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Overview Sabsa Togaf Cobit Itil

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SABSA - OPEN metamodel for architectural artifacts, the use TOGAF Reference Models (documented in

SABSA is a framework for developing risk- Vertical Questions:

of re-usable architecture building blocks, and TOGAF, Part VI).
driven enterprise information security and
information assurance architectures and for What (assets)? an overview of typical architecture
delivering security infrastructure solutions Why (motivation)?
that support critical business initiatives. How (process and technology)? CoBIT - ISACA
Who (people)? PART V (Enterprise Continuum & Tools): This Originally designed for auditors to audit the IT
SABSA is now the Open Groups frame- work Where (location)? part discusses appropriate taxonomies and organization, COBIT 5 (Control Objectives for
of choice for integrating with TOGAF to fulfill When (time)? Information and Related Technology) is about
tools to categorize and store the outputs of
not only the need for a security architecture linking business goals to IT objectives (note
architecture activity within an enterprise the linkage here from vision to mission to
development methodology but, more
importantly, to apply SABSAs Business PART VI (TOGAF Reference Models): This part goals to objectives). COBIT 5 (launched April
Attributes Profiling method across the entire provides a selection of architectural 2012) provides metrics and maturity models
TOGAF the Enterprise Architecture
enterprise architecture domain as a means to to measure whether or not the IT
standard used by the worlds leading reference models, which includes the TOGAF
engage with stakeholders and organization has achieved its objectives.
organizations to improve business efficiency.
manage business requirements. It adds value Foundation Architecture and the Integrated Additionally, COBIT identifies the associated
to the TOGAF ADM by providing a robust, Information Infrastructure Reference Model responsibilities of the business process
repeatable, consistent process for aligning The standard is divided into seven parts: owners as well as those of the IT process
(III-RM) owners.
business requirements with the development
PART I (Introduction): This part provides a
of operational capabilities in the form of PART VII (Architecture Capability
people, processes and technology solutions. high-level introduction to the key concepts of
Framework): This part discusses the
Enterprise Architecture and in particular the
organization, processes, skills, roles, and
SABSA does not replace or compete with TOGAF approach. It contains the definitions
other risk-based standards and methods responsibilities required to establish and
rather it provides an overarching framework of terms used throughout TOGAF and release
operate an architecture function within an
that enables all other existing standards to be notes detailing the changes between this
integrated under the single SABSA version and the previous version of TOGAF
framework, enabling joined up, end-to-end
architectural solutions. Thus ISO 2700x, PART II (Architecture Development Method):
Central to TOGAF is the Architecture
CobiT, ISF SoGP, ITIL, etc. and industry This is the core of TOGAF. It describes the
Development Method (documented in
standards such as ETSI standards, Basel III TOGAF Architecture Development Method
and Solvency II are all capable of being TOGAF, Part II). The architecture capability
brought together into a SABSA-based (ADM) a step-by-step approach to
(documented in TOGAF, Part VII) operates the
integrated compliance framework. developing an Enterprise Architecture
method. The method is supported by a
PART III (ADM Guidelines & Techniques): This
SABSA Matrix: number of guidelines and techniques
part contains a collection of guidelines and The COBIT 5 Enablers defines and describes
Horizontal 6 layers: (documented in TOGAF, Part III). This in detail a number of governance, and
- Contextual Architecture techniques available for use in applying
produces content to be stored in the management processes. It represents all the
- Conceptual Architecture TOGAF and the TOGAF ADM
- Logical Architecture repository (documented in TOGAF, Part IV), processes normally found in an organization
- Physical Architecture PART IV (Architecture Content Framework): relating to IT activities, thus providing a
which is classified according to the Enterprise
- Component Architecture This part describes the TOGAF content common reference model understandable to
Continuum (documented in TOGAF, Part V).
- Service Management framework, including a structured operational IT, and business managers, and
The repository is initially populated with the
their auditors/advisers.
Deliver, service, and support Telecommunications Agency) with the effectiveness or processes. It incorporates
objective of ensuring better use of IT many of the same concepts articulated in the
Monitor, evaluate, and assess
services and resources. ITIL is now owned Deming Cycle of Plan-Do-Check-Act
A casual look at the four management by Axelos: the current version is ITIL 2011
domains of COBIT 5 rapidly illustrates its Edition (published July 2011), which updates
direct relationship with ITIL. ITIL v3.
ITIL advocates that IT services must be
The align, plan, and organize domain relates aligned with the needs of the business and
to the service, strategy and design phases underpin the core business processes. It
The process reference model divides the provides guidance to organizations on how
The build, acquire, and implement domain
processes of organization IT into two to use IT as a tool to facilitate business
relates to the service transition phase
domains: governance and management. change, transformation and growth. The ITIL
The deliver, service and support domain best practices are described in five core
COBIT 5 provides a set of 36 governance and relates to the service operation phases guides that map the entire ITIL Service
management processes within the Lifecycle (see Figure).
And finally, the monitor, evaluate, and
framework. assess domain relates to the continual
Service Strategy understanding who the IT
service improvement phase
The governance domain contains five customers are, the service offerings to meet
governance processes within each process, All aspects of COBIT 5 are in-line with the their needs, and the IT capabilities and
evaluate, direct and monitor practices are responsibility areas of plan, build, run and resource to deliver the services
defined. monitor. In other words, COBIT 5 follows the
Service Design assures that new and
PDCA cycle of Plan, Do, Check, and Act.
changed services are designed effectively to
EDM1: set and maintain the governance COBIT has been positioned at a high level,
meet customer expectations, including the
framework and has been aligned and harmonized with
technology, architecture and processes that
other, more detailed IT standards and
EDM2: ensure value optimization proven practices such as COSO, ITIL, ISO
will be required

EDM3: ensure risk optimization 27000, CMMI, TOGAF and PMBOK Service Transition the service design is
Guide. COBIT 5 acts as an integrator of these built, tested and moved into production to
EDM4: ensure resource optimization different guidance materials, summarizing assure that the business customer can
EDM5: ensure stakeholder transparency key objectives under one umbrella achieve the desired value
framework that links the proven practice
The four management domains, in line with Service Operation delivers the service on
models with governance and business
the responsibility areas of plan, build, run, an ongoing basis, including managing
and monitor (PBRM) provide end-to-end disruptions to service and supporting end-
coverage of IT. users
ITILv3 Continual Service Improvement measures
Align, plan, and organize ITIL was created in the 1980s by the UK and improves the service levels, the
Build, acquire, and implement governments CCTA (Central Computer and technology and the efficiency and

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