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Trade and Investment Poliy

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Trade and Investment in the Philippines

Hazel C. Parcon-Santos
Center for Monetary and Financial Policy
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Manila, Philippines /


Developing countries such as the Philippines relies heavily on trade and foreign
direct investment (FDI), consequently leading to economic integration, which in
its entireity, determines the countrys economic condition. As such, we believe
that there is a need to further study the impact of these external variables on the
competitiveness and efficiency of the Philippine economy.

Keywords: economic itegration, international trade, foreign direct investments, Philippines

I. Introduction

This work provides a sample of studies on trade and investment in the Philippines. The
first section reviews the literature on Philippine trade, particularly the evolution of the countrys
trade policy and their ensuing impact on different sectors and aspects of the economy. The
second section looks at the literature on FDI in the Philippines. In particular, the section reviews
research done on FDI policies, determinats of FDI and impact of FDI on the economy. The third
section looks at studies that tackle economic integration a consequence of both trade and
investment liberalization. The last section identifies important gaps in the literature that may be
the subject of future research.1

1.1. Evolution of Philippine Trade Policy

The literature covering the developments in the Philippines trade policies is rich.
Wignaraja et al. (2010), Balboa & Medalla (2006), Balisacan & Hill (2003), and Austria (2001),
Cororaton (1998), and Austria & Medalla (1996) are among the many studies that provide a
detailed account of the Philippines trade regime in different decades.

Philippine trade policy has experienced major shifts throughout the decades. From the
1950s-1970s, the government embarked on an import-substituting trade regime. These decades
can be characterized by highly protective tariffs, foreign exchange control measures, and capital
market interventions. Realizing the limitations of such a policy, the government shifted the
countrys trade policy using various liberalization packages. The first half of the 1980s saw the
introduction of a Tariff Reform Program (TRP). The program involved the tariffication of
quantitative restrictions, simplification of the tariff rate structure to a narrower rate range, and
A literature map is provided in the Appendix.
reduction in the tariff protection. This was followed by two more waves of tariff reform
programs in the 1990s TRP II and TRP III. TRP II was introduced in 1991 and is an extension
of the program introduced in the 1980s. Under TRP II, phase-in period and transition rates were
included in the tariff structure.2 TRP III, meanwhile, was introduced by the government in 1994,
in response to the private sectors request of lowering tariffs on capital and goods and raw
materials to improve their competitiveness.3 The Philippines accession to the World Trade
Organization (WTO) in 1995 also called for another set of liberalizaton package to comply with
WTO commitments. Among these include the lifting of import restrictions on certain agricultural
products, elimination of duties on certain industrial and information technology products and the
creation of a four-tier tariff schedule. Further trade policy liberalization was introduced in the
2000s to support the governments commitment to market friendly regulations.4 For instance, by
2010 duties were eliminated on 99% of products in the Inclusion List of the Common Effective
Preferential Tariff (CEPT) scheme of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA).5 In 2008, the Japan-
Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) was enforced, which is the Philippines
first bilateral free trade agreement.

1.2. Impact of Trade Liberalization

The push for trade liberalization in the Philippines was primarily due to the failed
protectionism and import substitution strategy implemented in the past. Trade liberalization is
expected to improve the allocation of resources and bring domestic prices closer to world price,
which are in turn expected to deliver sustained economic growth and development. However,
with the mixed experience of different countries that have undergone trade liberalization, a
recurring question is whether trade liberalization enhances productivity and economic growth,
help reduce income inequality and alleviate poverty in a developing country.

1.2.1. Productivity

The focus of many studies on the impact of trade liberalization on productivity stems
from the prediction that liberalization of trade influences producer behavior.6 Foreign
competition brought by trade liberalization forces domestic firms to improve their productivity in
order to survive. In addition, trade liberalization enables domestic firms to use high-qaulity
imported parts, components and machinery at lower prices; thus, improving their productivity.

On a cross-country study covering the Philippines, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia,

Indonesia, and India for the period 1970 to 1991, Urata (1994) investigated the impact of trade
liberalization on each countrys total factor productivity (TFP). Using tariff rates and the volume
of exports and imports to capture trade liberalization, results revealed that for most countries in
the sample, including the Philippines, trade liberalization had a positive impact on TFP growth,
but the relationship is not always stable or statistically significant. Austria (1998a) and Cororaton

Cororaton (1998)
Menardo (2004)
Palabyab, Nestor P. Opening market opportunities in ASEAN: ASEAN Free Trade Area. (last accessed November 5, 2012)
Urata (1994)
& Abdula (1999) used the same measures to capture the impact of trade on TFP of the
Philippines. The former covered the years 1960 to 1996, while the latter covered 1958 to 1991.
Austria (1998a), using cointegration techniques, found that exports had a positive and significant
impact on TFP, while Cororaton & Abdula (1999), using multivariate regressions, found that
exports only had marginal impact on TFP. Both studies showed negative coefficient for imports.
Austria (1998a) explained that the countrys lack of manpower skills to operate imported
machines and transport equipment has led to declining productivity. Meanwhile, Cororaton &
Abdula (1999) explained that this was due to the inappropriateness of the technology adopted by
industries and failure to integrate it with the forward and backward linkages of the economy.
While Cororaton & Abdula (1999) found that low period differences in tariff rates have negative
and significant impact on TFP,7 Austria (1998) found that tariff rates have an insignificant
impact on the countrys TFP.

Aforementioned studies generally find that trade liberalization in the Philippines have
limited impact on productivity. Moreover, foregoing studies have used macroeconomic data
since the Philippines does not have a readily available micro level database to analyze the impact
of trade liberalization on productivity. Surveys have to be carried out in order to conduct studies
that are based on micro data. Hallward-Driemeier, et al. (2002) used plant-level data for four
East Asian economies the Philippines, Indonesia, South Korea, and Thailand, to examine how
the extent of trade openness in markets influence manufacturing productivity. In particular, they
investigated whether exporters or firms that are more integrated to broader markets are more
productive than non-exporters. The analysis for the Philippines was based on a survey conducted
in the late 1990s covering 424 registered firms with at least 20 employees in the food, textile,
garment, chemical, and electronic sectors. Using multivariate regressions, the study revealed
that exporters are significantly more productive than non-exporters that sell only in the domestic
market. In addition, the productivity gaps were found to be larger in the Philippines and
Indonesia, which were identified as having less developed domestic markets compared to South
Korea and Thailand. The study also showed that greater access to world markets drives firms to
undertake investments that increase their productivity.

Aldaba (2010) assembled a firm-level panel dataset of Philippine manufacturing

establishments covering an eight-year period from 1996 to 2006 (1999, 2001 and 2004 are
missing).8 The study examined the impact of major trade reforms on the productivity of different
types of firms in different sectors, where the classification was based on the sectors trade
orientation traded sector: purely exportable, purely importable and mixed; and non-traded
sector. Greater exposure to international trade due to trade liberalization can drive efficient
domestic firms to expand and the less efficient ones to shrink or exit the market. Thus, trade
liberalization restructures and reshuffles the resources and activities within and across sectors.
Employing a non-parametric approach, results of the study showed some evidence that trade
liberalization leads to productivity gains and protection leads to productivity losses. Moreover,
aggregate productivity growth in the purely importable sector and mixed sector declined, while
aggregate productivity in the purely exportable and non-traded sectors both increased in the
period of study.

In the period of study, period differences in tariff rates barely changed, implying that protection reduced TFP.
With the aid of the National Statistics Office (NSO) Staff
In contrast to other developing countries that have readily available national database of
firms (for instance, Indonesia, Mexico and Venezuela), the Philippines does not have such data
available. Thus, the work of Aldaba (2010) offered a novel way of analyzing the impact of trade
liberalization on productivity in Philippine setting. Although insights provided by studies using
macro data are valuable, important relationships may be concealed. Efforts in organizing micro
level database in the Philippines such as the one assembled by Aldaba (2010) should be further
encouraged as using micro level data may provide more fruitful analysis.

1.2.2. Economic Growth

Several studies focus on the impact of trade on economic growth. The promotion of
production efficiency, better allocation of resources and increase in competitiveness of domestic
products brought by trade liberalization are among the reasons why the latter is expected to have
a positive impact on economic growth.

Using the APEX Model,9 Cororaton (1996) conducted simulations to investigate how
changes in sectoral nominal and implicit tariff rates from 1988 to 1992 affect economic growth.
Results show that changes in nominal tariff rate lead to annual real GDP increases by 0.47
percent on average. Using a financial computable general equilibrium (FCGE) model of the
Philippine economy, Cororaton (1997) conducted another set of simulations concerning tariff
changes with two different exchange rate regimes fixed and flexible exchange rates. Results
revealed that a tariff reduction program implemented within a flexible exchange rate regime has
the biggest and exerts a positive impact on output.

Meanwhile, Yap (1997) simulated the changes in tariff from 1993 to 1996 using the PIDS
macroeconometric model to investigate the impact on aggregate and sectoral economic output.
Results show that aggregate economic output increased as a result of the decline in the average
tariff rate. In addition, all major sectors showed output improvement. Nevertheless, effects differ
across major sectors the industry sector benefited the most, while the agricultural sector the
least during the simulation period. Using a smaller macroeconometric model, Yap (1997)
conducted simulations to investigate the impact on the economy of an across-the-board uniform
tariff of five percent. Results reveal that that the policy leads to greater demand for imports,
which leads to worsening of the trade deficit. In addition, the increase in the volume of imports
does not compensate for the reduction in the tariff rate, resulting to deterioration of the fiscal
balance. Results implied that tariff reduction makes macroeconomic constraints more restrictive,
which leads to an unambiguous fall in investment and, consequently, in a lower growth rate. In
contrast, Tan (1997), employing a partial equilibrium trade model based on input-output
framework, found that a five percent uniform tariff has favorable effects. Output can possibly
increase as a result of improvement in resource allocation in the tradable sector. In addition,
output and income growth can potentially be higher at lower uniform tariff. On a sectoral basis,
the growth rate for the manufacturing sector is highest, while the decrease in output is least for

APEX stands for Agriculture Policy Experiments. The model was developed by Ramon Clarete, Peter Warr and
their associates. It is a neoclassical, Walrasian computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the Philippine
economy with a well-defined production (or supply) sector, as well as a consumption (or demand) sector. See Yap
(2002) for more details.
Focusing on the trade reforms for the period 1995-2000, Cororaton & Cuenca (2000)
used a 50-sector CGE model of the Philippine economy and found that over the period, real GDP
improves. Nevertheless, variations in sectoral and annual effects exist, depending on the trade
reform considered.

1.2.3. Income Distribution and Poverty

Traditional trade theory predicts that trade liberalization would have income distribution
effects. In particular, the Heckscher-Ohlin (HO) model predicts that trade liberalization leads to
declines in income inequality in developing countries - countries abundant in unskilled/less
skilled workers. Nevertheless, the empirical literature shows mixed evidence of this prediction.

Yap (1997) capture the income distribution effects of the tariff change from 1993 to 1996
by incorporating an income distribution model in a macroeconometric model. Results revealed
that income distribution deteriorated, possibly due to the difference in impact of the tariff change
across sectors. While all sectors registered a positive increase in output, the industrial sector
posted the biggest positive increase, while the agricultural sector registered the least. Since
majority of households in the lower income brackets in the Philippines still depend on the
agricultural sector, the relatively lower output growth in agriculture generates unfavorable
income distribution effects.

Meanwhile, using the APEX model mentioned earlier, Cororaton (1996) investigated the
income distribution effects of the tariff changes from 1988 and 1992. The results revealed some
progressivity in the tariff change during the period, where households in the lowest income
bracket enjoyed the highest increase in income compared to the highest income bracket.
Furthermore, among the prices of unskilled labor, skilled labor and capital, the price of unskilled
labor obtained the highest increase for both fixed and flexible exchange rate regimes. Since
unskilled labor usually belongs to the poorest segment of the population, this benefits the poor.
Moreover, the price of capital increased faster than the general price of labor. This resulted in
some kind of a substitution effect in favor of labor; thereby, implying favorable income
distribution effects.

Simlarly, Cororaton (1998) and Cororaton & Cuenca (2000) found that the impact of
tariff reforms on income distribution was generally positive. Cororaton (1998) used a 34-sector
economy-wide model and found that for the period 1990 to 2000, the impact of the tariff reforms
on income distribution is generally favorable, especially in the second half of the 1990s. In
particular, all income groups enjoyed an increase in their absolute income as a result of the tariff
change. Nevertheless, the impact differs across income groups, with the lowest increase in the
poorest household. In addition, resource allocation across sectors changed as a consequence of
the tariff change, where a general resource movement from agriculture and construction to
manufacturing and utilities was observed. Meanwhile, Cororaton & Cuenca (2000) found that
for the period 1995 to 2000, the lowest income group registered the highest increase in income
relative to the other income groups.
Hasan & Jandoc (2010) showed that trade reforms did not significantly affect income
inequality. Using wage decompositin techniques and multiple regression methods, the study
examined the impact of trade liberalization on wage inequality in the Philippines for the period
1994 to 2000 - a period over which trade protection declined and inequality increased
dramatically. The study suggest that trade liberalization did not significantly contribute to
inequality in the country. In particular, results of the study revealed that trade-induced effects on
industry wage premia and industry-specific skill premia account for an economically
insignificant increase in wage inequality. Changes in economy-wide returns to education and
changes in industry membership appeared to be more important drivers of wage inequality. In
addition, the impact of trade liberalization on wage inequality was mainly attributed to trade-
induced employment reallocation effects wherein decline in trade protection have led to a shift of
employment to more protected sectors, especially services where wage inequality tended to be
high to begin with.

Cororaton, et al. (2005) focused on the possible impact of free trade and the Doha
agreements, in particular, on Philippine poverty using a detailed CGE analysis. Various policy
experiments reveal mixed effects. The implementation of Doha agreements was found to slightly
increase poverty. In particular, rural households and the agricultural self/un-employed, where
the poorest and most populous households in the country belong, are adversely affected due to
reduced world prices and demand for Philippines agricultural exports. Meanwhile, full trade
liberalization that is, free world trade, marginally reduces the poverty incidence. Free world
trade increases industrial exports, which favors urban households The agricultural sector likewise
benefits as the cost of competing agricultural imports increase.

1.2.4. Labor Market

One sector of the economy frequently examined in analyzing the impact of trade
liberalization in a country is the labor market. Specific attention is often given to employment
and wage effects as these have important welfare implications.

Cororaton & Cuenca (2000) found that tariff reductions from 1995-2000 led to generally
favorable employment effects, albeit with apparent gainers and losers across sectors. In
particular, a significant increase in industry employment is registered. However, declines were
registered in agriculture and services. Meanwhile, Orbeta (2002) analyzed the impact of
globalization measured by trade flows, on employment level and structure for the years 1980 to
2000, both at the aggregate and manufacturing sub-industry levels. At the aggregate level,
results of the study showed that labor demand increases with higher propensity to export and
import. At the manufacturing sub-industry level, greater export propensity has a positive impact
on labor demand while import propensity has an insignificant impact on labor demand. In terms
of employment structure, at the aggregate level, trade openness does not show a siginificant
impact on the proportion of women workers employed but at the manufacturing sub-industry
level, the increase in the propensity to export is beneficial for women workers. In addition,
increases in export propensity increase the proportion of low-skilled production workers
employed both at the aggregate and manufacturing sub-industry levels. Orbeta (2002) concludes
that expansion in exports has increased the demand for workers in the Philippines with basic
Hasan & Chen (2003) examined the impact of trade liberalization on wages and
employment in the Philippines manufacturing sector in the period 1988 to 1997. Results of the
study revealed that trade liberalization had fairly modest effects on both relative industry wages
as well as employment in the Philippines in the period of study. However, not all groups of
workers were left unaffected by liberalization. Workers in capital-intensive industries, especially
skilled ones, experienced declines in industry wage premiums. Less-skilled workers in capital-
intensive industries, meanwhile, appeared to have to work longer hours as a result of trade
liberalization. We also showed that wage inequality in the manufacturing sector has declined and
that there was no observed rise in returns to higher education in the period of study.

While most studies on the impact of trade liberalization on the Philippine economy
focused on trade in goods, very few research has been done so far on the impact of liberalization
in trade in services on the economy. An exception is the study of Amoranto, et al. (2010).

Amoranto, et al. (2010) investigated the impact of services liberalization in banking,

telecommunications, and distribution on employment and wages in the Philippines for the years
1991 and 2004. In particular, the study estimated the probability of full-time stable employment
and the effect on wages given services liberalization in aforementioned services. Results of the
study revealed that in general, liberalization in the services considered in the study had no
significant effect on employment in stable jobs for males and females. However, it is
associated with decreased wages for females and increased wages for males in fulltime
salaried work. Among the three industries, liberalization in telecommunications had the
greatest effect in terms of reducing employment in stable jobs and in reducing the wages
of fulltime salaried workers for both males and females. Meanwhile, compared to
telecommunications and banking, liberalization in distribution services favored workers in
terms of higher wages across different levels of education, except for those in the lowest
category of educational attainment (those without education or only elementary education).
Moreover, results suggest that services liberalization appear to have potentially harmed the
more vulnerable populations that are least educated, and may have shifted employment to
more higher skilled males compared to females.

1.2.5. Environmental and Labor Standards

An important strand in the international trade literature is the link between trade
liberalization and the environmental and labor standards in a country. Traditional literature
suggests that there is race to the bottom among countries participating in international trade.
Lower labor and environmental standards lead to lower production costs, which enable exporting
firms to be more competitive internationally. Nevertheless, increased awareness of
environmental and labor issues and the presence of foreign competitors that produce at higher
standards may pressure domestic producers to adopt higher standards. Moreover, some
developed countries require certain standards be met and tests be passed by goods exported in
their countries; for instance, ISO certification, sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) standards, and
eco-labels. However, studies on this topic for the Philippines are scant.
Aldaba & Cororaton (2001) assessed the impact of trade reforms on the environment and
environmental standards using CGE model simulations and industry case studies. Results of the
study revealed that trade liberalization does not lead to general environmental degradation, but
promotes competition and efficiency. Large export-oriented firms appear to be the promoters of
sound environmental practices and are the first to implement environmental management system.
The critical role played by technology in controlling pollution is likewise recognized. In
particular, introducing changes in technology together with trade reforms lead to significant
improvements in the environment.

Meanwhile, Edralin (2000) investigated the position of enterprises regarding social

clauses. Social clause espouses that international labor standards (set by the International Labor
Organization) be incorporated in international trade agreements to ensure that trade liberalization
is accompanied by improvements in conditions at work and not by race to the bottom that
exploits labor. On the one hand, better labor conditions are expected to increase the productivity
of workers, enabling them to be more competitive. On the other hand, higher labor standards
may come at a cost to firms, reducing or eliminating their edge against the lower labor cost in
other developing countries. Based on a survey of 125 enterprises in the manufacturing sector,
the study revealed that majority from management and union are in favor of a social clause. The
profile of enterprises that are in favor are those that are in the chemical products sub-sector, are
owned by Filipinos, are registered as single proprietorship, have a large employment size, have
medium capitalization, had an average profit the previous year, and have been operating its
business for 2-10 years. Meanwhile, enterprises that are not in favor of a social clause are
mainly those that are in the textile and wearing apparel and furniture and wood product
industries. Small businesses, in particular, are concerned of the lower labor costs in countries
such as China and Vietnam. Nevertheless, Edralin (2000) highlights the need for labor standard
reforms to ensure long-term competitiveness and that the Philippines gives globalization a
human face.

II. Foreign Direct Investments

Most developing countries are capital-scare and have limited access to international
financial markets relative to developed nations. Since capital accumulation is recognized to
foster economic growth, many developing nations offer incentives to attract FDI as an alternative
source of capital. Apart from the inflow of capital, FDI is expected to introduce a myriad of
favorable productivity spillovers in the host country technological advancement, improved
research and development, superior management skills, and expanded marketing network,
among others. Hence, FDI is expected to promote growth and enhance welfare. Due to these
expected benefits, there is vigorous effort by developing countries, the Philippines included, to
attract FDI.

2.1. Evolution of Philippine FDI Policy

Many studies have assessed the FDI experience and investment policies of the
Philippines. To name a few, Aldaba (1994) provided a very comprehensive discussion of the
Philippines FDI policies and patterns from the 1960s to the 1990s. Aldaba (2006) and Balboa &
Medalla (2006) provided a summary of FDI patterns and policies in the 1980s to early 2000s.
Matriano (2002) provided a brief summary of the Philippine FDI experience for the period 1997
to 2001.

Similar to trade policy, investment policy in the Philippines has experienced reforms.
Beginning in the 1980s, the attitude of the Philippines toward foreign direct investment has
changed considerably (Aldaba, 2006). One of the most important steps undertaken to liberalize
investment policy in the 1980s was the passage of the Omnibus Investment Code (OIC) of 1987.
The OIC of 1987 simplified and consolidated previous laws and provided two important
incentives, namely, the provision of income tax holiday for enetrprises engaged in preferred
areas of investment and taxable income deductions for the use of skilled and unskilled workers
that satisfy certain BOI requirements. Other incentives in the OIC include tax and duty
exceptions on certain capital equipment and accompanying parts, tax credits on domestic capital
equipment, employment of foreign nationals for technical and advisory positions for a certain
period, and simplified customs procedures.

In the 1990s, an important step taken to liberalize investment policy was the Foreign
Investment Act (FIA) of 1991, which liberalized existing investment regulations. In particular,
foreign equity participation up to 100 percent was allowed in all areas unless the investment is
prohibited or limited under the Foreign Investment Negative List. Over time, the negative list
was considerably reduced.

In 1994, entry and operations of foreign banks was liberalized. Foreign banks were
allowed to acquire up to 60% ownership of domestic banks. The capital market was likewise
liberalized with the removal of some foreign exchange controls, including the surrender
requirement for export proceeds and Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) approval of forex
transactions and capital repatriation.

In 1995, Republic Act 7916 allowed greater private sector participation in the
development and management of the countrys special economic zones and expanded the
activities permitted within the zones. According to the World Bank (1997), the integrated
package of policies, streamlined procedures and physical infrastructure offered by economic
zones resulted in a net positive economic impact.

By the 2000s, more liberalization efforts specific to FDI were undertaken. For instance,
in 2000, the General Banking Law provided a seven-year window during which foreign banks
may own up to 100 percent of one locally-incorporated commercial or thrift bank (with no
obligation to divest later). The Retail Trade Liberalization was likewise passed in 2000 that
allowed foreign investors to enter the retail business and have 100 percent ownership (with
minimum equity requirement).

Though substantial progress has been made in liberalizing the countrys FDI policy,
barriers to foreign investment entry still remain. For instance, due to constitutional constraints,
foreign investment is restricted in certain industries mass media, small-scale mining, private
security agencies, and the manufacture of firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices, among others.
Limit on foreign ownership remain on enterprises engaged in domestic air transport, public
utilities, pawnshop operations, education and employee recruitment, among others.
2.2. Determinants of FDI

Despite the steps taken to liberalize investments in the country, studies show that FDI
inflows in the country have displayed unstable patterns of growth and the Philippines has lagged
behind its neighboring countries in attracting FDI inflows. The FDI experience of the Philippines
brings to attention whether the country has the necessary conditions and environment conducive
for attracting and maintaining investments. This is a very important question; thus, has been the
subject of many research.

Austria (1998b) identified the factors that explained FDI patterns in the Philippines in the
1990s. Factors that attracted FDI in the 1990s include the governments general policy of
openness, strong macroeconomic fundamentals, economic recovery and policitcal stability.
Meanwhile, factors that inhibited FDI include the militancy of labor unions, inadequate tecnical
and vocational skills of the labor force, high cost of unskilled labor relative to Indonesia,
Vietnam or China, slow growth of labor productivity relative to wage increases (primarily due to
minimum wage setting), poor infrastructure and lack of competitive support industries.

Aldaba (1994) empirically explored the factors influencing FDI inflows for the period
1973 to 1992. Results of the regression analysis showed that FDI inflows is positively correlated
with the stock of public investment, real GDP and the real effective exchange rate; and is
negatively related with political instability. Changes in investment incentives were also shown
to have no influence on FDI inflows in the period of study. In addition, for the period
considered, FDI inflows were shown to be positively related to the effective rate of protection
and that most FDI infows were import-substituting. Aside from analyzing the behavior of
aggregate FDI inflows, Aldaba (1994) disaggregated the FDI inflows coming from the US, Japan
and the EC6. Results show that FDI inflows from these sources respond differently to different
factors considered in the study.

The results of Alburo (1998) showed some similarities with that of Aldaba (1994), albeit
working on a different time period. Based on the analysis of FDI inflows for the period 1985-
1997, the real exchange rate, effective protection rate and rates of return were shown to have a
positive impact on FDI inflows, while the amount of commercial credits has a negative impact
on FDI inflows. Bilateral investment treaties of the Philippines, meanwhile, were shown not to
have a significant impact on the countrys FDI inflows.

Notable is the positive and highly significant impact of effective protection rate in both
studies, suggesting that FDI attracted by the Philippines are in general not export-oriented.
Alburo (1998) mentions that this is not to undermine the growing importance of FDI in export-
oriented sub-sectors (e.g., electronics), but merely shows that FDI attracted in the period covered
by the studies are in general not attracted to the exporting sectors of the country.

Balboa & Medalla (2006) provide a descriptive analysis to explain the FDI experience of
the Philippines. Based on the work of Banga (2003), they identified three categories of
government policies, namely, overall economic policy, national FDI policies, and international
FDI policies that affect FDI inflows in a country. The first category includes investments in
infrastructure, in particular, environmental and urban management (waste and traffic
management), where the the Philippines is lagging; and industrial power supply, where the
Philippines has a high cost compared to other Asian countries. Wage and labor productivity
relation likewise fall under this category, where it was identified that the Philippines has one of
the highest minimum wages in Asia and yet has one of the lowest labor productivity. The second
category includes the tax structure and tax administration in a country. While Aldaba (2006)
mentions that the Tax Reform Package in 1986, the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program in
1994 and the Tax Reform Act of 1997 have significant positive impacts on the Philippine tax
system, Balboa and Medalla (2006) mention that the Philippines still has one of the highest
corporate and value-added taxes compared to its neighbors. Likewise, the Philippines lack of
tax administration transparency and reputation for tax evasion have had negative impacts on the
investment climate of the country. Another important policy under this category is fiscal
incentives, where the Philippines was identified to have a fairly competitive incentive package
vis-a-vis other ASEAN countries. Restrictions and limitations in foreign investments and land
ownership also falls in this category. While the Philippines has undergone extensive
liberalization with regard to investment and land ownership (Matriano, 2002), Balboa & Medalla
(2006) mention that the country still has one of the most restricitve rules compared to its ASEAN
neighbors. Related to this, the authors mention that countries with stricter rules on investment
and land ownesrship resulted to more corruption. The third category includes membership of a
country in bilateral investment treaties and economic partnerships. As of June 2012, the
Philippines has signed 35 BITs, 30 of which have already been entered into force.10

While the analysis of Balboa & Medalla (2006) is useful in identifying the policies that
could be improved on to promote greater FDI inflows, the study fails to identify which among
the policies require the most attention and have the most impact in terms of influencing FDI
inflows. With the governments lack of resources, it is imperative to identify which among the
identified factors influencing FDI inflows would bring the most impact. ADB (2005) conducted
a survey in 2003 in four manufacturing sectors, namely, food and food processing, garments,
textiles, and electronics that somewhat addresses this concern. The survey analyzed the relative
importance of macroeconomic fundamentals, infrastructure, governance and institutions to
investors. Result of the survey revealed that macroeconomic stability, corruption, electricity, tax
rates, and economic policy uncertainty are the top five concerns of investors in the country
surveyed in the study. A periodic survey similar to the foregoing should be encouraged and
should be extended to other sectors (i.e. service, which is growing in economic importance).
Such surveys and studies can serve as a monitoring mechanism whether the concerns of investors
are adequately being addressed by the government.

Instead of simply enumerating and describing the policies and factors that require
government attention, another approach that could be taken is to choose an existing FDI policy
and analyze its economic importance vis--vis the cost of implementing it. An example of such
study is Reside (2006a, 2006b), which focused on fiscal incentives. The results of both studies
showed that fiscal incentives are not significant and that fundamental factors are more important
in attracting FDI and regional investments in the Philippines. Reside (2006a, 2006b) suggested
that government resources should instead be spent on productivity-enhancing goods such as
education and infrastructure.

UNCTAD Investment Instruments On-line Database. (last accessed November 5, 2012)
2.3. Impact of Foreign Direct Investments

While it is important to review the countrys history of FDI policies and determinants of
FDI inflows, it is equally important, if not more important, to investigate the impact of FDI in the

In a cross-country study of 9 Asian countries including the Philippines, Dhakal, et al.

(2007) investigated whether there is a two-way causality between FDI and economic growth
over the period 1980 to 2001. It showed varying results for different countries. For the case of
the Philippines, it was revealed that while FDI causes economic growth, the latter also stimulates
the former. Thus, there is a two-way causality between the two. FDI-to-growth causality is
reinforced by the presence of greater trade openness, more limited rule of law, lower receipts of
aid. Growth-to-FDI causality, meanwhile, is strengthened by greater political rights and more
limited rule of law.

Instead of looking at the amount of FDI inflows, Choong & Liew (2009) investigated the
impact of FDI volatility on economic growth for the ASEAN-5 for the period 1974 to 2005.
The study revealed that FDI volatility and economic growth are cointegrated, implying a long-
run relationship between the two. In particular, FDI volatility has a significant and negative
impact on economic growth of the ASEAN+5, albeit not significant for Singapore. For the case
of the Philippines, a 1% increase in FDI volatility is associated with a 0.41% rise in economic
growth. Among the countries considered in the study, the Philippines economic growth is the
least vulnerable to FDI volatility. At first look, this may be encouraging since this implies that
the countrys economic growth is not highly dependent on FDI inflows. However, one possibility
for this result is that the FDI inflows in the Philippines may be small relative to that of other
countries in the study; thus, the small observed impact on the countrys economic growth.

The study of Bende-Nabende & Slater (2003) investigated the impact of FDI on domestic
private investment both in the short-run and long-run covering the period 1971 to 1999 for 4
ASEAN countries Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines. The results showed that
in the short-run, there is significant crowding in effects for the Philippines and Thailand,
insignificant crowding in effects for Indonesia, and insignificant crowding out in Malaysia. The
authors suggest that in the short-run, FDI tends to crowd in domestic investment in
comparatively less developed countries, but crowd out in more developed ones. In the long-run,
it was shown that there is significant crowding in for the four countries11.

The preceding discussion shows that the empirical literature on the impact of FDI on the
Philippine economy is scant. In addition, aforementioned studies are cross-country wherein the
Philippines is just one of the observations; thus, they fail to provide a detailed analysis for the
Philippines. One recent study by Agbola (2007) is an exception. The study empirically
investigated the impact of FDI on economic growth in the Philippines in the period 1970 to
2006. Results of the study showed that FDI has a positive impact on economic growth of the
country. The study suggests that FDI may be more important than domestic private investment
in enhancing economic growth. However, FDI is shown to crowd out domestic investment,

Due to sample size limitations, the authors were only able to do panel co-integration for the entire sample. No
specific country analysis was done for the long-run case.
which is in contrast to the findings of Bende-Nabende & Slater (2003). Nevertheless, the study
found that FDI can positively influence economic growth by stimulating human capital and
infrastructure development.

The precise mechanism of how FDI affects economic growth and domestic investment
depends on a myriad of factors, but aforementioned studies are unable to provide a detailed
explanation as they use highly aggregated data. Hence, conclusions are at best suggestive. In
such case, caution must be made when making policy recommendations. For instance, if
evidence of crowding out of private investment is found at the aggregate level, it does not
necessarily imply that there is no crowding in at the sectoral, industry and firm level. Moreover,
it cannot be concluded that all types of FDI crowd out domestic investment. Likewise, the
specific conditions why crowding out is found may be hard to identify; thus, caution must be
made in making policy recommendations.

III. Economic Integration

Liberalization in trade and investment throughout the years have led to greater economic
integration. Reforms done in the 1980s and 1990s have reduced the inefficiency of domestic
industries that were products of past protectionist policies. As a result of liberalization efforts,
the countrys competitiveness improved that enabled it to participate in international trade

Austria (2004) mentioned market-led process, institution-led process and private sector-
led process as the main drivers of economic integration. Market-led process reflects spontaneous
trade and investment flows through international production sharing. Institution-led process is
driven by free trade agreements. And private sector-led process is driven by economic zones
across geographically contiguous countries in a region.

3.1. International Production Sharing

International production sharing exploit the comparative advantage of different countries

in producing different parts and components of a good. The Philippines participates in this
production scheme primarily through the labor-intensive production processes. The studies of
Austria (2002, 2003, 2004) reveal increasing economic integration of the Philippines as
suggested by its growing intra-industry trade with trading partners. In particular, Austria (2002)
showed an increasing intra-industry trade in manufactures between the Philippines and APEC
members, especially in semiconductors and electrical machineries. Likewise, from 1990 to
1999, Austria (2003) shows an increasing intra-industry trade in manufactures between pairs of
ASEAN economies. Similarly, intra-indsutry trade in ASEAN priority goods sectors between
the Philippines and ASEAN countries from 1997 to 2001 increased, though large variations
across sectors and partner countries is apparent, as revealed by Austria (2004). Nevertheless,
integration is still considered weak, which can be primarily attributed to the variation in the
speed of integration of member countries and stark differences in the level of development of
member countries. Austria (2004) likewise mentions the rapid emergence of China as an
economic power as an important challenge for the Philippines and the ASEAN in general.
By focusing on the electronics industry, Austria (2008) mentioned that the country has
hardly progressed in its participation in the global production chain, as the country remains in the
level of assembly and testing segments that generate the lowest value-added. The primary
culprit for the failure of the country to move to higher-value added segments of the production
chain is primarily the lack of local support structures in the country; in particular, poor
infrastructures and logistics, high power cost, poor quality and unreliable power, high cost of
unskilled labor, lack of supplier industries and inadeqaute technological capabilities that
constrain industrial upgrading.

3.2. Trade Agreements

The unilateral and multilateral reduction of barriers to trade and investment has led to
greater economic integration across economies. The Philippine governments signing and joining
of various agreements is a signal of its commitment to liberalize trade and investment.
Numerous studies have been made to estimate the impact of trade agreements of the Philippines.

The ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) is the Philippines first free trade agreement and
was established in 1992. Its primary goal was to inrease ASEAN competitiveness as a production
base for the world by reducing intra-regional tariffs to 0% to 5% within a 15-year period through
the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT). Pineda (1997) identified the net exporting
industries to ASEAN as the primary gainers of CEPT in the Philippines. Meanwhile, using a
CGE model and the GTAP12 model, Todsadee & Kameyama (2010) showed that tradable
agricultural and food sectors in the Philippines would benefit from CEPT. However, the study
found that the potential gain for the Philippines is unclear. Simulation results for the period
2004-2010 show negative real GDP growth, reduced terms of trade, decline in allocative
efficiency, and deterioration of the trade balance in some years.

In contrast, Karim & Othman (2005) shows that the Philippines benefits from AFTA. By
creating a big, integrated and efficient market, AFTA is expected to attract FDI inflows in
ASEAN member countries. The study of Karim & Othman (2005) reveal that FDI iflows in the
Philippines is positively and significantly affected by AFTA. In addition, the study shows that
Chinas accession to WTO has a negative impact on majority of ASEAN countries FDI inflows,
which emphasizes the importance of further strengthening AFTA.

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was established in 1989 as informal

Ministerial-level dialogue among 12 countries, of which the Philippines is included. The main
thrust of APEC is to promote open trade and investment environment in the Asia-Pacific region.
However, it has been subject to criticisms because it imposes no binding obligations to its
members. Thus, it may be hard to separate out the effects of APEC on the economy (Drysdale &
Armstrong, 2009). Nevertheless, Austria (2001) and Medalla et al. (2009) argue that the
Philippines has gained from its participation in APEC. It has established economic ties and
networks that not only increased the countrys trade and investment from APEC members, but
has helped the Philippines in the aspects of trade facilitation (standards and conformance,
customs procedures, intellectual property rights, good governance and transparency, mobility of

Global Trade Analysis Project
business people) and economic and technical cooperation (human resource development, energy,
SMEs, agriculture, environment, services, finance and others).

The Japan-Philippines Economic Partnreship Agreement (JPEPA) was enforced in 2008

and is the first bilateral free trade agreement enetered into by the Philippines. Medalla et al.
(2010) provide a comprehensive summary of the studies that estimate the impact of JPEPA on
the Philippine economy. Depending on the model used and the assumptions on the success or
failure of implementing the different aspects of the agreeement, JPEPA can generate a gain in
real GDP as low as 0.09% to as high as 3.03%. On the sectoral level, gainers include
information, communications and technology (ICT), medical services, tourism and agriculture;
and losers include cement and motor parts and components. Nevertheless, the predicted impact
on adversely affected sectors may be prevented if technical capabilities of these sectors are
linked with existing Japanese manufacturing networks. Moreover, Medalla et al. (2010)
emphasize the need for improved standards of Philippine exporters, most especially the
agriculutral sector, in order to benefit from JPEPA. The inclusion of liberalization of trade in
services and investments and other trade related issues (e.g. trade facilitation, dispute avoidance
and settlement) are other venues by which Philippines is expected to benefit from JPEPA.

In spite being a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Austria (2001)
emphasized the value of regional trade agreements for the Philippines. First, they provide an
avenue to overcome trade barriers beyond what can be achieved under the WTO at a faster pace.
Second, they enhance the countrys competitiveness. Third, they enable the country to address
international concerns that can only be addressed at a regional level.

IV. Research Gaps

The literature on Philippine trade and investment is vast. The foregoing has only provided
a sample of studies on different aspects of trade and investment in the Philippines. Though
numerous studies have already been done, there are areas that remain unexplored and
underexplored. Many questions remain unanswered and many issues need further analysis. The
following may provide ideas that can stimulate future research.

A topic that is worthy of investigation is the impact on the Philippines of trade and
investment liberalization of other countries. For instance, the recent surge of Chinas trade has
somehow affected the competing sectors in the Philippines both in the international market and
in the domestic market. Though this has been recognized in some studies (Palanca (2004)
provides a comprehensive review), limited empirical investigation has been done. Future studies
can refer to Kandilov (2010), which investigated whether the increase in Chinas exports in the
Philippines and in third markets where the two are competitors (US and Japan, for instance) have
adversely affected the workers in the Philippines. By stealing the domestic firms market share,
some firms may cut down operations or even exit the market; thus, some workers are necessarily
displaced. For these workers, it may be interesting to see whether they experienced relocation
effects as workers in the United States of America (USA). Results of such a study have
important policy implications as it could have adverse and long term impacts on inequality and
The study of Amoranto, et al. (2010) on trade in services liberalization is valuable as it
provided an initial step towards the analysis of other services (for instance, business process
outsourcing and retail trade). A possible extension of said work is to examine the impact of
liberalization in goods and services trade on within sector and across sector employment. For
instance, liberalization in goods trade may have magnified impact on the labor market through
forward and backward linkages. Likewise, if liberalization of trade in goods increased
employment in the manufacturing sector, employment in the services sector can also be
stimulated as services are inputs to many industries. A related study was done by Clemes, et al.
(2003) where possible two-way spillover effects of the expansion of manufacturing and services
sectors for the ASEAN-5 for the period 1965-1994 were examined. Results confirm the positive
effect of manufacturing sector growth on service sector growth and vice-versa for the whole of
ASEAN-5. Future work can update this study and focus on the Philippines.

An underexplored area of study in the trade literature for the Philippines is the linkage
between standards and trade. Swann (2010) provided a review of the impact of various standards
on trade. For instance, EU standards on clothing and textiles constrain African exports. SPS
standards in OECD countries reduce the agricultural exports of non-OECD countries. And strict
environmental standards reduce imports of OECD countries. Nevertheless, Swann (2010)
suggests that when exporting countries are able to meet international standards, then
opportunities for greater market share can be taken advantaged of. For instance, the alignment of
domestic standards in the personal computer industry in the Philippines with international
standards has allowed domestic firms to provide some of the components for personal computers
sold in Europe. Thus, an area worthy of future investigation is to examine whether the exporters
in the Philippines in different sectors are constrained or encouraged by standards set in various
exports markets. If conformity to international standards is expected to increase market share,
then assistance should be given to exporters to help increase their capacity to meet the standards.
This will be helpful in improving their long-run competitiveness.

The role of labor union activities and other institutional factors across different industries
can be explored when analyzing the trade-labor market linkage. The impact of institutional
factors is often ignored in the Philippine trade literature, but may provide valuable insights. It is
interesting to examine whether the characteristic of FDI inflows in the country has changed in
the most recent decade (2000s). In addition, instead of merely identifying the determinants of
FDI inflows in the country, one particular area of future research is to identify the contribution of
FDI in the sector and region where they go. For instance, examining the contribution of FDI to
national, sectoral and regional employment or labor productivity may be a fruitful exercise.

Somes studies investigating the determinants of FDI inflows in the country used simple
estimation techniques (see for instance Aldaba (1995) and Alburo (1998), which both used
Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) as the estimation technique). Thus, important econometric issues
(e.g., endogeneity) may have been ignored. If such is the case, then policy presciption may be
amiss. Many studies (see Blonigen (2005) for instance) have shown that the choice of estimation
technique can significantly alter the results of an equation trying to explain the determinants of
FDI inflows. Hence, a possible future research agenda is to re-estimate the determinants of FDI
inflows in the Philippines using other econometric techniques to verify the results of earlier

Studies similar to Reside (2006a, 2006b) must be encouraged. An analysis of different

government policies aimed at attracting FDI should be evaluated in relation to their effectiveness
and costs. As mentioned earlier, the Philippines has 35 BITs. However, very few have received
attention in terms of detailed policy analysis and whether the goal of each agreement has been
successfully acheived. The Philippines has BITs with Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and
Australia, among others, but there has been little or no study at all done on the particulars of
these treaties and whether the Philippines has taken advantage of them. Thus, this is a possible
area of future investigation.

There is a dearth of studies investigating the impact of FDI on the Philippine economy,
leaving a considerable area for future research. First, it is interesting to see whether FDI has the
same impact on domestic public and private investments. Most studies assume that the
mechanism of how FDI affects domestic investment is through private investment only. In
particular, MNCs may crowd in domestic investment due to productivity spillover effects and
crowd out due to competition (Aitken and Harrison, 1999). However, it is possible that the
pursuit for more FDI or pressure from MNCs may drive the host country government to make
public investments (Oman, 2000). Second, it may be worth investigating if different forms of
FDI have different effects on the Philippine economy. For instance, Calderon et al. (2004)
suggest that greenfield FDI13 is expected to have an impact on the economy through increase in
physical assets whereas mergers and acquisitions will more likely affect domestic firms through
spillovers. Third, differentiating between the intra- and inter-industry as well as forward and
backward linkage effects of FDI may provide valuable information. Arndt et al. (2010) suggest
that the impact of FDI on the host country depends on the structure of the industry where they
go; thus, it is important to look at the different linkages across industries.

Fourth, it is likewise worth investigating if FDI on the manufacturing and services sectors
have different effects on the economy. While the impact of FDI on the manufacturing sector
may be limited only in the sector, Fernandes & Paunov (2008) suggest that FDI in the services
sector may be more beneficial since services (telecommunications, finance, utilities) are inputs to
almost all industries. Fifth, it is interesting to investigate whether FDI has affected supplier and
consumer prices in different sectors. The possible effects of FDI on prices are almost absent
from the literature but should be studied (Lipsey & Sjoholm, 2005). Sixth, an examination of
labor market effects of FDI in the Philippines must be conducted. Many studies have shown that
FDI has important effects - both negative and positive, on different aspects of the labor market.
OECD-ILO (2008) provided a comprehensive review of the literature on the impact of FDI on
wages, labor demand and working conditions in host countries. Important questions found that
remain unanswered for the Philippines include the following: Does FDI raise the average wage
level in an industry? Is there a foreign firm wage premium? If foreign and domestic firms pay
substantially different wages, would this contribute to within industry income inequality? Does
the presence of MNCs have any impact on the working practices of domestic firms? Finally, a
useful subject of future research is to determine host (Philippine) country characteristics that

Greenfield FDI refers to investment in new assets.
should be present and policy approaches that should be employed in order to maximize the
benefits of FDI.

Liberalization of trade and investment seem inevitable. An important subject of future

investigation is to ascertain the circumstances, under which greater economic integration can
enhance economic growth and total factor productivity, reduce income inequality and help
alleviate poverty across all regions of the country.

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Literature Map

Trade Investment

History of Trade Policy

History of Invesment Policy Determinants of FDI Impact of FDI
Impact of Trade Liberalization

Productivity Economic Growth Income Distribution and Poverty Labor Market (Environment &

Economic Integration

International Production Sharing Trade and Investment


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