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Work Permit

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 The purpose of PTW is to  PTW is a check system

protect: to ensure that correct
1.Those doing the work procedures are adhered
 2.Others to
 3. Plant/Equipment &  PTW is the best system
Environment available to ensure that
we are working safely
 PTW is only as good as
the competence and
dedication of the people
that use it
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Why the improvement?

Improve hazard Improve PTW training

management Provide user guides for
Integrate NORM national staff
management Enhancement of :-
Improve isolation OPR3.003 - Isolation of
equipment for
techniques maintenance
Define HOT work OPR.3.006 - Confined
criteria space/vessel entry
Override Procedure
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The 2 PTW courses

PTW issuer and PTW holder course

authoriser course Known as course B
Known as course A For persons who
For persons who issue conduct work and are
and authorise permits in responsible for work
the day to day duties sites
Target group - sen. Target group - all other
tech/op and above levels including
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This is course A !

Are you on the If found not-yet-

correct course? competent … you
There is a written will have to resit
assessment at the assessment and
end of the course some cases repeat
the whole course

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Key objectives

 At the end the attendees are able to

 Understand hot work & area classifications
and level of authority
 Identify the type of work and permit
 Identify Hazards and controls
 Apply Proper Isolation techniques
 Monitor safe confined space/vessel entry
 Ensure only “competent” staff are issuing
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The 4 PTW types

Work on AFPC facilities Each of these

is split into 4 categories categories has its own
Hot work check sheet
Cold work Check sheets must be
Vessel and confined attached to the PTW
space entry
Well services

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Why have Hazard checklists?

 Provides a structured check  Provides a checklist for the

that all hazards have been Holder (person doing the
considered during the work) to ensure all
planning of the work precautions are in place
 Provides a checklist for the before starting work
Responsible Sup. to ensure  Those filling in the checklist
all precautions are in place are accepting responsibility
before signing to say that for the safety of persons
work can proceed using the permit

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What is Hot work ?

Any work that provides a

positive or possible source
of ignition

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What is Hot work

Positive sources: Portable grinders

Naked flames Electrical drills and heat
Electric welding shrink blowers
Electric induction Live junction boxes with
heating and stress arcing contacts
relieving (above 200
Deg C)

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What is Hot work

Possible sources Spark ignition engines

of ignition: Diesel engines
Grit and shot blasting Pagers and portable phones
Needle guns, wire Electrical & instrumentation
power brushes and maintenance
orbital power sanders Use of sparking tools
Battery operated Live junction boxes with
cameras fixed terminals

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What are Hazardous zones?

Hazardous zone 0: Hazardous zone 1:

 An area in which a  An area in which a
flammable atmosphere is flammable atmosphere is
continuously present or is likely to occur under normal
present for long periods operating conditions

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What are Hazardous zones?

Hazardous zone 2: Non Hazardous zone:

 An area in which a  Any area not classified as
flammable atmosphere is either hydrocarbon or H2S
not likely to occur under zones 0,1 or 2
normal operating condition
and if it occurs it will only
exist for a short period of

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When do we do Hot work?

It is not allowed to do Hot work in hazardous

hot work in haz. zones areas covered in the
Dispensations to carry
out hot work in haz.
zone 2 areas required
from the OFM

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The Hot work Matrix
Hot work type Haz z one Haz z one Haz z one Non Haz
0 1 2
Positi ve ignition source
Work involv ing naked fla mes no no no* yes
Electrical we lding no no no* yes
Electric inducting heating no no no* yes
Stress relieving to 200 C no no no* yes
Portable grinders no no no* yes
Electric drills & heat shrink no no no* yes
Possible ignition sources
Grit and shot blasting no no yes yes
Needle guns, wire brushes & no no yes yes
orbital power sanders
Battery operated cameras no no yes yes
Spark ignit ion engines no no yes yes
Operation of diesel engines no no yes yes
Pagers & portable phones no no yes yes
Electrical and instrument main. no no yes yes
Use of non sparking tools no no yes yes
* Dispensation fr om OFM AFPC PTW upgrade WTP -2001
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When do we do Hot work

we need to weld a bracket onto a gas pipe

work that is located on the top of a high
pressure oil and gas separator

OK to proceed?

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When do we do Hot work

Golden Rule on hot work in hazardous areas

is DO NOT DO IT unless it is essential and
there is no alternative.

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Hot work in Hazardous Zones

Dispensation from Diesel engines must

OFM for Zone 2 and be rated for Zone 2
positive source of area
ignition If not rated for
Only one hot work at Zone 2 areas, must
a time in any one area be kept a minimum
Continuous gas of 5 meters away
monitoring is from any potential
mandatory leak source
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How are the H2S zones
classified ?

H2S zone 0: H2S zone 1:

 An area where H2S may be  An area where H2S maybe
encountered during normal encountered during normal
operations and which operations but which can be
cannot be made risk free made safe for working, by
application of laid down

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How are the H2S zones
classified ?

H2S zone 2: Non H2S:

 An area where H2S will not  An area not classified H2S
be encountered during zones 0,1 or 2
normal operations, but
which may become
contaminated by system
malfunction, leakage, or the
opening of and enclosed
line such as a pig receiver

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Acceptable levels of
hydrocarbons for hot work

It must always be zero If any % LEL is

% LEL measured then closer to
100% LEL is 5% the gas source, the
methane in air concentration could be
Gas meters measure % explosive
LEL i.e. 100% means Operators required to
an explosive mixture do gas testing will be
given specific course

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What is confined space ?

Any enclosed or A space not intended or

partially enclosed space designed primarily as a
where getting in and place of work or where
out is difficult or where there is the potential for
movement is restricted reduced Oxygen supply
once inside or an accumulation of
toxic (H2S), flammable
or explosive gases,
fumes or vapours
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What is confined space ?

Examples of confined A plant item that is not

spaces are tanks, physically connected to
vessels, well cellars, operating plant or one
drains, pits, ducts, that has never been in
trenches and hoppers service but matches this
definition shall be
treated as a confined

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Confined space entry

Preparing a vessel for Sequence is basically:-

entry is a complicated Drain
procedure which is Isolate
carried out by Clean/gas free
production operations Vessel entry (non-
conforming and
Carry out work

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Gas test requirements for
confined space entry

Oxygen: greater than Benzene (C6): less than

19% and less than 22% 1 ppm
by volume If these levels are
Flammable Gases: not achieved then it is
exceeding 2% LEL CONFORMING
Hydrogen Sulphide:
(H2S) less than 5 ppm

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Permissable levels for LEL
Gas detector Work conditions: for working in
reading 0 - tanks/vessels
100% LEL
0 (zero) safe for hot work involving positive ignition
sources e.g. naked flames (conforming entry)
1 - 2 safe to work without Breathing apparatus. Safe
to work with potential ignition sources. Work
involving positive ignition sources not allowed.
(conforming entry)
3 – 5 Above 2% LEL, BA sets must be worn. Tools
must be approved for Hazardous zones (non-
sparking). If sludge is present then tools suitable
for Haz zone 0. (non-conforming entry)
Above 5 Unsafe for entry

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Cold work Hazard checklist

A Cold work Hazard ALL boxes must be

checklist is attached to ticked YES or NO
ALL permits that are not Delete the controls that
HOT work you do not need
ALL permits will have a
checklist attached

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 All works involves subsurface and

Well head activities
 All permits will have a well
services checklist attached
 Identify PPE & Safety precautions

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Process isolation & safety
system isolation
 Authorized Person will initiate a process isolation
 A valve/spade list and marked up P+ID showing the isolation
 Isolation points will be identified with tags.
 The tags are of 2 parts. One fixed on the equipment and the
other attached with Isolation certificate.
 Red plastic chains and tie wraps to be applied on boundary
isolation valves.
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Electrical Isolation

raised by the Authorised person and given to the

Electrical Section
it is an Electrical Safety Document
Cross referenced to the PTW
Two or more PTWs shall not share the same
Electrical Isolation

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Tool Box talk

Given by the Permit Holder at work site before start

to work
 Covers the work plan
 Explains the hazards
 Explains controls
 Explain about Emergency Response
 Allows workforce to ask questions
 Signed and attached to the PTW

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Maintenance Work
Instruction (MWI)

A maintenance work instruction is a

document that defines detailed technical
maintenance requirements and their

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PTW Procedure - Applicant

Fills in ALL details for Nominates the Permit

box 1 - Application Holder
Discusses the work with Applicant signs and
the Operations Section submits PTW at least
Head and then fills in 24 hours in advance of
box 2 - Certificates / requirement
Forms / Procedures

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PTW Procedure -
Section Head (Operations)

Checks work description Discusses job with

Checks all hazards and Responsible Supervisor
that controls are Signs the PTW
correctly identified and Cannot delegate his
assessed authority to Responsible
Checks if NORM report Supervisor

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PTW Procedure - Permit

Checks and ensure that Display & Control

all documents are Facilitates weekly audits
correct & follow up
Check for concurrent Check completed PTWs
activities are properly closed out
Check approval by OPX and archive (12
if High Risk months)
Signs the PTW

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PTW Procedure - Superintendent

 Review the Permit if High Risk

 Signs the PTW
 May attend Tool Box Talk
depending on the hazardous nature
of work
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PTW Procedure - HIGH RISK

 Breaking of Hydrocarbon lines

 Confined Space / vessel entry
 Hot work in hazardous areas
 Pressure testing & hydro testing
 Major equipment / Plant outage
 Acid work/ Stimulation checks
 X’mas
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(w/s) 36
PTW Procedure - Responsible
Confirms the worksite is
prepared with the Completes PTW
precautions and controls administration
as stated on PTW Discusses with the
Confirms and arrange Permit Holder
Hazard checklists, Signs the PTW
Isolation certificates,
Excavation & Norm
certificates, procedures
and attach
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PTW Procedure - Area Operator

 Specifically puts on process isolations

and ensure all other isolations are in place
 Ensure all controls and precautions are
in place and at all times
 Signs the PTW
 Ensure all De-Isolations are completed
before returning to normal operations
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PTW Procedure - Holder
 Confirms work description is Conduct Tool Box Talk at work site
correct  Ensures all documentation available
 Confirms that all hazards on site
are identified  Be on site at all times
 Confirms that all controls  Responsible for Safety at work
are adequate and in place  Be aware of any change to work
 Discusses with Responsible scope and conditions at the work
Sup (Ops) site
 Checks he has all the  Return the permit to the
certificates Responsible Supervisor at the end
 Signs the PTW of the day
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PTW - permit validity and

PTW is only valid when ONLY revalidate if job,

signed by all parties permit holder and
only valid for one day conditions are not
can be revalidated by changed
the Responsible revalidation must be
Supervisor for max applied for when
seven days returning PTW at close
of work

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PTW procedures - Hand back
of work

Apply for De-Isolation SUPERVISOR
Confirm work Authorize De-Isolation
completed and work Confirm work
site clean and no completed and work
hazards left for others site clean and no
hazards left for others

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