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Taxonomy Mcqs

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In fact the ________now occupies the central position in

hierarchy of organisms ?
A. Population
B. Community
C. Species
D. Deme

2. The effective killing agents in insects is ?

A. Methyl alcohol
B. Ethyl acetate
C. Ethyl alcohol
D. None

3. Species has three separate functions. It forms a ?

A. Reproductive community
B. Ecological unit
C. Genetical unit
D. All a, b, c

4. Sibley (1954) called these species like entities as

________which are discernible on the basis of partial
reproductive isolation externally contrasting with free gene
exchange internally ?
A. Syngameon
B. Varities
C. Semispecies
D. all a, b, c
5. among the chiggers, a group of mites only 3 species were
known in 1900 and _____in 1966 ?
A. 512
B. 2250
C. 33
D. None of them

6._____ is used in reference to two or more related species which

occupy the same macrohabitat ?
A. Allopatric
B. Syntopic
C. Allotopic
D. both a, b

7. Species known to be Linnean times to be present and based

on morphological geographical data called_____?
A. Cosmopolitan species
B. Tropicopolitan species
C. Morpho-geographical species
D. Continental species

8. These species indicate the number of phylogenic lines or

lineages occurring at any particular time ?
A. Parapatric species
B. Contemporaneous species
C. Philapatric species
D. both b,c

9. Polytypic species consisting of two or more sub-species firstly

defined by ____ ?
A. White (1975)
B. Sibley (1954)
C. Huxley (1940)
D. Blackwelder (1967)

10. Those living on isolated island which owe their fauna to

dispersal methods other than overland migration ?
A. Insular species
B. philapatric species
C. Incipient species
D. Para species

11. _____the first to differentiate the species sub-species and

Varities ?
A. Beckener
B. Kant
C. Darwin
D. Wilson and brown
12._______of subordinate status but in reality cannot be
segregated cannot be classified ?
A. Sub-species
B. Pseudotaxa
C. orders
D. None of them

13. Morphologically homogenous group of an organism which is

either from a single locality or from a single kind of habitat and is
the starting point in all classifications ?
A. Species
B. Deme
C. kingdom
D. both a&c

14. A gradation in measurable characters called___ ?

A. Cline
B. Deme
C. Varities
D. all a, b, c

16. Harward biologist Edward Wilson estimated that nearly

____species become extinct every day ?
A. 156
B. 140
C. 200
D. 170

17. Different types of _____are also quite useful in picking up

large number of small insects and other arthropods ?
A. Net
B. Aspirators
C. plants
D. None of them

18. Organdy is an excellent material because it is cheap or does

not bunch up the wings of ____ ?
A. Lepidoptera
B. orthoptera
C. birds
D. blatteria

19. It was proposed by Linnaeus and was in common used for

many years ?
A. Cline
B. Deme
C. variety
D. all a, b, c
20. Darwin (1859) could not clearly define the species and he was
not able to solve the problem of ______ ?
A. Genetics
B. speciation
C. variety
D. systematic

21. Taxonomy is considered as the Science of ?

A. Morphological study
B. Species interactions
C. Naming and describing species
D. a + b

22. In term of Taxonomy which name is easy to understand

worldwide ?
A. Common
B. Scientific
C. both a & b
D. none of them

23. Who was the first tried to classify organisms on their

structural basis?
A. Aristotle
B. Theophrastus
C. Carolus Linnaeus
D. Edward Alexander

24. Linnaeus classified organisms in average ?

A. 7000
B. 8000
C. 9000
D. 10000

25. ——– designed life and ———– did the filing ?

A. Allah Almighty/Aristotle
B. Linnaeus/GOD
C. Alexander/Linnaeus
D. GOD/Linnaeus

26. Unique name is a ?

A. Bilingual
B. Binomial
C. Code-switching
D. Multi-lingual

27. Basic unit of classification ?

A. Kingdom
B. Phylum
C. Class
D. Species

28. Species most important characteristic ?

A. Interbreed
B. reproduce offspring
C. Reproduction
D. All of them

29. Homologous describes ?

A. Same structure/different function
B. same function/different structure
C. Similar to analogous
D. same structure/same function

30. Analogous describes ?

A. Same structure/different function
B. same function/different structure
C. Similar to analogous
D. same structure/same function

31. Convergent evolution has link with ?

A. Homologous
B. Analogous
C. both
D. none

32. Cladistic as method to remove more subjectivity has

exposure with ?
A. Homologous structures
B. Analogous structures
C. both
D. none

33. More objective way to determine relationship ?

A. Numerical taxonomy
B. Cladistic taxonomy
C. Molecular taxonomy
D. a & b

35. Monophyletic means ?

A. Uncertain original ancestor
B. Lost original ancestor
C. Same (Single) original ancestor
D. Complicated evolutionary link

36. Phylogeny means ?

A. Structural similarities
B. Evolutionary relationship
C. Histological relationship
D. Functional similarities

37. Morphology means ?

A. Functional trait
B. Structural form
C. Molecular phylogeny
D. None

38. Recent taxonomy is following ?

A. Two kingdom system
B. Organism based system
C. Five kingdom system
D. a & b

39. Fossils of species ?

A. Dead traces and no reproduction
B. Fertile
C. can reproduce still
D. living

40. Clade describes ?

A. Set of organisms living same place
B. Set of organisms with common traits
C. Set of organisms with different traits
D. Set of organisms with common ancestor

41. 80 % alcohol is preserved by which type of animal group ?

A. Tbysanura
B. orthoptora
C. plecoptera
D. both a & c

42. Which animal groups picking the things with forceps ?

A. odoanta
B. Isoptera
C. Embiopetera
D. both b & c

43. Annelids have habitats like ?

A. Debris
B. water bodies / Aquatic
C. herbs
D. none of them
44. The apparatus used for collecting small insects and
arachnids is ?
A. Aspirator
B. Barrier funnels
C. both
D. none

45. The smallest insects preferred for the pointing mounting

except ?
A. Dipetera
B. Mesquites
C. Grasshoppers
D. none

46. The method for hard bodies and small insects is ?

A. Cording
B. spreading
C. Mounting
D. None

47. The specimen which in subject to destruction is ?

A. Spreading
B. Mounting
C. storage
D. both a & b
48. A good key is strictly ?
A. non-dicholmous
B. Dichotomous
C. both
D. none

49. Dwellings soil and leaf litters are habitats of ?

A. Plecoptera
B. Tbysanura
C. Orthopotera
D. Odoanta

50. Mecoptera has habitat in ?

A. Leaf litters
B. Damp wooded places
C. both
D. none of them

51. 70% alcohol is used to preserved in ?

A. Diptera
B. Mites
C. ticks
D. all
52. Aranceae is a ?
A. Insect
B. spiders
C. none
D. both

53. Berlrse funnel is useful in ?

A. Animals
B. birds
C. extracting insects
D. none

54. The most commonly and widely used killing agent ?

A. Potassium cyanide
B. calcium cyanide
C. Nitrogen cynade
D. None

55. The journal “Curator” is published by ?

A. American museum of natural history
B. University of Pennsylvania
C. Both
D. None
56. For relaxing insect a cotton swab soaked in about phenol ?
A. 10-12ml
B. 10-15ml
C. 10-13ml
D. None

57. The English pins have length of ?

A. 18-30mm
B. 17-20mm
C. 18-20mm
D. 16-30mm

58. The methods of identification animals are ?

A. 2
B. 5
C. 4
D. 6

59. Described species of animals ?

A. 0.5 million
B. million
C. 1.5 million
D. million
60. Awaiting discovery of animals ?
A. 2-10 million
B. 3-10 million
C. 4-10 million
D. 30 million

61. Provides the only key for information ?

A. Name
B. Structure
C. existence
D. none

62. Who points out all steps for environmental research ?

A. Aristotle
B. Linnaeus
C. Mandle
D. Sailor

63. Thinking population has their concern with ?

A. Parasitology
B. molecular biology
C. Theoretical biology
D. all of them
64. Which one is more effective?
A. Radiation control
B. Biological control
C. Chemical control
D. a + b

65. Taxonomist who took samples of mosquitoes ?

A. Hackett
B. bates
C. Hackett & bates
D. none of them

66. Who play important role in the identification of flora and

A. Paleontologist
B. microbiologist
C. histologist
D. mammologist

67. Agents cause environment problems ?

A. Flora
B. Fauna
C. mimic
D. pollutants
68. Soil fertility means ?
A. Ability to grow slow
B. Ability to grow healthy
C. Inability to grow fast
D. Inability to grow healthy

69. Which of the following organisms can be found in extreme

saline conditions?
A. Eubacteria
B. Archaebacteria
C. Cyanobacteria
D. Mycobacteria

70. Linnaeus used which kingdom of classification?

A. Artificial system
B. Natural system
C. Phylogenetic system
D. Asexual system

71. Smallest Taxon of classification is ?

A. Kingdom
B. Family
C. Variety
D. Species
72. In which kingdom are Archaea and Nitrogen-fixing organisms
A. Animalia
B. Plantae
C. Monera
D. Fungi

73. Bentham and Hooker gave which system of classification?

A. Numerical
B. Phylogenetic
C. Artificial
D. Natural

74. What is the main basis of classification in the five kingdom

A. Structure of nucleus
B. Structure of cell wall
C. Asexual Reproduction
D. Mode of Nutrition

75. Which one of the following is not applied for fungi?

A. They are eukaryotic
B. they are heterotrophic
C. they are both unicellular and multicellular
D. They possess a purely cellulosic cell wall

76. Linnaeus evolved a system of nomenclature called ?

A. Vernacular
B. Monomial
C. Polynomial
D. Binomial

77. What is a Taxon ?

A. A group of related families
B. A type of living organisms
C. A group of related species
D. A group of any ranking

78. Phylogenetic classification is based on ?

A. Overall similarities
B. Habit of plants
C. Common evolutionary descendants
D. All of these

79. Organizing taxonomic information in logical classification is

A. Systematic
B. Phenetic
C. Phylogenetic
D. Dendogram

80. Who is considered as the father of taxonomy?

A. Aristotle
B. Linnaeus
C. Earnest Haeckel
D. Whittaker

81. What is tautonym?

A. These are the repeated sequences
B. It is a name of fish
C. Identical name of genus and species
D. It is a name of the genus

82. What is the term given to a duplicate specimen of original

A. Lectotype
B. Holotype
C. Isotype
D. Neotype
83. Systematic is ?
A. Identification
B. nomenclature
C. relationships and classification
D. all the above

84. Classification deals with ?

A. Identification of organisms
B. arranging organisms into groups
C. Arranging organisms in herbaria and museums
D. naming, identification and grouping of organism

85. New systematic differs from classical systematic in

employing ?
A. Experimental taxonomy
B. biochemical and cytotaxonomy
C. All biological parameters
D. numerical taxonomy

86. Taxonomy is important in agriculture because it helps in ?

A. Identification of plant pests
B. identification of weeds
C. identification of pathogens
D. All
87. Study of only one or a few organisms for obtaining
knowledge about species/higher group is ?
A. Nominalistic concept
B. classical systematic
C. typological concept
D. new systematic

88. Phylogenetic system differs from a natural system in its stress on ?

A. Anatomical details
B. physiological traits
C. morphological details
D. origin and evolutionary trends

89. Two organisms with different correlated morphological

characters belong to ?
A. One biological species
B. one taxonomic species
C. two biological species
D. two taxonomic species

90. In an artificial system of classification ?

A. A large number of characters are taken into consideration
B. correlated characters are relied upon
C. Physiological characters are relied upon
D. one or a few morphological characters are considered
91. Lectotype is ?
A. Duplicate of holotype
B. specimen described along with holotype
C. Specimen cited by author without making one holotype
D. Specimen selected from original material for nomenclature type when there is no

92. Isotype is a specimen ?

A. Duplicate of holotype
B. Described along with holotype
C. Nomenclature type when the original is missing
D. Cited by author when there is no holotype

93. Neotype is ?
A. Nomenclature type from original material
B. Nomenclature type when the original material is missing
C. One of the two or more specimens cited by author
D. New species discovered by a scientist

94. Who developed the concept of phylogeny?

A. Linnaeus
B. Lamarck
C. Hippocrates
D. Ernst Haeckel
95. The scientist who first gave the dynamic concept of species ?
A. Julian Huxley
B. Linnaeus
C. Lamarck
D. john ray

96. Classification reflecting the evolutionary inter relationships of

organisms is called ?
A. Phylogenetic classification
B. artificial classification
C. natural classification
D. None

97. Cytotaxonomy is a form of ?

A. Classical systematic
B. new systematic
C. morpho-systematics
D. all the above

98. Classification based on chromosome study or organisms is ?

A. Biochemical taxonomy
B. karyotaxonomy
C. numerical taxonomy
D. experimental taxonomy

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