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Ethics Quix Exam Compiile Cabaron

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Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Non-moral standards are not
necessarily linked to morality.(STATEMENT 2:) The rules people have about the kinds of actions
they solely believe are morally right only is involved in Moral standards. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Choices made at individual
level are always affected by political pressures.(STATEMENT 2:) Non-moral standards are
important in determining levels of aptitudes and physical attributes. *
What term is being described in the given statement? It is when we try to find ways on how to
compensate with the wrong actions that we have already done. *

What term is being described in the given statement? It indicates the practical or action-guiding
nature of moral standards. *

Which of the following is/are example of non-moral standard?(STATEMENT 1:) Fashion
standards(STATEMENT 2:) Standards of aesthetics *
Which of the following is/are characteristic of moral standard?(STATEMENT 1:) It cannot be
changed nor nullified by the decisions of particular authoritative body. (STATEMENT 2:) It is related
to the idea of the Golden Rule. *
What term is being described in the given statement? It occurs in situations when a person is
required to make decision about which of two or more actions is best. *
Moral delimma

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) A choice between two options,
where neither one completely resolves the situation is known as a morality. (STATEMENT 2:)
Freedom is just doing what we want without hindrance. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Moral standards does not
involves self-serving bias.(STATEMENT 2:) Universalizability is an extension of the principle of
consistency. *
Which of the following is/are example of non-moral standard?(STATEMENT 1:) Proper Etiquette
(STATEMENT 2:) Criteria in a contest *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Non-moral standards are
always necessarily linked to morality.(STATEMENT 2:) Moral standard states that a person is
supposed to do that even if it conflicts with other non-moral standards *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Moral standards have
hegemonic authority(STATEMENT 2:) Impartiality is usually depicted as being free of bias or
prejudice. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Universalizability is an
extension of the principle of inconsistency.(STATEMENT 2:) Moral standards involve serious
wrongs or significant benefits. *
Which of the following is/are example of non-moral standard?(STATEMENT 1:) Various house
rules. (STATEMENT 2:) Values that we already have in us *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Choices made at structural
level are affected by political pressures.(STATEMENT 2:) Individual level of moral dilemma
difficulties in making choices are strongly influenced by the person’s culture. *
Which of the following is are the advantages of exercising freedom?(STATEMENT 1:) It deprives
the person the right to make choices. (STATEMENT 2:) Fails to learn and grow as a mature human
being. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Moral standards are not the
only rules or principles in society.(STATEMENT 2:) At all times, people with the same status or in
the same situation should share the same moral standards. * 

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Moral standards involve the
rules people have about the kinds of actions they believe are morally right and wrong.(STATEMENT
2:) Immoral values and immoral principles equates with moral standards according to some
ethicists. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Responsibility is accountability
for the task or duty that we are required or expected to do.(STATEMENT 2:) Self-serving bias is
involved in moral standards. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Human being’s success could
be measured when we not do anything when we have the chance.(STATEMENT 2:) Our moral
standards are in-built in our being. *
What term is being described in the given statement? “This belief has similarities with Hinduism.” *
None of These

Which of the following is an example of intangible culture?(STATEMENT 1:)Music(STATEMENT 2:)
Traditional craftsmanship *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:)Disagreements with their culture
mean that social reformers could possibly be right.(STATEMENT 2:) Samsara are composed of
hymns and rituals that guide the Hindu way of life. *
Which of the following is an example of intangible culture?(STATEMENT 1:)Rice Terraces of the
Philippine Cordilleras(STATEMENT 2:) Social practices *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:)Cultural norms are the shared,
sanctioned, and integrated systems of beliefs.(STATEMENT 2:) Reciprocity is all about Hiya. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:)If right and wrong are relative to
culture, there are no universal moral principles.(STATEMENT 2:) Vedas in known as the sacred text
of Hinduism. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:)The central belief of Buddhism
is that life is full of sufferings.(STATEMENT 2:) Norms cultivate reliable guidelines for daily living. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:)Yin and Yang should be kept in
harmony for disharmony will result in suffering and disaster.(STATEMENT 2:) Vedas are composed
of hymns and rituals that guide the Hindu way of life. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:)One factor that contributes to
the uniformity among people is the differences in cultural setting.(STATEMENT 2:) Human
existence is based on verbal cues. *

Which of the following is an example of intangible culture? (STATEMENT 1:)Oral traditions and
expressions (STATEMENT 2:) Mount Hamiguitan *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:)What molds us into the person
we are primarily our school environment. (STATEMENT 2:) Knowledge of these differences among
cultures means that these differences impact on individual development. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:)Veda may also imply the idea of
dualism.(STATEMENT 2:) Morality for the followers of Buddhism is guided by the teachings in the
Vedas. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:)Samsara is the finite cycle of
birth and death.(STATEMENT 2:) Every action has its effect and its consequences are in the
endless cycle of birth and rebirth. *
What does conflict on “What is and what ought to be.” pertains to? *
Conflict on Catholicism and being a Filipino
Conflict on Ideal and standard
Conflict on Yin and yang
None of These

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:)People’s judgment of right and
wrong/good and bad differ from culture to culture.(STATEMENT 2:) In the view of cultural relativism,
cultural practices is not necessary for the members to agree with. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:)The Buddha is not a divine nor
is he a prophet.(STATEMENT 2:) Actual and prevailing norms of right and wrong are avoided in
formulating of the basis of morality in the Philippines. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:)Cultural standard should be
accepted by all its members.(STATEMENT 2:) To do evil deeds will result in rebirth at the lower
level is the idea of reincarnation. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:)Yin and Yang should be kept in
disharmony for harmony will result in suffering and disaster.(STATEMENT 2:) When human fail to
do good and fulfill his role in the order of things, Snow had a consequences filled with sufferings *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:)Knowledge of other societies’
may mean that we cannot argue that the moralities of our culture.(STATEMENT 2:) Samsara is the
endless cycle of birth and death. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:)The Buddha is a teacher and a
model for the lives of his followers.(STATEMENT 2:) Cultural norms are not the shared, sanctioned,
and integrated systems of beliefs. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Differences in gender roles
and expectations have led to case of prejudice and discrimination.(STATEMENT 2:) Kohlberg’s
Moral development is consist of 6 levels. 

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Allan Zimmerman gave a
description of a person with good moral character.(STATEMENT 2:) A person with good moral
character should be tall enough to tower above deceit. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Significant percentage of
behavior is biologically determined.(STATEMENT 2:) Family is the social institution that will mold
and form the moral character of individuals. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Parents has to set artificial l
situations for the learning to take place.(STATEMENT 2:) If everybody else’s actions contradicts
from what is right it is even more difficult to do the right thing. *
Winter has been performing very well in school. Every after exams she's excited to show her score
because she knows she'll get a prize from her parents. What stage of moral development is being
reflected in the given situation? *
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6
None of These

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Jean Piaget’s was able to
formulate the Cognitive development as he was inspired by Theory Lawrence Kohlberg the Stages
of Moral Development. (STATEMENT 2:) Good Boy/ Good Girl orientation is a result of peer
pressure. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) For us to adapt to our
environment for us to realize our potentials and fulfil our nature having a unstable moral character
will be a help. (STATEMENT 2:) As an adult, we should also admit our mistakes and it can establish
the virtue humility. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Make the things that other
people value the most as a center of our life it is important. (STATEMENT 2:) There is no way for a
deed to be done right. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Values are acquired based
on the virtues emulated by parents.(STATEMENT 2:) Kohlberg’s Moral development is consist of 2
stages. *
Kai has been very angry to his groupmates because of their non-cooperation. He wanted to yell at
them but instead of doing so, he tried to gather everyone to resolve the problem. What virtue is
being reflected in the given situation? *
None of These

Betty sees to it that every time she goes to school she wears her complete uniform because that is
what is written in the school book. What stage of moral development is being reflected in the given
situation? *
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6
None of These

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Plato said that moral
character is, “sum of one’s moral habits and dispositions.”(STATEMENT 2:) Moral values are
acquired as the child inherited it from their parents alone, together with the development of his
ability to think and reason. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Character is an analysis of an
individual’s wobbly moral qualities.(STATEMENT 2:) Adult’s actions that we frequently see, even in
the streets, belongs to the factors that can’t influence the development of our moral character. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) The very young have no pre-
existing values and dispositions as what Plato said.(STATEMENT 2:) Individual differences suggest
that people advance through the stages of moral development at unified degrees. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) People vary in what they
value and in different degrees.(STATEMENT 2:) Our minds is like a sponge that would just accept
the beliefs and values culture creates for us. *

What term is being described in the given statement? It is a condition or state that would make the
person act or react to a situation. *
None Of These

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) One of the things that makes
us different from the rest is our character.(STATEMENT 2:) Allan Zimmerman defined character as
a disposition to express behavior in consistent patterns of functions across a range of situations.” *

Karina was taught by her Mother to be sensitive of what other might have been feeling before
confronting them. So Karina asked Gisselle if she has any problem and then she tried listening to
her to understand her situation. What virtue is being reflected in the given situation? *
None of These

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Values are acquired based
on the virtues avoided by parents.(STATEMENT 2:) Emotions has minor role in making moral
judgments. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Conscience is a product of
inheritance alone. (STATEMENT 2:) The ability to make conscience-based decisions is strongly
influenced by the moral environment of our peers. *

This means equal treatment of the interests of all people involved. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Most of our reasons for choices of
actions are subjective. (STATEMENT 2: ) It is important to look at the alternate choices and weigh the
consequences of each choices. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) It is easy to lie especially if it is our
reputation that is on the line.(STATEMENT 2: ) Character does not depend on what we say. *

He said “courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point.” *
C. S. Lewis

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) The willingness to act for moral reasons
even at the risk of adverse consequences is one of the characteristics of having a moral courage.
(STATEMENT 2: ) The ability to reason is the least powerful weapon a moral agent can possess. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) In making decisions, we should try to do
away with trivial wants.(STATEMENT 2: ) Moral courage entails discerning what is right or wrong. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Witnessing immorality can stir feelings
of disgust.(STATEMENT 2: ) Having moral courage sticks in being aware of the situation. *




Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) To gain moral courage we must face our
problems. (STATEMENT 2: ) Courage comes in different forms. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Positive emotions stirs or this happen
when an action violates a normative moral rule.(STATEMENT 2: ) When an act is evaluated as immoral it is
always automatically followed by an intuitive reaction of negative emotion or feeling. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) The 5th step of making ethical decision
is being aware of our options.(STATEMENT 2: ) Emotions play a significant role in making moral
judgments. *

He said courage is the mean between fear and recklessness. *


Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Moral judgements come with the belief
that someone should be rewarded for good choices made (STATEMENT 2: )Emotion benefits us in
situations where we need to make instant decisions. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) The willingness to act for moral reasons
even at the risk of adverse consequences is one of the characteristics of having a non-moral courage.
(STATEMENT 2: ) Emotions play an insignificant role in making moral judgments in moral judgement. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Our emotions always be right and they
are an essential aspect of our survival.(STATEMENT 2: ) In making decision always prioritize the first choice
as at all times. *




We have to have sufficient amount of these in making a decision. *


Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) The development of our emotions would
only depend on our environment.(STATEMENT 2: ) Our emotions may not always be right but they are an
essential aspect of our survival. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Morality is the effort to guide one’s
action by reason while giving equal weight to the interest of everyone.(STATEMENT 2: )We should be
confident of choices because it always promise instant success. *

Stated that the kind of emotion stirred by different moral violations can be differentiated, making emotions to
moral violations specific. *
Avramova and Inbar

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Morality is an evaluation of the action
and character of others. (STATEMENT 2: ) Reason is the effort to guide one’s action by reason while giving
equal weight to the interest of everyone. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Responsibility requires that we monitor
the effects of our decisions.(STATEMENT 2: ) Morally courageous individuals act upon their ethical values to
help others during difficult ethical dilemmas. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Feelings can never affect our moral
decisions. (STATEMENT 2: ) Moral judgments doesn’t involve actions whereon a person harms other
people. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Moral courage entails being in doubt
between what is right or wrong. (STATEMENT 2: ) The ability to make conscience-based decisions is
strongly influenced by the moral environment of the family. *




Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) It is easy to lie especially for the
reputation of others.(STATEMENT 2: ) A lie usually ends with one lie. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) The ability to reason is the most
powerful weapon a moral agent can possess. (STATEMENT 2: ) Moral Courage is the ability to confront
danger. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) To be morally courageous means
wobbly standing up for what you believe even when it means that you do so alone. (STATEMENT 2: ) When
an act is evaluated as immoral it is always automatically followed by an intuitive reaction of positive emotion
or feeling. *



Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Emotions are solely inborn.
(STATEMENT 2: ) Evaluation of the action and character of others is what we call Moral judgment. *




Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Following with trivial wants should be
done in making decisions. (STATEMENT 2: ) Having moral courage is telling a lie and avoiding the
consequences. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) To develop moral courage we must
develop patience to understand the needs and hurts of others.(STATEMENT 2: ) The main goal of giving
service is for us to remember that people are equally fortunate. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Moral judgements come with the belief
that someone should be punished for choosing bad decisions. (STATEMENT 2: ) To gain moral courage we
must at times avoid our problems. *




Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Emotions can’t determine moral
decisions and influence moral judgments. (STATEMENT 2: ) Emotions could have caused the knowledge
about the situation stirred. *
G have experienced abuse when she was little it affect her greatly on how she trusts other people.
What factor have influenced G in her character development? *
Early Childhood Development.

Clara is in doubt on which organization shall she join. This is due to her own preference and the
opinion of her friends. What level of moral dilemma is being reflected in a given situation? *
Individual/ Personal Level
Yeri have been witnessing the great effect of sharing from the people in their community. She also
exercised this behavior as she gets older. What factor have influenced Yeri in her character
development? *
Surrounding Culture.
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) One of the things that makes
us unified is our character. (STATEMENT 2:) Depriving the person the right to make choices is one
of the disadvantages of not exercising freedom. (STATEMENT 3:) Make the things that other
people value the most as a center of our life it is important. *
Statement 1 and 3
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) The ability to make
conscience-based decisions is strongly influenced by the moral environment of the peers.
(STATEMENT 2:) As a human it is our moral obligation to do things aligned to non-moral standards
even if it conflicts with their moral standard.(STATEMENT 3:) Responsibility is the reason why we
would sometimes refuse to make the choice. *
Statement 1 and 2
Filipinos has been strictly following the health protocols in fighting against COVID-19. What level of
moral dilemma is being reflected in a given situation? *
Systemic/ structural Level (Macro)
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Moral principles must apply to
all who are in the relevantly different situation. (STATEMENT 2:) Moral standards are the standards
that are established by the authorities.(STATEMENT 3:) As a human it is our moral obligation to do
things aligned to their moral standards even if it conflicts with other non-moral standard. *
Statement 1 and 2
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) To do evil deeds will result in
rebirth at the lower level is the idea of reincarnation.(STATEMENT 2:) In making decisions, we
should try to do away with trivial wants. (STATEMENT 3:) Ban for cigarettes smoking in public
places is an example of individual level of moral dilemmas. *
Statement 3
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) In moral dilemmas choosing
both possible actions is important.(STATEMENT 2:) Moral standards is never universal because we
are all unique.(STATEMENT 3:) Atonement is when we try to find ways on how to compensate with
the wrong actions that we have done. *
Statement 1 and 2
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Reason is the effort to guide
one’s action by reason while giving equal weight to the interest of everyone.(STATEMENT 2:)
People vary in what they value and in unified degrees.(STATEMENT 3:) Emotions could have
caused the knowledge about the situation stirred. *
Statement 1 and 2
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) The rules people have about
the kinds of actions they believe are morally right and wrong is what we call Moral standards.
(STATEMENT 2:) Having moral courage sticks in being aware of the situation. (STATEMENT 3:)
Feelings of achievement can be stirred by witnessing immorality. *
Statement 2 and 3
In your art class, your teacher told you to create a painting as self-expression. In the day of
evaluation, your teacher used a criteria to grade your output. What kind of standard did your
teacher used? *
Non-moral standard
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Emotions are solely inborn.
(STATEMENT 2:) Moral principles is equitable with moral standards.(STATEMENT 3:) Moral
standard may also cause injury. *
Statement 1
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Without rules existence, there
will be always full of conflicts. (STATEMENT 2:) The development of our emotions would also
depend on our environment (STATEMENT 3:) Making mistakes along the way is prohibited and
shall be avoided. *
Statement 3
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Golden Rule can be
associated with the idea of moral standard as Universalizability.(STATEMENT 2:) Lawrence Pervin
gave a description of a person with good moral character. (STATEMENT 3:) The three levels of
moral dilemmas shall overlap to each other at all times. *
Statement 2 and 3
Joy has been avoiding being in conflict with her classmates. Most of the people around her tags her
as one of the nicest and a model student in their batch. What stage of Moral development is being
reflected in the given situation? *
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6
None of These

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Moral standards are the only
rules in society.(STATEMENT 2:) Impartiality means all interests of people involved is being
considered.(STATEMENT 3:) Moral standard can be universal if the person experiences the same
situation. *
Statement 1
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Moral standards are not the
only rules in society. (STATEMENT 2:) Vedas in known as the sacred text of Hinduism.
(STATEMENT 3:) Nature endowed us with moral sense. *
None of these
Mimi has been studying very well because her mother promised her that she will have a new doll if
she’ll get a high score on her quiz. What stage of Moral development is being reflected in the given
situation? *
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6
None of these

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) The main goal of giving
service is for us to remember that people are equally fortunate. (STATEMENT 2:) Making mistakes
along the way is normal all we have to do is learn from it.(STATEMENT 3:) We should be confident
of choices because it always promise instant success. *
Statement 1 and 3
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Morality is the system
through which we determine right and wrong conduct.(STATEMENT 2:) In living our life it is
important to make the things that we value the most as a center of it.(STATEMENT 3:)Cultural
standard should be accepted by all its members. *
None of these
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Non-moral uses a criteria to
categorize an action whether it is good or bad. (STATEMENT 2:) There is no way for a deed to be
done right.(STATEMENT 3:) When an act is evaluated as immoral it is always automatically
followed by an intuitive reaction of positive emotion or feeling. *
Statement 2 and 3
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Following with trivial wants
should be done in making decisions. (STATEMENT 2:)Yin and Yang may also imply the idea of
dualism.(STATEMENT 3:) The central belief of Buddhism is that life is full of good things. *
Statement 1 and 3
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) If everybody else’s actions
compromises from what is right it is even more difficult to do the right thing.(STATEMENT 2:) The
Samsara is a teacher and a model for the lives of his followers. (STATEMENT 3:) One of the
advantages of not exercising freedom is failure to learn and grow as a mature human being. *
All Statements
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) One factor that contributes to
the uniformity among people is the differences in cultural setting.(STATEMENT 2:) Moral standards
cannot be changed nor nullified by the decisions of particular authoritative body. (STATEMENT 3:)
Moral principles must apply to all who are in the relevantly similar situation. *
Statement 1
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Emotion benefits us in
situations where we need to make instant decisions.(STATEMENT 2:) If our moral standards are
followed, it might give us a negative effect especially in our peace of mind.(STATEMENT 3:)
Differences in gender roles and expectations have led to case of humanity and equality. *
Statement 2 and 3
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Freedom is necessary
component of human existence at all levels of morality. (STATEMENT 2:) Office hour’s policy is an
example of organizational level of moral dilemma.(STATEMENT 3:) Rules in a volleyball game is an
example of non-moral standard. *
None of these
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Freedom is unnecessary
component of human existence at some levels of morality.(STATEMENT 2:)People’s judgment of
right and wrong/good and bad may or may not differ from culture to culture. (STATEMENT 3:) As a
basis, it is important to know opinions about the things we are deciding on. *
All Statements

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Moral standard is far from
causing injury.(STATEMENT 2:) Dilemmas are categorized by conflict.(STATEMENT 3:)
Hegemonic authority is one of the characteristics of Moral standards. *
Statement 1
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Freedom is the reason why
we would sometimes refuse to make the choice.(STATEMENT 2:) Moral principles is different with
moral standards.(STATEMENT 3:) Our selves endowed us with moral sense. *
All Statements

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) The more parts of the soul a
being possesses, the more evolved and developed a person is.(STATEMENT 2:) Metaphysics talks
about the existence and the nature of being of the things we see in this world. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Modern science states that
there is nutritive, sensible, or rational soul.(STATEMENT 2:) If the nurtured ideal traits were already
established it will be on a stable state. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) The cognitive soul is that by
virtue of which we possess the capacity for abstract thought.(STATEMENT 2:) Teleology could
mean goal. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) All animals have the same
abilities of perception.(STATEMENT 2:) The nutritive soul is what stops us to produce offspring in
any form because its own life is finite. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) The telos of human being,
according to Aristotle, is happiness. (STATEMENT 2:) The focus of Sensible soul are solely our
senses. *
What Type of soul is being described in the given statement? It is what urges any creature to
protect itself whenever possible. *
Nutritive Soul
What Type of soul is being described in the given statement? Only some types of animals have this
type of soul. *
Sensible Soul
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) The rational soul is merely the
rapid firing of neurons in our brain. (STATEMENT 2:) Paintings that we don’t understand does not
have a telos. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) In making moral choice,
person’s character shall be given emphasis.(STATEMENT 2:) Aristotle believes that Nature shall be
understood before making any theory. *
He is one of the famous Greek philosophers who influenced different fields of knowledge. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) The major description of active
intellect is the part of our mind that collects information and stores it for later use.(STATEMENT 2:)
Rational soul is divided into five groups. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Rational principles which
implies that the goodness in him is an activity of his soul.(STATEMENT 2:) Even artistic objects
may not have purpose for existence, it might exist to just for the sake of art. *
What Type of soul is being described in the given statement? This soul is believed to be possessed
by human only. *
Rational Soul
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Character is emphasized in the
virtue ethics.(STATEMENT 2:) Virtues are real because they figure in causal explanations of
behavior. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Irrational principles must be
followed by human beings which implies that the goodness in him is an activity of his soul.
(STATEMENT 2:) Modern science has approved much of Aristotle’s ideas on the soul. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Virtue ethics does focuses
solely on the virtuous acts.(STATEMENT 2:) Rules are emphasized in the virtue ethics in order for
our decision to be moral. *

According to Aristotle, the conflict between nutritive and sensitive parts of the soul against the
rational principles is the source of ________________________________. *
Moral Problems
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) In the field of business virtues
is the most important thing to be considered.(STATEMENT 2:) Teleology explains that the things we
see in this world was created with purpose. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Philosophy becomes possible
because of active intellect.(STATEMENT 2:) Aristotelian soul can be explained by nutritive and
perception organs. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Soul is the realization of life.
(STATEMENT 2:) Even innate virtues are practiced these will still serve as their hindrance to act
that implies humanity. *

Del is fond of partying but still manages to maintain her good grades. It is because she manages
her time very well. She does partying in times she knew they don’t have an urgent school works
and she controls herself not to party all night long and be at home before 12. What cardinal virtue is
being reflected in the given situation? *
Joy was aware that it was Irene who broke the vase and not Wendy. But since she was closer to
Irene, Irene expected that Joy will cover her up. But she was wrong. It is because Joy believes that
Wendy shall not be reprimanded since she doesn’t have anything to do with the broken vase. What
cardinal virtue is being reflected in the given situation? *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: ) Living a virtuous life is our
function as human beings.(STATEMENT 2: ) The Creator instilled to us to condemn things which
are best for us. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: ) Natural Law believes that
people has that intrinsic values that can their reasoning and behavior.(STATEMENT 2: ) Human
laws, occasionally, shall be changed. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: ) Aristotle believes that we
inherited a propensity to sin from our first parent.(STATEMENT 2: ) Law governing the universe and
everything that exists in it is what we call the Universal Law. *

Win as the eldest was given a task to take care of his younger. One day their parents went out. Two
of his siblings were having a disagreement, he tried to talk to each off his siblings. After that,
instead of scolding at them they tried to fix things and made them reconcile by hugging and saying
sorry to each other. What cardinal virtue is being reflected in the given situation? *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: ) Human happiness is
dependent upon our rational choices and virtuous activities.(STATEMENT 2: ) Responsible choices
can oftentimes overpower sensuous desires, as stated by Aristotle. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: ) Both extremes are considered
as virtues.(STATEMENT 2: ) The middle way is constant. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: ) Through free will, man can
distinguish good from evil.(STATEMENT 2: ) All valid laws derive the force and authority they have
from the Natural Law. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: ) Achieving happiness requires
a range of intellectual and moral virtues that makes us unable to understand the nature of
happiness (STATEMENT 2: ) Natural law is not taught instead it should be discovered. *
 Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: ) The Creator wants us to
desire things that we want, that is why he created good things and inculcated to us to aspire for
those things. (STATEMENT 2: ) The general rule under Natural Law is to do good and avoid evil. *
Sebastian were about to do cheating but his friend stopped him saying the rules and how it may
affect his records. In this situation, the law greatly influenced Sebastian’s action. What term can
best be associated with this situation aligned to the idea of St. Thomas Aquinas? *

It is identical to the mind of God as seen by God himself. What Law is being reflected in the given
statement? *
Eternal Law
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: ) St. Thomas Aquinas separated
knowledge from the Bible and information from human reason these two are too different.
(STATEMENT 2: ) The Law that governs the behavior of human beings is our Divine Law. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: ) St. Thomas Aquinas was a
Spanish priest.(STATEMENT 2: ) Laws are general but not everywhere the same. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: ) There can be a legally valid
standard that can conflict with the Natural Law.(STATEMENT 2: ) New law promises heavenly
rewards. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: ) Divine Law was made known
through the Bible.(STATEMENT 2: ) The human law is obliged to repress all vices. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: ) Laws were created with the
idea of promoting common good. (STATEMENT 2: ) There are many actions that does not have
extremes, they just automatically suggests being correct. *
Yeri is a quite girl. One day she saw a little boy who were cornered by boys bigger than him. She
doesn’t see anyone around. Yeri was actually an athlete but did not want to fight with them using
her own strength. She ran towards the nearest room to ask for help from a teacher. What cardinal
virtue is being reflected in the given situation? *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: ) Sensuous desires can
oftentimes overpower responsible choices, as stated by Aristotle.(STATEMENT 2: ) Final happiness
consists in supernatural union with God. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: )Moral rights does require any
form of legislation.(STATEMENT 2: ) In Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Right to Marriage
and Family is in article 10 *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: )Rights theories are generally
deontological which means that there are no norms.(STATEMENT 2: )Deontology means it obeys
to feelings. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: )Universal Declaration of
Human Rights is composed of 25 articles.(STATEMENT 2: )Moral rights is the only type of rights
considered in human rights *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: )Moral imperative is universal
and impartial.(STATEMENT 2: )Even Legal rights was formulated by man they can’t also unmake
them. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: )Right theories maintain that
there are things that we cannot do against individuals.(STATEMENT 2: ) “Everybody else would do
the same if they find themselves in a similar situation.” If we have followed this we have also
followed what moral law we have within us. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: )All rational beings should be
aware of their obligation(STATEMENT 2: )Right is independent from a standard that is
acknowledged and accepted not only by the person claiming the right but also by the people in the
society. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: )Kant believed that moral
knowledge is a priori.(STATEMENT 2: )Moral rights are unjustified by moral standards that are
acknowledged by the people. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: )The basis of morality is in the
will.(STATEMENT 2: )The good will is good because of the willingness of the action. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: )Legal rights were not
formulated by man. (STATEMENT 2: )When people abuse their rights by violating ours, we respond
outside our rights in ways that may harm or restrict their freedom. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: )Before existing, legal rights
may or may not be passed into law. (STATEMENT 2: )Kant viewed morality as not based on
personal pleasures. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: )Some legal rights have been
made into laws because of avoiding of a monarch.(STATEMENT 2: )The least essential part of
existence is for us to know and perform our duties. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: )One nation’s set of legal rights
are all similar from that of that another nation.(STATEMENT 2: )Kant further stated that all rational
beings are aware that they have a moral duty to act in certain ways. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: )Legal rights refer to some
rights written, some were unwritten, and some are found within the existing legal codes.
(STATEMENT 2: )In Critique of Practical Reason practical reason means that when we act, we
think about our actions. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: )Kant emphasized that moral
rules are the same for everyone.(STATEMENT 2: )Although people have moral status, it does mean
that it is always wrong to take their lives example is self-defense. *
These group of people believes that rights were acquired naturally by humans. *
He believed that moral knowledge is a priori. *
If I exercise regularly, then I will have a healthy body. This is an example of ________. *
Hypothetical Imperative Theory
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: )Immanuel Kant have written
Critique of Judgment in 1790.(STATEMENT 2: )Duty was presented itself in the form of an
imperative by Kant. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: )People of good will should
obey the categorical imperative without desire of any outcome.(STATEMENT 2: )As we play our
duties as human beings, these duties disregard rights. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1: )The Critique of Pure Reason
was written by Immanuel Kant in 1781.(STATEMENT 2: )Categorical imperatives is composed of 3
formulations. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) In 1853 John Stuart Mill wrote
Utilitarianism.(STATEMENT 2:) Utilitarianism is one of the most deniable moral theories in history. *
It is the term used to address the different sources of pleasure and pain that influences our
behaviors. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) The belief that pleasure is the
least important goal in life is what we call Utility.(STATEMENT 2:) Good is a dissimilar term to
pleasure. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Act Utilitarianism is primarily
concerned with consequences of the action.(STATEMENT 2:) John Bentham was an English
Philosopher and economist who coined the term ‘utilitarianism’ *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Utilitarianism manifests weak
influences in business and industry.(STATEMENT 2:) Jeremy Bentham was an English Philosopher
and social reformer and was first one to propose Utilitarianism. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Utilitarian ethics are difficult to
achieve.(STATEMENT 2:) In utilitarianism you can choose to be in between white or black *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Rule Utilitarianism serves as a
“checked imbalance” for the Utilitarian Principle.(STATEMENT 2:) Greatest Happiness Principle is
the Principle of Utility. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Consequence will benefit many
people then the choice is good and even if the action is immoral.(STATEMENT 2:) Utilitarian
principle still strongly influences decision making in policy construction in the areas of public
services like healthcare *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Utilitarianism believes that the
happiness of the greatest number of people in society is considered the greatest good.
(STATEMENT 2:) The term pain can’t be interchanged by the idea of evil. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Utility is defined as the property
of any object that produces benefits.(STATEMENT 2:) It is unnatural for every individual to pursue
happiness, then their behavior will avoid activities that will bring them happiness. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) In consequentialist theory the
moral choice is independent on the consequences that it may bring about.(STATEMENT 2:) The
focus of Utilitarianism is on the cause of the moral choices. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Bentham believed that all
beings act towards attaining pleasure and avoiding pain.(STATEMENT 2:) As stated by Mill,
pleasure and pain cannot be measured subjectively. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Welfarism classifies actions as
good if they contribute to the welfare or well-being of society (STATEMENT 2:) In the view of
Utilitarianism, everyone's happiness counts equally. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) In Welfarism rightness or
wrongness of actions are determined through one’s personal concept of welfare or well-being.
(STATEMENT 2:) Limitations is not present in Utilitarianism. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Pleasure, or happiness, is the
only thing that has intrinsic value, in the view utilitarianism. (STATEMENT 2:) Under utilitarianism a
lie may be considered acceptable. *

You were taken by hostage takers. You have seen that they have 8 hostages. The hostage takers
told you that you have a chance to save these people but you have to kill one of them. If you don’t
all of theme will be killed. You decided you choose one person to be killed. All other hostages were
saved. Solely under the Act Utilitarianisms, is this action considered morally accepted ? *
Yes, because greater number of people were saved.
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) According to Mill, people can’t
rely on their experiences so when categorizing behaviors withier it gives pleasure or pain definite
rate must be present. (STATEMENT 2:) Mill considers morality as the “conscientious feelings” *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Mill advocated for freedom of
expression for people to discover the truth.(STATEMENT 2:) Education is also a vital aspect in
promoting common good. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) Monopolistic competition
teaches one business to flourish at the expense of others.(STATEMENT 2:) A limitation of
utilitarianism is that there are shades of gray *
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct? (STATEMENT 1:) In Individualism, the rightness
or wrongness of actions is dependent on the ability to bring happiness to everybody. (STATEMENT
2:) John Stuart Mill was also an economist. *


Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Teleology could mean ideal.
(STATEMENT 2: ) It is believed, according to St. Thomas Aquinas, that most people follows rules
because of its fear of the Law. (STATEMENT 3:) Teleology and telos are two different terms. *
All Statements
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Theoretical Reasoning and
Practical reasoning do harmonize with each other.(STATEMENT 2:) Aristotle described prudence
as "right practice applied to reason."(STATEMENT 3:) Imperative is a command that tells us to have
a sole focus on what to do. *
Statement 2 and 3
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Aristotle believed that all
animals/insects and humans both possess the sensible soul. (STATEMENT 2:) The focus of
Sensible soul are solely our senses. (STATEMENT 3:) In making moral choice, the rule of the
society shall be given emphasis. *
All Statements
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) When people abuse their
rights by violating ours, we react within our rights in ways that may harm or restrict their freedom.
(STATEMENT 2:) It never justifies the violation if we get what is desired by violating other’s rights.
(STATEMENT 3:) Children are vulnerable for injustice. *
None of these

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) When people abuse their
rights by violating ours, we respond outside our rights in ways that may harm or restrict their
freedom.(STATEMENT 2:) In consequentialist theory the moral choice is independent on the
consequences that it may bring about.(STATEMENT 3:)Kant emphasized that moral rules are the
same for everyone. *
Statement 1 and 2
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Everyone's happiness counts
differently.(STATEMENT 2:) Individual rights could be neglected in the application of utilitarianism.
(STATEMENT 3:) To have education is a greater chance to promote common good. *
Statement 1

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1: ) Living a virtuous life is our
function as human beings.(STATEMENT 2:) Increase in business profits should also mean increase
satisfaction levels of the costumers.(STATEMENT 3:)Before existing, legal rights shall be passed
into law. *
None of these
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1: ) Lawmakers are not obliged
as well to follow their Laws because they are the one who created it. (STATEMENT 2: ) Laws were
created with the idea of hindering common good(STATEMENT 3: ) Responsible choices can
oftentimes overpower sensuous desires, as stated by Aristotle. *
All Statements
What idea of Aristotle focuses on our knowledge of Universal principles, it tries to answer the
question what is good? *
Theoretical Reasoning
When we get tired and give our body too much work automatically it would seek for rest and there is
no way out of it but to have a rest. That is why at times we faint. What type of Law is being reflected
in the given situation? *
Natural Law
Z was sentenced to lifetime imprisonment due to the crime he has committed. What type of Right is
being applied in the given situation? *
Legal Rights
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:)Kant believed that rational
knowledge is a priori.(STATEMENT 2:)Rights and Right Theory are 2 same things.(STATEMENT
3:) As consequentialism will be strictly applied to business operations it may have conflict with the
existing ethical systems. *
Statement 2
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) “Everybody else would do the
same if they find themselves in a similar situation.” If we have followed this we have also avoided to
follow what moral law we have within us. (STATEMENT 2:) Deontology means it obeys to feelings.
(STATEMENT 3:) Legal rights were not formulated by man. *
All Statements
This type of command tells us to do actions under the influence of the targets that we have already
set. What term is being described in the given situation? *
Hypothetical Imperative
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1: ) St. Thomas Aquinas
combined knowledge from the Bible and information from human reason (STATEMENT 2: ) A
happy person is not one who does something good only when he feels like it. (STATEMENT 3: )
Human happiness is dependent upon our rational choices and virtuous activities. *
None of these
He believes that our tendency to sin was inherited from our primary parents. *
St. Thomas Aquinas
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Prudence necessitates us to
pursue counsel of others.(STATEMENT 2:) To act morally it is important to recognize whether the
action is good or bad, according to Kant.(STATEMENT 3:) Utilitarian ethics are difficult to achieve. *
None of these
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Law Utilitarianism serves as a
“check and balance” for the Utilitarian Principle.(STATEMENT 2:) According to Aristotle, The
greatest good for the greatest number of people.(STATEMENT 3:) The focus of Utilitarianism is on
the cause of the moral choices. *
All Statements

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Virtue ethics does not
focuses solely on the virtuous acts. (STATEMENT 2:) Even artistic objects has its purpose for
existence, it might exist to express a feeling.(STATEMENT 3:) Rules are emphasized in the virtue
ethics in order for our decision to be moral. *
Statement 3
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Philosophy becomes possible
because of passive intellect.(STATEMENT 2:) The real purpose of our existence shall be
recognized from the day that we were born.(STATEMENT 3: ) The Creator wants us to desire
things that we want, that is why he created good things and it is us who determines that those
things shall be aspired. *
All Statements

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Consequentialist ethical
system follows the Utilitarianism.(STATEMENT 2:) According to Bentham, an action that gives
pleasure is considered good.(STATEMENT 3:)Although people have moral status, it does mean
that it is always wrong to take their lives example is self-defense. *
Statement 1 and 3

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Acts with motives of
inclination are not considered to be acts of good will.(STATEMENT 2:) People will rely on their
experiences when categorizing behaviors withier it gives pleasure or pain, as saved by Bentham.
(STATEMENT 3:) Jeremy Stuart Bentham was also a social reformer. *
Statement 2 and 3

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Teleology explains that the
things we see in this world was created with purpose.(STATEMENT 2:) Practice of innate virtues
that people have serves as their drive to act that implies humanity. (STATEMENT 3:) Soul is the
realization of life. *
None of these
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Even innate virtues are
practiced these will still serve as their hindrance to act that implies humanity.(STATEMENT 2:) In
the field of business virtues is the most important thing to be considered.(STATEMENT 3:) Virtue
ethics does focuses solely on the virtuous acts. *
All Statements
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Aristotle is an anti-Naturalist.
(STATEMENT 2:) The telos of human being, according to Aristotle, is happiness.( (STATEMENT 3:)
The lesser part of the soul a being possesses, the more evolved and developed a person is. *
Statement 1 and 3
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:)Kant emphasized that moral
rules varies for everyone.(STATEMENT 2:) “Everybody else would do the same if they find
themselves in a similar situation.” If we have followed this we have also avoided to follow what
moral law we have within us. (STATEMENT 3:) In Utilitarianism as you do the intended action it
may already be determined whether it is good or bad action. *
All Statements

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1: ) To be emotional, our feelings
can be controlled by our reasons.(STATEMENT 2: ) Telos means Eudaimonia.(STATEMENT 3:)
Virtue ethics does not focus solely on the virtuous acts. *
Statement 1 and 2

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:)Since Legal rights was
formulated by man they can also unmake them. (STATEMENT 2: ) The middle way is constant.
(STATEMENT 3: ) The Creator instilled to us to condemn things which are best for us. *
Statement 2 and 3

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Virtues innate in a person’s
character give them the drive to act in ways that promote the human race to flourish.(STATEMENT
2:) Virtue Ethics sees character of individuals as the most significant element in making moral
decisions. (STATEMENT 3:) Aligned to the view of Aristotle, if we are to achieve our function we
must fulfill our happiness as a person and cultivate moral virtues. *
Statement 3

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1: ) Humans’ telos is
Eudaimonia(STATEMENT 2: ) Both extremes are considered as virtues.(STATEMENT 3: ) Natural
Law believes that people has that extrinsic values that can influence their reasoning and behavior. *
Statement 2 and 3

X is the son of the known business man in the City. One day he was caught over speeding. Though
he was influential, he was still given the punishment due to him. What type of Justice is being
described in the given situation? *
Corrective Justice
It is an ability to apply objective judgement. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Distributive Justice entails
that people share environmental benefits together with environmental risks and impacts.
(STATEMENT 2:) Because diversity unfair allocation of resources is what we call distributive
justice. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Though people may be given
same amount of assistance, one of them might be better off than the others through their own
ability. (STATEMENT 2:) Individual cannot attain a better status because of how he may make sure
of this equally given resource and improve it to make it more productive. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Compensatory justice is
precisely the kind of justice that is at stake in debates over damage to workers' health in coal
mines. (STATEMENT 2:) Equity is a central part of ethics and should be given due consideration in
our moral lives. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) The foundations of justice
can’t be traced to the notions of social stability.(STATEMENT 2:) Those people who work harder in
more valuable jobs should earn more money. The situation given pertains to equity. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Societies have a limited
amount of wealth and resources.(STATEMENT 2:) Justice is important in maintaining social order. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) According to John Rawls, the
stability of a society depends upon the extent to which the members of that society feel that they
are being treated justly. (STATEMENT 2:) Justice and fairness are often today used
interchangeably, since they are closely related terms. *
Society's institutions ensure that benefits and burdens are distributed among society's members.
What type of Justice is being described in the given statement? *
Distributive Justice
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) The members of a community
depend on each other, according to Rawls.(STATEMENT 2:) Expression of our mutual recognition
of each other's basic dignity is what we call fairness. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Compensatory justice refers
to the extent to which people are fairly punished for their injuries they have inflicted to others.
(STATEMENT 2:) Just distribution includes only the benefits of the system. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) High-paid executives argues
that they are job creators.(STATEMENT 2:) In distributive justice, problems usually arise when a
society has limited amount of resources. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Fairness is the establishment
or determination of rights in a society according to its rules of law(STATEMENT 2:) To distribute
goods according to need is what we call equality. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Giving each person what he
or she deserves is what we call fairness.(STATEMENT 2:) Most ethicists today hold the view that
there would be no point of talking about justice or fairness if it were not for the conflicts of interest. *

When does questions of fairness and justice do arises? *
When greed of human enters the situation
When people sees that they were not given the things that they should be given.  
When the nature of human to aspire grater things arises.
None of These

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Skin color shall be one of the
criteria for justice.(STATEMENT 2:) Individuals have the right to whatever they need for self-
preservation. *
It is used as a reference to of a standard in classifying the goodness of an act. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) People may wish to challenge
the system if they could see that they are treated unjustly.(STATEMENT 2:) Justice is not the only
principle to consider in making ethical decisions. *
Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Equity is regarded as each
person will get the same amount.(STATEMENT 2:) Unfair allocation typically takes into account the
total amount of goods to be distributed. *

Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect? (STATEMENT 1:) Justice and fairness can’t be
distinct from each other.(STATEMENT 2:) A sense of justice is aroused when individuals come to
believe that their outcome is not in balance. *

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