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Study On Independent Power Producers (IPPs) 2017

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Study on Economic Partnership Projects

in Developing Countries in FY2016

Study on Independent Power Producers (IPPs)

in Lao People's Democratic Republic

Final Report

February 2017

Prepared for:

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Prepared by:
Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
Hokuriku Electric Power Company, Inc.
Reproduction Prohibited
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Study on Economic Partnership Projects in Developing Countries in FY2016
February 2017 Prepared by
Study on Independent Power Producers (IPPs) in Lao People's Democratic Republic
Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
Hokuriku Electric Power Company, Inc.

This report puts together the findings and results of Economic Partner Projects for Fiscal Year 2016 undertaken by Tokyo Electric
Power Company Holdings Inc., together with Hokuriku Electric Power Co., contracted and funded by the Ministry of Energy,
Trade and Industry of Japan.

This study, Project Identification Study on Independent Power Producers (IPPs) in Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, aimed
to identify several IPP projects for investment targets in the country and survey the maturity, hydrology, socio-environmental
conditions, sponsors requirements, etc. of hydropower projects, in close collaboration with candidate sponsors for investment
and with attentive assistance from the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, and several
Prefecture Offices in Lao PDR.

We strongly hope that this report helps to realize these projects and that it will serve as a useful reference for related parties in

February 2017
Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Incorporated
Hokuriku Electric Power Company, Incorporated
Project map

Source: Study team based on GoogleMap

List of abbreviations
Abbreviation Definition
ADB Asian Development Bank
ASEAN Association of South East Asian Countries
CA Concession Agreement
COD Commission of Day
DEB Department of Energy Business
DEPP Department of Energy Policy And Planning
DSCR Debt Service Coverage Ratio
EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
EDL Electricite du Laos
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
F/S Feasibility Study
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GIS Geographic Information System
GW Giga Watt
GWh Giga Watt Hour
IEE Initial Environmental Examination
IFC International Finance Corporation
IPPs Independent Power Producers
JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
MEM Ministry of Energy and Mines
METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
MOF Ministry of Finance
MOI Ministry of Industry
MONRE Ministry of Natural Resources And Environment
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MPI Ministry of Planning and Investment
MW Mega Watt
MWh Mega Watt Hour
NEDO New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
ODA Official Development Assistance
PDA Project Development Agreement
PECC1 Power Engineering Consulting joint stock Company 1
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
PPP Public Private Partnership
SIA Social Impact Assessment
SPC Super Purpose Company
USD United States Dollar
UXO Unexploded Ordnance

Project map
List of abbreviations
Table of contents


Capter1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................1-1
(1) Background and circumstances of the survey.....................................................................................................1-1
(2) Purpose of survey .............................................................................................................................................1-1
(3) Survey method .................................................................................................................................................1-1
1) Content of survey .........................................................................................................................................1-1
2) Survey method / organization........................................................................................................................1-2
3) Survey schedule ...........................................................................................................................................1-3
4) Survey results ...............................................................................................................................................1-3
Capter2 Overview of the Host Country and Sector .....................................................................................................2-1
(1) Economy..........................................................................................................................................................2-1
(2) Electricity Sector ..............................................................................................................................................2-2
(3) Situation of the target area .................................................................................................................................2-4
Capter3 Identification of promising investment projects..............................................................................................3-1
(1) The long list of projects .....................................................................................................................................3-1
1) Existing hydropower plants...........................................................................................................................3-1
2) Hydropower projects under construction .......................................................................................................3-4
3) Hydropower projects with COD expected by 2025 ........................................................................................3-7
4) Hydropower projects with COD expected by 2030 ........................................................................................3-9
5) Hydropower projects with signed MOU......................................................................................................3-11
(2) Screening and evaluation criteria for prioritization........................................................................................... 3-15
1) Screening policy........................................................................................................................................ 3-15
2) Sorting lists by number of projects in old list............................................................................................... 3-16
3) Sorting lists by number of projects in new list ............................................................................................. 3-17
4) Sorting lists by capacity potential ............................................................................................................... 3-18
5) List sorted by river flow ............................................................................................................................. 3-19
6) Listing sponsors ........................................................................................................................................ 3-22
(3) Long list of promising projects narrowed down .............................................................................................. 3-23
(4) Candidate projects for investment................................................................................................................... 3-23
Capter4 Justification, Objectives and Technical Feasibility of the Projects ...................................................................4-1
(1) Background to Technical Feasibility of the Projects............................................................................................4-1
1) Projects by Nonghai Group...........................................................................................................................4-1
2) Projects by Electrical Construction and Installation, State Enterprise...............................................................4-1
(2) Basic policies and decisions on the content of the Technical Feasibility of the Projects ........................................4-1
(3) Outline of Technical Feasibility of the Projects...................................................................................................4-2
(4) Necessary Study Items......................................................................................................................................4-4
1) Extraction of Items for Consideration regarding Technical Aspects of Promising Project.................................4-4
2) Outline and Verification of Flow Setting in Candidate Project ........................................................................4-5
3) Outline and Confirmation of Head Loss and Rate Head in the Candidate Project ......................................... 4-24
4) Outline and Confirmation of Project Cost in Candidate Project ................................................................... 4-32
(5) Effect of Stable Energy Supply to Japan by Implementing Candidate Projects ................................................. 4-44
Capter5 Evaluation of Environmental and Social Impacts ...........................................................................................5-1
(1) Analysis of present state of environmental and social aspects .............................................................................5-1
1) Natural environment.....................................................................................................................................5-1
2) Socio-economic environment .......................................................................................................................5-3
3) Ethnic minorities ..........................................................................................................................................5-5
(2) Environmental improvement effects from the candidate projects ........................................................................5-6
1) Setting of a baseline ......................................................................................................................................5-6
2) Calculation of the baseline ............................................................................................................................5-6
3) Estimation of effect.......................................................................................................................................5-7
(3) Environmental and social impacts associated with candidate project implementation ..........................................5-7
(4) Outline of the partner countrys laws and regulations related to environmental and social considerations and necessary
measures for compliance with them ...............................................................................................................................5-9
1) Constitution of the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (2015 revision)...........................................................5-9
2) Environmental Protection Law (2012 revision)..............................................................................................5-9
3) Water and Water Resource Law (1996 and 2013) ....................................................................................... 5-10
4) The Lao Land Law (1997) ......................................................................................................................... 5-10
5) Forest Law revised (2007 revision) ............................................................................................................ 5-10
6) Wildlife and Aquatic Law (2007) ................................................................................................................5-11
7) Decree on the Preservation of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage (1997).............................................5-11
(5) Matters to be implemented by the relevant country (implementing agency and other relevant agencies) to realize the
candidate projects ........................................................................................................................................................5-11
Capter6 Financial and Economic Evaluation ..............................................................................................................6-1
(1) Estimation of Project costs ................................................................................................................................6-1
1) Comparison of project costs of proposed projects ..........................................................................................6-1
2) Analysis of project costs for each proposed project ........................................................................................6-1
3) Calculation of cost of proposed project over project period.............................................................................6-4
(2) Outline of preliminary Financial and Economic Analysis results.........................................................................6-6
1) Economic Analysis.......................................................................................................................................6-6
2) Financial Analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 6-14
3) Sensitivity analysis .................................................................................................................................... 6-16
Capter7 Planned Project Schedul ...............................................................................................................................7-1
(1) Nam Ngiep 2C2B2A ................................................................................................................................7-1
(2) Nam Ban..........................................................................................................................................................7-1
Capter8 Present Status of Legal Improvement regarding Implementation of IPP Projects in Lao PDR..........................8-1
(1) Relevant laws ...................................................................................................................................................8-1
1) Law on Electricity (2011...........................................................................................................................8-1
2) Regulation on Small Hydropower Development............................................................................................8-2
3) Law on Investment Promotion (2009) ...........................................................................................................8-2
4) Law on Enterprise (2013...........................................................................................................................8-3
5) Other relevant laws.......................................................................................................................................8-3
(2) Relevant authorities ..........................................................................................................................................8-3
1) Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) ..........................................................................................................8-3
2) Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI)...................................................................................................8-4
3) Province and Vientiane Capital .....................................................................................................................8-4
(3) Necessary Measures from the Viewpoint of Japanese Companies.......................................................................8-4
(4) Insufficiency and Deregulation from the Viewpoint of Japanese Companies .......................................................8-5
1) Insufficient regulatory arrangement ...............................................................................................................8-5
2) Deregulation request.....................................................................................................................................8-5
Capter9 Activities of Key Local Sponsors and the Off-Taker ......................................................................................9-1
(1) Sponsor (EDL-Gen) .........................................................................................................................................9-1
1) Outline of EDL-Gen.....................................................................................................................................9-1
2) Sponsorship of EDL-Gen .............................................................................................................................9-1
(2) Off-taker (EDL)................................................................................................................................................9-1
1) Outline of EDL ............................................................................................................................................9-1
2) Offtaking by EDL ........................................................................................................................................9-2
(3) Challenges from the Viewpoint of Japanese Companies .....................................................................................9-2
1) Take-or-pay clause........................................................................................................................................9-2
2) Settlement currency ......................................................................................................................................9-2
Capter10 Activities of Other Local Investors ............................................................................................................. 10-1
(1) Activities of investors who have concluded MOUs ......................................................................................... 10-1
(2) Development status based on MOUs for projects owned by other investors ..................................................... 10-1
(3) Causes of development stagnation.................................................................................................................. 10-1
Capter11 Technical Advantages of Japanese Company...............................................................................................11-1
(1) Possible participation forms for Japanese companies........................................................................................11-1
1) Sponsorship ...............................................................................................................................................11-1
2) Construction and equipment .......................................................................................................................11-1
3) Operation and maintenance.........................................................................................................................11-1
(2) Advantages and disadvantages of Japanese companies in project implementation (technical and economic aspects)
1) Technology advantages...............................................................................................................................11-1
2) Non-technical Disadvantages ......................................................................................................................11-6
3) Good practice power generation project by Japanese company in Laos.........................................................11-7
(3) Measures to Enhance Japanese Companies Participation.................................................................................11-9
1 Background and circumstances of the survey
In Laos, where hydropower resources are abundant, domestic electric power demand is increasing due to steady economic
growth, and progress in urban and industrial park development, and many power development projects to be undertaken by
independent power generation entities (IPPs) have been planned.
As of the end of 2015, there were over 300 projects such as these that had not yet come to fruition even after obtaining MOUs
for development, and numerous projects both good and bad have been presented to foreign investors, including Japan, by the
candidate sponsors. Under these circumstances, Japanese electric utility companies have also considered the possibility of
conducting multiple hydropower projects in Lao PDR, but they could not ascertain what kind of pros and cons each individual
project has compared to the others across more than 300 cases. They also did not know the details of concession contracts and
electricity purchase contracts and how they would develop. Therefore, they were interested in business investment but had not
yet reached the point of selecting specific projects and proceeding with commercialization.

2 Identification of promising investment projects

The study team narrowed down potential areas by scale of project (above 15MW or less than 15MW), as well as by status of
project (existing, under construction or after MOU signing), based on the latest IPP list as of the end of June 2016. In addition,
through a series of consultations with the relevant central and local government offices, the study team confirmed the maturity
of projects and long-listed sponsors who have MOUs for one or more projects over 15MW in promising potential areas in the
country. Finally, the study team short-listed those sponsors for possible direct contact and made contact with sponsors who own
development rights such as MOU, then held discussions with sponsors who were interested in collaborating with Japanese
Ultimately, 4 projects for which we were granted disclosure of technical documents such as the F/S through discussion after the
field survey were selected as candidate projects for investment.

3 Outline of candidate projects

Through the aforementioned identification process in (2), Nam Ngiep 2C, 2B and 2A, undertaken by Nonghai Group, and
Nam Ban, undertaken by ECI, were eventually selected as candidate projects.
Nonghai Group has signed MOUs with Xiengkhouan Province for Nam Ngiep 2C, 2B and 2A. The F/S defined the project as
cascade projects on the same river. In 2013 the project names changed from Nam Hai 2C, 2B and 2A to Nam Ngiep 2C, 2B
and 2A. HEC Engineering (Vietnam) and PECC1 (Vietnam) completed basic designs for the three projects. Contracts for
detailed designs and EPCs were conducted separately with other firms.
ECI signed an MOU with Phongsaly Province for Nam Ban and has retained IETL (Thailand) as a contractor for the F/S,
which is currently underway. Nam Ban is a reservoir type and expected to have PPA with seasonal and peak/off-peak price
The study team evaluated the water flow setting, effective height setting and construction costs for these four projects in order
to confirm the accuracy and feasibility of their power generation planning from a technical point of view.
4 Challenges from the Viewpoint of Japanese Companies
(1) Take-or-pay clause
Majority of EDLs PPAs effectively entail the take-and-pay clause, whereby EDL pays only for the volume of electricity
generated and bought at the predetermined unit cost. In turn, only a few PPAs, with generation capacity of more than
100MW, have the take-or-pay clause, whereby EDL pays out predetermined amount of fee, regardless of the volume of
electricity generated and bought, at least for the period of loan tenure.
When Japanese electric power companies invest in domestic IPP as sponsor, it is inevitable to secure the take-or-pay
clause, regardless of the generation capacity, in order for obtaining project financings from Japanese governmental
financial institutions and their possible co-lenders.
(2) Settlement currency
The model PPA and MEMs Regulation on Domestic IPPs Purchasing Price (May 2016) use USD as the denomination
currency. However, as an example, the model PPA exhibits its settlement currency as follows.
1 to 12 year USD 70, LAK 30
13 to 27 year USD 20, LAK 80
EDL says that the formula, though example, is intended to minimize the currency risk, as the EDLs receivables from
distribution business is essentially in LAK. However, as far as the contracted price is denominated or determined (and
regulated) in USD, even if settlement currency is LAK, then the currency risk is not alleviated. Rather it is likely that debt
financing of IPP project companies are disadvantaged by the portion of LAK, which has virtually no circulation outside
the country. When Japanese electric power companies invest in IPP as sponsor, it is inevitable to secure all or almost all
settlement in USD, or in another word, minimal to zero settlement in LAK.

5 Insufficiency under the Current Regulations and Requested Deregulation

(1) Insufficiency
The Law on Electricity gives the approval authority to the central government and provinces or city, respectively, more
than 15MW and up to 15MW in generation capacity. Coordination and information sharing between the central
government and provinces/city is not necessarily sufficient, and consequently duplicated projects approval takes place in
the adjacent areas on the same river flow.
The draft amendment of the Law envisages to limit the approval authority of provinces and city up to 2MW. As there are
not so many projects with less than 2MW, the chance of duplicated projects approval shall be significantly decreased,
should the draft amendment pass. Nevertheless, the coordination and information sharing between the central
government and provinces and city needs to be strengthened anyway.
(2) Requested Deregulations
The Law on Electricity provides for that power development projects with generation capacity of up to 15MW are
reserved for Lao citizens (which may implicitly include juristic persons which are majority owned by Lao). Japanese
electric power companies may also invest in a project up to 15MW or a set of such projects in the cascaded manner,
hence may want to request for deregulation on this nationality limitation.
Capter1 Introduction
(1) Background and circumstances of the survey
Laos is blessed with hydroelectric power resources to the extent that it is called the ASEAN battery, and it exports electricity
to neighboring countries such as Thailand. In addition, due to steady economic growth, and progress in urban and industrial park
development, domestic electric power demand is also increasing, and many power development projects for domestic demand
are being planned. The electric utilities in Lao PDR have already been separated, and independent power generation entities
(IPPs) are responsible for domestic power development. Electricite Du Laos (EDL), which is responsible for transmission and
distribution, is the off-taker.
In Lao PDR power development, the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) has the authority to approve projects of over 15
MW, and prefectures can approve projects of over 1 MW. As of the end of 2015, 234 cases (54 in MEMs jurisdiction; 180 in
prefectural affairs jurisdiction) were undergoing Feasibility Study (F/S) preparations, which is the first phase of the approval
procedure. There were 27 cases at the second stage of F/S implementation (13 MEM projects, 14 prefectural affairs projects),
and 55 projects at the project development stage, which is the third stage (24 in MEMs jurisdiction 24; 31 of prefectural
jurisdiction). There are over 300 projects such as these that have not yet come to fruition, and numerous projects both good and
bad have been presented to foreign investors, including Japan, by the candidate sponsors.
Meanwhile, purchases by EDL, such as period, contract size, place, price and rated capacity, have not been standardized and
institutionalized, but are conducted only by negotiation.
Under these circumstances, Japanese electric utility companies have also considered the possibility of conducting multiple
projects with Laos Hydropower, but they could not ascertain what kind of pros and cons each individual project has compared
to the other projects in more than 300 cases. They also did not know the details of concession contracts and electricity purchase
contracts and how they would develop. Therefore, they were interested in business investment but they have not yet reached the
point of selecting specific projects and proceeding with commercialization.

(2) Purpose of survey

The aim of this survey is to discover multiple IPP projects that can become business investment projects, with the cooperation of
the Ministry of Energy and Mining (MEM), the Ministry of Planning and Investment, and several prefectures, through
consultation with companies that are candidates for joint investment. We will examine matters such as project maturity, water
volume, environmental and social conditions, and the appropriateness of sponsor candidates.

(3) Survey method

1) Content of survey
(a) Review of power sector structure, power development plan and power laws and extraction of points for improvement
(b) Review of the IPP business system for domestic and system improvement recommendations
Purchase fee, concession contract, power purchase agreement, stricter qualification of sponsors etc.
(Including trends and results of technical assistance by World Bank)
Presentation of directions such as institutional improvement support and institutional transfer by Japan
(c) List and review approved cases
Listing of cases divided into Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEM) jurisdiction (over 15 MW) and
prefecture office jurisdiction (less than 15 MW)

(d) Collecting information on the sponsors
Screening of listed projects (prioritization by scale, project maturity, environmental and social constraints,
topography, flow rate, etc.)
Selection of promising areas (water system or prefecture unit) based on the screening results (1 or 2 areas in northern
and southern Laos respectively)
(e) Exchanging of views with relevant central and local government agencies, candidate sponsors, etc.
Explain about Japan's high-quality hydroelectric power generation know-how and JICA's overseas investment and
(f) Approach to candidate sponsors and selection of investment candidate projects
Collecting information by direct contact with development rights owners that have promising projects, confirming
issues in project formulation, confirming cooperative intention with Japanese investors
Scrutinize investment candidate projects (technology/economic finance, commercial review, confirmation of
environmental and social considerations matters)
Gather and pick multiple candidate projects for investment consideration and formulate implementation plan for
Calculation of quantitative effects on Japan's stable supply of energy through implementation of candidate projects
2) Survey method / organization
(a) Counterpart
The counterpart on the Laos country side is MEM. For the bureau, the Department of Energy Policy and Planning (DEPP) and
Department of Energy Business (DEB) are the counterparts.
The following will be the relevant government agencies/institutions.
MEM : Ministry of Energy and Mines
MPI : Ministry of Planning and Investment
MONRE : Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
MOF: Ministry of Finance
Figure 1.1 Collaboration with Laos

Source: study team-created

(b) Structure and roles of the study team
Figure 1.2 shows the implementation structure for this survey work.

Figure 1.2 Implementation system

Source: study team-created

3) Survey schedule
The implementation schedule and flow for this survey are shown in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1 Implementation schedule and flow for the entire survey

Source: study team-created

4) Survey results
The study team conducted the first on-site survey in September. We held discussions and exchanged views with DEPP, DEB
and related organizations from MEM, which is the counterpart, and gathered the necessary information.
Table 1.2 Main implementation items in field surveys

Survey Period Main implementation items
First field 20 September Meetings with related ministries and agencies, EDL
survey 2016 - 29 Agreement with MEM DEPP and DEB as counterparts
September Meetings with sponsors
2016 Meetings with three sponsors who have projects of over 15 MW
Visiting a prefecture office
Visiting Xiengkhouang prefecture office to discuss the role sharing between the country
and the prefecture, the procedure for hydropower IPP development rights, and the problems
in development
Obtain the IPP list that the prefecture office has
Obtaining necessary information
Map, river flow rate, rainfall data etc.
Second 23 October Meetings with sponsors
field 2016 - 5 Meetings with five sponsors, collecting project information and discussing possibility of
survey November participation
2016 Sorting relationships for joint development projects
Visiting prefecture offices
Visiting six prefecture offices and hearing about the differences in the procedures for
granting development rights and the problems in development
Acquisition of IPP lists each prefecture office has
Field surveys
Implement site surveys at 5 locations and conducted technical evaluations
Share survey results with wrap-up sponsors in wrap-up meeting
Obtaining necessary information
GIS, PPA/CA Format etc.
Third field 4 December Visiting Government institutions
survey 2016 - 17 Interview EDL on the conditional aspects of PPA contract etc.
December Confirm the laws related to hydraulic investment with MPI
2016 Meetings with sponsors
Meetings with 4 sponsors, collecting project information
Discuss the issues regarding project promotion
Visiting a prefecture office
Visiting a prefecture office and discussing the differences in the procedures for granting
development rights and the problems in development
Field surveys
Implement site surveys at 3 locations and conducted technical evaluations
Share survey results with sponsors via wrap-up meeting
Obtaining necessary information
Environment-related documents

Water resource-related materials
Fourth 29 January Visiting Government institutions
field 2017 - 8 Confirming the power laws and government guarantee with MEM
survey February 2017 Confirming the PPA on IPP with EDL
Share survey results in wrap-up meeting
Meetings with sponsors
Meetings with sponsors, collecting project information
Meetings about PPA conditions and government guarantee
Source: study team-created

Capter2 Overview of the Host Country and Sector
(1) Economy
Lao PDR is a land-locked country in Southeast Asia, neighboring Cambodia, China, Thailand, Vietnam and Thailand. The
land area is 236,800 sq. km, approximately 70% of which is mountains and hills, and it is vested with abundant water resources
from tributary rivers flowing into the Mekong River. The population is approximately 6.5 million, and it is the third least
populated country in the ASEAN after Brunei Darussalam and Singapore. Key economic indicators are as follows.
(a) GDP
Nominal GDP: LAK 98,835 billion, approximately USD 11.7 billion (Bank of Lao PDR, 2014)
GDP per capita: USD 1,725 (Lao Statistics Bureau, 2014)
GDP growth rate: 7.56Lao Statistics Bureau, 2014
GDP composition: Agriculture 26%, Industry 31%, Service 37% (Lao Statistics Bureau, 2012)
(b) FDI
In 2015, the largest FDI was the power generation subsector, comprising 2 projects with USD 568 million investment, while
the largest by project number was the mining subsector, comprising 9 projects with USD 184 million investment. This
implies how large the power generation projects were. By country, Vietnam was the largest investor origin, comprising 3
projects with USD 466 million investment.
Cumulative investment from 1989 to 2014 by subsector and by country is shown in Tables 2.1 and 2.2. The power
generation subsector tops the investment amount (USD 6,671 mil.), while the agriculture subsector tops the number of
projects (989 projects). By country, China ranks top, followed by Thailand and Vietnam, whereas Japan ranks 6th.

Table 2.1 Cumulative FDI by Subsector (1989-2014)

No. Subsector Projects InvestmentUSD mil.
1 Power generation 47 6,671
2 Mining 303 5,687
3 Agriculture 989 2,770
4 Service 664 2,533
5 Handicraft 926 1,972
6 Hotel and restaurant 429 1,023
Source: Study team based on MPI data

Table 2.2 Cumulative FDI by Country Origin (1989-2014)

No. Country Projects InvestmentUSD mil.
1 China 830 5,397
2 Thailand 746 4,455
3 Vietnam 421 3,394
4 South Korea 291 751
5 France 223 491
6 Japan 102 438
Source: Study team based on MPI data
(c) Trade
Trade in goods during 2014/15 is shown in Table 2.3. Lao PDR sells approximately 80% of its power generation to
neighboring countries such as Thailand and Vietnam.

Table 2.3 Trade in Goods (2014/15)

Exports Imports
Amount USD 3.4 billion USD 4.3 billion
Main commodity Copper and copper products, Electric devices, machines, fuel
Main counterpart Thailand, China, Vietnam, etc.
Source: Study team based on Japans Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

(2) Electricity Sector

1) Outline
Among ministries, MEM is responsible for the electricity sector. EDL is a state owned enterprise, and takes charge of
transmission and distribution. While EDL still owns a few generation facilities, the vast majority of generation capacity
has been transferred to EDL-Gen, its subsidiary, since December 2010. In addition, a number of IPPs are generating
electricity and selling it to domestic and export markets. The main off-taker for exports is EGAT in Thailand, and the
main off-taker for the domestic market is EDL.
The current structure of the electricity sector is shown in Figure 2.1. DEPP of MEM is responsible for energy and
electricity policy, power supply and demand forecast, electricity tariff regulation, etc.
Figure 2.1 Electricity Sector Scheme in Lao PDR

Source: Study team

Figure 2.2 MEM Organizational Figure

Source: Study team based on MEM information

2) Vision
The 10th Party General Assembly in January 2016 adopted Vision 2030, Ten-year Socioeconomic Development
Strategy 2016-2025and 8th National Socioeconomic Development Plan 2016-2020. Vision 2030 aims to quadruple
GDP per capita by 2030, and lists strategic goals in the electricity sector as follows.

Figure 2.3 Electricity Sector under Vision 2030

98% household electrification ratio at reasonable cost

Full usage of all available resources based on competitiveness, sustainability and


Grid connection among ASEAN by strengthening and harmonizing transmission lines

Supply of reliable electricity to all sectors based on industrialization and

modernization policies

Source: MEM

Household electrification ratio in Lao PDR was 88% in 2015, and the government aims to increase it to 98% by 2030,
as shown in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4 Households electrification ratio in Lao PDR

Source: MEM

(3) Situation of the target area

The purpose of the survey is to find the IPP project for domestic; therefore, the target area to be surveyed shall be the whole
land of Lao PDR. Economic and financial situations of Lao PDR are as described in 2(1) Candidate projects will be selected
and evaluated in the subsequent chapters, so the status of individual location areas will be described separately.

Capter3 Identification of promising investment projects
(1) The long list of projects
The hydropower projects listed by status in Laos are shown below.
1) Existing hydropower plants
Table 3.1 shows the hydropower projects that are already operating and are over 15 MW.
There are 18 plants, the total capacity is 1,788 MW, and the total annual energy is 8,064 GWh.
Table 3.1 Existing hydropower plants (over 15 MW)
No. Project Basin District Province Energy COD Developer Off-taker
1 Nam Ngeum 1 Nam Ngeum Kaeoudom Vientiane 155 1,160 1971 EDL_GEN EDL
2 Se Set 1 Se Kong Laongam, Salavan Salavan 45 134 1991 EDL_GEN EDL
3 Nam Loek Nam Ngeum Longsan Saisombun 60 218 2000 EDL_GEN EDL
4 Nam Mang 3 Nam Loek Thulakhom Vientiane 40 150 2009 EDL_GEN EDL
5 Se Set 2 Se Kong Laongam Salavan 76 309 2009 EDL_GEN EDL
CWE (China) 80% EDL
6 Nam Liik 1-2 Nam Ngeum Feuang Vientiane 100 435 2010
EDL_GEN 20% (IPP internal use)
Xiengkhwang Sinohydro (China) 85% EDL
7 Nam Ngeum 5 Nam Ngeum Phu Kut 120 507 2012
Luangphabang EDL_GEN 15% (IPP internal use)
8 Nam Nyuwang 8 Nam Theun Khamkoet Bolikhamsai 60 316 2013 GMS Power (Thailand) 20% EDL
Statkraf 20%
9 Nam Ngiap 3A Nam Ngiap Khun Xiengkhwang 44 152 2014 TK construction
(IPP internal use)
10 Huai Lamphan Nyai Se Kong Thataeng Sekong 88 480 2015 EDL_GEN EDL
CWE (China) 90% EDL
11 Nam Ngiap 2 Nam Ngiap Phasai Xiengkhwang 180 732 2015
EDL_GEN 10% (IPP internal use)
12 Nam San 3B Nam San Thathom Saisombun 45 174 2015 Phongsapthawi construntion
(IPP internal use)
13 Nam Khan 2 Nam Khan Xieng Ngeun Luangphabang 130 538 2015 EDL_GEN EDL
China National Electrical Equipment
14 Nam Baeng Nam Baeng Hun Udomsai 36 145 2015 Corporation 80%
(IPP internal use)
Sinohydro (China) 90% EDL
15 Nam Ou 2 Nam Ou Ngoi Luangphabang 120 548 2016
EDL_GEN 10% (IPP internal use)
Sinohydro (China) 90% EDL
16 Nam Ou 5 Nam Ou Samphan Phongsali 240 1,049 2016
EDL_GEN 10% (IPP internal use)
Sinohydro (China) 90% EDL
17 Nam Ou 6 Nam Ou Phongsali Phongsali 180 739 2016
EDL_GEN 10% (IPP internal use)
18 Nam San 3A Nam San Khun Xiengkhwang 69 278 2016 Phongsapthawi construntion
(IPP internal use)
Total 1,788 8,064

Source: Made by the study team based on Updated Hydro Power List - June 2016 (MEM)

Table 3.2 shows the hydropower projects that are already operating and are less than 15 MW.
There are 13 plants, the total capacity is 67 MW, and the total annual energy is 342.41 GWh.
Table 3.2 Existing hydropower plants (less than 15 MW)

No. Project Basin District Province Energy COD Developer Off-taker
19 Se Labam Se Don Sanasombun Champasak 5 21 1970 EDL_GEN EDL
20 Nam Dong Nam Khan Luangphabang Luangphabang 1 5 1970 EDL EDL
21 Nam Ko Nam Ou Sai, La Udonsai 2 8 1996 EDL EDL
MK Dynamic Resource
Development Co., Ltd 70% EDL
22 Nam Nyon Nam Nyon Huaisai Bokaeo 3 12 2011
CMC Engineering Co., Ltd 20% (IPP internal use)
Giant Billion Overseas Inc 10%
Simuang Group 87% EDL
23 Nam Phao Nam Theun Khamkoet Bolikhamsai 2 9 2011
Phathana Khet Phudoi 13 (IPP internal use)
24 Nam Tha 3 Nam Tha Nam Tha Luang Namtha 1 6 2011 Huamchai Phathana
(IPP internal use)
25 Nam Song (Expansion) Nam Ngeum Vang Viang Vientiane 6 25 2012 EDL_GEN EDL
26 Tat Salaen Se Banghiang Sepon Sawannakhet 3 17 2012 SIC Manufacturer (Thailand) 100%
(IPP internal use)
Nam Long Power 80% EDL
27 Nam Long Nam Ma Long Luang Namtha 6 37 2013
Lao Government 20% (IPP internal use)
28 Se Namnoi Se Kong Paksong Attapeu 15 101 2013 TK Construction
(IPP internal use)
29 Nam Saen (Tat Lang) Nam Ngiap Phasai Xiengkhwang 5 25 2014 Bo Thong Inter
(IPP internal use)
30 Nam Sana Nam Ngeum Vang Viang Vientiane 14 50 2014 EDL_GEN EDL
31 Se Namnoi 6 Se Kong Paksong Champasak 5 27 2016 Phongsapthawi Construction
(IPP internal use)
Total 67 342

Source: Made by the study team based on Updated Hydro Power List - June 2016 (MEM)

Figure 3.1 shows the locations of existing hydropower plants.

Figure 3.1 Locations of Existing hydropower plants

Source: Updated Hydro Power List - June 2016 (MEM)

2) Hydropower projects under construction
Table 3.3 shows the hydropower projects under construction that are over 15 MW.
There are 21 plants, the total capacity is 2,596 MW, and the total annual energy is 11,677 GWh.
Table 3.3 Hydropower projects under construction (over 15 MW)
Capacity Annual energy Expected
No. Project Basin District Province Developer Off-taker Status
[MW] [GWh/y] operation year
1 Nam Kong 2 Se Kong Phu Wong Attapeu 66 263 2016 TK Construction 99%
(IPP internal use)
2 Se Set 3 Se Kong Paksong Salawan 23 82 2016 EDL EDL 86.43%
3 Nam Khan 3 Nam Khan Xieng Ngeun Luang Phabang 60 240 2016 EDL EDL 95%
Dongfang 75%
A&C 10.75% EDL
4 Nam Mang 1 Nam Mang Longsan Saisombun 64 445 2016 87%
EDL 10% (IPP internal use)
Saitha 4.25%
5 Nam Hinbun Nam Hinbun Hinbun Khammuan 30 197 2017 EDL EDL 99%
6 Nam Jae Nam San Khun, Thathom Saisombun 104 448 2017 EDL EDL 76%
HEC 40%
7 Nam Lik 1 Nam Ngeum Hinhoep Vientiane 64 256 2017 39.90%
EDL 10% (IPP internal use)
Nam Ngeum 1 EDL
8 Nam Ngeum Kaeoudom Vientiane 80 61 2017 EDL 44.37%
expansion(Phase 1) (Loan from China Gov.)
Norinco International Corporation
9 Nam Phai Nam Ngeum Saisombun Saisombun 86 420 2017 85% 80.26%
(IPP internal use)
EDL 15%
China Southern Grid Co.,Ltd 80% EDL
10 Nam Tha 1 Nam Tha Pha Udom Bo Kaeo 168 759 2018 27%
EDL 20% (IPP internal use)
Houang Anh Gialai 80% EDL
11 Nam Kong 3 Se Kong Phu Wong Attapeu 45 170 2019 preparing for const.
EDL 20% (IPP internal use)
Mega First (Malaysia) 80% EDL
12 Don Sahong Nam Khong Khong Champasak 260 2,009 2019 8.80%
GOL 20% (IPP internal use)
Kansai Electric (Japan) 45%
EGAT Inter 30% EDL
13 Nam Ngiap 1(under dam) Nam Ngiap Bolikhan Bolikhamsai 18 105 2019 38%
LHSE 25% (IPP internal use)

EDL preparing for const.

14 Nam Sam 3 Nam Sam Samtai Huaphan 156 626 2019 Phonsapthawi Construction
(IPP internal use) preparing for CA
Phonsapthawi Construction 37%
Duang Chaloen Construction 31%
15 Nam Mo (Nam Mo 2) Nam Mo Mokmai Xiengkhwang 120 498 2020 Faifa Nam Mo (Vietnam) 18% preparing for CA
(IPP internal use)
Kan Kha Dong Toem (Vietnam)
Nam Ngeum 1
16 Nam Ngeum Kaeoudom Vientiane 40 59 2020 EDL (Loan from Japan) EDL selecting construction company
expansion(Phase 2)
17 Nam Ngeum 3 Nam Ngeum Phun Saisombun 480 2,146 2020 EDL 15.92%
Sinohydro Corporation Ltd
Sinohydro Corporation Ltd EDL
18 Nam Ou 3 Nam Ou Ngoi Luang Phabang 210 826 2020 preparing construction
China National (IPP internal use)
Sinohydro Corporation Ltd EDL
19 Nam Ou 4 Nam Ou Khwa Phongsali 132 519 2020 preparing construction
China National (IPP internal use)
Sinohydro Corporation Ltd EDL
20 Nam Ou 7 Nam Ou Phongsali Phongsali 210 838 2020 preparing construction
China National (IPP internal use)
Sinohydro Corporation Ltd EDL
21 Nam Ou 1 Nam Ou Pak Ou Luang Phabang 180 710 2020 preparing construction
China National (IPP internal use)
Total 2,596 11,677

Source: Made by the study team based on Updated Hydro Power List - June 2016 (MEM)

Table 3.4 shows the hydropower projects under construction that are less than 15 MW. They are expected to start operation up
to 2020.
There are 23 plants, the total capacity is 258 MW, and the total annual energy is 1,299 GWh.
Table 3.4 Hydropower projects under construction (less than 15 MW)
Capacity Annual energy Expected
No. Project Basin District Province Developer Off-taker Status
[MW] [GWh/y] operation year
22 Nam Sim Nam Sim Viangsai Huaphan 9 32 2017 75% 91%
(IPP internal use)
ECI (Laos) 25%
23 Nam Nga 2 Nam Ou Nga Udomsai 15 63 2017 Heuangpasoet 66.90%
(IPP internal use)
24 Nam Ngiap 2C Nam Ngiap Khun Xiengkhwang 15 33 2017 Nonghai Construction 79%
(IPP internal use)
25 Nam Poen 2 Nam Noen Huameuang Huaphan 12 115 2017 Nyot Chaloen 52%
(IPP internal use)
26 Se Katam 1-Se Namnoi 2 Se Kong Paksong Champasak 13 79 2017 Faifa Se Katam 1- Se Namnoi 2 60%
(IPP internal use)
27 Huai Chiat Se Don Paksong Champasak 8 39 2017 Champa 20%
(IPP internal use)
28 Huai Nyoi-Huai Khot Se Don Paksong Champasak 15 78 2018 Faifa Huai Nyoi-Huai Khot constructing road
(IPP internal use)
29 Nam Hao Nam Ma Sopbao Huaphan 15 173 2018 Duangchaloen 14.40%
(IPP internal use)
30 Nam Hung 1 Nam Hung Sainyabuli Sainyabuli 13 50 2018 Simeuang Group 14.40%
(IPP internal use)
31 Nam Phanyai Nam Ngeum Long Chaeng Saisombun 14 48 2018 DSK (Lao) 45%
(IPP internal use)
32 Nam Poen 1 Nam Noen Huameuang Huaphan 15 72 2018 Phongsapthawi Construction 70%
(IPP internal use)
33 Nam Mon Nam Noen Huameuang Huaphan 10 74 2018 Phongsapthawi Construction 10%
(IPP internal use)
34 Huai Po Se Don Lao Ngam Salawan 15 60 2018 Huai Por Power Co., Ltd 59%
(IPP internal use)
35 Nam Keun Nam Ngeum Paek Xiengkhwang 1 2018 Somphu Construction PDA 19/4/2013
(IPP internal use)
36 Nam Ngiap 2A Nam Ngiap Khun Xiengkhwang 13 71 2019 Nonghai Construction SHOA 23/4/2013
(IPP internal use)
37 Nam Ngiap 2B Nam Ngiap Khun Xiengkhwang 9 32 2019 Nonghai Construction SHOA 23/4/2014
(IPP internal use)
EDL PDA 30/1/2014
38 Nam Thae Nam Maet Kham Xiengkhwang 15 50 2019 Nonghai Construction
(IPP internal use) (constructing road)
39 Nam Mat 1 Nam Noen Nong Haet Xiengkhwang 15 45 2019 Lao Samphan Phathana PDA 19/4/2013
(IPP internal use)
40 Nam Mat 2 Nam Noen Nong Haet Xiengkhwang 15 2019 Lao Samphan Phathana PDA 19/4/2013
(IPP internal use)
41 Nam Huai Nam Mo Nong Haet Xiengkhwang 7 30 2019 Lao Samphan Phathana PDA 19/4/2013
(IPP internal use)
42 Se Set-Kaeng San Se Set Salawan Salawan 13 43 2019 Se Set Huai Tapung Power PDA 25/2/2013
(SPP internal use)
43 Nam Ngao Nam Nga Huaisai Bo Kaeo 15 58 2020 Heuangpasoet Hydro Power preparing construction
(SPP internal use)
Nam Tha-Hat Muak Hydro EDL
44 Nam Tha (Ban Hat Muak) Nam Tha Phaudom Bo Kaeo 15 57 2020 preparing construction
Power (SPP internal use)
Total 258 1,299

Source: Made by the study team based on Updated Hydro Power List - June 2016 (MEM)

Figure 3.2 shows the locations of hydropower projects under construction with COD expected by 2020.
Figure 3.2 Locations of hydropower projects under construction with COD expected by 2020.

Source: Updated Hydro Power List - June 2016 (MEM)

3) Hydropower projects with COD expected by 2025
Table 3.5 shows the hydropower projects with COD expected by 2025 that are over 15 MW.
There are 18 plants, the total capacity is 2,514 MW, and the total annual energy is 11,435 GWh.
Table 3.4 Hydropower projects with COD expected by 2025 (over 15 MW)
Capacity Annual energy
No. Project Basin District Province Developer Status
[MW] [GWh/y]
Kobe Green Power Co.,Ltd 40%
1 Nam Phak Se Bangliang Paksong Champasak 150 511 EDL 20% PDA 6/11/2009
Investor yet to be found 20%
2 Nam Theun Kaeng Seuaten Nam Theun Khamkoet Bolikhamsai 54 200 EDL preparing for proposal
Asia Pacific Business Link HND
3 Nam Fa Nam Fa Long Bo Kaeo/Luang Namtha 180 730 Berhard 80% preparing for CA
EDL 20%
PDA 18/2/2012
4 Nam Phun Nam Phun Pak Lai Sainyabuli 60 276 Sok Corporation extension 31/3/2016
consulting CA
EDL GEN + Chanthawon
5 Nam Bi 1 Se Kong Dak Cheung Se Kong 50 210 preparing for PDA
EDL GEN + Chanthawon
6 Nam Bi 2 Se Kong Dak Cheung Se Kong 68 289 preparing for signing
7 Huai Pa Lai Se Don Bachian Chaloensuk Champasak 26 97 EDL + Kwangtung MOU 16/12/2014
8 Nam Muan Kading Viengthong Bolikhamsai 100 421 Asia Invest and Service MOU 23/5/2014
China International Water & Electric
Corporation 65%
9 Nam Kong 1 Se Kong Phuwong Attapeu 160 649
EDL 20%
Electoric Dam Consultant 15%
10 Nam Sam 1 Nam Sam Sam Tai Huaphan 75 301 Phongsapthawi PDA 19/9/2011
11 Se Kong Lower A Se Kong Sanamsai Attapeu 76 388 V & H Corporation (Lao) Co., Ltd PDA 20/3/2015
China Datang Overseas 81%
12 Pak Baeng (Nam Khong) Nam Khong Pak Baeng Udomsai 912 4,765 PDA 27/12/2010
YEIG International Development
13 Se Lanong 1 Se Bangliang Phin Sawannakhet 70 267 PDA 19/1/2015
Daosawan Group 25%
Sun Paper Holding 5%
PDA 5/4/2007
1st extension 20/8/2010
14 Se Katam Se Kong Paksong Champasak 81 299 Kansai Electric (Japan) 2nd extension 20/8/2011
3rd extension 20/3/2013
4th extension 20/9/2014
15 Tat Sakhoi Se Kong Dak Cheung Attapeu 30 128 Daosawan Group PDA
16 Se Khaman 4 Se Kong Dak Cheung Attapeu 70 289 V & H Corporation (Lao) Co., Ltd PDA 27/5/2014
17 Se Kong 4A Se Kong 220 980 Lao Woen Group MOU 6/11/2015
18 Se Kong 4B Se Kong 132 636 Lao Woen Group MOU 6/11/2015
Total 2,514 11,435

Source: Made by the study team based on Updated Hydro Power List - June 2016 (MEM)
Table 3.6 shows the hydropower projects with COD expected by 2025 that are less than 15 MW.
There are 15 plants, the total capacity is 133 MW, and the total annual energy is 517 GWh.
Table 3.6 Hydropower projects with COD expected by 2025 (less than 15 MW)
Capacity Annual energy
No. Project Basin District Province Developer Status
[MW] [GWh/y]
19 Nam Pung Lo Nam Pung Lo Meung Bo Kaeo 5 19 Saiphachan Construction MOU
20 Nam Dik 1 Samtai Huaphan 15 79 Nesoenaeu Consulting Group SHOA 24/2/2015
21 Nam Dik 2 Kuwan Huaphan 15 78 Nesoenaeu Consulting Group SHOA 24/2/2015
22 Nam Dik 3 Kuwan Huaphan 10 56 Nesoenaeu Consulting Group SHOA 24/2/2015
23 Nam Chat 2 Nam Ngeum Phukut Xiengkhwang 8 25 Lao-Asia Consultant Group PDA 1/4/2014
24 Nam Chae 1 Nam San Thathom Saisombun 5 17 Hydro Lao PDA 1/12/2015
25 Nam Chae 2 Nam San Thathom Saisombun 8 26 Hydro Lao PDA 1/12/2016
26 Nam Samoi Nam Ngeum Kasi Vientiane 5 28 Nam Samoi Hydro Power SHOA
27 Nam Chat 1 Saichamphon Bolikhamsai 15 74 Duangchaloen Phathana SHOA 14/8/2014
28 Huan Palai Lower Se Don Bachiangchaloensuk Champasak 4 16 Palai Dam Electric MOU 7/1/2011
29 Huai Champi Lak35 Se Don Paksong Champasak 5 26 Pasakon Construction MOU 18/5/2015
30 Huai Kaphoe Se Don Lao Ngam Salavan 5 23 Huai Kaphoe Power SHOA 30/4/2012
PDA 29/5/2015
31 Huai Yuang Upper Huan Yuang Dak Cheung Se Kong 6 Hongkham Construction
preparing for construction
PDA 13/9/2010
32 Huan Lamphan Lower Huan Lamphan Lamam Se Kong 15 Vientian Automation
preparing for construction
33 Nam Bi 3 Se Kong Dak Cheung Se Kong 12 51 preparing for PDA
Chanthawon Construction
Total 133 517

Source: Made by the study team based on Updated Hydro Power List - June 2016 (MEM)

Figure 3.3 shows the locations of hydropower projects with COD expected by 2025.
Figure 3.3 Locations of hydropower projects with COD expected by 2025

Source: Hydropower projects with COD expected by 2030

4) Hydropower projects with COD expected by 2030
Table 3.7 shows the hydropower projects with COD expected by 2030 that are over 15 MW.
There are 23 plants, the total capacity is 3,565 MW, and the total annual energy is 16,311.7 GWh.
Table 3.7 Hydropower projects with COD expected by 2030 (over 15 MW)
No. Project Basin District Province energy Developer Status
Velcan Energy (France) PDA 23/5/2014
1 Nam Phuan Nam Ngiap Hom Saisombun 53 203
ECL preparing for CA
PDA 8/8/2013-8/11/2015
2 Nam Bak 1 Nam Ngeum Saisombun Vientiane 160 744 Southeast Asia Energy
MOU 11/4/2007
PDA 10/9/2015
3 Nam Phak 1 Nam Ou La Udomsai 28 107 Sahamit Phathana
MOU 23/5/2014
PDA 10/9/2015
4 Nam Phak 2 Nam Ou La Udomsai 29 107 Sahamit Phathana
MOU 23/5/2014
PDA 10/9/2015
5 Nam Phak 3 Nam Ou La Udomsai 40 152 Sahamit Phathana
MOU 23/5/2014
PDA 10/9/2015
6 Nam Mo 1 Nam Mo Mok Xiengkhwang 60 223 Sahamit Phathana
MOU 11/2/2014
Venture Capital and Equipment PDA 24/10/2014
7 Nam Laeng Nam Ou Phongsali Phongsali 60 227
Inc. (Vietnam) 1st extension 18/5/2016
Velcan Energy (France)
8 Nam Ang-Tabaeng Se Kong Sansai Attapeu 41 183 PDA 23/5/2014-23/11/2015
MOU 11/6/2007-11/12/2009
1st 12/7/2010
CEIEC 2nd 12/1/2011
9 Paklai (Nam Khong) Nam Khong Paklai Sainyabuli 770 4,143
Sinohydro 3rd 12/1 2012
4th 12/1 2013
5th 1/4/2017
Charoen Energy and Water
10 Phu Ngoi (Nam Khong) Nam Khong Phonthong Champasak 686 2,751 PDA 7/12/2010-27/12/2012
Asia Co., Ltd
China Datang Overseas 81%
11 Sanakham (Nam Khong) Nam Khong Sanakham Vientiane 660 3,696 PDA 27/12/2010-27/12/2012
Lao Government 19%
Vang Sup Development and
12 Nam Noen 1 Nam Ka Nonghaet Huaphan 124 576 PDA 26/8/2014-26/2/2016
Vang Sup Development and
13 Nam Noen 2 Nam Ka Huameuang Huaphan 60 250 PDA 26/8/2014-26/2/2017
Mudajaya Corporation Berhard PDA 25/4/2016
14 Nam Pui 1 Nam Pui Phiang Sainyabuli 60 161 (Malaysia) MOU 6/10/2010-24/3/2012
Sukkasoem Construction Last extension 2/3/2014
15 Nam Pot Nam Ngiap Phasai Xiengkhwang 15 71 ACE Consultant PDA 5/6/2012
Nam Imun 3 PDA 22/7/2015
16 Se Kong Lamam Se Kong 19 171 TK Construction
(Dak Imun) MOU 22/5/2013
Nam Imun 4 PDA 22/7/2015
17 Se Kong Lamam Se Kong 54 226 TK Construction
(Dak Imun) MOU 22/5/2013
Nam Imun 5 PDA 22/7/2015
18 Se Kong Lamam Se Kong 54 226 TK Construction
(Dak Imun) MOU 22/5/2013
PDA 24/4/2016
19 Nam Seuang 1 Nam Seuang Luangphabang Luangphabang 30 114 China Sichuan Gurong Group
MOU 9/9/2013
PDA 24/4/2016
20 Nam Seuang 2 Nam Seuang Pak Ou Luangphabang 108 385 China Sichuan Gurong Group
MOU 9/9/2013
21 Nam Ngeum 4 Nam Ngeum Phukut Xiengkhwang 240 872 EDL MOU 25/3/2014
22 Se Kaman 2A Se Kong Dak Cheung Attapeu 35 160 China International Water & F.S
Electric Corp
23 Se Kaman 2B Se Kong Dak Cheung Attapeu 180 564 China International Water & F.S
Electric Corp
Total 3,566 16,311

Source: Made by the study team based on Updated Hydro Power List - June 2016 (MEM)

Table 3.8 shows the hydropower projects with COD expected by 2030 that are less than 15 MW.
There are 34 plants, the total capacity is 269 MW, and the total annual energy is 511 GWh.
Table 3.8 Hydropower projects with COD expected by 2030 (less than 15 MW)
No. Project Basin District Province energy Developer Status
MOU 20/8/2013
24 Nam Hun 1 Nam Ou Samphan Phongsali 15 Duangchaloen Phathana
FS completed
25 Nam Long 2 Nam Ma Long Luang Namtha 11 92 Nam Long Power MOU 4/11/2011
26 Nam Talan Luang Namtha Luang Namtha 5 30 Saiphachan MOU 28/8/2013
27 Nam Long Nam Ma Sopbao Huaphan 13 Bukthalu MOU 9/11/2012
PEA Encom 67%
MOU 6/5/2005
28 Nam Ham 2 Nam Heuang Botaen Sainyabuli 5 16 EDL 30%
FS, EIAcompleted
Cobrie 3%
MOU 27/4/2012
29 Nam Hung 2 Nam Hung Sainyabuli Sainyabuli 5 23 Phanthamit Phathana
FS, EIAcompleted
MOU 21/9/2012
30 Nam Maet 1 Nam Hung Sainyabuli Sainyabuli 3 13 Phanthamit Phathana
FS, EIA completed
MOU 6/9/2013
31 Nam Sing Nam Phun Hongsa Sainyabuli 5 31 Ketmani
FS, EIA completed
32 Nam Ao Nam Maet Kham Xiengkhwang 15 Bothong Inter PDA 19/10 2015
33 Nam Khao 1 Nam Maet Kham Xiengkhwang 5 SV Group PDA 12/11/2015
34 Nam Khao 2 Nam Maet Kham Xiengkhwang 5 SV Group PDA 12/11/2015
35 Nam Khao 3 Nam Maet Kham Xiengkhwang 5 SV Group PDA 12/11/2015
36 Nam Khao 4 Nam Maet Kham Xiengkhwang 5 SV Group PDA 12/11/2015
37 Nam Khao 5 Nam Maet Kham Xiengkhwang 5 SV Group PDA 12/11/2015
38 Nam Hong Nam Mo Mok Xiengkhwang 5 7 Huaisuwan Lao PDA 25/5/2016
39 Nam So Nam Kading Wiangthong Bolikhamsai 4 19 Vientiane Techno preparing SHOA
Small Dam & Irrigation
40 Nam Hinbun Hinbun Khammuan 5 Phalangngan Lasita PDA 1/6/2016
41 Kaeng Soi Se Bangfai Khammuan Khammuan 15 Phosi Construction PDA 12/2/2016
42 Huai Bangliang Lower Bangliang Paksong Champasak 11 45 Mae Khong Concrit IPP internal use
Huai Champi
43 Se Don Bachiang Chaloensuk Champasak 5 23 STL IPP internal use
IPP internal use
44 Huai Champi Udomsuk Se Don Bachiang Chaloensuk Champasak 5 28 Daoheuangsong
SHOA 6/7/2009
IPP internal use
45 Huai Namphak Lower Bangliang Pathunphon Champasak 9 39 Daoheuangsong
SHOA 23/11/2012
IPP internal use
46 Se Namnoi 5 Se Kong Paksong Champasak 5 23 KTX Phathana Phalangngan (less than 1% constructed)
SHOA 30/11/2009
47 Se Set 4 Se Kong Paksong Champasak 10 110 EDL
Huai Namsai 1
48 Se Don Salawan Salawan 6 PCC Construction PDA 6/3/2013
(Tat Kaloei)
49 Huai Lai Se Banghiang Taoi Salawan 3 12 P & P Construction PDA 23/5/2014
50 Huai Phok Se Kong Samakhisai Attapeu 12 Hydro Lao
51 Huai Sanong Sanamsai Attapeu 1 Satsada
52 Nam Su Sansai Attapeu 7 Maek Electric Lao
53 Se Su 4 Sanamsai, Phuwong Attapeu 13 Maek Electric Lao
54 Huai Chaliu 1 Huai Chaliu Dak Cheung Se Kong 11 Vientiane Automation PDA 24/6/2012
55 Huai Chaliu 2 Huai Chaliu Dak Cheung Se Kong 13 Vientiane Automation PDA 24/6/2012
56 Huai Panyu Lower Nam Panyu Dak Cheung Se Kong 15 Vientiane Automation PDA 17/5/2012
MOU 17/6/2015
57 Huai Pet Huai Pet Lamam Se Kong 13 DMD Phathana
MOU being negotiated again
Total 269 511

Source: Made by the study team based on Updated Hydro Power List - June 2016 (MEM)

5) Hydropower projects with signed MOU
Table 3.9 shows the hydropower projects for which an MOU has already been acquired but COD is undetermined, and which
have a capacity of over 15 MW.
There are 40 plants, the total capacity is 5,383 MW, and the total annual energy is 23,898 GWh.
Table 3.9 Hydropower projects with signed MOU (over 15 MW)
Capacity Annual energy
No. Project Basin District Province Developer Status
[MW] [GWh/y]
1 Se Pian-Huai Chot Se Kong Paksong Champasak 21 100 CLM & LEADER infrastructure MOU 20/12/2012
2 Se Pon 3 Se Banghiang Samuai Salawan 47 167 MOU 21/5/2015
Korea Water Resource Corporation
3 Se Don Se Don Wapi Salawan 20 80 EDL
MOU 11/4/2012
4 Nam Nga 1 Nam Ou Nam Bak Luangphabang 62 266 Duangchaloen 1st extension 10/10/2013
2nd extension 18/11/2016
MOU 16/5/2006
5 Se Neua Se Bangfai Bualapha Khammuan 53 209 Phonsak Group
1st extension 16/1/2010
6 Nam Theun 4 Kading Khamkoet Bolikhamsai 80 300 SSPT MOU 26/6/2013-12/5/2014
7 Se Lanong 2 Se Banghiang Taoi Salawan 35 143 China Gezhouba Groip MOU 11/7/2012
MOU 31/1/2014
8 Se Pian-Huai Soi Se Kong Sanamsai Attapeu 60 229 DMD
1st extension 21/9/2015
MOU 22/5/2013-
9 Ban Wangdeua-Nam Muan Kading Wiangthong Bolikhamsai 66 140 Phonsak Group
10 Nam Seuang 4 Nam Seuang Pak Saeng Luangphabang 42 147 China Sichuan Gurong Group MOU 9/9/2013
11 Nam Seuang 5 Nam Seuang Wiangkham Luangphabang 47 156 China Sichuan Gurong Group MOU 9/9/2013
12 Nam Seuang 6 Nam Seuang Pak Saeng Luangphabang 72 242 China Sichuan Gurong Group MOU 9/9/2013
13 Se Kong 3A Se Kong Lamam Attapeu 105 411 Asia Longtheun Development MOU 31/3/2015
14 Se Kong 3B Se Kong Saisetha Attapeu 100 394 Asia Longtheun Development MOU 31/3/2015
15 Se Kong Lower B Se Kong Samakhisai Attapeu 50 206 V & H Corporation MOU 29/11/2011
16 Huai Langae Se Kong Kaleum Se Kong 60 294 Chiantho MOU 21/7/2015
MOU 25/2/2010-24/8/2011
17 Nam Ngiap-Meuang Mai Nam Ngiap Bolikhan Bolikhamsai 25 60 Phongsapthawi
1st extension 25/2/2012
18 Nam Sam 4 Nam Sam Sam Neua Huaphan 150 343 Simon Consulting MOU 21/3/2013
Hoang Anh Gia Lai Mineral Joint MOU 10/9/2011
19 Se Su Se Kong Saisetha Attapeu 30 126
Stock Company Last extension -10/3/2013
20 Se Tanuan Se Banghiang Phin Sawannakhet 35 143 China Gezhouba Groip MOU 11/7/2012-10/1/2014
21 Nam Feuang Nam Feuang Maet Vientiane 51 242 Syntec Construction Public Company MOU 14/8/2013
MOU 1/7/2013-2/4/2015
22 Se lanong 3 Ban Tang Oen Se Banghiang Nong Sawannakhet 80 400 Simeuang Group
1st extension -8/1/2016
23 Se Kong 5 Se Kong Kaleum Se Kong 330 1,613 Inter RAO-Engineering (Russia) MOU 5/2/2014-5/8/2015
24 Nam Khan 4 Nam Khan Phukhun Luangphabang 64 258 Duangpasoet MOU 2/9/2013
Sinwoesaen Group
25 Nam Ngeum Nam Ngeum Ngoen, Hongsa Sainyabuli 44 296 MOU 20/6/2013
Saiphon Electric
MOU 10/6/2014-
26 Nam Ma 1 Nam Ma Siengkho Huaphan 44 200 Guangdong Electric Company
MOU 10/6/2014-
27 Nam Ma 1A Nam Ma Siengkho Huaphan 39 156 Guangdong Electric Company
MOU 10/6/2014-
28 Nam Ma 2 Nam Ma Siengkho Huaphan 30 118 Guangdong Electric Company
MOU 10/6/2014-
29 Nam Ma 2A Nam Ma Siengkho Huaphan 18 74 Guangdong Electric Company
MOU 10/6/2014-
30 Nam Ma 3 Nam Ma Siengkho Huaphan 18 76 Guangdong Electric Company
Italian Thai MOU 25/3/2008-25/9/2010
31 Ban Kum (Nam Khong) Nam Khong Phonthong Champasak 1,872 8,433
Asia Corp Holdings Limited 1st extension -25/9/2011
MOU 13/10/2007-
32 Luangphabang (Nam Khong) Nam Khong Chomphet Luangphabang 1,200 6,500 Petro Vietnam Power Corporation
1st extension 13/10/2010
2nd extension 13/10/2011
33 Pak Ngeum Nam Ngeum Pak Ngeum Nakhonluang Vientiane 110 463 Vientiane Automation MOU 1/9/2015
34 Nam Tha 2 Nam Tha Luang Namtha Luang Namtha 25 149 Huamchai Phathana MOU 9/7/2015
35 Nam Cha 2 Nam Ngeum Saisombun Saisombun 40 205 Namtha Construction MOU 4/9/2015
Venture Capital and Equipment Inc.
36 Nam Mang (upper) Saisombun 50 MOU 27/5/2015
37 Se Bangnuan 2 Salawan 80 290
38 Se Banfai Kaeng Kaeo Saibuli Sawannakhet 63 271 Laosamai Group MOU 13/11/2015
39 Nam Ngorn 1,2 Se Kong 30 Phongsapthawi MOU 30/3/2016
40 Nam Hong Bolikhamsai 35 Nalinni Thachaloensai MOU 19/5/2016
Total 5,383 23,898

Source: Made by the study team based on Updated Hydro Power List - June 2016 (MEM)

Table 3.10 shows the hydropower projects for which an MOU has already been acquired but COD is undetermined, and which
have a capacity of less than 15 MW.
There are 193 plants, the total capacity is 1,823 MW, and the total annual energy is 3,777 GWh.
Table 3.10 Hydropower projects with signed MOU (less than 15 MW)
Capacity Annual energy
No. Project Basin District Province Developer Status
[MW] [GWh/y]
41 Nam Ou 8 Nam Ou Nyot Ou Phongsali 15 60 Heuangpasoet MOU 5/7/2012
42 Nam Nua Nam Ma Mai Phongsali 15 Heuangpasoet MOU 8/5/2013
43 Nam Hun 2 Nam Ou Samphan Phongsali 15 55 Duangchaloen Phathana MOU 20/8/2013
44 Nam Hun 3 Nam Ou Samphan Phongsali 15 60 Duangchaloen Phathana MOU 20/8/2013
45 Nam Bun 2 Nam Ou Bun Neua Phongsali 15 Lai Engineering MOU 16/9/2013
46 Nam Phae Nam Ou Phongsali Phongsali 13 45 Phosi Construction MOU 17/9/2013
47 Nam Ban Nam Ou Mai Phongsali 12 45 Lat Wisahakit (ECI) MOU 29/4/2014
48 Nam Moek Nam Ou Mai Phongsali 10 35 Lat Wisahakit (ECI) MOU 29/4/2014
49 Nam Talan Nam Tha Luang Namtha Luang Namtha 15 80 Saiphachan MOU 28/8/2013
50 Nam Fa 2 Nam Fa Wiangphukha Luang Namtha 180 424 Huamchai Phathana MOU 5/8/2014
51 Nam Ngao Nam Ngao Huaisai Bokaeo 15 85 Saisombun Construction MOU 10/12/2014
52 Nam Ngao 2 Nam Ngao La Udomsai 8 DPS MOU 25/3/2011
Nam Ko lower (Ban
53 Nam Ou La Udomsai 10 50 MP MOU 16/8/2013
54 Nam Ko lower (Ban Huaisang) Nam Ou La Udomsai 10 50 Wiang Electronic MOU 4/2/2013
55 Nam Ngao 1 Nam Ou Nga Udomsai 12 53 M Consulting MOU 25/4/2014
56 Huai Prong Nam Ou Nga Udomsai 2 Phisitsaisombat MOU 23/2/2016
57 Nam Ma Nam Noen Kham Xiengkhwang 5 Sonsana Construction MOU 28/7/2011
58 Nam Khan 4 Nam Ngeum Phukut Xiengkhwang 15 Bosaikham Phathana MOU 1/11/2013
59 Nam Phang 1 Nam Ngiap Khun Xiengkhwang 3 Bosaikham Phathana MOU 12/5/2013
60 Nam Ngan Nam Ngiap Khun Xiengkhwang 5 15 Bosaikham Phathana MOU 12/5/2013
61 Tat Kha Nam Mo Nonghaet Xiengkhwang 5 Bosaikham Phathana MOU 12/5/2013
62 Nam Khan 3A Nam Ngeum Phukut Xiengkhwang 15 Bosaikham Phathana MOU 4/7/2014
63 Nam Khan 3B Nam Ngeum Phukut Xiengkhwang 15 Bosaikham Phathana MOU 14/1/2014
64 Nam Hang Nam Ngeum Phukut Xiengkhwang 5 Suksomwang MOU 17/12/2014
65 Nam Sannoi Nam Ngiap Khun Xiengkhwang 5 Suksomwang MOU 17/12/2014
66 Nam Noen (lower) Nam Mo Nonghaet Xiengkhwang 15 70 Songhua FIM MOU 10/3/2014
67 Nam Lan 1 Nam Mo Nonghaet Xiengkhwang 5 SN Energy MOU 21/9/2015
68 Nam Lan 2 Nam Mo Nonghaet Xiengkhwang 5 SN Energy MOU 21/9/2015
69 Nam Lan 3 Nam Mo Nonghaet Xiengkhwang 5 SN Energy MOU 21/9/2015
70 Nam Chat 1 Nam Ngeum Phukut Xiengkhwang 15 Wisawakam Construction MOU 25/5/2015
71 Nam Sui Nam Ngeum Phukut Xiengkhwang 4 Somphu Construction MOU 21/8/2015
72 Nam Khao Ban Tha Nam Noen Kham Xiengkhwang 5 Phanthawong MOU 7/1/2015
73 Nam Siam Nam Ngiap Phasai Xiengkhwang 5 65 Lansang MOU 20/1/2015
74 Nam Khao Ban Sop O Nam Maet Kham Xiengkhwang 5 Phanthawong MOU 7/1/2015
75 Nam Wang Ban Na Luang Nam Maet Kham Xiengkhwang 12 44 Phanthawong MOU 7/1/2015
76 Nam Keun Nam Khan Phukut Xiengkhwang 9 Phanthawong MOU 7/1/2015
77 Nam Khian Nam Mo Nonghaet Xiengkhwang 9 30 Phanthawong MOU 7/1/2015
78 Nam Khian Nam Mo Nonghaet Xiengkhwang 15 SDS Group MOU 25/5/2015
79 Nam Keua Nam Maet Kham Xiengkhwang 12 Phanthawong MOU 7/1/2015
80 Nam Siam (lower) Nam Khan Phukut Xiengkhwang 5 Wisawakam Construction MOU 20/1/2015
81 Nam Chat Nam Mo Mok Xiengkhwang 1 Ongkham Gold Mining
82 Nam Siam (upper) Nam Ngiap Phasai Xiengkhwang 4 DMD MOU 17/3/2015
83 Nam Sao 1 Nam Mo Mok Xiengkhwang 3 Phongsapthawi 13/7/2015
84 Nam Sao 2 Nam Mo Mok Xiengkhwang 3 Phongsapthawi 13/7/2015
85 Nam Sao 3 Nam Mo Mok Xiengkhwang 3 Phongsapthawi 13/7/2015
86 Nam Sao 4 Nam Mo Mok Xiengkhwang 3 Phongsapthawi 13/7/2015
87 Nam Sao 5 Nam Mo Mok Xiengkhwang 3 Phongsapthawi 13/7/2015
88 Nam Ao Nam Ngiap Phasai Xiengkhwang 15 Bothong Inter 9/4/2015
89 Nam Keun Nam Mo Nonghaet Xiengkhwang 8 34 Bosaikham Phathana 10/4/2015
90 Nam Ngeum Nam Khan Phukut Xiengkhwang 4 Thinthong Phathana MOU 12/1/2016
91 Nam Mang Nam Mo Mok Xiengkhwang 5 Sipannya Construction MOU 19/2/2016
92 Nam Hok Nam Mo Mok Xiengkhwang 5 Sipannya Construction MOU 19/2/2016
93 Nam Iyam Nam Mo Mok Xiengkhwang 5 Sipannya Construction MOU 19/2/2016
94 Nam Kam Nam Ngiap Phasai Xiengkhwang 5 Khamson Phathana MOU 19/2/2016
95 Nam Thong Nam Ngiap Phasai Xiengkhwang 5 Khamson Phathana MOU 19/2/2016
96 Nam Poe Nam Mo Mok Xiengkhwang 5 Thewan Construction MOU 25/5/2016
97 Nam Tak Nam Mo Mok Xiengkhwang 5 Thewan Construction MOU 25/5/2016
98 Nam Khom Nam Mo paek Xiengkhwang 5 Somphu Construction
99 Nam Sam Nam Maet Kham Xiengkhwang 5 Somphu Construction
100 Nam Ngeum Kaeng Khwan Nam Maet Paek Xiengkhwang 1 6 Somphu Construction
101 Nam Chao Nam Mo Mok Xiengkhwang 5 Phongsapthawi
102 Nam Chiat Nam Mo Mok Xiengkhwang 5 Phongsapthawi
103 Nam Liang Nam Mo Khun Xiengkhwang 5 Phongsapthawi
104 Nam Aet 4 Son Huaphan 19 76 EDL MOU 30/11/2012
105 Nam Aet 5 Son Huaphan 8 30 EDL MOU 30/11/2012
106 Nam Aet 6 Son Huaphan 2 7 EDL MOU 30/11/2012
107 Nam Pong Nam Khan Samneua Huaphan 9 Nak Kham 2010 MOU 31/10/2013
108 Nam Wang Nam Khan Hiam Huaphan 1 Saichaloen MOU 9/9/2014
109 Nma Khan Nam Khan Hiam Huaphan 15 Saichaloen MOU 9/9/2014
110 Nam Hang Nam Khan Hiam Huaphan 5 Saichaloen MOU 9/9/2014
111 Nam Noen 2 Nam Noen Huameuang Huaphan 5 Saichaloen MOU 9/9/2014
112 Nam Noen 4 Nam Noen Huameuang Huaphan 5 Saichaloen MOU 9/9/2014
113 Nam Poen 3 Nam Noen Huameuang Huaphan 5 Nyotchaloen MOU 20/10/2014
114 Nam Dang Nam Noen Huameuang Huaphan 5 Nyotchaloen MOU 20/10/2014
115 Nam Yeuang 1 Huaphan 15 250 SV Group MOU 21/9/2015
116 Nam Yeuang 2 Huaphan 15 110 SV Group MOU 21/9/2015
117 Nam Yeuang 3 Huaphan 15 150 SV Group MOU 21/9/2015

Source: Made by the study team based on Updated Hydro Power List - June 2016 (MEM)

Table 3.10 Hydropower projects with signed MOU (less than 15 MW) (cont.)
118 Nam Sam 2 Samtai Huaphan 15 Phongsapthawi MOU 14/12/2015
119 Nam Taep Nam Khan Samtai Huaphan 5 Longchaeng Phathana MOU 31/3/2016
120 Nam Bak Nam Ou Nam Bak Luang Phabang 15 DSK MOU 8/4/2010
121 Nam Mat Nam Khan Phonthong Luang Phabang 15 Siluangphabang MOU 10/1/2013
122 Nam Saeng Nam Khan Paksaeng Luang Phabang 15 Phusi Luangphabang Construction MOU 10/1/2013
123 Nam Mi Nam Seuang Wiangkham Luang Phabang 15 Phusi Luangphabang Construction MOU 10/1/2013
124 Nam Saeng Nam Feuang Nan Luang Phabang 15 EDL MOU 17/11/2014
125 Nam Sanan Nam Khan Sieng Ngeun Luang Phabang 15 Phusi Luangphabang Construction MOU 23/2/2015
126 Nam Ming 1 Nam Ming Sieng Ngeun Luang Phabang 15 EDL MOU 30/11/2015
127 Nam Ming 2 Nam Ming Sieng Ngeun Luang Phabang 15 EDL MOU 9/2/2016
128 Nam Pui (Ban Paksong) Nam Pui Phiang Sainyabuli 5 Kaeochaloen Construction MOU 31/7/2012
129 Nam Ngeum 2 Nam Ngeum Ngoen-Sienghon Sainyabuli 5 Hai Engineering MOU 28/6/2012
130 Nam Nyang Nam Khan Ngoen Sainyabuli 5 DM MOU 12/9/2012
131 Nam Hung 3 (Kaeng Phoeng) Nam Hung Sainyabuli Sainyabuli 10 DM MOU 14/5/2015
132 Nam Sa Nyai Nam Ngeum Kasi Vientiane 3 14 Phathana Long Ngeum MOU 21/1/2011
133 Nam Kai Nam Ngeum Kasi Vientiane 3 8 Phadaeng Construction MOU 28/3/2011
134 Nam Ngeum Na Nin Nam Ngeum Wiangkham Vientiane 15 99 Vientiane Automation MOU 21/10/2011
135 Nam Lik (Kaeng Luang) 1/2A Nam Ngeum Kasi Vientiane 15 99 DMD MOU 6/11/2012
136 Nam Sanaen Nam Ngeum Wangwiang Vientiane 7 20 Phetthongkham MOU 16/11/2012
137 Nam Mon Nam Ngeum Wiangkham Vientiane 6 29 BML Construction MOU 22/3/2013
138 Nam Thaem Nam Ngeum Wangwiang Vientiane 4 20 Vientiane WERC MOU 2/7/2013
139 Nam Sana upper Nam Ngeum Kasi Vientiane 10 39 Nam Sanoi Hydro Power MOU 13/2/2013
140 Nam Sana under Nam Ngeum Kasi Vientiane 3 15 Kasi Hungheuangsap MOU 24/5/2013
141 Nam Feuang lower Nam Feuang Maet Vientiane 15 99 Buathip Lao MOU 16/9/2014
142 Nam Kaen upper Nam Ngoen Kasi Vientiane 2 Intracorporation MOU 29/1/2014
143 Nam Kaen lower Nam Ngoen Kasi Vientiane 3 Maisak Luangphabang MOU 13/12/2014
Nam Feuang Neua Khet Tham
144 Nam Feuang Kasi Vientiane 15 Thongkhunsap Mining Service MOU 30/12/2014
145 Nam Po Nam Ngeum Wangwiang Vientiane 1 PCC Construction MOU 27/8/2015
146 Nam Kap Nam San Longchaeng Saisombun 12 55 Phongsapthawi MOU 5/2/2012
147 Nam Chae lower Nam San Thathom Saisombun 10 47 Thawisai Construction MOU 8/11/2012
148 Nam Tai Nam San Thathom Saisombun 5 19 Phongsapthawi MOU 23/10/2012
149 Nam Nyam Nam San Thathom Saisombun 8 17 DMD MOU 12/12/2012
150 Nam Pheuak Saisombun 10 32 NCG MOU 6/9/2013
151 Nam San Nam San Thathom Saisombun 5 17 Phongsapthawi MOU 23/10/2014
152 Nam Thong 1 Nam Ngiap Anuwong Saisombun 10 83 Wansana Songsoem Kasikam MOU 18/4/2014
153 Nam Thong 2 Nam Ngiap Anuwong Saisombun 5 44 Wansana Songsoem Kasikam MOU 18/4/2014
154 Nam Thaeng Nam Ngiap Anuwong Saisombun 5 17 Sisaket Construction MOU 6/5/2014
155 Nam Chang 4 Nam Ngiap Anuwong Saisombun 15 72 Asia Pacific MOU 5/8/2015
156 Nam Chang 5 Nam Ngiap Anuwong Saisombun 5 39 Asia Pacific MOU 5/8/2015
157 Nam Song Nam San Thathom Saisombun 7 27 Phongsapthawi MOU 23/1/2015
158 Nam San (Hat To) Nam San Bolikhan Bolikhamsai 15 90 Nalinnitha Chaloensai MOU 26/10/2012
159 Nam Hoeng Kading Saichamphon Bolikhamsai 13 50 VSK MOU 18/3/2013
160 Nam Hong Kading Wiangthong Bolikhamsai 14 60 Nalinnitha Chaloensai MOU 1/2/2013
161 Nam Chat 2 Kading Saichamphon Bolikhamsai 15 68 Kaeodawon MOU 9/9/2013
162 Nam San 1 Nam San Bolikhan Bolikhamsai 7 Intra Corp MOU 28/1/2013
163 Nam San 2 Nam San Bolikhan Bolikhamsai 7 62 SPS MOU 15/5/2014
164 Nam Hong upper Kading Wiangthong Bolikhamsai 12 LBSS MOU 4/9/2014
165 Nam Sang Kading Wiangthong Bolikhamsai 15 62 Chaloensap Khopwongchon MOU 31/12/2014
166 Nam Toeng Kading Saichamphon Bolikhamsai 13 42 Chaloensap Khopwongchon MOU 31/12/2014
167 Huai Sai Nam Khong Kading Saichamphon Bolikhamsai 14 48 Chaloensap Khopwongchon MOU 31/12/2014
168 Nam Nyong Kading Thaphabat Bolikhamsai 14 Sukkhasoem Construction MOU 12/1/2015
169 Nam Kang Kading Wiangthong Bolikhamsai 5 Khamkhun Group MOU 3/3/2015
170 Nam Lo Kading Thaphabat Bolikhamsai 5 Phetbangdit Group MOU 28/1/2015
171 Nam Nyala Kading Saichamphon Bolikhamsai 5 Chaloensap Khopwongchon MOU 4/4/2016
172 Nam Mang Nam san Bolikhan Bolikhamsai 4 Chaloensap Khopwongchon MOU 2/3/2016
173 Huai Nam Thwai Kading Thaphabat Bolikhamsai 4 Chaloensap Khopwongchon MOU 4/4/2016
174 Huai Nam Cham Kading Saichamphon Bolikhamsai 2 Chaloensap Khopwongchon MOU 4/4/2016
175 Huai Nam Chuwan Kading Wiangthong Bolikhamsai 15 Chaloensap Khopwongchon MOU 4/4/2016
176 Huai Nam Pan Kading Saichamphon Bolikhamsai 15 Chaloensap Khopwongchon MOU 4/4/2016
177 Nam Senoi Se Bangfai Se Bangfai Khammuan 5 Namsok Samluat Seni Dam MOU 13/5/2011
Ban Kaeng Yaluwan (Se
178 Se Bangfai Bualapha Khammuan 15 SKSK MOU 14/1/2012
Heuangsi Construction
179 Nam Kwang Nam Thoen Nakai Khammuan 8 24 MOU 27/5/2015
Hungheuang Chaloensap
180 Sai Nam Hai Se Bangfai Khunkham Khammuan 15 Atlantic International MOU 7/4/2016
181 Se Kok 1 Se Banghiang Se Pon Sawannakhet 6 Khunsai Phathana MOU 9/1/2014
182 Se Kok 2 Se Banghiang Se Pon Sawannakhet 5 Khunsai Phathana MOU 9/1/2014
183 Se Sangi 1 Se Banghiang Se Pon Sawannakhet 3 Khunsai Phathana MOU 9/1/2014
184 Se Sangi 2 Se Banghiang Se Pon Sawannakhet 2 Khunsai Phathana MOU 9/1/2014
185 Se Sangi 3 Se Banghiang Se Pon Sawannakhet 13 Khunsai Phathana MOU 9/1/2014
186 Se Banghiang upper Se Banghiang Se Pon Sawannakhet 10 64 Khunsai Phathana MOU 9/1/2014
187 Se Lanong Kaeng Asing Se Banghiang Nong Sawannakhet 15 SV Group MOU 11/1/2014
Nam Se Pon (Ban
188 Se Banghiang Se Pon Sawannakhet 15 Kham Wiang Ngam MOU 29/1/2014
189 Huai Champi Nong Kang Se Don Paksong Champasak 8 46 Bolihan Phalangngan Pen Loet MOU 18/10/2013
190 Huai Kaphoe 2 Se Don Champasak 6 39 LTV Construction MOU 15/5/2015
191 Se Namnoi 4 Se Kong Paksong Champasak 5 28 LTV Construction MOU 3/7/2015
192 Huai Salai Se Banghiang Taoi Salawan 5 22 P & P Construction MOU 11/6/2013
193 Huai Nam Sai 2 (Kaeng Tung) Se Don Salawan Salawan 5 25 SDS Coffee MOU 7/1/2013

Source: Made by the study team based on Updated Hydro Power List - June 2016 (MEM)

Table 3.10 Hydropower projects with signed MOU (less than 15 MW) (cont.)
Capacity Annual energy
No. Project Basin District Province Developer Status
[MW] [GWh/y]
194 Huai Awian Se Banghiang Samuai Salawan 5 25 Chanthasen Construction MOU 13/3/2014
195 Huai Kantrong Se Banghiang Samuai Salawan 5 25 SPS Coffee MOU 12/12/2014
196 Se Lanong 3 Se Banghiang Taoi Salawan 12 53 Phathana Sakon Huisuwan Lao MOU 21/6/2013
197 Nam Thwai Se Kong Sansai Attapeu 2 Satsada Electric MOU 30/3/2013
198 Nam Pa upper Se Kong Sansai Attapeu 3 Satsada Electric MOU 30/3/2013
199 Nam Pa lower Se Kong Sansai Attapeu 4 Satsada Electric MOU 30/3/2013
200 Huai Toklok Se Kong Sanamsai Attapeu 5 Pasansok MOU 21/7/2010
201 Nam Ka Uwan Se Kong Phuwong Attapeu 15 Phongsapthawi MOU 13/5/2011
202 Se Pian lower Se Kong Samakhisai Attapeu 15 Samliam Sethakit MOU 29/9/2011
203 Huai Paluat 1 Se Kong Sansai Attapeu 12 50 Samliam Sethakit MOU 22/12/2012
204 Huai Paluat 2 Se Kong Sansai Attapeu 12 55 Samliam Sethakit MOU 22/12/2012
205 Nam Pin Se Kong Sanamsai Attapeu 12 Asian Power Grit MOU 9/4/2014
206 Huai Toklok Se Kong Sanamsai Attapeu 5 Pasansok MOU 21/7/2010
207 Se Su upper Se Kong Phuwong Attapeu 15 Inpaeng MOU 30/3/2013
208 Se Su middle Se Kong Phuwong Attapeu 15 Sawan construction MOU 9/8/2013
209 Se Su lower Se Kong Saisetha Attapeu 15 Phosi Construction MOU 5/8/2014
MOU 27/6/2012
210 Huai Puang Se Kong Dak Cheung Se Kong 6 Hongkham Construction
preparing for 2nd extension
211 Nam Nyoeng 5 Se Kong Dak Cheung Se Kong 12 MP MOU 2/5/2014
212 Nam Nyoeng 7 Se Kong Dak Cheung Se Kong 15 MP MOU 16/7/2014
213 Huai Puang lower Se Kong Dak Cheung Se Kong 5 Wisawakam Energy MOU 13/8/2014
214 Huai Kalabai 2 Se Kong Dak Cheung Se Kong 9 KSC MOU 30/11/2015
215 Huai Kalabai 3 Se Kong Dak Cheung Se Kong 8 KSC MOU 30/11/2015
216 Huai Pa Ae Se Kong Kaleum Se Kong 15 Chaloen Construction MOU 10/2/2015
217 Nam Nyoeng Se Kong Dak Cheung Se Kong 5 Khamkhun MOU 27/6/2012
218 Huai Imoen 1 Se Kong Kaleum Se Kong 15 Thanchai Construction MOU 13/11/2015
219 Huai Imoen 2 Se Kong Kaleum Se Kong 10 Thanchai Construction MOU 13/11/2015
220 Huai Tro Se Kong Kaleum Se Kong 5 Hongkham Construction MOU 8/10/2015
221 Huai Lasam Se Kong Kaleum Se Kong 5 Lao Economic MOU 15/10/2015
222 Huai Pa Yu upper Se Kong Dak Cheung Se Kong 15 Vientiane Automation MOU 19/6/2015
223 Se Loen 1 Se Kong Kaleum Se Kong 5 Phongsapthawi MOU 16/10/2015
224 Se Loen 2 Se Kong Kaleum Se Kong 5 Phongsapthawi MOU 16/10/2015
225 Nam Nyoeng 2 Se Kaman Dak Cheung Se Kong 6 Phongsapthawi MOU 16/10/2015
226 Nam Nyoeng 4 Se Kaman Dak Cheung Se Kong 8 Phongsapthawi MOU 16/10/2015
227 Nam Nyoeng 6 Se Kaman Dak Cheung Se Kong 4 Phongsapthawi MOU 16/10/2015
228 Nam Nyoeng 8 Se Kaman Dak Cheung Se Kong 5 Phongsapthawi MOU 16/10/2015
229 Huai Wi 1 Se Kong Lamam Se Kong 5 Phongsapthawi MOU 16/10/2015
230 Huai Wi 2 Se Kong Lamam Se Kong 5 Phongsapthawi MOU 16/10/2015
231 Huai Cha Okhe 1 Se Kaman Dak Cheung Se Kong 6 Phongsapthawi MOU 16/10/2015
232 Huai Cha Okhe 2 Se Kaman Dak Cheung Se Kong 8 Phongsapthawi MOU 16/10/2015
233 Huai Konglai Se Kaman Dak Cheung Se Kong 3 Phongsapthawi MOU 16/10/2015
Total 1,823 3,777

Source: Made by the study team based on Updated Hydro Power List - June 2016 (MEM)

(2) Screening and evaluation criteria for prioritization
1) Screening policy
As shown in 3.1, the project lists were organized by MEM on June 30th, 2016.
At an early stage of this survey, the screening policy is determined based on the lists made by MEM.
Figure 3.4 shows the screening flow for the candidate projects.
Figure 3.4 Screening flow for candidate projects

Listing the projects under development (Divided into less/more than 15MW)

Selection of the promising areas by prefecture according to number of projects

under development with reference to river flow

Collection of information such as project maturity by interviews with MEM and

prefecture offices

Listing candidate qualified sponsors based on selection criteria:

owning multiple projects and projects whose output is more than 15MW

Contacting qualified sponsors

Checking the details (F/S) of projects, Confirmation of willingness to jointly
develop with Japanese investors

Narrowing down the promising candidate projects

Source: Study team

The study team listed the hydropower projects under development, dividing them into less/than 15MW, because projects of
more than 15 MW are licensed by the government, and projects of less than 15 MW are approved by prefectures. There is
also a purpose for investigating the actual situation with regard to divisional development at the boundary of 15 MW.
First, the study team conducted the first screening based on the scale of the project (number of projects, capacity), then
narrowed down promising areas by evaluating the river flow rate. Regarding maturity of individual projects, we surveyed
this through interviews with MEM and prefecture offices in promising areas.
Subsequently, the study team listed sponsors who own multiple development rights within a selected promising area and
have at least 1 project more than 15 MW (as it is desirable to have mid-large capacity sufficient to obtain loans). Regarding
evaluation of the social environment, for example, protected forests are distributed in all prefectures, and since it is difficult
to judge the superiority of each region, this is evaluated individually.
An outline of the development procedure for hydropower in Laos is shown in Figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5 Outline of development procedure for hydropower


Study of
Planning Construction Commission

Proposal of F/S SPC Implementation of
project through EIA CA construction

Projects under development in Laos: 316 projects*

Number of projects
*:The number of projects
PDA in old list


Source: Study team

2) Sorting lists by number of projects in old list

The list sorted based on the hydropower projects obtained from MEM in February 2016. In terms of the old list, Figure 3.6
shows the list sorted under the following policy. The number of projects for each prefecture is arranged according to the
project status.

Policy 1: Project status limited to MOU and PDA

It is difficult for Japanese investors to participate in projects under way with an already signed CA.

Policy 2: Selection of prefecture with many projects (10 to 15 MW)

The study team should focus on investigation for divisional development.

Policy 3: Selection of prefectures with many projects (over 15 MW)

Priority was given to projects over 15 MW, because for less than 10 MW projects the investment
advantage is small in terms of scale.
Figure 3.6 The list sorted by number of projects (made with old list from Feb. 2016)

Policy 3 Policy 1 Policy 1
over 15MW less than 15MW
Province 10 10 (MOU+ Total
Under MOU+ Under MOU+
Existing MOU PDA Total Existing MOU PDA 15MW 15MW Total PDA)
Const. PDA Const. PDA
Attapeu 3 3 7 3 10 16 1 0 1 10 17
Bokeo 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 5
Bolikhamxay 4 1 5 1 6 11 1 7 1 8 5 9 14 20
Champasak 4 1 2 3 7 1 4 7 4 11 1 1 16 14 23
Houaphanh 1 9 3 12 13 4 3 6 6 1 13 18 26
Khammouan 1 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 4 7
Policy 2
Luangnamtha 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 5
Luangprabang 1 4 8 8 13 2 4 4 6 12 19
Oudomxay 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 4 7 6 10
Phongsaly 2 2 5 2 7 11 3 3 3 6 7 1 9 13 20
Salavan 2 1 3 3 6 9 4 13 2 13 16 19
Savannakhet 3 1 4 4 2 2 2 2 4 6 8
Vientiane 3 3 1 1 2 8 0 0 2 8
Vientiane Cap. 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
Vientiane Pro. 2 1 1 1 2 5 2 1 3 1 4 1 7 6 12
Vientiane-XYBL 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
Xayabouly 3 3 1 4 7 10 10 10 14 17
Xaysomboun 1 2 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 4 5
Xekong(Sekong) 2 7 2 9 11 7 7 1 7 16 18
Xiengkhuang 1 3 2 5 7 11 1 3 3 4 4 10 15

Total 25 28 62 26 88 141 22 10 65 18 83 23 7 115 171 256

Source: Study team

The prefectures selected according to the screening policy (3 (2) 2)) from the old list are shown as follows.

Policy 2: Selection of prefectures with many projects (10 to 15 MW)

3 prefectures: Bolikhamxay, Phongsaly, Xiengkhouang

Policy 3: Selection of prefectures with many projects (over 15 MW)

3 prefectures: Attapeu, Houapanh, Xekong

Since the latest list had not been obtained at the time of the first survey (September 2016), the study team made a speculative
visit to Xiengkhouang province, where there were many PDA projects (10 to 15 MW) in the area selected via policy 2 above,
and where the projects have an already completed F/S. Through a meeting with the prefecture office, the study team discussed
the progress of matters and information on sponsors, and reviewed the planned screening policy.

3) Sorting lists by number of projects in new list

The prefectures selected according to the screening policy (3 (2) 2)) from the latest list are shown below.
Table 3.11 shows the list of projects based on the output scale (over 15 MW and less than 15 MW) and the number of projects
by each prefecture.

Table 3.11 The list sorted by the number of projects (made with latest list from June 2016)
over 15MW less than 15MW
Province 10 10 (MOU+ Total Number of projects being just/nearly 15MW
Under MOU+ Under MOU+
Existing MOU PDA Total Existing MOU PDA 15MW 15MW Total PDA)
Const. PDA Const. PDA
Attapeu 3 3 7 3 10 16 1 0 1 10 17
Bokeo 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 5 15MW: 1 project
Bolikhamxay 4 1 5 1 6 11 1 7 1 8 5 9 14 20 15MW: 2 projects
Champasak 4 1 2 3 7 1 4 7 4 11 1 1 16 14 23
Houaphanh 1 9 3 12 13 4 3 6 6 1 13 18 26
Khammouan 1 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 4 7
Luangnamtha 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 5
Luangprabang 1 4 8 8 13 2 4 4 6 12 19
Oudomxay 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 4 7 6 10
Phongsaly 2 2 5 2 7 11 3 3 3 6 7 1 9 13 20 15MW: 6 projects
Salavan 2 1 3 3 6 9 4 13 2 13 16 19
Savannakhet 3 1 4 4 2 2 2 2 4 6 8
Vientiane 3 3 1 1 2 8 0 0 2 8
Vientiane Cap. 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
Vientiane Pro. 2 1 1 1 2 5 2 1 3 1 4 1 7 6 12 15MW: 1 project
Vientiane-XYBL 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
Xayabouly 3 3 1 4 7 10 10 10 14 17
Xaysomboun 1 2 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 4 5 15MW: 1 project
Xekong(Sekong) 2 7 2 9 11 7 7 1 7 16 18
Xiengkhuang 1 3 2 5 7 11 1 3 3 4 4 10 15 15MW: 2 projects
Total 25 28 62 26 88 141 22 10 65 18 83 23 7 115 171 256

Source: Study team

As a result of organizing the latest list according to the number of projects, it is found that the prefectures with many projects
whose capacity is 10 to 15 MW and the prefectures with many projects whose capacity is over 15 MW are almost the same.
In addition, considering the number of projects of exactly 15 MW, the 10 prefectures of Attapeu, Bolikhamxay, Champasak,
Huaphanh, Luang Prabang, Phongsaly, Vientiane province, Xaysomboun, Xekong and Xiengkhouang were selected as
promising areas.

4) Sorting lists by capacity potential

The capacity potential for each prefecture in hydropower development projects is as shown in Table 3.12 below.
As a result of organizing the latest list by capacity, Attapeu, Bolikhamxay, Champasak, Luang Prabang, Vientiane province,
and Xekong prefectures, with large capacity potential, are selected as attractive prefectures.

Table 3.12 List sorted by capacity
Under development Undeveloped
Total capacity
Province (MOU, PDA) rate
[MW] [%]
Attapeu 1144 1718 66.5
Bokeo 230 401 57.3
Bolikhamxay 1492 1794 83.2
Champasak 2924 3625 80.7
Houaphanh 910 971 93.7
Khammouan 116 1441 8.0
Luangnamtha 236 243 97.2
Luang Prabang 2135 2446 87.3
Oudomxay 1051 1103 95.3
Phongsaly 527 947 55.6
Salavan 241 400 60.3
Savannakhet 317 320 99.0
Vientiane 1127 1586 71.1
Xayabouly 977 2275 43.0
Xaysomboun 253 1721 14.7
Xekong (Sekong) 1285 1623 79.2
Xiengkhouang 869 1182 73.5
Total 15833 23795 66.5
Source: Study team

5) List sorted by river flow

Table 3.13 shows flow data statistically calculated by the MONRE Meteorological Agency. This data is converted into the
flow rate from the river water level data by H-Q curve. There are 53 river water level measurement points all over the country
in Laos, but the points statistically calculated are only from about 21 places (Fig. 3.7). Therefore, it is difficult to select
promising areas by flow rate, which is provided for reference here.
At each measurement point, the local staff visually check the water level of the river twice a day (morning and evening) and
record it by hand. The data for 3 to 6 months are sent from each prefecture to the Meteorological Agency and also digitized
and converted into flow data at the data input center in the Meteorological Agency.

Figure 3.7 Measurement points for river water levels

Source: Made by study team based on document provided by meteorological agency

Table 3.13 River flow data
Catchment area Average discharge[m3/] Measurement Remarks
Measurement point Province River
[km2] May to Oct. Nov. to Apr. Yearly average period (Missing period)

1 Ban Sibounhom Luangprabang Seuang - 149.14 40.61 94.87 1994-2014

2 Ban Mout Luangprabang Khan 6,100 155.70 32.94 98.85 1995-2014
3 Ban Phiengluang Xiengkhouang Nam Ngum 715 31.08 4.24 17.59 1996-2015 2012.8 to 2012.9
4 Ban Naluang Saysomboun Nam Ngum 5,220 231.88 54.50 143.19 1989-2008
5 Ban Pakkagnoung Vientiane Nam Ngum 14,300 817.87 357.50 587.69 1995-2014
6 Venkham Vientiane Capital Nam Ngum - 963.68 420.02 691.85 1996-2015
7 Ban Hin Heup Vientiane Nam Lik 5,115 364.88 106.06 235.47 2005-2014
8 Vangvieng Vientiane Nam Xong 864 118.31 41.11 79.71 1994-2014 1996.1 to 1996.12
9 Meuang Mai Borikhamxay Nam Ngiep 4,270 277.53 61.03 169.28 1996-2015
10 Meuang Kao Borikhamxay Sane 2,230 254.10 43.46 148.78 1996-2015 2011.9 to 2011.12, 2012.1 to 2012.4
11 Signo Khammouan singo 3,370 405.12 54.73 229.93 1987-2007
12 Mahaxai Khammouan Xe Bangfai 4,520 483.68 79.42 281.55 1996-2015 1998.1 to 1198.4
13 Xe Bangfai (Br-13) Khammouan Xe Bangfai 8,560 978.41 64.91 521.66 1996-2015 2009.4
1998.1 to 1998.3, 1999.1 to 1999.4, 2007.11 to
14 Sopnam Savannakhet Se Banghiang 3,990 340.55 94.82 220.12 1996-2015 2007.12, 2008.5, 2008.10, 2008.12, 2010.11,
2010.12, 2011.1 to 2011.7, 2014.12
15 Kengdone Savannakhet Xe Banghiang - 899.89 127.38 513.64 1994-2015 2010.3 to 2010.5
16 Salavan Salavan Sedone - 72.42 4.65 38.53 2000-2015
17 Khongsedone Salavan Sedone - 303.26 21.55 162.40 1993-2015 2000.10 to 2000.11
18 Souvannakhili Champasak Sedone 5,760 331.25 33.30 182.28 1995-2004
19 Attapeu Attapeu Sekong 10,500 603.17 216.19 409.68 1995-2014 2014.9 to 2014.12
20 Ban Veunkhen Attapeu Xekong - 1,036.94 336.54 686.74 1997-2015 1997.1
21 Ban Hatsaikhao Attapeu Xe Khaman 4,400 400.00 112.79 256.40 1995-2014

Source: Made by study team based on document provided by meteorological agency

6) Listing sponsors
Table 3.14 shows sponsors with multiple projects in promising areas (indicated in 3.2.3 and 3.2.4) and with projects of more
than 15 MW.
Table 3.14 Sponsors with multiple projects in promising areas
No. Sponsor Number of projects Number of projects of
owned more than 15 MW owned
1 Asia Longtheun Development 2 1
2 Asia Pacific 2 1
3 AIDC* 2 2
4 Bosaikham Phathana 6 2
5 Chaloensap Khopwongchon 9 2
6 China Sichuan Gurong Group 5 5
7 Daoheuangsong 2 2
8 DMD 5 3
9 DSK Group 2 1
10 Duangchaloen 6 6
11 ECI* 2 2
12 EDL 11 8
13 EDL-Gen* 6 5
14 Guangdong Electric Company 5 5
15 Heuangpasoet 2 2
16 Hoang Anh Gia Lai 2 2
17 Lao Samphan Phathana 3 2
18 Lao Woen Group 2 2
19 MP 2 1
20 Nalinnitha Chaloensai 3 2
21 Namtha Road Bridge 2 1
22 Nesoenaeu Consulting Group 3 2
23 Nonghai Group 4 2
24 Phongsapthawi* 34 8
25 Phonsak Group* 3 3
26 PT company 5 4
26 Saichaloen 5 1
27 Sahamit Phattana 2 1
28 Sinohydro Corporation Ltd 4 4
29 SV Group 8 3
30 Thanchai Construction 3 1
31 TK Group (T&C power HD) 4 4

32 V & H Corporation 3 3
33 Vang Sup Development and Investment 2 2
34 ECI 2 2
35 Venture Capital and Equipment Inc., (Vietnam) 2 2
36 Vientian Automation (VASE) 6 4
37 Wisawakam Construction 3 1
*Including co-development with other sponsor
Source: Study team

(3) Long list of promising projects narrowed down

The study team narrowed down the number of sponsors that we could actually discuss from the selected sponsors (Table 3.14),
and listed the projects that the sponsor owns in the promising areas.

(4) Candidate projects for investment

Based on the long list, the study team made contact with sponsors who own development rights such as MOU and held
discussions with sponsors who were interested in collaborating with Japanese investors. Field surveys have been carried out
jointly to obtain their consent.
Ultimately, 4 projects for which we were granted disclosure of technical documents such as the F/S through discussion after
the field survey were selected as candidate projects for investment.

Table 3.15 List of candidate projects for investment

Project Capacity Sponsor
1 Nam Ngiep 2C 14.5 MW Nonghai Group
2 Nam Ngiep 2B 18.0 MW Nonghai Group
3 Nam Ngiep 2A 10.0 MW Nonghai Group
4 Nam Ban 14.0 MW ECI
Source: Study team

Capter4 Justification, Objectives and Technical
Feasibility of the Projects
(1) Background to Technical Feasibility of the Projects
1) Projects by Nonghai Group
The Nonghai Group was originally a construction company that undertook civil engineering work such as military-related roads,
bridges, runways, etc. Later, in order to diversify the business, they started hydropower IPP projects. They have been developing
five self-funded projects while obtaining financial support from the government, and some projects are under construction.
However, self-funded development has limitations, and they are looking for a strategic partner to work with jointly.

2) Projects by Electrical Construction and Installation, State Enterprise

ECI's predecessor is implementing electricity development projects in rural areas of Laos under EDL, formally established as
ECI in 1986. They mainly conduct surveys for power generation, planning, design, etc. They own power transmission and
distribution substations, and have concrete pillar factories in Vientiane and Pakse. There are branch offices in each prefecture in
the south, and 3 branches in Vientiane. There is only one branch office in Luang Prabang in the north. It was integrated into EDL
in 1996, and it also became independent again in 2006. It will be integrated into EDL again at the beginning of next year, repeating
the pattern of independence and integration. They are government-owned companies and have four development rights, one of
which is already in operation. Although they have power-related technical capabilities, they are definitely short of funds and they
are looking for partners.

(2) Basic policies and decisions on the content of the Technical

Feasibility of the Projects
This survey, in order to encourage investment promotion for hydropower IPP projects that can become business investments for
Japanese companies, selects projects where multiple developments are planned and sponsors are seeking funds and technical
partners in Japan. In this survey, field surveys are conducted on selected projects, and a brief review from a technical point of
view is conducted to narrow down the number of projects. In addition, this survey will conduct the necessary investigations to
determine the purpose and effects of the projects, and opportunities for investment and financing. After determining promising
projects, investigations will be conducted with a focus on project outline, project cost, process, project implementation system,
operation and maintenance system, and environmental and social aspects. To start a hydro power project, first one must search
for a candidate point for it. In addition to the method of installing a weir in a mountain stream to take in water, small and medium-
sized hydro power projects often use existing facilities in the vicinity, and there are various kinds of usage forms, such as
utilization of a sand control dam, utilization of river maintenance flow, agricultural water use, and water supply facility use. After
determining the candidate point for the hydro power project, considering whether it is possible to install hydroelectric power
generation facilities, performing a desk-based study with existing data to determine how much power generation is possible, and
carrying out an on-site investigation as necessary are the main considerations. In doing this, one should effectively utilize existing
materials as much as possible to reduce expense, and perform a comprehensive evaluation from the following viewpoints to
select promising sites.
Hydro Power scale (discharge available for power generation, head drop etc.)
Relationship with demand (facilities at demand destination, capacity of equipment, usage form of electric power, etc.)
Environment of surrounding site
Presence/absence of transmission/distribution cables of power company

In choosing a promising site, discharge and heading are important considerations. Generally, in order to ascertain the discharge,
one must first check for existing material. When it is difficult to obtain flow data for the promising site, it is necessary to
investigate the correlation with the discharge data of a neighboring place and to prepare discharge data for the promising site.
Based on these materials, we ascertain the flow data that can be used for power generation at the relevant point, and gross head
(the difference in elevation between the intake level and the discharge point; an approximate value is calculated using a
topographic map etc.). We perform a desk study on the scale and select some power station installation candidate points. We also
need to carry out a field survey to complement the desk review and improve the accuracy of the plan. When carrying out the
field survey, it is necessary to pay attention to the following items and to feed the results of the survey back into the plan.
Status of existing roads and land owner classification
Status of existing electric power system (presence/absence of existing system, voltage /capacity, distance from power
plant, etc.)
Utilization situation of river water (already-acquired water rights, presence of recreational facilities etc. using rivers)
Laws and regulations (rivers, natural parks, natural environment preservation, national forest, forest, etc.)
Other development plans (existence of residential land development, road plans, tourism development etc.)
In addition, in the case of the water supply and sewage system, the generation method using water in factories is often a power
generation plan within existing facilities, and not all of these field survey items are necessarily required. The investigation based
on the above is carried out in the F/S and the target point discharge is set. In this project, it is necessary to confirm the
implementation status of the F/S for promising projects and to verify their accuracy.

(3) Outline of Technical Feasibility of the Projects

Nonghai Group signed an MOU with Xiengkhouang Province for an F/S for the Nam Hai 1, 2, and 3 hydraulic projects on
February 29, 2012. F/S were implemented as for a cascade type hydropower project, and in 2013 the project was renamed Nam
Ngiep 2A, 2B and 2C. Investigations for project development were entrusted to various consulting companies and experts. In
October 2012, Hydraulic Engineering Consultants Corporation, civil engineering consultants in Vietnam, conducted a field
survey including geology, terrain, mapping, and an F/S report. Hydrologic surveys and data modifications were made by SSN
Consultant Co. Ltd, and HEC Engineering used this field data for the evaluation and calculation of F/S reports in October 2012.
The hydrological survey was reviewed by experts in meteorology and hydrology, and the latest edition of the hydrological survey
for Nam Ngiep 2A in June 2014 was reviewed by Scottish hydrologists. The site survey and F/S report by HEC target Nam
Ngiep 2A, 2B and 2C. PECC 1 from Vietnam conducted the basic design at the three sites, and the detailed design and EPC
contract were carried out separately. In the case of Nam Ngiep 2C, the Nonghai Group is the developer, but as a subcontractor of
Chinese enterprises, it is in charge of electromechanical construction, steel construction, tunnel construction etc. The design for
this project was reviewed by Kunming Engineering Corporation in China. ECI concluded an MOU with Phongsaly province on
April 29, 2014, concluded an MOU on IETL implementation for the F/S, and is currently implementing the F/S. The Nam Ban
project is a coordination pond type, assuming PPA with peak/off peak and seasonal change in unit price, and is expected to be a
model project for adjusted pond type among Lao domestic IPPs. Information on the two projects is shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Outline of Projects
Item Nam Ngiep 2A/2B/2C Nam Ban
Province Xiengkhouang Phongsaly

River Nam Ngiep Nam Ou


Annual Precipitation 1,372 mm 1,450 mm (F/S)

Mean Flow 3 3 3
3.35 m /s/9.40 m /s/12.90 m /s 19.2 m3/s
(meteorological station)
Bedrock widely outcrops River meanders with good rock
Topographic Features
Steep slope of river bank The right bank side is a gentle slope
Sponsor Nonghai Group ECI

F/S Final (Construction in progress) Draft Final

Planning specifications

Nam Hai, Nam Song Sieng Nam Ban
(confluence river)
Install Capacity 14.5 MW/18.00 MW/10.18 MW 14.0 MW

Rate Head 356.0m/133.05m/65.0m 51.1m

3 3 3
Design Flow 4.86 m /s/16.0 m /s/18.0 m /s 31.8m3/s

Plant Factor 62.50%/58.67%/58.74% 52.63%

Access Road Extension 14 km/7.9km/3.0km 4 km (from Nam Ou junction)
Flooded Area: 2 villages (80 houses)
Local situation

Local Villages None (One in village, 37 houses and 180 people

agreed to transfer)
2A/2B/2C chooses the best location for Under construction Nam Ou 4
each Existing roads along Nam Ou
Suitable water collection/power
generation system with multiple dams
Reliable in ECI investment project
Good access from national highway
Summary The output is relatively small at the point
Secure total electricity at 2A/2B/2C
Source: study team

(4) Necessary Study Items
1) Extraction of Items for Consideration regarding Technical Aspects of Promising Project
For each promising project, we examine the accuracy and feasibility of the content of the power generation plan from a technical
aspect. During this, the following items are particularly verified. The verification will be conducted as per the content shown in
the F/S of each candidate project.

Table 4.2 F/S Formulation Month of Each Candidate Project

Project Title Sponsor F/S formulator Formulation
Kunming Engineering
1 Nam Ngiep 2C 14.5 MW Nonghai Group 2014.06
Kunming Engineering
2 Nam Ngiep 2B 18.0 MW Nonghai Group 2014.06
3 Nam Ngiep 2A 10.0 MW Nonghai Group Nor Consult Laos Ltd 2015.07
4 Nam Ban 14.0 MW ECI MAX proof Co. Ltd 2015.12
Source: study team

Table 4.3 Study Items and Purpose, Main Method of Study

Purpose Method of study
Verify the validity of the setting condition for Based on flow data and map data separately obtained
Flow the discharge at the planning point and confirm in this survey, we summarize the drainage
setting whether the planned power generation output basin areas and flow conditions and check the
can be secured steadily. divergence from F/S flow setting.
Confirm the content for loss calculation on each Calculate the head loss from F/S and drawing data
Rate obtained in this survey and check the difference from
structure, including penstock, and confirm
head rate head in F/S.
whether it can be secured steadily.
Confirm the estimation content of the Calculate the approximate cost based on the
Construction construction costs for new temporary roads and standards in Japan and confirm the divergence from
cost transmission lines and verify the validity of the the construction cost in F/S.
construction cost calculation.
Source: study team

2) Outline and Verification of Flow Setting in Candidate Project
In planning the hydro power plan, the discharge data is necessary for calculation of power generation scale, design flow, and
annual energy production, and it is an important factor for formulating various elements of the power generation plan.

(a) Main Flow of Flow Setting in Candidate Project F/S

In the F/S of the candidate project, the main flow in setting the river discharge is as follows. The table below summarizes
up to the discharge setting in the candidate project

Table 4.4 The Discharge Setting

Organization of dam and weir points

Calculation of catchment area

Observation points such as discharge; data collection confirmation

Confirmation of correlation between collected data and discharge

Completion of missing data; setting long term mean flow

Source: Study Team

(b) Outline of set discharge by candidate project

() Nam Ngiep 2A, 2B, 2C

Organization of Dam and Weir Points

Nam Ngiep 2A, 2B, and 2C are hydroelectric power generation projects in the same basin, and the method of
discharge setting is the same as in the F/S at these 3 sites. The F/S show the position and altitude of each dam
site etc. They use information from Google Earth etc.

Figure 4.1 The Positions and Coordinates of the Dams of Nam Ngiep 2A, 2B, and 2C

Source: Quoted from F/S

Calculation of Catchment Area at Dam and Weir Points

A meteorological station shows information about the catchment area from each observation point. The
catchment area from the dam/weir point from F/S-recorded areas are based on Google Earth and a 1/100,000
topographical map. Therefore, it cannot be said that the calculation precision for the catchment area is very
high; verification with an improvement in catchment area accuracy is required. However, there is a lack of
effective drawing data for area calculation of the area concerned, so area calculation in a 1/10,000 topographic
map is the most accurate method at the present time.

Figure4.2 Drainage Basin Area List at Each Location of Nam Ngiep

Source: Quoted from F/S

Observation Points such as Discharge; Data Collection confirmation

In the F/S, they collect flow data from meteorological stations, organize the flow data separately observed by
the Nonghai Group, and try to use actual data.
Figure 4.3 Locations of Meteorological Stations

Source: Quoted from F/S

Table 4.5 Observed Mean Annual Precipitation at Meteorological Stations

Source: Quoted from F/S

Confirmation of Correlation Between Collected Data and Discharge

Based on the proximity of Nam Hai and Nam Ngiep 2 Cb point, synchronization with observation point data
and observation accuracy by data acquisition method etc., the point discharge is formed by combining these
records. In addition, paying attention to the fact that the correlation between the Nam Hai/Nam Ngiep 2 Cb
composite data and the flow data at the Muong Mai point is the highest, long-term discharge is set based on
these data. In addition, differences in discharge conditions in the dry season are observed when flow data at
both sites are overlapped. Since the granite found in the Nam Ngiep area is a less permeable geologic area than
the limestone in the surrounding area, it is analyzed as an increase in discharge due to permeation.

Figure 4.4 Hydrographs of Specific Daily Mean Discharge at the Nam Hai/Composite 2Cb-SSN and
Nam Ngiep/Muong Mai Stations

Source: Quoted from F/S

Completion of Missing Data; Setting Long Term Mean Flow

In the F/S, it is confirmed that there is a high correlation (R2 = 0.845) in the composite data (Nam Hai/Nam
Ngiep 2 Cb) observed by the Nonghai Group and the point of the Muong Mai by the meteorological station.

Figure 4.5 Composite 2Cb-SSN and Muong Mai Hydrometric Stations

Correlation of Monthly Mean Discharge

Source: Quoted from F/S

() Nam Ban

Organization of Dam and Weir Points

According to the F/S for Nam Ban, coordinates and elevations of dam points are determined by GPS during
field survey.

Calculation of Catchment Area at Dam and Weir Points

Based on the 1/50,000 topographic map, the catchment area of the dam site is calculated as 708.6 km 2. The
catchment area of M.Ngoy (Meteorological station), which is the observation point to be correlated, is shown.
Figure 4.6 Catchment Areas of Dam Site and Meteorological Station (M.Ngoy)

Source: Quoted from F/S

Observation Points such as Discharge; Data Collection confirmation

In the F/S, flow analysis at the relevant point needs to be collected and public flow data, analyzed. The
consultant who created the F/S is conducting the flow observation at the relevant point, but the observation
period is only about 5 months, from 2015.3.22 to 2015.8.17.

Figure 4.7 Locations of Meteorological Stations 0

Source: Quoted from F/S

Table 4.6 List of Rainfall Stations Scattered in the Surrounding Project Area

Source: Quoted from F/S

Confirmation of Correlation Between Collected Data and Discharge

In the F/S, it is examined whether there is a big difference in the trend of the long-term discharge of the collected
rainfall stations. At the planning site, there is no meteorological station in Nam Bang. For this reason, they use
the meteorological station at M.Ngoy.

Completion of Missing Data; Setting Long Term Mean Flow
In the F/S, the long-term discharge at the planning site is calculated from the meteorological station of M.Ngoy
and the catchment area at the dam site.
However, the F/S does not indicate why they chose the meteorological station of M.Ngoy, or that the correlation
between the dam site and the meteorological station of M.Ngoy is high.

Calculation Formula for Mean Discharge

Source: Quoted from F/S

Table 4.7 Generated Monthly Runoff of Nam Ban Basin at Dam Site

Source: Quoted from F/S

(a) Validation and Issues Concerning Discharge Setting

() Considerations in Selection of Flow Observation Points to be Correlated

With regard to the F/S for the candidate project, the main flow in the setting of the mean flow and the corresponding
situation are summarized in the previous section. Investigation of river discharge over a long period is necessary to
study the discharge in a plan for hydro power generation. In the absence of observation discharge data, it is necessary

to consider the discharge at the planning point using the discharge data from a highly correlated water measurement
station, which is close to the planning site. The discharge at the planning point is obtained by calculating the
correlation coefficient between these points. When planning hydro power generation in Japan, the method of
calculating the discharge is provided by the "Small Hydroelectric Power Guide, New Energy Foundation" (p 54)
and "Hydropower Planning Point Flow Calculation Manual, New Energy Foundation" (p 33).
According to these documents, conditions for discharge considerations are as follows.
The geological conditions of the planning site and the neighboring water measuring station are similar
The characteristics of rainfall are similar
Ratio of catchment area is in the range of 0.5 to 2.0
Flowing rivers are in parallel
Observation data for the planning point discharge is for one year or more
According to the above conditions, the F/S for the candidate project are as follows. At the candidate project sites,
since there are few meteorological stations the dam site and the river at the meteorological station are not parallel.
In addition, the catchment area ratio does not satisfy the conditions. However, for the Nam Ngiep site the discharge
has been observed for about two years at the planning site with information collected to verify the correlation. The
point observation discharge data for the Nam Ban point has only been accumulated for about 5 months. Therefore,
it is necessary to verify the accuracy for the accumulation of observation data and discharge setting.

Table 4.8 Match With Discharge Setting Conditions

Condition Nam Ngiep 2A, 2B, 2C Nam Ban
Between granite and
Geological similarity limestone Consideration of Wide geological map
Similarity of rainfall There is verification of There is verification of

characteristics similarity similarity
Dam Site : 74.2 km2 Dam Site : 708.6 km2
Ratio of catchment area is
Muong Mai : 4,305 km2 M.Ngoy : 19,698 km2
0.5 - 2.0
Ratio : 0.017 Ratio : 0.036
The target river is parallel Not parallel Not parallel
Discharge observation 2012.3.16 to 2014.1.31 2015.3.22 to 2015.8.17

period is 1 year or more For about two years For about 5 months
Source: study team

() Considerations in Calculation of River Basin Area at Dam Site

Nam Ngiep 2A, 2B, 2C

According to the F/S, the catchment area of the dam site shown is from Google Earth and 1/100,000
topographic maps. We calculated the catchment area at the dam site based on a topographic map (1:150,000),
then collected and compared it with the catchment area shown in the F/S. In addition, we used AutoCAD to
calculate the catchment area with the collected topographic map (1:150,000). As a result of calculating the
catchment area, we did not see much difference from the catchment area shown in the F/S.

Table 4.9 Comparison of Catchment Area at Nam Ngiep Site

unit: km2
F/S Measure on map difference

Nam Ngiep2C

1 Sanluang diversion 6.80 6.87 -0.07

2 Dam site 1 (D3) 61.70 59.84 1.86

3 Dam site 1 (D3A) 4.53 7.67 -3.14

Nam Ngiep2B

4 Song Sieng diversion 59.20 56.06 3.14

5 Dam site 184.03 188.64 -4.61

Nam Ngiep2A

6 Dam site 281.23 273.31 7.92

Total area

Nam Ngiep 2C 73.03 74.38 -1.35

Nam Ngiep 2B 243.23 244.70 -1.47

Nam Ngiep 2A 281.23 273.31 7.92

Source: study team

Figure 4.8 Catchment Area of Nam Ngiep Site Measurement Chart with 1/150,000 Topographic Map

Nam Ngiep2C
sanluang diversion Nam Ngiep2C
Dam site1(D3)

Nam Ngiep2B
Dam site

Nam Ngiep2A Nam Ngiep2C Nam Ngiep2B

28.61km2 Dam site1(D3A) Song Sieng diversion

Source: study team

Photo 4.1 Intake Point for Nam Ngiep 2A Photo 4.2 Dam Site for Nam Ngiep 2C

Source : study team Source : study team

Nam Ban
According to the F/S, it can be assumed that the catchment area of the dam site is calculated based on a 1/50,000
topographic map. We calculated the catchment area at the dam site based on a topographic map (1:150,000),
then collected and compared it with the catchment area shown in the F/S. In addition, we used AutoCad to
calculate the catchment area with the collected topographic map (1:150,000). As a result of calculating the
catchment area, we did not see much difference from the catchment area shown in the F/S.

Table 4.10 Comparison of Catchment Area at Nam Ban Site

Catchment Area
Calculated based on the Difference
Site F/S
Topographic map

8.20 km2
Nam Ban Dam Site 708.6 km2 700.4 km2
Source: study team

Figure 4.9 Catchment Area of Nam Ban Site Measurement Chart with 1/150,000 Topographic Map

Source: study team

() Considerations in Setting of Long-term Discharge
If the discharge data at the watering station at the planning point does not cover 10 years, it is necessary to
complement the flow rate data for the years that are insufficient. According to "Hydroelectric planning point flow
rate calculation manual, New Energy Foundation", the complementary method is as follows.
Select a water measurement station to use for the complement
Analyze the correlation for the same years discharge data from the water measurement station at the
planning site and the water measurement station used for supplementation
Estimate the regression equation for the discharge data
Complement the discharge for the insufficient years from the discharge data of the measuring station
by using the estimated regression equation
The selection method and considerations concerning the measuring station used for supplementation are shown in
the previous section. Below, we consider the supplementary concept of discharge and the calculation method for
long-term discharge.

Nam Ngiep 2A, 2B, 2C

In order to estimate the regression equation from the correlation of the discharge data, it is standard to make it
a linear regression equation. However, the F/S calculates a quadratic regression equation. Ideally, 0.9 or more
is the coefficient of correlation, but this is only 0.845 in the F/S. For this reason, it is better to re-examine the
reliability of the set discharge. Specifically, it is better to accumulate data on the discharge observation at the
planning site that is still in progress and improve the accuracy. Looking at the Duration Curve set by the F/S, it
is larger than the value of the Muong Mai point after the 110th day. In general, as the catchment area becomes
larger, the ratio of the discharge becomes smaller, so at the Muong Mai point (4,305 km 2) and the Nam Ngiep
2A dam site (281 km 2), the possibility that the Nam Ngiep 2A dam site may increase the discharge is high.
Therefore, this result seen in the duration curve can be considered as representing no particular problem. For
this reason, although there are some problems such as low correlation coefficient and secondary regression
formula, it is considered that there is no big difference in the discharge setting at the point as a whole.

Nam Ban
In the F/S for Nam Ban, we do not clarify the high correlation between the dam site discharge and the
meteorological station M.Ngoy. It is considered that the discharge at the planning point is calculated based on
the ratio of the catchment area at the two points. As mentioned earlier, observation data at the planning point is
only for about 5 months. Moreover, since the M.Ngoy point to be supplemented is far from the planning site
and the area of the catchment basically differs between them, the discharge at the planning point may be
different from the discharge in the F/S. Therefore, it is better to accumulate observation data and improve the
accuracy of the discharge setting.

Figure 4.10 Composite 2Cb-SSN and Muong Mai Hydrometric Stations
Correlation of Monthly Mean Discharge (Repeated)

Source: Quoted from F/S

Figure 4.11 Mean Discharge of Nam Ngiep Area


NamNgiep 2CSanluang NamNgiep 2CDamD3

70 NamNgiep 2CDamD3A NamSongSieng Diversiondam
NamNgiep 2BDam NamNgiep 2A dam
60 Meuang Mai






0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Source: study team

Table 4.11 Long Term Discharge table in Each Area of Nam Ngiep
NamNgiep 2C NamNgiep 2C NamNgiep 2C NamSongSieng NamNgiep 2B NamNgiep 2A
Meuang Mai
Sanluang DamD3 DamD3A Diversiondam Dam Dam

0.00% 2.18 19.76 1.44 18.89 58.93 89.99 73.56

1.00% 1.25 11.36 0.83 10.87 33.89 51.75 56.80

2.00% 1.13 10.25 0.75 9.80 30.56 46.68 45.69

3.00% 0.92 8.39 0.61 8.02 25.02 38.22 41.55

4.00% 0.81 7.35 0.54 7.03 21.91 33.47 38.29

5.00% 0.76 6.88 0.50 6.58 20.52 31.34 35.71

6.00% 0.71 6.44 0.47 6.16 19.22 29.35 33.56

7.00% 0.69 6.26 0.46 5.98 18.65 28.49 32.02

8.00% 0.64 5.79 0.42 5.54 17.27 26.37 30.46

9.00% 0.63 5.75 0.42 5.49 17.13 26.17 29.07

10.00% 0.60 5.47 0.40 5.23 16.31 24.90 28.03

11.00% 0.60 5.47 0.40 5.23 16.31 24.90 26.70

12.00% 0.60 5.47 0.40 5.23 16.31 24.90 25.64

13.00% 0.56 5.05 0.37 4.83 15.06 23.00 24.62

14.00% 0.53 4.85 0.35 4.63 14.45 22.07 23.65

15.00% 0.51 4.66 0.34 4.45 13.88 21.20 22.77

16.00% 0.47 4.26 0.31 4.07 12.70 19.39 22.03

17.00% 0.47 4.26 0.31 4.07 12.70 19.39 21.10

18.00% 0.44 4.01 0.29 3.83 11.96 18.26 20.50

19.00% 0.44 3.99 0.29 3.82 11.90 18.17 19.84

20.00% 0.43 3.92 0.29 3.75 11.69 17.86 18.99

21.00% 0.40 3.66 0.27 3.50 10.91 16.67 18.13

22.00% 0.40 3.60 0.26 3.44 10.74 16.40 17.34

23.00% 0.38 3.49 0.25 3.34 10.41 15.90 16.63

24.00% 0.37 3.37 0.25 3.22 10.05 15.35 15.93

25.00% 0.34 3.10 0.23 2.96 9.24 14.11 15.36

NamNgiep 2C NamNgiep 2C NamNgiep 2C NamSongSieng NamNgiep 2B NamNgiep 2A
Meuang Mai
Sanluang DamD3 DamD3A Diversiondam Dam Dam

26.00% 0.34 3.10 0.23 2.96 9.24 14.11 14.78

27.00% 0.34 3.10 0.23 2.96 9.24 14.11 14.22

28.00% 0.32 2.91 0.21 2.79 8.69 13.27 13.61

29.00% 0.31 2.81 0.21 2.69 8.39 12.81 12.96

30.00% 0.31 2.81 0.21 2.69 8.39 12.81 12.34

31.00% 0.31 2.81 0.21 2.69 8.39 12.81 11.86

32.00% 0.29 2.66 0.19 2.55 7.94 12.13 11.46

33.00% 0.29 2.63 0.19 2.51 7.83 11.96 11.00

34.00% 0.28 2.58 0.19 2.46 7.68 11.73 10.52

35.00% 0.28 2.55 0.19 2.44 7.60 11.61 10.05

36.00% 0.27 2.47 0.18 2.36 7.35 11.23 9.47

37.00% 0.25 2.30 0.17 2.20 6.87 10.50 9.05

38.00% 0.25 2.30 0.17 2.20 6.87 10.50 8.67

39.00% 0.25 2.30 0.17 2.20 6.87 10.50 8.29

40.00% 0.25 2.30 0.17 2.20 6.87 10.50 7.98

41.00% 0.25 2.30 0.17 2.20 6.87 10.50 7.67

42.00% 0.25 2.30 0.17 2.20 6.87 10.50 7.41

43.00% 0.25 2.30 0.17 2.20 6.87 10.50 7.15

44.00% 0.25 2.30 0.17 2.20 6.87 10.50 6.89

45.00% 0.25 2.30 0.17 2.20 6.87 10.50 6.65

46.00% 0.25 2.30 0.17 2.20 6.87 10.50 6.44

47.00% 0.25 2.28 0.17 2.18 6.78 10.36 6.23

48.00% 0.25 2.27 0.17 2.17 6.78 10.35 6.03

49.00% 0.25 2.22 0.16 2.13 6.63 10.13 5.82

50.00% 0.24 2.21 0.16 2.11 6.58 10.05 5.65

NamNgiep 2C NamNgiep 2C NamNgiep 2C NamSongSieng NamNgiep 2B NamNgiep 2A
Meuang Mai
Sanluang DamD3 DamD3A Diversiondam Dam Dam

51.00% 0.24 2.19 0.16 2.10 6.54 10.00 5.39

52.00% 0.24 2.17 0.16 2.08 6.47 9.88 5.18

53.00% 0.24 2.17 0.16 2.07 6.46 9.87 5.03

54.00% 0.23 2.12 0.15 2.03 6.32 9.65 4.88

55.00% 0.22 2.02 0.15 1.93 6.03 9.21 4.74

56.00% 0.22 1.98 0.14 1.89 5.90 9.00 4.65

57.00% 0.22 1.96 0.14 1.88 5.86 8.95 4.55

58.00% 0.22 1.96 0.14 1.88 5.86 8.95 4.46

59.00% 0.22 1.96 0.14 1.88 5.86 8.95 4.38

60.00% 0.21 1.93 0.14 1.85 5.76 8.80 4.30

61.00% 0.21 1.90 0.14 1.81 5.66 8.64 4.20

62.00% 0.21 1.90 0.14 1.81 5.66 8.64 4.11

63.00% 0.21 1.90 0.14 1.81 5.66 8.64 4.04

64.00% 0.21 1.89 0.14 1.81 5.63 8.60 3.98

65.00% 0.20 1.85 0.13 1.77 5.52 8.43 3.89

66.00% 0.19 1.76 0.13 1.68 5.24 8.00 3.82

67.00% 0.19 1.71 0.12 1.64 5.11 7.80 3.74

68.00% 0.18 1.67 0.12 1.60 4.99 7.61 3.67

69.00% 0.18 1.65 0.12 1.58 4.91 7.50 3.61

70.00% 0.18 1.63 0.12 1.56 4.87 7.44 3.56

71.00% 0.18 1.62 0.12 1.55 4.82 7.36 3.51

72.00% 0.18 1.61 0.12 1.54 4.79 7.32 3.46

73.00% 0.17 1.56 0.11 1.49 4.64 7.08 3.43

74.00% 0.17 1.53 0.11 1.46 4.57 6.97 3.39

75.00% 0.16 1.49 0.11 1.42 4.43 6.77 3.35

NamNgiep 2C NamNgiep 2C NamNgiep 2C NamSongSieng NamNgiep 2B NamNgiep 2A
Meuang Mai
Sanluang DamD3 DamD3A Diversiondam Dam Dam

76.00% 0.16 1.49 0.11 1.42 4.43 6.77 3.31

77.00% 0.16 1.49 0.11 1.42 4.43 6.77 3.28

78.00% 0.16 1.44 0.11 1.38 4.29 6.56 3.25

79.00% 0.16 1.42 0.10 1.36 4.24 6.48 3.21

80.00% 0.15 1.40 0.10 1.34 4.18 6.38 3.18

81.00% 0.15 1.38 0.10 1.32 4.11 6.28 3.16

82.00% 0.15 1.35 0.10 1.29 4.03 6.16 3.13

83.00% 0.15 1.34 0.10 1.28 4.00 6.10 3.10

84.00% 0.14 1.31 0.10 1.25 3.90 5.95 3.08

85.00% 0.14 1.30 0.09 1.24 3.86 5.90 3.06

86.00% 0.14 1.27 0.09 1.21 3.78 5.77 3.03

87.00% 0.14 1.25 0.09 1.20 3.73 5.69 3.01

88.00% 0.14 1.24 0.09 1.18 3.69 5.64 2.99

89.00% 0.13 1.18 0.09 1.12 3.50 5.35 2.96

90.00% 0.12 1.11 0.08 1.06 3.31 5.05 2.94

91.00% 0.11 1.04 0.08 0.99 3.09 4.72 2.92

92.00% 0.11 0.96 0.07 0.92 2.86 4.37 2.89

93.00% 0.10 0.93 0.07 0.89 2.78 4.24 2.86

94.00% 0.10 0.92 0.07 0.88 2.74 4.18 2.83

95.00% 0.09 0.85 0.06 0.81 2.54 3.88 2.81

96.00% 0.09 0.80 0.06 0.76 2.38 3.64 2.78

97.00% 0.09 0.77 0.06 0.74 2.30 3.52 2.74

98.00% 0.08 0.72 0.05 0.69 2.15 3.28 2.70

99.00% 0.06 0.58 0.04 0.56 1.74 2.66 2.66

100.00% 0.04 0.34 0.03 0.33 1.03 1.57 2.61

Max 2.18 19.76 1.44 18.89 58.93 89.99 73.56

Min 0.04 0.34 0.03 0.33 1.03 1.57 2.61

Mean 0.31 2.83 0.21 2.71 8.45 12.90 11.52

Source: study team

3) Outline and Confirmation of Head Loss and Rate Head in the Candidate Project

Head loss accompanying the friction, bending and the like of penstock and headrace has a large influence on the calculation of
install capacity where the total head is relatively small.

(a) Outline of Estimating the Head Loss in F/S of Candidate Project

In the F/S of the candidate project, the outline of the calculation of the head loss is as follows.
Table 4.12 Calculation of Head Loss

Extraction of subject to be calculated

Organization of various loss calculations

Calculation of head loss

Source: study team

In the F/S for the candidate project, mainly the following items are subject to head loss. However, since calculation
formulas and calculation processes for these target items are not specified, it is necessary to verify that the head loss is

(b) Outline of Head Loss/Install Capacity by Candidate Project

() Nam Ngiep 2A, 2B, 2C

Subject to be Calculated for Head Loss
Nam Ngiep 2A, 2B, 2C are hydro power projects in the same river basin, and the sponsors are also the same
Nonghai Group. However, the companies that formulated the F/S at each project site are different, so the
method of calculating the head loss is slightly different. In addition, since the F/S do not clarify the concrete
calculation formula and calculation process for the head loss, it is necessary to verify the validity of the rate
loss. Calculation items for head loss by each project are as follows.

Table 4.13 Calculation Items for Head Loss

2A 2B 2C Remarks
Headrace from intake to fore Bay, headrace tunnel
Penstock friction loss, valve
Sluice way
Diversion tunnel branch pipe
others trash rack, gate groove, Bell mouth
Source: study team

Figure 4.12 Outline of Head Loss

Intake Water Channel

Head Loss

Head Loss

Gross Head
Water Turbine
Rate Head
Head tank
Intake Dam

Suction Pipe

Tailrace Tail Escape

Source: study team

Basic Information such as Gross Head, Rate Head, Install Capacity
The information on the gross head, rate head, install capacity, and design flow in Nam Ngiep 2A, 2B, and 2C
is as follows. For points where the efficiency of the generator or turbine is not specified, it is calculated based
on the rate head and install capacity. When there is a difference between the content indicated by the F/S, such
as penstock length and diameter, and the completed drawing separately obtained in this survey, the latest
acquired figure data was used.

Table 4.14 Salient Features of Nam Ngiep 2A, 2B, 2C

item unit 2A 2B 2C Remarks

Full supply level m 442.0 590 995.0

Tail water level m 371.33 448.5 (600) () Calculated value

Gross head m (70.67) (141.5) 395 () Calculated value

Rate loss m 65.0 133.05 365

Head loss m (5.67) (8.45) (30.00) () Calculated value

Design flow m3/s 18.0 16.0 4.86

Install capacity MV 10.18 18.0 14.5

-- --
Headrace length m 3,000 [ ] read from drawing
[2,889.07] [276.46]
679.12 1,397.71
Penstock length m 260.45 [ ] read from drawing
[474.5] [1,572.26]
Penstock diameter m 2.7 1.25 [ ] read from drawing
0.012 (Iron)
Roughness 0.012 0.012
0.014 (concrete)
Headrace loss m 3.000 5.600

Penstock loss m 1.026 2.350

Others loss m 0.27

Turbine efficiency % 92.2

Generator efficiency % 96.0 96.5

Source: study team

() Nam Ban
Subject to be Calculated for Head Loss
Calculation formulas and calculation process concerning the head loss in the F/S are not clearly stated. Rate
head is indicated in the table Salient Features of Nam Ban.

Basic Information such as Gross Head, Rate Head, Install Capacity

The information on the gross head, rate head, install capacity, and design flow in Nam Ngiep 2A, 2B, and 2C
is as follows. For points where the efficiency of the generator or turbine is not specified, it is calculated based
on the rate head and install capacity.

Table 4.15 Salient Features of Nam Ban

item unit Nam Ban Remarks

Full supply level m 440.00

Tail water level m 387.00

Gross head m (53.00) () Calculated value

Rate loss m 51.10

Head loss m 1.37

Design flow m3/s 31.80

Install capacity MV 14.00

Headrace length m 150

4.00 (Before branch)

Penstock diameter m
2.80 (After branch)

Total efficiency % (87.91) () Calculated value

Source: study team

(c) Confirmation of Head Loss Based on Acquired Data
Based on the F/S data, we calculated the head loss and confirmed the difference from that shown in the F/S. Information
such as penstock length was obtained from the F/S, and for the calculation formula for the head and coefficients, Japanese
hydrological official collection etc. was used. We calculated the head loss for the items listed below.

H = H1 + H2 + H3 + H4 + H5

H1 Friction loss of headrace

H2 Loss of penstock (h1+h2+h3+h4)
h1Friction loss
h2Bending loss
h3Branch loss
h4Valve loss
H3 Surplus loss (about 3 to 5% of total loss)

() Calculation formula for each loss

The calculation formula of each loss is as follows.

Friction loss of headrace and penstock

H = f (LV2) / (D2g)
f Friction Loss Coefficient (caused by diameter, roughness)
L Length of Headrace and Penstock
V Average Flow Velocity (design flow)
D Diameter
g Gravitational Acceleration 9.8m2/s

Bending Loss of Penstock

h2 f1 f2(V2 / 2g)
f1 Coefficient according to the ratio of bend radius to diameter
f2 The ratio of the loss in the case of the turning angle and
the loss in the case of a turning angle of 90
V Average Flow Velocity (design flow)
g Gravitational Acceleration 9.8m2/s

Branch Loss of Penstock
h3 f (V2 / 2g)
f Coefficient Given by Pipe Area Ratio, Intersection Angle Between Main Pipe
and Branch Pipe
V Average Flow Velocity (design flow)
g Gravitational Acceleration 9.8m2/s

Valve loss
h4 fv (V2 / 2g)
fv Coefficient according to valve type (Butterfly valve fv=0.20)
V Average Flow Velocity (design flow)
g Gravitational Acceleration 9.8m2/s

() Calculation results for each loss

The calculation results for each loss are as follows.

Table 4.16 Comparison of Head Loss and Install Capacity at Nam Ngiep 2A
Item F/S Calculation for confirmation

Design flow 18.0 m3/s 18.0 m3/s Follow F/S

Gross head (70.67 m) Extract from F/S

Head loss 7.10 m

Headrace loss 3.000 m 3.30 m

Penstock loss 1.026 m 3.41 m

Other losses 0.270 m 0.39 m

Rate loss 65.0 m 63.6 m (1.40m)

Turbine efficiency 92.2 % 92.2 % Follow F/S

Generator efficiency 96.0 % 96.0 % Follow F/S

Install capacity 10.18 MV 9.93 MV (0.25MW)

Source: study team

Table 4.17 Comparison of Head Loss and Install Capacity at Nam Ngiep 2B
Item F/S Calculation for confirmation

Design flow 16.0 m3/s 16.0 m3/s Follow F/S

Gross head (141.50 m) Extract from F/S

Head loss 8.71 m

Headrace loss 5.60 m 2.50 m

Penstock loss 2.35 m 5.74 m

Other losses m 0.47 m

Rate loss 133.05 m 132.79 m (0.26m)

Total efficiency 86.28 % 86.28 % Follow F/S

Install capacity 18.00 MV 17.97 MV (0.03MW)

Source: study team

Table 4.18 Comparison of Head Loss and Install Capacity at Nam Ngiep 2C
Item F/S Calculation for confirmation

Design flow 4.86 m3/s 4.86 m3/s Follow F/S

Gross head 395.0 (395.0 m) Extract from F/S

Head loss 30.0 25.8 m

Headrace loss 5.40 m

Penstock loss 19.14 m

Other losses 1.26 m

Rate loss 365.0 m 369.2 m (4.20m)

Total efficiency 83.41 % 83.41 % Follow F/S

Install capacity 14.5 MV 14.67 MV (0.17MW)

Source: study team

Table 4.19 Comparison of Head Loss and Install Capacity at Nam Ban
Item F/S Calculation for confirmation

Design flow 31.8 m3/s 31.8 m3/s Follow F/S

Gross head (52.0 m)

Head loss 1.10 m

Headrace loss 0.00 m

Penstock loss 0.90 m

Other losses 0.20 m

Rate loss 51.1 m 50.9 m (0.20m)

Total efficiency 87.9 % 87.9 % Follow F/S

Install capacity 14.00 MV 13.94 MV (0.06MW)

Source: study team

(d) Considerations in Loss Calculation and Install Capacity Calculation

In the F/S, there is no detailed rationale on the recording of the head loss, and there are statements calculated roughly
using a uniform formula. The calculation of the head loss difference has not been clarified, such as it not matching the
head loss difference calculated based on the power planning. However, it was found that the head loss shown in the
F/S was not significantly different from the result obtained by the calculation in this survey. Friction Loss is greatly
influenced at the planning point with a long pipeline. The friction loss increases in proportion to the square of the flow
velocity in the pipeline. Each candidate project has a relatively small friction loss because the Average Flow Velocity
of the pipeline is kept below 4.0 m/s.

4) Outline and Confirmation of Project Cost in Candidate Project
(a) Main Flow of Cost Calculation in Candidate Project F/S
In the F/S, the main flow in the cost calculation is as follows.

Table 4.20 Cost Calculation

Organization of construction conditions

Material procurement destination, transportation route etc.

Selection of material source and rock sampling place

Distribution of material sources (sand/gravel, aggregate)

Content of major construction items

Dam, Tunnel, Open channel, Powerhouse construction etc.

Overview of traffic construction

Main Traffic road, new temporary road

Outline of Construction Period

Calculation quantity by construction items

Calculation of project cost

Source: study team

(b) Outline of Construction Cost by Candidate Project
Each candidate project calculates the construction cost. Calculation items for the construction cost at Nam Ngiep 2C are
as follows.

Table 4.21 Outline of Construction Costs at Nam Ngiep 2C

Nam Ngiep 2C
Content notes Reference
Basic Data 11.4.1
Determining the labor force participation rate on a budget basis based on Laos' domestic
Unit Rate of Labor 11.4.1
price level
Prices of Main Materials
Set for steel, cement, wood, gasoline/diesel, explosives based on market price.
Sources and Prices of Main Materials 11.4.2
Means of Transport Based on road transportation, price setting by investigation of market price level
Consider environmental conservation activities, construction supervision costs, consulting
Others 11.6-8
fees, examination costs, insurance costs, taxes, etc.
Complex Work
Construction auxiliary works
Construction of roads and bridges. It is calculated by the number of units
Construction and installation described in the method statement. 14 km
Calculate the extension of the new construction road (W = 4.0 m)
Calculated at the scale factor of the number of units described in the
Power supply works for construction 7.72 km
method statement

Diversion works Calculate by multiplying the designed quantity by the unit times 2,871 m3

Calculate in the residential area specified in the method statement, but the costs of the
House building works for
office and residential welfare facilities are analyzed according to the actual situation of
construction and management
HPP and calculated

Calculated as 6% of total cost of auxiliary construction for construction

Other auxiliary works for construction

Architectural work
Diversion Dam Sanluang
Diversion Canal Sanluang Calculate quantity from design drawing
Open excavation (soil, rock)
Tunnel excavation (soil, rock)
Tunnel 13
Concrete (open,
Canal between tunnels
Slope protection
Intake penstock Embankment Soil / rock
Spillway etc.
Electrical & mechanical equipment Set unit price of generator, turbine etc.
Metal structure and equipment installation
Compensation for land acquisition and resettlement
UXO clearance
Independent Cost
Project management fees Management supervision, consulting, examination, insurance cost etc.
Production preparation fee Calculated with 0.5% of equipment cost
Cost for scientific research,
1% of construction and installation work amount.
investigation and design
Cost for scientific research, investigation
and design
Basic contingency cost 5%
Contingency cost for price difference
Credit fee
Loan interest during construction period
Source: study team

(c) Confirmation of Construction Cost

() Overview of Confirmation of Construction Cost

Each candidate project has issues regarding accurate confirmation because there is a difference in the accuracy of
the calculation for construction costs and the calculation process is unclear. In the following, we will confirm the
F/S and Japanese costs for material and labor. In addition, using the "Hydropower Plan Planning Construction Cost
Evaluation Guide" (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, New
Energy Foundation, General Foundation), which is the standard for summary calculation in Japan, for each
candidate project we will confirm the difference between the calculated cost and the cost in the F/S. The main flow
for confirmation of construction cost is as follows.

Table 4.22 Confirmation of Construction Cost

Comparison of setting conditions for material costs and labor costs

Comparison of F/S setting cost and costs in Japan

Calculation of construction cost according to Japan's standards

Construction cost calculation based on Japan's guidelines

Confirmation of construction cost by comparing calculation results

Compare and confirm the difference between construction cost based on
F/S and construction cost based on Japanese guidance

Source: study team

() Comparison of Setting Conditions for Material Costs and Labor Costs
In the F/S for Nam Ngiep 2C, the material costs are indicated. The results of comparing these with the costs in Japan
are as follows. In the comparison table (Table 4.20), raw material costs such as steel materials and cement are about
90% of the cost in Japan, which means that there is not much difference. However, the material cost in the F/S for
Nam Ngiep 2C includes cargo costs, and expenses for storage.

Table 4.23 Comparison of Various Material Costs Between Laos and Japan
Laos Japan
F/S Construction price (2015.06) diameter
unit price (A) unit price (B) A/B
(USD/t) (JPY/t) (USD/t)
Steel Bar 954.11 115,000 1,076.28 0.89
Cement 115.00 9,00013,800 82.23129.15 0.881.40
Sand 16.00 1,7002,000 15.9118.72 0.851.01
1 USD = 106.85 JPY About unit price of sand, per m3
Source: study team

In the F/S for Nam Ngiep 2C, the labor force ratio based on Laos' domestic price level is shown. According to the
table below (Table 4.21), Laos labor costs are roughly 10% of those in Japan.

Table 4.24 Comparison of Various Labor Costs Between Laos and Japan
Laos Japan
F/S Public construction design diameter
unit price (A) labor unit price (B) A/B
(USD/hr) (JPY/8hr) (USD/hr)
15,400 18.01 0.08
Senior skilled worker 2.17
21,900 25.62 0.12
13,300 15.56 0.07
Skilled worker 1.60
18,900 22.11 0.10
10,500 12.28 0.08
Semi-skilled worker 1.25
13,200 15.44 0.10
9,300 10.88 0.07
Unskilled worker 1.03
12,600 14.74 0.09
1 USD = 106.85 JPY
Public construction design labor unit price (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
is data from 2014
Source: study team

() Calculation of Construction Cost According to Japan's Accumulation Standard at Nam Ngiep 2C
When formulating a small to medium hydropower generation plan in Japan, in order to study the optimum scale,
"Hydropower Plan Planning Construction Cost Evaluation Guide" (March 2013, Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, General Foundation, New Energy Foundation) is used. This
guidance is mainly used to calculate construction costs for optimum scale considerations when considering a power
generation plan using a 1/25,000 topographic map. The construction costs in this guidance are calculated using the
relational expression obtained from design flow and install capacity. In this survey, the construction cost for each
candidate project site is calculated based on this guidance and it is compared with the construction cost indicated by
the F/S. However, as shown in the previous section, the material costs are little different between the two countries,
but the labor costs are greatly different. Moreover, the cost difference varies depending on each item, due to the
difference in classification of laborers, choice of construction method, expense ratio, etc. In this survey, the details
of the construction costs in the F/S are unknown, so it is difficult to confirm the construction costs with high precision.
Therefore, we compare the construction costs shown in the F/S with those based on Japanese guidance, and consider
items with particular differences and their factors.

Photo 4.3 D3 Dam and Access Road, Nam Ngiep 2C

Source: study team

Photo 4.4 Penstock and Access Roads and Transmission Lines at Nam Ngiep 2C

Source: study team

Construction cost comparison for each candidate project F/S
A comparison between construction costs at each candidate project site in the F/S and construction costs
according to Japan's "Hydropower Plan Planning Construction Cost Estimation Guide" is as follows. There is
an opening of 2.48 to 4.55 times the construction cost in the F/S when 1 USD = 110 JPY is converted. However,
a comparison of construction costs other than for Nam Ngiep 2C is shown as reference because the accuracy
of the construction costs in the F/S is not sufficient.

Table 4.25 Comparison with F/S construction cost

Nam Ngiep 2 A
Construction Cost by F/S Calculation
(A) Estimate
4 6 6
(10 USD) (10 JPY) (10 JPY) (B) / (A)

1 Power House Building 31.97 35.2 114.5 3.25

2 Construction Work 860.14 946.2 3,583.2 3.79 +

Water Channel 585.51 644.1 2,913.5 4.52

Overflowd dam-flushing gate and side intake

a. Dam 158.39 174.2 572.5 3.29
Grit chamber, desilting basin and flushing channel

b. Diversion Canal 319.43 351.4 1,909.3 5.43

Culvert / Intake 3.66 4.0 25.5 6.34 Tunnel intake

Tunnel 315.77 347.3 1,883.8 5.42 2A diversion tunnel

c. Spillway Tailrace 8.53 9.4 53.9 5.74 Sluiceway

d. Penstock / =2.70m, L=243.8m

99.16 109.1 377.8 3.46
Pressure Line Pressure forebay, High-pressure pipeline
Mechanical / Material
274.63 302.1 669.7 2.22
e. Construction Work 102.62 112.9 344.0 3.05

f. Mechanical / Metal
172.01 189.2 325.7 1.72 f 10
3 Electrical Equipment 354.33 389.8 1,079.8 2.77 P=10,180kW, H= 65.0m

Temporary / Auxiliary
4 259.65 285.6 450.1 1.58 2345%Temporary Road (3.0km)
5 Sub Total 1,506.08 1,656.7 5,227.4 3.16 15

6 Power Supply 37.87 41.7 88.0 2.11 L = 4.0 km

7 Total 1,543.96 1,698.0 5,315.0 3.13 5+ 6

Conversion 1 USD 110 JPY

Construction cost items were adapted to the content of Japan's gudance "Hydropower plan planning cost estimation guidance"
Source: study team

Nam Ngiep 2 B
Construction Cost by F/S Calculation
(A) Estimate
4 6 6
(10 USD) (10 JPY) (10 JPY) (B) / (A)

1 Power House Building 34.3 37.8 154.3 4.09

2 Construction Work 1,050.3 1,155.4 3,530.1 3.06 +

Water Channel 705.2 775.8 2,808.9 3.62

a. Dam 233.4 256.8 622.2 2.42 SS Dam, 2B dam

SS/2B diversion tunnel, SS intake

b. Diversion Canal 399.8 439.8 1,778.5 4.04
SS diversion culvert

Culvert / Intake 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00

SS/2B diversion tunnel, SS intake

Tunnel 399.8 439.8 1,778.5 4.04
SS diversion culvert

c. Spillway Tailrace 3.7 4.0 16.8 4.18 SS intake

d. Penstock / =2.20m, L=474.5m

68.4 75.2 391.3 5.20
Pressure Line 2B surge chamber/pressure pipeline
Mechanical / Material
345.1 379.6 721.3 1.90
e. Construction Work 101.9 112.1 400.4 3.57

f. Mechanical / Metal
243.2 267.5 320.9 1.20
3 Electrical Equipment 553.1 608.4 1,210.3 1.99 P = 18,000kW, H = 133.05m

Temporary / Auxiliary
4 482.2 530.4 779.3 1.47 235Temporary Road (7.9km)
5 Sub Total 2,120.0 2,332.0 5,674.1 2.43 1 4

6 Power Supply 37.9 41.7 204.6 4.91 L = 9.30km

7 Total 2,157.8 2,373.6 5,879.0 2.48 5+ 6

Conversion 1 USD 110 JPY

Construction cost items were adapted to the content of Japan's gudance "Hydropower plan planning cost estimation guidance"

Source: study team

Nam Ngiep 2C
Construction Cost by F/S
Estimate Ratio
(B) Remarks
(B) / (A)
(104 USD) (106 JPY) (106 JPY)

1 Power House Building 38.2 42.0 164.8 3.92

2 Construction Work 1,334.0 1,467.4 5,477.9 3.73 +

Water Channel 1,088.8 1,197.7 4,741.4 3.96

Diversion Dam Sanluang

a. Dam 531.5 584.6 2,874.8 4.92
Dam D3, Dam D3A, Dam D3B

b. Diversion Canal 374.5 412.0 854.1 2.07

Diversion Canal Sanluang,

Culvert / Intake 114.9 126.4 343.0 2.71 Canal between tunnel #1 and tunnel #2
Intake penstock

Tunnel 259.6 285.6 511.1 1.79 Tunnel #1, Tunnel #2, Tunnel #3

c. Spillway Tailrace 58.6 64.4 303.6 4.71 B=10.0m, H=2.5m, L=167.48m

d. Penstock /
124.2 136.7 708.9 5.19 =1.25m, L=1,397.71m
Pressure Line
Mechanical / Material
245.2 269.7 736.6 2.73
e. Construction Work 71.2 78.3 238.6 3.05

f. Mechanical / Metal
174.0 191.4 498.0 2.60
3 Electrical Equipment 401.4 441.5 826.2 1.87 P = 14,500kW, H = 356.0m

Temporary / Auxiliary
4 413.3 454.6 1,320.0 2.90 2345Temporary Road (14.0km)
5 Sub Total 2,186.8 2,405.5 7,789.0 3.24 15

6 Power Supply 27.0 29.7 169.8 5.71 L = 7.72km

7 Total 2,213.9 2,435.3 7,958.9 3.27 5+ 6

Conversion 1 USD 110 JPY

Construction cost items were adapted to the content of Japan's gudance "Hydropower plan planning cost estimation guidance"

Source: study team-produced

Nam Ban
Construction Cost by F/S Calculation
(A) Estimate
4 6 6
(10 USD) (10 JPY) (10 JPY) (B) / (A)

1 Power House Building 110.1 121.1 135.2 1.12

2 Construction Work 1,996.6 2,196.2 11,571.9 5.27 +

Water Channel
1,871.6 2,058.7 10,601.1 5.15
a. Dam 1,540.1 1,694.1 9,778.6 5.77

Diversion Tunnel
b. Diversion Canal 69.0 75.9 74.8 0.98
R=5.0m, L=130.0m
c. Spillway Tailrace 94.6 104.0 333.6 3.21
B=5.0m, H=5.0m, L=200m
d. Penstock /
167.9 184.7 414.1 2.24 =2.80m, L=150m
Pressure Line
Mechanical / Material
125.0 137.5 970.8 7.06
e. Construction Work 0.0 0.0 419.8 0.00

f. Mechanical / Metal
125.0 137.5 551.0 4.01
3 Electrical Equipment 450.0 495.0 1,368.0 2.76 P = 14,000kW, H = 51.1m

Temporary / Auxiliary
4 342.0 376.2 1,379.8 3.67 235Temporary Road (10.0km)
5 Sub Total 2,898.7 3,188.6 14,454.8 4.53 15

6 Power Supply 100.0 110.0 550.0 5.00 L = 25.0km

7 Total 2,998.7 3,298.6 15,005.0 4.55 5+ 6

Conversion 1 USD 110 JPY

Construction cost items were adapted to the content of Japan's gudance "Hydropower plan planning cost estimation guidance"

Source: study team-produced

Considerations in Comparing each Candidate Projects Construction Cost
In terms of construction costs in the F/S when converting at 1 USD = 110 JPY and construction costs based on
Japan's guidance, an opening of 2.48 to 4.55 times is seen. Looking at the construction items, the cost of the
power house building is about four times as expensive as for Nam Ngiep 2A, 2B and 2C, while the Nam Ban
point is only about 1.1 times. It is expected that the expenses estimated in the F/S for Nam Ban will be set
higher than in other districts. Regarding Dam costs, among water channel costs, there is a difference of 2.4 to
5.8 times for each candidate project. Especially at Nam Ban, the cost ratio of the Dam is about 50% of the total,
and it is considered that the cost accuracy of the Dam greatly contributes to the economics of the project.
Regarding the Penstock/Pressure Line cost, there is a difference of 2.2 to 5.2 times for each candidate project.
In general, the cost gap at the Nam Ngiep site is large, but this is considered to be longer than the Nam Ban
spot because the extension of the Penstock is long, leading to an increase in disparity. Regarding the Electrical
Equipment cost, there is a difference of 1.99 to 2.77 times for each candidate project. Since the difference for
each candidate project is not large compared with other cost items, the expense setting for the water
turbine/generator introduction cost is generally stable. The construction cost per 1 kW is used as an index to
evaluate the economic efficiency of a hydropower generation plan. Generally, for reservoirs and adjustment
pond type hydropower generation, the construction cost per 1 kW is required to be low. Looking at the
construction cost per 1 kW for each candidate project, it is 326.6 ~ 548.9 thousand yen/kW at the Nam Ngiep
site, while 1,071 thousand yen/kW at the Nam Ban site. For this reason, it can be said that the Nam Ngiep site
is more economical than the Nam Ban site.

Table 4.26 Comparison of F/S Construction Cost and Construction Cost Based on Japanese Guidance
Site Nam Ngiep 2A Nam Ngiep 2B Nam Ngiep 2C Nam Ban

Install Capacity(kW) 10,180 18,000 14,500 14,000


Design Flow(m /s) 18.00 16.00 4.86 31.80

Rate Head (m) 65.00 133.05 356.00 51.10

F/S Correction Corrected F/S Correction Corrected F/S Calculation Ratio F/S Correction Corrected
Cost Magnification Cost Cost Magnification Cost Cost Estimate Cost Magnification Cost
(106JPY) (C) (106JPY) (106JPY) (C) (106JPY) (106JPY) (106JPY) (B) / (A) (106JPY) (C) (106JPY)
Power House
1 35.2 114.5 3.25 37.8 154.3 4.09 42.0 164.8 3.92 121.1 135.2 1.12
2 946.2 3,583.2 3.79 1,155.4 3,530.1 3.06 1,467.4 5,477.9 3.73 2,196.2 11,571.9 5.27

Water Channel 644.1 2,913.5 4.52 775.8 2,808.9 3.62 1,197.7 4,741.4 3.96 2,058.7 10,601.1 5.15

a. Dam 174.2 572.5 3.29 256.8 622.2 2.42 584.6 2,874.8 4.92 1,694.1 9,778.6 5.77

b. Diversion
351.4 1,909.3 5.43 439.8 1,778.5 4.04 412.0 854.1 2.07 75.9 74.8 0.98
c. Spillway /
9.4 53.9 5.74 4.0 16.8 4.18 64.4 303.6 4.71 104.0 333.6 3.21
d. Penstock /
109.1 377.8 3.46 75.2 391.3 5.20 136.7 708.9 5.19 184.7 414.1 2.24
Pressure Line
Mecanical /
302.1 669.7 2.22 379.6 721.3 1.90 269.7 736.6 2.73 137.5 970.8 7.06
Material Equipment
3 Electrical Equipment 389.8 1,079.8 2.77 608.4 1,210.3 1.99 441.5 826.2 1.87 495.0 1,368.0 2.76

Tenmorary /
4 285.6 450.1 1.58 530.4 779.3 1.47 454.6 1,320.0 2.90 376.2 1,379.8 3.67
Auxiliary Work
5 Sub Total 1,656.7 5,227.4 3.16 2,332.0 5,674.1 2.43 2,405.5 7,789.0 3.24 3,188.6 14,454.8 4.53

6 Power Supply 41.7 88.0 2.11 41.7 204.6 4.91 29.7 169.8 5.71 110.0 550.0 5.00

7 Total 1,698.0 5,315.0 3.13 2,373.6 5,879.0 2.48 2,435.3 7,959.0 3.27 3,298.6 15,005.0 4.55

Construction unit price

8 522.1 326.6 548.9 1,071.8
Source: study team

() Considerations in Construction Cost
In the F/S, construction costs are calculated, such as labor costs and material costs. In addition, quantities based on
the plan are shown for temporary roads and transmission lines necessary for construction. When considering the
quantity by cost item at the point of Nam Ngiep 2C, it is thought that the precision of the construction cost is high
because it seems to have been recorded based on detailed drawings, such as for the amount of concrete and the
amount of excavation. However, there are the following items that are not unified, such as the necessity of
accounting, or not being recorded, and there is a possibility that the investment amount may further increase
considering these items.
Removal cost for UXO
Cost for relocation of settlements/residents in flooded areas

(5) Effect of Stable Energy Supply to Japan by Implementing

Candidate Projects
In Japan, there have been little new hydropower electricity projects over the past two decades. In particular, no new hydropower
dam is newly constructed by electric power companies after 2015. Henceforth, there is little opportunity to experience and inherit
development know-how, from site selection to commercial operation, such as feasibility study, design, procurement, construction
management and test run. In turn, increasing in portion are engineers who have only experienced the operation and management
of hydropower dams even at electric power companies.
Construction and operation of hydropower dams, however, are essentially fungible and sequential processes. Therefore,
experiencing and inheriting developmental know-how of hydropower dams shall result in further enhancement in its operation
and maintenance skills too.
In Japan, the general and pumped storage hydropower accounts for approximately 20% of electric power source. The general
hydropower is stable and less expensive source for base load, and the pumped storage hydropower is demand-flexible source for
peak load. Moreover, the hydropower in general is CO2-emission free, and makes usage of domestic resources independently
from the fuel import.
For electric power companies in Japan, henceforth, participation into green field hydropower projects in overseas shall result in
further enhancement of operation and maintenance of domestic hydropower facilities and new development of hydropower
projects in the future, thereby contributing to the stable energy supply in Japan.

Capter5 Evaluation of Environmental and Social
(1) Analysis of present state of environmental and social aspects
Laos is a landlocked country located in the Indochinese peninsula of Southeast Asia, bordering China in the north, Vietnam in
the east, Cambodia and Thailand in the south, and Myanmar in the west. The total state size is 238,000 km2, which is about
60% of the size of Japan, with a population of approximately 6,492,000 people1, equivalent to about 5% of Japans population.
The political system is a socialist state, with the country governed by the Lao People's Revolutionary Party.

1) Natural environment
Laos has the highest forest occupation rate in Southeast Asia, over 80% of the country being natural forest, forest plantation
and unstocked forest.

Table 5-1 The statistics for land use and forest cover in Lao PDR in 2013

No. Land use category Area (ha) Area ()

Forest Cover 10,474,201 48.13
1 Natural forest 10,235,707 47.03
2 Forest plantation 238,493 1.10
Unstocked forest 8,052,336 37.00
Agricultural land 2,335,934 10.73
3 Upland rice 182,435 0.84
4 Paddy rice 661,424 3.04
5 Other agriculture 803,091 3.69
6 Fruit tree 12,413 0.06
7 Pasture 676,571 3.11
Other land 2,817,529 4.14
8 Other land 2,817,529 4.14
Total 23,680,000 100.00
Source: Department of Agriculture, Land Management and Development data used for creation by Study team

In the period between 1992 and 2002, forest decline caused by illegal logging and deforestation became a big social problem
in Laos. It is said that the forests disappeared at a pace of 1.25% (140,000 ha in area) a year from 1992 to 2002.

Results of Population and Housing Census 2015, by Statistics Bureau of Laos
Figure 5.1 Forest Cover Rate and Area in Laos

80 18
70 16
14 ( million ha )
10 Forest Cover Rate
8 Area Million ha)
20 4
10 2
0 0
1960 1992 2002 2010

Source: USAID Lowering Emissions in Asias Forests (USAID LEAF)

Drivers of Deforestation in the Greater Mekong Subregion, Lao PDR Country Report,
Ian Lloyd Thomas, September 2015 used for creation by Study team

In our field survey, we found that many areas of forest have disappeared. When traveling on a domestic flight, we noticed
circular deforestation, and found that such scenes were widespread. The local people said that mainly ethnic minorities such
as the Mon tribe have cut down forests for the purpose of cultivating maize and other crops.
With regard to such logging for agriculture, which occurs repeatedly in various places, it seems to be difficult for the Lao
government to ascertain accurate figures. Forests are called "green dams", having the function of storing water, but there is
growing concern that the green dam function will be lost due to the frequent occurrence of such partial deforestation.
Photo 5-1 Deforestation viewed from the sky Photo 5-2 Mudslide due to deforestation

Source: taken by Study team Source: taken by Study team

On the way to a dam site for our field survey, we also found an extensive watermelon field cultivated by a Chinese company,

with the watermelons being for export to China. The farm, operated by the Chinese company, hires many local people as
farmers. Therefore, it seems it will be difficult to stop the disappearance of forests as long as such agricultural activities provide
socioeconomic benefits to the farmers and local economies.
Photo 5-3 Watermelon field operated by a Chinese company for export

Source: taken by Study team

2) Socio-economic environment
The population of Laos is on an increasing trend. In 2015, the population was about 6,492,000, nearly twice that of in 1985.
The average annual growth rate from 2005 to 2015 reached 1.45%.

Figure 5.2 Population Growth, 1985-2015

7000 6492
5000 4575
4000 3585
Size in

1985 1995 2005 2015
Census Year

Source: Results of Population and Housing Census 2015, Statistics Bureau of Laos used for creation by Study team

As for the population distribution by prefecture and the regional distribution of the working population, about 1,123,000 people
(31.6%) are in urban areas, about 2,157,000 (60.8%) are in regions with improved road connections, and about 268,000 (7.6%)
are in regions with not yet improved road connections.

Figure 5-3 Population by Province, 1985-2015

Source: Results of Population and Housing Census 2015, Statistics Bureau of Laos

Figure 5-4 Density Map of Laos, 2015

Source: Results of Population and Housing Census 2015, Statistics Bureau of Laos

Laos' GDP in 2015 is US$ 12.33 billion, which was the lowest among ASEAN countries. Its GDP growth rate is 7%.
Figure 5.5 GDP of ASEAN Countries, 2015

Vietnam, Brunei, Canbodia,

193,599.38 15,492.04 18,049.95

Thailand, Indonesia,
395,281.58 861,933.97

Singapore, Laos,
292,739.31 12,327.49
Philippines, 296,217.64
291,965.34 Myanmar,

Source: Creation by Study team

In 2012, the countrys GDP is almost evenly (1/3 each) shared by three industries: service (37%), manufacturing (31%), and
agriculture/forestry/fishery (26%). Workers engaged in the primary industries, such as agriculture, forest and fishery, account
for as much as 72.3% of the total working population, with 6.3% in government-related industry including the military, 5.3%
in retailing, and 2.3% in education-related jobs. Thus, an overwhelming share of the working population is employed in the
agriculture industry.2

3) Ethnic minorities
Laos is an ethnically diverse country. Although approximately 99% of people living in Laos have their nationality as Laotian,
they include various ethnic minority groups. Some ethnic groups live in mountainous areas and speak their own languages.
Moreover, some ethnic groups living in the central part of Laos are regarded as anti-government armed groups. Especially
since 2015, in Xiengkhouang Province and Xaysomboun Province, there have been several attacks on Chinese investors.
Now, the Laos police department patrols the center of Xiengkhouang Province on a 24-hour basis to strengthen vigilance
against such criminal offenses.3
In several hydropower development projects, there have been cases of the Lao government army following the project teams
from the investigation stage to the construction stage. A request can be made very easily just by submitting a request form.
The required cost amounts to gasoline and food charges only. After submission of the request form to the military department,
an estimation will be sent back.

FY 2014 Laos/Cambodia Electric Power Case Survey Report by Japan Electric Power Information Center (JEPIC)
Website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "Overseas Travel Safety Information
Figure 5.6 Population by Ethnic Group

Source: Results of Population and Housing Census 2015, Statistics Bureau of Laos

(2) Environmental improvement effects from the candidate projects

The candidate projects form a hydroelectric system that does not produce carbon dioxide (CO2) during power generation. At
present, the energy sources supplying electricity to Laos include those imported from such neighboring countries as Thailand,
Vietnam and China. Laos mainly uses hydroelectric power, and the volume of electricity domestically produced from fossil
fuels is extremely small. However, during the dry season, energy sources are imported from the neighboring countries, which
include those derived from fossil fuels.
If all the candidate projects are carried out, CO2 emissions in Laos will be reduced by 63,078.9 tons, compared with the
amount based on the current power supply systems.
The calculation method to obtain the above-mentioned greenhouse gas emissions reduction effect is as follows:
1) Setting of a baseline
The baseline is the amount of CO2 emissions generated by the current power supply systems in Laos when they supply an
equivalent amount of electricity through each project.
2) Calculation of the baseline
The 2012 electricity supply and demand balance in Laos is used as a reference.
In 2012, all of the electric energy produced was covered by hydroelectric power, which consists of 1,896 GWh from EDL-
owned systems and 10,865 GWh from IPPs, totaling 12,761 GWh. Among this, the amount of electricity exported to
neighboring countries was 10,363 GWh. The electricity for domestic use was 2,398 GWh. Since hydropower generation
systems are subject to power shortages in the dry season, electricity was imported from neighboring countries: 1,180 GWh
from Thailand, 37 GWh from Vietnam, and 113 GWh from China, totaling 3,726 GWh.
The amount of domestic power supply in Laos was 3,726 GWh in 2012, with a power loss of 651 GWh (17.5%) and an
electric sales amount of 3,075 GWh (82.5%).4
The following table shows a breakdown of electricity supply sources for domestic use in Laos and respective CO2 emission

FY 2014 Laos/Cambodia Electric Power Case Survey Report by Japan Electric Power Information Center (JEPIC)
Table 5.3 Breakdown of electricity sources for Laos and respective CO2 emission factors
CO2 emission factor (t-
Supply source GWh %
Laoss domestic hydropower facilities 2398 64.4 0
Thailand 1180 31.7 0.5796 5
Vietnam 37 1.0 0.6808 6
China 113 3.0 0.9515 7
Source: Creation by Study team

The baseline is calculated as follows.

Calculation formula:
(64.4%0) + (31.7%0.5796) + (1%0.6808) + (3%0.9515) 100 = 0.2191 t-CO2/MWh

3) Estimation of effect
The performance of each candidate project is as follows.
Calculation formula: Annual power generation (MWh)
= Planned output (MW) 24 (h) 365 (days) Annual facility utilization rate
Calculation formula: Annual CO2 emission reduction effect (t)
= Annual power generation amount (MWh) 0.2191 t - CO2 / MWh

Table 5.4 Performance of each candidate project, planned output, Annual facility utilization rate, Annual power generation,
and Annual CO2 emission reduction effect
Candidate project Planned output Annual facility utilization Annual power generation Annual CO2 emission
name (MW) rate (%) amount (MWh) reduction effect
Nam Ngiep 2C 14.5 62.5 79,387.5 17,393.8
Nam Ngiep 2B 18 58.67 92,510.9 20,269.1
Nam Ngiep 2A 10 58.74 51,456.2 11,274.1
Nam Ban 14 52.63 64,545.4 14,141.9
Source: Creation by Study team

According to the above table, the annual CO2 reduction amount becomes 63,078.9 tons if all candidate projects are carried

(3) Environmental and social impacts associated with candidate

project implementation
Based on the Screening Style and Check List (Appendix 4) of JICAs "Guidelines for Environmental and Social
Considerations", we conducted a survey to identify environmental and social impact items related to the candidate projects
covered by this survey.

2010 Operating Margin from IGES Grid Emission Factor List
2013 Operating Margin from IGES Grid Emission Factor List
2011-2013 Average Operating Margin (Central China power network) from IGES Grid Emission Factor List
As a result, we concluded that no significant environmental or social impact was observed for each of the Nam Ngiep 2C, 2B
and 2A projects, which are under construction. In addition, for the Nam Ban project at the FS phase, there is no serious
environmental impact though there are two kinds of social impacts: one is the need for relocation of residents, and the other is
road construction in the vicinity. The village near the development target is located in a deep mountainous area and there are
no access roads, so the villagers have to come and go by boat along a river, which runs in the area for the planned dam site.
According to our interviews with the villagers in the field survey, they have already been consulted about the relocation, and
it has been determined that they will return to the place where they previously resided. Therefore, there is no serious negative
impact concerning the relocation at present. Regarding the construction of an access road to the village, there was originally a
plan with a military budget. However, the plan was postponed when the dam project arose, with the expectation that the access
road would be built for the dam construction. If this project does not move forward, the construction of the access road to the
village may be delayed. Even in that case, the residents would still be able to come and go by boat along the river as usual, so
this would not cause any serious impact.

Table 5.5 Survey results based on environmental checklist

Category Check item Nam Ngiep 2C/2B/2A Nam Ban
Permission/ EIA and environment- Finished For the scale of this project, IEE is
explanation related permissions required instead of EIA. IEE must
be prepared in the future.
Explanation to local Finished Since it is necessary to relocate
residents residents, they have already been
Pollution control Air quality No pollution from hydroelectric power generation
measures Water quality No pollution from hydroelectric power generation
Waste No pollution from hydroelectric power generation
Soil contamination No contamination from hydroelectric power generation
Noise and vibration Some houses are dotted along the road, so noise The village is located about 10
from construction trucks etc. must be minutes by boat from the
considered. However, at present, there are no development point, and will suffer
complaints or other problems. limited impact.
Ground subsidence There is no possibility of ground subsidence to Any ground subsidence to be
be caused by pumping up groundwater or caused by pumping up
constructing foundation work. groundwater or constructing
foundation work is not considered.
Bad odors No bad smells from hydroelectric power generation
Natural Protected zone Not applicable Not applicable
environment Ecosystem There is no impact. Installation of fishway is planned.
Hydrometeor There is a possibility of decrease in river inflow volume due to water intake.
Terrain/geology No important terrain is found in the vicinity.
Social Resident relocation None Two villages, including 80 households and
environment 200 cattle/buffalo, need to be relocated. The
relocation area is located downstream,
taking an hour on foot, (where one of the
two villages had been until 2000)
Living life Since there are no villages nearby, Currently, river shrimp and riverweed are
there is no impact. cultivated (prime of life in March to April).
After the dam construction, aquaculture
business is planned to be conducted at the
Cultural heritage No impact No impact
Landscape No impact No impact
Ethnic minorities and None The ethnic group that needs relocation is
indigenous peoples Kam. Interpreters for Lao and Kam
languages are needed.
Working environment Residential facilities for workers and The working environment will be prepared
offices near the construction site are in according to the progress of the project.
place. These facilities are well
Others Impact during Because the villages are scattered Apart from the villages to be relocated,
construction along the national roads, some noise private houses are far from the construction
from construction vehicles needs to be site, and the impact seems to be little.
considered, but the construction site is
in the mountains, so the effect would
be small.
Accident prevention Some Chinese workers did not wear Safety education and technical guidance for
measures helmets or boots, or use safety ropes, accident prevention are required.
for work at heights. Safety education
and technical guidance for accident
prevention will be required from now
Monitoring Environmental monitoring will be It will be prepared according to the progress
carried out at the regional and of the project.
prefectural levels during and after
Others There was a road construction plan by the
military for access to nearby villages, but the
plan was postponed as soon as the dam
project was announced.
Source: Creation by Study team

(4) Outline of the partner countrys laws and regulations related to

environmental and social considerations and necessary measures for

compliance with them

1) Constitution of the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (2015 revision)
Revised in 2003, this constitution specified the national obligation to protect the environment by stating, All organizations
and citizens are obliged to protect the environment and natural resources (Article 19). In order to strengthen the authority
of the state with respect to natural resources, the constitution was revised again in 2015 by adding: "Natural resources such
as land, minerals, water, air, forest, non-timber forest products, aquatic organisms, and wildlife are owned by the national
community represented by the government, and the State ensures the rights to use, transfer and inherit them (natural
resources) nationwide in accordance with the laws" (Article 17).
2) Environmental Protection Law (2012 revision)
The Environmental Protection Law was enacted in 1999 as a law embodying Article 19 of the Constitution of the Lao
Peoples Democratic Republic, and it requires the implementation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) for any projects
that may affect the protection, conservation or utilization of natural resources.
Thereafter, in 2010, the following decree, regulation and guidelines were set to specify the details of the environmental

Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment (2010)

Regulation for the Agreement on Lao National Environmental Standards (2010)

Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines "EIA Guidelines" (2012)

Ministerial Instruction on the Process of Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) for Investment Projects and
Activities No. 8029 (by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment)

Ministerial Instruction on Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Process for Investment Projects and
Activities No. 8030 (by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment)
According to the Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment, all hydroelectric power projects are classified into two
categories depending on the scale of project, and an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) or Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) is required.

Table 5-6 Categories of environmental impact assessment survey

Scale Category 1 (IEE) Category 2 (EIA)
Power <15 MW or Reservoir 15MW or Reservoir capacity
plant capacity < 1,500 ha >1,500 ha
Power line X>230 kV 50 km >50 km
A significant environmental
impact is presumed in a
X<230 kV all
protected area designated by the
Substation High voltage substation <10 ha >10 ha
Source: Creation by Study team
3) Water and Water Resource Law (1996 and 2013)
This law is scheduled to be amended in April 2017. With its revision, various relevant manuals are expected to be upgraded.
In the revised draft, establishment of a data and information system is mentioned, and it seems that automatic collection of
water volume data is being considered with the use of the system. At the time of our interview in December 2016, however,
they said that no prospect of establishing the center or introducing the system had yet emerged.
With the Presidential Decree dated December 15, 2015, an obligation for payment of a service fee for water use was

Table 5-7 Water resources usage fee for hydroelectric power project
Type of project Ratio to total income
Hydropower project for export purposes
5% or more
Hydropower project for domestic use (over 15 MW)
Hydropower project for domestic use (15 MW or less) 5%
Source: Creation by Study team

4) The Lao Land Law (1997)

Land is a state-owned asset, so it is managed by the state in a unified manner. Rights of utilization, lease, transfer, and
inheritance of land are given to individuals, households and organizations.
Government decree concerning land expropriation and compensation
(Decree on Compensation and Resettlement No. 192/PM 2005)
Regulation concerning compensation and relocation for persons affected by development projects
(Regulation for the Agreement on Lao National Environmental Standards 2010)

5) Forest Law revised (2007 revision)

Natural forests and forest areas are state-owned assets, so they are managed by the state in a unified manner. However,
customary use of forests by local residents is allowed.

6) Wildlife and Aquatic Law (2007)
Wildlife and aquatic animals are classified into three categories: Prohibition, Management, and Common/general. For
utilization of animals falling into the Prohibition category, government permission is required. For those falling into the
Management category, proper management is required. For the Common or general category, it is required that the utilization
of such animals will not cause a decrease in their number.

7) Decree on the Preservation of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage (1997)

In Article 5, natural heritage is stated as a national heritage, and in Article 8 it is required to preserve the current national
heritage environment, such as Khon Phapheng waterfall in Champasak, Tat Kuangsy waterfall and Ting Cave in Luang
Prabang and various others.

(5) Matters to be implemented by the relevant country (implementing

agency and other relevant agencies) to realize the candidate projects

Our field survey conducted in Laos has revealed the expansion of deforestation. Although the impact of the expanding
deforestation on hydroelectric power generation has not yet been clarified, it is easy to imagine that the forests decreasing
ability to retain water resources will lead to the increasing occurrence of landslides. Both the decreasing water retention
function and the increasing occurrence of landslides will seriously affect hydroelectric power generation projects, so investors
remain concerned about stable investment return.
In addition, there are still conflicts between ethnic minority groups and the government in some domestic areas, so some of
the national roads are dangerous to use. In this situation, it is difficult for Japanese companies to send their workers because
their lives may be in danger.
Based on the above, for investors it is desirable that the government provide support for the local people to recognize the
importance of the forests water retention function and explain this to ethnic minorities and local residents.

Capter6 Financial and Economic Evaluation
(1) Estimation of Project costs
In this section, in order to examine the financial and economic feasibility of the proposed projects, an estimation of project
costs was conducted as the basis of the examination.

1) Comparison of project costs of proposed projects

An estimation of project costs for the proposed projects was conducted. For this, the validity of the projects contents and
amounts is verified based on their respective feasibility studies. As construction costs for the proposed projects have been
verified in section 4-4-c of Chapter 4 Confirmation of Construction Cost, verification of construction cost shall be omitted,
and an analysis of items other than this, as well as an overall analysis, shall be conducted in this chapter.
Based on the respective feasibility studies of the proposed projects, the amounts of individual items and the percentages of the
total amount are shown in Table 6.1 below.
Table 6.1 Comparison of project costs of proposed projects

Nam Ngiep
Item Nam Ban
2 2B 2C
Mil. USD Ratio Mil. USD Ratio Mil. USD Ratio Mil. USD Ratio
1) Power House Building 0.3 1.7% 0.3 1.1% 0.4 1.3% 1.1 2.6%
2) Construction Work 8.6 46.0% 10.5 33.5% 13.3 47.0% 20.0 47.1%
Water Channel 5.9 31.3% 7.1 22.5% 10.9 38.4% 18.7 44.2%
Mechanical / Material Equipment 2.7 14.7% 3.5 11.0% 2.5 8.6% 1.3 3.0%
3) Electrical Equipment 3.5 19.0% 5.5 17.6% 4.0 14.2% 4.5 10.6%
4) Temporary / Auxiliary Work 2.6 13.9% 4.8 15.4% 4.1 14.6% 3.4 8.1%
5) Power Supply 0.4 2.0% 0.4 1.2% 0.3 1.0% 1.0 2.4%
Sub Total (Construction cost) 15.4 82.6% 21.6 68.7% 22.1 78.1% 30.0 70.8%
6) 115KV outgoing line project cost 0.0 0.0% 3.1 9.8% 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0%
7) Environmental and UXO clearance cost 0.2 1.1% 0.5 1.5% 0.6 2.0% 2.5 5.9%
8) Consulting fee, etc. 2.1 11.5% 5.2 16.6% 4.3 15.2% 6.6 15.6%
10) Basic contingency cost 0.9 4.8% 1.1 3.4% 1.4 4.8% 3.2 7.7%
Total 18.7 100.0% 31.4 100.0% 28.4 100.0% 42.3 100.0%

Construction cost is quoted from Chapter 4, Table 4.22 Comparison with F/S construction cost
Source: Study team
In all the proposed projects, construction work accounts for a significant portion, of 33% to 48%. For items other than
construction cost, the consulting fee accounts for a large proportion, of around 11% to 17%. Basic contingency cost is set at
3% to 8% of the total. For the specific costs of the project, the cost of a 115 kV transmission line is required for Nam Ngiep
2B, so related expenses are recorded. No unusual items were detected from the overall cost structure.
In the section "2) Analysis of project costs for each proposed project", we will verify consulting expenses etc., which account
for a large percentage of the total cost.

2) Analysis of project costs for each proposed project

The details of project costs for each proposed project are shown in Table 6.2 to Table 6.5. For estimation of these, the
following estimation conditions were set.
All power generation equipment shall be imported from outside Laos, and such equipment costs shall be estimated as
CIF price in US Dollars.
The exchange rate is set at 110 yen to 1 dollar.

Table 6.2 Details of Project costs for Nam Ngiep 2A
Item Sub Item Domestic goods Foreign goods Total Domestic goods Foreign goods Total
(Mil. USD (Mil. USD (Mil. USD (Mil. JPY (Mil. JPY (Mil. JPY
Construction cost 1 Power House Building 0.3 0.3 35.2 35.2
2 Construction Work 8.2 0.4 8.6 906.9 39.3 946.2
Water Channel 5.9 5.9 644.1 644.1
Mechanical / Material Equipment 2.4 0.4 2.7 262.8 39.3 302.1

3 Electrical Equipment 0.4 3.1 3.5 46.2 343.5 389.8

4 Temporary / Auxiliary Work 2.6 2.6 285.6 285.6
5 Power Supply 0.4 0.4 41.7 41.7
Sub Total 12.0 3.5 15.4 1,315.6 382.8 1,698.4
Environmental and UXO Submerging treatment of reservoir,
clearance cost permanent land occupation &
1 0.2 0.2 23.5 23.5
temporary land occupation for
2 Environmental work 0.0 0.0
3 UXO clearance 0.0 0.0
Sub Total 0.2 0.2 23.5 23.5
Consulting fee 1 Project acceptance fee 0.0 0.0 5.1 5.1
2 Production preparation fee 0.1 0.1 8.0 8.0
3 Preliminary engineering fee 0.3 0.3 33.0 33.0
4 Research and survey and design fee 0.8 0.8 92.1 92.1
5 Construction management fee 0.3 0.3 35.2 35.2
6 Construction supervision fee 0.2 0.2 23.6 23.6

7 Consulting service fee 0.1 0.1 7.9 7.9

Project technical and economic

8 0.0 0.0 5.1 5.1
assessment fee
Sub Total 1.9 1.9 210.1 210.1
Project insurance cost Sub Total 0.1 0.1 12.7 12.7
Taxes Sub Total 0.1 0.1 13.0 13.0
Basic contingency cost Sub Total 0.9 0.9 97.9 97.9
Total 15.2 3.5 18.7 1,672.8 382.8 2,055.6

Source: Study team

Table 6.3 Details of Project costs for Nam Ngiep 2B


Item Sub Item Domestic goods Foreign goods Total Domestic goods Foreign goods Total
(Mil. USD (Mil. USD (Mil. USD (Mil. JPY (Mil. JPY (Mil. JPY

Construction cost 1 Power House Building 0.3 0.3 37.7 37.7

2 Construction Work 9.1 1.4 10.5 997.0 158.3 1,155.3
Water Channel 7.1 7.1 775.7 775.7
Mechanical / Material Equipment 2.0 1.4 3.5 221.3 158.3 379.6

3 Electrical Equipment 1.0 4.5 5.5 110.0 498.4 608.4

4 Temporary / Auxiliary Work 4.8 4.8 530.4 530.4
5 Power Supply 0.4 0.4 41.7 41.7
Sub Total 15.6 6.0 21.6 1,716.8 656.7 2,373.6
Environmental and UXO Submerging treatment of reservoir,
clearance cost permanent land occupation &
1 0.2 0.2 23.5 23.5
temporary land occupation for
2 Environmental work 0.3 0.3 27.5 27.5
3 UXO clearance 0.0 0.0
Sub Total 0.5 0.5 51.0 51.0
115kv outgoing line
Sub Total 3.1 3.1 337.1 337.1
project cost
Consulting fee 1 Project acceptance fee 0.1 0.1 11.9 11.9
2 Production preparation fee 0.1 0.1 13.9 13.9
3 Preliminary engineering fee 2.5 2.5 277.5 277.5
4 Research and survey and design fee 0.8 0.8 85.8 85.8
5 Construction management fee 0.5 0.5 51.2 51.2
6 Construction supervision fee 0.4 0.4 39.5 39.5

7 Consulting service fee 0.1 0.1 10.9 10.9

Project technical and economic

8 0.1 0.1 11.9 11.9
assessment fee
Sub Total 4.6 4.6 502.6 502.6
Project insurance cost Sub Total 0.2 0.2 19.0 19.0
Taxes Sub Total 0.5 0.5 51.5 51.5
Basic contingency cost Sub Total 1.1 1.1 118.7 118.7
Total 25.4 6.0 31.4 2,796.8 656.7 3,453.5

Source: Study team

Table 6.4 Details of Project costs for Nam Ngiep 2C
Item Sub Item Domestic goods Foreign goods Total Domestic goods Foreign goods Total
(Mil. USD (Mil. USD (Mil. USD (Mil. JPY (Mil. JPY (Mil. JPY
Construction cost 1 Power House Building 0.4 0.4 42.0 42.0
2 Construction Work 12.1 1.3 13.3 1,326.9 140.5 1,467.4
Water Channel 10.9 10.9 1,197.7 1,197.7
Mechanical / Material Equipment 1.2 1.3 2.5 129.2 140.5 269.7

3 Electrical Equipment 0.4 3.6 4.0 45.1 396.4 441.5
4 Temporary / Auxiliary Work 4.1 4.1 454.6 454.6
5 Power Supply 0.3 0.3 29.7 29.7
Sub Total 17.3 4.9 22.1 1,898.4 536.9 2,435.3
Environmental and UXO Submerging treatment of reservoir,
clearance cost permanent land occupation &
1 0.3 0.3 30.0 30.0
temporary land occupation for
2 Environmental work 0.0 0.0
3 UXO clearance 0.3 0.3 32.3 32.3
Sub Total 0.6 0.6 62.3 62.3
Consulting fee 1 Project acceptance fee 0.1 0.1 5.7 5.7
2 Production preparation fee 0.0 0.0 2.7 2.7
3 Preliminary engineering fee 0.7 0.7 80.9 80.9
4 Research and survey and design fee 1.0 1.0 113.9 113.9
5 Construction management fee 0.5 0.5 50.7 50.7
6 Construction supervision fee 0.8 0.8 83.8 83.8

7 Consulting service fee 0.6 0.6 66.1 66.1

Project technical and economic

8 0.1 0.1 5.7 5.7
assessment fee
Sub Total 3.7 3.7 406.8 406.8
Project insurance cost Sub Total 0.2 0.2 22.8 22.8
Taxes Sub Total 0.4 0.4 43.7 43.7
Basic contingency cost Sub Total 1.4 1.4 148.5 148.5
Total 23.5 4.9 28.4 2,582.5 536.9 3,119.4

Source: Study team

Table 6.5 Details of Project costs for Nam Ban

Item Sub Item Domestic goods Foreign goods Total Domestic goods Foreign goods Total
(Mil. USD (Mil. USD (Mil. USD (Mil. JPY (Mil. JPY (Mil. JPY
Construction cost 1 Power House Building 1.1 1.1 121.1 121.1
2 Construction Work 18.8 1.2 20.0 2,064.3 132.0 2,196.3
Water Channel 18.7 18.7 2,058.8 2,058.8
Mechanical / Material Equipment 0.1 1.2 1.3 5.5 132.0 137.5
3 Electrical Equipment 4.5 4.5 495.0 495.0
4 Temporary / Auxiliary Work 3.4 3.4 376.2 376.2
5 Power Supply 1.0 1.0 110.0 110.0
Sub Total 23.3 6.7 30.0 2,561.6 737.0 3,298.6
Environmental and UXO Submerging treatment of reservoir,
clearance cost permanent land occupation &
1 0.0 0.0
temporary land occupation for
2 Environmental work 2.5 2.5 275.0 275.0
3 UXO clearance 0.0 0.0
Sub Total 2.5 2.5 275.0 275.0
Consulting fee and taxes Sub Total 6.6 6.6 727.2 727.2
Basic contingency cost Sub Total 3.2 3.2 357.4 357.4
Total 35.6 6.7 42.3 3,921.1 737.0 4,658.1

Source: Study team

In addition, the adequacy of the consulting fee amount, project insurance cost and various taxes (hereinafter referred to as
consulting expenses, etc.) within the construction expenses was calculated based on actual data for electric power companies
in Japan and the estimated amount of consulting fees, etc. A conservative estimate was carried out, comparing it with the F/S
amount. In calculating the estimated amount, the following conditions were set.
In the F/S, consulting expenses are classified into sub items and recorded, but with reference to the data for electric
power companies in Japan, 10% of the construction costs are collectively recorded.
The project insurance cost was set at 0.75% of the construction cost with reference to the data for electric power
companies in Japan.
Taxes are taken as 10% of imported goods, taking into account the high value-added tax rate.

Table 6.6 Verification of consulting fee, etc. for Nam Ngiep 2A
Construction cost Construction cost (a) Estimated
Estimation (b) refer from F/S (a)-(b) Difference
Item / Total / Foreign goods amount
conditions (Mil. USD (Mil. USD
(Mil. USD (Mil. USD (Mil. USD
Consulting fee 15.4 - 10.00% 1.5 1.9 (0.4)
Project insurance cost 15.4 - 0.75% 0.1 0.1 0.0
Taxes - 3.5 10.00% 0.3 0.1 0.2
Total 2.0 2.1 (0.1)

Source: Study team

In the F/S, the amount of the consulting fee is conservatively estimated, but it seems that the estimates of various taxes are
small. Because it is assumed that consulting expenses will occur more frequently in Laos than in Japan, it is rational that the
consulting cost estimate be conservative. In total, the F/S figures are higher than the estimated amount, so the F/S consulting
fee, etc. are considered reasonable in light of general standards.
Nam Ngiep 2B, Nam Ngiep 2C and Nam Ban also conservatively estimate the consulting fee, etc. Therefore, it is considered
that the implementation of the consulting fee, etc. is carried out within a reasonable range.

Table 6.7 Verification of consulting fee, etc. for Nam Ngiep 2B

Construction cost Construction cost (a) Estimated
Estimation (b) refer from F/S (a)-(b) Difference
Item / Total / Foreign goods amount
conditions (Mil. USD (Mil. USD
(Mil. USD (Mil. USD (Mil. USD
Consulting fee 21.6 - 10.00% 2.2 4.6 (2.4)
Project insurance cost 21.6 - 0.75% 0.2 0.2 (0.0)
Taxes - 6.0 10.00% 0.6 0.5 0.1
Total 2.9 5.2 (2.3)

Source: Study team

Table 6.8 Verification of consulting fee, etc. for Nam Ngiep 2C

Construction cost Construction cost (a) Estimated
Estimation (b) refer from F/S (a)-(b) Difference
Item / Total / Foreign goods amount
conditions (Mil. USD (Mil. USD
(Mil. USD (Mil. USD (Mil. USD
Consulting fee 22.1 - 10.00% 2.2 3.7 (1.5)
Project insurance cost 22.1 - 0.75% 0.2 0.2 (0.0)
Taxes - 4.9 10.00% 0.5 0.4 0.1
Total 2.9 4.3 (1.4)

Source: Study team

Table 6.9 Verification of consulting fee, etc. for Nam Ban

Construction cost Construction cost (a) Estimated
Estimation (b) refer from F/S (a)-(b) Difference
Item / Total / Foreign goods amount
conditions (Mil. USD (Mil. USD
(Mil. USD (Mil. USD (Mil. USD
Consulting fee 30.0 - 10.00% 3.0 -
Project insurance cost 30.0 - 0.75% 0.2 6.6 -
Taxes - 6.7 10.00% 0.7 -
Total 3.9 6.6 (2.7)

Source: Study team

3) Calculation of cost of proposed project over project period

To calculate the cost of the proposed project over the project period, the following estimation conditions were set.
All power generation equipment shall be imported from outside Laos, and equipment costs shall be estimated as CIF
price in US Dollars.

Compensation costs, environmental spending, and UXO survey and removal costs shall be included.
Basic contingency cost was set at 3% to 8% of total project cost with reference to F/S figures.
The progress rate for 3 years of construction period was assumed as 30% in the first year, 50% in the second year and
20% in the third year, and the project costs were assumed to be disbursed in proportion to such progress rate.
Yearly operation and maintenance costs (maintenance costs excluding depreciation cost, payment interest expense and
taxes) such as repair costs, etc. for hydropower generation structure and related electrical equipment was set as
equivalent to 1.5% of the static project cost, with reference to not only hydropower IPP projects in Laos but also actual
data for Japanese power companies.
It was assumed that there should be no facility renewal cost required for an economic service life of 30 years.
For Nam Ngiep, revenues from sales of electric power to EDL were set at 6.7 USC/kWh from start of operation to
14th year, 5.7 USC/kWh from 15th year to 27th year, and 6.0 USC/kWh from 28th year onward, based on PPA
concluded between EDL and sponsors. For Nam Ban, revenues were set at 6.5 USC/kWh from start of operation.
The cost for hydropower generation royalty was set at an amount equal to 2% of total revenues.
Profit tax was set at 24%, based on Laos Tax Law, and tax exemption period as investment incentive was set at 6 years
from the start of operation.

Table 6.10 summarizes the cost parameters over the project period for each proposed project based on the above estimation
Table 6.10 Parameters that affect the cost of each project
Item Unit Nam Ngiep
Nam Ban
2 2B 2C
PPA Tariff RateStart of operation-14 years USC/kWh 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.5
PPA Tariff Rate15 years-27 years USC/kWh 5.7 5.7 5.7 6.5
PPA Tariff Rate28 years- USC/kWh 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.5
Annual O&M/Static Project Cost % 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.0%
Royalty/Annual Income % 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
Profit Tax Rate % 24.00% 24.00% 24.00% 24.00%
Tax Holiday year 6 6 6 6
Capacity MW 10.18 18.00 14.50 14.00
Average Annual Energy GWh/year 52.40 92.51 71.73 65.01
Average Annual Energy
GWh/year 52.4 91.6 71.0 65.0
(Except for in-house electricity consumption)
Depreciation Period year 30 30 30 30
Total Annual Energy during depreciation period GWh 1,572 2,775 2,152 1,950
Total cost of depreciation, loan interest and O&M cost Million USD 34.8 46.2 56.1 79.1
Cost of power generation USC/kWh 2.2 1.7 2.6 4.1

Source: Study team

(2) Outline of preliminary Financial and Economic Analysis results
Economic evaluation, from the public standpoint of nation level, and the social and economic benefits which can be gained
by implementation of the project, were evaluated by comparison with the costs required for the project, and a financial
evaluation, from the enterprises standpoint of project profitability, was conducted.

1) Economic Analysis
From the Laotian national economys point of view, the economic effect that would be brought by construction and operation
of a new hydropower generation plant in Laos was measured in the Economic Analysis. Economic values of costs and
benefits were compared by the discounted cash flow method. The evaluation was carried out with the indices of Net Present
Value (NPV), which is calculated using benefits to be created by the project and its required costs, Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C)
and Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR).

a) Preconditions
The following preconditions were set in consideration of other power generation projects, etc. in Laos.
Economic Analysis process
The evaluation was performed via the following process.
(1) Domestic income transfer items (taxes and customs duties including VAT, subsidies, land compensations for
resettlement, interest during construction) that are only transfers between people of the nation from the national
economys point of view, and are not costs, were excluded from market prices in the calculation of costs and
benefits. Depreciation cost was not treated as cost.
(2) As shadow price is used in the calculation of costs and benefits. The costs in (i) were converted to economic cost
(Table 6.11) after division into foreign goods (traded goods) and domestic goods (non-traded goods and labor,
etc.). Standard Conversion Factor to convert the domestic goods portion such as construction costs, etc., which
were estimated based on market prices, to shadow price was 0.95 as used in other projects of international
(3) The internal rate of return calculated by the economic cost was compared and evaluated with the opportunity
cost of capital in Laos.

Table 6.11 Economic cost of initial investment in Nam Ngiep 2C project
Table 6.11 Economic Cost of Initial Investment in the Nam Ngiep 2C project
Standard conversion factor @ 95%
Standard Conversion Factor @ 95%

Ist Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total

1. Construction Cost
Construction auxiliary work 867.7 0.0 1,446.1 0.0 578.4 0.0 2,892.2 0.0 2,892.2
Architectural work 3,824.8 0.0 6,374.7 0.0 2,549.9 0.0 12,749.4 0.0 12,749.4
Electrical & mechanical equipment including equipment and
116.9 1,081.2 194.8 1,802.0 77.9 720.8 389.5 3,603.9 3,993.4
Steel Structure/Equipment and Installation 109.2 383.1 182.0 638.6 72.8 255.4 364.0 1,277.1 1,641.1
Total 4,918.5 1,464.3 8,197.5 2,440.5 3,279.0 976.2 16,395.1 4,881.0 21,276.1
2. Environmental Protection Cost
Compensation for land acquisition and resettlement
Environmental work 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
UXO clearance 83.6 0.0 139.4 0.0 55.8 0.0 278.8 0.0 278.8
Total 83.6 0.0 139.4 0.0 55.8 0.0 278.8 0.0 278.8
3. Independent Cost 1,233.1 0.0 2,055.2 0.0 822.1 0.0 4,110.4 0.0 4,110.4
Sum of 1-3 6,235.3 1,464.3 10,392.2 2,440.5 4,156.9 976.2 20,784.3 4,881.0 25,665.3
4. Basic Contingency Cost 315.7 73.2 526.1 122.0 210.4 48.8 1,052.2 244.1 1,296.2
6,551.0 1,537.5 10,918.3 2,562.5 4,367.3 1,025.0 21,836.5 5,125.1 26,961.6
Static Cost (Sum of 1-4)
8,088.5 13,480.8 5,392.3 26,961.6
Source: the METI survey team
Source: Study team
Opportunity cost of capital (social discount rate)
Opportunity cost of capital (interest rate at investment), which is the target to compare with EIRR, was set as 10%, and
was used as a discount rate for estimation of Present Value. This was set with reference to JICAs development survey
report The Master Plan Study on Small-Hydro in Northern Laos (2005) and JICAs survey report Preparatory
Survey on Nam Ngum 1 Hydropower Station Expansion (2010).
For reference, long-term loan interest rates (in the case that the loan period is 5 years or longer and borrower
creditworthiness is classified as Class AA, which is in the middle of 3 stages) at Laotian domestic commercial banks
were 9.25% in US Dollars and 10.25% in Lao Kip, prevailing as of January 2017. If long-term loan interest is
considered as a substitute for the opportunity of cost, the above discount rate is presumed to be a reasonable level.

Calculation period and price escalation

The calculation period was set as 33 years in total, which includes 3 years of detailed design and construction in
addition to an economic service life of 30 years. The constant prices were employed without price escalation.

b) Economic benefits
In terms of economic benefits, the value of alternative power generation which would be required if this project were not to
materialize shall be estimated. In Laos, power generation relies predominantly on hydropower though diesel power
generators have been used in rural areas for dispersed power generation. Accordingly, hydropower generation plays a
leading part in the Power Development Plan (PDP) of Laos, except for small-sized power generation that will not be
connected with the power grid. In this survey, two options for power generation other than hydropower, namely power
imports from EGAT (Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand) in Thailand, and thermal power generation, were

Power imports from EGAT

Laos exports power to neighboring countries such as Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. For the import and export of power

between Laos and Thailand, the export surplus of power from Laos to Thailand continues when it is considered as the whole
of Laos, including IPPs in Laos in addition to EDL. However, when we look at the breakdown of power exports from Laos
to Thailand, IPPs had a 94% share and EDL had only a 6% share of the total exports in 2015. If it is limited to power imports
and exports between EGAT and EDL, the tendency of import surplus over exports from EGAT to EDL continued from
2007 to 2015, except for 2011 when exports from Laos exceeded imports. In 2015, the power imports from EGAT to EDL
increased due to high growth of power demand in Laos, while the exports from EDL to EGAT decreased. A breakdown is
shown in Table 6.12 below.
6.126.12 Electricity trade EDL
Electricity Trade between between

Electricity Generation, Consumption, Export and Import 2005-2015 (GWh)

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Generation 3,509.40 3,595.00 3,373.60 3,717.00 3,384.30 8,449.00 12,979.50 12,760.10 15,511.60 15,270.10 16,501.10
Domestic Consumption 1,007.40 1,114.30 1,298.40 1,915.70 2,257.70 2,440.70 2,555.80 3,074.90 3,381.00 3,791.30 4,239.10
Import 329.50 631.10 793.40 844.50 1,175.10 1,209.70 904.30 1,329.10 1,271.70 1,559.10 2,049.80
Export 2,506.00 2,487.40 2,230.40 2,315.40 1,920.80 6,646.50 10,668.40 10,363.00 12,494.00 11,936.20 10,842.40
Balance=Export - Import +2,176.50 +1,856.30 +1,437.00 +1,470.90 +745.70 +5,436.80 +9,764.10 +9,033.90 +11,222.30 +10,377.10 +8,792.60

Electricity Export From EDL Grids and IPP: 2005-2015 (GWh)

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
EDL 727.80 547.00 268.00 391.80 231.60 366.40 717.00 320.40 690.80 445.20 655.40
IPP 1,778.20 1,940.30 1,962.40 1,923.60 1,691.30 6,305.20 9,900.20 10,042.70 11,803.20 11,491.00 10,187.00
EDLIPP 2,506.00 2,487.30 2,230.40 2,315.40 1,922.90 6,671.60 10,617.20 10,363.10 12,494.00 11,936.20 10,842.40

Balance of Export and Import Between EGAT and EDL 2005-2015 (GWh)
Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Import from EGAT to EDL 289.30 290.50 409.40 431.00 719.00 819.80 526.90 908.40 882.10 1,137.70 1,364.20
Export to EGAT from EDL 727.80 547.00 268.00 391.80 229.50 341.30 678.30 320.40 690.80 445.20 655.40
Balance=Export - Import +438.50 +256.50 141.40 39.20 489.50 478.50 +151.40 588.00 191.30 692.50 708.80
Source: Department of Energy Policy and Planning, Ministry of Energy and Mines, "Electricity StatisticsYearbook 2015 of Lao P.D.R."

Next, an increase in power imports from EGAT to EDL was assumed as an alternative power generation source to the
development of new hydropower IPP in Laos, and an Economic Analysis was conducted with such assumption. In other
words, it is verified whether avoidance of an increase in the import surplus of power from Thailand to Laos via development
of new hydropower IPP has economic rationality or not.
EDL and EGAT are currently in a mutual power interchange relationship and the tariff for power imports and exports is
shown in Table 6.6. As for the increase in power imports from EGAT to EDL which will be caused by no new development
of hydropower IPP under the constant import surplus situation of power from EGAT to EDL, EDL has to pay a Surcharge
Payment against the power import surplus in addition to Normal Import Tariff if EDL has any import surplus in the yearly
balance of power imports and exports.
Applicable tariffs in the power interchange contract between EDL and EGAT, which were confirmed with EDL in January
2017, are shown in Table 6.13. The unit price for power import from EGAT to EDL (normal time) is relatively expensive in
comparison with power export from EDL to EGAT. In addition, the Surcharge Payment against import surplus was revised
by the Government of Thailand in November 2015. Though the next revision is not yet scheduled, it was said that its level
tends to increase for these years.

Table 6.13 Electricity trade tariff between EDL and EGAT as of January 2017
Table 6.13 Electricity Trade Tariff between EDL and EGAT as of January 2017
Preconditions Tariff to be applied

GWh of Exports (EDL EGAT) Normal price Unit:Thai Baht)

are LARGER than Export Import
Time zone
Normal Emergency
GWh of Exports Peak 1.60 1.74 1.60
EDLEGAT) Off Peak 1.20 1.34 1.20
Peak: 09:0022:00 (Mon-Fri)
GWh of Imports
Off Peak: 22:0009:00 (Mon-Fri)
00:0024:00 (Sat, Sun, National Holidays of Thailand)
not exceeding Exports
GWh of Exports (EDL EGAT) Surcharge
are SMALLER than (valid since November 2015) Unit:Thai Baht)
GWh of Imports (EGAT EDL) Export Import
Time zone
For Excess GWh of Peak 4.0476

Imports over Exports Off Peak 2.3555
Peak: 09:0022:00 (Mon-Fri)
Off Peak: 22:0009:00 (Mon-Fri)
00:0024:00 (Sat, Sun, National Holidays of Thailand)

Source: The METI survey team interviewed EdL (Jan. 2017)

Source: Study team interviewed EDL (Jan. 2017)

The results of the Economic Analysis comparing the new development cost of hydropower IPP with avoidable cost
regarding the increase in import surplus of power from EGAT (additional payment amount from EDL to EGAT including
Surcharge Payment) are shown in Table 6.14. EIRR is 27.3%, which exceeds the 10.0% deemed as the opportunity cost of
capital in Laos, and B/C is 2.63, more than 1.0. Therefore, this project can be considered valid from the standpoint of national
society and the overall economy of Laos.
The power interchange between EDL and EGAT is performed with a much lower price level than their own domestic power
retail prices in the respective countries. For EDL, it can be said of the level that imports from EGAT could be more beneficial
than new construction of power generation facilities in Laos. However, there is a question in the appropriateness of the
estimation for the benefits as the value of power generation to be developed in Laos, based on such price level. Furthermore,
from Laos energy security point of view under the trend of an increasing import surplus of power from EGAT to EDL, it
shall be verified further whether such continuation of power imports can be considered as a premise, placing priority on
power imports from a neighboring country rather than new domestic development of power generation.

Table 6.14 Economic evaluation of Nam Ngiep 2C project /
Table 6.14 Economic oftheEIRR:
Evaluation of the2Ccase
Nam Ngiep of/ increase
project inEIRRThe
Calculation of electricity
case imports
of Increasefrom EGAT
in Electricity Imports from EGAT

Cost Benefit
Operation Normal Normal Import Net
Construction and in Surcharge
Year and Total Import Import Surcharge Total Benefit
Reinvestment Excess Payment
Maintenance Tariff Payment Tariff
1 8.09 0.00 8.09 0 0.00 0.00 -8.09
2 13.48 0.00 13.48 0 0.00 0.00 -13.48
3 5.39 0.20 5.59 35.51 0.0421 1.49 0.0841 2.99 4.48 -1.11
4 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
5 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
6 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
7 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
8 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
9 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
10 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
11 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
12 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
13 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
14 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
15 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
16 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
17 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
18 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
19 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
20 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
21 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
22 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
23 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
24 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
25 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
26 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
27 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
28 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
29 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
30 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
31 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
32 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
33 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
34 0.40 0.4 71.01 0.0421 2.99 0.0841 5.97 8.96 8.56
Total 26.96 12.60 39.56 94.17012 188.12 282.29 242.73
Discount Rate: 10.0% PV(Cost): 25.54 PV(Benefit): 67.19
EIRR: 27.3%
NPV: 41.644 Mil.USD
B/C: 2.63
Source:The METI survey team
Source: Study team

For calculation of the cost for an increase in the import surplus of power from EGAT to EDL (avoidable cost), the
hydropower IPP development under study was assumed to be operated as flat power generation for 24 hours a day
throughout the year (not with more power generation in the peak power demand time zone) in order to conduct the analysis
simply and the verification conservatively. The analysis was conducted on the assumption that there would be no restriction
in power transmission line capacity even if the power imports from EGAT to EDL increase, in consideration of the fact that
construction of a 500,000 V large-capacity power transmission line is planned for within a few years, and output of the
hydropower IPP supposed in this project is about 10 to 20 MW.

Thermal power generation

In estimation of the economic benefits in the alternative thermal power method, the cost of thermal power generation was
considered as the benefit of the hydropower generation project on the assumption that thermal power generation would be
constructed and operated as an alternative to this hydropower IPP project. The benefits regarding the power generation

capacity of a hydropower IPP are represented by the construction cost averaged annually for alternative thermal power
generation and fixed costs (kW value). The energy generated by the hydropower IPP is represented by valuable costs (kWh
value) such as fuel cost, etc. of the alternative thermal power generation.
Laos is poor in fossil fuel resources other than coal. As Laos, a landlocked country, has neither any open ocean port nor any
petroleum refining facilities, the import of fossil fuels is restricted, and petroleum products are mainly for gasoline and living
fuel, and depend on imports from Thailand and Vietnam. According to an interview at a large national Laotian oil distributor,
Lao State Fuel Company (conducted in January 2017), a volume equal to about 80% of the total import volume is imported
from Thailand, and the remainder from Vietnam in the case of heavy oil (gross calorific value 9,900 kcal/g). Diesel oil has
a larger gross calorific value per unit (gross calorific value 10,700 kcal/g), but diesel oil is 6,850 LAK/L for the wholesale
price of a company in Xiengkhouang Province, versus a heavy oil price of 4,650 LAK/L (as of January 2017). This is
because consumption tax (20%) is imposed on diesel oil in addition to national tax (5% or less) and VAT (10%) but only
national tax (5% or less) and VAT (10%) are imposed on heavy oil.
As for coal, lignite and anthracite are distributed throughout Laos and the estimated reserves are 600 million tons. Good
quality lignite is produced in Hongsa of Xayabouly Province, close to the Thai border in the North, and a survey report by
the Asian Development Bank (ADB) said that it would be possible to generate power of 2,000 MW with such coal resources
(The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan Current Situation and Future Trends of Energy and Power in Laos (October
2003)). Hongsa Power Generation Plant, which is the first lignite thermal power generation in Laos, and which Ratchaburi
Electricity Generating Holding ((RATCH), a large private electric power company in Thailand), and Banpu Public
Company Limited (a large coal company in Thailand) financed jointly with the Government of Laos, started operation of
its No.1 through 3 generators (output 625 MW X 3 = 1,878 MW) gradually from 2015 to 2016. The majority of the
generated energy is exported to EGAT. As there is a redundant capacity in lignite production at Hongsa, RATCH was
sounding the Government of Laos out on additional construction of a No. 4 generator (output 626 MW). However, the
Government of Laos had not yet determined as of November 2016 whether No. 4 lignite thermal power generation shall be
added or not, because its future electric power policy is still under study. Since lignite thermal power generation has lower
mobility than diesel power generation or gas-turbine power generation, it is operated as normal base power generation.
Therefore, it is considered that lignite thermal power generation is not an appropriate alternative to hydropower generation.
Moreover, as lignite thermal power generation is assumed in the PDP as 1,500 MW or more of large-sized power generation
(capacity utilization 80%), we judged that it is not suitable for alternative power generation.
It is not easy to suppose natural gas as fuel for alternative power generation in consideration of the difficulties in import and
transportation, construction cost for the power generation, and so on.
Based on these considerations, we judged that diesel power generation with a fuel of heavy oil, which is cheaper than diesel
oil, is suitable for alternative thermal power generation. kW value and kWh were estimated as follows, based on two kinds
of diesel power generation data (from JICAs past survey results).
First, adjustment factors to compensate for the difference in the loss rates of thermal power generation and hydropower
generation were calculated for the kW value and kWh value respectively as shown in Table 6.15. Then, the kW value was
calculated from construction cost and fixed cost for 2 types of diesel generators (medium speed and low speed) and the kWh
value was calculated from fuel cost and valuable cost (Table 6.16). As a medium speed diesel generator has a relatively high
kWh value efficiency, as well as better mobility, compared with medium speed and low speed diesel generators, we decided
to adopt it for the alternative power generation. The economic benefits were estimated based on the kW value and kWh

value calculated, as well as yearly-generated energy and guaranteed output for each year.
Table 6.15 Adjustment factors for thermal plant
Table 6.15 Adjustment Facotrs for Thermal Plant
Item kW kWh Hydropower Diesel Power
Transmission Loss 6.00% a 6.00% a'
Overhaul and Maintenance 0.00% b 7.67% b'
Auxiliary Power Consumption 0.50% c 4.60% c'
Forced Outage 0.50% d 2.19% d'
kW Adjustment Factor - 1.149 e
kWh Adjustment Factor - 1.043 f
e =((1-a)*(1-b)*(1-c)*(1-d))/((1-a')*(1-b')*(1-c')*(1-d'))
f =((1-a)*(1-c))/((1-a')*(1-c'))
Source: Feasibility Study on The Sihanoukville Combined Cycle Power Development Project
in The Kingdom of Cambodia, JICA (Jan 2002)

Table 6.16 kW value and kWh value

Table6.16 kW Value and kWh Value
Diesel Power Speed Middle Low
Value Diesel Power Generation Unit
(MW/unit) 90 90
Construction Cost per kW US$/kW g 1,370.0 2,020.0
Price escalation h 177.00% 177.00%
Adjusted for price escalation US$/kW i=g*h 2,424.9 3,575.4
Economic life years j 20 20
Discount rate k 10% 10%
Capital Recovery Rate l=k/(1-(1+k)^(-j)) 0.1175 0.1175
Fixed O&M Cost US$/kW m 21.0 21.0
Adjusted for price escalation US$/kW n=m*h 37.2 37.2
kW Adjustment Factor e 1.149 1.149
kW Value (Power Value) US$/kW o=(i*l+n)*e 370.13 525.48
Fuel Type p Heavy fuel oil Heavy fuel oil
Fuel Price US$/L q 0.60 0.60
Caloric Value kcal/L r 9,958 9,958
kcal/kWh s 860 860
Thermal Efficiency t 43% 49%
kWh Heat Rate kcal/kWh u=s/t 2,000.0 1,755.1
Fuel Amount L/kWh v=u/r 0.2008 0.1763
Fuel Cost US$/kWh w=q*v 0.1205 0.1058
Variable O&M Cost US$/kWh x 0.003 0.003
kWh Adjustment Factor f 1.043 1.043
kWh Value (Energy Value) US$/kWh z=(w+x)*f 0.1288 0.1134
gjmp :Feasibility Study on The Sihanoukville Combined Cycle Power Development Project in
rtx The Kingdom of Cambodia, JICA (Jan 2002)
h :Average inflation rates of world prices (2002-2016), retrieved from World Economic Outlook, IMF (2016)
q :Wholesale heavy fuel oil price per litter in Xieng Khouang province: Lao State Fuel Company (Jan., 2017)

EIRR was calculated after the development of economic costs and benefits onto the cash flow table. As shown in Table 6.17,
EIRR became 44.2%, and NPV 85.29 million US Dollars, with a discount rate of 10% and B/C 4.34 respectively.
Because EIRR greatly exceeds the social discount rate of 10%, and NPV is indicating a positive figure, we can evaluate this
project as economically feasible.

Table 6.17 Economic evaluation of Nam Ngiep 2C project /
Calculation of EIRR: the case of thermal power plant
Table 6.17 Economic Evaluation of the Nam Ngiep 2C project / Calculation of EIRRThe case of Thermal Power Plant

Cost Benefit
Operation Dependable Net
Construction and kW Capacity Annual kWh Energy
Year and Total Peak Total Benefit
Reinvestment Value Benefit Energy Value Benefit
Maintenance Capacity
Mil.USD Mil.USD Mil.USD MW US$/kW Mil.USD GWh US$/kWh Mil.USD Mil.USD Mil.USD
1 8.09 0.00 8.09 0 0.00 0.00 -8.09
2 13.48 0.00 13.48 0 0.00 0.00 -13.48
3 5.39 0.20 5.59 14.5 370.13 5.37 35.51 0.1288 4.57 9.94 4.35
4 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
5 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
6 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
7 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
8 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
9 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
10 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
11 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
12 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
13 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
14 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
15 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
16 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
17 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
18 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
19 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
20 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
21 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
22 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
23 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
24 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
25 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
26 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
27 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
28 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
29 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
30 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
31 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
32 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
33 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
34 0.40 0.4 14.5 370.13 5.37 71.01 0.1288 9.15 14.51 14.11
Total 26.96 12.60 39.56 171.7413 2236.82 288.13 459.88 420.32
Discount Rate: 10.0% PV(Cost): 25.54 PV(Benefit): 110.83
EIRR: 44.2%
NPV: 85.290 Mil.USD
B/C: 4.34

Source: Study team

Table 6.18 shows EIRR, B/C and NPV for the four candidate projects.
Table 6.18 EIRRs for the four candidate projects
Table 6.18 EIRRs for the four candidate projects
Project Nam Ngiep 2A Nam Ngiep 2B Nam Ngiep 2C Nam Ban
(%) (Mil.USD) (%) (Mil.USD) (%) (Mil.USD) (%) (Mil.USD)
Electricity Import from EGAT 27.0 2.78 30.00 28.1 2.91 53.75 27.3 2.63 41.64 16.0 1.57 21.19
Thermal Power Plant 43.6 4.60 60.49 40.6 4.65 102.62 44.2 4.34 85.29 25.0 2.60 59.09
Source: the METI survey team

Source: Study team

2) Financial Analysis
a) Evaluation method
In the Financial Analysis, the financial profitability of this project was evaluated by the calculation of Financial
Internal Rate of Return (FIRR), similar to the Economic Analysis. Handling of calculation period, price escalation
and interest during the construction period is common to the Preconditions of Economic Analysis.
b) Financial costs and benefits
Benefits and costs were handled by the use of market prices. The financial costs are the initial investment amount by
market prices, and maintenance costs/facility renewal costs (if applicable) based on the initial investment. As for the
handling of transfer payments such as taxes, interest, subsidies, etc., taxes and interest were treated as costs but
subsidies were treated as benefits from the project owners standpoint. Depreciation cost was not treated as a cost as
in the Economic Analysis. In the case of the Nam Ngiep 2C project, revenues from sales of electric power to EDL,
which shall be benefits, were set at 6.7 USC/kWh from start of operation to 14th year, 5.7 USC/kWh from 15th year
to 27th year, and 6.0 USC/kWh from 28th year onward, based on the PPA concluded between EDL and sponsors.
The cost for hydropower generation royalty was set at an amount equal to 2% of total revenues from the sales of
electric power with reference to other hydropower generation projects in Laos. In addition, profit tax was set at 24%,
based on Laos Tax Law, and tax exemption period as investment incentive was set at 6 years from the start of operation.
The financial cost of Nam Ngiep 2C is shown in Table 6.19.

Table 6.19Table
Financial cost of initial investment in Nam Ngiep 2C project
6.19 Financial Cost of Initial Investment in the Nam Ngiep 2C project

Ist Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total

1. Construction Cost
Construction auxiliary work 913.3 0.0 1,522.2 0.0 608.9 0.0 3,044.4 0.0 3,044.4
Architectural work 4,026.1 0.0 6,710.2 0.0 2,684.1 0.0 13,420.4 0.0 13,420.4
Electrical & mechanical equipment including equipment and
123.0 1,081.2 205.0 1,802.0 82.0 720.8 410.0 3,603.9 4,013.9
Steel Structure/Equipment and Installation 115.0 383.1 191.6 638.6 76.6 255.4 383.2 1,277.1 1,660.3
Total 5,177.4 1,464.3 8,629.0 2,440.5 3,451.6 976.2 17,258.0 4,881.0 22,139.0
2. Environmental Protection Cost
Compensation for land acquisition and resettlement 81.9 0.0 136.5 0.0 54.6 0.0 273.0 0.0 273.0
Environmental work 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
UXO clearance 88.1 0.0 146.8 0.0 58.7 0.0 293.5 0.0 293.5
Total 170.0 0.0 283.3 0.0 113.3 0.0 566.5 0.0 566.5
3. Independent Cost 1,298.0 0.0 2,163.4 0.0 865.4 0.0 4,326.8 0.0 4,326.8
Sum of 1-3 6,645.4 1,464.3 11,075.6 2,440.5 4,430.2 976.2 22,151.2 4,881.0 27,032.3
4. Basic Contingency Cost 332.3 73.2 553.8 122.0 221.5 48.8 1,107.6 244.1 1,351.6
6,977.6 1,537.5 11,629.4 2,562.5 4,651.8 1,025.0 23,258.8 5,125.1 28,383.9
Static Cost (Sum of 1-4)
8,515.2 14,191.9 5,676.8 28,383.9
Source: the METI survey team

Source: Study team

In the Financial Analysis that performs the cash flow analysis for this project, the judgment is made by comparison
of Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR) and Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), which is assumed as
the capital-raising cost of this project. The WACC to be compared with FIRR was calculated at 6.7% in conformity
with the Guideline of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and based on expected lending rates for loans from MDBs
and hurdle rates for equity holders.

d) Calculation of FIRR and analysis results
Calculation results for FIRR are as shown in Table 6.20 after development of financial costs and benefits onto the cash
flow table. FIRR became 12.03%, which exceeds the judgment index of the above WACC. Accordingly, we can also
evaluate this project as financially feasible.
Table 6.20 Financial
Table 6.20 evaluation
Financial Evaluation of theof
NgiepNgiep 2C
2C project projectof/ Calculation
/ Calculation FIRR of FIRR
Cost Benefit
Construction and Operation and Annual Tariff
Year Royalty Profit Tax Total Tariff Rate Total Benefit
Reinvestment Maintenance Energy Revenue
Mil.USD Mil.USD Mil.USD Mil.USD Mil.USD GWh US/kWh Mil.USD Mil.USD Mil.USD
1 8.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.52 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 -8.52
2 14.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.19 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 -14.19
3 5.68 0.22 0.06 0.00 5.955 35.51 6.70 2.38 2.38 -3.58
4 0.43 0.10 0.00 0.53 71.01 6.70 4.76 4.76 4.23
5 0.43 0.10 0.00 0.53 71.01 6.70 4.76 4.76 4.23
6 0.43 0.10 0.00 0.53 71.01 6.70 4.76 4.76 4.23
7 0.43 0.10 0.00 0.53 71.01 6.70 4.76 4.76 4.23
8 0.43 0.10 0.00 0.53 71.01 6.70 4.76 4.76 4.23
9 0.43 0.10 0.00 0.53 71.01 6.70 4.76 4.76 4.23
10 0.43 0.10 0.63 1.16 71.01 6.70 4.76 4.76 3.60
11 0.43 0.10 0.89 1.42 71.01 6.70 4.76 4.76 3.34
12 0.43 0.10 0.74 1.27 71.01 6.70 4.76 4.76 3.49
13 0.43 0.10 0.80 1.33 71.01 6.70 4.76 4.76 3.43
14 0.43 0.10 0.80 1.33 71.01 6.70 4.76 4.76 3.43
15 0.43 0.10 0.80 1.33 71.01 6.70 4.76 4.76 3.43
16 0.43 0.10 0.80 1.33 71.01 6.70 4.76 4.76 3.43
17 0.43 0.08 0.63 1.14 71.01 5.70 4.05 4.05 2.91
18 0.43 0.08 0.63 1.14 71.01 5.70 4.05 4.05 2.91
19 0.43 0.08 0.63 1.14 71.01 5.70 4.05 4.05 2.91
20 0.43 0.08 0.63 1.14 71.01 5.70 4.05 4.05 2.91
21 0.43 0.08 0.63 1.14 71.01 5.70 4.05 4.05 2.91
22 0.43 0.08 0.63 1.14 71.01 5.70 4.05 4.05 2.91
23 0.43 0.08 0.63 1.14 71.01 5.70 4.05 4.05 2.91
24 0.43 0.08 0.63 1.14 71.01 5.70 4.05 4.05 2.91
25 0.43 0.08 0.63 1.14 71.01 5.70 4.05 4.05 2.91
26 0.43 0.08 0.63 1.14 71.01 5.70 4.05 4.05 2.91
27 0.43 0.08 0.63 1.14 71.01 5.70 4.05 4.05 2.91
28 0.43 0.08 0.63 1.14 71.01 5.70 4.05 4.05 2.91
29 0.43 0.08 0.63 1.14 71.01 5.70 4.05 4.05 2.91
30 0.43 0.09 0.68 1.2 71.01 6.00 4.26 4.26 3.06
31 0.43 0.09 0.68 1.2 71.01 6.00 4.26 4.26 3.06
32 0.43 0.09 0.68 1.2 71.01 6.00 4.26 4.26 3.06
33 0.43 0.09 0.68 1.2 71.01 6.00 4.26 4.26 3.06
34 0.43 0.09 0.68 1.2 71.01 6.00 4.26 4.26 3.06
Total 28.39 13.55 2.85 17.05 61.835 2236.82 197.90 138.15 138.15 76.32
FIRR: 12.03%

Source: Study team

Table 6.21 shows the results of the financial analysis for the four candidate projects.
Table 6.21 FIRR for the four candidate projects
Analysis Project Nam Ngiep 2A Nam Ngiep 2B Nam Ngiep 2C Nam Ban
FIRR (%) 12.8 13.4 12.0 6.4
Source: The METI survey team
Source: Study team

3) Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analysis was conducted for a case in which any precondition of the Economic Analysis or Financial Analysis
changes. The analysis was conducted for the Nam Ngiep 2C project on the assumption of the following cases.
a) Sensitivity analysis in Economic Analysis
As shown in Table 6.22, it was indicated that even Case 3, which has the most severe preconditions, is economically
feasible as EIRR exceeds the discount rate in either case, irrespective of alternative power generation, i.e. increase in
power imports from EGAT or alternative thermal power generation.

Table 6.20 Sensitivity analysis for economic analysis

Table 6.22 Sensitivity Analyses for Economic Analyses
Case Condition EIRR Discount Rate
Base - 27.3%
Electricity Import 1 Initial Investment increases by 10% 25.0%
from EGAT 2 Import Surcharge decreases by 50% 18.5%
3 Initial Investment increases by 10% and Import Surcharge decreases by 50% 16.9%
Base - 44.2%
Thermal Power 1 Initial Investment increases by 10% 40.6%
Plant 2 Thermal Fuel Cost decreases by 50% 32.3%
3 Initial Investment increases by 10% and Thermal Fuel Cost decreases by 50% 29.5%
Source: the METI survey team

Source: Study team

b) Sensitivity analysis in Financial Analysis
As shown in Table 6.23, it was indicated that even Case 3, which has the most severe preconditions, is financially
feasible as FIRR exceeds the above-mentioned Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) that is assumed as the
capital-raising cost of this project.

Table 6.23 Sensitivity Analyses for Financial Analyses

Case Precondition EIRR
Base - 12.0%
1 Initial Investment increases by 10% 10.6%
2 Electricity sold to EDL decreases by 10% 10.2%
3 Initial Investment increases by 10% and Electricity sold to EDL decreases by 10% 8.9%
Source: the METI survey team
Source: Study team

Capter7 Planned Project Schedule
(1) Nam Ngiep 2C2B2A
Due to the fact that a common sponsor is undertaking Nam Ngiep 2C, 2B and 2A, it is more effective and sensible to bundle 2C
(commercially commissioned in December 2016), and 2B and 2A (both under construction) into one project. The sponsor has
made an investment in these three projects with its own equity, partially with the governments concessional finance. The sponsor
intends to move on to the development of larger projects based on its experience in the construction and management of these
medium-sized projects. The sponsor would like to secure development funds quickly by monetizing part of the equity, by selling
off to strategic partners and debt financing. The following exhibit presents the implementation schedule for the Japanese
sponsors equity participation in the project. It is noted that if the project company needs external debt financing, it should re-
negotiate the current PPA into a more bankable one.

Figure 7.1 Implementation Schedule (Nam Ngiep 2C/B/A)

Dec 2016 Apr Jun Share Purchase Dec After 2018
2C COD Due Diligence PPA Renegotiation Agreement Loan Agreement COD for 2B/2A

After 2018
Year 2017
Source: Study Team

(2) Nam Ban

The sponsor has not yet received a further project development permit since almost finalizing the feasibility study for Nam Ban.
One of the biggest reasons for the non-performance is lack of funding. With the presence of a Japanese sponsor in the equity
holding of the project company, the project is expected to secure financing from JICA and others, giving rise to its realization.
This sponsor holds an MOU on a potential 30MW project nearby. By combining Nam Ban with the 30MW project, the total
project becomes sizeable, leading to more favorable financing terms. The PPAs off-take conditions currently assumed for Nam
Ban have some issues. By bundling with another larger project, the sponsor can negotiate with the off-taker more advantageously.
The following exhibit shows the implementation schedule for Nam Ban.
Figure 7.2 Implementation Schedule (Nam Ban)
Concession Sep
2016 Apr Jun Agreement Share Purchase Dec After 2018
F/S Completed Due Diligence PPA Negotiation Agreement Loan Agreement Construction Starts

Year 2017 After 2018

Source: Study Team

Capter8 Present Status of Legal Improvement regarding
Implementation of IPP Projects in Lao PDR
(1) Relevant laws
1) Law on Electricity (2011
(a) Concession business
The Law on Electricity provides for that both public and private sectors in general are allowed to conduct electricity business
in generation and transmission, subject to concessions granted by MPI in accordance with the Law on Investment
(b) Approval authority
Approval authority for power generation projects is fourfold by the Law on Electricity.
Standing Committee of National Assembly
Generation capacity: more than 100MW, or projects with reservoir areas with more than ten thousand
hectares, or projects with severe socioeconomic and natural impacts
Generation capacity: more than 15MW, up to 100MW
Provincial or city governor
Generation capacity: more than 0.1MW, up to 15MW
District or municipal governor
Generation capacity: up to 0.1MW
(c) Investment forms
The Law on Electricity provides for four investment forms in the electricity business. Relevant to IPPs
business is BOT, BT and BOO.
Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT)
Build and Transfer (BT)
Build, Operate and Own (BOO)
Directly by the state through State Owned Enterprise (SOE)
(d) Concession period
The Law on Electricity limits concession periods up to 30 years after commercial operation dates (CODs), and provides
that, after the concession period, the facilities shall be transferred to the state at no cost.
(e) Concession procedure
The Law on Electricity subdivides concession procedure into three as follows.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
The Law is silent on the length of MOUs, which is generally good for 18 months, but stipulates that the
extension thereof cannot extend more than 9 months. Usually pre-feasibility studies are conducted during the
validity of MOUs.
Project Development Agreement (PDA)
The Law is silent on the length of PDAs, but stipulates that the extension thereof cannot extend more than 6
months, and the number of extensions for export and domestic projects are limited up to, respectively, 3 and
2 times. Usually detailed feasibility studies are conducted during the validity of PDAs.
Concession Agreement (CA)

CAs are valid for up to 30 years after CODs, and the Law stipulates that the construction can be commenced only after
CAs are effectuated. In general, CAs explicitly defines concessionaires rights and obligations including royalty,
corporate income tax, and, if any, fiscal incentives.
(f) Exemption from Concession Agreement and Foreign Limit
The Law on Electricity provides for that the following three businesses need not to secure concessions, and
the small hydropower projects with generating capacity of less than 15MW are only available for Lao
Businesses by the state through SOEs
Small hydropower projects with generating capacity of less than 15 MW and with no significant social and
environmental impact
Renewable energy projects with generating capacity of less than 0.5MW
(g) Land provision
The Law on Electricity stipulates that the government shall provide concessionaires with necessary land use rights in
accordance with the Law on Land.

2) Regulation on Small Hydropower Development

The Law on Electricity says that another regulation shall define procedures for projects exempted from CAs, and accordingly
in July 2016 MEM promulgated the Regulation on Development of Small Hydropower Project, aimed for projects with
generation capacity of less than 15MW.
(a) Project procedure
The Regulation subdivides project procedure into three as follows. Incumbent MOUs and PDAs holders
are regarded as in the first step, feasibility study stage.
Feasibility Study (including PPAs with EDL)
Feasibility studies need to be submitted to the approval authority, i.e. provincial or city governors, within
24 months after the initial approval to conduct the study
Construction (including approvals of basic design, construction permit, and completion certification)
Construction needs to be commenced within 6 months after the construction permit in general or at
maximum within 24 months in case with good reasons
Construction period and completion target at discretion of project companies
Commercial Operation
(b) Small Hydropower Operational Agreement (SHOA)
Small hydropower projects with generation capacity of less than 15MW are not required to secure CAs. Instead it is general
practice that provincial or city investment and planning departments and project companies or sponsors conclude Small
Hydropower Operational Agreements (SHOAs) or similar agreements in order for defining rights and obligations of project
companies. The name of SHOAs, however, is not standardized and in fact varies across provinces, and the Regulation is
silent on SHOAs or similar agreements either.

3) Law on Investment Promotion (2009)

(a) Investment category

The Law on Investment Promotion categorizes investment into three as follows. Electricity business
including IPPs fall into the second category of concession business.
General business
Concession business
Development business of special and specific economic zone
(b) Investment type
The Law on Investment Promotion subdivides investment type into three as follows.
Investment solely by Lao investors or foreign investors
Joint venture by both Lao and foreign investors (wherein foreign investors share in equity must be more than 10%)
Business cooperation agreement between Lao and foreign investors (without incorporation of juristic person in joint
(c) Investment incentives
The Law on Investment Promotion provides for three level of fiscal incentives per priority and location. Power generation,
however, is not vested with explicit or outright fiscal incentives by the Law, but CAs, SHOAs or similar agreements
occasionally and variably give certain incentives to investors.

4) Law on Enterprise (2013

(a) Juristic person types
The Law on Enterprise provides for five types of juristic person as follows. Majority of sponsors and project
companies for IPPs are presumably limited companies.
Public company (more than 9 shareholders with limited liability)
Limited company (sole or from 2 to less than 30 shareholders with limited liability)
Partnership (necessitating partner with unlimited liability)
Branch (for certain foreign businesses such as bank and airline)
Representative office
(b) Specific Purpose Company (SPC)
In Lao PDR, Specific Purpose Company (SPC) is not explicitly stipulated by the Law on Enterprise and other existing laws.
5) Other relevant laws
Other than abovementioned laws, laws and decree-laws relevant to IPPs include laws on tax, customs, land, construction,
water resource, aquatic and wildlife.

(2) Relevant authorities

1) Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM)
At MEM, Dept. of Energy Business (DEB) takes charge of electricity concession businesses including IPPs in accordance with
the Law on Electricity. More precisely, for instance, DEB is responsible for technical assessment and consent on hydropower
projects with generation capacity of more than 15MW during the course of IPPs concession procedure.
Meanwhile, Dept. of Energy Policy and Planning (DEPP) currently takes charge of drafting the amendment of the Law on
Electricity, with technical assistance from the World Bank.

2) Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI)
At MPI, Investment Promotion Dept. (IPD) takes charge of electricity concession businesses including IPPs. More precisely, for
instance, IPD is responsible for endorsing project approvals to the government or the Standing Committee of National Assembly
with prior technical consent from MEM.
IPD functions as the one-stop service for investors, and facilitates to process company registration, concession registration and
taxpayer registration, among other administrative necessities.
3) Province and Vientiane Capital
Power development project with generating capacity of less than 15MW is approved by provinces and Vientiane capital city,
depending on location, and its procedures and requirements vary among provinces.
The study team visited several provinces and obtained information on existing MOUs, as exhibited in Table 8.1, and found there
were expired and extended MOUs. Extension thereof seemed to be easily given after concise reasoning. Moreover, in a few
provinces, projects profiles were intentionally scattered into less than 15MW, so as to avoid the approval necessity from the
central government.

Table 8.1 MOUs Status in Visited Provinces

Province Date of visit Valid MOUs Expired MOUs Extended MOUs As of

1 Xiengkhouang 2016/9/26 47 5 2 2016/9/16

2 Oudomxay 2016/10/25 8 0 0 unknown

3 Phongsaly 2016/10/26 9 3 4 unknown

4 Luang Prabang 2016/10/28 8 0 0 2016/9/8

5 Champasak 2016/11/1 17 0 1 unknown

6 Attapeu 2016/11/2 16 4 4 2016/10/31

7 Xekong 2016/11/2 25 0 6 unknown

8 Vientiane 2016/12/9 12 1 4 2015/6/29

Source: Aggregated by the study team

There were several projects whose MOUs had gone expired and where expiration dates had been extended. Reasons for
extension may be taking more time in F/S than expected. Such excuse was accepted throughout discussions between a
prefecture office and a sponsor. In addition, in prefectures such as Luang Prabang and Vientiane, there were many cases where
a project was applied as one below 15MW to a prefecture but later converted to a project larger than 15MW. Some projects
were handed over to the central government, namely MEM, while output capacities of other projects were added by sponsors
applying incremental capacity of X MW to 15MW to the prefecture office.

(3) Necessary Measures from the Viewpoint of Japanese Companies

Financial and institutional capacity of EDL is still not strong enough, and Japanese electric power companies and

governmental financial institutions are most likely unable to take the off-taker risk of EDL yet. It is inevitable, therefore, to secure
the Lao governments guarantee onto the EDLs payment obligation under PPAs, so that Japanese electric power companies and
governmental financial institutions can participate into the domestic IPPs projects, respectively, as sponsors and lenders.
By now only a few domestic IPPs projects with generation capacity of more than 100MW have secured the governmental
guarantee, according to EDL. However, when Japanese electric power companies invest into domestic IPPs, the governmental
guarantee shall be the prerequisite even for smaller generation capacity.

(4) Insufficiency and Deregulation from the Viewpoint of Japanese

1) Insufficient regulatory arrangement
The Law on Electricity gives the approval authority to the central government and provinces or city, respectively, more than
15MW and up to 15MW in generation capacity. Coordination and information sharing between the central government and
provinces/city is not necessarily sufficient, and consequently duplicated projects approval takes place in the adjacent areas on the
same river flow.
The draft amendment of the Law envisages to limit the approval authority of provinces and city up to 2MW. As there are not so
many projects with less than 2MW, the chance of duplicated projects approval shall be significantly decreased, should the draft
amendment pass. Nevertheless, the coordination and information sharing between the central government and provinces and city
needs to be strengthened anyway.

2) Deregulation request
The Law on Electricity provides for that power development projects with generation capacity of up to 15MW are reserved for
Lao citizens (which may implicitly include juristic persons which are majority owned by Lao). Japanese electric power
companies may also invest in a project up to 15MW or a set of such projects in the cascaded manner, hence may want to request
for deregulation on this nationality limitation.

Capter9 Activities of Key Local Sponsors and the Off-
(1) Sponsor (EDL-Gen)
The previous Law on Electricity did require the government to invest in the IPPs as part of sponsors, and hence even after its
amendment in 2011 it is still common that the governmental organization takes part of IPPs as sponsor. Currently there are full
or quasi state owned enterprises which invest into IPPs as sponsor: EDL-Gen and LHSE. However, LHSE invest in export
oriented IPPs whose majority market is offshore. Besides, several private sponsors are examined in Chapter 4. This subchapter
hence pertains to EDL-Gen only.

1) Outline of EDL-Gen
EDL-Gen is a public company incorporated under the Law on Enterprise by transferring the generating asset and corresponding
liabilities which were previously owned and operated by EDL. EDL was listed in 2011 in Lao Stock Exchange. EDL-Gens 25%
of shares have been sold to investors in the capital market, but the remaining 75% is still owned by EDL, its parent company.
As of June 2016. EDL-Gen has 732 directors and employees and owns, operates and maintains 10 hydropower facilities with
total generation capacity of 1,131MW. All of these hydropower facilities sell its generated electricity exclusively to EDL.
According to EDL-Gens business plan, it plans to increase the total generation capacity to more than 2,200MW by 2020, by
further transfer of hydropower plants from EDL and by constructing new ones.

2) Sponsorship of EDL-Gen
As of June 2016, EDL-Gen has equity investments into 5 IPPs. Lower Houay Lamphan is the only project developed by EDL-
Gen, and other five hydropower plants have been transferred from EDL.
Theun Hinboun (220MW, equity share 60, off-taker EGAT)
Houay Ho (152MW, equity share 20, off-taker EGAT)
Nam Gum 2 (615MW, equity share 25, off-taker EGAT)
Nam Lik 1-2 (100MW, equity share 20, off-taker EDL)
Nam Ngum 5 (120MW, equity share 15, off-taker EDL)
Lower Houay Lamphan (15MW, equity share 60, off-taker EDL)
According to EDL-Gens business plan, it plans to buy out 11 IPPs shares still held by EDL and to develop another series of IPPs
by itself.

(2) Off-taker (EDL)

1) Outline of EDL
Electricite du Lao (EDL) was established under the Ministry of Energy then in 1959, and was incorporated as a juristic person
under the Law on Enterprise. It is a state owned enterprise, fully owned by the government of Lao PDR.
Previously EDL used to be the single and only organization engaged in generation, transmission and distribution of electricity
within the domestic market. Since 2010, hydropower plants have been transferred from EDL to its subsidiary, EDL-Gen, and
consequently EDL has only 8 very small plants, all of which are less than 2MW in generation capacity, at the year end of 2015.
Equity shares of IPPs have been also transferred from EDL to EDL-Gen, but EDL still has less than 10 IPPs shares.
On the other hand, transmission and distribution remains as the EDLs domain of business in monopoly, and there is no concrete

plan to privatize or unbundle it.

2) Off-taking by EDL
Type of IPPs with EDL as off-taker can be twofold: EDL as main off-taker, and EDL as marginal off-taker (in which case there
is other main off-taker such as EGAT in Thailand). For IPPs with EDL as main off-taker, those under construction outnumbers
operating ones in project number and generation capacity, as of June 2016.

Table 9.1. Off-taking by EDL

Operating Under construction
EDL as main off-taker No. of projects 12 16
Generation capacity 1,055 MW 2,458 MW
EDL as marginal off-taker No. of projects 6 5
Generation capacity 257 MW 314 MW
Source: MEM, IPPs Projects Update, June 2016

(3) Challenges from the Viewpoint of Japanese Companies

This subchapter examines possible challenges on PPAs with EDL as the main off-taker, from the viewpoint of Japanese electric
power companies (besides the governmental guarantee on PPAs, which is examined in Chapter 8).

1) Take-or-pay clause
Majority of EDLs PPAs effectively entail the take-and-pay clause, whereby EDL pays only for the volume of electricity
generated and bought at the predetermined unit cost. In turn, only a few PPAs, with generation capacity of more than 100MW,
have the take-or-pay clause, whereby EDL pays out predetermined amount of fee, regardless of the volume of electricity
generated and bought, at least for the period of loan tenure.
When Japanese electric power companies invest in domestic IPP as sponsor, it is inevitable to secure the take-or-pay clause,
regardless of the generation capacity, in order for obtaining project financings from Japanese governmental financial institutions
and their possible co-lenders.

2) Settlement currency
The model PPA and MEMs Regulation on Domestic IPPs Purchasing Price (May 2016) use USD as the denomination currency.
However, as an example, the model PPA exhibits its settlement currency as follows.
1 to 12 year USD 70, LAK 30
13 to 27 year USD 20, LAK 80
EDL says that the formula, though example, is intended to minimize the currency risk, as the EDLs receivables from
distribution business is essentially in LAK. However, as far as the contracted price is denominated or determined (and regulated)
in USD, even if settlement currency is LAK, then the currency risk is not alleviated. Rather it is likely that debt financing of IPP
project companies are disadvantaged by the portion of LAK, which has virtually no circulation outside the country. When
Japanese electric power companies invest in IPP as sponsor, it is inevitable to secure all or almost all settlement in USD, or in
another word, minimal to zero settlement in LAK.
By the way, change in proportion between USD and LAK at 12-13 years implies that the debt financing tenures for existing IPPs
for domestic market average the same period more or less. This is in general much shorter than debt financing tenures by Japanese
governmental financial institutions and their possible co-lenders.

Capter10 Activities of Other Local Investors
(1) Activities of investors who have concluded MOUs
According to the June 2016 IPP project list obtained from MEM, there are about 130 companies that have concluded MOUs,
and most of them have constructed roads, bridges, and dams in Laos. They are domestic companies in Laos who are engaged
in manufacturing and construction related to the construction industry or electric power business. Many companies are
diversified, with interests such as the urban development business, real estate industry, and agriculture, in addition to the power
generation business and construction industry.
Few companies have completed hydroelectric power plants. According to the IPP list, the number of IPP companies with
hydraulic power plants in operation is about 30, more than half of which are foreign companies that invest in large capacity
power plants. As investors, there are limited businesses with construction experience in hydropower plants (including those
under construction).
Opportunities to enter the hydroelectric power generation business are often gained through connections, with the government
and EDL, due to power-related work such as dam construction. Although they have the technologies required for the
construction of dams, due to the lack of funds construction is not progressing.
Other investors apart from domestic enterprises in Laos are companies from Thailand, Vietnam, China and other neighboring
countries, but they mainly invest in hydropower development projects for export abroad.

(2) Development status based on MOUs for projects owned by other

The total number of IPP hydroelectric power plants already in operation in Laos has reached 40, but the number of IPP
operators that are in operation, such as EDL-Gen, are limited. For other investors, the site development situation is that some
investors are steadily starting construction after implementing FS, while others have no prospect of procuring the necessary
funds for construction. The fund procurement situation depends greatly on the project, and considerable differences were seen
depending on the case. They are looking for joint developments with other businesses, including businesses outside of Laos,
as they have insufficient funds due to other projects owned by investors and financing with other hydraulic project
developments. There are many such cases.
In developments up to FS and construction, there were many cases using manufacturers and research companies with
considerable global hydraulic development experience, such as in Europe, China, and India.

(3) Causes of development stagnation

The main cause of the stagnation is a shortage of funds. They tried to acquire income from hydropower projects because of
the lack of funds in construction projects other than hydropower, but funds in the construction of power plants were insufficient,
and even though we investigated, businesses are not proceeding to construction. There are many similar cases. Some
businesses have sold existing projects to raise funds to advance the next project development.
Regarding PPA negotiations, businesses considering favorable contracts for raising funds such as Take or pay were not
encountered in interviews for this survey. Many businesses did not know the mechanism of Take or pay. Even if they can

implement the construction of the first project with their own funds, there is a danger that funds to advance the next project
will be lacking.
From a technical aspect, there were cases in which access to the site could not be gained due to the weather in some areas,
with few access roads to the site, such as in Phongsaly province, so the survey did not progress as expected.

Capter11 Technical Advantages of Japanese Company

(1) Possible participation forms for Japanese companies
Participation forms for hydropower IPP projects in general can be threefold: i) sponsorship, ii) construction and equipment, and
iii) operation and maintenance. On the premise that Japanese companies as sponsors shall invest in the equity of project
companies, the possible participation forms for Japanese companies can be generalized as follows.

1) Sponsorship
Sponsorship of IPPs means that Japanese companies invest in the equity of project companies. Lao companies holding
concessions as well as full or quasi-state owned companies such as EDL-Gen and LHSE may also jointly invest.
The proportion of the equity shares is subject to negotiation with other sponsors, but Japanese companies may want to invest and
hold at least 30% of the equity so that they can have a certain controlling power in the development and operation of the IPP
project company.

2) Construction and equipment

Construction contractors and equipment procurement are determined by the sponsors who invest in the IPP project company.
Nevertheless, in the case of Japanese sponsors, it is likely that the construction is commissioned to Japanese contractors,
especially those based in Lao PDR or Thailand, and that equipment such as generators, turbines and control panels is sourced
from Japanese manufacturers. Should equipment made in Japan not be competitively priced, then that made in other countries
(such as China) by Japanese manufacturers may be alternatively sourced.

3) Operation and maintenance

The operation and maintenance formation is also determined by the sponsors who invest in the IPP project company.
Nevertheless, in the case of Japanese sponsors, it is likely that they or their affiliated companies may be contracted by the IPP
project company for operation and maintenance or technical advisory thereof.

(2) Advantages and disadvantages of Japanese companies in project

implementation (technical and economic aspects)

1) Technology advantages
(a) Thorough quality control
If construction or product quality is poor, it will cause problems until the end of the plants lifetime, such as expense
increases due to frequent occurrence of breakdowns and accidents, repairs and increases in operation stoppages.
Therefore, increasing construction quality is very important for hydroelectric power plants that are to operate for a long
time. Japanese companies rigorously implement checks and supervision based on standards to maintain a high quality
of construction and procurement in construction work. For example, "Civil Engineering Construction Management
Standard (draft) March 28, Heisei 28, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport" indicates that "for the construction
of civil engineering work, the purpose is to ensure the construction period, the form of the construction object and the
quality standards stipulated in the contract document. This criterion specifies fine control regarding quality control

together with process management and form control. For quality control, in Japan, management is carried out according
to the test items, test methods and test standards stipulated in the quality management standards, and it is confirmed
whether or not each actual measured (test/inspection/measurement) value satisfies the standard value. Lao Electric
Power Technical Standards (Lao Electric Power Technical Standards) are in place for the development of power in
Laos, and compliance with design and construction standards is mandated. However, in the study of a construction site
during the second survey, there was no evidence that tests and the like for quality control are being carried out and the
construction quality at the same construction site also showed differences, so there is concern that the quality control
based on the basic standards/viewpoints is not sufficient. At hydropower plants in Japan, periodic inspections, cleaning,
and small-scale repair are carried out about every three years after starting operation. Practicing appropriate
maintenance activities to maintain the functions of these facilities enables early detection of abnormal symptoms,
extension of large-scale repair cycles such as those for water wheel runners and reduction of outage periods due to
planned repair schedule adjustment.
From this, it seems that Japanese companies have superiority in terms of quality assurance and management, such as
in civil engineering.

Table 11.1 Excerpt of civil engineering construction management standard (draft)

Source: Quoted from civil engineering construction management standard (draft)

Photo 11.1 D3 dam at Nam Ngiep 2C

*Relatively high quality, such as concrete construction

surface, is secured

Source: study team

11.2 NamNgiep2C

*Uneven parts in the concrete construction surface can be seen

Source: study team

(b) Enhancement of construction management system
In recent years, construction work, including that for power generation facilities, has been rapidly progressing in Laos, and
demand for local construction companies is increasing. However, it was also pointed out in a past survey report that local
workers are less conscious of securing process, even after working overtime (Laos National Small Hydroelectric Power Project
Preliminary Survey Report, March 2013, International Cooperation Organization, p. 3-4). For a Japanese company, it is
necessary to confirm the construction progress at the facility, compare it with the initial process, confirm the procurement
situation regarding equipment and materials, identify the process delay factors, and carry out confirmation and adjustment at
regular step process meetings. Extension of the construction period will increase personnel expenses, equipment costs, etc.,
which will cause a deterioration of economic efficiency, so construction control and process control are extremely important.
For this reason, in terms of construction management and process control in construction, Japanese companies are considered
to have superiority.

(c) Thorough implementation of safety management system

In addition to construction management and quality control, it is important to conduct management and guidance so that
construction can be carried out safely. Insufficient safety control raises the risk of machine accidents and injury accidents,
which may lead to suspension of work and a decrease in labor. For this reason, it is necessary to prevent accidents such as
electric shocks and traffic accidents, and to take measures such as implementing safety patrols, and establishing and displaying
emergency contact networks. In Japanese companies, standards for safety management are stipulated in accordance with the
Occupational Safety and Health Law, and safety management systems are established and implemented such that each
company sets its own guidelines. During the tour of the construction site in the second survey, there were places where a
sufficient safety management system, such as clothing for workers and safety equipment, was not in effect. In terms of safety
management in construction, it is considered that Japanese companies are superior.
Photo 11.3 Status of powerhouse construction site at Nam Ngiep 2C

*There are problems with safety management such as vulnerability of

scaffolding and clothes for workers

Source: study team

(d) Introduction of quality Operation and Maintenance (O&M) practices
In ASEAN countries, non-performance of maintenance (in other words, breakdown maintenance), rough operation under
heavy rain, unavailability of completion drawings, accidents and malfunctions caused by non-existence of O&M manuals,
shortening of facility life, and decreases of plant factor are frequently observed. As an example of such trouble, in one ASEAN
country, turbine runners became heavily damaged within only seven years after start of operation, which is roughly half the
large-scale inspection-repair interval in Japan. This resulted in operation well below rated output capacity. In this study, the
team was unable to visit existing IPP power plants in Lao PDR and confirm such incidents directly. However, according to
some of the sponsors the team met, similar cases where power plants are left unable to operate at rated capacity, even right after
their commissioning, also seem to occur in Lao PDR. It is estimated that improper O&M structure is one of the causes of such
In Japan, through periodic inspections, the state of each piece of equipment is well monitored, and proper replacement intervals
for them are established by preventive maintenance practices. In the case of muddy water after heavy rainfall, water intake is
quickly suspended as an operational procedure in Japan. Therefore, incidents leading to long down-times of power plants rarely
take place. It can be said that quality O&M structure, comprising adequate undertaking of patrols/inspections, early
identification of problems, established operational procedures such as water intake suspension under natural disasters like
heavy rainfall, accident management, proper maintenance of various manuals/drawings, and education/training of power plant
staff members, is a significant strength of Japanese firms.

2) Non-technical Disadvantages
(a) Construction Period
In ODA projects mainly in Southeast Asia, few projects use special methods with dominant differences in technologies, such as
special bridges, underwater structures, PCs, etc. Countries other than Japan have also increased their abilities and carry out ODA
projects with no difference in technical level. Of the composition of construction cost, although material costs and labor costs are
not very different, there is a possibility that the construction period will be the greatest difference. In the case of Japan, various
inspections (reinforcing bars, formworks, concrete, etc.) are carried out according to the directions of the ordering side as the
construction progresses. Moreover, since the schedule for the actual examination is made to accommodate the inspector, there
are many cases in which waiting times cause delays in the construction period. (The construction company wants to proceed
quickly, but must wait for inspectors.) Although it is possible that the construction period in other countries is shorter, streamlining
the inspections, these companies will not possess Japanese know-how, and shortening the construction period can cause inferior

(b) Land Acquisition

Land acquisition is generally left to the owner and cases are seen where the construction period is postponed. In other countries,
land acquisition contractors, which influence the construction period, actively participate in land acquisition to prevent delays. In
the case of Japanese companies, there is concern that such a system or know-how in acquiring land is not in place and the process
will be inferior.

(c) Composition of the Contractor

In the case of Japan, a major contractor will subcontract, procure machinery and provisional equipment every time a contract is
commissioned, and organize a team on a project basis. However, in other countries, people, goods, machinery, etc. are always in
place and they have an advantage in terms of mobility and cost because they move all at once, anytime, anywhere. For this reason,
there is concern that Japanese companies will be inferior in the composition of contractors.

(d) Method of responding to trouble that occurs during the construction work
In Japan, we act on the basis of compliance with laws and regulations, and it takes time for surveys, procedures and compensation
based on laws and ordinances. However, in other countries, cases such as trouble-handling on the compensation side are resolved
quickly. As for the speediness of response to trouble, there is concern that Japanese companies will be inferior.

3) Good practice power generation project by Japanese company in Laos
To serve as a reference when a Japanese company performs IPP business in Laos, a Japanese company (TEPCO) conducted an
investigation of the Houay Xe hybrid power system project, which was implemented in Laos in 2005.
1. Project outline
Contracted to TEPCO from the Japanese governments affiliate NEDO (the New Energy and Industrial Technology
Development Organization), a demonstrative research project on a small scale pumped-storage power generation system with
photovoltaics was carried out.
(1) Project name
The Demonstrative Research Project on Small-Scale Pumping Power Generation System in Lao Peoples
Democratic Republic
(2) Purpose of this study
Construction of a hybrid generation system with clean energy.
Conventional system is solar Generator + Battery + Diesel Generator.

Verification of the effect of omitting the Storage batteries

Verification of stable power supply in the isolated power system
Technical transfer of the O&M skills
Research of sustainable development
(3) Contract Period
2003.10 2005.12
(4) Research point
Nga district, Oudomxay Province in Laos
Location of Houay-Xe hybrid power generation project
Figure 11.1 Location of Houay-Xe hybrid power generation project


Project Site


2System configuration
An outline of the system, which combined photovoltaics, micro hydropower generation, and a storage pump, is as follows.
Transformer Load
Outline of the System
Dam facilities
Water Intake
Upper Dam: Concrete gravity type
Dummy Load Governor
Lower Dam: Concrete gravity
Head Race
Upper Reservoir
Upper reservoir: (Storage Capacity14,000t)
Photovoltaics generation system 100kW
Water Flow
Solar modules number of 880
Power Flow
Spill Way Turbine
Generator Pump Hydro power generation system 80kW
Micro Tubular Turbine. Number of 1
Lower Dam
Lower Reservoir Maximum net Head19.3m(Maxflow0.57m3/s)
k k

Pump system 60kW

7.5kW,Number of 8(Maxpumpflow16 m3/s)

3Construction schedule

FY2003 H16
FY2004 H17
10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Civil Construction


Design Change


Data Analysis
Final Workshop Dec 2005

Events during construction period.

While setting up main electrical machines (17th May 2004), large water flow hit the power station.
The power house design was re-examined as a measure against flooding, and civil work resumed from October.
Submerged apparatus had insurance and was fixed by a repair company in Thailand. (conveyance to Vientiane was
completed in October 2004)
Electrical Facility installation resumed from December 2004.
Operation started in March 2005.The contract with NEDO was renewed and extended until December 2005.

4The present situation

This successful rural electrification project is highly evaluated in Laos
At Houay-Xe Hybrid power station, 13 years have passed since installation and 11 years have passed since completion.
Solar modules and hydraulic generators are fully operational, and no serious damage to civil engineering structures
has been seen
Electrification of the Nga district has been completed by extension of the national grid.
At the time, standalone generation was used for rural villages but there is now parallel operation, connected to the
national grid.
Although the first system supplied an unelectrified area, when it changed after extension to the national grid, it was
performing efficient operations.
The operation staff are local residents contracted by EDL.
Moreover, this was also utilized as a training center to cultivate IPP entrepreneur-oriented operation members.

This project is considered to be a success model for hydro-power generation business undertaken by Japanese companies in Laos.
In order to be able to request local residents to perform operation and maintenance (O&M), we had them participate in the
construction from the construction phase in this project.
When Japanese companies undertake IPP business in Laos, they may request O&M from local residents.
As in the Houay-xe hybrid power project, we think that the building of friendly relations with local residents will enable them to
perform O&M smoothly following commencement of commercial operation.

(3) Measures to Enhance Japanese Companies Participation

This study assumes that Japanese companies invest in an IPP project company, but their proportion of the equity share is still
undetermined. Uncertain also, therefore, is to what extent such Japanese sponsors may be able to influence the selection and
procurement of contractors, equipment and operation and maintenance providers.
Nevertheless, it still makes sense to invite relevant Lao parties such as government officials and local sponsors to Japan, in order
to enhance the possibility of procurement of Japanese contractors, equipment and operation and maintenance providers.
In Lao PDR, there have been no hydropower plants completed and operated by Japanese sponsors yet. Understanding of the
high quality of Japanese companies in designing, constructing, operating and maintaining hydropower plants by the relevant Lao
parties will heighten the possibility of them procuring Japanese contractors, equipment and operation and maintenance providers.
A few Japanese manufacturers have also tried to gain price competitiveness by, for instance, shifting manufacturing sites for
generators and water wheels to their own or affiliated factories overseas, in countries such as China. Such Japanese manufacturers
need to strengthen their sales activities in Lao PDR, together with extended credit to Lao buyers, as many hydropower plants are
procured from Chinese manufacturers but these are not necessarily of satisfactory quality.
In a market like Lao PDR, where impeccable engineering quality is not necessarily required, it is difficult to distinguish products
and equipment manufactured by Japanese firms. As the price competitiveness of Japanese products is inferior, it is a great
challenge to increase sales under the current circumstances. Nevertheless, if Japanese firms invest in IPPs in Lao PDR, actively
take part in the management of special purpose companies and deeply involve themselves in technical decision making, then
proper engineering services such as planning, design, construction supervision, O&M, accident management and the like will be
introduced. Therefore, from now on, it is important to combine investment and various engineering services into a single package
in order to exercise general competitiveness in the IPP business. As a result, the technical reliability of power plants in which
Japanese firms make investments will rise, leading to stability of generation output through the avoidance of long down-time for
generators, service life lengthening for power generation facilities, and improvement of profitability for IPP business entities. In
the end, as these effects will be widely recognized in emerging markets, it is expected that the competitiveness of Japanese
projects will improve over the mid-to-long term.


Unapproved list for secondary use

Title: Study on Independent Power Producers (IPPs) in Lao People's Democratic Republic
Prepared by: Study on Economic Partnership Projects in Developing Coutries in FY2016

Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.

Page Caption Number Title

4-6 Figure 4.1 The Positions and Coordinates of the Dams of Nam Ngiep 2A, 2B, and 2C
4-7 Figure 4.2 Drainage Basin Area List at Each Location of Nam Ngiep
4-7 Figure 4.3 Locations of Meteorological Stations
4-8 Table 4.5 Observed Mean Annual Precipitation at Meteorological Stations

Hydrographs of Specific Daily Mean Discharge at the Nam Hai/Composite 2Cb-SSN and Nam
4-9 Figure 4.4
Ngiep/Muong Mai Stations

Composite 2Cb-SSN and Muong Mai Hydrometric Stations

4-9 Figure 4.5
Correlation of Monthly Mean Discharge

4-11 Figure 4.6 Catchment Areas of Dam Site and Meteorological Station (M.Ngoy)
4-12 Figure 4.7 Locations of Meteorological Stations
4-12 Table 4.6 List of Rainfall Stations Scattered in the Surrounding Project Area
4-13 Table 4.7 Generated Monthly Runoff of Nam Ban Basin at Dam Site
4-15 Table 4.9 Comparison of Catchment Area at Nam Ngiep Site
4-16 Figure 4.8 Catchment Area of Nam Ngiep Site Measurement Chart with 1/150,000 Topographic Map
4-17 Table 4.10 Comparison of Catchment Area at Nam Ban Site
4-17 Figure 4.9 Catchment Area of Nam Ban Site Measurement Chart with 1/150,000 Topographic Map
4-19 Figure 4.10 Composite 2Cb-SSN and Muong Mai Hydrometric Stations
4-19 Figure 4.11 Mean Discharge of Nam Ngiep Area
4-20 Table 4.11 Long Term Discharge table in Each Area of Nam Ngiep
4-26 Table 4.14 Salient Features of Nam Ngiep 2A, 2B, 2C
4-27 Table 4.15 Salient Features of Nam Ban
4-29 Table 4.16 Comparison of Head Loss and Install Capacity at Nam Ngiep 2A
4-30 Table 4.17 Comparison of Head Loss and Install Capacity at Nam Ngiep 2B
4-30 Table 4.18 Comparison of Head Loss and Install Capacity at Nam Ngiep 2C
4-31 Table 4.19 Comparison of Head Loss and Install Capacity at Nam Ban
4-35 Table 4.23 Comparison of Various Material Costs Between Laos and Japan
4-35 Table 4.24 Comparison of Various Labor Costs Between Laos and Japan
4-38 Table 4.25 Comparison with F/S construction cost
4-43 Table 4.26 Comparison of F/S Construction Cost and Construction Cost Based on Japanese Guidance
6-1 Table 6.1 Comparison of project costs of proposed projects
6-2 Table 6.2 Details of Project costs for Nam Ngiep 2A
6-2 Table 6.3 Details of Project costs for Nam Ngiep 2B
6-3 Table 6.4 Details of Project costs for Nam Ngiep 2C
6-3 Table 6.5 Details of Project costs for Nam Ban

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