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Modul N.E. 1. New

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Unit 1


Subject Tobe
I Am
You Are
They Are
We Are
He Is
She Is
It Is

Hi ! I am a student nurse.

Hello. My name is Siti Juliana.

Just call me Siti.

I am a student Nurse.

I am from Indonesia.

Hi. I am Mr. Muh. Tralala.

My nick name is Muh.

I am from Saudi Arabia.

I am a student nurse, too.

1. Names in English

I am Muh. Ali (not I am Ali)

I am Susan or I am Sue.

Hello, Mr. Muh., (not Hello,Mr.Muh. Ali.orMr. Ali).

2. Meeting And Greetings

It is usual for a third person to perform introductions in English. He will say:

This is Mr. Joko This is Miss Susi Zulaiha (at the same time indicating each person

with his hands).

How do you do? How do you do?

Or :

May I introduce you to Mr. Jody?..... This is Mr.Tedy.

How do you do how do you do. or Pleased to meet you Pleased to meet you.

(especially in the USA). Remember that How do you do is only used after

introductions, and cannot be used for later meetings.

If there is no third person to introduce you, you can say :

May I introduce myself? My name is (s) Doni.

How do you do? My name is (s) Mary.

Note : Men do not call themselves Mr. They use either their Christian name and surname

as above, or just their surname.

Women normally use both Christian name and surname; they may add Mrs, or

Miss to avoid confusion.

Introducing a speaker:

If you are introducing a speaker you should say (indicating the speaker with your hand):

Ladies and gentlemen, Professor Iwan.

or :

Ladies and gentlemen, I have great pleasure introducing our guest speaker. General Subki


The next time you meet:

For the next and later meetings, to people whom you know, you can say:

o Good morning (until about lunch-time-12 midday).

o Good afternoon (till tea-time or just after 5 to 6 p.m.).

o Good evening (till 12 midnight).

The answers are the same.

Note : Do not say Good day, except in Australia.

Do not used Good evening when leaving. Here Good night is used.

When you know the person a little better, you may say:

o How are you? Im fine thanks.

The answer will be:

o Fine, thanks; or : Very well, thank you.

o Remember that the thank you or thanks should end the phrase, not begin it.

If you are not well and wish to make this known, say:

o Not very well,

or :

o Not too well, Im afraid.


a. It is essential to use rising intonation in Im afraid

b. Most English people only shake hands when they are introduced, or when meeting

after not seeing each other for a long time. They do not how for introductions.

Speaking in Practice:

Introducing your self /personal information!

What do you usually do to start a conversation?

o What kinds of questions will you ask to your partner? Give the reason why?

o What kinds of topic is good to have in starting the conversation? Give the reason why?

o What is your reaction when the conversation is talking about something you do not like?

o Answer all these questions and then present your opinion in the class.


A. Listen and Practice.

A: It is nice hospital, isnt it?

B: Yes, Really.

A: By the way, my name is Dedy Irawan.

B: Glad to meet you, I am Susi Susanti.

A: Pleasure to meet you. Excuse me, can you say again your first name?

B: You mean, my first name?

A: Yes.

B: Oh, My first name is Susi and how should I call you?

A: Just call me Dedy.

B: And where are you from, Dedy?

A: I am from Selangor, Malaysia and how about you?

B: I am from Indonesia.

A: And what are you, Susi?

B: I am a nurse and what about you?

A: I am a nurse, too.

B: Well, Dedy. I have to go, see you later.Bye.

A: Okay, bye-bye.

B. Grammar

1. Personal, Posseessive and Reflective Pronouns

Subject pronouns and Object pronouns.

Subject Object
I me
You you
He him
she her
It it
we us
you you
they them


o I speak English. a) Ali knows me.

o You speak Indonesian. b) Ali knows you.

o She speaks Arabic. c) Ali knows her.

o He speaks Dutch. d) Ali knows him.

o It starts at 8.00. e) Ali knows it.

o We speak English. f) Ali know us.

o You speak English. g) Ali know you.

o They speak Japanese. h) Ali knows them.

2. Possessive pronouns (kata ganti kepunyaan) and Reflexive pronouns

Subject Possessive Reflexive pronouns

pronouns pronouns

I My Myself

You Your Yourself

He His Himself

She Her Herself

It Its Itself

We Our Ourselves

You Your Yourselves

They Their Themselves


o Complete the sentences by using pronouns!

Rita has a new book. She bought it last week.

I know the new students, but Tony does not know . Yet.

I write a letter, but I can not send .because I dont have stamp.

Tom is in Canada. .is studying at a university.

Siska is my neighbour. I talk to ..every day.

I have two pictures on my bedroom. I like .

My wife and I have new car. last month.

Judy and Vina go to Bali to have honeymoon. ..stay in Hard Rock Hotel

for a week.

Nia lives inn my dorm. I eat breakfast with . Every morning.

Dony and Dina have a dinner invitation. Mr and Mrs. Black want .to came

to dinner at

I have a new car. That is .car.

She has a new boyfriend. That man who wear blue jeans is ..boyfriend.

Miss. Winia and Mr. Wawan have new house. .house lies on the main street.

This room are prepared for us, but room does not have an Air


My uncle gave you a new bag last night. bag is red.

C. Vocabulary

English for Medical Purposes - A Physical Examination

Doctor : When did you last come in for a physical exam?

Patient : I had my last physical two years ago.

Doctor : Have you had any other exams recently? Blood work, an EKG or an ltra-


Patient : Well, I had a few X-rays at the dentist's.

Doctor : How have you been feeling in general?

Patient : Pretty well. No complaints, really.

Doctor : Could you roll up your left sleeve? I'd like to take your blood pressure.

Patient : Certainly.

Doctor : 120 over 80. That's fine. You don't seem to be overweight, that's good. Do

you exercise regularly?

Patient : No, not really. If I run up a flight of stairs, it takes me a while to get my

breath back. I need to get out more.

Doctor :That would be a good idea. How about your diet?

Patient : I think I eat a pretty balanced diet. You know, I will have a hamburger from

time to time, but generally I have well-balanced meals.

Doctor : That is good. Now, I'm going to listen to your heart.

Patient : Ooh, that is cold!

Doctor : Don't worry it is just my stethoscope. Now, breathe in and hold your breath.

Please pull up your shirt, and breathe deeply... Everything sounds good. Let's

take a look at your throat. Please open wide and say 'ah'.

Patient : 'ah'

Doctor : OK. Everything looks ship shape. I'm going to order some blood work and

that is about it. Take this slip to the front desk and they' will arrange an

appointment for the tests.

Patient : Thank you doctor. Have a nice day.

List of Key Vocabulary

o physical examination (exam)
o blood work
o ltra-sound
o x-rays
o to roll up sleeves
o overweight underweight
o to exercise regularly
o balanced diet
o stethoscope
o to breath in
o to hold one's breath
o to pull on one's shirt
o to breathe deeply
o to open wide
o to look ship shape
o slip
o front desk

D. Listening Comprehension: Campus Life

Instruction: Choose the correct answer for the following questions based on the

conversation that you will hear from the audio. Do not view the questions until after you

have listened to the audio file.

Listening Lesson 1


1. Where is the conversation taking place?

a. In a high school cafeteria

b. In a university classroom

c. In front of a building

d. In a department store

2. What grade is Jessica in?

a. Freshman

b. Sophomore

c. Junior

d. Senior

3. Where is the new student from?

a. From Japan
b. From China

c. From Korea

d. From Hongkong

4. Why did Jessica go to Japan?

a. For a school exchange program

b. For a family vacation

c. To learn Japanese

d. For her fathers business trip

Listening Lesson 2


1. Mike forgot to register for classes. What is the consequence of missing your

registration day?

a. You have to wait until everyone registers

b. He can register any time afterwards, but most of the classes will be full

c. He can register and his seniority will allow him to choose any class

d. He has to take this semester off

2. Why will psychology 101 be available to take?

a. Because the class is very big with many seats

b. Because nobody takes that class

c. Because the subject is boring

d. Because it is not a requirement

3. What recommendation is given if a class is already full?

a. Go to the registration building

b. Get on the waiting list

c. Find the professor and get permission

d. Show up to class on the first day without registering

4. Why does the professor accept more students than the class allows?

a. Because he wants as many students to teach as possible

b. Because he is a nice professor wanting to help

c. Because many students drop out of the class

d. None of the above

Listening Lesson 3


1. What is the main topic in this dialog?

a. University classes

b. University professors

c. University registration

d. University grades

2. What class was mentioned where the student received a 1.7?

a. Psychology

b. History

c. Economics

d. Calculus

3. Who does he blame for doing so terrible this semester?

a. He blames his brother

b. He blames his friend

c. He blames himself

d. He blames the professor

4. What was the cause for his GPA to go down so much?

a. He spent too much time with his new girlfriend

b. He started playing Star Craft

c. He burned himself out from working too much and didnt study

d. He had difficult classes this semester

Unit 2




Ask wh-questions with Be

Possesive Pronoun

I Am

You Your

They Their

We Our

He His

She Her

It Its

Wkhat is your name? My name is Harry.

Where are from? I am from Ameica.

What are your job? I am an orthopedic surgeon.

What is her name? Her name is Rosiana.

Where is she from? She is from Indonesia.

What is she? Sheis a nurse.


Fill these blank space with ver Be.

A : What is _____name?

B : ________name ________Muh. Ali. _______, ________a radiologiest.

A : Where _____, _______from?

B : He ______ From Malaysia.

A : What ______ , ______ name?

B : Her name ______ Jenny. ________, ______ a nurse.

A : Where _______, ________ from?

B : She ______from Brunae.

A : What _____ their name?

B : ______ names _____ Jenny and Susy. ______, _____ students nurse.

A : Where ______, ______ from?

B : They ________ from Philipina.

A : What _____your name?

B : ______, ______ Mokoh. I am a nurse.

A : Where ______ you from?

B : ________, _____ from Australia.

Useful Expressions.

o Below are the ways to get names of patient.

a. What is your name?

b. Your name, please?

c. Tell me your name?

d. May I have your name?

e. Can I get your name?

f. Could you tell me what is your name?

g. Would you mind telling me your name?

Names of profession in hospital.

o Cardiologist : dokter ahli penyakit jantung

o Dermatologist : dokter ahli penyakit kulit

o Dentish : dokter gigi

o Venerologist : dokter ahli penyakit kelamin

o Surgeon : dokter ahli bedah

o Pediatrician : dokter ahli penyakit anak

o General practitioner : dokter umum

o Internist : dokter ahli penyakit dalam

o Physician : dokter / tabib

o Gynecologist : dokter ahli penyakit kandungan

o Ophthalmologist : dokter ahli penyakit mata

o Orthopedic surgeon : dokter ahli penyakit tulang

o Anesthesiologist : dokter ahli anastesi

o Neurologist : dokter ahli penyakit saraf

o Psychologist : ahli ilmu jiwa

o Psychiatrist : dokter ahli penyakit jiwa

o Pathologist : dokter ahli patologi

o Radiologist : dokter ahli radilogi

o Nutritionist : ahli gizi

o Director of nursing service : kepala keperawatan

o Head nurse : kepala keperawatan

o Chief/charge nurse : kepala ruangan

o Leader nurse : ketua tim kelompok perawat

o Nurse : perawat pelaksana

o Lab technician : petugas laboratorium

o ECG technician : petuagas pengoperasi mesin ECG

o Medicines Man : dukun


Mr. Agy : Good morning, nurse?

Nurse : Good morning, what kind I do for you, Sir?

Mr. Agy : Yes, I would like to meet Dr. Bowo.

Nurse : Ofcourse, but if you dont mind telling me, what for do you want to meet him.

Mr. Agy : I have an appointment with him at 10.30 a.m.

Nurse : I see, and what is your name, Sir?

Mr. Agy : My name is Muh. Agy.

Nurse : Sorry, how do you spell your last name?

Mr. Agy : It is A-G-Y and my first name is M-u-h-a-m-a-d.

Nurse : And what are you, Sir?

Mr. Agy : I am orthopedic surgeon from Permata Hati hospital.

Nurse : Well, Mr. Egy, would you wait here for a moment, I am going to call him first.

Mr. Agy : Thanks a lot.

Nurse : Never mind.

Unit 3

Subject Verb I s/es Object

Subject Subject Verb I Object
Do/Does Subject Verb I Object

Read the text carefully and retell in your own words.

Nurse Rosa is my favorite nurse, She cares all patients in the ward very carefully. She
is a very good nurse. She always speak calmly and explains about the progress of patients
diseases clearly, she is beautiful and smart. Every morning she always smails and says
hello to all patients in the ward. But sometimes she is angry with patients when the patient
do not follow the instruction. She always controls all of the patients condition. At 10
oclock in the morning she often takes vital signs of patients. And sometimes she gives us
medicines to take. When she has night shift, she always controls all patients in the ward in
the midle of night. If there is something with her patient, she usually calls and reports to
docter in charge at emergency room. Nurse Rosa lives in hospital dormitory. So she
doesnt need a trasportation to go to her dormitory. All patients in the ward like nurse Rosa
very much.


Care : merawat/peduli Explain : menjelaskan

Calm : tenang progress : perkembangan
Angry : marah Control : mengawasi
Report : lapor Insect : serangga
Boil : mendidih cost : harga
In charge : bertanggung jawab follow : mengikuti
Domitory : asrama call : menghubungi
Smart : pintar smile : tersenyum
Take : mengambil/memeriksa night shift : dinas malam
o Spelling and pronounciation of s and es.

A Rub Rubs To make a simple present tense verb 3rd person

Ride Rides singular. You usually add only s as in (A) and (B).
Smile Smiles In (A) : -s is pronounce /z/. The final sounds in (A) are
dream dreams voiced.
B Drink Drinks In (B): -s is pronounced /s/. The final in (B) are
Sleep Sleeps voiceless.
Write Writes
Laughs Laughs
C Study Studies End of verb: consonant + Y
Cry Cries Change y to I, add es
Try Tries Pronounciation: /z/
Fly Flies
D Pay Pays End of verb: Vowel + Y
Buy Buys Spelling: add s
Pronounciation: /z/
E Push Pushes End of verb: -as, -ch, -ch, -ss, -x
Wash Washes Spelling: Add es
Teach Teaches Pronounciation: /iz/
Watch Watches
Kiss Kisses
Pass Passes
Fix Fixes

A: Hi! Moko, nice to see you again. How are you doing?
B: Hello! Yono, pleasure to see you again. I am fine and you?
A: Pretty good, Thanks.
B: By the way, where do you work now, Yono?
A: I work in Permata Hati hospital.
B: Working in hospital! What do you do there?
A: I am a nurse. I take care some patients there.
B: That sound intersting and what ward do you work in Permata Hati hospital?
A: I work in the surgical ward and what about you?
B: You mean Where di I work?
A: Yes.
B: Well Yono, I work for dr. Badris clinic.
A: I am a lab technician.
B: Ok. Really? It is a good job.
A: Yes it is.

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