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Absorption of Glycine in The Small Intestine of Rats Under Physiologicalcondition 2161 069X 1000308

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Journal of Gastrointestinal &

Digestive System Storchilo, J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2015, 5:4

Research Article Open Access

Absorption of Glycine in the Small Intestine of Rats Under Physiological

Storchilo OV*
Odessa National Medical University, 2-Valyhovsky lane, Odessa, 65 082, Ukraine
*Corresponding author: Storchilo O.V, Odessa National Medical University, 2-Valyhovsky lane, Odessa, 65 082, Ukraine, Tel: +38 (048)7255937; Fax: 063 308 50 29;

Received date: June 4, 2015; Accepted date: July 11, 2015; Published date: July 20, 2015
Copyright: 2015 Storchilo OV. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License; which permits unrestricted
use; distribution; and reproduction in any medium; provided the original author and source are credited.


Objectives and method: To determine the velocity of glycine absorption in the chronic experiments under
physiological condition with no operation trauma, pain, narcosis and atrophy of the small intestine using and original
method of surgical formation of the functioning fragment of the small intestine with living fistulas in the presence of
chime, all gastrointestinal secrets and natural innervations.

Results: The glycine absorption velocity increases during one hour of perfusion. Absolute parameters of
absorptive activity of the small intestine in the chronic experiments in vivo are higher than in the isolated loop of the
rats small intestine. We observed no dissolution of perfusate with gastrointestinal fluids in the small intestine
functioning part indicating that absorption of water in this fragment of small intestine prevails.

Conclusions: Formation and perfusion of the functioning fragment of the rats small intestine is an adequate
approach to the investigating the activity of the small intestine under physiological condition. It allows detecting the
impact of the regulatory activity of chime (its exogenic and endogenic components).

Keywords: Glycine; Absorption; Perfusion; Small intestine; experience fast atrophy with the decreasing of the digestive and
Physiological condition; In vivo absorptive ability [4,8,9]. It triggered the search for a new ways and
under the leadership of academic Ugolev A.M. we created the method
Introduction of formation and investigation of a functioning fragment of a rats
small intestine in the chronic experiments under physiological
The investigation of absorption, i.e. transportation of the low condition in vivo [10-13]. This fragment of small intestine is directly
weight nutrients or products of the intestinal or membrane hydrolysis involved in the digestive system and, consequently, preserves
of the food biopolymers from the alimentary canal into the blood is innervations, blood circulation, natural streams of physiological
one of the actual directions of the nutrition physiology. The substrate secrets, and passage of chime. All experiments were conducted 4-5
regulation (food substrates, bile, pancreatic secret, hormones) plays a days after the surgery to eliminate an impact of surgical trauma, pain
leading role among the basic factors influencing hydrolysis and and narcosis on their outcome. Therefore, this method has all
transport processes in a small intestine [1-7]. That is why its advantages of the isolated loop method and lacks its shortcomings.
important to take a methodical approach to researching parameters of
absorption in a small intestine. One of the main principles in the One of the most investigated substrate in the research of alimentary
organization of living systems is hierarchy. Every level in this canal absorption is glycine. There is a lot of data collected about its
hierarchy from molecule to organism has unique characteristics, not transportation in vitro and in situ experiments [7,14] and in vivo on
stemming directly from the properties of the lower level. It was the isolated loop of the rats small intestine [4,8]. Therefore, we
reflected in the hierarchy of the research levels, each having its proceeded with using glycine in research of absorption in the small
advantages and limits. It is assumed that, in many respects, reduced intestine under physiological condition without its atrophy, in the
system satisfactorily reproduces the behavior of the entire system of presence of chime passage, normal blood circulation, innervations,
the organisms under normal conditions. Nevertheless real activity of and natural streams of physiological secrets.
the small intestine, and most importantly the processes of its
regulation, can be studied using non-injured systems only. Materials and Methods
Furthermore the regulatory characteristics of the small intestine,
The experiments were performed on male rats of Vistar breed
apparently, can be researched in the chronic experiments in vivo only.
weighted 170-180 g that were held out on the standard ration of
That is why the method of using an isolated loop of the rats small
vivarium and were not fed for 18-24 hours prior to the experiment.
intestine in the chronic experiments was created [8]. In comparison
There were five rats in the group with functioning part of the small
with the acute experiments in situ this method allows getting results
intestine and four rats in the group with the isolated loop of the small
from the same animal repeatedly without pain, narcosis and operation
intestine. During the surgery we formed two V-shaped contacts by
trauma. However the main problem of this method is an isolation of
connecting two anastomoses using "end to end" principle and placing
the investigated intestine fragment from the alimentary canal. As the
the free ends of intestine in the side of animal ("living" fistulas),
result it does not get the endogenic factors and exogenic substrates and

J Gastrointest Dig Syst Volume 5 Issue 4 1000308

ISSN:2161-069X JGDS, an open access journal
Citation: Storchilo OV (2015) Absorption of Glycine in the Small Intestine of Rats Under Physiological Condition. J Gastrointest Dig Syst 5: 308.

Page 2 of 4

secured with standard metallic fistulas (Figure 1). Including living

fistulas, the length of the investigated area was 10 cm. The isolated
loop was prepared according to method described by Ugolev and
Zaripov [8]. 4-5 days after the operation the animals were perfused by
peristaltic pump "Zalimp"(Poland). Velocity of perfusion was 0.6 ml/
min. For the perfusion we used 25 mmol/l solution of glycine on the
Ringer solution (pH=7.4, to of the perfusion solution=37C). We
added an unabsorbed marker polyethylene glycol (PEG 400) to the
perfusion solution to control possible dilution of perfusion solution
with the liquids of digestive tract (saliva, gastric, intestinal and
pancreatic juices, bile or reflux from the next part of intestine). The
concentration of glycine was determined using method described in
ref. [15] colorimetrically on photoelectrocolorimeter CFC-2MP,
=540 nm. The concentration of PEG was determined based on Figure 2: Dynamics of glycine absorption from its 25 mmol/l
modified method [16] colorimetrically on CFC-2MP, =465 nm. All solution in the functioning part of the rats small intestine (mcmol/
experiments were conducted in accordance with scientific/practical min, n=5).
recommendations regarding animal care and work with them [17] and
in compliance with the positions of "European convention about
defense of the vertebrates used for experimental and scientific aims. Absorption rate of free glycine on 1 cm of functioning fragment of
The statistical processing of the obtained data was conducted using the small intestine obtained in this experiment was 0.431 mcmol/l /sec
"Primer Biostatistics" software. (including water absorption). It is necessary to mention that in our
previous experiments [10] it was 0.522 mcmol/l /sec when using 20
mmol/l solution of free glycine in the functioning fragment of the
small intestine 8 cm long. Considering nonlinear dependence between
rate of absorption of substrate from perfuse solution and difference in
length of functioning fragment in the past and present experiments, it
is safe to assume that the base indexes of absorption of free glycine
stayed within marked range that testifies to an adequacy of the
approach and quality of its execution.

Increase of the absorption rate of free glycine during perfusion
shows the switching of absorption mechanisms. It comports with the
phenomenon of the fast substrate adaptations, founded by academic
A.M.Ugolev [18] presumably, the penetration of substrate through
the wall of a small intestine stimulates its transport activity. It is
Figure 1: Scheme of the formation of the functioning fragment of
important that the quality of the free glycine absorption in our
the rats small intestine. 1-stomach, 2-5-small intestine, 3,5 -
experiments in vivo was approximately 0.431 mcmol/min/cm
living fistulas, 6-large intestine.
compare to the corresponding data [4,19], where the rate of the glycine
absorption from the same concentration solution (25 mmol/l) in the
isolated loop 22 cm long was 0.173 mcmol/min/cm 2.5 times lower
Results than in our experiments on the functioning fragment despite of the
significant difference in the length of the investigated fragment. These
The research of the free glycine absorption in the functioning part are important results demonstrating the dependence of the outcome
of the small intestine of adult rats under physiological condition on the length of the investigated loop used in the experiments [4]: the
showed that rate of this process during first 60 minutes of perfusion longer is the loop the more effective is absorption of substrate. Usage
had a trend to an increase (Figure 2). At the end of perfusion (after of 22 cm isolated loop in the experiments of Gromova L.V. is justified
55-60 minutes) velocity of absorption was for significantly higher, than by the low activity of the researched fragment. In the experiments with
in the first few minutes (<0.004: 5.01 0.64 against 2.12 0.33 the functioning part of the small intestine we did not have to use such
mcmol/lmin, n=5). These results cannot be explained by the a long fragment because even 10 cm of the functioning fragment
dissolution of perfusate by the digestive fluids: we detected absorption absorbed more substrate than 22 cm of the isolated loop [4,19]. Its
of water during perfusion (Figure 2). also essential to compare the difference in the velocity of perfusion in
our experiments and on the isolated loop [4]. In our experiments we
always use 0.6 ml/min as the most physiological condition [2,9].
Gromova and Gruzdkov used 0.25-0.3 ml/min especially for
experiments with glycine because of the relatively low rate of the free
glycine absorption compare to glucose [19]. Obviously two times
slower perfusion allows for a higher absorptive ability of the
investigated intestine loop. However, regardless of the differences
between our experiments and experiments mentioned above with

J Gastrointest Dig Syst Volume 5 Issue 4 1000308

ISSN:2161-069X JGDS, an open access journal
Citation: Storchilo OV (2015) Absorption of Glycine in the Small Intestine of Rats Under Physiological Condition. J Gastrointest Dig Syst 5: 308.

Page 3 of 4

isolated loop an absorptive ability of the functioning fragment of the physiological condition. It allows detecting the effects of the regulatory
small intestine is much higher than isolated loop. activity of chime (its exogenic and endogenic components). The
obtained data shows that higher velocity of the glycine absorption in
Therefore, the rate of the absorptive activity of the small intestine
the functioning fragment of the rats small intestine comes from
under physiological condition is in fact higher than in the experiments
stimulating effect of chime on the transport system of separate
with the isolated loop. It proves the role of endogenic factors and
enterocyte as well as the substrate regulation of the cellular pool.
exogenic substrates (natural gastrointestinal fluids, native food
components and different levels of the regulation) in the functioning
of a small intestine. Absence of these components leads to the atrophy References
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J Gastrointest Dig Syst Volume 5 Issue 4 1000308

ISSN:2161-069X JGDS, an open access journal
Citation: Storchilo OV (2015) Absorption of Glycine in the Small Intestine of Rats Under Physiological Condition. J Gastrointest Dig Syst 5: 308.

Page 4 of 4

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small intestine based on a comparison of techniques of chronic and acute

J Gastrointest Dig Syst Volume 5 Issue 4 1000308

ISSN:2161-069X JGDS, an open access journal

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