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Review Article: The Nrf2/Keap1/ARE Pathway and Oxidative Stress As A Therapeutic Target in Type II Diabetes Mellitus

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Journal of Diabetes Research

Volume 2017, Article ID 4826724, 15 pages

Review Article
The Nrf2/Keap1/ARE Pathway and Oxidative Stress as a
Therapeutic Target in Type II Diabetes Mellitus

Joshua A. David, William J. Rifkin, Piul S. Rabbani, and Daniel J. Ceradini

Hansjrg Wyss Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, New York University School of Medicine, 430 East 29th Street,
New York, NY 10016, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Daniel J. Ceradini;

Received 12 April 2017; Revised 3 July 2017; Accepted 20 July 2017; Published 20 August 2017

Academic Editor: Joseph F. Ndisang

Copyright 2017 Joshua A. David et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Despite improvements in awareness and treatment of type II diabetes mellitus (TIIDM), this disease remains a major source of
morbidity and mortality worldwide, and prevalence continues to rise. Oxidative damage caused by free radicals has long been
known to contribute to the pathogenesis and progression of TIIDM and its complications. Only recently, however, has the role
of the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE master antioxidant pathway in diabetic dysfunction begun to be elucidated. There is accumulating
evidence that this pathway is implicated in diabetic damage to the pancreas, heart, and skin, among other cell types and tissues.
Animal studies and clinical trials have shown promising results suggesting that activation of this pathway can delay or reverse
some of these impairments in TIIDM. In this review, we outline the role of oxidative damage and the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE pathway
in TIIDM, focusing on current and future eorts to utilize this relationship as a therapeutic target for prevention, prognosis, and
treatment of TIID.

1. Introduction improvements, this disease continues to pose a tremendous

burden in the US, and the prevalence, deaths, and costs
The worldwide prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) was attributable to TIIDM are expected to continue increasing
estimated at 8.5% in 2014, and the morbidity resulting from drastically [8]. As we gain further insight into the molecular
the microvascular and macrovascular complications of this underpinnings of this disease and its destructive sequelae,
disease is enormous [1]. Costs attributable to DM in 2013 we advance the opportunity to develop novel, targeted
were $101.4 billion in the United States alone, making it the approaches for diabetes treatment, prognosis, and, ulti-
most expensive medical condition by a signicant margin mately, prevention. In recent years, the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE
[24]. The chronic hyperglycemia and impairments in insu- antioxidant pathway has emerged as one such promising
lin secretion and action that characterize type II diabetes avenue of research. In this review, we summarize the roles
mellitus (TIIDM) are associated with long-term damage, of oxidative stress and the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE pathway in
dysfunction, and failure of many organs, including the eyes, TIIDM, as well as the current state of eorts aimed at exploit-
kidneys, nerves, heart, and blood vessels [5]. Decades of ing this relationship in order to minimize the devastating
scientic research, randomized human trials, and clinical impact of this disease across the globe.
experience have demonstrated that a combination of lifestyle
modications and pharmaceutical interventions has the 2. Oxidative Stress and Diabetes Mellitus
capacity to prevent or delay the onset of TIIDM and many
of its devastating complications [6]. Consequently, major Oxidative stress occurs when free radical production over-
therapeutic advances, coupled with increased diabetes aware- whelms the endogenous antioxidant ability to neutralize
ness and the implementation of national programs and these highly reactive chemical compounds. The ensuing
guidelines for diabetes prevention, have helped alleviate cellular damage, such as DNA cross-linking and apoptosis,
disease-related morbidity and mortality [7]. Despite these is a hallmark of oxidative stress and is a fundamental
2 Journal of Diabetes Research

pathological process in cancer, aging, and a variety of chronic of basic leucine zipper transcription factors, in both constitu-
diseases [912]. In TIIDM, dysfunctional redox homeostasis tive and inducible ARE gene expression was soon elucidated
has long been known to play a role in the pathogenesis of the both in vitro [23] and in vivo [20, 21, 24]. The precise molec-
disease and its complications through a variety of mecha- ular mechanisms of Nrf2 and Keap1 interaction are a topic of
nisms, and diabetic patients have been shown to possess debate, particularly given the distinct subcellular locations of
increased cellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) these two molecules [25]. It is nonetheless understood that
and ROS-induced DNA damage [1315]. Landmark studies modication of cysteine residues in the primary structure of
by Giacco and Brownlee showed that the increased glycemic Keap1, which act as cellular sensors for inducers of environ-
load in diabetes overwhelms the Krebs cycle, resulting in the mental stress, by thiol-reactive chemical species during states
inhibition of election transfer within the mitochondrial of excess oxidative or electrophilic stress results in the disrup-
membrane and the accumulation of free radicals [14]. In tion of the Nrf2-Keap1 dimer and stabilization of Nrf2 [26].
particular, these free radicals include the highly reactive Nrf2, once stabilized, is no longer repressed by Keap1 and
superoxide and hydroxyl compounds [16]. As ROS produc- becomes free to heterodimerize with members of the Maf
tion increases, upregulation of four biochemical pathways family of transcription factors. With the assistance of a
occurs: polyol ux, intracellular advanced glycosylation end nuclear localization sequence, the Nrf2 heterodimer can rap-
product (AGE) formation, protein kinase C activation, and idly translocate into the nucleus and bind to the ARE, result-
hexosamine pathway ux [14]. These perturbations result ing in the recruitment of elements required for the
in a variety of downstream eects known to underlie the transcriptional activation of a variety of genes such as gluta-
pathogenesis and progression of TIIDM, including the deple- thione S-transferase A2 (GSTA2), NADPH quinone oxidore-
tion of natural antioxidant molecules and damage to vascular ductase (NQO-1), superoxide dismutase (SOD1), and heme
cells, as well as alterations in gene and protein expression, oxygenase-1 (Ho-1) [19, 20, 27]. These antioxidant enzymes
blood ow, and endothelial cell permeability [13, 17, 18]. function to transform free radicals into less toxic substances
through four primary mechanisms: (1) oxidation and reduc-
3. The Nrf2/Keap1/ARE Pathway tion reactions, in which functional groups on hydrophobic
molecules are exposed, (2) nucleophilic trapping processes,
Knowledge of the relationship between oxidative stress and (3) transporter eux of toxic metabolites, and (4) mainte-
TIIDM has precipitated intense investigation into the failure nance of reduced conditions by thiol-containing molecules
of the diabetic system to appropriately respond to increased [19, 28]. This protective stress recognition mechanism by
oxidative loads. Regulation of cellular redox homeostasis Keap1 dually ensures suppression of Nrf2 during nonstressed
under both stressed and nonstressed conditions occurs pri- conditions and an appropriate antioxidant response during
marily at the transcriptional level, and the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE periods of excessive cellular stress.
pathway is the primary mediator of this response. This sig- Given the intimate relationship between TIIDM and oxi-
naling pathway regulates the expression of over 100 genes dative damage, the involvement of the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE
and functions related to oxidative stress and cell survival, pathway in this unsolved clinical problem has become a topic
including direct antioxidant proteins, phase I and II electro- of great interest. We now know that dysfunction of this mas-
phile detoxication enzymes, the transport of toxic solutes, ter antioxidant pathway is associated with the pathophysiol-
free radical metabolism, inhibition of inammation, glutathi- ogy of diabetes and a wide range of its complications, such as
one homeostasis, proteasome function, and the recognition diabetic nephropathy and impaired cutaneous wound heal-
of DNA damage, as well as the expression of various related ing, in both animal and human models [2931] (Figure 2).
growth factors and transcription factors [19] (Figure 1). While the mechanism or mechanisms of this dysfunction
The principal mediator of this response is nuclear factor in diabetes have only begun to be elucidated, therapies target-
E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), a master transcription factor. ing the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE pathway represent a promising ave-
Upon binding the upstream cis-regulatory antioxidant nue in current research. As a critical upstream mediator of
response element (ARE) sequence located in the promoter not only the global antioxidant response but also of anti-
regions of cytoprotective genes, Nrf2 triggers the transcrip- inammatory genes and transcription factors involved in
tional induction of multiple detoxifying enzymes [20]. Under mitochondrial function, the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE pathway rep-
nonstressed conditions, Nrf2 activity is suppressed by its resents an ideal target in treating the widespread oxidative
native repressor Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 damage implicated in pancreatic damage, insulin resistance
(Keap1), through interactions with a hairpin motif in the C and sensitivity, and the progression of a broad spectrum of
terminus of the Nrf2-ECH homologous domain (Neh2) diabetic complications. Additionally, the inducible nature of
phosphorylation site on Nrf2. Keap1 is a cytoplasmic, actin this signaling pathway allows Keap1 to uniquely both sense
cytoskeleton-associated adapter protein of the Cullin3- the cellular redox state and responsively modify the degree
(Cul3-) based E3-ligase complex, which tags Nrf2 for ubiqui- of Nrf2 degradation via ubiquitination in response to this
tination and subsequent proteosomal degradation within the oxidative stress. This allows for modulation of cellular redox
cytoplasm [21]. This signaling pathway has been established homeostasis via highly specic transcriptional activation of
as the major mechanism of cellular defense against oxidative only those genes containing an ARE in the promoter region
stress both physiologically and in a wide array of disease [32]. Furthermore, the Nrf2-mediated oxidative response
models [19]. First isolated in cloning studies in 1994 [22], may also possess aspects that are specic to diabetes. The
the critical role of Nrf2, a member of the capncollar family activation of the aforementioned pathways underlying the
Journal of Diabetes Research 3


Nrf2 ap

Nrf2 Ub
A. W
ithout ox
idative stress
B. Ox
e and
stress ctrophilic Cell survival

(i) Antioxidant enzymes (Ho-1, MnSOD, NQO-1,

(ii) Inhibition of inflammation
(iii) Free radical metabolism
O2 H 2O 2 OH Antioxidant response element
HOC Tissue damage
Ke (i) Pancreatic beta-cell (i) Aberrant cardiac
1 damage remodeling
(ii) Insulin resistance (ii) Nephropathy
(iii) Atheroma formation (iii) Impaired wound

Figure 1: The Nrf2/Keap1/ARE pathway in type II diabetes mellitus. (A) Under nonstressed conditions, the Nrf2 transcription factor is
covalently bound to cysteine residues on its native repressor Keap1 in the cytoplasm. This results in the constitutive ubiquitination and
degradation of Nrf2 in the proteasome and inhibition of the anti-oxidant response. (B) Under conditions of electrophilic or oxidative
stress, cysteine residues on Keap1 are modied, resulting in the stabilization and translocation of Nrf2 into the nucleus, where it can bind
to the promoter region of the ARE and initiate the transcription of various cytoprotective enzymes which function to promote cellular
survival through a variety of mechanisms, including the upregulation of antioxidant function, inammatory inhibition, and the transport
of toxic metabolites. These cellular adaptations have been shown to improve a wide array of tissue damage underlying the pathogenesis and
progression of diabetes. (B) There are three major mechanisms of Nrf2 induction by small molecule activators. (I) Upstream kinases such
as Akt and Erk phosphorylate Nrf2 at specic sites, favoring its release by Keap1 and nuclear translocation. (II) Modication of Keap1
cysteine residues disrupts the Nrf2-Keap1 complex, favoring dissociation of Nrf2 and subsequent nuclear translocation. (III) Inhibition of
Nrf2 ubiquitination by Keap1 and degradation by the proteasome augments Nrf2 availability, thus favoring nuclear translocation of Nrf2.
Ub: ubiquitination; P: phosphorylation.

pathogenesis of diabetic complications has been tied to a detoxication reactions, and can even accelerate regeneration
singular hyperglycemia-induced event in the mitochondria, of other antioxidants, such as glutathione [35]. Lastly, the
overproduction of superoxide by the electron-transport ability to target this pathway at a variety of locations, as will
chain [13]. Furthermore, studies have shown that the be discussed later, grants an incredibly rich degree of exibil-
absence of Nrf2 may exacerbate both type I and type II ity and diversity as the search for rational and clinically rele-
diabetes [33, 34]. This hyperglycemia-specic increase in vant therapeutics evolves.
ROS overproduction by the mitochondria may explain why
classic antioxidants, low molecular-weight compounds that 4. Nrf2/Keap1/ARE and the -Cell
can scavenge reactive oxygen intermediates, have not been
proven benecial in the treatment of diabetic complications. Pancreatic -cell dysfunction and the resulting impairments
In contrast to these classic or direct antioxidants, the battery in insulin sensitivity and production are a critical component
of cytoprotective agents that are upregulated by the Nrf2/ in the development and progression of both type I and type II
Keap1/ARE pathway have been termed ultimate antioxi- DM [36], and oxidative stress is one important mechanism
dants, which possess long half-lives, are not depleted whereby this damage occurs [37]. Despite overexpression of
throughout the course of their wide range of chemical Nrf2 downstream endogenous antioxidant genes by the
4 Journal of Diabetes Research

Glucose homeostasis

Nephropathy Cardiomyopathy

Wound healing Nrf2/Keap1/ARE Atherosclerosis

Obesity Vascular integrity

Cellular metabolism

Figure 2: The Nrf2/Keap1/ARE pathway is involved in multiple tissue types.

pancreas in order to curtail cellular damage and salvage decreased blood glucose, enhanced insulin signaling, and
insulin-secreting ability, oxidative damage ultimately over- decreased fat and body weight in Nrf2 knockout mouse
loads this protective response in TIIDM [3840]. In humans, models [5457]. Clearly, a great deal of work remains before
these deleterious eects manifest as reduced -cell mass and we completely understand the role of oxidative stress and
DNA damage in the pancreatic islets of patients with Nrf2 with regard to glucose and insulin homeostasis. Of note,
TIIDM [41]. Reversing the decline and eventual failure while most studies have focused on the role of Nrf2/Keap1/
of pancreatic -cells is critical for preventing TIIDM and ARE on glucose and insulin handling within -cells, emerg-
its progression [42]. ing evidence suggests that this pathway may also play a
Animal studies have shown that the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE dynamic role in other pancreatic islet cells (-cells, -cells,
system is a crucial defensive pathway in the physiological and PP-cells), possibly by preventing dierentiation of -
and pathological protection of pancreatic -cells. In -cell- cells into these insulin-negative cell types under conditions
specic transgenic mice, Nrf2 depletion depressed the of oxidative stress [58].
expression of cytoprotective antioxidant genes in pancreatic
islets and exacerbated oxidative -cell damage, while Nrf2 5. Nrf2 and Insulin Resistance
induction suppressed the accumulation of intracellular
ROS, the formation of ROS-induced DNA adducts, and pan- In addition to -cell dysfunction, insulin resistance in a wide
creatic -cell apoptosis within the islets [43]. Further studies range of tissues is a hallmark of TIIDM, resulting in elevated
showed the preservation of -cell mass and function in dia- blood glucose levels and exacerbation of pancreatic damage
betic mice with genetically modied upregulation of Nrf2 as it attempts to compensate for perceived hypoglycemia.
via Keap1 knockout [44]. Pancreatic -cell protection by Studies by Uruno et al. in murine models of Nrf2 over-
the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE system is not limited to free radical expression via both genetic Keap1 knockdown and pharma-
scavenge but includes reduction of inammation via the cological induction suggest that Nrf2 activation can improve
NF-kappaB pathway [45] and maintenance of critical cellular insulin sensitivity in diabetes and abrogate diabetes and obe-
degradation systems such as apoptosis, autophagy, and pro- sity in mice [44]. Body weight and blood glucose levels were
teosomal degradation [46, 47]. decreased in diabetic mice with Keap1 knockout. These nd-
In addition to -cell injury, oxidative stress also aects ings were attributed to Nrf2-mediated stimulation of energy
pancreatic insulin secretion, although this relationship is less consumption in skeletal muscle and brown adipose tissue.
clear. While some studies show that ROS impairs insulin Further studies showed that Nrf2 induction in mice also sup-
release through mechanisms such as a reduction in ATP pro- pressed gluconeogenesis, owing to transcriptional repression
duction [48] and increased glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate of a variety of enzymes including the gluconeogenic enzyme
dehydrogenase (GAPDH) activity [49], there is a growing glucose-6-phosphatase (G-6-P). In vitro studies using murine
body of evidence indicating that oxidative and electrophilic hepatocytes conrmed that Nrf2 attenuates G-6-P expression
stress can actually augment, and may even be necessary for, in these cells, despite stimulation of gluconeogenesis using a
insulin release [50, 51]. The role of the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE cAMP analog. In addition to its inhibitory eect on G-6-P,
pathway in insulin secretion is similarly controversial. While Nrf2 was shown to decrease expression of other genes related
insulin content and secretion are decreased in the pancreatic to gluconeogenesis, as well as augment insulin sensitivity in
islets of Nrf2 knockout mice and upregulation of Nrf2 an insulin tolerance test. A more recent study in a murine
appears to improve the insulin-releasing potential of -cells model suggests that increased Nrf2 signaling may also
[44, 52, 53], Nrf2 deciency has also been associated with improve insulin resistance via suppression of oxidative stress
Journal of Diabetes Research 5

Table 1: Nrf2/Keap1/ARE and diabetic complications.

Diabetic complication Pathogenesis Nrf2- (or downstream-) mediated eects

(i) Protection from oxLDL transformation of phagocytic
(i) oxLDL formation
cells [77, 78]
(ii) Proinammatory response in (ii) Inhibition of proinammatory response at
endothelial cells atherosusceptible sites [71, 79]
(i) Aberrant cardiac and ECM remodeling (i) Blood pressure regulation [72]
(ii) Insulin resistance of myocytes (ii) Protection of myocardium following ischemia
Heart failure (iii) Impaired regulation of intracellular
(iii) Diminishes ROS and myocardial hypertrophy [99]
(iv) Accumulation of AGE products
(i) Improvement of metabolic indices (e.g., polydipsia and
(i) Renal oxidative and nitrosative stress
polyuria) [110]
Diabetic nephropathy
(ii) Mesangial cell proliferation, inammation, (ii) Reversal in dysfunction of key growth factors and
brosis ECM proteins [111113]
(i) Keap1 overexpression
(ii) Loss of wound redox homeostasis
Wound healing (i) Impairments in angiogenesis and reepithelialization [120]
(iii) Chronic inammatory

in the hypothalamus, a phenomenon that may aect sys- inhibit remodeling in diabetic rats with myocardial infarc-
temic metabolic regulation [59]. Furthermore, obesity is tion, and in vivo and in vitro studies demonstrated that Ho-
associated with an increased risk of developing insulin 1 overexpression attenuated angiotensin II-mediated cardiac
resistance and TIIDM, and murine studies have likewise hypertrophy in these mice [74]. Studies in streptozotocin-
shown that Nrf2 induction can suppress weight gain and induced diabetic mice suggest that these eects are due to
increase skeletal muscle oxygen consumption, mitochondrial reductions in oxidative stress, inammation, and apoptosis
redox homeostasis, and ATP production, as well as augment [75]. Therefore, the likely link among ROS and the Nrf2/
cellular glucose uptake [44, 60, 61]. Keap1/ARE pathway to the plethora of CVD-related compli-
cations that aict diabetic patients has emerged as a subject
of intense investigation.
6. Diabetic Complications (Table 1)
6.2. Atherosclerosis. Nrf2 has been implicated in a variety of
6.1. Cardiovascular Disease. The absolute risk of cardiovascu- processes intrinsic to the formation of atherosclerotic plaque.
lar disease (CVD) is 2-fold greater in patients with TIIDM As an indispensable component of the antioxidant response
versus those without, and at least 65% of people with DM within macrophages [76], Nrf2 protects these phagocytic
die of heart disease or stroke [3, 62]. Given this close link cells from oxidized low-density lipoproteins (oxLDL) and
between TIIDM and CVD, it is not surprising that oxidative foam cell transformation, fundamental steps in atheroma
stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of many CVD formation [77, 78]. Additionally, Nrf2 appears to inhibit the
disorders, including hypertension [63], heart failure (HF) proinammatory response in endothelial cells located at
[64], atherosclerosis [65], and ischemia-reperfusion injury atherosusceptible sites, conferring them a protective advan-
[66]. Free radical-induced endothelial damage is thought to tage in response to diabetic hyperglycemia [71, 79]. The sig-
be the initiating step in CVD [67], and hyperglycemia- nicance of these eects is largely attributed to the
induced ROS in TIIDM exacerbates impairments in angio- downstream activation of the Nrf2 downstream antioxidant
genesis and neovascularization through means such as enzyme HO-1, which has been independently found to play
disruption of endothelial progenitor cell function and vascu- a signicant defensive role against atherosclerosis [80]. How-
lar homeostasis [68, 69]. The importance of Nrf2 and its ever, there are also studies suggesting that Nrf2 can promote
downstream elements to vascular integrity has also become atheroma formation, possibly due to interactions with a vari-
increasingly apparent, and studies have illuminated their role ety of well-described proatherogenic factors such as vascular
in functions such as augmentation of blood vessel branching cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) and interleukin-1 (IL-1)
[70], preservation of endothelial cell function [71], blood [8183]. For instance, overexpression of Ho-1 was found to
pressure regulation [72], and protection of the myocardium be associated with worsening coronary atherosclerosis in an
following ischemia [73, 74]. In particular, evidence of Ho-1, autopsy study of Japanese patients with diabetes mellitus
the Nrf2 downstream enzyme that catalyzes the degradation [84]. This seeming contradiction might be explained by a dif-
of heme into biliverdin, ferrous iron, and carbon monoxide, ferential response of Nrf2 to laminar versus oscillatory blood
as an important mediator against vascular dysfunction in ow, as atheroma formation is not uniform throughout the
diabetes has recently emerged. Upregulation of Ho-1 levels vascular system but rather disposed to bifurcation and
was shown to improve left ventricular ejection fraction and branch points [85]. Regardless, mounting evidence of the
6 Journal of Diabetes Research

importance of Nrf2 for vascular integrity and long-term [107]. However, whether this truly reects a cardiomyopathic
endothelial function suggests that the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE path- tendency of Nrf2 or is alternatively the result of other factors,
way is inuential in atherosclerotic resistance and may be a such as an inherently increased rate of cardiovascular events
useful target for protection against coronary artery disease in patients with more severe CKD, remains unknown.
(CAD), peripheral vascular disease, and cerebrovascular dis-
ease in diabetic populations. 6.4. Diabetic Nephropathy. Diabetic nephropathy is a well-
known microvascular complication of chronic hyperglycemia,
6.3. Heart Failure. Not only is there a well-established associ- and both oxidative stress and an impaired response by the
ation between TIIDM and the development of HF, but this Nrf2/Keap1/ARE system have been implicated in its progres-
relationship also persists even in the absence of other risk fac- sion via renal cell apoptosis, brosis, and deciencies in
tors such as CAD or hypertension, suggesting that TIIDM cellular regeneration [11, 108, 109]. In a streptozocin- (STZ-)
may mediate an exclusive form of cardiomyopathy [86]. induced mouse diabetes model, Nrf2 activation with sulfo-
Multiple mechanisms, such as impaired regulation of intra- raphane suppressed nephropathy and signicantly improved
cellular calcium and accumulation of AGE products, have metabolic indices associated with TIIDM, such as hyperglyce-
been suggested to underlie this dysfunction, all of which ulti- mia, polydipsia, polyuria, and weight loss [110]. These benets
mately result in oxidative stress and myocardial toxicity [87]. can be largely attributed to decreases in renal oxidative and
Not surprisingly, ROS and mitochondrial dysfunction are nitrosative stress, which act to reverse dysfunction in multiple
increased in the diabetic heart [64]. The resulting cardiac cel- known mediators of diabetic nephropathy such as transform-
lular necrosis and apoptosis impair contractile and electrical ing growth factor beta (TGF-B), ECM proteins such as
function, two contributing features of HF [8890]. In addi- bronectin and collagen IV, and p21, a cell-cycle regulator
tion to causing cellular damage, ROS can modify proteins [111]. Similar ndings with other known activators of the
essential in excitation-contraction coupling [91], activate Nrf2/Keap1/ARE pathway, such as resveratrol and MG-132,
hypertrophy-signaling kinases [92], and stimulate cardiac support the therapeutic targeting of this system to ameliorate
extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling [93]. Furthermore, the oxidative damage and glucose-induced mesangial cell pro-
ROS exacerbates insulin resistance of myocytes, a key ele- liferation, inammation, and brosis which underlies diabetic
ment of diabetes-induced cardiac dysfunction [94]. nephropathy [112, 113]. In humans, decreased levels of
Evidence that aberrant cardiac remodeling is attenuated by Nrf2 and expression of target genes in the peripheral
a variety of Nrf2 target genes such as SOD [95], HO-1 [96] and blood of patients with CKD further support the contribu-
glutathione peroxidase (GPx) [97] has motivated investigation tion of an impaired Nrf2 antioxidant signaling pathway to
into a possible protective role of the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE pathway systemic oxidative overload and inammation in diabetic
against cardiomyopathy in DM. In murine models of HF and nephropathy [114].
TIIDM, oxidative stress attenuates the expression of Nrf2 in
cardiomyocytes and downregulates glucose utilization, 6.5. Wound Healing. Impaired wound healing is a well-known
resulting in insulin resistance [98]. Furthermore, Nrf2 overex- and devastating complication of TIIDM and represents the
pression diminishes ROS and myocardial hypertrophy, an leading cause of chronic wounds and lower extremity amputa-
eect that was facilitated by extracellular signal-related kinase tions in the US [115]. However, despite adherence to tight
(Erk), which normally acts to activate Nrf2 during oxidative control of blood glucose levels and advances in synthetic and
stress [99]. It has therefore may be that Erk-mediated Nrf2 biologic healing modalities, chronic wounds persist in diabetic
downregulation may underlie individual susceptibilities to patients, suggesting a more fundamental pathology in the dia-
CVD-related diabetic complications. betic regenerative milieu [116]. As in other diabetic complica-
A number of studies utilizing pharmacologic Nrf2 tions, oxidative stress is important for the development of
activators have implicated the antioxidant properties of the chronic wounds, and AGE in the diabetic wound microenvi-
Nrf2/Keap1/ARE pathway in cardioprotection [100, 101]. ronment appear to impair wound contraction and remodel-
Consequently, there is a great deal of interest in therapeuti- ing, the inammatory response, and ECM proliferation.
cally targeting this pathway as a means of preventing or [117] Several natural Nrf2 activators have shown a promise
reversing pathological cardiac remodeling [102] or delaying in treating diabetic wounds, and early induction of the Nrf2
ventricular failure, the hemodynamic hallmark of HF in pathway through the rhomboid family protein RHBDF2 accel-
TIIDM [103, 104]. However, chronic overactivation of the erated cutaneous wound healing in mice [118, 119]. Interest-
Nrf2/Keap1/ARE signaling pathway may actually contribute ingly, recent work in tissue regeneration models has
to cardiomyopathy, which undermines the encouraging demonstrated that hyperglycemia in diabetes is associated
results of acute Nrf2 induction [105]. A long-term phase III with Keap1 dysfunction, which prevents nuclear localization
clinical study in TIID patients with stage 4 chronic kidney of Nrf2 and thus is an appropriate stress response [120]. Utiliz-
disease (CKD) (BEACON trial) was terminated early due to ing a cutaneous gene therapy model, these studies showed that
a higher rate of cardiovascular events in the treatment group small-interfering RNA (siRNA) targeted at Keap1 restored
[106]. It is unclear as to why these adverse events were wound redox homeostasis, accelerated healing, and counter-
observed in this study and not in an earlier clinical trial in acted impairments in angiogenesis and reepithelialization,
patients with stage 3 CKD (BEAM trial), but possibilities two critical functions of wound healing disrupted in diabetes,
include signicantly longer length of drug exposure or the by restoring Nrf2 localization. This seems to support the
use of a 20 mg xed dose as opposed to an adjustable dosage notion that aberrant overexpression of Keap1 and resulting
Journal of Diabetes Research 7

Nrf2 repression is a possible mechanism of the redox homeo- antioxidants have emerged as the new frontier of defense
stasis dysfunction and impaired wound healing in diabetes. against oxidative stress and inammation in TIIDM.
Whether this relationship extends to other aspects of the dis- An array of Nrf2 small molecule activators, both natural
ease, and the relative contribution of Nrf2 to specic wound and synthetic, has been identied and studied extensively
healing functions, remains to be seen. (Table 2).
These include sulforaphane, curcumin, cinnamalde-
hyde, pterostilbene, oltipraz, and resveratrol. Some of the
7. The Nrf2/Keap1/ARE Pathway as a most encouraging candidates fall under the category of
Therapeutic Target synthetic triterpenoids; triterpenoid, 2-cyano-3,12-dioxoo-
leane-,1,9(11)-dien-28-oic acid (CDDO), and its deriva-
Given the broad accountability of oxidative stress for many tives have yielded highly promising results in animal
pathological processes, the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE system has models of heart failure [102], insulin resistance [52], and
emerged as a logical therapeutic target for the prevention or obesity [155]. Bardoxolone methyl (CDDO-Me), one such
treatment of disease. This pathway has been studied most derivative originally developed as an anticancer drug, was
intensively in cancer [19] but also in chronic obstructive pul- incidentally found to exhibit renoprotective eects and
monary disease (COPD) [121], neurodegenerative disorders has made its way into human trials. A phase II clinical
[122], and autoimmune diseases such as inammatory bowel trial (BEAM) in adults with TIIDM and advanced CKD
disease (IBD) [123] and rheumatoid arthritis [124]. A multi- showed signicant improvements in glomerular ltration
tude of clinical trials has also been pursued in order to assess rate (GFR) with only mild side eects such as muscle
the ecacy of targeting or modifying elements of the path- spasms, hypomagnesemia, and gastrointestinal distress
way in order to diminish ROS-induced damage in human [107]. Unfortunately, a subsequent phase III trial (BEA-
disease [125128]. As a critical upstream mediator of the CON) in patients with TIIDM and stage IV CKD was
pathway, Nrf2 induction has formed the basis of most of this terminated early due to serious adverse events [106].
research. There are three primary mechanisms by which cur- In addition to systemic administration, targeted delivery
rent pharmacological activators increase Nrf2 expression systems represent a potential approach to treatment of local-
(Figure 2). These consist of (1) activation of upstream kinases ized diabetes complications. For example, an engineered
such as protein kinase B (Akt) and extracellular signal- lipid-protein system (lipoproteoplex) demonstrated safe
regulated kinases (Erk), which phosphorylate specic sites and ecient delivery of siKeap1 to diabetic wounds and
favoring the release of Nrf2 from Keap1; (2) modication of resulted in accelerated wound healing [156]. Such novel
Keap1 cysteine residues, which disrupts the Nrf2-Keap1 delivery systems could also potentially circumvent the known
complex and favors Nrf2 dissociation; and (3) blockage of toxicities resulting from covalent modications (e.g., alkyl-
ubiquitination and/or proteosomal degradation of Nrf2 ation) of Keap1 cysteine residues that form the basis of
[129]. The end result of all of these mechanisms is Nrf2 sta- function for many reported Nrf2 stabilizers [157]. Therefore,
bilization and subsequent translocation into the nucleus, Nrf2 pathway modulation via direct, noncovalent inhibition
where it can exert its transcriptional eects and commence of Nrf2-Keap1 protein-protein complexes is emphasized in
an antioxidant cascade. Of note, Nrf2 activators have already current research. Additionally, strategies aimed at adjacent
made their way into clinical practice; in 2013, dimethyl fuma- or downstream elements in the Nrf2 pathway have also
rate (BG-12, brand name Tecdera) was approved by the gained traction as an alternative or combinatorial approaches
FDA for the treatment of multiple sclerosis and is thought to treatment. For instance, repression of BTB domain and
to exert its therapeutic eects via augmentation of Nrf2s CNC homolog (Bach1), a nuclear inhibitor of Nrf2, in
downstream cytoprotective, anti-inammatory, and antioxi- combination with traditional Nrf2 activators, has shown
dant properties [130, 131]. These achievements represent a promising results in neurodegenerative disease models for
promise that the Nrf2 pathway can be eectively used in safely increasing the eciency and biological activity of these
other diseases in which oxidative stress plays a major role, agents [158].
such as TIIDM. In addition to the pathogenesis of TIIDM and its major
With regard to TIIDM, knowledge of the pivotal role of complications, treatment of the metabolic alterations in
oxidative stress in the pathogenesis and progression of the TIIDM has also become a focus of intense investigation. Shin
disease originally precipitated investigation into natural anti- et al. found that Nrf2 regulates broblast growth factor 21
oxidants, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and coenzyme Q10, as (FGF21), a key mediator of glucose and lipid metabolism,
logical initial approaches [132134]. However, results of these in mice [159]. This may have implications in guiding treat-
studies have generally been disappointing, and human clinical ment of obesity in TIIDM, which is itself regulated, at least
trials have not shown any benet of organic molecules as in part, by Nrf2 action on lipogenic gene expression and fatty
adjunct therapies in preventing or treating diabetic complica- acid synthesis [156]. Studies have shown that Nrf2/Keap1/
tions [135137]. Therefore, over the past decade, a signicant ARE activators can exert potent reductions in body weight
amount of research, predominantly utilizing high throughput and hepatic fat accumulation in mice with an excellent safety
cell-based screening assays, has been devoted to identifying prole and tolerance, representing potential novel, noninva-
clinically applicable small molecule activators or inducers of sive options for managing obesogenesis in TIIDM [156, 160].
endogenous antioxidant mechanisms, such as the Nrf2/ As we learn more about the protective aspects of the Nrf2
Keap1/ARE pathway [138]. These new mechanism-based pathway, we must also appreciate the potential hazards of
8 Journal of Diabetes Research

Table 2: Small molecule activators of Nrf2 in TIIDM.

Mechanism of Nrf2
Molecule Source Evidence
(i) Pancreatic -cell protection [45]
Natural (cruciferous vegetables
Modication of Keap1 (ii) Prevented cardiac oxidative damage, inammation,
Sulforaphane (SFN) such as broccoli, brussel
cysteine residues and hyperglycemic-induced brosis [139]
sprouts, and cabbage)
(iii) Renal protection in db mice [110]
(i) Reduced number of prediabetic individuals who
Modication of Keap1 progressed to type II DM [140]
Curcumin (CUR) Natural (turmeric)
cysteine residues (ii) Activates liver enzymes involved in glycolysis,
gluconeogenesis, and lipid metabolism [141]
(i) Ecacy in short-term clinical trials in patients with
type II DM and CKD [107]
Synthetic (derivative of Modication of Keap1 (ii) Did not reduce risk of end-stage renal disease
methyl (CDDO-
oleanolic acid) cysteine residues (ESRD) or death from cardiovascular failure in
Me/RTA 402)
patients with DM and stage IV CKD and was
terminated early due to side eects [106]
Synthetic (preservative in Modication of Keap1
Tert-butylhydro- (i) Prevented glucose-induced impairments in diabetic
unsaturated vegetable oils and cysteine residues/activation
quinone (tBHQ) retinopathy [142]
edible animal fats) of upstream kinases
(i) Lowered blood glucose, total cholesterol,
triglycerides, and increased HDL in diabetic
Cinnamic aldehyde Natural (found in bark of Activation of upstream rats and mice [143]
(CA) cinnamon tree) kinases (ii) Prevented development of hypertension in
conditions of insulin resistance [144]
(iii) Improved renal and glomerular function [110]
(i) Reduced blood glucose and HbA1c levels [145]
Natural (polyphenol, found in
Activation of upstream (ii) Restored secretory function of -cells in response to
Resveratrol (RES) the skin of red grapes, peanuts,
kinases toxicity [146]
and berries)
(iii) Renoprotective eects in DM [147]
Magnesium Natural (active polyphenol (i) Suppressed progression of renal injury in diabetic
Activation of upstream rats [148]
lithospermate B acid of Radix Salviae
(MLB) miltiorrhizae herb) (ii) Protection against DM-related atherosclerosis [149]
(i) Renoprotective against DM-induced oxidative
MG132 Synthetic peptide aldehyde Proteosome inhibitor
damage, inammation, and brosis [113]
Pterostilbene Natural (blueberries, grapes) Mechanism unclear (i) Protective against -cell apoptosis [150]
(i) Reduced hepatic glucose production and enhanced
pancreatic function [151, 152]
Natural (avenols, found in Likely activation of (ii) Decreased cytokine-induced -cell damage in vitro
Catechins [153]
red wine, berries, grapes) upstream kinases
(iii) Prevented reduction in islet mass in vivo [154]
(iv) Protected against nephrotoxicity [155]

HDL: high-density lipoprotein; HbA1c: a marker of chronic hyperglycemia.

targeting Nrf2 as a therapeutic means. Accruing evidence 8. Nrf2 as a Potential Biomarker

points to a dark side of Nrf2, which also regulates cell
proliferation [161]. Nrf2 and its downstream genes are over- Although biomarkers as a means of noninvasive disease
expressed in many cancer cell lines and human cancer prediction or prevention have been a topic of intense investi-
tissues, and ove-activation of this pathway appears to gation for many years, very few have made their way into the
contribute to the evolution of cancer and chemoresistance clinical setting, and utility is largely limited to ad hoc corrob-
of cancer cells [162, 163]. Furthermore, mutations in Nrf2 oration of pathologic events, such as myocardial ischemia
and Keap1 have been found in a large percentage of malig- and heart failure. An increasing number of studies have been
nancies [164, 165]. These ndings should not impede our published on biomarkers of oxidative stress in a wide
pursuit of targeting the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE pathway in the array of human disease [166], and AGE [167], nitrotyro-
treatment of diabetes but should rather encourage a cautious sine [168], preoxiredoxin [169], and 8-hydroxy-2-deoxygua-
and vigilant approach. nosine (8-OhdG) [170] levels in the skin, plasma, and urine
Journal of Diabetes Research 9

samples have been investigated for both type I and type II biomarker should catalyze eorts to validate its use in
DM. However, lack of validation for these markers remains the clinical setting. The intertwining roles of Nrf2, oxida-
a major obstacle to clinical utility [171]. The adoption of tive stress, and TIIDM will continue to provoke interest
Nrf2, or elements of the Nrf2/Keap1/ARE pathway, as poten- for a time to come, but it is becoming increasingly clear
tial biomarkers has been proposed for prognostic purposes in that further understanding this intimate relationship has
cancer and neurodegeneration [172, 173]. The pursuit of preventative, prognostic, and therapeutic value in combat-
using the Nrf2 pathway as a biomarker for TIIDM and its ting this devastating disease.
complications remains in its infancy, but existing evidence
suggests that there may indeed be utility in prediabetic and
diabetic patients, and research is likely to accelerate in this
Conflicts of Interest
eld as the medical landscape continues to shift towards a The authors declare that there is no conict of interest
front-end, preventative approach with regard to chronic dis- regarding the publication of this paper.
ease management [31, 174].
9. Conclusion
This work was supported by the American Diabetes Associa-
We have answered many questions regarding the role of the
tion Pathway to Stop Diabetes to Daniel J. Ceradini [Grant
Nrf2/Keap1/ARE pathway and oxidative stress in TIIDM,
no. 1-16-ACE-08].
but more remain before we can capitalize on this relationship
to attain widespread, clinical signicance in humans. For
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