Comprehensive Study of Various Parameters of Drinking Water in Gwalior (M.P.)
Comprehensive Study of Various Parameters of Drinking Water in Gwalior (M.P.)
Comprehensive Study of Various Parameters of Drinking Water in Gwalior (M.P.)
ISSN : 0975-7384
Research Article CODEN(USA) : JCPRC5
Drinking water is most essential for livelihoods and for other consumptions. This paper presents a comprehensive
analysis of the drinking water in Gwalior city of Madhya Pradesh (India). Due to over population, increase in
drinking water consumption has arisen. In order to ascertain water quality for human consumption, major and
minor parameters were evaluated in the drinking water supplied to the city and its surrounding areas. The
data were analyzed and the objective of the study was derived from the data analysis. This attempt will helpful to
decrease the drinking water and its attribute problems in the study area and it lead to a sustainable example for
future generations and also be a good fore step for the research field too. Standard methods were used for
determining of chemical and physical characteristics of the water samples. The concentrations of investigated
parameters in the drinking water samples from Gwalior region were within the permissible limits of the Bureau of
Indian Standards for Drinking Water.
Keywords: parameters for water quality, drinking water, standard methods, BIS, Gwalior, etc.
Drinking water is indispensable for human existence. Water sustains all life on earth. One of the basic elements of
the natural environment, water is a consumable item for humans and animals, a primary component for industry and
a vector for domestic and industrial pollution. The Gwalior suffers a severe drinking water supply crisis,
particularly in the dry seasons of every year. The drinking water supplies in the cities are intermittent. Nearly all of
the surface sources and ground water sources have been exploited. The growing imbalance between supply and
demand has led to chronic shortages and competition that have resulted in pollution and environmental degradation.
Apart from quantitative shortages, the quality of drinking water in the Gwalior is becoming a serious public health
issue for the past few years. The quality of water for drinking has deteriorated because of the inadequacy of
treatment plants, direct discharge of untreated sewage into rivers and inefficient management of the piped water
distribution system. Diseases caused by contaminated water are among the ten most prevalent water borne diseases
in Gwalior. Diarrhea, which is caused by poor sanitation, hygiene and water quality, is one of the most prevalent
water borne disease in Gwalior. [1, 2]
The most common and widespread health risk associated with drinking water is contamination; either directly or
indirectly, by human or animal excreta, particularly faeces. If such contamination is recent, and if those responsible
for it include carriers of communicable enteric disease, some of the pathogenic microorganisms that cause these
Sunisha Kulkarni and Kaushal Prasad Mishra J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2015, 7(4):1553-1564
diseases may be present in the water. Drinking the water, or using it in food preparation, may then result in new
cases of infection. The pathogenic agents involved include bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, which may cause diseases
that vary in severity from mild gastroenteritis to severe and sometimes fatal diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis, or typhoid
fever, most of them are widely distributed throughout the world. Faecal contamination of drinking water is only one
of several faeco-oral mechanisms by which they can be transmitted from one person to another or, in some cases,
from animals to people. Other pathogens cause infection when water containing them is used for bathing of for
recreation involving water contact, rather than by the oral route. Some may also cause infection by inhalation. [3, 4, 5]
It says over exploitation of ground water which has the largest share of water supplied for human use has
deteriorated to such an extent that the crucial parameters such as TDS, hardness, Chlorides, etc usually exceed the
desirable levels substantially. Consequently, a higher permissible limit has been specified. Water used for drinking
becomes unpalatable when the TDS level is above 500 mg/l, but lack of any better source enables people consuming
Sunisha Kulkarni and Kaushal Prasad Mishra J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2015, 7(4):1553-1564
such water to get used to its taste. For practically all industrial and some commercial uses, the purity levels required
are very much higher and in most cases demand water with virtually no residual dissolved solids at all.
Sample Collection Water samples were collected from different places of Gwalior city. Eleven places were
selected including main market (Bada), bus stand, railway station, etc. Three to five samples were taken randomly
from each place, packed properly and sent for analysis.
Essential characteristics of the drinking water are: Colour, Odor, Turbidity, pH value, Total hardness, Iron,
Desirable characteristics of the drinking water are: Total dissolved solids, Calcium, Copper, Magnesium,
Manganese, Zinc, Sulphate, Nitrate, Fluoride, Alkalinity, Pesticides, etc.
Instrument Used
1. Octo Aqua Test Kit [WT023-Multi Parameter Water Testing Kit] [13]
Himedia laboratories provide ready water testing kits- Microbial as well as chemical for the speed and accuracy in
detection of drinking water potability. Test & B-sure range of microbial testing kits adding the easy detection of
microbes in potable water. WT023 offered by Himedia is a multiparameter water testing kit determining levels of
fluoride, nitrate, iron, residual (free) chlorine, chloride and total hardness iron besides measuring turbidity and pH.
Sunisha Kulkarni and Kaushal Prasad Mishra J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2015, 7(4):1553-1564
3. For turbidity test- 5 bottles: Empty bottles marked sample bottle, for test. Standards of 0 NTU, 10 NTU, & 25
NTU for turbidity comparison.
4. For chloride test- 4 reagents bottles: Marked reagent CHL-A, CHL-B, CHL-C (2 bottles)
5. For total hardness test- 4 reagent bottles: Marked reagent TH-A, TH-B, TH-C (2 bottles)
7. For Nitrate test- 3 reagent bottles: Marked reagents N-A, N-B, and reagent N-C.
8. For iron test-2 reagent bottles: Marked reagents-A, and reagent Fe-B.
9. For residual (free) chlorine test-4 reagent bottles: Marked reagent RCL-A, RCL-B, &RCL-C (2 bottles)
10. Miscellaneous - Colour comparator chart for fluoride, Nitrate & iron test, Hand gloves, 5 ml syringe, marked
glass test jar, spoons, etc.
Sunisha Kulkarni and Kaushal Prasad Mishra J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2015, 7(4):1553-1564
Fig.2 pH meter
Procedure to Determine pH: - A pH meter is an electronic instrument measuring the pH (acidity or alkalinity) of a
liquid (though special probes are sometimes used to measure the pH of semi-solid substances). A typical pH meter
consists of a special measuring probe (a glass electrode) connected to an electronic meter that measures and displays
the pH reading.
Sunisha Kulkarni and Kaushal Prasad Mishra J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2015, 7(4):1553-1564
Causes-Turbidity in open water may be caused by growth of phytoplankton. Human activities that disturb land, such
as construction, can lead to high sediment levels entering water bodies during rain storms due to storm water runoff.
Areas prone to high bank erosion rates as well as urbanized areas also contribute large amounts of turbidity to
nearby waters, through storm water pollution from paved surfaces such as roads, bridges and parking lots. Certain
industries such as quarrying, mining and coal recovery can generate very high levels of turbidity from colloidal rock
particles. In drinking water, the higher the turbidity level, the higher the risk that people may develop diseases. This
is especially problematic for immune-compromised people, because contaminants like viruses or bacteria can
become attached to the suspended solid. The suspended solids interfere with water disinfection with chlorine
because the particles act as shields for the virus and bacteria. Similarly, suspended solids can protect bacteria from
ultraviolet (UV) sterilization of water.
Allowed turbidity in water- The WHO (World Health Organization), establishes that the turbidity of drinking
water shouldn't be more than 5 NTU, and should ideally be below 1 NTU.
Procedure of test-
1. Fill the water sample to be tested in the empty test bottles marked as test sample bottles.
2. Compare the turbidity (haziness) with the (shake the bottle well before use) standards of 0 NTU, 5 NTU, 10 NTU
& 25 NTU provided for comparison.
3. Interpret the results in terms of NTU.
4. Safe turbidity range- 5 NTU to 25 NTU
Parameter 3-Chloride:-
Chlorination is the process of adding the element chlorine to water as a method of water purification to make it fit
for human consumption as drinking water. Water which has been treated with chlorine is effective in preventing the
spread of waterborne disease. Chloride is one of the major inorganic anion in water. In potable water, the salty taste
is produced by the chloride concentrations is variable and dependent on the chemical composition. There is no
known evidence that chlorides constitute any human health hazard. For this reason, chlorides are generally limited to
250 mg/l in supplies intended for public use. In many areas of the world where water supplies are scarce, sources
containing as much as 2000 mg/l are used for domestic purposes without the development of adverse effect, once the
human system becomes adapted to the water. High chloride content may harm metallic pipes and structures as well
as growing plants.
Shock chlorination is a process used in many swimming pools, water wells, springs, and other water sources to
reduce the bacterial and algal residue in the water. Shock chlorination is performed by mixing a large amount of
sodium hypochlorite, which can be in the form of a powder or a liquid such as chlorine bleach, into the water. Water
that is being shock chlorinated should not be swum in or drunk until the sodium hypochlorite count in the water goes
down to three ppm or less.
Requirement of Chlorination-
Sunisha Kulkarni and Kaushal Prasad Mishra J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2015, 7(4):1553-1564
Chlorine, the most common disinfectant in the India, is effective in killing most pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
Municipal potable water supplies are usually chlorinated to provide a residual concentration of 0.5 to 2.0 ppm.
Chlorine is not effective in killing certain protozoans like cryptosporidium.
1- To minimize biofilm - Continuous presence of chlorine in an automated watering system will minimize biofilm.
2- To replace chlorine lost by dissipation in the municipal piping system - Oftentimes, chlorine in tap water has
dissipated and is no longer present by the time it reaches the automated watering system. Low levels of chlorine are
added back into the water in order to maintain low bacteria levels in the animal drinking water.
3- To combat chlorine-resistant microbes- To kill certain bacteria, such as pseudomonas aeruginosa, which are
resistant to lower concentrations of chlorine, higher chlorine concentrations are needed. One pharmaceutical research
facility determined through testing that they needed to chlorinate RO water to above 2 ppm to provide pseudomonas-
free water.
4- To ensure adequate disinfection when pH is high - Free chlorine is most effective at a pH of 5 to 7, where HOCl is
the predominant form. The effectiveness declines with increased pH. Higher chlorine concentrations may be required
to ensure adequate disinfection when the pH of water is high.
Harmful effects of chlorine - Chlorine can react with naturally occurring organic compounds found in the water
supply to produce compounds known as disinfection byproducts (DBPs). The most common DBPs are
trihalomethanes (THMs) and halo acetic acids (HAAs). Due to the potential carcinogenicity of these compounds,
drinking water regulations across the developed world require regular monitoring of the concentration of these
compounds in the distribution systems of municipal water systems. The World Health Organization has stated that
the "Risks to health from DBPs are extremely small in comparison with inadequate disinfection."There are also
other concerns regarding chlorine, including its volatile nature which causes it to disappear too quickly from the
water system, and aesthetic concerns such as taste and odors. There are two Types of chlorine used in disinfection-
Liquid Chlorine and Dry Chlorine
# If the expected chloride of the test sample is more than 200 mg/l (ppm). Use 2.0 ml of sample for the test instead
of 10 ml; perform the test as per previous method.
Safe Chlorine range-10 -200 mg/L (ppm) as chlorine & 50 -1000 mg/L (ppm) as Chloride
Sources of hardness - Hardness in water is defined as concentration of multivalent cations. Multivalent cations are
cations (metal ions) with a charge greater than 1+, mainly dications. These dications include Ca2+ and Mg2+. These
ions enter a water supply by leaching from minerals. Common calcium-containing minerals are calcite, (CaCO3),
and chalk (calcium sulphate, (CaSO4). A common magnesium mineral is dolomite (CaMg (CO3)2), which also
contains calcium. Rainwater and distilled water are soft, because they contain few ions. The following equilibrium
reaction describes the formation of calcium carbonate scales:
Thus, CO2, which occurs in air, can solubilize calcium carbonate. Calcium and magnesium ions can be removed by
water softeners.
Sunisha Kulkarni and Kaushal Prasad Mishra J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2015, 7(4):1553-1564
Health considerations- The low and high value of Hardness has advantages and disadvantages. Absolutely soft
water are tasteless. On the other hand, hardness upto 600 mg/L can be relished if got acclimatized to. Moderately
hard water is preferred to soft water for irrigation purposes. Absolutely soft water are corrosive and dissolve the
metals. More cases of cardiovascular diseases are reported in soft water areas. Hard water is useful to growth of
children due to presence of calcium
Soft: 060 mg/L
Moderately hard: 61120 mg/L
Hard: 121180 mg/L
Very hard: >181 mg/L
Checking level of hardness- Add drop by drop reagent TH-C, counting the number of drops while mixing, until the
colour changes from red to blue. Now apply the formula given below.
Parameter 5- Fluoride:-
Traces of fluorides are present in many waters. Higher concentrations are often associated with underground
sources. In seawater, a total fluoride concentration of 1.3 mg/l has been reported. In groundwater, fluoride
concentrations vary with the type of rock that the water flows through but do not usually exceed 10 mg/l. Presence
of large amounts of fluoride is associated with dental and skeletal fluorosis (1.5 mg/l) and inadequate amounts with
dental caries (< 1 mg/l).
Health considerations- When children are young and their teeth are still forming, fluoride makes tooth enamel
harder and more resistant to decay. Although low levels of fluoride are beneficial, excessive amounts can be
harmful. Excessive fluoride in drinking water may produce fluorosis (mottling of teeth), which increases as the
optimum level of fluoride is exceeded. Dental fluorosis appears during tooth formation and is caused by excessive
fluoride ingestion, which leads to enamel protein retention, hypomineralization of the dental enamel and dentin and
disruption of crystal formation using acid.
Sunisha Kulkarni and Kaushal Prasad Mishra J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2015, 7(4):1553-1564
Pregnant women, adults with reduced stomach acidity, and people deficient in the enzyme that changes
methemoglobin back to normal hemoglobin are all susceptible to nitrite-induced methemoglobinemia. The most
obvious symptom of methemoglobinemia is a bluish color of the skin, particularly around the eyes and mouth. Other
symptoms include headache, dizziness, weakness or difficulty in breathing. Take babies with the above symptoms to
the hospital emergency room immediately. If recognized in time, methemoglobinemia is treated easily with an
injection of methylene blue.
Sunisha Kulkarni and Kaushal Prasad Mishra J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2015, 7(4):1553-1564
Parameter 7- Iron:-
Anaerobic ground waters may contain iron II at concentrations up to several milligrams per liter without
discoloration or turbidity in the water when directly pumped from a well. Taste is not usually noticeable at iron
concentrations below 0.3 mg/l, although turbidity and colour may develop in piped systems at levels above 0.05 to
0.1 mg/l. Iron is an essential element in human nutrition. Estimates of the minimum daily requirement for iron
depend on age, physiological status, sex and iron bio-availability and range from about 10 to 50 mg/day. Although
iron has got little concern as a health hazard but is still considered as a nuisance in excessive quantities. Long time
consumption of drinking water with a high concentration of iron can lead to liver diseases (hemosiderosis). Iron also
promotes the growth of iron-bacteria. This gives a rusty appearance to the waters. Colonies of these bacteria may
also form a slime which causes problems in water closets, pipes, pumps and distribution system. Iron is generally
divided into two main categories:
1) Soluble or
"Clear water" iron, is the most common form and the one that creates the most complaints by water users. This type
of iron is identified after you've poured a glass, of cold clear water. If allowed to stand for a few minutes, reddish
brown particles will appear in the glass and eventually settle to the bottom.
2) Insoluble
When insoluble iron or "red water" iron is poured into a glass, it appears rusty or has a red or yellow color. Although
not very common in Wisconsin's water wells, insoluble iron can create serious taste and appearance problems for the
water user.
Health consideration: - Iron is not considered hazardous to health. In fact, iron is essential for good health because
it transports oxygen in your blood. In the United States, most tap water probably supplies less than 5 percent of the
dietary requirement for iron. High concentration of iron in water is not suitable for processing of food, beverages,
ice, dyeing, bleaching and many other items. Water with high concentration of the iron when used in preparation of
tea and coffee, interacts with tanning giving a black inky appearance with a metallic taste. Coffee may even become
unpalatable at concentration of iron more than 1 mg/L.
Sunisha Kulkarni and Kaushal Prasad Mishra J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2015, 7(4):1553-1564
Checking level of Chlorine - Add drop by drop reagent RCL-C counting the number of drops while mixing, until
the blue colour disappears. Now apply the formula given below;
Observe change in colour of solution.
Solution turns blue: Free chlorine present
No blue colour : chlorine is absent
Sunisha Kulkarni and Kaushal Prasad Mishra J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2015, 7(4):1553-1564
All the collected samples were analyzed for following eight parameters.
Sample Ist Sample IInd Sample IIIrd Sample IVth Sample Vth
1.pH 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.82 7.71
2. Turbidity 10 NTU 10 NTU 10NTU 25 NTU 10 NTU
3. Chloride 30 ppm 30 ppm 30 ppm 30 ppm 30 ppm
4. Total hardness 325 mg/L 325 mg/L 350mg/L 350 mg/L 325 mg/L
5.Flouride 0.5 mg/L 0.5 mg/L 0.5 mg/L 0.5 mg/L 0.5 mg/L
6. Nitrate 45mg/L 45 mg/L 45mg/L 45 mg/L 45mg/L
7.Iron 0.3 mg/L 0.3 mg/L 0.3 mg/L 03 mg/L 0.3 mg/L
8.Residual (free) chlorine Cl absent Cl absent Cl absent Cl absent Cl absent
In total, we analyzed 37 samples of water with 8 parameters identified by octo aqua test kit from different regions of
Gwalior. Out of 37 sample of water, 27 samples of water have all analyzed parameters with in desirable limit &
water can be used for drinking. However 10 samples of water have some parameters more than desirable limit but
still within permissible limit. There are no any samples of water with parameters more than permissible level.
It is suggested that in public places like bus stand, railway station, etc regular monitoring is required because these
are highly populated area and hence can affect the health of local public of Gwalior region. For domestic utility,
primary treatment on water is an essential step to be taken. It can be an alternative to use other water resources in
period of water shortage in the region. But treatment on discharge water is an essential aspect for the above purpose.
The results obtained from the present investigation shall be useful in future management of water reservoir.