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Moradizadeh Hasan 200309484 MASC ISE Fall2014

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A Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of
Master of Applied Science
in Industrial Systems Engineering
University of Regina

Hasan Moradizadeh
Regina, Saskatchewan
April 2014

Copyright 2014: H. Moradizadeh




Hasan Moradizadeh, candidate for the degree of Master of Applied Science in Industrial
Systems Engineering, has presented a thesis titled, Overall Equipment Effectiveness
and overall Line Efficiency Measurement using Intelligent Systems Techniques, in an
oral examination held on April 14, 2014. The following committee members have found
the thesis acceptable in form and content, and that the candidate demonstrated
satisfactory knowledge of the subject material.

External Examiner: Dr. Robert B. Maguire, Department of Computer Science

Supervisor: Dr. Rene V. Mayorga, Industrial Systems Engineering

Committee Member: Dr. Liming Dai, Industrial Systems Engineering

Committee Member: Dr. Arthur Opseth, Adjunct

Chair of Defense: Dr. Yee-Chung Jin, Environmental Systems Engineering


Increasingly, Intelligent Systems (IS) techniques are being used to solve both

complex problems and problems with uncertainty. They also can implement the

operators knowledge (experience) into the system. This research aims to evaluate the

well-known manufacturing metrics: the Overall Equipment Effectiveness, and Overall

Line Efficiency, using IS techniques.

Existing methodology to measure Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is

based on three main elements consisting availability, performance and quality. This

traditional method of measuring OEE has proven to be effective for batch production

systems, also for production systems with the same weight of losses; however this

method has some flaws. First, each elements weight is not equivalent with other

elements since their losses are different [1]. For instance the quality rate associates with

qualitative losses whereas availability is composed of time collapse. And second, for

some of the continuous production systems such as oil, gas and petrochemical industries,

computational efforts seem to be inefficient for calculating the performance rate due to

lack of single unit of product.

Calculating Overall Line Efficiency (OLE) which is an aggregation of all

machines OEE is also very useful for monitoring trends. However, for a factory with

several manufacturing lines and machines with different levels of importance (weight

factor), a new technique is required to measure the efficiency.

In this thesis in order to enhance the computational method, efficiency and the

option of considering scenarios with uncertain inputs, three methods: measuring OEE

using Mamdani Fuzzy Inference Systems; measuring OEE using Sugeno Fuzzy Inference

Systems; and measuring OLE using Fuzzy Inference Systems and Artificial Neural
Networks are proposed. Additionally, an inverse relationship in Artificial Neural

Networks is being proposed to achieve a certain line efficiency maintaining the

machines OEE.

The proposed methodologies to improve the OEE and OLE weakness are based

on Intelligent Systems techniques such as Fuzzy Inference Systems, and Artificial Neural

Networks. These techniques result in an effective way to measure OEE and OLE

considering different weight of losses and also the difference in machines weight.

Moreover, they allow the operators knowledge to take a part in the measurement using

uncertain input and output with implementation of linguistic terms.

This thesis describes the proposed methodologies in detail, and the functionality

of these methods is tested and the results are thoroughly analyzed.


Foremost, I would like to express my deep appreciation to my supervisor, Dr.

Rene V. Mayorga for his guidance, understanding, patience, and his friendship during

my graduate studies at the University of Regina. I would not have been able to do the

research and achieve learning in the same manner without his help and support.

Furthermore I would also like to thank my family for their unconditional support

and help through my life by giving encouragement and providing the moral and

emotional support I needed to complete this thesis. I thank my parents for their faith in

me and allowing me to be as ambitious as I wanted and thanks to my sisters who were

always supporting me and encouraging me with their best wishes.

My sincere thanks also goes to faculty of graduate studies and research for

providing me scholarship and teaching assistantship opportunities through my master

degree. This was a valuable financial support for my study.

And lastly, to the people who helped me with great ideas and advices, especially

classmates and close friends.


I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my examination committee

members: Dr. Brien Maguire, Dr. Liming Dai, and Dr. Arthur Opseth for their time and

constructive comments.

I would like to thank Dr. Rene V. Mayorga, for his outstanding support and guidance.


ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS......................................................................................................... iii
POST DEFENSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................ iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................................................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ..................................................................... viii

1. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................1

1.1. Research Background ............................................................................................................1
1.2. Objectives ................................................................................................................................3
1.3. Thesis Organization ..............................................................................................................4


EFFICIENCY ..........................................................................................................................5
2.1. Effectiveness, Productivity and Efficiency......................................................................5
2.2. Definition of OEE ..............................................................................................................7
2.3. OEE Factors ......................................................................................................................7
2.3.1. Availability .........................................................................................................................7
2.3.2. Performance ........................................................................................................................7
2.3.3. Quality ................................................................................................................................8
2.4. OEE calculation ................................................................................................................8
2.5. An example of OEE measurement ..................................................................................9
2.6. Losses in industry ............................................................................................................12
2.6.1. Planned vs. Unplanned downtime losses ..........................................................................12
2.7. Six big losses ....................................................................................................................13
2.7.1. Downtime Losses ..............................................................................................................13
2.7.2. Setup And Adjustment ......................................................................................................13
2.7.3. Small Stops .......................................................................................................................14
2.7.4. Reduced Speed ..................................................................................................................15
2.7.5. Startup Rejects ..................................................................................................................15
2.7.6. Production Rejects ............................................................................................................16
2.8. Overall Line Efficiency (OLE) .......................................................................................17
2.9. Summary..........................................................................................................................19
3. CHAPTER 3 LITERATURE REVIEW ..........................................................................20
3.1. Intelligent System Techniques .......................................................................................20
3.2. Fuzzy Logic ......................................................................................................................20
3.3. Fuzzy Sets ........................................................................................................................21
3.4. Fuzzy Rules ......................................................................................................................22
3.5. Fuzzy Inference System ..................................................................................................23
3.6. Fuzzy Modeling ...............................................................................................................27

3.7. Artificial Neural Networks (Ann) ..................................................................................29
3.8. Summary..........................................................................................................................32
4. CHAPTER 4 METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................33
4.1. Approach with Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) .............................................................34
4.1.1. Fuzzy Inference Model .....................................................................................................35
4.2. OEE Measurement Using Mamdani FIS ......................................................................35
4.3. OEE Measurement Using Sugeno FIS ..........................................................................38
4.4. Overall Line Efficiency (OLE) Measurement Using Mamdani FIS ...........................40
4.5. Approach with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) ......................................................43
4.6. OLE Measurement Using Artificial Neural Networks ................................................44
4.7. Inverse Relationship in Artificial Neural Network for OLE Improvement ..............46
4.8. Summary..........................................................................................................................48
5. CHAPTER 5 - EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS .....................................................................49
5.1. Fuzzy Inference Models ..................................................................................................50
5.2. Artificial Neural Networks .............................................................................................51
5.3. OEE and OLE Measurement Experimental Results ...................................................52
5.3.1. OEE Measurement Using Mamdani FIS ..........................................................................53
5.3.2. OEE Measurement Using Sugeno FIS ..............................................................................57
5.3.3. OLE Measurement Using Mamdani FIS ..........................................................................59
5.3.4. OLE Measurement Using Artificial Neural Networks......................................................62
5.3.5. Inverse Relationship to Attain Machines OEE, Given OLE ...........................................63
5.4. Summary..........................................................................................................................65
6. CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION ...........................................................................................66
6.1. Summary Of Results ............................................................................................................67
6.2. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................67
6.3. Recommendation and Future Work ...................................................................................68
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................69
APPENDIX A ...............................................................................................................................71
APPENDIX B ...............................................................................................................................73
APPENDIX C .............................................................................................................................105
APPENDIX D .............................................................................................................................109
APPENDIX E .............................................................................................................................112
APPENDIX F .............................................................................................................................118


Figure 2-1 Effectiveness vs. Efficiency .......................................................................................6

Figure 2-2 Planned/unplanned downtime ..................................................................................12
Figure 2-3 Speed reduction due to small stops ..........................................................................14
Figure 2-4 Quality losses due to startup and shutdown .............................................................15
Figure 2-5 Losses in a manufacturing process ...........................................................................16
Figure 2-6 A manufacturing process with single production line ..............................................17
Figure 2-7 A manufacturing process with different production lines and weight factor ...........18
Figure 3-1 Membership function of distance .............................................................................22
Figure 3-2 A Fuzzy Inference System .......................................................................................23
Figure 3-3 Fuzzy inputs to outputs conversion using if-then rules ............................................24
Figure 3-4 Expected value of different defuzzification methods ...............................................25
Figure 3-5 Mamdani FIS, product and max for T-norm and T-conorm operators .....................26
Figure 3-6 Sugeno FIS using min and weighted average ..........................................................26
Figure 3-7 Figure 3-7- Artificial Neural Networks diagram ......................................................30
Figure 4-1 OEE measurement using Mamdani FIS ...................................................................38
Figure 4-2 Sugeno FIS for OEE measurement ..........................................................................40
Figure 4-3 An assumed production line with 3 machines ..........................................................41
Figure 4-4 OLE Mamdani Fuzzy Model ....................................................................................42
Figure 4-5 An assumed manufacturing line with 3 machines ....................................................45
Figure 4-6 Artificial Neural Network Inverse relationship for OEE & OLE correlation ...........47
Figure 4-7 Artificial Neural Network Inverse relationship with3 inputs and 3 outputs .............47
Figure 5-1 OLE Measurement using ANN ................................................................................51
Figure 5-2 4 presses in an assembly line and their cycle times ..................................................61


Table 2-1 Effectiveness vs. Efficiency ........................................................................................6

Table 2-2 World class OEE and its factors ..................................................................................8
Table 2-3 OEE measurement examples data ............................................................................10
Table 5-1 Experimental Result of Scenario #1 ...........................................................................54
Table 5-2 Experimental result of Scenario #2..............................................................................56
Table 5-3 - Experimental result of Sugeno Intelligent System 1 ...................................................57
Table 5-4 - Experimental result of Sugeno Intelligent System 2 ...................................................58
Table 5-5 - OLE Measurement, Mamdani Intelligent System 1 Experimental Results ................59
Table 5-6- OLE Measurement, Mamdani Intelligent System 2 Experimental Results .................60
Table 5-7 - OLE Measurement, Mamdani Intelligent System 3 Experimental Results ................61
Table 5-8 - Obtained OLE from Mamdani FIS and ANN Compression for different scenarios ..62
Table 5-9 ANN Inverse Relationship to Obtain Machines OEE Experimental Result .............63
Table 5-10 Given OLE* to ANN2 and obtained OLE from ANN1 comparison ........................64


Abbreviations and symbols Description

OEE Overall Equipment Effectiveness

OLE Overall Line Efficiency

IS Intelligent Systems

FIS Fuzzy Inference Systems

FL Fuzzy Logic

MF Membership Function

ANN Artificial Neural Network

ANFIS Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Systems

Brk Breakdown

St & Ad Setup And Adjustment

Sml St Small Stops

Red Sp Reduced Speed

St Rej Startup Reject

Pr Rej Production/Process Reject

MFP Membership Function Parameters


1.1. Research Background

In the existing intense competitive economic condition at the global level,

manufacturing plants should reduce their manufacturing costs as well as maintain the

quality of their products and their efficiency [2]. Failing to do that, a manufacturing plant

may run up against various problems such as low profit.

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is implemented to optimize the manufacturing

equipment effectiveness and improve their reliability as a result of eliminating six major

losses in industry [3]. These losses include breakdown, adjustment losses, idle times and

small stops, start up and yield, and defect and rework. Overall Equipment Effectiveness

(OEE) is a quantitative metric that has been increasingly used in industry not only for

controlling and monitoring the productivity of production equipment but also as an

indicator and driver of process and performance improvements [4].

Recent studies have been done to yield an improvement on OEE measurement by

resolving its weaknesses [1]. This can prevent a wrong decision being made by providing

more accurate information.

Nowadays Intelligent Systems techniques are being widely used to deal with

engineering problems. A combination of non-conventional and traditional methods

seems to be the answer which can resolve the weaknesses of existing methodologies.

Moreover, using these non-conventional techniques it will be possible to process the

uncertain and inaccurate data as well as taking advantage of user experience (knowledge

into the system). Various non-conventional IS techniques such as Artificial Neural

Networks (ANN), Fuzzy Logic (FL), Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS), and Adaptive

Neuro Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) [5] are employed in the proposed methodology

in this thesis to help make an improvement in OEE and OFE measurements.

In order to show how the aforementioned IS techniques might enhance the Total

Productive Maintenances key measurement tools, the new proposed methodology

should be explained and results should be evaluated. This thesis aims to fully understand

all factors that are involved in Overall Equipment Effectiveness, and Overall Line

Efficiency measurement and to apply the IS techniques as a new approach to enhance the

calculation by improving weakness and processing inaccurate data.

To do so, two FIS methods are proposed here for OEE measurement improvement.

Also one FIS and one ANN method are implemented to measure the OLE. Additionally,

the Inverse Relationship of OEE and OLE is evaluated to insure the manufacturing plant

reaches its target for efficiency.

Applying these IS techniques; the following benefits can be expected:

a) Flexibility and capability of proposed IS techniques to deal with intuitive user

knowledge can be demonstrated.

b) Improvement on OEE measurement in manufacturing plants with different

availability, performance and quality weight factor can be illustrated.

c) Capability of these IS techniques in OLE measurement in manufacturing plant

with several manufacturing lines and different weighted machine can be


d) Amount of work is reduced by creating a convenient user interface and translating

information into common input/output language.

1.2. Objectives

Taking into account all aforementioned aspects, a new approach is desirable to

enhance the existing methodologies of OEE and OLE measurement. To do so, this

research is intended to reach the following objectives:

1) Implementation of non-conventional IS techniques in two important key

performance indicators, OEE and OLE. Discussing various methodologies

such as weighted approach to enhance the OEE measurement, moreover finding

an effective solution to deal with performance rate calculation in continuous

production systems is being proposed. Additionally the obtained results to

evaluate the proposed methodologies in term of effectiveness are being analyzed.

2) Processing the vague and uncertain data. Aforementioned IS techniques have

been implemented to take advantage of operator knowledge/experience in OEE

and OLE measurement. Also based on different inputs can be defined for

different production processes.

1.3.Thesis organization:

The next chapter is devoted to the definition of Total Productive Maintenance and its

key performance indicator, OEE, to provide a better understanding of the existing

methodology weaknesses and importance of finding a solution for these problems. The

chapter is divided to two main parts:

In the first section, the OEE definition, conventional method of OEE measurement,

and also losses that are involved in equipment effectiveness reduction are explained. The

second part is devoted to the Overall Line Efficiency, its definition, and also its

calculation method.

Chapter 3 focuses on a literature review and several IS techniques such as FIS and

ANN which are implemented throughout this thesis. Next, the Chapter 4 is devoted to

explaining the proposed non-conventional IS techniques in this thesis to enhance the

OEE and OLE measurement in detail.

Afterward, Chapter 5 contains the implementation of aforementioned techniques in

Matlab software as a procedure to prove the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.

Also in this chapter different scenarios for different manufacturing plants are proposed in

detail to illustrate the effectiveness of non-conventional IS techniques. This Chapter

concentrates on analyzing results and comparing new methodologies in different


A Summary and Conclusion is included in the last Chapter as well as

recommendations for future studies.



2.1. Effectiveness, productivity and Efficiency

Effectiveness, Productivity, and Efficiency are repetitively used when it comes to

OEE and OLE measurements; therefore it is helpful to start with defining these terms. In

a manufacturing process outputs are produced by transformation of inputs [6]. For

example in a press shop, steel (input) is processed and transformed into a bended metal

part. Beside raw material, energy and labor could be inputs of this process.

Productivity of a process is described as the portion of actual output divided by actual

input of that process [6].

Efficiency in general refers to the extent which an outcome is produced with

lowest amount of waste of time, expense, and unnecessary effort. In other words,

efficiency is performing a task in the best possible manner with a minimum of waste and

effort. The terms efficient and effective are being confused and misused with each other

in business and industry occasionally. An easy way to distinguish between efficient and

effective is this sentence: being effective is doing the right things while being efficient

is doing things right [6]. Figure 2-1 compares efficiency with effectiveness.

Doing the right things Doing the right things right

Doing things Doing things right


low high

Figure 2-1Effectiveness vs. Efficiency [7].

Table below illustrate the difference between mentioned terms.

Effectiveness Efficiency
Focuses on desired results Focuses on doing works in a
correct manner
End of task most important Resource to do a task is most
Anticipates changes Reacts to changes

Motivated toward growth Comfortable with keeping things

the way they are
Seeks success seeks to avoid failure

Table 2-1 - Effectiveness vs. Efficiency [8].

2.2. Definition of OEE:

Overall Equipment Effectiveness is a key performance indicator that can be

implemented to benchmark, analyze and improve a production process by measuring

inefficiencies and groups them in different categories [9]. In other words, OEE is total

utilization of time, material and facilities in a manufacturing process, [10].

2.3. OEE Factors

Overall equipment effectiveness is a calculation of the three following metrics:

2.3.1. Availability:

Availability is the ratio of actual production time that a machine is working

divided by the time the machine is available. Note that another methodology for

calculating availability could be shown as follows:

2.3.2. Performance:

Performance of a machine is the percentage of total number of parts on that

machine to its production rate. In simple words, performance measures the ratio of actual

operating speed of the equipment and the ideal speed [11]

Please note that ideal cycle time of a machine is the minimum cycle that can be

achieved in optimal conditions. It is also known as design cycle time.

2.3.3. Quality:

To gain insight into the quality aspect of a production process the quality portion

of OEE is defined. The Quality metric represents good (acceptable) units produced by

machine divided by the total units produced by that machine in the production time.

2.4. OEE calculation

OEE takes into account contributing factors and is calculated as follows:

Since all three factors involved in OEE calculation have a value between 0 and 1,

OEE itself varies between 0 and 100 per cent which makes OEE a severe test. For

example, if all three aforementioned factors are 90 percent, OEE would be 72.9%, [6].

Nakajima (1988) suggested the ideal values of OEE factors and corresponding OEE as

follows [12].

OEE factor Ideal Values

Availability 90%
Performance 95%
Quality 99%
OEE 85%

Table 2-2World class OEE and its factors [12].

It is necessary to mention that other calculations are being used to calculate

availability, performance and quality. Some are mentioned here:

As it can be seen OEE factors are different in every manufacturing plant. World

class manufacturing with an active six sigma methodology may even reach a higher

quality rate. However, a worldwide average OEE rate in a production plant is 60%. [10]

2.5. An example of OEE measurement

A hypothetical manufacturing plant is assumed to have a shift length of 8.5 hours.

There are two short breaks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon and duration of

each of these short breaks is 15 minutes. Also, there is meal break at noon for 30

minutes. The company encountered a downtime due to the machine breakdown for 52

minutes and the ideal cycle time of product is 5 seconds. At the end of the shift 4000

pieces are produced whereas 96 pieces are rejected due to quality non-conformities. The

following table is a summarization of production data to be used for OEE calculation.

Item Data

Shift length 8.5 hours / 510 minutes

Short breaks 2 x 15 minutes

Meal break 30 minutes

Downtime 52 minutes

Cycle time 5 seconds

Total pieces 4000

Rejected pieces 96

Table 2-3 OEE measurement examples data.

Planned production time = shift length breaks



Running time = planned production time downtime

=450 52

= 398 min

Run rate = time /produced pieces


=12 pieces per minute

Good pieces =total pieces rejected pieces



Availability =running time/planned production time



Performance =total pieces/operation time/ideal run time rate

=4000/ (398/12)


Quality =good pieces/total pieces



OEE =Availability x Performance x Quality

=0.884 *0. 837 * 0.976


2.6. Losses in industry

The main goal behind OEE is to minimize and/or eliminate the inefficiency

causes in a manufacturing process. Normally, losses are considered as basic knowledge

for discussing OEE. Different categorizations of losses are explained next.

2.6.1. Planned vs. Unplanned downtime losses

Ericsson and Dahln (1993) has divided the downtime in two groups, planned

stop and unplanned stop [13]. As mentioned, OEE concerns inefficiencies within planned

production time. Although planned downtime losses are considered as inefficiencies in

a manufacturing environment, the OEE is not affected by those losses.

The following events can be categorized as planned downtime

Authorized pauses

Not working days/weekends

Trainings/meetings during working hours

Scheduled downtime for product changes

Preventive maintenance/overall

Equipment modification

The figure below shows planned and unplanned downtime losses in a production time

Theoretical production time

Planned production time
down time
Unplanned down
Running time

Figure 2-2 Planned/unplanned downtime [6].

2.7. Six Big Losses

The most common inefficiency causes in industry are those called six big losses. These

losses can be categorized in downtime losses, speed losses, and quality losses.

To find a way to monitor and improve a manufacturing process, six big losses are

addressed as follows.

2.7.1. Downtime losses

As previously mentioned, downtime is categorized as planned and unplanned

downtime, and eliminating unplanned downtime is a key to OEE improvement. In fact

downtime is the most important factor for equipment effectiveness improvement since

other metrics cannot be addressed if the manufacturing process is down. Tooling failures,

unplanned maintenance, equipment breakdowns are some examples of downtime losses.

2.7.2. Setup and Adjustment

Setup and adjustment losses occur when production of one item ends to produce item

equipment is adjusted [11].This is often a set of adjustments to machines and/or

equipment in order to produce a product that meets the standard requirements. Setup time

should be tracked in order to reduce this loss. Some programs such as Single Minute

Exchange of Die (SMED) are being used in industry to reduce this loss.

Warm up time and changeovers can be represented as setup and adjustment losses in

a manufacturing process.

2.7.3. Small Stops

These stoppages occur when the machine stops due to a temporary problem such as

an activated sensor that shuts the machine down automatically. These minor stoppages

are usually less than 10 minutes and can be dealt with by the operator and generally there

is no need to call a maintenance team. These losses stand for 20-30 per cent of OEE in

most automated lines [14].

Component jams, sensor blocked and delivery blocked are categorized as small

stop losses. Inefficiencies due to small stops are shown in the following figure.

Figure 2-3 Speed reduction due to small stops, [6].

2.7.4. Reduced Speed

Knowing the ideal cycle time of a machine and comparing it with the actual cycle

time, it will be possible to monitor low running or reduced speed losses. Machines may

run at the speed less than the ideal run rate for various reasons. Training level of

operators, worn equipment can be categorized as the aforementioned reasons.

2.7.5. Startup Rejects

Startup losses occur in the initial start of a machine up to the stabilization of its

products quality. A root cause analysis can be done to pinpoint the potential causes of

rejects and to prevent similar losses from occurring in the future. It is necessary to note

that reworks, scraps and incorrect assembly, all are considered as rejects in the

production processes.

Figure 2-4 Quality losses due to startup and shutdown [6]

2.7.6. Production Rejects

This quality loss occurs in a steady-state production and is not attributed to start up.

Often a six-sigma program where the goal is to achieve zero defects is used to reduce

production reject losses while focusing on identifying and removing causes of rejects.

Damage, scraps, and reworks, are some examples of production reject losses.

The following figure illustrates different types of losses in a production process.

Theoretical production time

Avalable production time
Down time
Gross operating time Availabality
Net operating time Performance
Valuable operating time Quality

Figure 2-5 Losses in a manufacturing process, [6].

Significant improvement can be achieved within a short period by eliminating these

six losses in industry as a result of enhanced maintenance activities and equipment

management [15].

2.8. Overall Line Efficiency (OLE)

In a situation where a manufacturing line consists of unbalanced/decoupled

machines OEE alone is not sufficient [16]. Also OEE is measured for an isolated

individual equipment and controlling a single tool does not seem to be effective [17].

Overall Line Efficiency is a new concept in industry that shows how well a

manufacturing line is running compared to how well it could be running. This metric

evaluates the line performance in the production phase. Utilization of assets (in other

words OEE) is the most important metric for measuring Overall Line Efficiency.

However utilization of human resources needs to be covered.

For a manufacturing plant consists of a single production line and machines with

the same levels of importance (weight factor), OLE could be measured as an average of

all machines OEE. However in most manufacturing plants various production lines such

as paint shop, assembly, weld, and fabrication with different weights are running. As an

example of OLE calculation and its complexity the following is explained: Two factories

are operating, one with a single production line with 3 machines as shown below:


Cycle time : 10 sec Cycle time : 10 sec Cycle time : 10 sec

OEE :81 % OEE : 72 % OEE : 84 %

Figure 2-6 A manufacturing process with single production line.

As can be seen in the figure, all machines have the same cycle time and therefore

the same weight in production. In this case OLE can be measured as the average of OEEs

as follows:

The second factory has a more complex process with three manufacturing lines

and different weight of machines in each line. The figure below shows the process and

cycle time of each machine:

Figure 2-7 A manufacturing process with different production lines and weight factors.

Since manufacturing lines of this factory are not balanced and bottle neck exists

in each line, OLE calculation is more complex.

2.9. Summary

In this Chapter, the traditional heuristic methods of OEE and OLE measurements,

as well as six big losses in industry have been explained. Moreover, the overall

weighting of equipment effectiveness is explained as a more accurate approach to OEE

measurement; however this method is not as quick as the user would expect. In addition,

in many cases the user may encounter uncertain data as inputs. For instance in some

cases cycle time, and therefore run rate, cannot be calculated.

These reasons led to IS techniques which are proposed here as a more efficient

method rather than the traditional heuristic method of OEE measurement. Also IS

techniques are used to measure the Overall Factory Efficiency in complex cases.

Chapter 3 is dedicated to a brief literature review on Fuzzy Inference System, and

Artificial Neural Networks, and their functionality.


This Chapter aims to explain some Intelligent Systems (IS) techniques that are

implemented in the proposed methodologies. Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS), and

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), are two IS techniques that are used in this research.

The following sections provide a brief explanation of these IS techniques that is extracted

from Neuro Fuzzy and Soft Computing [5].

3.1. Intelligent System Techniques

Knowledge, techniques, and methodologies, are combined in Intelligent Systems

to deal with complex real world problems [5]. It is advantageous to use various IS

techniques such as Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Networks in a variety of problems.

Several of these IS techniques such as Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy Inference Systems and

Artificial Neural Networks are briefly explained below:

3.2. Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy Logic is being widely used in modeling to manipulate information and also

in a diversity of real world problems [18], [5]. Transferring user language and/or

experience into a numerical value and providing satisfactory results based on imprecise

or uncertain data are some of the Fuzzy Logics advantageous characteristics, [18]. It

concentrates on solving a problem based on if-then judgments rather than trying to model

a system automatically, [5].

3.3. Fuzzy Sets

Introduced by Zadeh [18] in 1965, a fuzzy set is a class of objects with

continuum of grades of membership which maps each member of the set to a

membership degree (truth value) from zero to one. Mathematically expressed If is a

collection of objects denoted generically by , then a fuzzy set A in is defined as a set

of ordered pairs:

* ( )| }

Where ( ) is called the membership function (MF) for the fuzzy set A, [5].

An example of a Fuzzy Set is as below:

Assume that a family is planning a trip by their own car and since the time is

limited, this family tends to choose a closer destination. Close can be represented as a

Fuzzy Set on a universe of distance and the following can be considered:

Below 500 km, distance considered close and distance difference is not a factor of

decision making.

Between 500 km to 1000 km, family tends to choose a closer destination.

Between 1000 km to 1500 km, variation in distance makes a huge difference

between close and far destinations.

Above 1500 km, family will not consider this option as its destination.

Considering the aforementioned explanation membership function of distance is shown

as follows:


500 1000 1500 Distance (KM)

Figure 3-1 - Membership function of distance.

3.4. Fuzzy Rules

A fuzzy if-then rule (also known as fuzzy rule, fuzzy implication or fuzzy conditional

statement), assumes the form

If X is A then Y is B

Where A, B are linguistic values defined by fuzzy sets on universe of discourse X and Y

respectively. Often X is A is called antecedent or premise, while Y is B is called the

consequence or conclusion., [5].

If-then rule examples are widespread in our daily life such as the following:

If the road is foggy, then reduce the speed.

3.5. Fuzzy Inference System

A Fuzzy Inference System consists of three components: the fuzzier that converts

inputs to linguistic terms using the membership function; the inference engine that uses

if-then rules to convert fuzzy inputs to output(s); and the defuzzifier that extracts the

inference engines fuzzy output to crisp outputs that best represent a Fuzzy Set. With

the crisp input and outputs, a fuzzy inference system implements a nonlinear mapping

from its input space to its output space. [5].

The figure below represents a Fuzzy Inference System:

Figure 3-2 - A Fuzzy Inference System.

Figure 3-3 Fuzzy inputs to outputs conversion using if-then rules, [5].

According to literature, Neuro fuzzy and soft computing [5], there are three main Fuzzy

Inference Systems as follows:

Mamdani Fuzzy Inference Systems

Sugeno Fuzzy Inference Systems

Tsukamoto Fuzzy Inference Systems

As mentioned, a defuzzification method is used to convert the fuzzy output to a crisp

output especially when a FIS is used as a controller. Five most common defuzzification

methods and their calculation of expected value are as follows, [5]:

Smallest of Max

Largest of Max

Mean of Max

Centroid of Area

( )
( )

Bisector of Area.

( ) ( )

The next figure shows the result for each defuzzification method.

Figure 3-4 Expected value of different defuzzification methods, [5].

The next figures, from Neuro fuzzy and soft computing, [5], show the Mamdani

FIS using product (multiplication) and max for T-norm and T-conorm operators, and also

Sugeno FIS using min and weighed average.

Figure 3-5- Mamdani FIS, product and max for T-norm and T-conorm operators, [5].

Figure 3-6 - Sugeno FIS using min and weighted average, [5].

Please note that Tsukamoto FIS is mainly used in control problems where an

estimation of output exists. Hence this system is not applicable to the proposed

methodology for the OEE and OLE measurements and is not explained here.

3.6. Fuzzy Modeling

Generally speaking, an FIS is designed based on previous experience/behavior of

a target system and it is expected for the FIS to reproduce that behavior.

The process of constructing a Fuzzy Inference System, which is called Fuzzy Modeling,

offers the following advantages.

Human knowledge is incorporated into the modeling process using the rule

structure of a FIS.

Mathematical techniques also can be implemented for Fuzzy Modeling as in other

mathematical modeling methods.

Fuzzy modeling process can be performed in two stages: surface structure, and deep

structure; and each stage consists of the following tasks:

1. Surface structure

1.1.Selecting related inputs and outputs.

1.2.Choosing type of FIS.

1.3.Determining the order of consequent equation for Sugeno FIS and number of

linguistic terms associated with inputs and outputs.

1.4.Designing if-then rules.

2. Deep structure

2.1.Choosing suitable membership function (s).

2.2.Applying human experts to specify the membership functions parameters.

2.3.Refine the parameters using an optimization process, if necessary.[5]

Although the accuracy of a FIS can be tested by comparing the output of FIS and

the desired value of the potential answer; mathematical optimization methods can be

implemented off line to improve the accuracy of Fuzzy Inference Systems. For example,

lets assume a Fuzzy Inference System with three inputs( ), and two

outputs( ). Then, the outputs can be expressed as a function the inputs and of the

Membership Functions (MF) parameters of the Fuzzy Inference System. That is,

( ) ( )

In order to properly tune the FIS MF Parameters; it may be convenient to optimize

offline using a nonlinear optimization technique the following function;

( ) ( ) ( )

Where ( ) ; is a desired/estimated output

And ( ) represent a performance criterion, [19], on the FIS.

In the case that is not available; then, ( ) , and

( ) reduces to ( ). The optimization process may be done

several times for a series of different values of ( ). The result of the offline

optimization process will lead to a fine tuned FIS.

3.7. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)

ANN is a network structure consisting of number of nodes connected through

directional links. Each node represents a process unit, and the link between notes specify

the casual relationship the connected nodes. All or parts of the nodes are adaptive, which

means the output of these nodes depend on the modifiable parameters pertaining to these

nodes [5] these parameters should be updated in order to minimize the measured error.

This error is a mathematical expression that measures the discrepancy between

the networks actual output and a desired output.[5] Also each node in an adaptive

network performs a static mapping from its input(s) to output.[5].

It is necessary note that functions of nodes can be varied due to facilitation of the

learning algorithm. In particular, if we use the gradient vector in a simple steepest

decent method, the resulting learning paradigm is often referred to as the

backpropogation learning rule.[5]

Figure 3-7 illustrates consistency of an artificial neural network:

A set of links, describing the neuron inputs, with weights: W1, W2 Wm

A function for computing the weighted sum of the inputs as follows :

A function for limiting the widespread outputs on the neurons: ( )

here b represents the bias

Figure 3-7- Artificial Neural Networks diagram

The bias is an external parameter of the neuron. It can be modeled by adding an extra

input and has the effect of applying an alternation to u.

One of the proposed methodologies to measure OLE is to implement Artificial

Neural Networks. A computer language, here the Matlab Neural Network Toolbox [20],

is used to measure the line efficiency given the effectiveness of machine as inputs.

The following steps describe the process of Artificial Neural Networks to reach the


a) Network design

Architecture of the ANN including the number of layers, number of nodes per

layer and structure of each node is determined in this step. Also the Learning

rules are selecting in this phase.

b) Network training

In this step, objectives are established to achieve the accuracy of new results.

Moreover, the network is validated through a separate test set and also the

maximum error rate is determined.

c) Data preparation

The quality of data has a severe impact on accuracy of result; so it is fair to say

this step is the most important one during the process. Cleaning data such as

removing exceptions and eliminating incomplete sets of data is also involved in

data preparation.

d) Post-training analysis

Visualization of the model through charts and graphical interfaces and sensitivity

analyses of inputs are counted as post-training analysis.

3.8. Summary:

Main purpose of explaining some of the IS techniques and their advantage is to

draw a picture of how aforementioned methodologies in this chapter are implemented to

measure the overall equipment effectiveness and overall line efficiency more accurately

The next chapter present implementation of mentioned IS techniques and their capability

of problem solving in OEE and OLE measurement.


This Chapter presents three new methodologies for OEE measurement, and two

novel methods for OLE calculation based on IS techniques as proposed. Moreover, an

inverse relationship procedure using ANNs is implemented to specify the reduction of

losses to maintain a certain level of efficiency in a manufacturing plant. The IS

techniques proposed here have several advantages over traditional methods of OEE and

OLE calculation. Some benefits of implementing these IS techniques for OEE calculation

are mentioned below:

First, measurement can be done for all manufacturing plants in different

industries regardless of production process.

Different weight factors can be allocated to OEE factors involved in the

measurement depending on the process. For instance in aerospace or medical

equipment industry, quality may play a more important role in equipment

effectiveness measurement rather than the availability of equipment; therefore, a

higher weight can be allocated to quality factors of OEE.

Also implementing IS techniques to measure the Overall Line Efficiency offers several


OLE can be measured for factories with a variety of production lines and

machines with various weight factors.

Efficiency can be maintained at a certain level when addressing the proper loss


4.1. Approach with Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS)

As it has been already mentioned, some of the new proposed methodologies for

OEE and OLE measurement are based on Fuzzy Logic. A computer language and/or an

interface, here the Matlab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox, is normally used to simulate a variety of

situations, and to consider parameters such as various inputs and outputs. It is important

to note that although in this thesis Matlab and its Fuzzy Toolbox as a computer language

and are used, other computer platform/interface such as fuzzyTECH can be implemented

for the proposed Fuzzy Inference System.

In order to achieve optimum results the following steps are proposed to describe

the Fuzzy Inference Systems process:

(a) Objective Definition: Specific goals can be defined to be reached after the

completion of the process. In this case, accurate OEE and OLE measurement

are the objectives.

(b) Environment observation: Observing the process and considering all inputs

and outputs, the weight factor of each parameter as well as choosing proper

membership functions are categorized in this step. For instance, in the OEE

measurement using FIS, considering quality losses with a higher weight or

adding energy consumption as another input can be achieved through

observation of environment.

(c) Setting rules: If-then rules must represent the interaction of inputs and

outputs in the real life system and are set by a system expert. Setting rules that

do not represent the system is a potential cause of inaccurate results.

(d) Proper FIS selection: Based on the process and objectives, different Fuzzy

Inference Systems such as Mamdani, Sugeno are being used to represent a

system more accurately.

(e) Performing actions: Once a Fuzzy Inference Systems model with inputs,

outputs and rules is defined, results can be obtained to specify the objectives.

4.1.1. Fuzzy Inference Model

The new proposed methodology presents a Mamdani Fuzzy Inference Model and

a Sugeno Fuzzy Inference Model, for the OEE and OLE measurements respectively.

Structures and details of these models such as rules, membership functions and

defuzzification methods are provided in Appendix A.

4.2. OEE Measurement Using Mamdani FIS

The Mamdani FIS is the first method presented in this thesis to measure the OEE

of a machine. In this method, availability, performance, and quality, are calculated based

on their associated losses involved in an equipment effectiveness reduction. Here a Fuzzy

Inference System assigns different qualifiers to the parameters and the Matlab Mamdani

FIS Toolbox is the interface that is used to simulate the process.

In order to complete the OEE measurement, six big losses in industry are

considered as inputs of the system. As mentioned in Chapter 2 of this thesis;

breakdowns, and setup and adjustment are two losses associated with the availability

factor. Small stops and reduced speed cause inefficiency and performance reduction.

Finally startup and process rejects are quality losses that are involved in overall

equipment effectiveness. Given the six losses as inputs, the OEE of the machine is the

single output of Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System.

Inputs of Mamdani FIS and their values are explained in detail as follows:

1. Breakdowns

Breakdowns can get values as [low; average; high], depending on the process. This

loss has one of the biggest impacts on OEE; because if a machine does not operate,

there will not be running time and therefore no other losses can be observed.

2. Setup and Adjustment

Setup and Adjustment is also associated with availability factor in OEE and get

values as [low; average; high]

3. Small Stops

Small stops affects the performance factor and get values of [low; average; high]

depends on the process and operator prospective.

4. Reduced Speed

This input is also related to performance factor and values of [low; average; high] can

be assigned to it.

5. Startup Rejects

This quality loss has one of the following values: [low; average; high]

6. Process Rejects

Depending on the manufacturing process, and the applied quality system; process

rejects can affect the OEE severely. Values of [low; average; high] can be assigned to

this input as well.

Please note that all inputs can get higher range qualifiers in this method. For

instance in the aerospace industry, due to its sensitivity, speed losses may have values

of [low; high] whereas the set [very low; low; average; high; very high] is allocated

to quality losses. Also other inputs such as environmental pollution or energy

consumption can be taken into account for measuring the equipment effectiveness.

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is the only output of the system, given six

big losses (and other potential losses in the production process) and their associated

weight factors. To obtain a more accurate rule setting and therefore more accurate

results, values of [very low; low; average; high; very high] can be assigned to OEE.

Once inputs and output of the system are determined, the next step for the system

to reach its goal is to set antecedent-consequent (if-then) rules. Like determining

inputs and outputs, operator experience/knowledge plays an important role in this

step by applying weight factors to each input into the system. Setting inaccurate rules

has a big negative impact on results. The If-then rules for this Fuzzy Inference

System are provided in Appendix B Section 1.

Mamdani Fuzzy model to measure the OEE is shown in figure below:








Figure 4-1 OEE measurement using Mamdani FIS.

4.3. OEE Measurement Using Sugeno FIS

A typical fuzzy rule which is generated from a given input-output data set in

Sugeno model has the following form:

( )

Given that, Sugeno FIS is implemented to measure OEE in processes that weight factor

of inputs can be described in coefficients of an equation. For instance if all associated

inputs of OEE measurement (six big losses) have the same weight factor OEE can be

presented as follows:

This can be modeled as a first order Sugeno fuzzy model.

In the second case, the quality factor has a severe impact on OEE; so the Sugeno fuzzy

Inference System can be modeled with more concentration on quality losses as follows:

( ) ( )

Since the Sugeno fuzzy model has six big losses as inputs and the OEE as output

of the system, and these parameters have been already considered in the Mamdani FIS in

this Chapter, no further explanation is presented here for each parameter.


1) Breakdowns: [low; average; high]

2) Setup & Adjustments: [low; average; high]

3) Small Stops: [low; average; high]

4) Reduced Speed: [low; average; high]

5) Startup Rejects: [low; average; high]

6) Process Rejects: [low; average; high]


1) OEE: [low; average; high]

As noted before, other inputs may be taken into account in OEE measurement

depending on the process. Environmental effects and energy efficiency are examples of

other potential inputs. Fuzzy if-then rules are available at Appendix B Section 2.

Sugeno Fuzzy Model to measure OEE is shown in figure below:




Defuzzification Methods,
OEE Membership

OEE = f (inputs)



Figure 4-2 Sugeno FIS for OEE measurement.

4.4. Overall Line Efficiency (OLE) Measurement Using Mamdani FIS

Overall Line Efficiency is an important key performance indicator that monitors

how good a manufacturing line is running compared to how good it could be running. As

mentioned earlier in this Chapter, Overall Equipment Effectiveness is one of the most

powerful tools to measure the equipment utilization; so OLE can be calculated, taking

into account each machines OEE in the manufacturing line.

Due to complexity of OLE calculation in a manufacturing line with different

types of machines, different cycle times, and also different weigh factors; Fuzzy

Inference Systems are proposed here to measure the Overall Line Efficiency.

In this method, the effectiveness (OEE) of every single machine in the manufacturing

line is an input into the system, and OLE can be designated as the output of the system.

The inputs and the output of this Mamdani FIS with their qualifiers are presented as


Inputs of Mamdani FIS for OLE calculation:

OEE machine1 = [low; average; high]

OEE machine2 = [low; average; high]

OEE machine3 = [low; average; high]

Output of Mamdani FIS for OLE calculation:

Overall Line Efficiency (OLE) = [very low; low; average; high; very high]

Please note that here the manufacturing line is assumed to have 3 machines and for

different lines consisting various machine with different weight factor, the same method

can be implemented.

Machine Machine Machine

1 2 3

Figure 4-3 An assumed production line with 3 machines.

The operators knowledge of the system can be best applied into the FIS with setting

accurate if-then rules that represent the real life system. The weight factor of each

machine in the manufacturing line can be taken into account in rule setting. For instance,

if we assume that machine 2 is the bottleneck in this process, and its cycle time is

noticeably higher in comparison to machine 1 and machine 3, the following rule can be

set to assure that machine 2 has a bigger impact on this line efficiency.

If OEE Machine2 is low then OLE is low (regardless of OEEMachine1 and OEEMachine3)
OEEMachine1 LOW




Figure 4-4 OLE Mamdani Fuzzy Model

Fuzzy if-then rules are available at Appendix B Section 3.

Similarly, the Sugeno Fuzzy Inference System can be implemented for

calculating the OLE using a first or second order equation that specifies each machines

contribution in the line efficiency.

4.5. Approach with Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)

One of the proposed methodologies to measure OLE is to implement Artificial

Neural Networks. A computer language, here the Matlab Neural Network Toolbox, is

used to measure the line efficiency given the machines effectiveness as input.

The following steps describe the process of Artificial Neural Networks to reach the


e) Network design

Architecture of the ANN including the number of layers, number of nodes per

layer and structure of each node is determined in this step. Also the learning rules

are selected in this phase.

f) Network training

In this step, objectives are established to achieve the accuracy of new results.

Moreover, the network is validated through a separate test set and also the

maximum error rate is determined.

g) Data preparation

The quality of data has a severe impact on accuracy of result; so it is fair to say

this step is the most important one during the process. Cleaning data such as

removing exceptions and eliminating pairs with missing data is also involved in

data preparation.

h) Post-training analysis

Visualization of model through charts and graphical interfaces and sensitivity

analyses of inputs are counted as post-training analysis.

4.6. OLE Measurement Using Artificial Neural Networks

As it has been previously mentioned in Chapter 3, one of the greatest advantages

of ANNs is their ability to learn which is perceived from observed data in a function

approximation mechanism.

Since Overall Line Efficiency measurement can be very complex for different

manufacturing processes where traditional methods and calculations are not able to

achieve accurate results, it can be measured with Artificial Neural Networks. However it

is necessary to notice that ANNs can perform the measurement only if previous data exist

from other IS techniques, in other words results cannot be achieved before training the

Artificial Neural Networks using existing data.

In this method, after training the network using a set of machines OEE (inputs)

and the OLE (output), a new set of inputs can be given to the trained Artificial Neural

Networks and corresponding OLE is extracted as its output.

Inputs and corresponding output of the neural network are presented as below:

Input 1 : * +

Input 2 : * +

Input 3 : * +

Corresponding output: * +

Note that in the assumed production line there are three machines with different weight

factors. Figure below shows the input and output of the neural network:

OEEMachine1 OEEMachine2 OEEMachine3


Figure 4-5 An assumed manufacturing line with 3 machines.

Having obtained inputs and output from the Fuzzy Inference System, the

architecture of the network is established with a number of layers and number of nodes in

each layer, also the maximum error is defined and ANN1 is trained. After training the

ANN1, new data (each machines OEE) are given to the system and new output (OLE)

results. The next step is to validate and test the data with a separate set of inputs and


Matlab Neural Network codes and initial data obtained from Fuzzy Inference

Systems including inputs (OEEs) and corresponding output (OLE) are provided in

Section 1 Appendix C.

4.7. Inverse Relationship in Artificial Neural Network for OLE Improvement

Companies and manufacturers use different methodologies such as Strengths,

Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats matrix (SWOT) to determine objectives and

allocate their resources to achieve those objectives at a certain period of time. Equipment

utilization is one of the most important factors that manufacturers seek to enhance to be

able to compete in current economic conditions. To maintain or improve the efficiency

level of a manufacturing line, it is necessary to specify which machines or equipment

need to be focused on in a complex process. For instance if the manager of a factory

decides to improve the press shop efficiency 20 percent, it is important to know which

machine needs to receive resources, also it is beneficial to know the impact of one

machines OEE on Overall Line Efficiency.

Inverse relationship in Artificial Neural Network is proposed here to solve this

problem. Having obtained inputs and output from Fuzzy Inference System, the network

architecture is established with the number of layers and the number of nodes in each

layer, also the maximum error is defined and the artificial neural network 1 is trained.

Inputs and corresponding output of the neural network are presented as below:

Input 1 : * +

Input 2 : * +

Input 3 : * +

Corresponding output: * +

Next, new data (here OLE) is given to ANN 2 and it is simulated to achieve the

results. Inverse relationship for efficiency improvement is shown in figure below:

OLE* ANN2 OEEMachine2*

Figure 4-6 Artificial Neural Network Inverse relationship for OEE & OLE correlation.

Since an Artificial Neural Network with one input and multiple outputs has

infinite number of results, to limit the number of potential answers of each node and

therefore to improve the accuracy of the neural networks results, two more inputs are

created and added to the system as follows:

[ ]

[ ]

Note that minimizing these values, OEE of each machine and also efficiency of

the plant will be maximized. Having two new inputs, a new Artificial Neural network can

be illustrated as follows:

OLE* OEEMachine1*

y1 ANN2 OEEMachine2*

y2 OEEMachine3*

Figure 4-7 Artificial Neural Network Inverse relationship with3 inputs and 3 outputs.

The OEE of each machine is calculated as a result of inverse relationship of

Artificial Neural Network as follows:

( ) ( )

4.8. Summary

In this chapter two new methods using Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS) have been

proposed for measuring the Overall Equipment Effectiveness. Also Overall line

Efficiency is measured with both Mamdani Fuzzy Model and the Artificial Neural


At the end of this Chapter an inverse relationship procedure using Artificial

Neural Networks has been proposed as a tool for improving the efficiency in a

manufacturing line.

The next Chapter is dedicated to presenting the results from simulating different

scenarios proposed in this Chapter. Practical results in a case study along with figures of

simulation as well as a summary of advantages and recommendation for future work are

presented in the next chapter.


This Chapter presents the results from the proposed IS techniques

implementations which have been mentioned in Chapter 4. The results of each method

are analyzed considering different scenarios.

First, the OEE is measured with a Mamdani type of Fuzzy Inference System

(FIS) and the results are analyzed to test the accuracy of this method. Moreover, OEE is

measured implementing a Sugeno FIS, considering different weight factors and the

obtained results are analyzed. Also, the Overall Line Efficiency (OLE) is measured using

a Mamdani type of Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) and an Artificial Neural Network

(ANN). The results obtained are analyzed and compared to prove the accuracy of

aforementioned methodologies. Finally, the OEE is estimated taking into account of a

certain level of OLE using an inverse relationship from an Artificial Neural Network.

Chapter 5 is organized as follows:

a) Implementation of proposed methodologies in Chapter 4 and obtaining practical


b) Analyzing obtained results from different scenarios.

c) Summary.

5.1. Fuzzy Inference Models:

The Matlab software and its Fuzzy Logic Toolbox have been used to implement the

proposed Mamdani and Sugeno FISs mentioned in Chapter 4. Further detail on the

Fuzzy Logic Toolbox operation is provided in Appendix A.

A Mamdani fuzzy inference model to measure OEE, as previously explained, is

shown in figure 4-1. As it has previously mentioned, this FIS has six big losses in

industry as inputs to the system, and OEE is its sole output. After defining inputs and the

output of the Mamdani FIS, the Overall Equipment Effectiveness is measured according

to if-then rules, given the value of inputs. The surface plots of combination of inputs are

provided in Appendix C.

The second FIS model to measure the OEE is a Sugeno FIS which is illustrated in the

figure 4-2. Although the inputs and the output of this system are the same as Mamdani

FIS mentioned earlier; however in this case the Sugeno FIS can be used in processes

where a weight factor can be allocated to inputs. In other words, an equation can

represent the contribution of inputs to the system. Corresponding if-then rules and

surface plot with different combination of inputs are presented in Appendix B.

The last fuzzy model to be presented in this thesis is a Mamdani FIS to measure

Overall Line Efficiency (OLE) in a manufacturing plant. To avoid complexity a simple

manufacturing line with three machines is considered here. Please note that same

methodology can used for different processes with various numbers of machines and

more complex manufacturing lines.

Mamdani Fuzzy Model to measure OLE is shown in figure 4-4. As it can be seen

in the figure, the machines OEEs are the inputs, and the OLE is the sole output of the

system. The corresponding if-then rules are presented further in Appendix B, section 3

and surface plots are provided in Appendix C.

5.2. Artificial Neural Networks

Matlab software and its Neural Network Toolbox have been used to implement

the proposed ANNs methodologies for OLE measurement. Further detail on the Neural

Network Toolbox Matlab code is provided in Appendix E.

As it has been previously mentioned, in this methodology the OLE is measured

after the ANN is trained and tested. The figure (5-4) shows the process of OLE

measurement by implementing an Artificial Neural Network.

OEEMachine2 ANN1 OLE

OEEMachine2* ANN1 OLE*

Figure 5-1 - OLE Measurement using an ANN.

Also an Inverse Relationship of Artificial Neural Networks has been

implemented to calculate the OEE of each machine, given the OLE of that line. Figure

4-7 illustrates the Inverse Relationship of Artificial Neural Networks to calculate the

corresponding OEE, given the OLE.

5.3. OEE and OLE Measurement Experimental Results

As it has been previously mentioned, different scenarios are presented for each

method. First, common situations in industry are considered and values of inputs are

given to the system and the OEE and OLE are obtained. Also, the considered scenarios

are compared to demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed methodologies. A brief

explanation of each scenario along with a table of inputs and results is presented in this

Chapter. Please note that these methodologies can be implemented for various production

systems regardless of manufacturing process and variation of inputs to obtain

corresponding results.

5.3.1. OEE Measurement Using Mamdani FIS (Intelligent System 1)


A machine in a manufacturing plant has been selected and its OEE is to be measured.

Assume there are qualitative losses associated with this machine in the past month;

however, its performance rate is average and also the machine was available to operate

properly (no major downtime) in this period. Therefore the following assumptions are


- Although a minor breakdown happened in this period; the machine was running

continually and its operator considers the value of breakdown loss as low.

- There were not setup and adjustment losses involved with the machine, and these

losses are considered to be low.

- Within the last month small stops occurred during running time and have been

fixed by the operator so small stops loss is considered average for this machine.

- Machines ideal cycle time for pressing the metal part is 12 seconds however its

actual cycle time is measured as 15 seconds and reduced speed loss has

considered average by operator.

- There was not a considerable amount of startup rejects and this loss considered

low in this period.

- Qualitative issues have been observed and noticeable number of non-conforming

parts has been produced by this machine within last month. Therefore the process

reject loss is considered to be high is this period.

- In this manufacturing plant the availability factor has a higher weight factor rather

than performance and quality due to the short cycle time and inexpensive

material. Also, the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Single Minute

Exchange of Die (SMED) are being implemented to increase the running time of

machines and reduce the setup and adjustment time.

The following Table presents the results considering the aforementioned parameters as

inputs of Mamdani FIS to measure OEE:

Output Deffuzified
Input Linguistic Output
Input Value Linguistic Output
Parameters Term Parameters
Term Value
Breakdown Low 15
Setup &
Low 10
Small Stops Average 38
OEE High 74.8
Average 36
Low 18
High 65

Table 5-1 - Experimental Result of Scenario #1.

As it can be seen from the table, given the aforementioned values as inputs and

weight factors, the corresponding OEE has been obtained as 74.8%. Note that, in

traditional methods of OEE calculation, the result, which is the average of inputs, is



A different machine has been selected in the same manufacturing plant and the following

assumptions are considered:

- Several major breakdowns have been occurred in past month and reduced the

availability of this machine. The operator considers the breakdown loss high.

- The Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) method was not effective for this

machine, as the setup time has increased significantly in this period. The setup

and adjustment loss is considered to be average.

- Small stops have occurred within this period, and the operator supposes this loss

as average.

- The actual cycle time of the machine is close enough to its ideal cycle time so the

reduced speeds loss is low.

- No major qualitative issue has been observed in this period, and both startup

reject and process reject losses are considered low.

- In this manufacturing plant the availability factor has a higher weight factor rather

than performance and quality due to the short cycle time and inexpensive

material. Also, the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Single Minute

Exchange of Die (SMED) are being implemented to increase the running time of

machines and reduce the setup and adjustment time.

Given the assumptions above, the corresponding results are shown in the following table:

Output Deffuzified
Input Linguistic Output
Input Value Linguistic Output
Parameters Term Parameters
Term Value
High 65
Setup & Average 38
Average 36
Small Stops
High 63.4
Reduced Low 10
Startup Low 15
Process Low 18

Table 5-2-Experimental result of Scenario #2.

It is important to note that value of each input in scenario 1 are assigned to a

different input value in scenario 2 to give a better understanding and ability to compare

between two scenarios. Observing from comparison of two scenarios, although the

average of both inputs is equal; however, the OEE has resulted in a reduced value in the

second case due to more weight factor of breakdown and setup and adjustment losses.

5.3.2. OEE Measurement Using Sugeno FIS

Sugeno Intelligent System 1

Three pneumatic presses (scenarios) are assumed in a manufacturing plant and their OEE

are to be measured using a Sugeno FIS.

Following assumptions are considered as inputs to the Sugeno FIS system:

- Due to its material price, quality losses must be identified and reduced in this

manufacturing plant.

- Qualitative loss costs are drastically more than other losses associated with OEE.

In order to measure the OEE more accurately this company decided to assign

different weight factors to inputs. Table below shows the weight factor for each input, the

value of each input for these scenarios, and also the obtained OEE for each scenario.

Input Weight Factor Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3

Breakdown 2 14 32 8
Setup & Adjustment 1 8 4 6
Small Stops 1 31 28 31
Reduced Speed 1 17 11 21
Startup Rejects 3 9 26 6
Process Rejects 4 77 12 8
OEE 65.08% 80.58% 89.67%

Table 5-3 - Experimental result of Sugeno Intelligent System 1.

Sugeno Intelligent System 2 (with 7 inputs)

Assume three industrial furnaces in a petrochemical plant and its OEE is to be measured

using a Sugeno FIS.

Following assumptions are considered as inputs to the Sugeno FIS system:

- Due to its energy costs, power consumption is associated in this machines OEE.

- Availability factors affect the OEE drastically, so OEE will be low if machine is not

available (Availability losses are high), regardless of other OEE factors.

- Small stops may cause the batch to be ruined and an overhaul is necessary to clean

and run the furnace. So this loss has a very high weight factor in compare to other


In order to measure the OEE more accurately this company decided to assign

different weight factors to inputs. Table below shows the weight factor for each input, the

value of each input for each scenario, and also the obtained OEE for them.

Input Weight Factor Furnace 1 Furnace 2 Furnace 3

Breakdown 2 68 11 13

Setup & Adjustment 2 14 7 14

Small Stops 6 7 27 14

Reduced Speed 1 5 9 12

Startup Rejects 1 0 0.25 5

Process Rejects 1 0 2 1

Energy Consumption 1 25 33 37
OEE 26.1% 82.6% 89.4%

Table 5-4 - Experimental result of Sugeno Intelligent System 2.

5.3.3. OLE Measurement Using Mamdani FIS:

Mamdani Intelligent System 1

A manufacturing line is assumed with three different machines. Each machine

contributes in Overall Line Efficiency; however, the machine 2 is the bottleneck on this

line and plays a more important role in the OLE measurement. Therefore, the operator

uses his/her knowledge to set rules in the Mamdani FIS in order to measure the OLE

more efficiently. Also it is necessary to note that this technique can be used for any type

of manufacturing line with a variety of machines to measure its efficiency.

The following Table provides experimental results obtained for different scenarios

(represented each by a row) from the Mamdani FIS:

Scenario OEEmachine1 OEEmachine2 OEEmachine3 OLE

1 0.68 0.75 0.69 0.639

2 0.97 0.84 0.76 0.749

3 0.81 0.62 0.69 0.656

4 0.81 0.77 0.7 0.68

5 0.89 0.53 0.76 0.656

6 0.85 0.85 0.56 0.703

7 0.74 0.81 0.74 0.676

8 0.79 0.84 0.61 0.692

Table 5-5 - OLE Measurement, Mamdani Intelligent System 1 Experimental Results.

Intelligent System 2 (different weight factors from IS-1)

In this scenario a manufacturing line with 3 machines has been selected and its

OLE is to be measured using Mamdani FIS. Machine 1 has the highest cycle time among

other machines and is the bottleneck of this line. Machine 2 has a higher cycle time

rather than machine 3 and plays a more important role in OLE.

The following Table provides experimental results obtained for different scenarios

(represented each by a row) from the Mamdani FIS:

OEEmachine1 OEEmachine2 OEEmachine3 OLE

(input1) (input2) (input3) (output)

1 0.68 0.75 0.69
2 0.97 0.84 0.76
3 0.81 0.62 0.69
4 0.81 0.77 0.7
5 0.89 0.53 0.76
6 0.85 0.85 0.56
7 0.74 0.81 0.74
8 0.79 0.84 0.61

Table 5-6- OLE Measurement, Mamdani Intelligent System 2 Experimental Results.

Intelligent System 3 (4 inputs, two Machines in parallel)

In this scenario an assembly line with 4 machines is assumed and its OLE is to be

measured using Mamdani FIS. Press 2 has the highest cycle time among other machines;

however, Press 3 can perform the same task as Press 2 and they work in parallel. Press 1

and press 4 have equal weight factors.

Press 2
Cycle time :57s

Press 1 Press 4
Cycle time :38s Cycle time :38s

Press 3
Cycle time :52s

Figure 5-2 4 presses in an assembly line and their cycle times.

Parallel Operation of two presses can be contributed in OLE measurement with setting if-

then rules such as: If OEEPress2 AND OEEPress3 are hi then OLE is low. The following

Table provides experimental results obtained for different scenarios (represented each by

a row) from the Mamdani FIS:


(Input 1) (Input 2) (Input 3) (Input 4) (Output)
1 0.87 0.70 0.68 0.81
2 0.97 0.84 0.88 0.76
3 0.856 0.841 0.792 0.795
4 0.811 0.56 65 0.795
5 0.735 0.72 0.562 0.49

Table 5-7 - OLE Measurement, Mamdani Intelligent System 3 Experimental Results.

5.3.4. OLE Measurement Using Artificial Neural Networks:

As it has been previously mentioned, an ANN is being used when a set of inputs

and corresponding outputs are available in the system. Giving existing data to the Neural

Network, the new outputs (OLE) can be obtained from a set of new inputs (OEEs).

Artificial Neural Network is being discussed in this thesis for the following reasons:

a) Approaching a new technique to measure OLE in a production process with

existing data.

b) Implementing an inverse relationship to calculate OEE of each machine given

Overall Line Efficiency (OLE).

In the following example the OEE has been measured 100 times with the Mamdani FIS

given each machines OEE as inputs and OLE as output of the system. An ANN1 has

been trained using these data and a new OLE has obtained given a new set of machines

OEE. The following table compares the obtained OLE from Mamdani FIS and the ANN1

technique from the Matlab code in Appendix B for different scenarios (each row):

Scenario Obtained OLE using Mamdani FIS Obtained OLE using ANN1
1 73.896 73.8852
2 74.504 74.5080
3 73.544 73.5333
4 68.936 68.9358
5 72.466 72.3953
6 71.328 71.3192

Table 5-8 - Obtained OLE from Mamdani FIS and ANN1 comparison for different

5.3.5. Inverse Relationship Using an ANN to Attain Machines OEE, Given OLE

It is beneficial for companies to know how much resources they need to spend

and also where to spend those resources to increase their efficiency. An Inverse

relationship using another ANN2 can be implemented to calculate the corresponding

OEE of machines given the Overall Line Efficiency (OLE).

A manufacturing line with three machines is assumed and an ANN2 is trained

with the available data from the Mamdani FIS. The Table 5-9 shows the obtained OEE of

each machine given a new OLE to the Neural Network, for several scenarios from the

Matlab code in Appendix E. Each row represents a scenario here:

Scenario New OLE* Given To OEE* machine 1 OEE* machine 2 OEE* machine 3
y1, y2
The System
1 0.6800 0.1,0.1 0.7018 0.6655 0.7017
2 0.6900 0.09,0.09 0.7492 0.6504 0.7496
3 0.7300 0.07,0.08 0.7267 0.7447 0.6893
4 0.7515 0.06,0.05 0.8141 0.6961 0.8550
5 0.7600 0.05,0.05 0.8549 0.6967 0.8549
6 0.7900 0.05,0.04 0.7568 0.7974 0.8011

Table 5-9 ANN2 Inverse Relationship to Obtain Machines OEE Experimental Result.

To confirm the accuracy of inverse relationship from the ANN2; the outputs of

the ANN2 (OEE* machine 1, OEE* machine 2, OEE* machine 3 ) are given to the ANN1 and

corresponding OLE is extracted and compared to given OLE* as an input to the ANN2.

Following table illustrate the comparison between OLE* in ANN2 and Obtained OLE in


Given OLE* Obtained OLE

OEE* machine 1 OEE* machine 2 OEE* machine 3 MSE
to ANN2 from ANN1

0.6800 0.7018 0.6655 0.7017 0.68363 1.31E-05

0.6900 0.7492 0.6504 0.7496 0.6999 9.80E-05

0.7300 0.7267 0.7447 0.6893 0.72635 1.33E-05

0.7515 0.8141 0.6961 0.8550 0.76533 1.91E-04

0.7600 0.8549 0.6967 0.8549 0.7758 2.50E-04

0.7900 0.7568 0.7974 0.8011 0.78818 3.33E-06

Table 5-10 Given OLE* to ANN2 and obtained OLE from ANN1 comparison.

From the Table 5-10, it can be easily observed that the ANN2 results are quite


5.4. Summary

In this Chapter many scenarios have been assumed for each Intelligent System to

measure the OEE and the experimental results have been obtained. It is necessary to

mention that proposed methodology can be implemented in every production process

regardless of its product and complexity. Also other inputs may be taken into

consideration depending on the manufacturing process.

Moreover, the Overall Line Efficiency (OLE) has also been measured using a

Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System and an Artificial Neural Network for manufacturing

lines where weight factors of machines are not equal and the average of machines OEE

cannot represent the Line Efficiency. Also in this case for each developed Intelligent

System many scenarios have been considered. The obtained results from the Mamdani

FIS are compared with the results from the ANN and both results are very close.

Last, an Inverse Relationship has been implemented to obtain the corresponding

OEE, given the Overall Line Efficiency (OLE), and many scenarios have been

considered. This proposed methodology can be used to perform a sensitivity analysis on

machines OEE and assign resources to machines where OLE can be improved more



This thesis aims to propose new approaches and methodologies to measure the

Overall Equipment Effectiveness and Overall Line Efficiency implementing Intelligent

Systems (IS) techniques such as Fuzzy Inference System and Artificial Neural Networks.

To accomplish this purpose the IS techniques are fully evaluated and the effectiveness of

these methodologies is tested assuming common scenarios in industry and analyzing the

experimental results. This thesis is organized as follows:

- First, the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and its traditional methods of

calculation along with limitation and flaws are studied. Moreover, Overall Line

Efficiency is identified and its calculation method is discussed.

- Second, Intelligent System techniques, in particular Fuzzy Inference Systems and

Artificial Neural Networks are reviewed; also the various advantages that they

offer to measure OEE and OLE are discussed.

- Next, this thesis presents how the FISs and ANNs can be implemented to

measure the OEE and OLE more effectively and accurately.

- Last, different common scenarios are presented and experimental results are

analyzed to prove the functionality and accuracy of these methodologies.

6.1. Summary of Results

Briefly this research has led to the following:

- The Mamdani and the Sugeno FIS have been put in practice to measure OEE

more accurately.

- The Mamdani FIS and the Artificial Neural Networks have been implemented to

measure OLE effectively.

- An Inverse relationship procedure has been implemented using an ANN to obtain

the corresponding OEE of each machine given the OLE of a manufacturing plant.

- Various scenarios have been discussed and compared to each other for each

method to test the functionality and accuracy of each method.

6.2. Conclusions

Intelligent Systems (IS) techniques can be implemented to improve the accuracy

and reduce the limitations of the OEE and the OLE measurements. These IS techniques,

in particular the Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS) and the Artificial Neural Networks

(ANN) offer new approaches to measure the OEE and the OLE in industry. Dealing with

uncertainty and vague data, taking advantage of users knowledge of the system, and also

the ability of adding more potential inputs to the system, are some of the advantages of

applying FIS in the OEE and the OLE measurement.

Implementing ANNs allows a large quantity of information to be dealt with. Also

it is an easy to use tool to measure the efficiency in complex production processes.

6.3. Recommendation and Future Work

Although the results presented in this thesis have demonstrated the eectiveness of the

Proposed methodologies, it could be further developed as follows:

1) Proposed methodologies can be used in real world and the obtained results

can be evaluated.

As it has been mentioned earlier in this thesis traditional methods of OEE

calculation do not seem to be effective especially in oil, gas and petrochemical

processes. Using proposed methodologies can truly improve the accuracy of OEE

and OLE measurement and help the companies to monitor the equipment

utilization more effectively.

2) Other potential inputs for OEE and OLE can be added to the system and

results evaluated.

Negative effects of each machine on environment, and its price could be added to

the inputs for a more accurate result.

3) Different linguistic terms and qualifier can be used in the FIS models. Also

different but suitable membership functions and deffuzification methods can

be explored.


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A. Mamdani Fuzzy Inference Models

One of the Fuzzy models selected for developing the proposed IS methods is the

Mamdani Fuzzy Inference Model. it is a general platform that allows considering and

defining data from the users perspective in order to properly identify the processes with

non-measurable parameters. Furthermore, it also assumes the real users control

situation, uses fuzzy judgments. In general, this type of model allows vague linguistic

expressions fully functional by integrating it with the system.

Types of Membership Functions

Generalized bell is considered for the developing the proposed Fuzzy Inference Systems.

In order to have a better idea on why this type of function is selected, an explanation is

provided here. It is also important to note that more types of membership functions are

available in the Matlab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox; however, for simplicity and convenience,

only the above mentioned function are used. They are:

Triangular Membership function: This type of function is nothing more than a

collection of three different points forming a triangle.

Trapezoidal Membership function: Has almost the same characteristics as the

triangular function with the difference that this one has a flat top which acts as a

truncated curve.

Both of these membership functions have the advantage of computational efficiency, and

they have been widely used, especially in real-time situations. However, since they only

deal with straight lines, they lack smoothness at the corner points specified by the


a) Triangular membership function, [5] , b) Trapezoidal membership function, [5].

Generalized Bell and Generalized Gaussian Membership functions: These

functions are specified by three parameters. They can approach a non-fuzzy set if

the free parameter is tuned. Because of its smoothness and concise notation, they

are quite popular for specifying fuzzy sets. Both present the advantage of being

non-zero at all points. The next figure shows an example of both functions.

c) Gaussian membership function, [5], d) G. Bell membership function, [5].

B. Mamdani and Sugeno Fuzzy Inference Systems (if then) Rules

It is necessary to mention that the if-then rules are implemented to contribute the

weight factor of each element into the OEE and OLE measurement. They also represent

the production process and operators knowledge. Please note that different combination

of if-then rules can be considered based on the system they represent.

Section 1. OEE measurement using Mamdani FIS if-then rules

1. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is very high
2. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is very high
3. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is very high
4. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high
5. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is very high
6. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is very high
7. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is very high
8. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is very high
9. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is high
10. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high
11. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is very high
12. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is very high
13. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high
14. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is very high
15. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
16. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high
17. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
18. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
19. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is very high

20. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is very high
21. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is high
22. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high
23. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
24. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
25. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is high
26. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is high
27. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is high
28. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high
29. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is very high
30. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is very high
31. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high
32. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is very high
33. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
34. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high
35. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
36. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
37. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high
38. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is very high
39. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
40. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high
41. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
42. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
43. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
44. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high

45. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
46. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high
47. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
48. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
49. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
50. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
51. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
52. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
53. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
54. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
55. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is very high
56. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is very high
57. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is high
58. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high
59. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
60. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
61. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is high
62. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is high
63. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is high
64. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high
65. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
66. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
67. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
68. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
69. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high

70. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
71. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
72. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
73. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is high
74. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is high
75. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is high
76. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
77. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
78. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
79. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej
is low then OEE is high
80. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej
is medium then OEE is high
81. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej
is hi then OEE is average
82. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high
83. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is very high
84. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
85. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high
86. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
87. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
88. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
89. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
90. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
91. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high
92. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
93. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
94. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high

95. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
96. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
97. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
98. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
99. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
100. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
101. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
102. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
103. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
104. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
105. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
106. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
107. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
108. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
109. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high
110. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
111. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
112. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
113. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
114. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
115. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
116. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
117. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
118. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
119. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high

120. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
121. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
122. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
123. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
124. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is hi and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
125. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is hi and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
126. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is hi and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
127. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
128. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
129. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
130. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
131. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
132. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
133. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
134. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
135. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
136. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
137. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
138. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
139. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
140. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
141. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
142. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
143. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
144. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average

145. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
146. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
147. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
148. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
149. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
150. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
151. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
152. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
153. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
154. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
155. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
156. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
157. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
158. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
159. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
160. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
161. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
162. If Brk is low and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
163. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is high
164. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is high
165. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is high
166. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
167. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
168. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
169. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is high

170. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is high
171. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is average
172. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
173. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
174. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
175. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
176. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
177. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
178. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
179. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
180. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
181. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is high
182. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is high
183. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is average
184. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
185. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
186. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
187. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is average
188. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is average
189. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is average
190. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
191. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
192. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
193. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
194. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high

195. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
196. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
197. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
198. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
199. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
200. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
201. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
202. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
203. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
204. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
205. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
206. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
207. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
208. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
209. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
210. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
211. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
212. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
213. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
214. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
215. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
216. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
217. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is high
218. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is high
219. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is average

220. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
221. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
222. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
223. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is average
224. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is average
225. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is average
226. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
227. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
228. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
229. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
230. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
231. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
232. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
233. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
234. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
235. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is average
236. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is average
237. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is average
238. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
239. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
240. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
241. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej
is low then OEE is average
242. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej
is medium then OEE is low
243. If Brk is low and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej
is hi then OEE is low
244. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is very high

245. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
246. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
247. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
248. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
249. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
250. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
251. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
252. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
253. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
254. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
255. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
256. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
257. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
258. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
259. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
260. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
261. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
262. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
263. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
264. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
265. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
266. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
267. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
268. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
269. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average

270. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
271. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
272. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
273. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
274. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
275. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
276. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
277. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
278. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
279. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
280. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
281. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
282. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
283. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
284. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
285. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
286. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is hi and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
287. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is hi and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
288. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is hi and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
289. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
290. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
291. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
292. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
293. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
294. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average

295. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
296. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
297. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
298. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
299. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
300. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
301. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
302. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
303. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
304. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
305. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
306. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
307. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
308. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
309. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
310. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
311. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
312. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
313. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
314. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
315. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
316. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
317. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
318. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
319. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average

320. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
321. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
322. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
323. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
324. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
325. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
326. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
327. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is high
328. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
329. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
330. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
331. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
332. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
333. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
hi and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
334. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
335. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
336. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
337. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
338. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
339. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
340. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is hi and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
341. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is hi and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
342. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is hi and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
343. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
344. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average

345. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
346. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
347. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
348. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
349. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
350. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
351. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
352. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St
Rej is low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
353. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St
Rej is low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is high
354. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St
Rej is low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
355. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St
Rej is medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
356. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St
Rej is medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
357. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St
Rej is medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
358. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St
Rej is hi and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
359. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St
Rej is hi and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
360. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St
Rej is hi and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
361. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and
St Rej is low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
362. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and
St Rej is low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
363. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and
St Rej is low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
364. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and
St Rej is medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
365. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and
St Rej is medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
366. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and
St Rej is medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
367. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and
St Rej is hi and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
368. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and
St Rej is hi and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
369. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and
St Rej is hi and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low

370. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej
is low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
371. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej
is low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
372. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej
is low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
373. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej
is medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
374. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej
is medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
375. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej
is medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
376. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej
is hi and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
377. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej
is hi and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
378. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej
is hi and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
379. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
380. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
381. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
382. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
383. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
384. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
385. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
386. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
387. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
388. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
389. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
390. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
391. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
392. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
393. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
394. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is hi and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average

395. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is hi and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
396. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is hi and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
397. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
398. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
399. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
400. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
401. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
402. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
403. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
404. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
405. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
406. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
407. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
408. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
409. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
410. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
411. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
412. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
413. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
414. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
415. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
416. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
417. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
418. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
419. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average

420. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
421. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
422. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
423. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
424. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
425. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
426. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
427. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
428. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
429. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
430. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
431. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
432. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
433. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
434. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
435. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
436. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
437. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
438. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
439. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
440. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
441. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
442. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
443. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
444. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low

445. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
446. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
447. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
448. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is hi and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
449. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is hi and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
450. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is hi and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
451. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
452. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
453. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
454. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
455. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
456. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
457. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
458. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
459. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
460. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
461. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
462. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
463. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
464. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
465. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
466. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
467. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
468. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
469. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average

470. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
471. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
472. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
473. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
474. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
475. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
476. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
477. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
478. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
479. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
480. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
481. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
482. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
483. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
484. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is low
485. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is low
486. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is very low
487. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is high
488. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is high
489. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is average
490. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
491. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
492. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
493. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is average
494. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is average

495. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is average
496. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
497. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
498. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
499. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
500. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
501. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
502. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
503. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
504. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
505. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is average
506. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is average
507. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is average
508. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
509. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
510. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
511. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is average
512. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is low
513. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is low
514. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is high
515. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
516. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
517. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
518. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
519. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average

520. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
521. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
522. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
523. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
524. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
525. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
526. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
527. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
528. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
529. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
530. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
531. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
532. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
533. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
534. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
535. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
536. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
537. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
538. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
539. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
540. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
541. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is average
542. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is average
543. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is average
544. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is average

545. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
546. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
547. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is average
548. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is low
549. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is low
550. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
551. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
552. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
553. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
554. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
555. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
556. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
557. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
558. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
559. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is average
560. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is low
561. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is low
562. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
563. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
564. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
565. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej
is low then OEE is low
566. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej
is medium then OEE is low
567. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is low and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej
is hi then OEE is low
568. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
569. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average

570. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is average
571. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
572. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
573. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
574. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
575. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
576. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
577. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
578. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
579. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
580. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
581. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
582. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
583. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
584. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
585. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
586. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
587. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
588. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
589. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
590. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
591. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
592. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
593. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
594. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low

595. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
596. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is average
597. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
598. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
599. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
600. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
601. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
602. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
603. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
604. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is low and Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
605. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is low and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
606. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is low and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
607. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
608. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
609. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
610. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is hi and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
611. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is hi and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
612. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej
is hi and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
613. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
614. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
615. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
616. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
617. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
618. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
619. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low

620. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
621. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is very low
622. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is average
623. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
624. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
625. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
626. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
627. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
628. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
629. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
630. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
631. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
632. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
633. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
634. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
635. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
636. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
637. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
638. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
639. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is very low
640. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
641. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
642. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
643. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
644. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low

645. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is very low
646. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is low
647. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is very low
648. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is very low
649. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is average
650. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is low
651. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is low
652. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
653. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
654. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
655. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is low
656. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is low
657. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is low
658. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
659. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
660. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
661. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
662. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
663. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
664. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
665. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
666. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is very low
667. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is low
668. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is low
669. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is low

670. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
671. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
672. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is very low
673. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej
is low then OEE is low
674. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej
is medium then OEE is very low
675. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is low and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej
is hi then OEE is very low
676. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
677. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
678. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
679. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
680. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
681. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
682. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
683. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
684. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is very low
685. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
686. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
687. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is low
688. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
689. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
690. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is
medium and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is very low
691. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
692. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is very low
693. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is very low
694. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low

695. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
696. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is very low
697. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
698. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is very low
699. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is very low
700. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is very low
701. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is very low
702. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is very low
703. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is low
704. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is low
705. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is low
706. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
707. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
708. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is medium and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is very low
709. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej
is low then OEE is low
710. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej
is medium then OEE is very low
711. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is low and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej
is hi then OEE is very low
712. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
713. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is medium then OEE is low
714. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is low and
Pr Rej is hi then OEE is very low
715. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is low then OEE is low
716. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is very low
717. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is medium
and Pr Rej is hi then OEE is very low
718. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is very low
719. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is very low

720. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is medium and St Rej is hi and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is very low
721. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr Rej
is low then OEE is low
722. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr Rej
is medium then OEE is very low
723. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is low and Pr Rej
is hi then OEE is very low
724. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is very low
725. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and Pr
Rej is medium then OEE is very low
726. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is medium and Pr
Rej is hi then OEE is very low
727. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej is
low then OEE is very low
728. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej is
medium then OEE is very low
729. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej is
hi then OEE is very low

Section 2. OEE measurement using Sugeno Intelligent System 1, FIS if-then rules

1. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is low then OEE is high
2. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is medium and Pr Rej is medium then OEE is medium
3. If Brk is hi and St & Ad is hi and Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej is hi
then OEE is low

Section 2. OEE measurement using Sugeno Intelligent System 2, FIS if-then rules

1. If Brk is low and St & Ad is low and Sml St is low and Red Sp is low and St Rej is low and Pr
Rej is low and Energy Consumption is low then OEE is high
2. If Brk is medium and St & Ad is medium and Sml St is medium and Red Sp is medium and St
Rej is medium and Pr Rej is medium and Energy Consumption is medium then OEE is medium
3. If Sml St is hi and Red Sp is hi and St Rej is hi and Pr Rej is hi and Energy Consumption is hi
then OEE is low
4. If Brk is hi or St & Ad is hi then OEE is low

As mentioned before, Sugeno FIS can be used in processes where a weight factor

can be allocated to inputs. In other words an equation can represent the contribution of

inputs into the system.

Section 3. OLE measurement using Mamdani FIS, IS 1 if-then rules

1. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is low then OLE is very low
2. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is medium then OLE is very low
3. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is hi then OLE is low
4. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is low then OLE is low
5. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is medium then OLE is low
6. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is hi then OLE is average
7. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is low then OLE is average
8. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is medium then OLE is high
9. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is hi then OLE is high
10. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is low then OLE is very low
11. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is medium then OLE is low
12. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is hi then OLE is low
13. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is low then OLE is low
14. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is medium then OLE is average
15. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is hi then OLE is high
16. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is low then OLE is high
17. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is medium then OLE is high
18. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is hi then OLE is very high
19. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is low then OLE is low
20. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is medium then OLE is low
21. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is hi then OLE is average
22. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is low then OLE is average
23. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is medium then OLE is high
24. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is hi then OLE is high
25. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is low then OLE is high
26. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is medium then OLE is very high
27. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is hi then OLE is very high

Section 4. OLE measurement using Mamdani FIS, IS 2 if-then rules

1. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is low then OLE is very low
2. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is medium then OLE is very low
3. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is hi then OLE is very low
4. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is low then OLE is very low
5. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is medium then OLE is low
6. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is hi then OLE is low
7. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is low then OLE is low
8. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is medium then OLE is average
9. If OEE1 is low and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is hi then OLE is average
10. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is low then OLE is low
11. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is medium then OLE is low
12. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is hi then OLE is average
13. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is low then OLE is average
14. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is medium then OLE is average
15. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is hi then OLE is average
16. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is low then OLE is average
17. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is medium then OLE is high
18. If OEE1 is medium and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is hi then OLE is high
19. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is low then OLE is average
20. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is medium then OLE is average
21. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is low and OEE3 is hi then OLE is high
22. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is low then OLE is high
23. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is medium then OLE is high
24. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is medium and OEE3 is hi then OLE is very high
25. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is low then OLE is very high
26. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is medium then OLE is very high
27. If OEE1 is hi and OEE2 is hi and OEE3 is hi then OLE is very high

C. Mamdani Models Surface Plots

It is necessary to mention that surface plot of each Fuzzy Inference System represents the

results from various combinations of inputs and the sole output of the system. Note that

inputs and output of the Fuzzy Inference System are represented in the x, y and z axis


Section 1. OEE Measurement using Mamdani Fuzzy Inference Systems

Section 2. OEE Measurement using Sugeno Fuzzy Inference Systems

Section 3. OLE Measurement using Mamdani Fuzzy Inference Systems

D. Mamdani and Sugeno Fuzzy Models if-then rules to measure OEE

Section 1. Mamdani FIS if-then rule to measure OEE

Section 2. Sugeno FIS if-then rule to measure OEE

Section 3. Mamdani FIS if-then rule to measure OLE

E. Artificial Neural Networks Matlab Code

Section 1. OLE Measurement using Artificial Neural Networks Matlab code

clear all
% input P and output T P is the OEE of machines in a manufacturing
line. T
% is the corresponding Overall Line Efficiency Please note that overall
% efficiency above has calculated using Mamdani FIS.





% set goal and spread
goal = 1e-10;
spread = 7;
% create a radial basis network
net = newrb(P,T,goal,spread);

% generate and simulate new input data, newP

% newP is the new set of macine's OEE
% newT is the corresponding OLE
newP =[71.91;69.28;75.02]
newT = sim(net,newP)

Section 2. Inverse Relationship of OLE and OEE, Artificial Neural Networks
Matlab code

clear all
% input P and output T P is the OEE of machines in a manufacturing
line. T
% is the corresponding Overall Line Efficiency Please note that overall
% efficiency above has calculated using Mamdani FIS.




% set goal and spread



% set goal and spread

goal = 1e-10;
spread = 7;

% create a radial basis network

net = newrb(T,P,goal,spread);

% generate and simulate new input data, newP

% newP is the new set of machines OEE
% newT is the corresponding OLE
newT =[0.79;
newP = sim(net,newT)

F. Artificial Neural Network Performance plot

Section 1. Performance Plot of Artificial Neural Networks to Measure OLE

NEWRB, neurons = 0, MSE = 9.23127

NEWRB, neurons = 25, MSE = 0.0204861
NEWRB, neurons = 50, MSE = 0.00163035
NEWRB, neurons = 75, MSE = 5.80586e-005

newP =


newT =


Section 2. Performance Plot of Inverse Relationship of OLE and OEE in Artificial
Neural Networks

NEWRB, neurons = 0, MSE = 9.22701

NEWRB, neurons = 25, MSE = 0.0245661
NEWRB, neurons = 50, MSE = 0.000763015
NEWRB, neurons = 75, MSE = 9.15015e-005

newP =


newT =



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