at that scenario by conducting two workshops



involving students and professionals as men-

tioned above.

Manning Road, as shown in Figure 5, highlights


the location and urban structure of the segment

Table 3: Transport and built form dimension or urban arterials

and Table 4 shows some evaluation items as


examples. Manning Road connects between the



Kwinana Freeway, Leach Highway and Albany

Highway. It stretches across a number of suburbs
and local council boundaries (Figure 5). The
subject segment of Manning Road extends

approximately 1.2 km between Goss Avenue and

Kent Street. A curvilinear road network exists on
either side of this segment, and to some degree
Source: Curtis and Tiwari (2008).

resembles a ‘spaghetti sub-division’. Importantly,

Other industrial
roads – non-
Major highway

Shopping strip

this road is classified as a Distributor. Therefore,

Other arterial

Access street

it is not designed to serve as a destination, but


rather to service vehicles and connecting them to

Transport dimension

other relevant segments of the road network that

connect to desired destinations or the means to
access those destinations. Some examples of
Main street

such destinations include Perth City and Curtin


University, two of the most significant employ-




ment destinations in metropolitan Perth.

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Tiwari and Curtis

Table 4: Evaluation of manning road on few items as an example

Manning road

Evaluation items Measurement Description of current situation Transition consensus

Land use Proportion of each use type 40 per cent open space, 10 per cent Currently lacks variety in commercial activities,
Planning scheme commercial and 50 per cent there is a need for diverse activities.
zoning provision residential Too much open space – opportunities for infill
Catchments Traffic data to show proportion of vehicles traversing 2004/2005 average weekday traffic High vehicle volume that distracts from
Local or through traffic the segment/entire route or staying within was 31 140 vehicles pedestrian usage, a need for multi-modal
segment area pedestrian-friendly arterial
Catchments Number of lots within 5 min walk from each Approximately 600 lots within the Current low-housing densities. Poor penetration
Walking Penetration into cross-street 400 m radius due to fences surrounding open spaces – infill
surrounding area opportunities and design interventions
(potential catchment) required
Catchments Number of lots within 5 min cycle ride from each Approximately 1400 lots within a Current low densities, a need for smaller
Cycling penetration into cross-street 1 km radius. permeable blocks
surrounding area
(potential catchment)
Transport Grid and curvilinear; nature of links to metro network Grid along manning road with Good grid formation along manning road but
Network type (for example: radial, east–west and so on) curvilinear streets in the adjacent poor subsequent streets with no permeability,
areas design intervention needed

r 2012 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International

Source: Studio Report Urban Regeneration (2009).

Vol. 17, 2, 129–143

A three-pronged approach to urban arterial design

Figure 5: Location of Manning road and urban structure.

This segment of Manning Road has a number of the northern side of Manning Road, and the
current issues primarily due to the land uses that most western portion on the south side. It is also
abutt it. It passes through parks, residential areas, worth noting that residential areas are currently
suburban access roads and a neighbourhood predominantly zoned R20 (20 dwellings per
shopping area. Given these land uses, a relatively hectare or 15 dwellings per gross hectare), and
high degree of open space is present in the form as a result there is a lack of housing diversity.
of car parking areas, fenced playing fields and The posted speed limit is regularly exceeded
verge area front Manning Road rather than by motorists, which reflects the classification of
housing (and where there is housing visually this road as a District Distributor (A) which are
impermeable fencing is present). Because of the considered as ‘major traffic carriers between
car dominated nature of this segment, pedestrian suburbs, carrying traffic between industrial,
footpaths are very limited and only present along commercial and residential areas and in turn

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Tiwari and Curtis

connected to the primary networks’ (Western to help cater for the increase in population
Australian Planning Commission, 1998). expected in Perth, and to be designed on Transit
Orientated Design principles to provide easier
II. Determine Future Scenario on FUS-ion Model and access to and from the centre (Duany, 2009,
pp. 17–24). Hence, the future scenario for Man-
III. Studio Design Workshop to Note Challenges for ning Road must still involve high traffic volumes.
Transitioning the Segment However, to achieve a multi-modal corridor
with a pedestrian-friendly environment, the cur-
Values were derived for the Transport and rent low intensity of adjacent activities must be
Activity/Built-form axes Factors for the Manning converted into high intensive street frontages. In
Road and the cells of the FUS-ion management order to achieve this, a much more human scale is
model were populated as shown in Figure 6. required. These measures will create sensitivity to
Currently, the Manning Road segment carries through traffic, as vehicles will not be separated
high traffic volumes, has controlled access and from people, but will integrate different users. An
relatively low speeds in relation to its function as important measure to achieve safe integration is
a distributor arterial. After conducting a SWOT low vehicle speed. This will create an environ-
assessment for this segment, a future scenario ment that fosters integration between various
for a multi-modal corridor of human scale, mixed users. Finally, controlled access must be replaced
use, higher densities and active street frontage by open access, as this will improve accessibility
was proposed as per consensus reached in the given the lower vehicle speeds throughout the
workshops. This was carried out within the area. In addition, it will also permit a flowing
framework of the future development of Bentley movement of vehicles among pedestrians.
Technology Precinct as outlined in Directions 2031 The results of this assessment outlined in the
(Duany, 2009). The future role of precinct is that of workshops (Urban Regeneration Studio and Bent-
a strategic specialised centre with a ‘principle ley Technology Precinct Workshop 2009) differ
focus on an institutional or economic activity’ from a conventional analysis that would typically
(Duany, 2009, p. 19). This means that the precinct consider the transport functions such as traffic
will draw employment and provides services to volume, functional road classification, and vehicle
a much larger citywide catchment. Strategic speed and access control. Other possible considera-
centres in the Directions 2031 are also expected tions may include car parking and the frequency of
to be characterised by high density development, bus services. In some cases, all of the elements

Ac-W Ac -W Ac-W Sensitive AC AC AC
to Through
Ac-W Ac -W Ac-W Human AC AC AC
Ac-W Ac -W Ac-W High AC AC AC
High Low
TRANSPORT High Controlled Open Low TRANSPORT
Traffic Traffic
FUNCTION Speeds Access Access Speed FUNCTION
Volumes Volumes
TC TC TC Low Ac-W Ac-W Ac-W
TC TC TC Vehicular Ac-W Ac-W Ac-W
TC TC TC Not sensitive Ac-W Ac-W Ac-W
to Through

Index: Current Status Future scenario

Figure 6: Manning Road Assessment on FUS-ion Management Model.

140 r 2012 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International Vol. 17, 2, 129–143
A three-pronged approach to urban arterial design

Table 5: Evaluation chart

Evaluation items Axis factors being


Item Variable Speed=A; Volume=B;

Access=C; Scale=1;
Activity Intensity=2;
Sensitivity to through

Land use Existing 2
Planning scheme zoning provision 1, 2, 3
Catchments Local or through traffic A, B, C
Walking penetration into surrounding area (potential catchment) 1
Cycling penetration into surrounding area (potential catchment) 1
Transport Network type C
Connections to A, B
Classification B
Access control C
Traffic volumes B
Posted traffic speed A
Car parking 3
Bus service B

Density Site density/Density gradient 1, 2
Urban massing Enclosure level 1
Social width Traffic severance effect/ease of crossing 1
Diversity of uses Activities/Activity cycle 2
Safety Solid-void ratio/lighting 2
Relationship to street Proportion of buildings that face the street directly 2, 3
Building types Vertical/horizontal layering of uses 1, 2, 3
Built form adaptability Load bearing/framed construction 2, 3
Building state Vacant buildings, age of buildings, buildings in disrepair 1, 2, 3
Equity Variety of housing types/uses catering to different groups/ 1, 2
accessibility for all
Public spaces Number and type of defined public spaces 2
Gradation of public/private spaces Setbacks, build-to-lines 1, 3
Utility/services Pedestrian ROW B, 1, 2, 3
Sedibility Seating opportunities 2
Sense of ownership Number of owners/renters 2
Identity of street Landmarks, heritage buildings, topography views/vistas, 2
civic art
Visual complexity Colour, faced detail, street furniture, walkway quality 1, 2
Climatic factors Orientation/wind speed/direction/noise/shade/shadow 2

Community perception People axis
Stakeholders perception People axis
Performativity Degree of user interactive design 1, 2

Index: Transport axis factors: Speed=A, Volume=B, Access=C.

Built form axis factors: Scale=1, Activity intensity=2, Sensitivity to through traffic=3.
Source: Curtis and Tiwari (2008).

shown in Table 5 may be analysed. However, the ments and social dimensions. It is this assessment
Manning Road assessment differs from conven- of the social dimension that marks a clear defini-
tional methods of analysis by considering how the tion between this method and other conventional
physical elements impact the social dimension. In means of analysis. In addition, it also has the ability
addition, it also provides an avenue for consulting to analyse all facets of arterial thoroughfares and
a variety of stakeholders for their professional bring the factors together to provide a cohesive
input regarding the assessment of physical ele- snapshot of the issues and plausible solutions.

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Tiwari and Curtis


Sensitive to
Traffic 3

Metro/Subway/Boule High Pedestrian/cyclist

vard/Tram/Light Rail Intensity/ priority street
Activity 2
Scale 1

TRANSPORT High High Controlled PEOPLE Low Low Open TRANSPORT

axis Speeds Volume Access axis Speed Volume Access axis

Scale 1

T Low E
Intensity 2
Existing Freight
arterials/ through Not
traffic/High speed rail sensitive to
Traffic 3


Index: Transport Arterials = T, Environmental Arterials = E, Community Arterials = C

Figure 7: FUS-ion management model for arterial road classification and design.

FUS-ion Model: Towards an Nclusive arterials, namely Transport, Environmental and

Approach to Arterials Community Arterials. Importantly, Community
Arterials have two distinct variations, namely
On the basis of the Manning Road Project, two those concentrated around multi-modal transport
tools for managing urban arterials are proposed. routes, and those that exist primarily within
First is the Evaluation Chart (Table 5) that aids residential areas and concentrate on pedestrian
in assessing and rating them. First column on networks. From the different arterial types and
this chart is the item that is being evaluated for the distinct elements within various arterials, four
the selected arterial, followed by variables for quadrants have been developed, each with
that item in the second column. The last column unique characteristics. On the basis of these
indicates the Axis factors that this particular characteristics, predominant types of network
item is impacting. As an example, under users can be determined. Example, Quadrant
Functional dimension for the evaluation item T with transport emphasis includes existing
‘Transport’ there are eight variables being freight, through traffic and high-speed rail.
assessed. This evaluation item influences Speed Quadrant E includes environmental arterials that
(A), Volume (B), Access (C) and Sensitivity to pass through environmentally sensitive areas
through traffic (3). Another example is the necessitating a shield from vehicular movement
evaluation item ‘Community perception’, which and ensuing pollution. They could thus comprise
is assessed in community workshops and cycle ways. Quadrants C with community arter-
surveys and impacts People Axis. ials are of two types, the first prioritising
Second tool is the FUS-ion Model (Figure 7) pedestrians and cyclists and the second, under-
that enables identification and classification, scoring multi-modality where arterials typically
using factors identified above, of three different involve heavier transport function characteristics.

142 r 2012 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International Vol. 17, 2, 129–143
A three-pronged approach to urban arterial design

The four quadrants in the classification Acknowledgement

and design model, shown in Figure 7, are thus
inclusive of freight, environmental, multi-modal The project on Manning Road was an Urban
and pedestrian/cyclist priority arterials. It should Regeneration studio project for Town Planning
be noted that this model responds at metropoli- students and the debate and issues that were
tan, neighbourhood and street-segment levels, raised are valued. Many thanks to Byron Vernon
and thus is able to establish an inter-neighbour- for research assistance.
hood and city scale network configuration.
The above two tools provide a framework for
stakeholders to deliberate not only on the current
status of the selected arterial, but also on its future References
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