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and mathematical conceptions of space. A particular importance is attributed to the
difference between the human experience of space (e.g. a natural space-consciousness,
action space, lived space), and various theoretical constructs of space (e.g. absolute
space, vector space, space as a set), as having vital consequences for the discourse on
space in music. Finally, in reference to "spatialization," the dissertation presents a
thesis that the commonly accepted opposition of "space and time" is fallacious in
music if the sonorous (rather than notational) dimension is taken into account; musical
sound material is essentially spatio-temporal. This thesis, grounded in
phenomenological conceptions of space (Merleau-Ponty) and art (Ingarden), provides a
foundation for the study of selected, distinct compositional approaches to
"spatialization" in the analytical portion of the dissertation (Chapters V-VIII).
The conceptual aspects of this dissertation situate it in the domain of the
history of ideas, that is, ideology, according to one of the word's senses. 7 "Space" is
one of the central notions of modem music; in this paradigmatic function it resembles
the idea of "absolute music"--the paradigm of the 19th century according ta Carl
Dahlhaus (1978/1989). "Paradigm"--a term borrowed by Dahlhaus from Thomas
Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions--means, for Kuhn, "universally
recognized scientific achievements that for a time provide model problems and
solutions to a community of practitioners" (Kuhn 1970: viii). For Dahlhaus,
paradigms are "basic concepts that guide musical perception and musical thought"
(Dahlhaus 1978/1989: 2). The two types of paradigms differ in that, in art, the
omnipresence of an idea does not guarantee its unequivocal meaning neither does it
ascertain its normative status. Hence, the universal appeal of "space" in music has not
been accompanied by the development of a consensus about what exactly this term

1S. v. "ideology" in The Oxford English Dictionary (1989). The term refers to
(sense la) "the science of ideas; that department of philosophy or psychology which
deals with the origin and nature of ideas" or to (sense le) "the study of the way in
which ideas are expressed in language." 1 hope that this dissertation will not he
c1assified as belonging to the domain of ideology in sense 2: "ideal or abstract
speculation; in a depreciatory sense, unpractical or visionary theorizing or
speculation. "

The dissertation relies on yet another "paradigm" in the Dahlhausian sense--the
notion of "the musical work. ft This crucial conception is borrowed from Roman
Ingarden's phenomenological aesthetics of art (Ingarden 1958/1986).8 In Ingarden's
formulation, the "work of music" is a single-Iayered, intersubjective and intentional
object with an ontological basis in the score--the work' s schema which is differently
complemented in each performance. 9 According to the philosopher, the musical work
differs both from the score, that is the work's abstract, notational schema, and from
the performance, that is its sonorous, spatio-temporal realization. The work's internal
structure consists of a single stratum of sound; music in itself bas no meaning, no
content. Such a conception is applicable (if at aIl) only to "absolute," instrumental
music of the Western high-art tradition, the domain of self-contained, unique musical
works. 10 Therefore, Ingarden's understanding of music does not embrace all possible
'musics.'11 This mode of thinking of music in terms of individual, separate and
original compositions, significantly differs from conceiving music in terms of a
process of sound-making, or as orally transmitted and variable repertory, or as a

8My use of the phenomenological method differs from that of Clifton (1983),
Smith (1979), and Ferrara (1991). Clifton and Smith borrow the idea of epoch from
Husserl's Ideas 1 (1913) and focus on descriptions of the listener's experience in
"lived time" (in addition, Clifton draws from Merleau-Ponty, Smith--from
Heidegger). Ferrara, critical of their work, attempts to create a form of a
comprehensive "hermeneutic phenomenology of music" based on ideas from Husserl
and Heidegger. None of the three authors considers consequences of Husserl's later
work (ideas of Leib, Lebenswelt) and Ingarden's phenomenology of art.

~oman Ingarden's The Work of Music and the Problem of Its Identity, written
in 1928-1957, was published in Polish in 1958 and in English translation in 1986.

lFor the notion of "absolute music" see Dahlhaus's Die Idee der absoluten
Musik (1978; English translation 1989). Recently, Lydia Goehr studied the concept of
the work, its genesis, and reception in The lmaginary Museum of Musical Worb. An
Essay in the Philosophy of Music (1992).
IIZofia Lissa criticized the social, spatial (geographic) and temporal (historical)
limitations of Ingarden's phenomenological aesthetics from a Marxist perspective
(Lissa 1966/1975, 1968/1975).

process of sound-making, or as orally transmitted and variable repertory, or as a

social activity, 0,' as an element in a culture. 12
In this dissertation, "the musical work" is treated as an object that we perceive,
rather than a text that we read; this emphasis on the perceptual features of music is
most apparent in the study of spatialization. 13 Yet, references to the semantic and
symbolic aspects of musical spatiality cannot be completely absent from a dissertation
written in an era of "semiosis," "narrative" and "intertextuality. "14 For many
composers, "spatialization" is a means of expression, an element in the symbolic or
discursive design of their works. In these cases, the placement and movement of
sound is not s!.11ply structural, it is structured to relate to various symbolic, cosmic,
social and religious spaces. These aspects of space and spatialization frequently
appear in the historical and analytical parts of the dissertation (cf. Chapters V-VIII).

Space and music: The literature on the subject

As a comprehensive history and detailed analysis of ideas of space in music,
supported by a review of extra-musical notions of space, and based on a broad survey
of musicological literature as weIl as my interviews with several contemporary
composers and analyses of numerous spatialized compositions, this dissertation does
not have a predecessor. Yet, the literature of the subject is quite extensive--as it

12For a recent vision of music as a socially conditioned art see Music and
Society. The PoUtics of Composition, Peiformance and Reception, eds. Richard
Leppert and Susan McClary (1987).

!3Chapter IV contains a section on spatial sound perception (a brief review of

the current state of knowledge); various aspects of spatialization are explored in
Chapters III-VIII.

14The notion of "intertextuality, borrowed from the do main of literary


criticism, provided a key concept for many authors presenting their work at the
International Conference of the Gesellschaft fiir Musikforschung, Musik aIs Text,
Freiburg im Breisgau, September/October 1993 (Proceedings are forthcoming).

can be seen in the bibliography of about 400 items. 15 However, many of these
contributions examine one particular, and often quite narrow, aspect of the spatiality
of music. 16 Papers of a larger scope range from analytical investigations of various
spatial aspects of the music by one composer (e.g. Serocki studied by Davies, 1983;
Carter analyzed by Bernard, 1983; Reynolds discussed by Vrin, 1991) to thorough
and insightful examinations of chosen aspects of space or spatialization. 17 Many
smaller articles contain either information about individual projects l8 or reflections on
the new "musicalisation of space" (term from Brelet, 1967) in contemporary music.
Papers of the latter category are rather general, with the scope and nature of a
manifesto rather than of an in-depth study (e.g. Brelet 1967; Schnebel 1976; de la
Motte-Haber 1986; Dhomont 1988).
Several collections of articles on space and music include both types of brief
contributions (Die Reihe no. 7: "Form--Raum, " 1960/1965; Musik und Raum ed.
Thurig Brm, 1986; L'Espace du Son I-II, ed. Francis Dhomont, 1988, 1991).19

'SThe bibliography is subdivided into sections: general writings on space (part

A), writings on sound and music (part B). Bibliography B includes references to
compositions studied (including compositions and writings by Brant, Schafer and
Xenakis), as -weIl as entries from the areas of music aesthetics, history, theory,
musicology, music technology (e.g, Lehnert and Blauert 1991, Bloch et al. 1992,
Schroeder 1984) and music perception (e.g. Bregman 1990, Delige 1989, Sheeline
1982, Wenzel 1992).

16For instance, Kagel's "Translation-Rotation" (1960) presents an idiosyncratic

approach to the spatialization of time; Purce's "La spirale dans la musique de
Stockhausen" (1974) analyzes one issue in th~ output of one composer.

17To name just a few articles of considerable merit: Blaukopf's "Space in

electronic music" of 1971; Kunze's "Raumvorstellungen in der Musik" of 1974;
Duchez's "La reprsentation spatio-verticale ... " of 1979; Bush's "On the horizontal
and vertical presentation ... " of 1985/1986; Begault's "Spatial manipulation and
computers" of 1986.

18For instance, Chowning's discussion of his computer program for the

simulation of sound movement (1970), or Clozier's description of the "Gmebaphone"
sound projection system (1988).

These collections contain papers of varied scope and quality, gathered together in
order to highlight the multi-faceted reality of space in contemporary music--linked to
considerations of form and structure, from music notation to architecture in the 1960's
(Die Reihe) to reflections on sound projection and perception in electro-acoustic music
as well as to comments about avant-garde experiments in the 1980' s (L'Espace du
Son, Musik und Raum). In addition to articles on contemporary music, Musik und
Raum includes a number of studies of various historical aspects of "space as the
carrier of musical sound" (Binkley on medieval drama, Meyer on Haydn's concert
halls, etc.).
The contributions to the general history of the 2Oth-century "music in space,"
tracing the evolution of spatialization, are few and far between: articles by Winckel
(1970, 1971), Szwajgier (1973), Angerman and Barthelmes (1984), Vande Gome
(1988); books by Sacher (1985),20 Przybylski (1984),21 and Bayer (1987).22 The
subject of spatialization may be encountered also in general histories of 2Oth-century
music (Watkins 1988), histories of music after 1945 (Schwartz and Godfrey 1993,
Nyman 1974) or studies of the music by one composer (e.g. Stockhausen: Harvey
1975, Maconie 1976/1990). So far, only the music of Henry Brant has been
thoroughly investigated from the spatial point of view (Drennan 1975); the
contributions of other composers to the development of spatialization still await full
review. Perhaps not surprisingly, entries on "space" and "spatialization" are
conspicuously absent frolli major reference works, inc1uding The New Grove's

2In his doctoral dissertation, entitled Musik ais Theater, Sacher puts forward
the thesis that all spatialization is primarily theatrical; this supposition is disputed in
Chapter IV (also in Harley 1993).
21This is a study of the spatialized compositions performed at the Warsaw
Autumn Festival in Poland.
22Bayer's enigmatic notion of "espace sonore," which is, for him, the paradigm
of aIl modem music, refers simultaneously to pitch space and acoustic space used by
contemporary composers, from Schoenberg to Cage. Thus, it embraces both "musical
space" and "spatial music."

contributions of other composers to the development of spatialization still await full

review. Perhaps not surprisingly, entries on "space" and .. spatialization" are
conspicuously absent from major reference works, inc1uding The New Grove 's
Dictionary of Music and Mus/cians and Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwan. 23
Numerous writings about space in music present one, particular conception of a
"musical space, and therefore belong to the subject of this dissertation, rather than

the "literature on the subject" (cf. Chapter II). Such is the case with North American
doctoral dissertations in musicology that refer to "space" in their titles: by Lippman
(1952--"space"), McDermott (1966--"musical space"), Judkins (1988--"virtual space")
and Stofft (1975--"space"). The most comprehensive of these studies, and the most
valuable as a scholarly text, source of data and inspiration for further research, is the
earliest one--by Edward Lippman (cf. Chapter II). "Space" or "musical space" is also
the concem of doctoral students in other disciplines (e.g. in experimental psychology,
Monahan 1984).
Among many concepts of a phenomenal musical space (discussed in Chapter
II), Thomas Clifton's (1983) is best known in North America, while Ernst Kurth's
(1930) has been the most influential in Europe. 24 The identification of space with
stasis or with pitch has been a common phenomenon in contemporary musical-
theoretical thinking. as Compositional discussions of space and spatialization range
from comprehensive studies (e.g. Boulez 196311971), to brief reflections (e.g. Boulez
and Nattiez 1991). Stockhausen's "Musik im Raum" (Stockhausen 195911961) best
exemplifies the former category, inc1uding a survey (and an ultimate rejection) of a11

23Jonathan Kramer has noticed a similar deficiency in respect to the notion of

time, deploring that "musical time has not been widely recognized as an independent
field of study" (Kramer 1988: 1).

24However, its reception has been limited to the community of musicologists

and philosophers, not composers.

25For "stasis" see Chapter II, section 2 Ce.g. Adorno 1948, Ligeti 1960,
Rochberg 1963, McDermott 1966); for "pitch" see section 3 of the same Chapter (e.g.
Boulez 1963, Morris 1987).

previous explorations of musical spatiality, from Gabrieli to Mahler, and a postulate

of the serializtion of spatial direction--envisioned as a new solution to the problem of
music in space. 1 discuss Stockhausen's article in Chapter III.
In addition, the dissertation presents (in Chapter IV) and the bibliography
includes chosen investigations into spatial sound perception26 and spatial
representations of sound. 27 The interest in spatial sound perception is particularly
strong in the electroacoustic community, whieh is, perhaps, due to the nature of the
medium (composing directly in sound). In these writings, topies of technology,
psychoacoustics and aesthetics are intertwined, from the early studies of sound
projection (rullin 1955, Meyer-Eppler 1955) through general discussions of the
nature of space in electroacoustic music (Kaegi 1967, Blaukopf 1971, Stroppa 1991),
to compositional considerations of individual issues or projects (e.g. Rzewski 1968,
Chowning 1971; Stockhausen 1963-1989; Reynolds 1978; Leitner 1986; Kupper
At this point, it is important to add that sorne results of my doctoral research
, have already been published in an'article, "From point to sphefe:"spatial organization
of sound in contemporary music (after 1950)" in Canadian University Music Review
(vol. 13, 1993, pp. 123-144). Four other publications are forthcoming: (1) "lnto the
city, onto the lake: site-specifie music of Henry Brant and R. Murray Schafer" in
Contemporary Music Review, vol. "Site-specifie music," ed. Lawrence Casserley; (2)
"Spatial sound movement in the instrumental music of Iannis Xenakis" in Interface.
Journal of New Music Research (vol. 23 no. 3, August 1994); (3) "Music as text,
musical movement and spatio-temporal features of the musical work" in the

26Blauert' s study of spatial hearing (Blauert 1974/1983) and Bregman' s theory

of auditory scene analysis (Bregman 1990) are chosen here as basic references in the
domain of psychoacoustics.

27For instance, the three-dimensional image of the "sound object" in Pierre

Schaeffer's Trait des objects musicaux (1966), the multi-dimensional models of pitch
designed by Roger Shephard (1982) or the two-dimensional "timbre space" by David
Wessel (1979).

May 1992)," in Circuit. Revue Nord-Americaine de Musique du XXe Sicle, special

issue about lannis Xenakis, 1994. 28

The dissertation: Summar.y and sipificane

The dissertation is divided into three parts, examining the history and analysis
of the concepts of space (Part 1), the history and analysis of "music in space," that is,
of "spatialization" (Part II), and three distinct compositional approaches to spatialized
music (of Henry Brant, lannis Xenakis and R. Murray Schafer; Part III).
The presentation of the multiplicity of meanings of the term "space" is
contained in the frrst chapter of the dissertation, commencing with a survey of chosen
classical philosophical conceptions of space. A brief examination of the plurality of
spaces in mathematics is followed by an inquiry into the term's current ambivalence in
the philosophy of physics--the debate between absolutists believing in the objective
existence of space as such, and relationalists considering the relational structure
between objects as the only existing aspect of "space." The subsequent section of the
frrst chapter contains an investigation into selected aspects of human experience and
the perception of space. The emphasis is placed on the phenomenologically crucial

1 have also presented papers relating to the dissertation at national and
international conferences: (1) "The 'work of music' revisited: Roman Ingarden's
phenomenological aesthetics" at the Annual Conference of the Canadian University
Music Society (Calgary, June 1994); (2) "American experimental tradition re-
examined: Henry Brant's 'spatial music'" at the 1994 Conference of the Sonneck
Society for American Music (Worcester, Massachusetts, April 1994); (3) "On reality,
unreality, and virtual reality in music: two dialogues with a commentary" at the
International Conference on Acoustic Ecology, The Tuning of the World (Banff,
Alberta, August 1993); (4) "On the use(fullless)ness of analysis for the performance
of 2Oth-century music (Xenakis, Bart6k, Stravinsky)" at the 1993 Conference of the
Canadian University Music Society (Ottawa, May/June 1993); (5) "The technique of
spatial sound movement in the instrumental music of Iannis Xenakis" at the FaU
Meeting of the New York State--St. Lawrence Chapter of the AMS (Albany, October
1992); (6) "The concept of 'musical space' in music theory and aesthetics (19308-
1980s)" at the 12th Congress of the International Association for Empirical Aesthetics
(Berlin, July 1992)..

difference between the perception and the models of space. Here, the notions of
"Lebenswelt" (Husserl) and "incarnate subjectivity" (Merleau-Ponty") are of partlcular
An outline history of the concept of "space" in musicologicalliterature
constitutes Chapter II. 29 Firstly, 1 examine different theories of the 'internaI' musical
or tonal space which manifests itself in the perceptual experience of music. The
second section of Chapter III is devoted to the concept of musical spatiality postulated
as a paradigm for the new music of the 196O's (space as stasis, spatialization of time).
The identification of space with pitch is the subject of section 2.3. Here, 1 also
present chosen mathematical concepts of space used in the research and creation of
contemporary music. Finally (in section 2.4), 1 discuss and examplify the shift in the
meaning of "musical space" towards the physical-acoustic-perceptual space. This
chapter, a comprehensive historical survey of the idea of space in music, addresses
issues of dimensions, attributes and structure of space, as well as problems of internaI
. consistency and area of applicability of the various theories and models of space.
These conceptions are placed in their appropriate philosophical and historical contexts.
For example, the conceptual dependence of various "musical spaces" on the
paradigmatic concept of an absolute, three-dimensional, physical space is revea1ed and
the futility of comparisons between the "logical spaces" of music and the perceived
qualities of the physical space is pointed out.
The third chapter of the dissertation presents the idea of "spatialization" in
contemporary music. A brief examination of the intricate relationships between
various types of space associated with music (e.g. pitch-space, represented space,
performance space) is followed by a survey of compositional concepts of
spatialization, from Ives and Varse, through Stockhausen, Boulez and Brant, to
Smalley and Dhomont.
Chapter IV contains a new definition of spatialization preceded with a review

29Here, 1 use the term "musicology" broadly, in reference to all writings about
music, including music theory, aesthetics, musicology, texts by composers, etc.

of Ingarden's phenomenological model of the "musical work." 1 develop certain

aspects of Ingarden's theory (e.g. "quasi-spatial structure") and demonstrate that
compositional use of spatial features of sound does not breach the integrity of the
work-concept. The defmition of spatialization is supported with considerations of
issues pertinent to this topic, e.g. the relationships of spatialization to instrumentation,
texture, polychorality and the "theatralization" of music.
In Chapter V, 1 put forward a proposai for a general classification scheme of
spatial designs in music, illustrated with numerous examples of spatialized
compositions. Here, references to isolated examples from the earlier musical
repertoire accompany a richly illustrated survey of 2Oth-century compositions which
treat spatial sound quality, localization and movement as musical characteristics of
primary importance. This survey highlights significant developments in the areas of
vocal-instrumental and electroacoustic music after 1950.
The subsequent three chapters, constituting Part III of the dissertation, present
the oeuvre of several composers central to the idea of spatialized music (Brant,
Xenakis, Sehafer). The selection of compositions for closer scrutiny serves to reveal
the similarities and differences between the approaches of individual composers. The
music of Henry Brant, discussed in chapter VI continues the American tradition of
experimentation and benefits from the composer's pioneering explorations into the
spatial perception and performance of music. lannis Xenakis' s concem with the
structuring of musical architectures of exceptional novelty, cohesion and strength, is
reflected in his application of mathematical concepts to spatialization (especially to
spatial sound movement). In the dissertation, however, these ideas are discussed only
in reference to Xenakis's instrumental music. R. Murray Schafer's explorations of
soundscapes and performance rituals (Chapter VIII) take music beyond the space of
the concert hall, overcome the separation of the roles of performers and listeners, and
transgress the traditional boundaries of "the work of music."
The analytieal emphasis on spatio-temporal features of music reflects my
conviction that space in music, as everywhere else, is structured and experienced in
time, in its two basic relationships of succession and simultaneity. The analyses,

highlighting perceptual aspects of spatialization, reflect my "auditory insights"

acquired during rehearsals and concerts of spatialized works. 30 The discussion of the
music is based, in part, on the composers' unpublished sketches; it is also supported
with their opinions expressed in a series of interviews that 1 conducted in 1992. 31
ln conclusion, the main objectives of this dissertation may be summarized as
1. To present the plurality of the meaning of space;

2. To trace the history of the idea of "space" in the

musical thought of the 2Oth-century;

3. To clarify the conceptual contexts and interrelationships of the various

theoretical constructs of space in music;

4. To oudine the historical development of the idea of "spatialization" in the

theory and practice of contemporary music (after 1950);

5. To propose a new definition of spatialization and a new classification

scheme for spatialized compositions;

6. To present, in detail, three different approaches to spatialization (Brant,

Xenakis, Schafer);

7. To highlight the unity of time and space in contemporary music by an

analytical focus on the perceptual and temporal aspects of musical spatiality;

8. To document contemporary music "in statu nascendi" by expanding the

knowledge of the music (analyses) and of the views of the composers
(interviews) .

301 listened to numerous spatialized works at the concerts of the International

Festivals of Contemporary Music "Warsaw Autumn" in Warsaw, Poland (1976-1987).
During the research phase for this dissertation, 1 attended concerts of music by Henry
Brant (New York, August 1992), R. Murray Schafer (Toronto, October 1992; and
Montreal, June 1992) and participated in rehearsals of Pierre Boulez's Rpons at
IRCAM, Paris (3-7 August 1992).
31Besides interviewing Henry Brant, Pierre Boulez, R. Murray Schafer and
Iannis Xenakis, 1 discussed issues of musical spatiality with the following composers:
Andrzej Dobrowolski and Zygmunt Krauze (Poland), Cort Lippe and Marc Stroppa
(France), as weIl as with my husband, James Harley (Canada).

The dissertation realizes aH these objectives and captures in vivid detail one of
the main musical preoccupations of our times. This contemporaneous validity
highlights its merits as an original contribution to knowledge. The history of the
concepts of "musical space," and "spatialization" includes important discoveries and
reevaluations. The text emphasizes the interrelationships of ideas and articulates main
conceptual trends. The dissertation contains numerous analytical examples from a
repertory of spatialized works which has not previously attracted much critical
attention. Moreover, even well-known compositions (e.g. Bart6k's Music for Strings,
Percussion and Celeste) reveal spatial aspects unnoticed in earlier theoretical scrutiny.
Thus, the dissertation establishes a new ground for musicological research, bringing
together issues vital to composition and perception of music in space, topics pertaining
to asthetics and philosophy of music, themes of current interest and future importance.




Space in langual:e

A survey of definitions of space inc1uded in The Oxford English Dictionary

(1989) brings forth the surprising conclusion that the predominant meaning of space is
time. l The earliest citation, dating back to the year 1300, reads: "faith lasted littel
space."2 Here, "space" denotes a duration, a "lapse or extent of time between two
definite points, events, etc." (sense La in the OED; cf. Table 1-1).3 ln relation to
time, space has other, similar meanings: "the amount or extent of time comprised or
contained in a specified period" as weIl as "a period or interval of time," that is a
space of time. These senses appear in many literary sources. For instance, Jonathan
Swift writes about the "space of ten hours," John Keats about "a moments's space"
and Harriet Beecher Stowe about "a space to say something. "4

lThe following summary includes senses of "space" chosen because of their

possible relevance for music; numerous denotations have been omitted as obsolete or rare.

2The Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed., vol. 16, 1989, p. 87-89. In subsequent
citations, 1 will use the abbreviation to OED.

3The Table 1-1 (at the end of section 1.1) contains a selection from the meanings
of "space" listed in the entry in the OED. Here, 1 include sorne of the infrequently
encountered meanings of "space" to illustrate the polysemous character of this term.

4Swift's citaiton cornes from Gulliver's Travels (1726), Keats's from St. Agnes
(1820), and Stowe's from Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852); aIl from the OED.


The temporal senses of "space" associate this term with the ideas of
"measurement" an "distance." This conceptual link underlies the philosophical idea
of the "spatialization of time" (Bergson 1913; see section 1. 5 of this Chapter).
Indeed, the expression "the space of time" is as common as "the space and time"--the
former denoting the measurement of time, the latter the totality of existence. s Here,
the problematic nature of the notion of space becomes apparent. 6 The two meanings
of space as the complement and the attribute of time are diametrically opposed, yet
frequently intertwined; this "entanglement" has consequences for the meaning of space
in music (cf. Chapter II).
Another !a.rge group of the senses of space refers to area and extension.
"Spatial" is what co.,exists simultaneously, what is present at the same temporal
instant. Again, as in the group of "temporal" senses, the relation of space to
measurement is of primary importance. The 17th-century poet, John Milton writes:
"Twixt Host and Host but narrow space was left. A dreadful interval" (Milton 1667;
in the OEV: 87). Here, space means "linear distance; interval between two or more
points or objects:""" In t1:lis sense, space has one, measurable dimension. 7
"Space" may also mean "superficial area, extent in tbree dimensions." Thus,
aIl tbree-dimensional objects, including musical instruments and bodies of the
musicians "occupy a certain space." If so, space may be sufficient or insufficient for

5This conclusion may be reached on the basis of citations listed in the OED; the se
quotes are gathered to document linguistic practice, rather than delimit the range of
possibilities (i.e. the Dictionary is descriptive, not prescriptive).

6"Space" is equally polysemous in other Indo-European languages; to the extent

that these languages express the experience and heritage of a common, Western-European
culture, the main areas of denotation remain the same (time, area, extension, interval,
void, etc.).

7A specifie application of the general notion of space as intervaI appears in the

rudiments of Western musical notation: notes are written on Hnes or in the spaces
"between the lines of a staff. If The same general meaning underlies a specifie
typographie sense of space as "an interval or blank between words, or lines, in printed
or written matter. "

a purpose (synonym to "room n ) : "there is no space!" writes Chaucer (1374; OED:

87). Finally, space may mean "continuous, unbounded, or unlimited extension in
every direction." It is a common notion in astronomy where it denotes "the
immeasurable expanse in which the solar and steUar systems, nebulae, etc., are
situated; the stellar depths." This definition recalls the Newtonian conception of
"absolute space" (cf. section 1.2), a "cosmic" space which is usually coupled with
time and associated with "emptiness" and "immensity."
In summary, space may be understood as "an interval, a length of way, a
distance," or as "a period of time," or as "a void or empty place," or as "the
dimensional extent occupied by a body. 118 This plurality of linguistic spaces reflects
the richness of human experience of space; space is lived in, travelled through,
measured, shaped and contemplated. The complexity of human relations to space
increases because of the continuous development of new conceptions of space in art,
philosophy and science. In mathematics, for instance, the meaning of space differs
from the ones encountered in everyday language. Here, space is "usually regarded as
a set of points having sorne specified structure. "9
The multiplicity and diversity of associations evoked by this one term opens up
a vast realm of potential significations of "space" in music. Not surprisingly, as we
shaH see in Chapter II, the meaning of "musical space" differs depending on whether
"space" signifies an interval or a definite extension, if one means by "space" a vast,
unlimited expanse, or a slot, a place for something, if one refers to a set of elements
or to a cosmic void. AIl these "spaces" are constructs, yet all are superimposed upon
a reality of human experience of and existence in space. The clarification of the
various meanings of space will help to see these conceptual knots untangled.

8For a fuller list of senses of "space" see Table 1-1.

9E.g. metric space, topological space, vector space. The mathematical notions
of space are discussed in Section 1. 3.

Table 1-1: Meanings of space- in The Oxford English Dictionary

1. Denoting time or duration.

I.a. Without article: Lapse or extent of tirne between

two detinite points, events, etc.

2. (Obsolete): Time, leisure, or opportunity for

doing sornetbing.

3. With the (tha!, etc.):

3.a. The amount or extent of tirne comprised or contained in a
specified period.
b. The amount of tirne already specified or indicated, or otherwise

4.a. With a: A period or interval of time.

b. With o/(Frequently a space o/time).

! II. Denoting area or extension.

*Without article, in generalized sense.

5.a. Linear distance; interval between two or more points

or objects.

6.8. Superficial extent or area; also, extent in three dimensions.

b. Extent or area sufficient for sorne purpose; room. ,
c. Extent or room in a letter, periodical, book, etc., available for,
occupied by, written or printed matter.

7. (Metaphorical): Continuous, unbounded, or unlimited extension in

every direction, regarded as void of matter, or without reference
to this. Frequently coupled with time.

8.a. (Astronomy): The immeasurable expanse in which the solar and

stellar systems, nebulae, etc., are situated; the stellar deptbs.

Table 1-1: Meanings of space, continued.

S.c. In more limited sense: Extension in aIl directions, esp.

from a given point.

,~*ln particularized or limited senses.

9. A certain stretch, extent, or area of ground, surface, sky, etc.;
an expanse.

10. a. A more or less limited area or extent; a small portion of space

(in sense 6 a).
b. A part or portion marked off in some way; a division, section.
c. A void or empty place or part.

11. a. An interval; a length of way; a distance.

12. (Obsolete. rare): Course, custom, procedure.

13. The dimensional extent occupied by a body or lying within

certain limits.

14. (Music): One or other of the degrees of intervals between the lines
of a staff.

15.a. An interval or blank betwepli words, or lines, in printed or

written matter.

16. In specific uses (quotations from medicine, etc.).

17. (Mathematics): an instance of any of various mathematical

concepts, usually regarded as a set of points having some
specified structure; cf. metric space, topological space, vector

Selected philosophical conce.pts of s.pace

The conceptual "thickness" of space in modem English is paralleled in the

term's complicated historical evolution, of which only the briefest of accounts can be
given here (again, considering only the notions of space which have a potential
relevance for music). According to the venerated Western-European tradition, history
begins with ancient Greeks, and the history of the concept of space is not an
exception: Alexander Gosztonyi's monumental study of the notion of space in
philosophy and science (Gosztonyi 1976) opens up with Hesiod's "chaos. "10 In
classical (Greek to pre-Kantian) philosophies of space its physical, cosmological,
metaphysical and existential dimensions are intertwined; only the advent of modem
science separates these domains, with important consequences for the modem
opposition of positivist ("objective") and phenomenological ("subject"-oriented) views
of space.
For Aristotle (Gosztonyi 1976: 90-110; Jammer 1954: 15-21), space is
inseparably associated with "place" (this connection is reflected in the linguistic senses
II.I-3 and III. 1-4, above). "Topos" is a quantity; it is continuous, infinitely divisible,
exactly definable, and three-dimensional. However, Aristotle uses six rather than
three dimensions--thus reflecting human-centred orientation of the "place:" up--down--
left--right--before--behind (Gosztonyi 1976: 94). White emphasizing this existential
focus, the "Aristotelian school tried to get along without the concept of independent
(absolute) space" (Einstein 1954/1976: xv).
This concept is an artifact of classical science, usually referred to as Cartesian,
Euclidean, or Newtonian space. For Ren Descartes (1596-1650), space exists

l~he title of Gosztonyi's book (Der Raum. Geschichte seiner Probleme in

Philosophie und Wissenschaften) does not specify its limitation to the domain of Western-
European culture. Although the book contains references to Arabic philosophy of the
Middle Ages, it does so only because of the reception of this philosophy in medieval
Europe (Gosztonyi 1976: 164-167).

materially; it is a continuous, homogeneous, static mass (Gosztonyi 1976: 245).

Moreover, he ascribes to it a geometric structure expressible in a three-axial
coordinate system (with notions from Euc1idean geometry, e.g. point, line, plane). In
the account of Maurice Merleau-Ponty:
It was necessary flfSt to idealize space, to conceive of that being--perfect in its
genus, c1ear, manageable and homogeneous--which our thinking glides over
without a vantage point of its own: a being which thought reports entirely in
terms of three rectangular dimensions. . . Descartes was right in setting space
free. His mistake was to erect it into a positive being, outside al1 points of
view, beyond al1 latency.
(Merleau-Ponty 1964/1972: 69)

The opposition underlying the Aristotelian and Cartesian conceptions (space

made manifest in and through objects, and space in itself) has been formulated by
Albert Einstein who contrasts two basic understandings of ft space: ft
(a) space as positional quality of the world of material objects; (b) space as
container of al1 material objects. In case (a), space without a material object is
inconceivable. In case (b), a material object can only be conceived as existing
in space; space then appears as a reality which in a certain sense is superior to
the material world. Both space concepts are free creations of the human
imagination, means devised for easier comprehension of our sense experience.
(Einstein 1954/1976: xiv)
Space of Einstein's type (b), that is, the absolute space described by Descartes,
plays a very important role in the philosophy of Isaac Newton (1643-1727). As
Michael Friedman puts it: ftNewtonian physics pictures material objects or bodies as
embedded or contained in an infinite, three-dimensional Euclidean space" (Friedman
1983: 12). For Newton and his followers, as for Descartes, "space is very much like
a material body, of a very ethereal kind, but not entirely" (van Fraassen 1985: 109).
In his Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica, the basis of c1assical physics,
Newton writes: "Absolute space in its own nature, without relation to anything
external, remains always similar and immovable." 11 This space is then associated with

llQuoted from Jammer (1954: 97). Source of this quotation: F. Cajori, ed., Sir
Isaac Newton 's Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy and His System of the
World. A Revision of Mott's Translation, (Berkeley: University of California Press,

God's "boundless uniform Sensorium," i.e. God's way of perceiving and creating
things (Jammer 1954: 110-112, Gosztonyi 1976: 338-344).12 The Newtonian
identification of the omnipresence of space with the omnipresence of God, used later
as a proof for the Divine existence,13 forms the basic contradiction within his
conception of space: the location of a metaphysical Being at the centre of a
hypothetical-deductive system of mechanical physics.
The universal acceptance of Newtonian physics led to the adoption of the
notion of absolute space as a basic, scientific truth, not an artifact of limited scope and
applicability. An awareness of the paradigmatic status of this notion ("paradigmatic"
in the sense introduced by Kuhn in 1962) arose only with the renewed interest in the
nature of space spurred by the development of relativity theory in the 20th century
(discussed in Section 4, below). Meanwhile, one philosopher who adopted a
Newtonian world-view, Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), formulated a new notion of
space that influenced philosophical discourse on space for several generations.
As Patrick Heelan writes, "so persuaded ... was Immanuel Kant of the
apodicticity of Newtonian physics, that he proposed as a self-evident truth that the
space of empirical objects and intuitive experience is Euclidean" (Heelan 1983: 250).
Heelan has criticized Kant's limitations from the position of a phenomenologist;
Michael Friedman points out that for the positivist as weIl, Kant's conception of space
suffers from "its too intimate connection with outmoded mathematics and physics"
(Friedman 1983: 7). Nonetheless, Kant's theory continues to influence research into

1934, 6). The notion of absolute space is contrasted by Newton with that of the relative
spaces, which are, in contemporary language, different frames of reference (cf. van
Fraassen 1985: 115).

12As Newton writes about God: "He is not eternity and infinity, but etemal and
infmite; He is not duration or space, but He endures and is present. He endures for ever,
and is everywhere present; and by existing always and everywhere, He constitutes
duration and space" (Newton/ Cajori 1934: 544; quoted by Jammer 1954: 11 0-111).

13For instance by Samuel Clarke, cf. Gosztonyi (1976: 346-348) and Jammer
(1954: 127).

issues of space in different domains, e.g. in psychology (cf. Eliot 1987).

But what is space for Kant? According to Alexander Gosztonyi (Gosztonyi
1976: 400-456), Kant's ideas of space differ greatly in the pre-critical and critical
periods of his philosophy. For the sake of brevity, only the fmal, "critical"
formulation will be discussed here. 14 For Kant, space is by no means "absolute." In
the Critique of Pure Reason (1781) he posits that space is, along with time, a form of
"pure intuition" (reine Anschauungsform) which is a precondition for aIl perception
(Gosztonyi 1976: 429-432; Heelan 1983: 41). Max Jammer explains that, according
to Kant,
Not itself arising out of sensations, the concept of space is a pure intuition,
neither objective nor rea1, but subjective and ideal... Space is a form of
intuition, instrumental in the process of cognition as an ideal organizer of the
contents of sensations.
(Jammer 1954: 132-133)

In Kantian philosophy, space is synthetic a priori. It is a pure form of

sensibility (reine Anschauungsform): pure--because antecedent to all experience, and
universal--because independent of the particular data of our sensations (Jammer 1954:
134-135). Contemporary philosophers of science often disagree with the Kantian "a-
prioricity" of space which implies its unrevisability and necessity. As Michael
Friedman points out, "if the developments in post-Kantian mathematics and physics
show anything, they show that one central Kantian formaI component--the Euc1idean-
Newtonian picture of space and time--is c1early not a priori or unrevisable" (Friedman
1983: 18). Patrick Heelan (whose phenomenological philosophy of science is
discussed in Section 5 of this Charter), agrees with Friedman only partly, for he does
not share the "anti-a-priori" conviction:
In summary, while al1 philosophy today is pursued in the light of the Kantian
heritage, and philosophers accept the view that what we fmd in experience is
prefigured in intentionality, and that the empirical object as known is actively
constructed according to a priori ruIes, still it is evident that the undisputed

14Kant's critical writings dealing with the topic of space inc1ude: Critique of Pure
, Reason (1781), Critique of Practical Reason (1787) and Prolegomena (1783).

content of that legacy is unclear. This is particularly so as regards the

uniqueness of the geometrical rules active at the transcendental level, and their
origin in the subject, or possibly in ways in which subject and World
collaborate to construct space--visual, perceptual (in the broader sense),
physical (of our local environ ment, or cosmological).
(Heelan 1983: 42)
Finally, Alexander Gosztonyi notices that the Kantian postulate of the
transcendental ideality of space does not provide solutions to the ontology of the
physical space in itself (Gosztonyi 1976: 455). In the light of Gosztonyi's critique,
Kant's most important contribution to the development of the idea of space lies in his
analysis of the spaces of intuition (Anschauungraumes) conducted from a
phenomenological point of view. Here, Kant notices the importance of the temporal
moment of spatial perception (Le. the connection of space and time in human
experience) and opens up the way to phenomenological studies of space by Husserl,
Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty (Gosztonyi 1976: 456).1.5

ISIn the domain of musical thought, the Kantian legacy has particular significance
for the German theorists of "musical space (cf. Chapter II, section 1).

Notions of s.pace in mathematics

What Kant could not have known, that space is not necessarily Euclidean, bas
slowly come to be understood over the course of the 19th century--the time of the
development of various non-Euclidean geometries. 16 Their emergence has heralded the
birth of mathematical notions of space which have little to do with the experience of
the human (bodily and environmental) spatiality. In mathematics, space is "usually
regarded as a set of points having some specified structure" (linguistic sense III. 9
listed in Section 1).17 The main stages in the evolution of such counter-intuitive
concepts of space are outlined below.
According to the classical formulation of Euclidean geometry (that of the
Elements by Euclid), spatial relations between elementary entities (point, line, plane)
are supposed to fulf five postulates, of which the fifth one, the so-called parallelism
postulate is the most questionable. Bas van Fraassen formulates these postulates in the
following manner:
(1) If x and y are distinct points, there is a straight line incident with both.
(II) Any finite straight line (segment) is part of a unique infinite straight line.
(III) If x is a point and ra finite distance, there is a unique circle with x and
radius r.
(IV) Any two right angles are equal.
(V) If a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the interior angles on
the same side less than two right angles, the two straight lines, if produced
indefmitely, meet on that side on which the angles are less than two right
(van Fraassen 1985: 117-118)

16For an overview of these developments see van Fraassen (1985); a detailed

history is given by Gray (1979).

I1Whether any particular mathematical spaces can be coordinated with entities from
the physical reality (Le. discovered) or whether their existence is purely ideal (i.e.
invented or construed) is a matter of contention. Some philosophers assert that the
geometry of space has little to do with spatial intuition or experience (cf. Gosztonyi 1976:

Numerous attempts to prove the truthfulness of the fifth postulate have

ultimately led to the discovery of new, non-Euclidean geometries (hyperbolic,
spherical and elliptical geometries were the fust to be studied).18 Other non-Euclidean
geometries developed in the 19th century are more basic than Euclidean geometry
because they involve fewer primitive (Le. undefinable) concepts. According to van
Fraassen, "in affine geometry the notions of distance and perpendicularity do not
appear, in projective geometry neither these nor parallelism appears, and in top%gy
(analysis situs) even the notion of line does not appear" (van Fraassen 1985: 122). As
Jeremy Gray explains, "before, roughly, 1800, mathematicians hoped to show that
Euclidean geometry was the only possible geometry of space, whereas afterwards they
sought to establish the possible validity of other geometries" (Gray 1979: 155). In the
course of this development, the basic tenet of Kantian epistemology, that of the a-
prioricity of Euclidean geometry of space, was abandoned. According to Hans
We must therefore reject the arguments for the priority of Euclidean geometry
within mathematics. The geometrical axioms are not asserted to be true within
mathematics, and mathematical geometry deals exclusively with implications; it
is a pure deductive system . . . . Mathematical geometry is not a science of
space insofar as we understand by space a visual structure that can be filled
with objects--it is a pure theory of manifolds. . . . The visual elements of
space are an unnecessary addition.
(Reichenbach 1927/1958: 92, 100)
For Reichenbach, geometry is a theory of relations, and all geometrical

18By denying postulate (V), Euclidean geometry is transformed into hyperbolic

geometry (Karl Friedrich Gauss, Jan6s Bolyai, and Nikolai Lobachevsky). By replacing
postulate (V) with (V*) "there is no line parallel to any other line" and cbanging postulate
(II) into (11*) "any two lines have two distinct points in common" spherical geometry is
developed (Bernhard Riemann). If postulate (V*) is supplemented with (11**) "any two
lines have a unique intersection" elliptical geometry is introduced (van Fraassen 1985:
120-121). For a popular explanation of spherical geometry see Einstein's "Geometry and
Experience" (1921/1976); for a discussion of the nature of geometry as a theory of
relations and the problem of the visualisation in Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries
see Reichenbach (1927/1958: 37-90); for a detailed history of non-Euclidean geometries
see Gray (1979).

concepts can be expressed as functions of basic, purely logical concepts, such as

"element, relation, one-to-one correspondence, implication, etc. n (Reichenbach
1927/1958: 93-94). And, if space is a visual container of objects, geometry has
nothing to do with space. But what if "space" means a "manifold"? This notion was
introduced in Bernhard Riemann's habilitation dissertation of 1854. 19 As van Fraassen
In this work, Riemann presented the general concept of a manifold: the
spectrum of color hues is a one-dimensional manifold, and space, as ordinarily
conceived is a three-dimensional manifold. The term 'manifold' is not much
in use any more; today we speak of spaces instead of manifolds. Riemann
defmed a n-dimensional space to be one in wbich each position can he
characterized by a set of n coordinates. Thus, he envisaged space of more than
three dimensions.
(van Fraassen 1985: 126)

Riemann' s study of discrete and continuous manifolds as weIl as bis

trigonometric descriptions of various geometries have led to "the reformulation of
geometry in local terms, rather than global ones: 'line' and 'plane' were defined in
terms of geodesics and curvatures" (Gray 1979: 158). His discovery of the notion of
the metrically amorphous manifold "allows us to see ail the different kinds of
geometrical structures--Euclidean and non-Euclidean; constant curvature and variable
curvature; two-, three-, and bigher dimensional spaces--as particular instances of the
very general ideal of an n-dimensional manifold (Friedman 1983: 10). These

mathematical developments proved invaluable for the introduction of new theories of

space-time and for the formulation of relativity theory by Albert Einstein.
In special branches of mathematics, such as general topology, various types
and properties of space are identified, defined and refined, e.g. the concepts of
topological space, distance and metric space. The definition of the topological space
(the most basic and least structured space) reads:

19The significance of Riemann's dissertation, On the hypotheses which lie at the

foundations of geometry is discussed by Gosztonyi (1976: 493-500), and van Fraassen
(1985: 126-129).

Let X be a non-empty set. A class T of subsets of X is a topology on X iff

T satisfies the following axioms.

[0\] X and cP belong to T.

[02] The union of any number of sets in T belongs to T.
[03] The intersection of any two sets in T belongs to T.

The members of T are then called T-open sets, or simply open sets, and X
together with T, Le. the pair (X,1), is called a topological space.
(Lipschutz 1965: 66)

In order to proceed from a topological space to a metric space, the notion of

distance needs to be introduced. In general terms, distance is defined as a real-valued
function satisfying several axioms (that a distance from any point to another is never
negative, that a distance from a point to itself is zero, etc.; cf. Lipschutz 1965: 111).
After defining distance, the establishment of the conception of a metric space is
possible, with "point" and "distance" as basic notions. Therefore, a metric space is
simply "a collection of points with as metric a distance function on that collection"
(van Fraassen 1985: 127). Moreover, each of the Euclidean and non-Euclidean
geometries mentioned earlier is a particular type of metric space and can be
axiomatized by articulating exact conditions for the concept of distance.
Finally, one related notion of space should be mentioned: the logical space--
fust introduced by Ludwig Wittgenstein in bis Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus of
1922. For Wittgenstein, "logical space" is (proposition "1.11) "the existence and non-
existence of atomic facts" whereas (proposition 1.13) "the facts in logical space are
the world (Wittgenstein 1922/1988: 39, 31). Therefore, as the philosopher explains

(proposition 2.0131), "a speck in a visual field need not be red, but it must have a
colour; it has, so to speak, a colour space round it. A tone must have a pitch, the
object of the sense of touch a hardness, etc." In Wittgenstein's definition, the musical
notion of "pitch" is a logical space. 20

2ONonetheless, the musical implications of this "state of affairs," to use

Wittgenstein's term, have not been consciously explored. The applications of
mathematical concepts of space in music theory and composition appear only in the

Bas van Fraassen explains that a logical space is "a mathematical construct
used to represent conceptual interconnections among a family of properties and
relations" (van Fraassen 1985: 102-104; cf. also Reichenbach 1927/1958: 132). This may be used to represent physical space. If each event receives three
space coordinates (real numbers), "the logical space in which . . . all spatial
relationships are represented, is the set of all triples of real numbers" (p. 167). If, on
the other band, events are considered in a four-dimensional space-time, "the logical
space, in which, for us, all spatio-temporal relationships are represented is the set of
aIl quadruples of real numbers" (p. 167).21 In addition, van Fraassen argues that time
is a logical space, and "furthermore, that this logical space (time) is the realline being
used to represent all possible temporal relations among events and the conceptual
interconnections among these relations" (van Fraassen 1985: 102). So much for
absolute, independent time and space! Having begun this survey of concepts of space
from an intuitive conception of "the space of time " (cf. linguistic senses 1.1--1.3 in
Section 1), we reach one philosopher's conclusion that time is a logical space.

writings of those composers or theoreticians who have studied mathematics, and have
sought to transplant mathematical ideas into music (cf. Boulez, Xenakis and Morris in
Chapter II).

21The logical space exemplified by van Fraassen resembles very closely

Riemannian notion of an n-dimensional discrete manifold.

Space-time theories in modem philosophy of science

As Hans Reichenbach states lucidly, .. mathematical space is a conceptual

structure, and as such idea1. Physics has the task of coordinating one of these
mathematical structures to reality" (Reichenbach 1927/1958: 287).22 This opinion of
a prominent representative of logical positivism,23 reflects the state of affairs in
mathematical physics, in which competing views on space and space-time are
constantly being proposed, tested and rejected.
The breakthrough came with Albert Einstein's relativity theory supported by
the Minkowskian model of space-time as a four-dimensional manifold (Einstein
1934/1976, 1954/1976; Friedman 1983; Gray 1979). The significance of Einstein's
theory is, partly, due to the fact that "it exhibits such an intimate interdependence of
temporal and spatial relations that time and space can no longer be treated as
essentially independent subjects" (van Fraassen 1985: 140). Thus, as Minkowski
triumphantly proclaimed, "three-dimensional geometry becomes a chapter in four-
dimensional physics. . . . Space and Time are to fade away into the shadows and only
a world in itself will subsist."24 Hermann Weyl explains this unification of the two
formerly independent entities in the following manner:
The scene of action of rea1ity is not a three-dimensional Euclidean space but
rather a four-dimensional world, in which space and time are linked
together indissolubly. . . . It is a four-dimensional continuum, which is
neither 'time' nor 'space.' Only the consciousness that passes on in one
portion of this world experiences the detached piece which comes to meet it

22Albert Einstein expresses a similar view in his lecture of 1921, "Geometry and
Experience," (published in English translation in Ideas and Opinions, in 1976: 227-239).

23As Reichenbach announces in the introduction to The Philosophy of Space and

rime this work is meant "to give an example of the superiority of a philosophical method
closely connected with the results of empirical science" (Reichenbach 1927/1958: xv).

24Minkowski's statement from a lecture of 1905, cited by Gray (1979: 171).


and passes behind it as history that is as a process which is going forward in

time and takes place in space.
(Weyl 1918/1952: 217)

There is an essential difference between the four-dimensional space-time of

special relativity and the space-time of the classical physics in which every event is
also given four coordinates (three spatial ones and a time coordinate) and in which the
totality of physical events is also "embedded in a four-dimensional continuous
manifold" (Einstein 1954/1976: 350-366). As Einstein explains, in classical physics,
unlike special relativity, this continuum can be separated into a one-dimensional time
and a three-dimensional space of simultaneous events. 2S By introducing the relativity
of simultaneity, "the four-dimensional continuum is now no longer resolvable
objectively into sections, which contain aIl simultaneous events; 'now' loses for the
spatially extended world its objective meaning" (Einstein 1954/1976: 360). In other
words, "there is no physical basis for the relation of simultaneity between events that
are spatially separate" and therefore "one and the same pair of events may be
simultaneous in one frame of reference . . . and not in sorne other frame of reference"
(van Fraassen 1985: 155).26
This dissolution of the independence of time and space by the relativity of
simultaneity implies a radical transformation of the scientific world-view, because
from now on, as Einstein writes, it is "more natural to think of physical reality as a
four-dimensionli existence, instead of, as hitherto, the evolution of a three-
dimensional existence" (Einstein 1954/1976: 361). Distant echoes of this Einsteinian

2SThe connection of space and time into space-time is by no means intuitively

obvious, for as Hermann Weyl notices: "it is remarkable that the three-dimensional
geometry of the statical world that was put into a complete axiomatic system by Euclid
has such a translucent character, whereas we have been able to assume command over
the four-dimensional geometry only after a prolonged struggle" (Weyl 1921/1976: 217).
Hans Reichenbach disagrees with this dissolution of space and time into a continuous
space-time and emphasizes the differences between the two notions as "a fundamental fact
of the objective world" (Reichenbach 1927/1958: 109-112, 279).

26" A frame of reference is simply an assignment of time and space coordinates to

all events" (van Fraassen 1985: 157).

revolution may be perceived in Merleau-Ponty's phenomenological philosophy of

existence (cf. section 1.5).
The transition from the Newtonian notions of absolute, separated space and
time to their alliance in the four-dimensional space-time continuum of Einstein' s
special theory of relativity (1905) was hardly final. 27 According to Michael Friedman,
in special relativity "there is indeed no three-dimensional, Euclidean embedding space,
but there is a four-dimensional, semi-Euclidean space-time in which all physical events
are embedded" (Friedman 1983: 16). The introduction of general relativity in 1916
was partly motivated by Einstein's desire to get rid of that rigid, embedding four-
dimensional space-time. 28 Einstein believed that general relativity solved the problem
of the existence or non-existence of absolute space and he maintained that "there is no
such thing as an empty space, Le. a space without field. Space-time does not claim
existence on its own, but only as a structural quality of the field" (Einstein 1954/1976:
365). Nevertheless, contemporary physicists and philosophers of science are still
greatly divided on this issue, and the existence of space-time as well as its structure
are the matter of an on-going debate. As Lawrence Sklar reminds his colleagues, "in
considering formalization of the spacetime theory of general relativity, we must
remember that this one theory allows at least the lawlike possibility, relative to its

2'Hans Reichenbach opposes the view advocated here and emphasizes the
distinction between space and time: "Calling time the fourth dimension gives it an air of
mystery. One might think that time can now be conceived as a kind of space and try in
vain to add visually a fourth dimension to the three dimensions of space. It is essential
to guard against such a misunderstanding of mathematical concepts. If we add time to
space as a fourth dimension, it does not lose in any way its peculiar character as time.
Through the combination of space and time into a four-dimensional manifold we merely
express the fact that it takes four numbers to determine a world event, namely three
numbers for the spatial location and one for time." (Reichenbach 1927/1958: 110).
These reservations have been shared by Henri Bergson (Bergson 1922/1965; cf. below,
section 1.5).

28Michael Friedman defmes general relativity as "a theory of gravitation

formulated in the context of the conceptions m' space and time due to special relativity"
(Friedman 1983: 17).

laws, of many distinct spacetime worlds" (Sklar 1985: 127). Hence, there is na wide
variety of spacetimes compatible with the theory, because in general relativity

"spacetime is itself a variable dynamic element in the theory" (ibidem).

For Michael Friedman, the general principle of relativity is neither as
revolutionary as, nor analogous to, the special principle of relativity for "it merely
replaces a flat affine-metrical structure (of space-time) with a nonflat one" (Friedman
1983: 29). In general relativity, space-time is variably curved and "endowed with a
perfectly definite metric . . . which is related in a defmite way to the distribution of
mass-energy by Einstein's field equations . . . . There is no sense in which this metric
is determined by arbitrary choice or convention" (Friedman 1983: 26). Friedman
emphasizes the distinction of intrinsic and extrinsic features of a space-time: intrinsic
features of a space-time reflect those aspects of geometrical structure that objectively
characterize the space-time while extrinsic features vary from one coordinate
representation to another (Friedman 1983: 339). In particular, that the space-time is a
four-dimensional manifold is only a local assertion, for, as Friedman writes, "space-
time in the large can be fmite or infinite , closed like a sphere or open like a plane,
connected (no holes or missing pieces) or disconnected (with arbitrary deletions) and
so on" (Friedman 1983: 33).
If space-time is "the set of all places-at-a-time or all actual and possible
events, theories of space-time picture the material universe (Le. "the set of all actual

events ) as embedded in a space-time which possesses a specific type of geometric
structure. Where the various theories disagree is what this structure really is.
According to Friedman' s view, the basic or primitive elements of space-time theories
are of two kinds: "space-time and its geometrical structure; and matter fields--
distributions of mass, charge, and so on--which represent the physical processes and
events occurring within space-time" (Friedman 1983: 32). Friedman's critique is
directed against relationalism, which does not require the existence of space-time
independently of matter and energy. As Hartry Field puts it:
According to the relational theory of space-time, the physical world contains
spatio-temporal aggregates of matter (spatio-temporally extended physical

objects, spatio-temporal parts of such objects and aggregates consisting of

spatio-temporaI parts of different objects); these aggregates of matter are
interrelated in various ways by various geometric (and also non-geometric)
relations, but the physical world does not contain a space-time over and above
these aggregates of matter and their interrelations.
(Field 1989: 171)

Einstein himself (1954/1976), Reichenbach (1927/1958), Grnbaum

(1963/1973, 1977) and van Fraassen (1985) have aIl subscribed to the relational view
on space-time which defmes this entity merely as an attribute of matter or field. 29 The
opposite, substantivai view, represented by Friedman, is equaIly possible in the light
of generaI relativity. In the words of Hartry Field:
According to the substantivai view of space-time, the physicaI world contains
not only aggregates of matter (physical objects, their spatio-temporaI parts etc.)
but aIso (over and above these, Le., not logically constructed from them)
space-time and its spatio-temporal parts.
(Field 1989: 171)

It is quite natural to identify an object with the part of space-time that it

occupies--hence, for instance, the absence of absolute space in Aristotelian thought.
The debate, whether space-time theories describe only spatio-temporal relations or
independent entities of space-time, and whether spatio-temporaI relations and
properties can be reduced to or defmed by other relations and properties is far from
being solved (Friedman 1983: 62; SIdar 1985: 8_9).30
These discussions about space-time in contemporary philosophy of science

29Friedman distinguishes two types of relationalism: (1) Leibnizean--limiting

applicability of space-time concepts, and (2) Reichenbachian--limiting vocabulary of
space-time theories to relations defined in a proper way (Friedman 1983: 63).
Elsewhere, Friedman labels Reichenbach's position "conventionalism" rather than
"relationalism" (Friedman 1983: 264-339).

30Lawrence SIdar, one of the participants in the debate between substantivism and
relationism describes the kinship of relationism to other "doctrines regarding theories,
doctrines which attribute genuine reference only to the names and predicates of the theory
which aim to denote observable entities and properties, and which treat the apparently
denoting terms which allegedly refer to nonobservable entities and properties as not reaIly
referring in nature at aIl" (Sklar 1985: Il).

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