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Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 158 (2017) 562568

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Role of foam drainage in producing protein aggregates in foam

Rui Li a,b,,1 , Yuran Zhang a,1 , Yunkang Chang a , Zhaoliang Wu b, , Yanji Wang b ,
Xiange Chen a , Tao Wang a
School of Biological Science, Jining Medical University, No. 669 Xueyuan Road, Donggang District, Rizhao, Shandong Province, 276800, China
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Hebei University of Technology, No. 8 Guangrong Road, Dingzi Gu, Hongqiao District, Tianjin, 300130,

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: It is essential to obtain a clear understanding of the foam-induced protein aggregation to reduce the loss
Received 23 March 2017 of protein functionality in foam fractionation. The major effort of this work is to explore the roles of foam
Received in revised form 11 July 2017 drainage in protein aggregation in the entire process of foam fractionation with bovine serum albumin
Accepted 16 July 2017
(BSA) as a model protein. The results show that enhancing foam drainage increased the desorption of
BSA molecules from the gas-liquid interface and the local concentration of desorbed molecules in foam.
Therefore, it intensied the aggregation of BSA in foam fractionation. Simultaneously, it also accelerated
Protein aggregation
the ow of BSA aggregates from rising foam into the residual solution along with the drained liquid.
Insoluble aggregates
Foam drainage
Because enhancing foam drainage increased the relative content of BSA molecules adsorbed at the gas-
Foam fractionation liquid interface, it also intensied the aggregation of BSA during both the defoaming process and the
BSA storage of the foamate. Furthermore, enhancing foam drainage more readily resulted in the formation of
insoluble BSA aggregates. The results are highly important for a better understanding of foam-induced
protein aggregation in foam fractionation.
2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction adsorption-desorption process, so many aggregates will be pro-

duced and, hence, the separation performance will be poor [7]. At
Aggregation is an important issue in various pharmaceutical present, many studies on foam fractionation of proteins have been
protein processes, such as renaturation, purication, shipping, and reported [8,9], but few have paid attention to protein aggregation.
storage, because it often reduces protein efcacy and even causes The key to reducing the loss of protein efcacy in foam frac-
harmful immune responses [1,2]. As a promising alternative for tionation is to have a clear understanding of foam-induced protein
industrial protein separation, foam fractionation is hampered by aggregation. Several researchers have recently investigated the
protein aggregation. Protein molecules suffer structural unfold- mechanisms of protein denaturation induced by foam [3,1012].
ing that makes their hydrophobic groups exposed towards the gas However, their efforts were aimed at analyzing the relationship
phase as they are adsorbed at the gas-liquid interface [3]. Owing between the activity loss and the foam-induced structural change
to bubble coalescence and defoaming, the adsorbed molecules of a protein, but not at studying the foam-induced protein aggre-
are desorbed from the interface and, then, some of them read- gation. Maa and Hsu [4] have conrmed that the presence of the
ily aggregate via exposed hydrophobic groups [46]. In foam air-liquid interface and shear force was able to enhance protein
fractionation, most of the protein molecules must tolerate the aggregation. Furthermore, Wiesbauer et al. [13] reported that the
change of the air-water interfacial area played a critical role in
protein aggregation, conrming the results of Bee et al. [14]. This
conclusion is highly important for fundamental understanding of
Corresponding author. foam-induced protein aggregation. However, researchers have not
Corresponding author at: School of Biological Science, Jining Medical Univer- yet considered the role of foam drainage, an intrinsic phenomenon
sity, No. 669 Xueyuan Road, Donggang District, Rizhao, Shandong Province, 276800, of foam. Hence, further research is required to fully understand
foam-induced protein aggregation.
E-mail addresses: (R. Li), zhaoliangwu
(Z. Wu). Foam drainage is a critical step for protein enrichment in foam
The authors contributed equally to the work. fractionation [15]. As foam drainage is enhanced, the amount of
0927-7765/ 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Li et al. / Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 158 (2017) 562568 563

protein molecules adsorbed at the gas-liquid interface becomes Table 1

Specic composition of the feed solution of BSA.
much higher than that of protein molecules in the interstitial liq-
uid between bubbles. The increase in the relative content of the Monomer Dimer Trimer
adsorbed protein molecules in the foam may then intensify protein Molecular weight (kDa) 66.4 132.8 0.2 201.0 5.2
aggregation due to their unfolded structures [6]. Foam drainage Relative content (%) 91.5 0.7a 8.0 0.1b 0.5 0.1c
also enhances bubble coarsening and coalescence to decrease a, b and c were used to characterize the different levels in relative contents of
the gas-liquid interfacial area [16]. With the increase in bubble monomer, dimer and trimer.
size, the protein surface excess and the proteinprotein interac-
tions at the gas-liquid interface may increase to enhance protein
a steady state. The foamate and the residual solution were then
aggregation [10,14]. Thus, foam drainage has signicant effects on
sampled to obtain the required data.
foam-induced protein aggregation.
To better understand protein aggregation in foam fractionation,
2.3. Measurements of the adsorption of BSA at the gas-liquid
the role of foam drainage in the foam-induced protein aggregation
interface and bubble radius in the rising foam
was an object of the present study. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) is
a typical globular protein that has many applications in drug deliv-
The adsorption of BSA at the gas-liquid interface was character-
ery, biochemical studies, and cell culturing [1719]. Thus, BSA was
ized by three parameters: surface excess ( BSA ), and the relative
chosen as a model process. In this work, the different levels of foam
content () and mass ux (Qm ) of BSA molecules adsorbed at the
drainage were obtained by changing the foam height in the foam
gas-liquid interface in a rising foam.  BSA and Qm were calculated
fractionation column. The effects of foam drainage on the follow-
by Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively, and were measured using the
ing four areas of interest were then studied: (1) adsorption of BSA
methods detailed by Li et al. [6];  is dened as Eq. (3):
at the gas-liquid interface and bubble size in the rising foam, (2)
production rates and partition coefcients of BSA aggregates, (3) (Cf Cb ) r32 Qf
BSA = (1)
mass uxes and relative contents in the foamate of BSA aggregates, 3Qg
and (4) variations of the relative contents in the foamate of BSA
Qm = Qf (Cf Cb ), (2)
aggregates with time.
r32 BSA Cb
= =1 , (3)
Cf Qf Cf
2. Materials and methods
where Qg and Qf are volumetric air ow rate and volumetric
2.1. Reagents foamate ow rate, respectively, and Cf and Cb are the total BSA con-
centrations in the foamate and in the entrained liquid in the rising
Bovine serum albumin (BSA, purity > 99%) was purchased from foam, respectively. Cb is considered to equal the total BSA concen-
Tianjin Unite Stars Biotechnology Co. Ltd., China. It was dissolved tration in the bulk solution in the foam fractionation column. r32 is
in a concentration of 0.30 g/L in a disodium hydrogen phosphate the Sauter mean bubble radius and is calculated with Eq. (4) [6]:
(0.165 M)citric acid (0.018 M) buffer solution with pH 7.0. The spe-

cic composition of the BSA solution is presented in Table 1. Tween di
20 (analytical grade) was purchased from Tianjin Yingdaxigui 1 i=1
Co. Ltd., China. Ultrapure water (electrical resistance 18.25 M) r32 = , (4)
2 n
prepared in a UPR-II-10T water purication system (Chengdu Ultra- di
pure Technology Co. Ltd., China) was used in all the experiments.

where di is the bubble diameter and n the number of bubbles,

2.2. Equipment n > 300. Note that the photographs for the bubble radius measure-
ment were taken near the top of the foam fractionation column.
A schematic of the continuous foam fractionation of BSA
followed by defoaming is presented in Fig. 1. The foam fraction- 2.4. Evaluation of production of BSA aggregates in foam
ation column was constructed with two transparent polymethyl fractionation
methacrylate tubes of 50 mm i. d. The heights of the two tubes
were Hl = 600 mm and Hf . The values of Hf were 200, 400, 600, The production rate (ragg ), distribution coefcient (Kagg ), and
800, and 1000 mm. The tubes were used to obtain different foam mass ux (Qaggf ) and relative content ( agg ) in the foamate of BSA
drainage levels. A gas distributor with an average pore diameter aggregates were used to evaluate the production of BSA aggregates
of 250 20 m was installed at the bottom of the foam fraction- in foam fractionation. Specically, ragg was used to characterize the
ation column, through which air was pumped into the column mass of BSA aggregates produced per unit of time in the entire foam
to generate bubbles. The BSA feed solution was injected near the fractionation process. Kagg was used to characterize the distribution
foam-liquid interface by a peristaltic pump (YW03, Changzhou of BSA aggregates in the foamate and in the residual solution. Qaggf
Yuanwang Fluid Co. Ltd., China). The foam breaker was made was used to characterize the mass of BSA aggregates obtained in
of a transparent, 500-mm-high polymethyl methacrylate tube of the foamate per unit of time.  agg was used to characterize the rel-
50 mm i. d. and four 450-mm-high, 15-mm-diam cylinders com- ative content of BSA aggregates in all the recovered BSA molecules
posed of synthetic sponge. The cylinders were xed inside the tube in the foamate. The four parameters are dened as Eqs. (5)(8),
by stainless-steel wires. The foam fractionation experiments were respectively:
carried out at a volumetric feed ow rate of 10 mL/min, a volumetric
ragg(i) = Qf Cf (i) + Qr Cr(i) Qo Co(i) (5)
air ow rate of 200 mL/min and at room temperature, 25.0 1.0 C.
The foam owed out of the foam fractionation column into the foam Qf Cf(i)
breaker, and then was completely collapsed to obtain the foamate. Kagg(i) = (6)
Qr Cr(i)
When the concentration and composition of BSA in the foamate
became constant, the entire system was considered to have reached Qaggf(i) = Qf Cf(i) (7)
564 R. Li et al. / Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 158 (2017) 562568

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of continuous foam fractionation of BSA followed by defoaming.

Cf(i) 2.7. Statistical analysis

agg (i) = (8)
Each of the experiments was repeated at least three times. An
where Q is volumetric ow rate; C is concentration; the subscripts analysis of the variance of the data was performed using IBM SPSS
o, f, and r denote the feed solution, the foamate, and the residual Statistics 19.0 software (IBM, USA). The t test with P 0.05 was
solution, respectively; and the subscript i denotes total aggregates, used to determine the difference between mean values. Standard
oligomers, soluble polymers, or insoluble aggregates. deviation was provided for each mean value.
In the experiments, many different BSA aggregates were
detected and some of them could not be well isolated by size exclu- 3. Results and discussion
sion chromatography due to their similar particle sizes. To facilitate
3.1. Effects of foam height on volumetric foamate ow rate,
the analysis, all the BSA aggregates were divided into three types,
bubble radius, and adsorption of BSA at the gas-liquid interface in
being oligomers, soluble polymers, and insoluble aggregates. The
the rising foam
specic morphologies, sizes, and molecular weights of the three
types of BSA aggregates are presented in Table 2. From the table, To clearly explain the role of foam drainage in the aggregation
it can be seen that oligomers and soluble polymers were spherical of BSA in foam fractionation, the effects of foam height (Hf ) on vol-
while insoluble aggregates were irregularly shaped. umetric foamate ow rate (Qf ), bubble radius (r32 ), and adsorption
The concentration of each BSA aggregate and the total BSA of BSA at the gas-liquid interface were investigated. The latter was
concentration were measured by Kjeldahl determination and size characterized by measuring the surface excess ( BSA ), and relative
exclusion chromatography, the specic methods of which were content () and mass ux (Qm ) of BSA adsorbed at the gas-liquid
described by Li et al. [6]. interface in the rising foam. The results are presented in Table 3.
Increasing Hf enhanced foam drainage and intensied bubble
coarsening and coalescence [20]. Thus, in Table 3, Qf decreased
2.5. Measurement of volumetric liquid ow rate while r32 increased as Hf increased from 200 to 1000 mm. Both the
decrease and increase is signicant (P 0.05). The increased bubble
The volumetric ow rates of the foamate and the residual solu- radius reduced the total area of the gas-liquid interface in the ris-
tion were calculated by Eq. (9). ing foam, so that increasing Hf decreased Qm signicantly (P 0.05).
Correspondingly, some BSA molecules had to be desorbed from the
1 dG gas-liquid interface to return the entrained liquid between bub-
Q = (9)
 dt bles. The BSA concentration in the entrained liquid then increased
to enlarge its difference from the BSA concentration at the gas-
where G is the weight of the liquid that is collected at an interval liquid interface. As a result, BSA slightly increased with increasing
of t = 5 min, and  is the density of the collected liquid, equal to Hf . Although Qm decreased, the mass ux of BSA molecules in the
1000 kg/m3 . entrained liquid decreased to a larger extent due to the enhanced
foam drainage, and also signicantly increased with increasing
Hf (P 0.05).
2.6. Characterizations of BSA aggregates
3.2. Effects of foam height on production rates and distribution
A Zetasizer Nano ZS90 analyzer (Malvern Instruments, UK) and coefcients of BSA aggregates
a scanning electron microscope (SEM, S-4800, Seron Technologies,
Inc., Korea) were used to characterize the size and morphology of In this subsection, we report the results of our investigation of
the BSA aggregates, respectively. the effects of foam height (Hf ) on production rates (ragg ) and dis-
R. Li et al. / Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 158 (2017) 562568 565

Table 2
Morphologies, sizes and molecular weights of oligomers, soluble polymers and insoluble aggregates.

Aggregates Oligomers Soluble polymers Insoluble aggregates


Size (nm) 1790 90160 >400

Molecular weight (kDa) 132.8664 6641062.4

Table 3
Effects of foam height (Hf ) on volumetric foamate owrate (Qf ), BSA surface excess ( BSA ), bubble radius (r32 ), and the relative content () and the mass ux (Qm ) of BSA
adsorbed at the gas-liquid interface in foam.

Hf (mm) Qf (mL/min)  BSA (kg/m2 ) r32 (mm)  (%) Qm (kg/h)

200 5.6 0.6a 1.13 0.12 106a 0.38 0.04a 51.6 5.2a 10.8 1.1 105a
400 2.3 0.3b 1.25 0.13 106a 0.51 0.05b 68.8 6.9b 9.1 0.9 105a
600 1.3 0.1c 1.43 0.15 106b 0.64 0.06c 77.2 7.3c 8.1 0.8 105b
800 0.6 0.1d 1.45 0.15 106b 0.85 0.08d 84.9 8.2c 6.2 0.7 105c
1000 0.3 0.1e 1.46 0.15 106b 1.12 0.11e 88.9 9.0c 4.7 0.5 105d

a, b, c, d, e were used to characterize the different levels of each parameter.

Fig. 2. Effects of foam height on production rates (A) and partition coefcients (B) of total aggregates, oligomers, soluble polymers and insoluble aggregates.

tribution coefcients (Kagg ) of total aggregates, oligomers, soluble ing Hf (P 0.05). It is suggested that enhancing the foam drainage
polymers, and insoluble aggregates. In this work, the total aggre- intensied the ow of the BSA aggregates into the residual solution
gates encompassed the sum of the oligomers, soluble polymers, with the drained liquid.
and insoluble aggregates. Our aim is to provide a clear understand- According to the work of Bee et al. [14], the decrease in the
ing of how foam drainage affects the aggregation of BSA in foam gas-liquid interfacial area could cause the aggregation of protein
fractionation. The results are presented in Fig. 2. molecules at the gas-liquid interface and the aggregates were read-
According to the work of Wiesbauer et al. [13], the pro- ily desorbed from the interface. From Table 3, the higher level of
duction rate of protein aggregates was essentially determined foam drainage corresponded to the larger decrease in the gas-liquid
by the change in the size of the gas-liquid interfacial area. In interfacial area, so more BSA aggregates, particularly soluble poly-
foam fractionation, at each Hf , the total gas-liquid interfacial area mers and insoluble aggregates, could be formed. Furthermore, the
initially generated by the gas distributor was the same, and, decrease in Qm should correspond to the desorption of BSA aggre-
nally, all the generated interfacial area decreased to zero in the gates from the gas-liquid interface. In addition, increasing the BSA
defoaming process. Then, the change of the gas-liquid interfa- concentration in an aqueous solution often enhanced the aggrega-
cial area was the same, so that ragg(totalaggregates) should exhibit tion of BSA [21]. By this analogy, increasing the BSA surface excess
no signicant changes with increasing Hf . In fact, Fig. 2A shows could more readily intensify the protein aggregation at the gas-
that ragg(totalaggregates) signicantly increased from (1.4 0.1) 105 liquid interface, because the adsorbed protein molecules possessed
to (3.8 0.4) 105 kg/h as Hf increased from 200 to 800 mm more unfolded structures than those in the bulk solution. Thus, the
(P 0.05). Specically, the great increase in ragg(totalaggregates) was increased BSA due to foam drainage also enhanced the aggrega-
mainly attributed to the signicant increases in ragg(solublepolymers) tion of BSA at the gas-liquid interface. The enhanced foam drainage
and ragg(insolubleaggregates) (P 0.05). The change of ragg(oligomers) also improved the aggregation of BSA in defoaming, the reasons
was insignicant (P > 0.05), so its contribution to the increase of for which are explained in the following subsection. As a result,
ragg(totalaggregates) was slight. The results indicate that the enhanced ragg(totalaggregates) increased with increasing Hf .
foam drainage intensied the aggregation of BSA in foam fraction- A higher level of foam drainage corresponded to a larger
ation, particularly the formation of soluble polymers and insoluble decrease in the gas-liquid interfacial area and a larger number of
aggregates. From Fig. 2B, the partition coefcients of all the BSA BSA aggregates formed in the rising foam. These aggregates were
aggregates signicantly decreased to lower than 1 with increas- readily desorbed from the gas-liquid interface and then owed into
566 R. Li et al. / Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 158 (2017) 562568

In Fig. 3,  agg(totalaggregates) before the foam breaker had a slight

decrease (P > 0.05) and that after the foam breaker signicantly
increased (P 0.05), with increasing Hf from 200 mm to 1000 mm.
More importantly, the difference in  agg(totalaggregates) before and
after the foam breaker signicantly increased (P 0.05). In the
defoaming process. the aggregation of BSA at the gas-liquid inter-
face could not be effectively prevented by Tween 20, so the
results in Fig. 3 indicate that most of BSA aggregates were formed
in their desorption from the interface. The slight decrease of
 agg(totalaggregates) before the foam breaker was because more BSA
aggregates formed in the rising foam owed into the bulk solution
with the drained liquid with increasing Hf .
Based on the above results, we further studied the effects of
foam drainage on the aggregation of BSA in the defoaming process
by analyzing the effects of foam height on the mass uxes (Qaggf )
and the relative contents ( agg ) of total BSA aggregates, oligomers,
soluble polymers, and insoluble aggregates in the foamate obtained
after the foam breaker were investigated. The results are presented
Fig. 3. Effects of foam height on relative contents of total aggregates in the foa- in Fig. 4.
mate before and after the foam breaker. The foamate before the foam breaker was
From Fig. 4A, Qagg f (totalaggregates) exhibited no signicant
obtained by collapsing the foam via stirring with a glass rod and the addition of
Tween 20 and had a molar ratio of Tween 20 and BSA of 20:1. changes with increasing Hf from 200 to 1000 mm (P > 0.05). Accord-
ing to the results of Wiesbauer et al. [13], the smaller gas-liquid
interfacial area corresponded to a lower protein aggregation rate.
the bulk solution along with the drained liquid. Thus, more BSA
In this case, increasing Hf reduced the gas-liquid interfacial area
aggregates tended to be detected in the residual solution as foam
so that Qaggf(totalaggregates) should have decreased. This conjecture
drainage was enhanced. As a result, the partition coefcients of all
was in disagreement with the current result. It is indicated that
the BSA aggregates decreased with increasing Hf .
the change of the gas-liquid interfacial area was not the only factor
that enhanced the interface-induced protein aggregation. It is well
3.3. Effects of foam height on relative contents of BSA aggregates known that enhancing foam drainage could improve the protein
in the foamate concentration in the foamate [26]. Table 3 shows that the rela-
tive content of BSA molecules adsorbed at the gas-liquid interface
To obtain the protein-enriched liquid from the collected foam, in the rising foam () increased as foam drainage was enhanced.
defoaming is an indispensable unit operation following foam frac- Thus, the concentration of BSA molecules adsorbed at the gas-
tionation [22]. However, in defoaming, the sharp decrease in the liquid interface was higher at a higher level of foam drainage. The
gas-liquid interfacial area certainly enhances protein aggregation higher concentration of the adsorbed BSA molecules corresponded
[13]. Thus, to determine if foam drainage affected the aggregation to a higher possibility for BSA molecules to aggregate during the
of BSA in defoaming, we compared the relative content of total BSA defoaming process. The increased aggregation of BSA due to the
aggregates ( agg(totalaggregates) ) in the foamates taken just after the increased concentration of the adsorbed BSA molecules made up
foam fractionation (and before the foam breaker) with that after for the decrease due to the reduced gas-liquid interfacial area.
the foam breaker. Note that when obtaining the foamate before As a result, Qaggf(totalaggregates) was not signicantly affected by Hf
the foam breaker, we collapsed the foam just out of the column (P > 0.05). Fig. 4A also shows that Qaggf(oligomers) exhibits a sharp
by stirring with a glass rod and the addition of Tween 20, a widely decrease with increasing Hf (P 0.05), while Qaggf(solublepolymers)
used antifoaming agent which was also able to prevent the pro- and Qaggf(insolubleaggregates) exhibit a slighter increase (P 0.05). This
tein aggregation induced by the gas-liquid interface [2325]. In indicates that enhancing foam drainage tended to induce the for-
the experiments, we found that  agg(totalaggregates) had no signicant mation of BSA aggregates of larger sizes. The result was attributed
changes with increasing the molar ratio of Tween 20 and BSA in the to the fact that the enhanced foam drainage increased the content of
foamate when the molar ratio was more than 20:1. So it is at the the adsorbed BSA molecules in the rising foam, so that their number
molar ratio of 20:1 that the values of  agg(totalaggregates) before and for forming an aggregate increased during the defoaming process.
after the foam breaker were compared. The results are presented
in Fig. 3.

Fig. 4. Effects of foam height on mass uxes and relative contents of total aggregates, oligomers, soluble polymers and insoluble aggregates in the foamate.
R. Li et al. / Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 158 (2017) 562568 567

that  agg(solublepolymers) and  agg(insolubleaggregates) also signicantly

increased with increasing Hf (P 0.05) while  agg(oligomers) exhibited
no signicant changes (P > 0.05). The results also conrmed that the
enhanced foam drainage induced the formation of BSA aggregates
with larger sizes in the defoaming process.

3.4. Effects of foam height on the variations of relative contents of

BSA aggregates in the foamate with time

In a large-scale foam fractionation process, the foamate often

had to remain in the collector for a long time to obtain a cer-
tain volume before the subsequent treatment [27]. During this
period, the desorbed protein molecules that were unable to return
their native structures could further aggregate in the foamate. We
investigated the effects of foam height (Hf ) on variations of the
relative contents of total aggregates, oligomers, soluble polymers,
and insoluble aggregates in the foamate with time at room tem-
Fig. 5. Dependency of relative content of total aggregates in the foamate on relative
perature (25.0 1.0 C). Our aim was to determine if the extent of
content of BSA molecules adsorbed at the gas-liquid interface in foam.
foam drainage led to further protein aggregation in the foamate.
The results are presented in Fig. 6.
Although Qaggf(totalaggregates) did not signicantly change, From Fig. 6A,  agg(totalaggregates) at each Hf linearly increased with
agg(totalaggregates) signicantly increased as Hf increased (P 0.05). time, and its increase, i.e., the slope of the tted linear, increased sig-
Based on the previous work of Li et al. [6],  agg(totalaggregates) nicantly (P 0.05) with increasing Hf . By comparing the results in
was not essentially determined by the total BSA concentration Fig. 6BD, the signicant increase in  agg(totalaggregates) with time was
in the foamate, but by , because the higher  corresponded mainly attributed to the signicant increase in  agg(insolubleaggregates)
to the higher possibility for aggregation of the adsorbed BSA (P 0.05). The results indicate that BSA could further aggregate in
molecules with unfolded structures in the defoaming process. the foamate and that most of the formed aggregates were insoluble.
As a result, the enhanced foam drainage increased , so that More importantly, the enhanced foam drainage improved the gen-
 agg(totalaggregates) increased with increasing Hf . For clearly elaborat- eration rate of insoluble aggregates. Furthermore, at a low level of
ing how  agg(totalaggregates) depended on , their corresponding data foam drainage (Hf = 200400 mm), the insoluble aggregates were
were analyzed using different models. The results show that the directly formed by the BSA monomers, while at a high level of
dependency of agg(totalaggregates) on  was well tted by the Gaus- foam drainage (Hf = 4001000 mm) the insoluble aggregates were
sian curve model, as presented in Fig. 5. The gure illustrates that formed by the soluble polymers and the BSA monomers. Thus, the
 agg(totalaggregates) increased very slowly in a low- range from 0.5 to aggregation of BSA in the foamate obeyed the multistage aggre-
0.7, and its increase became much larger as  increased to a value gation model. In addition,  agg(oligomers) exhibited no signicant
greater than 0.7. Furthermore,  agg(totalaggregates) did not increase to changes with time (P > 0.05).
1.0 as  approached 1.0, because some adsorbed BSA molecules pos- As the unfolded BSA molecules were desorbed from the gas-
sibly returned into their native structures in the defoaming process, liquid interface, some of them immediately aggregated in the
so that they did not readily aggregate. In addition, Fig. 4B shows defoaming process, but some of them that did not aggregate were

Fig. 6. Effects of foam height (Hf ) on the variations of relative contents of total aggregates (A), oligomers (B), soluble polymers (C) and insoluble aggregates (D) in the foamate
with time.
568 R. Li et al. / Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 158 (2017) 562568

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