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1.PCR process was discovered by Kary B. Mullis in

a) 1983 b) 1980 c) 1974 d) 1995

2.Adipose dorsal fin present in

a) Claridae b) Heteropneustidae c) Siluridae d) None

3.T. mossambica introduced in India in year

a) 1952 b) 1960 c) 1935 d) 1972

4.M. rosenbergii attain first maturity in

a) 4-7 month b)10 month c)12-15 month d) None

5.---------is a protandrous hermaphrodite

a) Giant perch b) Oyster c) a & b d) None of the above

6.Kakabans are made of horse hair like fibres of ------

a) Indjuk plant b) Coconut leafs c) a & b d) None

7.In India C. batrachus commonly known as

a) Stinging cat fish b) Magur Snakehead d) None of these

8.------------ is called as aquatic chicken

a) Catla b) Rohu c) Tilapia d) Channa striatus

9.Stickness of common carp egg removed by

a) Salt-carbamide solution b) Milk powder solution c) a& b d) Formalin solution

10. Marine cat fishes coming under the family

a) Plotossidae b) Aridae c) a & b d) None

11. Number of larval stages in P. monodon is

a) 12 b) 13 c) 15 d) 9

12. The egg size of M. rosenbergii is

a) 0.3 mm b) 0.6-0.7 mm c) 0.9-1 mm d) 2 mm

13. The active compound present in Mahua oil cake is

a) Rotenone b) Saponin c) a & b d) None

14. Which is Euryhaline fish

a) Milk fish b) Sea bass c) a & b d) None

15. ---------- being first among ornamental fish producing country

a) Singapore b) India c) Malaysia d) Japan

16. Which species grow large in size

a) S. serrata b) S. tranquebarica c) P. pelagicus d) P. Sanguinolentus

17. M. roserbergii is a
a) Herbivore b) Carnivore c) Omnivore d) None

18. Khazan lands are present in
a) Kerala b) West Bengal c) U.P d) Karnataka

19. Which in known as sanitary fish

a) Silver carp b) Grass carp c) a & b d) None

20. Induced breeding and seed production technology for grouper was developed by

21. In animal cell, DNA is present in

a) Nucleus b) Mitochondria c) a & b d) None

22. The inactivation of sperm for gynogenesis is done by using

a) UV ray b) X ray c) Dimethyl sulphate d) Above all

23. Gynogenesis occurs naturals in some fishes belonging to the family

a) Poecilidae b) Cyprinidae c) Cyprinodontidae d) None

24. Which method is used for transiting the gene into animal embryo
a) Microinjection b) Electroporation c) a & b d) None

25. Number of larval stages in M. roserbergii is

a) 15 b) 13 c) 11 d) 8

26. Which is called as the mother of probiotics

a) Nitrosomonas b) Latic acid bacteria c) Nitrobactor d) None

27. Which is known as golden Mahseer?

a) T. putitora b) T. torc) T. mosal d) None

28. Which penaeid shrimp require high protein level in (around 60%) their diet
a) P. vannamei b) P. indicus c) P. japanicus d) P. setiferus

29. Dopamine antagonist present in ovatide is

a) Pimozide b) domperidone c) Tamoxifen d) None

30. Which in mycotoxin

a) Aflatoxin b) T-2 toxin c) Zearalenone d) Above all

31. In shrimp Y organ produce

a) Moulting b) Moulting inhibiting hormone
c) a & b d) None

32. Secondary sexual characters are prominent in carps during

a) Spawning season b) Through the year
c) No secondary sexual character development d) None

33. Induced breeding and seed production technology for sea bass was developed by

34. ---------- is the largest producer of pearl

a) India b) USA c) Japan d) Philippines

35. In India trout hatchery is present in
a) Bhimtal b) Lonavla c) a & b d) None

36. Which is not a cold water fish

a) Pacific salmon b) Atlantic salmon c) Trout d) None of the above

37. What is the egg size of P. mondon?

a) 0.3 mm b) 0.6 mm c) 0.9 mm d) 1 mm

38. Which non specific defense mechanism is present in shrimp

a) Phagocytosis b) Encapsulation c) Prophenoloxidase system d) All

39. ---------- is used to control EUS

a) CIFAX b) OTC c) a & b d) None

40. Crustacean parasites are controlled by applying --------------- in pond

a) Malathion b) CuSo4 c) Malachite green d) None

41. Which form is toxic to fish

a) NH4+ b) NH3 & NO2 c) NO3 d) above all

42. Methemoglobinemia is related to ------- toxicity

a) NH4+ b) NH3 c) NO2 d) NO2-+

43. The fecundity of 1kg grass carp is

a) 1,50,000 b) 2,00,000 c) 82,000 d) None

44. The process of message transfer from DNA to mRNA is called

a) Transcription b) Translation c) a & b d) None

45. P. monodon attain first maturity in

a) 8 month b) 10-12 month c) 13-15 month d) None

46. Which sp. is more favourable for culture?

a) O. niloticus b) T. rendallii c) T. zill d) None

47. The fish egg chorion is removed by using ------ for microinjection
a) NaCl2 solution b) CaCl2 solution c) Trypsin solution d) None

48. Which is a marginal weed

a) Ipomea b) Typha c) a & b d) None

49. Fishes which deposit eggs on sand is called as

a) Lithophils b) Psammophils c) Phytophils d) None

50. Scoliosis and Lordosis disease caused by deficiency of

a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin B c) Vitamin C d) None

51. Chelating agent used in shrimp hatchery is

a) Sodium thiosulphate b) EDTA c) Oxytetracycline d) None of these

52. Deep sea lobster is

a) Panulirus ornatus b) Panulirus homarus c) Puerulus sewelli d) None of these

53. Moult Death Syndrome occurs in captive
a) Crabs b) Lobsters c) Prawns d) Fishes
The number of Zoea stages observed in crabs is
a) Four b) Two c) Six d) Five

53. WSSV was first reported in shrimp culture in India in

a) 1994 b) 1992 c) 1996 d) None of these

54. Which of the following is referred as Green crab

a) Scylla oceanica b) S. serrata c) S. paramamosain d) None of these

55. Which fish is known as Poor mans pomfret

a) Drift fish b) Sail fish c) Sardines d) Mackerel

56. Gear used of Bombay duck fishery is

a) Shore seine b) Gill net c) Dol net d) Gill net

57. Gold fish is a

a) Herbivore b) Carnivore c) Omnivore d) None of these

58. Which of the following is referred as living fossil

a) Lampreys b) Coelacanth c) Hag fishes d) None of these

59. Forked teeth are found in

a) Whales b) Sardines c) Bombay duck d) All the above

60. Hooks and lines are used for catching

a) Prawn b) Tuna c) Mackerel d) None of these

61. Phenomenon of biomagnification is shown by

a) Heavy metals b) Domestic sewage
c) Distillary waste d) None of these

62. Silver carp can be used for controlling

a) Microphytes b) Algal bloom c) Duck weeds d) Emergent weeds

63. Simazine is used for controlling

a) Blue green algae b) Fish lice c) white spot disease d) None of these

64. Cyclomorphosis is very common in

a) Cladocerans b) Copepods c) Mammals d) fishes

65. Pearl is formed by the secretion of

a) Shell b) Gonadal tissue c) Mantle tissue d) Intestinal tissue

66. The chemical used for narcotizing the pearl oyster for conditioning
a) Quinaldine b) MS 222 c) Iodine d) Menthol crystal

67. One molecule of glucose on complete oxidation produces

a) 30 ATP mole b) 38 ATP mole
c) 40 ATP mole d) 45 ATP mole

68. The most widely used cryoprotectant in fish gamete preservations are
a) Methanol b) DMSO c) Acetic acid d) None of these

69. The teleost fish has the following class of immunoglobulin
a) IgE b) IgM c) IgA d) IgG
70. The common marine blue green algae responsible for causing red tide is
a) Spirulina sp b) Nostoc sp
c) Trichodesmium sp d) Microcystis sp

71. The important type of reproduction in diatoms is

a) Binary fission b) Microspores c) Cysts d) auxospores

72. Ouch ouch disease is caused by eating fish contaminated with

a) Mercury b) Chromium c) Cadmium d) Zinc

73. Psammon is a group of organisms seen between

a) Sand grains b) Mud particles c) Water droplets d) None of these

74. Which of the following is a bottom soil sampler

a) Casell bottle b) Eckman grab c) Van dorn sampler d) None

75. Indian major carps breeds during monsoon in

a) Ponds b) Rivers d) Lakes All the above

76. Pectoral fins of mature brooders are rough in

a) Male b) Female c) Both Male and Female d) None of these

77. Which aquatic weed is provided to common carps for egg laying
a) Hydrilla b) Lemna c) Azolla d) None of these

78. Which of the following is a Omnivore fish

a) Rohu b) Catla c) Mrigal d) Silver carp

79. Fish that easily breed in pond is

a) Grass carp b) Catla c) Common carp d) None

80. Coracle is operated in

a) Pond b) Ocean c) Reservoir d) all the above

81. Lodhia boat is used in

a) Gujarat b) Tamil Nadu c) Karnataka d) Andhra Pradesh

82. Who is known as Brahma of Indian Fisheries

a) Frederick Nicholson b) Wilson Henry
c) Francis Day d) James Hornell

83. Engraulis ringens is commonly known as

a) Chinese anchovy b) Indian anchovy
c) Peruvian anchovy d) None of these
84. Seabass are considered as
a) Euryhaline b) Stenohaline c) Thermohaline d) None of these

85. The species of grouper banned for fishing is

a) Epinephelus quoyanus b) E. tauvina c) E. lanceolatus d) None

86. PCR method for detection of Vibrio cholerae was standardized by

87. Sixth Indian fisheries forum was held at

88. Indian International seafood show during 2003 was held at
a) Tamil Nadu b) Mangalore c) Mumbai d) Goa

89. The scientific name of Flower shrimp is

a) Penaeus monodon b) P. indicus c) P. semisulcatus d) None of these

90. Melanization occurs in shrimps due to the action of

a) Immunostimulants b) Hormones
c) Pro-Phenoloxidase d) Immunoprophylaxis

91. Which of the following is commonly referred as Living capsules of nutrition

a) Benthos b) Nekton c) Plankton d) None of these

92. Which among the following is a Ostracod

a) Cypris b) Daphnia c) Moina d) Brachionus

93. Bagasse/press mud is a byproduct of

a) Wheat b) Rice c) Sugar d) Fish

94. Captive breeding of sand lobster was successfully carried out by


95. The minimum over lap percentage required in a satisfactory double seam of a round can is
a) 20% b) 60% c) 80% d) 50%

96. The deterioration of fats and oils is known as

a) Hydrogenation b) Rancidity c) Saponification d) Autooxidation

97. Highest heat resistance is exhibited by the spores of

a) B. subtilis b) B. stearothermophilus c) C. botulinum d) None

98. Fish proteins are rich in

a) Lysine b) Valine c) Threonine d) All the above

99. A short series of lectures is known as

a) Debate b) Panel c) Symposium d) Brain storming

100. Bacterial haemorrhagic septicaemia in fish is caused by

a) Aeromonas liquifaciens b) A. hydrophila
c) Pseudomonas d) Cytophaga

101. Cotton wool disease in fish is caused by

a) Saprolegnia sp b) Branchiomyces sp c) Achlya sp d) Exophila sp

102. Biologically optimal catch is called as

a) MEY b) MSY c) SOY d) None

103. Mahima shrimp feed was developed by


104. Which among the following is a non-air breathing cat fish
a) Clarias batrachus b) Heteropneustes fossilis
c) Ompak pabda d) None of these

105. The experimental design suitable for three characters with equal sample size is
a) Split plot design b) Randomised block design
c) Completely randomized design d) Latin square design

106. Sampling method in which population is divided into subpopulation of equal size
a) Systematic sampling b) random sampling
c) Multistage sampling d) Stratified sampling

107. Diploid chromosome number in IMC is

a) 50 b) 80 c) 58 d) 60

108. Sex linked inheritance in fish was first described by

a) T.J. Pandian b) Johannes Schmidt c) Zhu d) None of these

109. Colchicine is used for suppressing

a) Cell division b) Metaphase chromosomes
c) Growth d) None of these

110. First transgenic fish was produced in the year

a) 1980 b) 1982 c) 1985 d) 1990

111. Fishes which reproduce and die within a year are called as
a) Semulparous b) Hermaphrodite c) Parthenogenesis d) None of these

112. Which of the following is a protozoan ciliate

a) Epistylis b) Vorticella c) Trichodina d) Ichthyobodo

113. Red tail disease in shrimp is caused by

a) MBV b) TSV c) WSSV d) IHHNV

114. The concentration of KMnO4 used for treating Argulus infection is

a) 10ppm b) 5 ppm c) 2 ppm 20 ppm

115. The common medium employed for fish cell line is

a) TCBS b) TSA c) MEM d) None of these

116. Behaviour patterns that are expressed outwardly are called as

a) Overt b) Covert c) Stimulus d) Response

117. The ability of an individual to cope with his environment is called

a) Behaviour b) Talent c) Intelligence d) Psychology

118. Cells responsible for synthesizing antibodies are

a) B cells b) T cells c) Both B and T cells d) None

119. Failure in induced breeding can be due to

a) Poor condition of brood b) Lack of food
c) Temperature variation d) Mishandling

120. It is recommended to use the pituitaries from
a) Same Species b) Different Species
c) Different Genus d) Different Phyla

121. Inbreeding results in

a) Inbreeding depression b) Improved stock
c) Better off springs d) Increase hybrid vigour

122. Exposing milt to high dose of radiation result in

a) Destruction of chromosomes of the sperm cells
b) Chromosomal aberration
c) Destruction of nucleus of the sperm cells
d) Damage to cell walls of the sperm

123. Inter specific and inter generic hybridization produce

a) Viable and fertile off springs b) Non-viable offspring
c) Better growth d) Better survival

124. Typha is a
a) Rooted higher plant b) Floating plant c) Marine algae d) Parasitic plant

125. To eradicate the weeds, weedicides used are

a) 2, 4-D b) Salt solution c) Dilute formalin d) Pottassium permanganate

126. Algal bloom is caused by

a) Microcysitis b) Seaweeds c) Filamentous algae d) Hydrilla

127. Soil sterilant is effective in destroying

a) Weeds b) Fish fry c) Bottom predators d) Surface blooms

128. Sodium arsenite kills

a) All the submerged weeds b) The larvae c) The fish d) The algae

129. The green water method of algae production is practiced in

a) Fish culture centers b) Macrobrachium culture centre
c) Prawn larvae culture centers d) Artemia culture centers

130. In the algal production centers, Copper sulphate is applied to control rotifers at a rate of
a) 100 ppm once a week b) 10 ppm once a week
c) 0.6 ppm once a week d) 0.1 ppm once in 2 weeks

131. Cyst of brine shrimp hatch out as

a) Mysis b) Nauplii c) Zoea d) Protozoea

132. Decapsulation of Artemia cyst means

a) Removal head of Artemia b) Removal hard shell of Artemia cyst
c) Selection of Artemia cyst d) Disinfection of cysts

133. In order to deactivate toxic residues, the decapsulated Artemia should be dipped in
a) Mild formalin b) Chloric acid
c) 2 % sulphuric acid d) Potassium permanganate solution
134. Chlorella culture thrive well in the salinity range of
a) 40 ppt b) 10-20 ppt c) 1-5 ppt d) None

135. Brachionus is a very valuable live food but early larval stage of fish is unable of ingest because
a) They move very fast b) It does not have bad odour
c) It is easily soluble in water d) cheaper

136. Nitrogen fertilizers are preferred as they are

a) Non toxic to organism b) It does not have bad odour
c) It is easily soluble in water d) Cheaper

137. Major problem in using organic manure is

a) Non availability b) Variability of composition
c) Cost factor d) Handling problem

138. Chicken manure is high in

a) Sodium content b) Nitrogen content c) Trace elements d) Zinc content

139. Food conversion ratio is the

a) Amount of feed required to produce a unit weight gain
b) Amount of fat required to produce 1g of body weight
c) Amount of carbohydrate required to produce 1 g of body weight
d) It is a measure weight loss

140. The main problem with the use of trash fish as a feed is
a) Cost factor b) Availability
c) Deterioration of water quality and loss of nutrients d) Not palatable to fishes

141. Critical nutrients in the feed are

a) Protein b) Carbohydrate c) Vitamins d) Methionine and lysine

142. The two most important qualities of the fish pellets are
a) Colour and size b) Smell and taste
c) Hardness and water stability d) Cost and availability

143. Salmonella in the feedstuff is killed by

a) Storing in cold storage b) Pelleting
c) Heat treatment d) Keep it under reduced pressure

144. The major advantage of encapsulated diet is

a) Easy to consume b) Water quality is not spoiled
c) Specified nutritional d) Easy to handle

145. Feeding rate is estimated by

a) Multiplying the weight by conversion rate of feed used
b) Estimating the approximate number of larvae to be fed
c) Calculating the biomass
d) Estimating the mortality rate

146. A fish fry of body weight 0.25 g requires food of weight

a) 50% its body weight b) 10% of its body weight
c) 15% of its body weight d) 20% of its body weight
147. The first step requisite for the preparation of stocking pond is to
a) Fertilize the pond
b) Poisoning the pond
c) Clearing of plants and removal of predatory fishes
d) Bottom silt should be removed

148. Carrying capacity of one ha ponds fed with protein rich pellet is
a) About 2,680 kg b) About 5,000 kg
c) About 10,000 kg d) About 20,000 kg

149. Carrying capacity of the pond means

a) The weight limit of the fishes the pond can support
b) Productivity of the pond
c) Biomass of the pond
d) Algae production of the pond

150. Stocking pond of 1.25-2.0 ha can be stocked by 50-100 mm major carp fingerlings at a rate of
a) 10,000 /ha b) 15,000 /ha c) 5,000-8,000 /ha d) 2,000-3,000 /ha

151. Liming of the pond is done to

a) Reduce the pH of the water b) To kill the parasites and raise the pH
c) As a fertilizer d) To increase the productivity

152. Organic fertilizers include

a) NPK b) Urea c) Cow dung d) Super phosphate

153. The common predatory fish found in the pond is

a) Chanos chanos b) Glassogobius giuris c) Mugil parsia d) Sardinella longiceps

154. The weed fishes found in our ponds are

a) Anabas testudineus b) Ambassis ranga c) Labeo calbasu d) Cirrhinus mrigala

155. Fish poison of plant origin are

a) Aldrin b) Nuvan 100 EC c) Thiometon d) Mahua oil cake

156. The important culturable species are

a) Cynoglossus bilineatus b) Colis chuna c) Macrognathus aculeatum d) Labeo rohita

157. The head quarters of Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute is in

a) Bombay b) Calcutta c) Dhauh d) Barrackpore

158. Primary productivity is measured by using

a) Radioactive tracers like C14 b) Radioactive iodine
c) Radioactive K40 d) Radioactive Cs137

159. Nutrient cycle is a part of

a) Biogeochemical cycle b) Nitrogen cycle c) Phosphorus cycle d) Sulphur cycle

160. The controlling factor of productivity is

a) Colloidal content of the soil b) Acidic bottom of the pond
c) Calcium content of the bottom of the pond d) Cellulose mud of the pond

161. Bicarbonate and carbonates found in water acts as reservoirs of

a) Carbon dioxide b) Carbon c) Carbonic acid d) Hydrocarbons

162. Aquarium water should be aerated during

a) Night b) Evening c) Early morning d) Noon

163. Ammonia concentration is toxic to fish beyond
a) 0.05 mg/lit b) 0.5 mg/lit c) 0.75 mg/lit d) 10 mg/lit

164. The common name of Betta splendens is

a) Angel fish b) Swordtail c) Platy d) Siamese fighter

165. Floating plants are required for breeding

a) Guppies b) Angel fish c) Swordtail d) Gourami

166. Peacock tail is a variety of

a) Swordtail b) Gold fish c) Platy d) Guppy

167. Vallisneria is a
a) Rooted plant b) Floating plant c) Shade plant d) Symbiotic plant

168. Permanent hardness is due to

a) Dissolved sulphates and Chlorides of Calcium and Magnesium
b) Dissolved Calcium oxide
c) Sodium carbonate
d) Carbon dioxide

169. A good example of livebearer

a) L. reticulate b) Gold fish c) Catla catla d) Gourami

170. Icthyophthirius is a
a) Trematode parasite of fishes b) Protozoan parasite
c) Bacteria d) Copepod parasite

171. Acidosis is caused due to

a) Drastic reduction of calcium salts b) Increase in calcium content
c) Due to iron content of water d) Due to high chlorine

172. Blooms are produced by

a) Dinoflagellates b) Copepods c) Nematodes d) Bacteria

173. Argulus is a
a) Protozoan parasite b) Trematode parasite c) Copepod parasite d) Internal parasite

174. Infectious haematopoetic necrosis (IHN) is a

a) Bacterial disease b) Acute viral disease c) Fungal disease d) Caused by protozoa

175. Level of Tolerance of fish in water for hydrogen sulphide is

a) 1 ppm b) 0.1 ppm c) 0.01 ppm d) 0.001 ppm

176. Each female fish spawner needs

a) 10 mg of pituitary hormone per kg of fish
b) 10 mg of pituitary hormone per kg of fish
c) 0.1 mg of pituitary hormone per kg of fish
d) 1 mg of pituitary hormone per kg of fish

177. Stocking rate of brood fish should be

a) 1,000 3,000 kg/ha b) 10,000 30,000 kg/ha
c) 100 500 kg/ha d) 5,000 75,000 kg/ha

178. The fish poison Derris powder has
a) Rotenone b) Arsenic c) Mercury d) Chlorine

179. Aldrin is a
a) Chlorinate hydrocarbon b) Organophosphate c) Fertilizer d) Manure

180. The best food for fry of catla is

a) Phytoplankton b) Zooplankton c) Oil cake d) Wheat bran

181. The rate of ammonia excretion increases 10 times when the temperature in fish fry transport containers
a) 1oC b) 2oC c) 8oC to 15oC d) 15oC to 20oC

182. Sodium amytal is a

a) Antibiotic b) Antibacterial agent c) Anesthetic drug d) Larvicidal

183. Common carp breeders are fed with oil cake and rice bran at a rate of 1 : 1 at
a) 2-3% of the body weight b) 5-7% of the body weight
c) 10% of the body weight d) 1% of the body weight

184. Hypophysation technique was first used in

a) China b) USA c) Brazil d) India

185. If pituitary of the same species is used it is called

a) Heteroplastic b) Homoplastic c) Isotonic d) Isothermic

186. Average fecundity rate of Indian carp

a) 5 lakh eggs/kg body weight b) 2 lakh eggs/kg body weight
c) 10 lakh eggs/kg body weight d) 50,000 eggs/kg body weight

187. Hatching hapa has

a) One rectangular enclosures b) Two rectangular enclosures
c) Two square enclosures d) Two circular enclosures

188. Macrobrachium rosenbergi breeds in

a) Sea b) Estuaries c) Fresh water d) Salt water

189. Larval food of prawns consists of

a) Fish larvae b) Diatoms and Zooplankton c) Rice bran d) Wheat bran

190. In prawns, eggs hatches into

a) Protozoea b) Nauplius c) Mysis d) Zoea

191. True pearl oysters of Indian seas are

a) Meretrix merretix b) Pinctada fucata
c) Trochus niloticus d) Crassostrea madrasensis

192. The common spiny lobsters of our coast are

a) Scylla serrata b) Panulirus homarus
c) Portunus pelagicus d) Parapenaeopsis stylifera

Cryoprotective diluents for fish spermatozoa consist of

a) Sucrose, Potassium bicarbonate b) Glutathione
c) Dimethyl sulphoxide and egg yolk d) All

193. Milk fish feeds on
a) Fish larvae b) Pelagic zooplankton
c) Small benthic worms d) bottom algae

194. Cirrhinus mrigala is a

a) Surface feeder b) Column feeder c) Herbivorous d) Bottom feeder

195. Hybrid vigor is known as

a) Heterosis b) Polyploidy c) Intergeneric mating d) Cross breeding

196. Methyl testosterone is used for

a) Faster growth b) Better colour in fishes
c) Sex inversion d) Preventing deformities

197. Gynogenesis measures development of

a) Disease resistant off springs
b) Springs with exclusive maternal inheritance
c) Off spring with cold resistance
d) Resistance to pollution

198. Pleiotropy is the expression of

a) Secondary consequences of an allele
b) Expression of recessive allele
c) Expression of homozygous character
d) Character for homozygote

199. Polygenic inheritance can be measured in

a) Individuals b) Population c) Groups d) Races

200. Acrosome is found in

a) Tail portion of sperm b) Head of the sperm
c) Near the micropile of the egg d) Adjacent to the mitochondria of the sperm

201. The global ornamental fish trade is word as us $

a) 10 billion b) 5billion c) 1 billion d) 15 million

202. The sex ratio recommended for live bearer

a) 1:3 b) 2:1 c) 2:2 d) 1:1

203. The eggs of gold fish are

a) Floating b) Adhesive c) Semi bouyant d) none

204. The Gestation period of molly

a) 28 days b) 60 days c) 12 days d) 24 days

205. The temperature requirement for gold fish breeding

a) 15-17oC b) 19-22oC c) 35-37oC d) 25-27oC

206. The discus can be bread in the pH of

a) 9-10 b) 7-8 c) 3-4 d) 5-6

207. The family which exhibit parental care

a) Cyprinidae b) Cichlidae c) Characidae d) Cyprinodontidae

208. The common name of Vallisneria
a) Elephant grass b) Eel grass c) Hornwort d) Napier grass

209. The presence of adipose fin character for the family

a) Charcidae b) Cyprinidae c) Cichlidae d) Cobitidae

210. The fish which breeds out of water

a) Jumping tetra b) Serpae tetra c) Widow tetra d) Black tetra

211. Dropsy is caused by

a) Virus b) Fungi c) Bacteria d) Algae

212. The feeding habit of Oscar

a) Herbivores b) Omnivores c) Carnivores d) Detritivores

213. The appearance of tubercle is the identification character of male

a) Gold fish b) Oscar c) Fishes d) Discus

214. The fry of which feeds on the mucus of the parent

a) Oscar b) Gourami c) Widow tetra d) Discus

215. Sex reversal is very common is

a) Guppy b) Molly c) Sword tail d) Gambusia

216. The bubble nests are built by

a) Discus b) Gourami c) Barbs d) Danios

217. The male reproductive organ of livebearers are called

a) Gonopodium b) Pearl organ c) Tubercles d) Sexual organ

218. Infusoria is a
a) Mollusc b) Crustacean c) Fisher d) Protozoan

219. Intensive aquariculture the design of the tank should be

a) Square b) Circular c) Rectangular d) Cylindrical

220. All male production of guppies can be obtained using

a) MS 222 b) Estrogen c) 17 MT d) HCG

221. Fin rot is caused by

1. a) Bacteria b) Virus c) Salmonella d) Fungi

222. The native of discus is

a) Singapore b) South America c) Sri Lanka d) India

223. Argulus is commonly called as

a) Fish louse b) Anchor worm c) Leeches d) Blood worms

224. Natural pairing is common in the family of

a) Cichlids b) Cyprinids c) Anabantids d) None

225. The fish which feed on their own young ones

a) Discus b) Fighter c) Swordtail d) Tetras

226. The sex ratio for gold fish breeding

a) 1:2 b) 2:1 c) 1:1 d) 2:2

227. The best live food for gold fish breeding

a) Earthworm b) Moina c) Mosquito larvae d) Blood worm

228. The bacteria which convert ammonia into nitrite

a) Lactobacillus b) Nitrobacter c) Nitrozomonas d) Pseudomonas

229. Probiotics mainly contains

a) Aspergillus b) Lactobacillus c) E.coli d) Nitrobacter

230. A typical ectoparasite

a) Leeches b) Gyrodactylus c) Dactylogyrus d) Bacteria

231. The coloration in the ornamental fish can be enhanced using

a) MS 222 b) Probiotics c) 17 & MT d) Carotenoids

232. The fish which is mutual to sea anemone

a) Scat b) Clown fish c) Sea angel d) Butterfly fish

233. The gut pH in fishes during digestion is reduced by the secretion of

a) Acetic acid b) Hydrochloric acid c) Formic acid d) Sulphuric acid

234. Digestion of protein and lipid is efficient in

a) Carnivorous fisheries b) Herbivorous fishes
c) Omnivorous fishes d) Detrivorous fishes

235. The most expensive and important nutrient of the diet of fish is
a) Lipid b) Carbohydrate c) Protein d) Vitamins

236. Plant proteins can be efficiently utilized by

a) Tiger shrimp b) Mud crab c) Fresh water prawn d) Lobster

237. Catabolism of protein leads to the release of

a) Nitrite b) Methane c) Nitrate d) Ammonia

238. Limiting amino acids are

a) Glycine and leucine b) Lysine and methionine
c) Valine and tyrosine d) Proline and lysine
239. n-3 fatty acids are rich in
a) Marine fish oil b) Fresh water fish oil c) Vegetable oil d) All

240. The cheapest nutrient energy source is

a) Lipid b) Protein c) Carbohyrate d) Minerals

241. The total number of water soluble vitamins prepaired by fish is

a) 12 b) 11 c) 4 d) 8

242. Anti nutritional factors in plant protein source can be destroyed by

a) Heat treatment b) Cold treatment
c) Sun drying d) Chemical treatment

243. Natural antioxidant used in the aqua feed is
a) BHA b) BHT c) Vitamin E d) Ethoxyquin

244. Feed intake can be increased by the addition of

a) Attractants b) Antioxidants c) Hormones d) Pigments

245. The costliest commercial aquafeed is

a) Pigmented feed b) Medicated feed
c) Low pollution feed d) Micro-encapsulated feed

246. The mathematical technique available to nutritionists for selecting best combination of feed ingredients to
formulate diets is
a) Quadratic programming b) Linear programming
c) Best buy technique d) Peterson square method

247. The water stability of shrimp feed should be minimum of

a) 30 min. b) 45 min. c) 2 hr d) 5 hr.

248. Moist feeds are suitable for

a) Sea bass b) Tiger shrimp c) Lobster d) Fresh water prawn

249. The feed ingredient used as binder in the feed formulation is

a) Soybean meal b) Yeast c) Fish meal d) Tapioca flour

250. Carotenoid pigment present in

a) Carrot b) Rice bran c) Wheat bran d) Yeast

251. The optimum number of feed trays recommended for one hectare shrimp pond
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 8

252. Biological value in feed studies related to

a) Nitrogen b) Lipid c) Carbohydrate d) Vitamin

253. Conjugated linoleicacid (CLA) is a

a) Immunostimulant b) Antioxidant c) Antiseptic d) Antimicrobia

254. Blue disease in shrimp is caused due to

a) Bacteria b) Virus c) Protozoan d) Nutritional deficiency

255. Chronic soft shell syndrome in shrimp is caused due to defidency of

a) Ca and P b) Fe and Cu c) Mg and Mn d) Ca and Fe

256. Herbs are incorporated in the aqua feeds to enhance

a) Palatability b) Water stability c) Immunity d) Nutritional value

257. Non-digestible carhohydrate is a

a) Probiotic b) Immunostimulant c) Prebiotic d) Antibiotic

258. Bio enrichment of live food is done to improve the nutritional value of
a) Fresh food b) Compounded feed c) Live food d) Micro feed

259. The most powerful anti-nutritional factor plant ingredient is

a) Phytic acid b) Trypsin inhibitor proteins

c) Glucosinolates d) Haemoglutinins

260. The fish nutritional disorder reported due to methionine deficiency is

a) Skin discolouration b) Fin erosion
c) Cataract d) Slime disease

261. Mitochondrial genome is

a) A diploid DNA with no inheritance
b) A haploid RNA with maternal inheritance
c) A haploid DNA with maternal inheritance
d) A diploid DNA with paternal inheritance

262. The diploid number of chromosome in Catla catla is

a) 52 number b) 50 pairs c) 25 numbers d) 25 pairs

263. Gynogensis is the development of embryos without genetic contribution from

a) Maternal b) Paternal c) Offspring d) Ovary

264. Cytokines are produced by

a) Viral infected cells b) Lymphocytes and lymphokines
c) Cytotoxic cells d) T helper cells

265. Epitopes are present in

a) Bacterial infected cells b) Fungal infected cells
c) Viral infected cells d) None

266. Pinocytosis is a type of

a) Phagocytosis b) Endocytosis c) Exocytosis d) Vacuole formation

267. Hybridoma is a cell formed by fusion of

a) Melanin cells with B lymphocyte b) Meninges cells with antibody producing cell
c) Myeloma cell with T lymphocyte d) Myeloma cell with B lymphocyte

268. Interleukin
a) Promote protein synthesis b) Promote M protein synthesis
c) Promote lymphocyte proliferation d) Promote RBC proliferation

269. ELISA is basically

a) Haematological test b) Immunological test
c) Calorimetric test d) Electrophoresis

270. Primary haemopoietic organ of fish are

a) Thymus and GALT b) Spleen and Thymus
c) Head kidney and Thymus d) Head kidney and spleen
271. Nucleotide is a combination
a) Sugar, phosphoric group and nucleoside b) Nucleoside and phosphoric group
c) Nucleoside and phosphate group d) Nucleoside and sugar

272. Lymphokines are

a) Specific cellular component b) Non-specific cellular secretion
c) Non-specific cellular secretion d) Specific cellular secretion

273. Acrosome is a component of

a) Embryo b) Sperm c) Egg d) Chromosome

274. In acrocentric chromosome, centromere is located
a) At the end b) At sub terminal position
c) Chromosome d) Mid way between the centre and end

275. The most abundant RNA type in the cell is

a) m RNA b) r RNA c) t RNA d) Viral RNA

276. The diameter of right-handed helix DNA is

a) 2mm b) 20 Ao c) 20 nm d) 20 cm

277. Which of the following is quantitative phenotypes

a) Colour b) Sex c) Scale pattern d) Feed conversion

278. When a single gene influence the expression of more than one trait, then the gene is known as
a) Pleiotropism b) Multiple gene c) Epistatic gene d) Multiple alleles

279. The colour patteras in male Poecilia reticulata is a type of

a) X-linked inheritance b) Lethal gene inheritance
c) Autosome inheritanced) Y-linked inheritance

280. Hermaphrodites are found among modern teleost fishes of family

a) Carangidae b) Lutjanidae c) Serranidae d) Siluridae

281. In WZ-system of sex determination the female has

a) WZ b) ZZ c) WO d) XX

282. Sex of Megupoilon aporus (file fish) is determined by

a) XO-system b) ZY-stem c) Multiple sex chromosomes d) WZ-system

283. Metagamic sex determination is due to

a) Sex chromosome b) Sex ratio c) Autosomes d) Transgenesis

284. Inbreeding depression is controlled by

a) Selective breeding b) Induced breeding c) Mass breeding d) Cross breeding

285. Heterosis is found in fishes that are

a) Hormone treated b) Hybridized c) Haploid chromosome injected d) None

286. Quality of milt is evaluated by

a) Volume of milt b) Spermatocrit value, and sperm cell count
c) Sperm motility d) All the above

287. Chromosome are observed during

a) Anaphase b) Telophase c) Metaphase d) Interphase
288. Metaphase of cell division is arrested by
a) Trisodium citrate b) Glycerol c) Colchicine d) Glycosteroid

289. MBV is diagnosed by the squash method using the stain

a) Malachite green b) Giemsa stain c) Ziel Nielston stain d) Gram stain

290. Giemsa stain is a

a) Specific stain b) Differential stains c) Simple stain d) None

291. The greatest O2 consuming organelle of the cell is
a) Lysosome b) Golgi apparatus c) Mitochondria d) Ribasomes

292. The close association of 2 or more genes on a single chromosome usually inherited is called
a) Linkage b) Crossing over c) Pleotropism d) Epitasis

293. The cell membrane of gram positive bacteria contain

a) Only peptidoglycan layer b) Only lipopolysaccharide layer
c) Peptidoglycan and an outer membrane d) Peptidoglycan layer and lipopolysaccharide layer

294. Tripeptides contain ------- number of peptide bonds

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) Zero

295. The complete active enzyme is termed as

a) Apoenzyme b) Prosthetic group c) Cofactor d) Holo enzyme

296. Fatty acids are represented by the formula R-COOH, where R stands for
a) Alkaloid group b) Aldehyde group c) Alkyl group d) None

297. The fatty acid that are not synthesized by the body is called
a) Non-essential fatty acid b) Synthetic fatty acid
c) Non-synthetic fatty acid d) Essential fatty acid

298. Pepsinogen is secreted by

a) Stomach b) Most cell of lives c) Small intestine d) Buccal cavity

299. The peptide chain termination in the protein synthesis is done by the genetic code
a) AGU b) UAA c) CAU d) ACU

300. Osmosis is the movement of solvent from

a) High concentration to low concentration b) Low concentration to high concentration
c) One phase to another phase d) Solid phase to liquid phase

301. Neoplasm is synonym of

a) Tumour b) Cell death c) Cell division d) Blood plasma

302. Normal calcium metabolism is affected by the heavy metal

a) Zinc b) Cadmium c) Mercury d) Carbon

303. The gonadotropin is a

a) Steroid hormone b) Peptide hormone c) Cholesterol rich hormone d) Enzyme

304. Transcription is the process of conversion of

a) DNA to r RNA b) DNA to m RNA
c) DNA to t RNA d) DNA to mitochondrial DNA

305. Feminization in fishes is achieved mainly by using

a) Androgen b) 17 methyl testosterone
c) Estrodiol 17 d) Ethyl testosterone

306. Which of the following is a mutagen

a) Nitric acid b) Nitrous acid c) Nitrogen dioxide d) Nitrogen gas

307. Adjuvant is a substance that

a) Enhance immune response b) Inhibit immune response
c) Degrade immune response d) None

308. Lymphocytes carrying neither T-cells nor B-cell markers are called
a) Null cell b) Hepatic cells c) Germ cell d) Chimera

309. An organ, molecule or cell that has the same function as another but is of different evolutionary origin
a) Synonym b) Analog c) Progeny d) Phylogeny

310. Fishes which are true hermaphrodites

a) Cyprinidae and cyprinidontidae b) Siluridae and sisoridae
c) Anabantidae and cobitidae d) Serranidae and sparidae

311. A fish which are parthenogenetic

a) Anabas testudineus b) Glossogobius sp.
c) Oryzias latipes d) Poecilia formosa

312. Ovary is enclosed

a) Cystovarian b) Mesovarian c) Gymnovarian d) Mesorchia

313. CETPs stands for

a) Centre for ethological treatment procedure b) Common effluent treatment plants
c) Common ecological treatment process d) None of these

314. What is the life span of Artemia / sea monkey;

a) 4 months b) 8 months c) 6 months d) 2 months

315. Precautionary principle and the polluters pays principle are essential features of
a) Sustainable development b) EEZ c) CRZ d) Subsistence fishing

316. Institute which initiated a research programme in 1999 to develop captive brood stock and other
commercial species of peneaid shrimps like P. indicus, P. merguiensis and Metapenaeus japonicus under
the NATP

317. The partial pressure of oxygen in dry air is:

a) 58.5 mm Hg b) 159.2mm Hg c)159.5mm Hg d)159.9mm Hg

318. Ideal slope of pond is

a) 2:1 b) 1:1 c)1:2 d)1:2)5

319. An excavation more than in the ground level is uneconomical

a) 50cm b)70cm c)100cm d) 60cm

320. Wind mill is Type of pump

a) Centrifugal b) Reciprocating c) Turbine d) Submersible

321. Paddle wheel aerators are ------------- type of aerators

a) Gravity b) Surface c) Turbine d) Submersible

322. The top of the embankment is called

a) Crest b) Berm c) Freeboard d) None

323. Stocking density of nauplii of shrimp in larval rearing tanks is

a) 0.1 million/litre b) 10,000/litre c) 1,000/litre d) 100/litre

324. The rate of filtration in rapid sand filter is --------- litre/

a) 500 to 1000 b) 1000 to 2000 c) 2000 to 4000 d) 4000 to 6000

325. Raceways are -------- Based aquaculture farming system

a) Water b) Land c) Re-cycling d) Integrated

326. An imaginary line joining the points of equal elevation is called as

a) Contour b) Free board c) Crest d) Trough

327. Scientific name of European sea bass is

a) Sparus aurata b) Morone sexatilis
c) Dicentrarchus labrax d) Moreone chrysops

328. Scientific name of Ayu (a popular fish in Japan) is

a) Plecoglosus altevelis b) Glugea plecoglossi
c) Onchorhyncus nerka d) Epinephelus suillus

329. Anguilla anguilla spawns in

a) Bay of Bengal b) Arabian sea
c) Sargasso Sea d) South china sea

330. The causative agent of Proliferative kidney disease is

a) Aeromonas salmonicida b) Tetracapsula bryosalmonae
c) Myxobolus spp. d) None of these

331. Amylodinosis is caused by

a) Bacteria b) Fungi c) Leeches d) Protozoa

332. When the area of hemorrhage is less than 2mm, its referred to as
a) Ecchymotic b) Petechiae c) Paintbrush d) Hematoma

333. Spirulina sp. is a

a) Bacteria b) Blue algae c) Brown algae d) Cyanobacteria

334. To impart color to salmon flesh, aquaculturists use

a) Asthaxanthin b) Beta carotene c) Lycopene d) Phycocyanin

335. Anti-DIG antibody solution is used in

a) In situ Hybridisation b) PCR c) Western Blot d) Northern Blot

336. Who demonstrated the semi conservative nature of DNA replication?

a) Inman R.and Schns M b) Meselson M. and Stahl F
c) Okazaki R d) Sanger and Stuart

337. Who discovered transponsons (Jumping genes)

a) Abelson b) Harvey c) Candey d) McClintock
338. What is the approximate size of the human genome?
a) 3 Billion bases b) 10 Billion bases
c) 30 billion base d) 10 million bases

339. Which of these disease causing bacteria was discovered by Robert Koch?
a) Bacillus anthrax b) Shigella dysenteriae

c) Vibrio cholerae d) None of the above

340. Smallest fish genome

a) Tetraodon tersinaria b) Tetraodon cutcotia
c) Tetraodon perifiria d) None of the above

341. What are monosaccharide components of the milk disaccharide Lactose?

a) Glucose and galactose b) Fructose and glucose
c) Glucose and manose d) glucose and glucose

342. What is the biosynthetic precursor of ketone bodies?

a) Acetyl COA b) Succinyl COA c) Adenyl COA d) None

343. What is the average time it taken to Mycobacterium tuberculosis to divide

a) 24 minutes b) 24 seconds c) 24 hours d) 24 days

344. Who first determined the primary structure of insulin?

a) Edman b) Flipper c) Sanger d) George

345. What are the Svedberg values for the subunits of the 70S ribosomes of E. coli?
a) 50S and 30S b) 50S and 40S c) Pyridoxine d) Pantothenic acid

346. Vitamin B2 is also known as

a) Riboflavin b) Thiamin c) Pyridoxine d) Panthothenic acid

347. What is the major effect of Interleukin-1 (IL-1) on the immune response?
a) It activate helper T cells b) It active killer T cells
c) It activates B cells d) All of the above

348. What is the approximate size of bacteria?

a) 0.01 mm b) 0.001 mm c) 0.1 mm d) 0.0001 mm

349. What is the approximate size of a white blood cell?

a) 1.0 mm b) 0.1 mm c) 0.01 mm d) 0.001 mm

350. Which of these three codons is a stop (termination) codon

a) UGA b) UAU c) UAC d) None of the above

351. In addition to AUG what initiation codon is recognized by prokaryotes

a) ACG b) AUC c) GUG d) None of the above

352. Linkage was first discovered by

a) Bateson at 1905 b) Morgan at 1911 c) Pandian at 1911 d) None of these

353. Tick out the odd:

a) Sturgeon b) Salmon c) Eels d) Hilsha

354. The present threat for India in connection with world aquaculture is
a) Taiwan b) China c) Bangladesh d) Indonesia
355. Clarius batrachus is having
a) X-Y gene b) W-Z gene c) X-0 gene d) Y-0 gene

356. Crystal violet is used a

a) Positive stain b) Negative stain c) Fixative d) None

357. EDTA is used as
a) Anti-chelating agent b) Binding agent
c) Coloring agent d) Clotting inhibitor

358. Perches are mostly caught in -------------- maritime zone of India

a) North east b) South east c) North west d) South west

359. Naturally occurring hybrid fish

a) Rohu catla hybrid b) Rohu mrigal hybrid
c) Catla-mrigal hybrid d) None

360. The estimated potential production of India

a) 8.0 mm t b) 8.5 mm t c) 10.0 mm t d) None of the above

361. Chambal is the tributary of

a) Ganga b) Narmada c) Yamuna d) Godavari

362. Lonavela hatchery is a center for breeding of

a) Trout b) Mahseer c) Salmon d) None of the above

363. Chocholate mahaseer is found in -------- north-eastern state

a) Meghalaya b) Manipur c) Assam d) Sikkim

364. Hilsha ilisha is a major catch in

a) West Bengal b) Orissa c) Maharastra d) Gujarat

365. More than 40% of carbohydrate leads to

a) Increase growth in fish b) Retard growth in fish
c) No effect d) Cause disease

366. The total shrimp potential area of India is

a) 1.2x106 ha b) 1.5x106 ha c) 1.9x106 ha d) None

367. Productivity in reservoir is

a) 30-40 kg/ha b) 10-20 kg/ha c) 40-50 kg/ha d) 50-60 kg/ha

368. International Fish Farmers Day is

a) 10th July b) 21st July c) 10th Nov d) 21st Nov

369. Soft water lakes and ponds are

a) Poor productive b) Very highly productive
c) Highly productive d) None of the above

370. At pH 4.5 8.3 CO2 occurs in the form of

a) Free CO2 or bicarbonate b) Carbonate
c) Free CO2 carbonate d) All the above

371. Operational period of nursery pond is

a) 15-20 days b) 25-30 days c) 10-15 days d) 20-25 days
372. Quick lime contains -------- CaO
a) 98% b) 80% c) 50% d) 70%

373. Bulans is

a) The deepening part of bundh b) The shallow part of bundh
c) Both of the above d) Not at all related with bundh

374. Stocking densitys ratio in different pond i.e. Nursery: Rearing: Grow out is
a) 1:40:1280 b) 1:20:1000 c) 1:20:1280 d) 1:30:1280

375. Which fish can digest cellulose?

a) Tilapia b) Magur c) Rohu d) Catla

376. How many % of lipid can be digested by fish

a) 80-90% b) 70% c) 10% d) 30-35%

377. Which of the following is the stocking density for cage culture
a) 100-300/m2 b) 300-500/m2
c) 500-800/m d) None of the above

378. Sewage contains ------% water and ---------% organic matter

a) 99, 1 b) 80, 20 c) 90, 10 d) 95, 5

379. CRZ was first started in

a) 1975 b) 1986 c) 1991 d) 1995

380. Which nutrients are limited in freshwater and marine water

a) Ca, P b) N, P c) P, N d) Ca, N

381. The desired discharge level of the BOD, COD is

a) 25 ppm; 30ppm b) 20 ppm; 20 ppm
c) 30 ppm; 40 ppm d) None of the above

382. The concept of composite fish culture was brought up by

c) CIFRI d) Rajiv Gandhi Center for freshwater aquaculture

383. The standard combination of N:P:K is

a) 10:8:4 b) 18:8:4 c) 18:8:4 d) 18:8:2

384. Liquid excreta urine contain more water N2, K but less
a) P b) P, Ca c) Ca d) None

385. Poultry excretes ---------- of their body weight

a) 2% b) 5% c) 3% d) 4%

386. Mahua oil cake contain

a) 5-6% saponin b) 9-10% saponin
c) 4-15% saponin d) None of the above

387. Tea seed cake toxicity lasts for

a) 10-12 days b) 20-30 days c) 40-50 days d) 5-7 days

388. The dose of bleaching powder to be applied in pond is

a) 25-30 ppm b) 15-20 ppm c) 40-50 ppm d) 25-40 ppm
389. Which chemical is used to control abnoxious gas
a) Zeolite b) CaOCl2 c) Alumd) CaCO3

390. If pH is 6.5 7.5 then in which proportion the lime will be used
a) 500 kg/ha b) 400kg/ha c) 200kg/ha d) 700 kg/ha

391. In race way culture water flow is -------- liter/min/kg

a) 0.5 1 b) 5 10 c) 3 -6 d) 2 3

392. Brown Trout was introduced in India in

a) 1906 b) 1805 c) 1806 d) 1804

393. NACA is situated in

a) Philippines b) Bangkoy c) Malaysia d) Thailand

394. DDVP in the name of NOVAN 100 EC was manufactured by


395. Algal weed can be controlled by KMnO4 at the rate of

a) 5.5 ppm b) 2.5 ppm c) 2.6 ppm d) 7.2 ppm

396. Cattle dung consists of ----, ------- and ------ percent of N 2, P2O5 and Potash respectively
a) 5, 0.1 and 2.5 b) 0.5, 0.1 and 2.5
c) 0.5, 0.4 and 0.5 d) 0.5, 0.1 and 0.5

397. Pulu rearing temperature is

a) 10o C b) 20oC c) 32oC d) 26oC

398. Trichodesmia is
a) N2 fixer b) Phosphate solubiliser
c) Compost acceletor d) None of the above

399. Which animal has considerable amount of phosphorus in urine

a) Cattle b) Swine c) Poultry d) Pig

400. Red tide phenomena is caused by

a) Nitzschia b) Gymnodium c) Trichodesmium d) None

401. Truly freshwater prawn is

a) Scampy b) M. choprai c) M. malcomsonii d) None

402. Gracilaria is a
a) Brown algae b) Green algae c) Red algae d) None

403. The pokkali paddy field in Kerala has an area of

a) 7440 ha b) 7000 ha c) 6500 ha d) 4400 ha

404. Stocking density of fish fingerling in fish cum duck farming is

a) 6000-8000 ha b) 8000-10000 ha c) 10000-15000 ha d) 100000-150000 ha

405. White pekin and Muscovy are

a) Meat type poultry b) Egg type poultry c) Meat type duck d) Egg type duck

406. Protein content of spirulina is

a) 50-60% b) 60-70% c) 70-80% d) 80-90%
407. Bule green algal toxins are
a) Neurotoxic b) Hepatotoxic c) a & b d) None

408. One gram of Artemia cysts produce about ------- million naupii
a) 0.2 b) 0.4 c) 1 d) 2

409. Which of the following belongs to Halobacterium

a) Pseudomoras b) Sarcina c) Basillus d) Moraxella

410. CICEF is situated in

a) Mumbai b) Delhi c) West Bengal d) Bangalore

411. The first success in inducing breeding of Indian major carps by injections of fish pituitary hormones in the
a) 1957 b) 1952 c) 1967 d) 1987

412. Match List I correctly with List II and select your answer using the codes given below
List I List II
a) Floating weed 1) Typha
b) Emergent weed 2) Lemna
c) Submerged weed 3) Eichhornea
d) Surface weed 4) Vallisneria

a) 2 1 4 3
b) 1 3 4 2
c) 2 4 1 3
d) 3 1 4 2

413. Common name for Eichhornea is

a) Water lilies b) Water hyacinth c) Arrow head d) Pond weeds

414. Macrobranchium rosenbergii is a

a) Fresh water prawn b) Giant fresh water prawn
c) Tiger prawn d) White prawn

415. Which one the following is correctly matched

a) Catla catla - Giant freshwater prawn
b) Labeo rohita - Catla
c) Cyprinus carpio - Common carp
d) Macrobranchium rosenbergii - Rohu

416. Commonly used anaesthetic drugs

a) DMSO b) MS222 c) Quinoldine d) None

417. Among the following which fish is called as aquatic chicken

a) Catla b) Rohu c) Tilapia d) All

418. Which river passes through the state of Tamil Nadu

a) Mahanadi b) Ganga c) Cauvery d) Yamuna

419. Rohu is a
a) Voracious feeder b) Column feeder c) Bottom dweller d) Omnivorous

420. The criteria for selecting site for pond culture mainly depends on

a) Species to be cultured b) Targeted production level
c) Physiological requirement of the species d) All the above

421. The soils having pH value equal to or less than 4 are called as
a) Sand soil b) Loamy soil c) clayey soil d) Acid sulphate soil

422. Chemical name for dolomite is

a) Calcium carbonate b) Calcium magnesium carbonate
c) Calcium oxide d) Calcium hydroxide

423. Turbidity in pond water can be measured easily by

a) Salinometer b) Secchi disk c) pH meter d) Refractometer

424. For intensive farming commonly used farm type is

a) Circular shape b) Rectangular shape c) Square shape d) a & c

425. The main purpose of peripherial dike is

a) To provide over all protection to the form from flood, storm etc
b) To retain water for culture operation
c) a & b
d) To facilitate the proper drainage of waste water

426. In drainage channel recommended side slope for clay soil is

a) 1:5:1 b) 2:1 c) 3:1 d) 1:1

427. Which type outlet gates are more efficient in draining bottom water in the pond is
a) Monk sluice b) Open sluice c) Pipes made structure d) None

428. Example for positive displacement pump is

a) Centrifugal pump b) Propeller pump
c) Air lift pump d) Reciprocating pumps

429. The most commonly used aeration device for aeration in aquaculture pond is
a) Splasher aerator b) Paddle wheel aerator
c) Bubbler aerator d) Surface aerator

430. Which form of ammonia more toxic to fish

a) Ionized ammonia b) Un-ionized ammonia
c) Ammonium chloride d) None

431. Hardness of water refers to

a) Sum of calcium and phosphorus concentration
b) Sum of calcium ions concentration
c) Sum of magnesium and Nitrogen concentration
d) Sum of calcium and Magnesium

432. Compute the power requirement for pumping 1200 cum/hr against a head 10m, assuming a pump
efficiency of 65%
a)100BHP b) 65 BHP c) 68 BHP d) 70 BHP

433. Consider the statements:

Mettur dam was the first reservoir where a fish seed farm was established in the 1940
Mettur dam is located in Tamil Nadu
Mettur dam is located in kerala

Of the statements
a) I alone correct b) I & II is correct
c) I, II & III is correct d) II & III is correct

434. Nagarjuna sugar reservoir located at which state

a) Tamil Nadu b) Andhrapradesh c) Uttra Pradesh d) Bihar

435. The most common fungus attack fry, fingerlings and adult fish is
a) Saprolegnia parasitica b) Branchiomyces sp
c) Aspergillus sp d) Trichodina indica

436. The commonest protozoan disease in fresh water fishes

a) Eye disease b) Finrot c) Dropsy d) White spot disease

437. Consider the statements

I) Hooghly matlah estuary is the biggest estuary of the country
II) It is located in the state of west Bengal
III) The fish fauna of hoogly matlah estuary has been classified into residents
and migrants
Of the statements
a) I & II is correct b) II & III is correct
c) I & III is correct d) All are correct

438. India has a coastal length of

a) 8143 km b) 1000km c) 1250 Km d) 7650 km

439. Which Institute engaged in culture of fish in brackish water region


440. The most important disease in farmed finfish is

a) Streptomysis b) Edwardsiellosis c) EUS d) Vibriosis

441. Larval stages of mussel is

a) Nauplius b) Trocophore c) Megalopa d) Zoea

442. Gonopodium is the modification of a following part in the males of cyprinodonts

a) Dorsal fin b) Pelvic fin c) Pectoral fin d) Anal fin

443. Protandrous hermaphrodism is shown by

a) Carp b) Mullet c) Grouper d) Sea bass

444. Match list I correctly with list II and select your answer using the codes given below
List I List II
A) Grey mullet 1) Sardinella sirm
B) Bhetki 2) Euthynnus affinis
C) Little tuna 3) Mugil cephalus
D) Spotted sardine 4) Lates calcarifer

a) 4 3 1 2
b) 3 4 1 2
c) 3 4 2 1
d) 4 3 2 1

445. Polynemus paradiseus is commonly known
a) Indian salmon b) Mango fish c) Monk fish d) Pony fish

446. Bhetki is
a) Mullet b) Mussel c) Milk fish d) Asian seabass

447. Which one of the following is correctly matched?

a) Sport fish - Ctenophary godon idella
b) Food fish - Carassius auratus
c) Larvicidal fish - Gambusia affinis
d) Oramental fish - Salmo gairdnerii

448. Consider the following statements

i) Assertain (A): In Indian seas, a number of prized fisheries resources are declining
in quantity and size)
ii) Reason (R): Due to intensified fishing efforts in the inshore regions, fisheries
resources are declining)
Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below
a) Both (A) and (R) are true (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is no the correct explanation of (A)
c) (A) is true but (R) is false
d) (A) is false and (R) is true

449. The organism responsible for black gill disease in shrimp hatcheries is
a) Bacteria b) Fungi c) Protozoan d) parasites

450. Natural antioxidant used in the aquafeed is

a) BHA b) BHT c) Vit Ed) Ethoxyquin

451. Head quarters of ICLARM is located at

a) Indonesia b) Malaysia c) Switzerland d) Rome

452. Probiotics mainly contain the following organism

a) Aspergillus b) Lactobacillus c) E. coli d) Nitrobactor

453. Bheries are present in which state

a) West Bengal b) Bihar c) Tripura d) Kerala

454. Which state has longest coastal line

a) TamilNadu b) Andrapradesh c) Gujarat d) Maharastra

455. Blackening of gills of shrimps due to

a) Lack of food b) Low dissolved oxygen concentration
c) Disease or decomposed mud d) High temperature

456. DNA polymerase is isolated from

a) Thermus aquaticus b) Pseudomonas c) Aeromonas d) All

457. Brine shrimp is known as

a) Acetus indicus b) Penaeus indicus
c) Metapenaeus indicus d) Artemia salina

458. Methyl testosterone is used for

a) Faster growth b) Better colour in fishes
c) Sex inversion d) Preventing deformities

459. Eel is a
a) Catadromous b) Anadromous c) Riverdromus d) None

460. Ichthyophthiriasis caused by

a) Bacteria b) Fungi c) Virus d) Protozoan

461. Central Inland Capture Fisheries Research Institute located at

a) Lucknow b) Barrackpore c) Bangalore d) Chennai

462. Floating weeds are controlled by

a) 2-4 D b) MS-222 c) Quinoline d) Copper sulphate

463. The National fish of India is

a) Indian Mackeral b) Indian oil sardine c) Seer fish d) None of these

464. The scientific name of Deep sea lobster is

a) Panulirus ornatus b) Panulirus homarus
c) Puerulus sewelli d) None of these

465. Pond sealing may be accomplished by following method

a) Soil compaction b) Water proof lining
c) Bentonite application d) All of these

466. For fish production on e of the following is harmful

a) Producer b) Parasite c) Consumer d) None

467. Which fish is placed under chondrichthys group

a) Herring b) Eel c) Loaches d) Shark

468. Which of the following ecosystem is most productive from aqua cultural point of view
a) River b) Reservoir c) Canal d) Pond

469. Which of the following fish group is most abundant in swamps

a) Carps b) Catfish c) Mullet d) Clupeids

470. Which among the following is anadromous fish

a) Hilsa b) Catfish c) Magur d) Pangasius

471. Which river system is the original habitat of IMC

a) Indus b) Ganga c) Bhramaputra d) Narmada

472. Which is the head foot animal

a) Garden snail b) F.W. mussel c) Sea mussel d) Cuttle fish

473. Big eye tuna

a) T. alalunga b) T. albacares c) T. Obesus d) T. tonggol

474. Unio is
a) Edible oyster b) F.W. mussel c) F.W.snail d) Sea mussel

475. Mackerel is

a) Rastrelliger b) Tirichurus c) Both a & b d) None

476. Pomfret is
a) Pampus b) Rastrelliger c) Tirichurus d) None
477. Marine cat fish
a) Trachysurus b) Etroplus c) Thunnus d) Harpodon

478. Exotic game fish

a) Brown trout b) Snow trout c) Masheer d) Tilapia

479. Net for Bombay duck in Gujarat coast called

a) Gill b) Dol c) Trammel d) Trawl

480. Which aqua farming technique is most appropriate to utilize the autochthonous potentialities of beels
a) Pen culture b) Duck cum fish culture
c) Cage culture d) Pig cum fish culture

481. Scale less fish

a) Scoliodon b) Singhi c) Catla d) Hilsa

482. Soil group most suitable for fish culture is

a) Sandy soil b) Clayey soil c) Loamy soil d) Silty clay soil

483. Oxygen depletion occurs mostly in pond having high density of

a) Bacteria b) Insects c) Gastropods d) Macrophytes

484. The pH of solution indicates

a) Acidity b) Alkalinity c) Both a & b d) Ionic strength

485. Actual representative of true fish

a) Jelly fish b) Cuttle fish c) Star fish d) Dog fish

486. Demersal fish

a) Flat fish b) Duck c) Tuna d) Anchovy

487. Predatory fish

a) Catla b) Rohu c) Mrigal d) Seenghala

488. Groupers are

a) Protandrous b) Hermaphrodite c) Protogynous d) None

489. Largest sized murrel

a) Channa marulius b) C. Striatus
c) C. Punctatus d) C. gachua

490. Presence of barbs is characteristic features of

a) Carps b) Cat fish c) Mullet d) All fish

491. Exclusively marine family

a) Cyprinidae b) Cobitidae c) Claridae d) Muraenidae

492. Fishes thrive best in aquarium having green hydrophyte because hydrophyte provides
a) Food b) O2 c) CO2 d) Organic debris

493. Body cavity of shrimp is called
a) Coelome b) Haemocoel c) Preudocoel d) Gastrovasuclar cavity

494. Natural anti-oxidant is

a) -tocopherol b) BHA c) BHT d) Ethoxynin

495. Gills in chondrichthys are

a) Uncovered b) Covered c) absent d) None of the above

496. Which one is flying fish

a) Torpedo b) Scoliodon c) Anguilla d) Exocoetus

497. Fish that can be used in biological control of mosquito is

a) Carp b) Gambusia c) Singhi d) Eel

498. An aquatic animal which periodically casts of exoskeleton is

a) Eel b) Clam c) Loligo d) Tiger prawn

499. Glochidium larvae is found in

a) Pila b) Unio c) Sepia d) Loligo

500. Pearl is a secretion of

a) Mantle b) Mouth c) Kidney d) None

501. Transparent juvenile of eel assemble from the river known as

a) Elvers b) Spawn c) Fry d) Fingerling

502. GDP from fisheries of agricultural GDP is

a) 3.6% b) 4.6% c) 5.6% d) 6.6%

503. Hormone responsible for moulting of crustacea

a) Testosterone b) Estrogen c) Ecdysone d) Androgen

504. Diatoms used in shrimp larval rearing

a) Chaetoceros b) Chlorella c) Daphnia d) Spirulina

505. Pigment found in aquatic animal

a) Chlorophyll b) Haemoglobin c) Astaxanthine d) None

506. Preferred feed for grass carp is

a) Fish meal b) Hydrilla c) Pelleted feed d) Mustard oil cake

507. Aquatic insect of freshwater nursery are controlled by application of

a) Soap oil emulsion b) Cow dung c) Ground nut oil cake d) Mustard oil cake

508. Laminaria is
a) Fish b) Sea weed c) Clams d) Mussel

509. Euchemia is a raw material for

a) Alginb) Carrangenan c) Agar d) None

510. Which farming technology is eco-friendly and scientific

a) Extensive b) Semi-intensive system
c) Intensive system d) Super-Intensive

511. Which culture practice is adapted for culture of sea weed
a) Pen culture b) Pond culture c) Cage culture d) Floating raft

512. Which culture technology is suitable for culture of sea bass

a) Pen b) Cage c) Pond d) Floating raft
513. Most common mud crab species in India
a) Portunus pelagicus b) P. Sanguinolentus
c) Scylla trangubarica d) Uca annulipus

514. Which one is not an air breathing fish

a) Clarius batrachus b) Clupisoma garua c) A. testudiueus d) C. marulius

515. White spot disease in shrimp is caused by

a) Protozoa b) Virus c) Bacteria d) Fungus

516. Which monogenean trematodes causes gill disease in carps

a) Trichodina b) Dactylogyrus c) Costia d) Icthyobodo

517. Which parasitic group is responsible for the black spot disease in F.W fish
a) Cestodes b) Monogenetic trematodes
c) Digenetic trematodes d) Nematode

518. Disease in fishes caused by crustacean parasite is called

a) Liqulosis b) Dactylogyrasis c) Argulosis d) Gyroductylosis

519. Disease caused due to saprolegnia is called

a) Mycotic disease b) Protozoan disease
c) Bacteria disease d) Metazoan

520. Which one is the primary producer in fish pond

a) Daphnia b) Moina c) Chlorella d) None

521. Which one is blue green algae (BGA)

a) Chlorella b) Navicula c) Microcystis d) Fragillaria

522. Which one is floating aquatic weed

a) Water lilly b) Lotus c) Water hyacinth d) Hydrilla

523. Which is a member of zooplankton

a) Closterium b) Pediustrum c) Enderina d) Daphnia

524. Which one is used as fish poison in nursery pond

a) Mahua oil cake b) Ground nut oil cake
c) Mustard oil cake d) Soyabean

525. Respiratory pigment found in fish is known as

a) Haemocyanin b) Haemoglobin c) Haemerythrin d) None

526. Which fish act as scavenger

a) Magur b) Catla c) Rohu d) Silver carp

527. Which one is pesticide

a) Malathion b) Boran mixture c) Sodium chloride d) Urea
528. Who is the father of DNA finger printing
a) Leuwen hock b) Aristotle c) Paul berg d) Alecc Jeffery

529. Study of abnormal embryonic growth is called

a) Teratology b) Carcinology c) Teleology d) Geronotology

530. Which of the following is known as energy currency of cell

a) DNA b) ATP c) RNA d) Vitamins

531. Which one is used for production of marine pearls

a) Crastostrea madrasensis b) Perna viridis c) Pinctada fucata d) None

532. Which is an indigenous major carp

a) Common carp b) Silver carp c) Grass carp d) Genetic carp

533. Which one form protein cover of virus

a) Envelop b) Capsid c) Virion d) Viroid

534. Bacteriophages area those which kill

a) Virus b) Bacteria c) Fungi d) Monera

535. Which one of the following is purine

a) Cytosine b) Guanine c) Thiamine d) Uracil

536. Functional protein is

a) Collagen b) Vitamin c) Enzyme d) Assein
537. RNA differ from DNA due to presence of
a) Uracil b) Thiamine c) Adenine d) Guanine

538. The continental shelf area of the country approximately

a) 0.5 million b) 0.7 million sq. km
c) 1.0 million sq. km d) 1.5 million sq. km

539. Among the coastal states marine fish catch is highest in

a) Andra Pradesh b) Goa c) Gujarat d) Karnataka

540. Inland fish production highest in

a) Bihar b) Ardra Pradesh c) Orissa d) West Bengal

541. Which one is the sign of diseased fish

a) Bright colouration b) Eroded skin c) Absence of spot d) Normal swimming

542. DNA finger printing the sequence which matcher are

a) Minisatellite DNA b) Moderately repetition sequence
c) Microsatellite DNA d) Satellite DNA

543. For DNA finger printing DNA is obtained

a) White blood capsule b) Hear root cell
c) Body seer d) All the above

544. Antibiotics are mostly prepared from

a) Fungi b) Actinomyces c) Cyanobacteria d) Both a& b

545. Genetic engineering is related to
a) Mitotic division of cell b) Deletion and repair of mechanisms
c) Nucleotide transfer d) None

546. Hormone are produced by

a) All steroid b) All protein c) Some steroids and some protein d) None

547. The protein of the sea adjoining the coast line and the falling with in depth line is called
a) Coastal water b) Off shore water c) Oceanic water d) None

548. The sea fishes during close to sea bed are called
a) Pelagic b) Demersal c) Columnar d) None

549. Pearl spot is the common name

a) Anabas testudineus b) Uca annulipus c) Etroplus suratensis d) None

550. Probiotics are commonly used in shrimp farming for

a) Water quality management b) Increasing oxygen level
c) Control disease d) None

551. Which causes luminescent disease

a) Virus b) Bacteria c) Protozoa d) Fungi

552. Which one is agar yielding sea weeds

a) Sargassum b) Ulva c) Enteromorpha d) Gracillaria

553. Which one is green seaweed

a) Ulva b) Sargassum c) Laminaria d) Undaria
554. The omega -3 fatty acid is
a) Palmitic acid b) Stearic acid c) Linolenic acid d) Oleic acid

555. Which algae causes toxicosis and disturbance on oxygen balance

a) Microcystis b) Chlorella c) Chlamydomonus d) Nitzhia

556. Which one is termed live fish

a) H. fossilis b) C. catla c) L. rohita d) C. mrigal

557. Which of the following is called a Banana shrimp

a) P. semisulcatus b) P. merguiensis c) P. indicus d) None

558. Which is called as mango fish

a) Polynemous paradiscus b) P. indicus c) P. sexataris d) P. heptadactylus

559. Common carp eggs are

a) Demersal b) Pelagic c) Adhesive d) None

560. Most of carp spawn produced in India

a) Circular hatchery b) Conventional c) Jar hatchery d) Earthen pit

561. pH for carp culture

a) 8-8.6 b) 4-5 c) 5-7 d) 7-11

562. Rostrum triangular shape in which shrimp

a) P. merguensis b) P. monodon c) P. indicus d) M. affinis

563. Best feed for milk fish
a) Lab lab b) Zooplankton c) Detritus d) Phytoplankton

564. Optimum stocking density of carp spawn

a) 5-10 million b) 10-20 million c) 0.5 1 million d) 200-30 million

565. Exotic fish in India

a) Catla b) Rohu c) Puntius sp d) Mugil cephalus

566. Indian river shad

a) H. ilisha b) Kovala koval c) Channa marulius d) None

567. Pokkali field in India

a) Andra Pradesh b) Karnataka c) Kerala d) Maharastra

568. Bio fertilizer used in aquaculture in India

a) Azolla b) Lemna c) a & b d) None

569. Hill stream fishes

a) Rohu b) Trout c) Catla d) Mrigal

570. Fecundity of P. monodon

a) 1 lakh b) 2 lakh c) 4 lakh d) 5 lakh

571. South American catfish

a) C. punctatus b) C. batrachus c) a & b d) None

572. In controlled condition carp eggs hatch out within

a) 15 hours b) 9 hours c) 48 hours d) 58 hours

573. Colour of fertilized egg in catla

a) Yellow b) Deep orange c) Light green d) Whitish

574. Silver carp basically

a) Surface feeder b) Column c) Bottom d) None

575. Favourable feed for Ctenopharyngodon idella

a) Phyto plankton b) Zooplankton c) Aquatic weed d) None

576. Best live feed for giant prawn

a) Chetoceros b) Artemia naupli c) Brachionus d) None

577. Integrated fish farming is widely practiced in

a) India b) Japan c) China d) None

578. P. japanicus family

a) Penaeid b) Pandolidae c) a & b d) None

579. Scientific name of Banana shrimp

a) P. merguiensis b) Metapenaeus affinis c) a & b d) None

580. Stocking density of M. rosenbergii in grow out
a) 40000-50000 PL/ha b) 30000-40000 PL/ha
c) 25000-30000 PL/ha d) 50000-60000 PL/ha

581. Main live food used in shrimp zoea

a) Moina b) Chaetoceros c) Artemia d) None

582. Number of maturity stages in shrimp

a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 3

583. Commonly used inorganic fertilizer used in carp pond

a) Super phosphate b) Ammonia c) a & b d) None

584. Fringed lips is present in

a) Rohu b) Catla c) a & b d) None

585. Fingerling stocking density in composite fish culture

a) 5000-10000 b) 10000-20000 c) a & b d) None

586. Indian river prawn

a) M. rosenbergii b) M. malcomsoni c) a & b d) None

587. Seer fish is also known as

a) King fish b) King of fish c) Salai d) None

588. Pen culture is practiced in

a) Pulicat lake b) Chilka lake c) Koleru lake d) Vembanad

589. Fertilized egg size of common carp

a) 0.9mm b) 1.6 mm c) 2.5 mm d) 3.5mm
590. Fresh water mussel for pearl production
a) Lamellidens marginalis b) Pinctada fucata c) a & b d) None

591. Bheries are present in

a) W. Bengal b) Bihar c) Tripura d) Kerala

592. Toxic algae present in pond

a) Microcystis b) Macrocystis c) a & b d) None

593. Mahua oilcake cake quantity used in pond preparation

a) 2500kg b) 200kg c) 20kg d) 4000kg

594. Scientific name of milk Fish

a) Chanos chanos b) Elops machnata
c) Saurida tumbil d) None

595. Anchor worm

a) Lernea b) Argulus c) a & b d) None

596. Pomfrets are always graded as

a) Pounds b) U/10 c) 10-20 d) 20-30

597. Saponin is always extracted from

a) Sea horse b) Sea urchin c) Holothuria d) None

598. Most suitable shrimp sp in India to culture
a) P. monodon b) P. indicus c) a & b d) None

599. If cephalothorax portion is removed from the shrimp the following may be yield
a) 40% b) 45% c) 60% d) 80%

600. For development of fishery in small reservoir which most suitable technique
a) Culture based fishery b) Capture fishery c) a & b d) None

601. Which types of cell division takes place in gonads

a) Mitosis b) Amitosis c) Meiosis d) Both a and b

602. Fish spp. likely to be in danger of extinction in the near future are
a) Endangered b) Rare c) Vulnerable d) None

603. For control of EUS which one is used

a) CIFACA b) CIFAMA c) CIFAX (0.1 ppm) d) CIFAPRA

604. A compound produced by an organism that inhibits the growth of another microorganism is called
a) Antiseptic b) Antibiotic c) Anticoagulant d) Antibodies

605. The excreting organ is called

a) Malpighian tubule b) Nephridia c) Green glands d) Kidney

606. Which one is mainly responsible for growth in fishes

a) Starch b) Vitamins c) Amino acid d) Fatty acid

607. Ideal depth for a brackish water fish pond

a) 1.5m b) 1m c) 3m d) 4m

608. Profitability of a shrimp farm depends on

a) Capital b) Seed c) Feed d) All

609. Cryoprotectant used in fishes

a) Methanol b) Glucose c) Propandiol d) Glycerol

610. Human tape worm

a) Bothriocephalus b) Diphyllobothrium c) a&b d) None

611. The ornamental fish which is banned in India is

a) Discus b) Oscar c) Piranah d) Peacock cichlid

612. Breeding traps are generally used for

a) Goldfish b) Danio c) Livebearers d) Anabantids

613. The tank should be darkened for the breeding at

a) Rosy barb b) Zebra danio c) Neon tetra d) Tiger barb

614. Dorsal fin is absent in the case of

a) Lion head gold b) Celestial gold c) Moord Common gold

615. The fish which feeds on their own young ones

a) Discus b) Fighter c) Swordtail d) Tetras

616. The sex ratio for goldfish breeding
a) 1:2 b) 2:1 c) 1:1 d) 2:2
617. Velvet disease is caused by
a) Protozoan b) Bacteria c) Leeches d) Fungi

618. Which of the following gives the feeling of the presence of and grains
a) Loamy soil b) Sandy soil c) Silty soil d) Clayey soil

619. If the diameter of soil particles is less than 0.002mm, the soil will be
a) Silty b) Clayey c) Sandy d) Gravelly

620. While studying the textural group of a soil sample, the relative proportion of different-sized particles was
found to be 50% sand and 50% clay or silt or both; the soil will be
a) Loamy b) Silty c) Sandy d) Loamy-Sandy

621. The soil phosphorus level (P2O5) less than 30ppm is indicative of
a) Poor production b) Average production
c) High production d) No production

622. India Major Carps thrive well at temperatures between

a) 20-37oC b) 35-40oC c) below 20oC d) above 40oC

623. Application of Gypsum in a pond corrects the

a) pH b) Alkalinity c) Hardness d) Turbidity

624. Secchi disc is used to measure

a) Transparency b) Hydrogen-ion-concentration
c) Alkalinity d) Hardness

625. The most common method of correcting the low pH, is

a) Addition of Gypsum b) Liming c) Addition of oil cake d) Organic Manure

626. Which hardness value will be considered suitable for growth of fish
a) 15ppm or above b) Less than 10pp
c) Less than 5ppm d) 10ppm to 12ppm

627. The animals which are relatively large and powerful, and can combat water currents, are called
a) Neuston b) Nektons c) Planktons d) Swimmers

628. The terms Epifauna and Infauna are related with:

a) Neustons b) Nektons c) Benthos d) Profundal fauna

629. Episammic form is that which grows on:

a) Surface of water b) Plants c) Rocks d) Sand

630. Which is called as Water milfoil:

a) Hydrilla b) Salvinia c) Myriophyllum d) Jussiaea

631. Cattail is the common name for:

a) Typha b) Vallisaneria c) Pistia d) None

632. Which one of the following is a Marginal Emergent Weed:

a) Vallisneria b) Typha c) Eichhornia d) Hydrilla

633. Which one of the following is a Desmid:

a) Cosmarium b) Navicula c) Coelastrum d) Pediastrum

634. Diatoms belong to

a) Xanthophyceae b) Myxophyceae
c) Bacillariophyceae d) Dinophyceae

635. Microcystis is a
a) Green Algae b) Blue-Green Algae
c) Brown Algae d) Dinoflagellate

636. Which one of the following is Dinoflagellate

a) Chlamydomonas b) Peridinium c) Volvox d) Eudorina

637. Sun Animalcule is the common name for a

a) Protozoan b) Molluscan c) Coelenterate d) Crustacean

638. Wheel Animalcules belong to:

a) Insect b) Rotifera c) Porifera d) Trematods

639. Which one of the following is of Bugs

a) Aelosoma b) Moina c) Brachionous d) Piscidium

640. One Eyed giant is the name for:

a) Daphnia b) Cyclops c) Euglena d) None

641. Dragon Flies belong to:

a) Zygoptera b) Anisoptera c) Diptera d) Plecoptera

642. Which set of the following is to Bugs:

a) Gernis, Notonecta, Ranatra, Lacctrephes
b) Gernis, Notonecta, Cyclops, Cybster
c) Ranatra, Corixa, Cybister, Hydaticus
d) Notonecta, Hydrometra, Daphnia, Cybister

643. Beetles belong to order:

a) Orthroptera b) Hemiptera c) Coleoptera d) Diptera

644. Which one of the following is called Water Boatman

a) Coxia b) Nepa c) Notonecta d) Gerris

645. To hold the water at a definite level in a pond and also to serve as a causeway, it is essential to construct a:
a) Spilway b) Monk c) Sluice d) Dike

646. Freeboard is the term used with reference to the construction of

a) Dike b) Spilway c) Screen d) Sluice

647. The conjugated proteins which determine heredity is

a) Pyrimidine b) Purine c) Both a & b d) None

648. Adenine is an example of

a) Pyrimidine b) Purine c) Both a & b d) None of these

649. Commonly DNA contains _________ different types of nucleotides
a) 1 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

650. Between A and T in the double stranded DNA there are ---- hydrogen bonds
a) 4 b) 2 c) 3 d) None

651. In the DNA double helix it takes _________ for one complete turn
a) 44Ao b) 35Ao c) 34Ao d) 36Ao

652. The same word parthenogenesis in fish seed production is

a) Induced breeding b) Stripping method c) Gynogenesis d) Cytogenesis

653. Cryo preservation fish egg can not be done because of

a) Large size b) High water content c) High fat d) Yolk

654. A substance that causes a specific immune response in an animal

a) Bacteriocin b) Probiotics c) Vaccine d) Antigen

655. A gene whose over activity causes cells to become cancerous as

a) Super gene b) Oncogene c) Autogene d) Progene

656. The fish which is mutual to see anemone

a) Pentamer b) Tetramer c) Trimer d) Dimer

657. Antibody molecules in fish are

a) Pentamer b) Tetramer c) Trimer d) Dimer

658. Primers are

a) Douoble stranded RNA molecules b) Single stranded RNA molecules
c) Single stranded short oligobucleotides d) Double stranded short oligonucletides

659. Defence mechanisms in shrimp does not include

a) Encapsulation b) Prop PO system
c) Complement fixation d) Phagocytosis

660. Parasite responsible for fungal infection is

a) White spot syndrome virus b) Ichtyophonus hoeferi
c) Ichthyophthirius multifilis d) Myxosoma cerebralis

661. Recommended treatment for fungal infection is

a) Tetracycline b) Ozone c) chlorine d) Formalin

662. Epizootic ulcerative syndrome in fish is spread due to

a) Saprolegnia b) Aphanomyces c) Achyla d) Branchyomyces

663. Enzyme of retroviruses, which is essential for their replication

a) RNA dependent RNA polymerase b) Reverse transcriptases
c) DNA gyrase d) Taq DNA polymerase

664. Aggregates of macrophages in haematopoietic tissues of fish having pigment granules

a) T helper cells b) Plasma cell centers
c) Melanomacrophage centers d) Phagocytic macrophages

665. Attachment of --------- on a particle / antigen can activate the phagocytic activity in fish
a) Antibody b) Adjuvant c) Complement d) Interferon

666. Substances administered along with antigens to increase the antibody production
a) Vaccines b) Adjuvants c) Trans ferrin d) Antibiotics

667. Organism causing bacterial haemorrhagic septicaemia

a) Lernea b) Costia c) Pseudomonas d) Mycobacterium

668. Viruses at present are grown in the laboratory by

a) Egg inoculation b) Agar plates c) cell culture d) Broth culture
669. Pathological changes of the gills include
a) Hyperplasia b) Ulcer c) Lithiasis d) None

670. Primary lymphoid organ in fish

a) Intestine b) Bone marrow c) Thymus d) Pancreas

671. Which is capable of phagocytosis

a) Neutrophil b) Thrombocyte c) Plasma cell d) Erythrocyte

672. Pseudo-tuberculosis is caused by

a) Pasteurella b) Aeromonas c) Vibrio d) Nocardia

673. One of the notifiable disease as per OIE

a) Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia b) Vibriosis
c) Whirling disease d) Black gill disease

674. PUFA which reduce cholesterol & coronary disease

a) Docasapentaenoic acid b) Eicospentanoic acid
c) Glycerol d) None

675. Range of salinity for fresh water aquaculture

a) <0.5 b) 0.5-1 c) 1-15 d) None

676. Range of salinity for brackish water aquaculture

a) 0.5-20% b) 0.5-10 c) 0.5 30 d) 1-30

677. Range of salinity for Mariculture

a) 30 - 35 b) 20-25 c) 35-40 d) 30-40

678. Range of salinity for Metahaline

a) >25 b) >20 c) >35 d) 30

679. Species cultured mostly in pen are

a) Chanos chanos b) Lates calcarifer
c) Mugil cephalus d) All

680. Pole culture is mainly for

a) Mussel b) Lobster c) Crab d) None

681. Salinity of super saline salt pan

a)100 b) 150 c)100-150 d) >200

682. Species mainly culture in supersaline area

a) Artemia salina (brine shrimp) b) Daphnia
c) Spirulina d) None

683. Faster growing species among IMC is

a) Rohu b) Catla c) Silver carp d) Mrigal

684. Maximum size of catla is

a) 2.0 m b) 1.4 m c) 1.5 m d) 1.8m (45 kg)

685. Tastiest species among IMC is

a) Catla b) Grass carp c) Mrigal d) Rohu

686. Maximum size of Rohu is

a) 1 m b) 2m c) 1.5 m d) 2.5 m

687. Maximum size of Mrigal is

a) 0.5m b) 0.6m c) 0.8 m d) 0.9m

688. Silver carp fed on phytoplankton of size

a) >0.025 mm b) <0.25 mm c) <0.025 mm d) <0.25 mm

689. Maximum size of silver carp

a) 60 cm b) 100 cm c) 60 cm d) 50 cm

690. Artificial breeding of silver carp success in

a) 1961 b) 1952 c) 1960 d) 1962

691. Maximum size of Grass carp

a) 2.0 m b) 1.5 m (30 kg) c) 2.5 m d) 1.0 m

692. Common carp, silver carp, grass carp are Collectively called as
a) Sanitary fish b) Larvicidal fish c) Tastiest fish d) None

693. Maximum size of Black rohu

a) 1.5 m b) 2.0 m c) 2.5 m d) 1 m

694. Maximum size of cauvery carp (L) fimbriatus) fringe lipped carp
a) 1 m b) 90 cm c) 50 cm d) 2 m

695. Cauvery carp is distributed mainly in

a) South Indian river b) North Indian water
c) South East Indian river d) None

696. Maximum size of white carp (cirrhinus cirrhosa)

a) 90cm b) 50 cm c) 45 cm d) 60 cm

697. Sarana is mainly found in

a) South Indian river b) East Indian river c) a & b d) None

698. Largest catfish is

a) Wallago attu (2m max) b) Clarius c) a & b d) None

699. It is a genetic process by which message from the DNA which remains in coded form is transfers to mRNA
is called

a) Transcription b) Translation c) a & b d) None

700. Purines are

a) Guanine & Cytosine b) Cytosine & Thinamine
c) Adenine & Thiamine d) Adenine & Guanine

701. Pyrimidine are

a) Adenine & Thiamine b) Cytosine & Thiamine
c) Adenine & Guanine d) None

702. Nucleoside refers

a) Sugar + Phosphate b) Base + Phosphate
c) Base + Sugar d) Base + Sugar + Phosphate

703. The bond between bases & sugars

a) Glycosylic b) Glycosidic bond
c) Hydrogen bond d) a & b

704. If the sugar is deoxyribose then the compounds are called

a) Ribonucleotides b) Deoxyribopeptide
c) Deoxyribonucleotides d) None

705. Nucleotide
a) Sugar + Phosphate b) Base + Sugar + Phosphate
c) Base + Sugar d) Base + Phosphate

706. The repeating monomers of DNA or RNA are represented by a single letters
a) A b) T c) G d) All

707. In the double Helix structure Purine & Pyrimidine pair is such that
a) Guanine pairs with cytosine b) Adenine pairs with thymine
c) a & b d) Guanine Pairs with adenine

708. The different forms of nucleic acid double helix structures are
a) A helix b) B helix c) Z helix d) All

709. SINES refers

a) Short Interspersed Nucleic Elements b) Short inter nucleic elements
c) Shelf interspersed nucleic acid d) None

710. LINES refers

a) Left interspersed Nucleic elements b) Long Interspersed Nucleic Elements
c) Line inter space elements d) None

711. It consists of sequence from a few hundred base pairs is


712. It consists of sequence between 1 & 5 thousand base pairs is


713. SNP
a) Simple Nucleo phosphate b) Short nucleotide polymorphism
c) Single nucleotide polymorphism d) None

714. RFLP
a) Replication of Fragment Length Polymorphism
b) Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism
c) Restricted Fragment line Polymorphism
d) None

715. Any piece of DNA which replicates a single unit is called

a) Seine b) Lines c) Codon d) Replican

716. The initiation of a DNA replication within a replican always occurs at a fixed point known as
a) Origin b) Base c) Apex d) None

717. DNA is only of

a) Two type b) One type c) 3 type d) None

718. RNA types include

a) mRNA b) tRNA c) rRNA d) All

719. RNA does not

a) Transcribe b) Replicate c) a & b d) None

720. DNA consists of a large number nucleotides up to

a) 2.5 million b) 3 million c) 40 million d) 4.3 million

721. RNA concentration of fish nucleotides up to

a) 10,000 b) 15,000 c) 12,800 d) 13,000
722. A unit of recombination gene
a) Recon b) Replican c) Cistron d) All

723. Gene as a unit of mutation is called

a) Replican b) Cistron c) Muton d) a& b

724. Gene as a unit of function is called

a) Replican b) Cistron c) Muton d) a& b

725. The operon model to explain the control of gene activity

a) Jacob & Monald (1961) b) M.F. Maury c) Edward Forbes d) None

726. The relationship between the sequence of bases in DNA / RNA and the sequence of amino acids in a
polypeptide chain is called a
a) Codon b) Transcription c) Genetic code d) None

727. The average annual per capita fish consumption is

a) 15 kg b) 10 kg c) 2 kg d) 5 kg

728. Example for Predatory prey culture is

a) Murrel tilapia b) Murrel catfish c) Catla Murrel d) None

729. Silver carp introduced in India during

a) 1939 b) 1959 c) 1961 d) 1957

730. Chinese carp was introduced in India in

a) 1958 b) 1948 c) 1939 d) 1937

731. Labeo calbasu is commonly known as
a) Sanitary fish b) White rohu c) Black rohu d) None

732. L. fimbriatus (fringe-lipped carp) is commonly known as

a) Cauvery carp b) Big mouth carp c) White carp d) None

733. Example for fresh water shark is

a) Cirrhinus cirrhosa b) Heteropneustes fossilis c) Wallago attu d) None

734. A platform like space between bund and watery area known as
a) Berm b) Bench line c) Dike d) & b

735. A mixture of silt, sand and clay in the ratio of

a) 1:3:2 b) 1:2:3 c) 1:2:1 d) 1:3:1

736. Temporary algal bloom forming in the pond waters include

a) Euglena b) Chlamydomonas c) Volvox d) All

737. Example for filamentous algae

a) Spirogyra b) Nitella c) a & b d) None

738. Leaves float above the surface and the roots underneath
a) Floating weeds b) Emerged weeds c) Submerged weeds d) None

739. Example for Emerged weeds

a) Nymphaea b) Nymphoides c) Myriophyllum d) All

740. Example for floating weeds

a) Eichhornia b) Lemna c) Pistia d) All

741. Roots are attached to the bottom and leaves freed float on the surface
a) Floating weeds b) Emerged weeds
c) Submerged weeds d) Marginal weed

742. Example for rooted submerged weeds

a) Vallisneria b) Hydrilla c) Najas d) All

743. Example for rootless submerged weeds

a) Utticularia b) Ceratophyllum c) a & b d) None

744. Example for marginal weeds

a) Marsilia b) Jussiaea c) a & b d) None

745. The common weed fish species are

a) Puntius ticto b) P. sarana c) Rasbora danicoius d) All

746. Derris root powder contain

a) Rotenone b) Saponin c) a & c d) None

747. Derris root powder causes damage to

a) Circulatory system b) Respiratory system c) Digestion system d) All

748. Effective dosage of derris root powder is

a) 5-10 ppm b) 10-15 ppm c) 8-12 ppm d) None

749. Saponin causes
a) Haemolysis of white blood corpuscles b) Haemolysis of red blood corpuscles
c) Respiratory system d) None

750. Amount cobalt chloride per kg feed may enhance the growth rate and survival (> 90%) of fish)
a) 1 mg b) 1g c) 2 mg d) 5g

751. The standard combination of NPK as is generally recommended is

a) 18 : 10 : 4 b) 10:8:4 c) 9:6:2 d) None

752. The Brazilians were the first to use hypophysation successfully in pond fish culture as early as
a) 1936 b) 1934 c) 1942 d) 1957

753. India was the third country to apply hypophysation technique successfully in IMC and Chinese carps
during ------ and ------- respectively
a) 1942, 1957 b) 1957, 1934 c) 1957, 1962 d) None

754. Detecting the state of gonadal maturation in female breeders by

a) Catheterization b) Hypophysation c) Immobilization d) All

755. The average fecundity of IMC at about

a) 2 lakh eggs / kg b) 5lakh egg/kg
c) 10 lakh eggs/kg d) None

756. Mirror carp is introduced into Nilgris during

a) 1939 b) 1941 c) 1938 d) None

757. Which one is Doctor fish

a) Tench (Tinca tinca) b) Troutc) Garra d) All the above

758. Indian trout is

a) Barilius bola b) Schizothorax c) Plychobarbus d) None

759. In the aquarium ammonia concentration is beyond --------- is toxic to fish

a) 1.5 mg/l b) 0.2mg/l c) 0.5 mg/l d) 1.0mg/l

760. Aquarium fish may excrete ammonia in the range of

a) 0.3 4.0 g/kg fish / day b) 0.2-4.0g/kg fish /day
c) 1.0-5.0g/kg fish/day d) None

761. Tilapia (Oreochromis mossamibicus) introduced in India from East coast of Africa is
a) 1958 b) 1952 c) 1937 d) 1942

762. Fin and tail rot produced by

a) Nematodes b) Fungi c) Bacteria d) All

763. Sign of Dropsy is

a) Open sores or ulcers on the body
b) Accumulation of fluid inside the body cavity
c) Scale protrusion; exophathalmic condition
d) b & c

764. Treatment for Dropsy disease is

a) Dip treatment in 5 ppm Kmno4 solution for 2 min
b) Chloromycetin bath for 1 hour
c) 1 min dip treatment in 50 ppm Kmno4 solution
d) All

765. Costiasis is caused by

a) Bacteria b) Fungi c) Protozoans d) Nematodes

766. The most important game and food fish transplanted in India in
a) Trout b) Mirror carp c) Tench d) All the above

767. Suitable pH for the spawning of major carp is

a) 7.5 8.3 b) 6.5 7.5 c) 8.5 9.5 d) None

768. Sequencing of triple bare in mRNA which specify amino acid is called
a) Muton b) Cistron c) Codon d) LINE

769. The total genetic contribution of organism is called

a) Genome b) Codon c) a & b d) None

770. The effect of a single gene upon two or more characters which are not related is called
a) Mutation b) Pleiotropism c) Sex reversal d) None

771. Process of hormone injection for the induce breeding of fish is called
a) Hypophysation b) Catheterization c) Irradiation d) All

772. Successful long term storage of spermatozoa has been achieved by

a) Mounib et al (1968) for cod (Gadus morhua) b) Johannes Schmidt
c) Jacob d) Peter
773. First genetic studies on colour pattern of Poecillia reticulata were performed by
a) Mounib b) W.S. sutton c) Johannes Schmidt d) Jacob

774. Hypothesis of chromosome as physical basis of heredity was proposed by

a) W.S.Sutton (1902) b) Johannes c) Jacob d) None

775. Sex-linked inheritance in fish was first described by

a) Jacob b) Johannes c) Johannes schmidt d) None

776. Origin of Penculture is

a) China b) Brazil c) India d) Indonesia

777. Protein requirement of M. rosenbergii larvae is

a) 40-45% b) 45-50% c) 50-55% d) 30-40%

778. Dropsy is caused by

a) Aeromonas hydrophilla b) Pseudomonas punctata
c) Saprolegnia d) a & b

779. Origin of cage culture is

a) China b) America c) Cambodia d) None

780. Eggs of IMC is

a) Demersal b) Pelagic c) Transparent d) a & b

781. Brackish water aquaculture originated in
a) a & b b) Russia c) Indonesia d) China

782. Species extensively cultured in cage of Japan is

a) Yellow tail b) Catla c) Murrel d) Mullet

783. Hormones were used in breeding of fish for the first time by
a) American b) Indian c) a & b d) Russian

784. Egg membrane is also called

a) Oolema b) Aliquot c) a & b d) None

785. Protection of all female by mating maternal chromosomes

a) Parthanogenesis b) Gynogenisis c) Androgenesis d) None

786. Protection of all male by mating maternal chromosomes

a) Gynogenis b) Parthanogenesis c) Androgenesis d) None

787. Cryopreservation is done only

a) Sperm b) Egg c) a & b d) None

788. Sperm + Extender solution is called

a) Immunostimulant b) Aliquot c) Probiotic d) None

789. Function of Cryoprotectant

a) Minimizing freezing of fluid
b) Check the formation of lethal concentration of electrolyte
c) a & b
d) None

790. Ratio of milt and extender solution in marine fish is

a) 1:4 b) 1:3 c) 2: 1 d) 1:2

791. Ratio of milt and extender solution in fresh water fish is

a) 1: 4 b) 1:3 c) 2:1 d) 4:1

792. Dissolution of genetic material is called

a) Mutation b) Pleiotrophism c) Pyknosis d) None

793. Largest area for shrimp farming in India is

a) Tamil Nadu b) West Bengal c) Kerala d) cochin

794. Soil practice are called

a) Regoliths b) Corixa c) Monk d) None

795. Best material for dyke construction is

a) Sandy clay b) Loamy soil c) Sandy soil d) None

796. Carp dies at pH

a)< 4 b) >11 c) a & b d) 7.5

797. Soil having equal proportion of sand silt and clay is called
a) Sandy soil b) Loamy soil c) clay soil d) None

798. The use of hormone injection (induced breeding) start first time in
a) Brazil (1932) b) Russia c) China d) Cambodia

799. Cell culture medium used in fish cell culture are

a) L-15 b) RPM11640 c)M199, MEM d)All

800. Cloning vectors which are used in recombinant DNA technology are
a) Plasmids, bacteriophages b) Cosmids c) Viruses d)All

801. Malathion dosage for Argulosis disease in fish

a) 0.25 ppm b) 2ppm c) 1ppm d) None

802. In culture shrimps, feeding rate is adjusted based on

a) Estimated survival b) Feed consumption
c) Individual body weight d) All

803. Match the following

a) C. carpio var specularis - Leather carp (Large shiny & scattered scales) (c)
b) C. carpio var nudus - Pig mouth carp (d)
c) C. carpio var communis - Mirror carp (a)
d) L. konitus - White carp (e)
e) Cirrhinus cirrhosa - Scale carp leathery appearance due to absence of scale (b)

804. a) Murrels - Giant snake head (b)

b) Channa marulius - Striped snake head or common murrel (c)
c) C. striatus - Brown trout (d)
d) Salmo trutta fario - Rainbow trout (e)
e) Salmo gairdneri gairdneri - Snake heads (a)

805. a) Mahseer - Etroplus suratensis (b)

b) Pearl spot - Chanos chanos (c)
c) Milk fish - T. putitora (a)
d) Giant murrel - Red finned mahseer (e)
e) Tor tor - Channa marulius (d)

806. a) Protozoan disease - Haemorrhagic septicemia (b)

b) Bacterial disease - Saprolegniasis (c)
c) Mycotic disease - Branchiomycosis (d)
d) Gill rot disease - Yellow finned mahseer (e)
e) I. putitora - Trichodinosis (a)

807. a) Horse mackerel - Mid water trawl (c)

b) Tuna - Purse seine (a)
c) Seer fish - Bottom trawl (d)
d) Shrimp - Chocolate mahseer (e)
e) Acrossocheilus hexagonolepis - Pole and line (b)

808. a) Frog - C. batrachus (c)

b) Snow trout - Rana tigrina (a)
c) Air breathing fish - H. Scabra (d)
d) Sea cucumber - C. mrigal (e)
e) Carp - Schizothorox sp (b)

809. a) Chaetoceres - Nori (d)
b) Spirulina - Algae rich in vitamins (c)
c) Dunaliella - Bacillariophyta (a)
d) Porphyra - Chlorophyta (e)
e) Chlamydomonas - Algae rich in Protein (b)

810. a) Hammer-head shark - Negapriom acutidens (b)

b) Indian lemon shark - Charcharhinus hemiodon (d)
c) Tiger shark - Charcharhinius melomopterus (e)
d) Long-nosed shark - Spyrna diplana (a)
e) Black-fin reef shark - Galeocerdo cuvieri (c)

811. a) White bait - Stolephorus indicus (c)

b) Gizzard shad - Sprateloides deticatulus (a)
c) Indian anchovy - Strongylura strongylura (d)
d) Round tail needle fish - Variola louti (e)
e) Moontail sea bass - Amodontostoma chacunda (b)

812. a) Indian thread fin - Coryphaena hippurus (d)

b) Yellow tail scad - Mene maculata (e)
c) Indian scad - Atule mate (b)
d) Dolphin fish - Decapterus russelli (c)
e) Moonfish - Alectis indicus (a)

813. a) Red tide - Gracillaria (b)

b) Red seaweed - Dinoflagellate (a)
c) Brown seaweed - Vorticella (e)
d) Parasitic fungus - Saprolegnia (d)
e) Parasitic protozoa - Sargassum (c)

814. a) Flower tail prawn - P. indicus (c)

b) Banana prawn - M. dobsoni (a)
c) White prawn - P. monodon (d)
d) Tiger prawn - P. Semisulcatus (e)
e) Green tiger prawn - P. merguensis (b)

815. a) Blue mussel - M. metacutti (c)

b) Edible oyster - M. edulis (a)
c) Brown mussel - Anadora granosa (d)
d) Blood clam - Perna viridis (e)
e) Green mussel - Crassosterra madrasensis (b)

816. a) Catla catla - Mahseer (c)

b) L. rohita - Catla (a)
c) T. putitora - Common carp (d)
d) Cyprinus carpio - Rohu (b)

817. a) Thread fins - Harpodon neherius (e)

b) Sea eel - Polynemus indicus (a)
c) Silver bellies - Lactarius lactarius (d)
d) White fish - Muraena punctata (b)
e) Bombay duck - Leiognathus equatus (c)

818. a) Giant murrel - Anabas testudineus (c)
b) Milk fish - Channa marulius (a)
c) Climbing perch - Mugil cephalus (d)
d) Grey mullet - Etroplus suratensis (e)
e) Pearl spot - Chanos chanos (b)

819. a) PAHS - Carbon with 6 double bond (e)

b) Lipids - Biological value (c)
c) BV - Carbon with 5 double bond (d)
d) EPA - Poly aromatic hydrocarbons (a)
e) DHA - Triglycerides (b)

820. a) Megalopa - Artemia (d)

b) Mysis - Crab (a)
c) Spawn - Shrimp (b)
d) Cyst - Trout (e)
e) Eyed ova - Carp (c)

821. a) White shrimp - P. mondon (e)

b) Mullet - P. japanicus (d)
c) Sea bass - Lates calcarifer (c)
d) Flower - P. indicus (a)
e) Tiger - Mugil cephalus (b)
822. a) FAD - Fish yield (d)
b) FCR - General yield (c)
c) GSI - Aggregations of fish (a)
d) MSY - Life stages (e)
e) PL - Feed (b)

823. a) Deep sea spiny lobster - Panulirus longipes (c)

b) Pointed spiny lobster - Thenus orientalis (d)
c) Long legged spiny lobster - Puerulus sewelli (a)
d) Sand lobster - Panulirus homarus (b)
e) Aquaculture authority of India - Chennai (e)

824. a) Fish farmers day - Disinfectant (d)

b) World fisheries day - July 10 (a)
c) Ipomea - November 21 (b)
d) Hydrogen peroxide - Gypsum (e)
e) Calcium sulphate - Morning glory/Marginal weed (c)

825. a) Shell fish parasite is - Malaysia, phillipines (d)

b) Live feed for prawns - Lernaea (a)
c) Fishes with chin barbels - Artemia (b)
d) ICLARM head quarters - Bangkok, Thailand (e)
e) Head quarters of NACA - Cat fish (c)

826. a) Eel larvae - Digenian trematode (e)

b) Luminous bacterial disease - Mother of offspring (d)
c) Cotton shrimp disease - Vibiro harveyi (b)
d) Vertical transmission of disease - Leptocephalus (a)
e) Black spot disease in fish - Microsporean (c)

827. a) Immunoglobulin in fish - Virus (e)

b) Aflatoxin - I gM (a)
c) Furunclosis - Aspergillus (b)
d) TCBS agar - Aeromonas salmonicida (c)
e) L-15 medium - Vibrio (d)

828. a) Gill rot - Fix the nitrogen (d)

b) Bacterial kidney disease - Bio-fertilizers (e)
c) Yellow head disease - Renibacterium (b)
d) Blue green algae - Virus (c)
e) Azolla weed - Branchiomyces (a)

829. a) BV - Protein efficiency (c)

b) PUFA - Biological value of feed (a)
c) PER - Renibacterium (e)
d) NDGA - Polyunsaturated lipid (b)
e) BKD - Nor diuretic acid (d)

830. a) Mussel - Chlorella salina (b)

b) Microalgae - Algal control (e)
c) Blood clam - Anadora granosa (c)
d) Sodum Chloride - Parasite (d)
e) Calcium hypochlorite - M. edulis (a)

831. a) The arm ratio for the subtelocentric chromosome -1.7- 3.0 (d)
b) The arm ratio for the telocentric chromosome -3.1 7.0 (a)
c) The arm ratio for the metacentric chromosome -7.0 & above (b)
d) The arm ratio for the submetacentric chromosome - Ozonation (e)
e) Treatment of water - 1.0-1.7 (c)

832. a) Agriculture - Ecology (c)

b) Aquaculture - Science of crop farming (a)
c) Bionomics - Statistical study of biological problem (d)
d) Biometrics - Flow of energy (e)
e) Bioenergetics - Science of fish farming (b)

833. a) Deepest trench - Primary productivity (d)

b) A&N island - Mariana (a)
c) Dinoflagellates - East ridge (b)
d) Pheophytin - Disinfection of eggs (e)
e) Betaine - Red tide (c)

834. a) Aeromonas salmonicida - A. hydrophila (b)

b) Swim bladder inflammation - Low pH (d)
c) White spot disease - Furunculosis (a)
d) Glycogen to lactic acid - Artificial breeding (e)
e) Induced breeding - I. multiphilis (c)


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