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Easy Lessons For Teaching Word Families

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The document provides an overview of a book that provides lessons for teaching word families to students.

The book provides lessons and instructions for teaching word patterns and phonics to students.

The book describes providing letter cards, word boards, and other classroom materials to help teach the lessons.

Easy Lessons

Word Families
by Judy Lynch


Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources


To my coach Mike and our team:

Kevin, Shannon & Michael

Grateful thanks to my mentors:
Bev Ruby and Linda Lake, Reading Recovery Teacher Leaders
Cecil Morris, California Reading and Literature Project
Dr. Mary Barr, Center for Language and Learning
Dr. Richard Herzberg, Bureau of Education and Research

Heartfelt gratitude to Pat Cunningham and Dottie Hall, authors of Making Words,
for their inspiration and support of classroom teachers.

And to the first-grade teachers at Madison Elementary, Sacramento, who field tested these
lessons: Jordy Banner, Mary Ann Blohm-Craig, Cecelia Kingsbury, Heather Smith, and
Sherry Valiska

Teachers may photocopy these appendices for classroom use. No other part of this publication may be
reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher.
For information regarding permission, write to Scholastic Inc., 555 Broadway,
New York, NY 10012.

Cover design by Jaime Lucero

Cover illustration by Amanda Haley
Interior design by LDL Designs
Interior illustrations by Maxie Chambliss

ISBN 0-590-68570-8

Copyright 1998 by Judy Lynch

All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

2 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Terminology Talk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Common Patterns/Rimes
Classroom Materials List

Lessons by Common Rime Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Lesson Format: A Sample Lesson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Lessons by Vowel Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

One Short Vowel
a (Lessons 1, 2, 3)
o (Lessons 4, 5, 6)
i (Lessons 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
u (Lessons 13, 14, 15)
e (Lessons 16, 17, 18)
Two Short Vowels (Lessons 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27)
One Vowel With Silent e
a (Lessons 28, 29, 30, 31, 32)
o (Lessons 33, 34, 35)
i (Lessons 36, 37, 38, 39)
Mixed Vowel Patterns (Lessons 4055)

Appendices (Reproducibles)
A Nursery Rhymes with Common Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
B Large Letter Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
C Small Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
D Letter Boxes/Word Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

Professional References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

What Is Easy Lessons sume to write a book that is similar but has
for Teaching Word Families? important differences?
I wrote Easy Lessons for Teaching Word
Easy Lessons is a practical guide for teachers Families because I was concerned that Making
that links phonemic awareness (hearing Words was too challenging for some of our first
sounds in words) with phonics (the visual graders. Before Making Words, they needed
details of print). simpler lessons closer to the Making and
The first steps into making this important Breaking component of the Reading
link need to be made with modeling and Recovery lesson. As a Reading Recovery
coaching. This hands-on activity provides sys- teacher working with the most at-risk first
tematic lessons that improve spelling, reading, graders, I do these basic lessons daily that link
phonemic awareness and phonics. In about a phonemic awareness to print while teaching
20-minute lesson, students manipulate their word patterns. Pat Cunningham was inspired
own letters to make words having high fre- by these Reading Recovery lessons when she
quency word patterns. The group later sorts developed her word lessons (Reading Teacher,
these for common patterns and reads and September, 1992). I have since discovered that
writes more words using the sounds they have first graders in regular classrooms profit from
just practiced. The link to word patterns is Easy Lessons as they solidify the link between
further reinforced in the context of nursery sounds they hear (phonemic awareness) and
rhymes. This book is designed to be user- which letters make those sounds (phonics). At
friendly for teachers so it has simple lesson the kindergarten level, I have used Easy Lessons
plans and all the materials ready to make. with small groups of students who know their
letters in isolation but dont know what to do
with them in words. ESL and Title 1 students
also benefit from teacher coaching during these
Why a new book? simplified lessons using letters as manipulatives.

Pat Cunningham and Dottie Hall have

changed phonics instruction in classrooms
across the United States with their book Key Points
Making Words (Good Apple, 1994). I have
been one of their cheerleaders as Ive demon- Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families is
strated to teachers these hands-on, research designed for small groups of students who
based phonics lessons. Then why would I pre- know 20 or more lowercase letters. Built in

4 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

practice with a letter/sound in a lesson and (cat) to read and spell unknown words (splat).
across lessons will help teach unknown letters. Before giving students individual letters to
Lessons are grouped by vowel patterns to help manipulate, I model the process and use only
teachers pick and choose lessons needed by the large letters in the pocket chart. This gives
their students. me an opportunity to talk them through the
The Wordboards provide boxes that repre- process of listening for sounds and pinpoint-
sent each sound heard in a word. These boxes ing where they hear the changes as we make a
make a 1:1 match for students linking sound new scrambled word. The new research on
to print. Putting sounds in boxes is based on phonemic awareness points out how crucial it
the work of Elkonin and is very effective in is for students to hear individual sounds in the
Reading Recovery and in classroom practice. speech stream. When they become flexible
I wrote Easy Lessons for Teaching Word with that, I add letters to make the essential
Families also to emphasize the highest utility link to phonics.
spelling patterns. Durrells research found that
the 37 most common phonograms make up
500 primary words. The decoding of this unit
of print is more reliable than following old
rules we used to teach. Two vowels go walk-
ing, the first one does the talking is only true
in less than 50 percent of words. Pat
Cunningham (1991) reminds us that the brain
is a pattern detector, not a rule applier. There
are many word patterns we can teach, but I
wanted to build lessons based specifically on
those with the highest use for emergent read-
ers and writers. The research on onset and
rime (vowel patterns in syllables) has explained
why teachers have always had success with
what we used to call word families, ie. cat,
sat, chat. Treiman (1985) found that the break
of words into vowel patterns by syllables is a
psychological reality. Research into decoding
by analogy (Goswami and Bryant, 1990)
shows that students can use a known word

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Terminology Talk
How to describe
Teacher these terms to kids

Consonants up to a vowel in Letters up to a vowel in a word
a syllable (shot)

Vowel pattern in a syllable Chunk
(shot) Looks the same.
Spelling Pattern Sounds the same

Words that sound the same but Words that sound the same but
may have a different spelling may look different at the end
pattern: got, taught, fought

Nonsense words that may come Words that Dr. Seuss might use
up when children brainstorm in a book he wrote.
rimes or rhymes: not, pot, zot

Hearing discreet sounds in the Use your ears...
speech stream. Listen...
Hearing spoken words, sylla-
bles, sounds (phonemes)

Sound/Symbol Correspondence Use your eyes ...
Letters and patterns of print Does that look right?
Visual Look

6 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Basic Materials

Nursery Rhymes (Appendix A) 1, 2, Buckle My Shoe

Link the common patterns practiced in Easy Lessons 1, 2, Buckle my shoe
to favorite nursery rhymes that can be put in your
pocket chart. Black line masters for individual stu- 3, 4, Shut the door
dent copies are available.
5, 6, Pick up sticks

Large Letter Cards (Appendix B) 7, 8 Lay them straight

For teacher and students to use in the pocket chart.

9, 10 The big fat hen

Small Letter Cards (Appendix C) or Magnetic Letters

For the students to manip-

c a t
ulate to make the words.

Letter Boxes/Word Boards

(Appendix D)
Boxes made to match 3- to 5-letter words. This encourages students to match
the sounds they hear to the correct boxes going left to right.
Magnetic Boards
Individual magnetic boards can be found in the housewares department
of Target, Walmart, K-Mart, etc. They are sold as burner covers.

Pocket Chart
Teacher and students can manipulate large letters here to make words. They
can add word cards as they make and sort new words.

Small Word Cards

Use 3-by-5-inch index cards to write each word. Sort at the end of the lesson.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

High Utility Patterns/Rimes

For Spelling Patterns and Rhymes

cat bat cake snake

Wylie and Durrell (1970) identified 37 phonograms

which could be found in almost 500 primary grade words:

ack ail ain ake ale

ame an ank ap ash

at ate aw ay eat

ell est ice ick ide

ight ill in ine ing

ink ip it ock oke

op ore ot uck ug

ump unk

8 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Lesson Featured Patterns Lesson Featured Patterns

1 an, ap 29 ack, ame

2 ash, at 30 ake, at, ate
3 at 31 ame, an, ap
4 op, ot 32 ale, ake
5 ock, ot 33 oke, op
6 ock 34 ock, oke
7 it 35 ore, oke
8 ip, it 36 ice, ide
9 in, ing 37 ide, in, ine
10 ing 38 ill, in, ine
11 ink 39 ice, ick, in, ine
12 in, ing, ink 40 ap, at, aw
13 uck, ug 41 aw, ay
14 ump 42 an, ap, aw
15 uck, ump, unk 43 an, ash, ay
16 ell 44 op, ot
17 ell 45 ight, it
18 est 46 ight, ing, ink
19 an, ap, in, ip 47 in, ight, it
20 at, it 48 an, ank, unk
21 ack, at, ick 49 ail, ain, in, ip
22 ash 50 ame, ore
23 an, at, est 51 ail, ain, ip, op
24 ug 52 ail, ap, ill, ip
25 op, ot 53 ate, eat
26 ell, ill, it 54 ug, ate
27 est, ock, ot 55 ain, an, ank, in, ink
28 ale, an, ank, ap

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Pattern Lessons That Pattern Lessons That

Feature the Pattern Feature the Pattern

ack 21, 29 ight 45, 46, 47

ail 49, 51, 52 ill 38, 52
ain 49, 51, 55 in 9, 12, 19, 37, 41,
47, 49, 55
ake 30, 32
ine 37, 38, 39
ale 28, 32
ing 9, 10, 12, 46
ame 29, 31, 50
ink 11, 12, 46, 55
an 1, 19, 23, 28, 31,
42, 43, 48, 49, 55 ip 19, 49, 51, 52
ank 28, 48, 55 it 7, 8, 20, 26, 45, 47
ap 1, 19, 28, 31, 40, ock 5, 6, 34, 54
42, 51, 52
oke 33, 34, 35
ash 2, 43
op 4, 25, 33, 44
at 2, 20, 21, 23, 27,
ore 35, 50
30, 40
ot 4, 5, 25, 27, 44
ate 30, 53, 54
uck 13, 15
aw 40, 41, 42
ug 13, 24, 54
ay 41, 43
ump 14, 15
eat 53
unk 15, 48
ell 16, 17, 26
est 18, 23
ice 36, 39
ick 21, 39
ide 36, 37

10 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Lesson Format: A Sample Lesson

To help you understand how to guide each of the I dictate each word, tell how many letters to
lessons in this book, here is how I would conduct use, and use it in a sentence or explain its meaning
Lesson #1. to provide a context for each word. Here is a typi-
cal dialogue from Lesson 1:

STEP 1: Collect Lesson Materials Teacher: Today we are going to make a lot of
words with our letters. Well need to use our ears
Before the lesson, I gather materials. For Lesson to listen for sounds and well need our eyes to look
#1, I will be working with the letters a, c, m, n, p, for the letters to match those sounds. Lets make
r, t. I pull out my large letter cards (see Appendix sure you know the letter names and sounds.
B) for the pocket chart and the small paper letters What is it? (I point to the first letter, a.)
my students will use (see Appendix C). If I have What sound does it make? /a/ (I continue to
children who I think will benefit from using even quickly name letters and sounds).
more concrete manipulatives than the letter cards, Ready? Lets make some words.
Ill pull out the magnetic letters and trays. This Number 1, cap. The baseball player wears a
prep takes just a few minutes. cap on his head. Cap. Say it slowly: c-a-p. What
do you hear first? Put that letter in the first box.
Say it again: c-a-p... What do you hear in the
STEPS 2 & 3: Make and Coach middle? Say it again and run your finger under
the letters. What do you hear at the end? Check it
With four to ten students ready to start, we pass with your fingerdoes it look right?
the word boards around the table from left to (As students finish, I call one student up to
right. Then we pass and place the letters on the make the word with the large letter cards in the
bottom of each board quicklyI stress that we do pocket chart. Everyone checks his or her answer
not play with letters. by looking at the pocket chart.)
Run your finger under the word and pull the
sounds across to blend them into a wordc-a-p.
Tips for Storing the Materials (Students make this motion, and blend the
I store the small letter cards in clear plastic drawers, word out loud). Good! When we read words we
which you can buy inexpensively in discount stores dont say, /c/ /c/ /c/-/a/ /a/ /a/-/p/ /p/ /p/.
That doesnt sound like a word, does it?
and hardware stores; theyre often sold near tool
boxes. I label each drawer with a letter. The word
#2. Now you will change one letter. Look at your
boards are in file folders beside the shelf; the 3-by-
word and see which one should be changed before
5-inch word cards are kept in envelopes marked you move any letters.
with the lesson number, stored in a plastic box. I Map. We used a map to find our way in the
keep magnetic letters and magnetic trays in nearby car. Map. Run your finger under the word
box. The magnetic trays are actually burner covers, where do you hear the change?
which you can buy in houseware stores. (I continue to coach individuals or the group as
needed with advice, such as:

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Say it slowly. What do you hear? Where do you STEP 4: Sort

hear it? What letter makes that sound?
Now run your finger under and read. Teacher: Its time to put our letters away.
(I invite a student volunteer to make the word in (Collect the letters and the word boards. Now the
the pocket chart, using the large letters. I place the focus will be on sorting the 3-by-5-inch word cards
3-by-5-inch word card beneath the first word, cap. in the pocket chart by rime patterns/word families).
Now we are ready to move on to the next word.) Lets look at the words we have made in our pocket
chart. Today we are gong to find words that have the
#3. Change one letterlook to see whether the same chunkthe groups of letters at the end of a
change is in the beginning, the middle, or the end. word that look the same and sound the same.
Tap. Water from the faucet is called tap water. Tap. Heres the word tap and the word map. Say
(I coach, then invite a student to make the them. What chunk is the same at the end of each
word in the pocket chart.) word? (Ap, the students respond.)
Good. Who can find another word with the
# 4. Change one letterlisten for where you hear same chunk at the end? (Children proceed to find
the change. Rap. Teenagers like rap music. Rap. the other ap words. Each time we put another
word in our group, we say the words to make
#5. Change one letterbe ready! Nap. The baby sure they sound the same at the end. We look
took a nap after lunch. Nap. carefully for the same chunk at the end. We have
just practiced phonemic awareness and phonics.)
#6. Now, use the same letters to Do rap and tan have the same chunk at the
cap make a new word. Be careful; lis- end? Does it look the same and sound the same?
ten to each sound and then look for Lets look. Lets say them and see. Is there a word
the letter to match. Pan. The din- with the same chunk as tan? (We make another
tap ner was cooked in the pan. Pan. column of an words and look at the end of each
and listen for the same sound.)
#7. Change one letter to make a Today we have been helping our brain to fig-
new word. Ran. The girl ran at ure out words it doesnt know. If we read a word
recess. Ran we dont know, our brain looks for a chunk at the
nap end that it knows. So if we can read map, then our
#8. Change one letter: Tan. The brain looks at cap and sees a part it knowsap.
color tan is light brown. Tan This makes it easier for us to say, Yes! I got it! Cap.
#9. Change one letter. Can. Can
ran you come to my house? Can. STEP 5: Find

#10. Change one letter. Man. The Teacher: Boys and girls, its time to look carefully
man delivered a pizza to our at two letters that sometimes trick kids because
house. Man. they look alike. But lets have sharp eyes to see how
can (Most lessons include oneor two they are different. (I show an n to the group.)
challenge words to use when Tell me what this looks like. (I accept all
man you feel children are ready for answers that describe the shape, size, direction,
more complex words.) or unique features.)

12 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Marta: It looks like a stool to put my feet on, all STEP 7: Can You Read?
round on top with legs.
Ryan: To me, it looks like a worm with one bump. I grab my small white board and write a couple
Karly: I see a line with one hump in front. new words for students to read/decode. In doing
Teacher: Good. You are looking carefully and it this, I am making sure that students know they can
reminds you of some things you know. It has a apply what theyve learned in this lesson when they
short line and one bump in front. This is an n Is read independently. When they come to a word
this an n? (I show an m.) they have never seen before, they can figure it out
Ryan: No, that is a worm with two bumps. by using the chunks they know.
Akeem: No, look, there are too many bumps.
Teacher: Wow! I thought I could trick you, but Teacher: Now its my turn to write some words
you are looking too carefully for me to get you with the chunks you have learned. I want to see
today. Lets look at the word cards and see how how well you can read new words. Dont shout out
many ms we can find. (As students locate let- your answer, just say the word softlylook for the
ters, I continue to question what makes that an part you know!
m. Then we quickly find some ns and continue
to mention their unique physical characteristics.) I write van. We drove this on our trip.
I make sure they have all blended the sounds and
then we respond together.
STEP 6: Can You Write?
Teacher: What is the chunk in van?
Each lesson usualy ends with reading and writing (An, students say.)
words with the same word family. I have scratch Thats right! We made the word pan in our lesson
paper or white boards handy for students to write a and now you can read brand new words with that
few words using the rime patterns/word families that chunk. When your brain sees something it knows
we practiced in the lesson today. They have to make in a word that is new, the part you know will pop
links between the known and the unknown, and use right out to help you read it.
the patterns to build skills that transfer to spelling.
I repeat step 7 with the word sap.
Teacher: Now lets write some words that are like
the words we made today. I cant teach you every
word in the English language, but I can show you PRACTICE
how to use words you know to write words that are
new to you. Listen carefully and think about what I use the practice time to link the lesson to a nursery
chunk you hear at the end of the words I say and rhyme or other poem we have. (The poems are
then write the letters to match. either in poem boards or on pocket chart strips that
Fan. It was so hot I had to fan myself. Fan. we use for shared reading.)
Say it very slowly and then listen for the first sound
thats it. Now say it again. Lets check by running Teacher: I have a poem today that has our chunk
our finger under the word. Does it look right? an in it. Lets read Georgy Porgy together. (See
(Repeat process with the word lap, coaching and Appendix A for nursery rhymes and suggestions
checking as students write.) for working with them.)

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 1

Letters: a c m n p r t

Make: Sort :
ap an rimes

map Find:
ms and ns
Can you write?:
rap (Students write words with same patterns)

nap/ fan lap

pan Can you read?:

(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
van sap
Practice the common pattern an in
man Simple Simon, Georgy Porgy,
and others in Appendix A.

14 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 2

Letters: a b c h m s t

Make: Sort:
at ash rimes
mat Find:
cs and as
hat Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)

bat vat lash

Can you read?:
cash (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

mash brat dash

rash Practice:
Practice the common pattern at in
Pat-a-Cake, The Ten OClock
chat Scholar, and 1, 2, Buckle My
Shoe in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Lesson 3
Letters: a b c f h m p s t

Make: Sort:
at at am rimes
ps and bs
sat Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
hat ram rat
Can you read?:
ham (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

bam splat ram

(CHALLENGE) Practice the common pattern at in
Little Miss Muffet, Jack Sprat,
(CHALLENGE) and others in Appendix A.

16 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 4

Letters: o b c g h l p r t

Make: Sort:
hop op ot ob rimes
ls and ts
pot Can you write?:
rot (Students write words with same patterns)

hot job stop

lot Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
pop spot
gob Practice:
got Practice the common pattern ot in

chop Pease Porridge Hot and Little Boy

(CHALLENGE) Blue in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Lesson 5
Letters: o c d k l p r t

Make: Sort:
lot ot ock od rimes

lock Find:
rock ds and ps
rot Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
nod clock
cod Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
slot sock
pot Practice:
Practice the common pattern ock in
pock Hickory Dickory Dock, Birds of a
plot Feather, and Sing a Song in
(CHALLENGE) Appendix A.

18 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 6

Letters: o c f h l k r s t

Make: Sort:
rock ock ost rimes

sock Find:
lock cs and os
lost Can you write?:
cost (Students write words with same patterns)

frost dock block

frock Can you read?:

(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
crock flock

shock Practice:
(CHALLENGE) Practice the common pattern ock in
Rock a Bye Baby, Sing a Song,
clock and Ten OClock Scholar in
(CHALLENGE) Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Lesson 7
Letters: i d f h k l m s t

Make: Sort:
it it id rimes
hs and ds
lit Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
him bit Sid
Can you read?:
hid (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

kid pit grid

skid Practice:
(CHALLENGE) Practice the common pattern it in
Pat-a-Cake, The Clever Hen,
(CHALLENGE) and Cross Patch in Appendix A.

20 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 8

Letters: i h l p r s t

Make: Sort:
rip ip it rimes
hip ls and is
tip/ Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)

fit dip
hit Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
it flip skit

trip Practice:
Practice the common pattern ip
ship in Billy, Billy and I Saw a Ship
(CHALLENGE) A-Sailing in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Lesson 9
Letters: i b d g n r s t w

Make: Sort:
in in ing rimes
tin Find:
bin ns and ws
Can you write?:
win (Students write words with same patterns)

fin bing
ring Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)

chin king

string Practice:
Practice the common patterns in and
bring ing in Sing a Song and Ding
(CHALLENGE) Dong Bell in Appendix A.

22 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 10

Letters: i b g n p r s t w

Make: Sort:
ing rimes
ring (4 & 5 letter words)

bring ps and gs
wing Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
king thing
Can you read?:
sting (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

ding sling

spring Practice:
Practice the common pattern ing in
brings Banbury Cross, Jack and Jill, and
(CHALLENGE) Old Mother Hubbard in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 11

Letters: i b d k l n r s t

Make: Sort:
ink rimes
ink (three- & four-letter words)

link Find:
blink bs and ks

brink Can you write?:

(Students write words with same patterns)

rink pink kink

Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
wink think
stink Practice the common pattern ink in
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and
(CHALLENGE) Cross Patch in Appendix A.

24 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 12

Letters: i g k n p r s w

Make: Sort:
pin in ing ink rimes
kin rs and ns
ring Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)

rink tin sting

sink Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)

sing spin stink

wing Practice:
Practice the common pattern ing
wink in Ding Dong Bell, Humpty
wings Dumpty, and The Hobby Horse
(CHALLENGE) in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 13

Letters: u b c g h k r s t

Make: Sort:
ug uck rimes
bug Find:
bs and hs
hut Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
rut jug duck
Can you read?:
tug (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

tuck plug luck

buck Practice:
Practice the common pattern uck
in One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
chug and Hickory Dickory Dock in
(CHALLENGE) Appendix A.

26 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 14

Letters: u b d h j m p r

Make: Sort:
mud ump um rimes
bum us and ms
jump Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)

dump stump yum

hump Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)

lump/ sum grump

rum Practice:
Practice the common pattern ump in
Humpty Dumpty and The Pumpkin
(CHALLENGE) Eater in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 15

Letters: u b c d k l n s

Make: Sort:
unk uck ump rimes
dunk Find:
ms and ns
buck Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
yuck junk
dump Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)

bump skunk truck

luck Practice the common pattern ump
bumps in The Cat and the Fiddle and
(CHALLENGE) Humpty Dumpty in Appendix A.

28 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 16

Letters: e b j l l s t w y

Make: Sort:
ell et rimes
bell Find:
j s and ys
set Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
jet tell spell
Can you read?:
well (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

wet net Nell

yet Practice:
Practice the common pattern ell
in Cock-Crow, Jack and Jill,
yells Banbury Cross, and The
(CHALLENGE) Pumpkin Eater in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 17

Letters: e b f h l l m s t

Make: Sort:
bet ell elt rimes
set Find:
met f s and t s
Can you write?:
belt (Students write words with same patterns)

jell pelt
bell Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
welt yell
smell Practice:
(CHALLENGE) Practice the common pattern ell in
The Pumpkin Eater, Little Bo Peep,
(CHALLENGE) and Jack and Jill in Appendix A.

30 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 18

Letters: e b n p s t t

Make: Sort:
pet est et ent rimes
bs and ps
ten Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
went rest
best Can you read?:
nest (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

test vest wet

pest Practice:
step Practice the common pattern est
in Thirty Days Hath September
(CHALLENGE) in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 19

Letters: a i f n p r s

Make: Sort:
sap ap an ip in rimes
pan rs and ns
nip Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)

rip slap flip

ran Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)

fan bran chin

snap Practice:
(CHALLENGE) Practice the common patterns an and
pins ip in I Saw a Ship A-Sailing or ip
(CHALLENGE) in Billy Billy in Appendix A.

32 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 20

Letters: a i b c f h p s t

Make: Sort:
at at it rimes
cat Find:
fat hs and bs
Can you write?:
bit (Students write words with same patterns)

fit that omit

Can you read?:
hit (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

pit split splat

cast Practice the common patterns at and
it in Little Miss Muffet, Hey Diddle
spit Diddle, and Ding Dong Bell in
(CHALLENGE) Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 21

Letters: a i b c k r s t

Make: Sort:
at at ack ick rimes
cat Find:
bat cs and as
rack Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
pack chick
sack Can you read?:
stack (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

stick quick quack

tick Practice:
trick Practice the common patterns at,
ick, and ack in Jack Sprat in
(CHALLENGE) Appendix A.

34 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 22

Letters: a i c d f h r s w

Make: Sort:
ash ish as rimes

has/ Find:
ds and hs
Can you write?:
cash (Students write words with same patterns)

crash swish smash

rash Can you read?:

(Teacher writes the word for them to read)

dash squish flash

dish Practice:
fish Practice the common pattern ash in
Dapple Gray and If All the Seas
wish in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 23

Letters: a e b c n p r s t

Make: Sort:
cat at an est rimes
as and es
pet Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
nest jet
bet Can you read?:
best (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

rest blast chest

pest Practice:
past Practice the common patterns at and
cast an in Pat-a-Cake, The Cat and the
crest Fiddle, and If All the Seas in
(CHALLENGE) Appendix A.

36 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 24

Letters: o u c g h n p r t

Make: Sort:
cut ug ot ut rimes
hot ps and gs
pot Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)

pug slug slot

tug/ Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)

gut trot drug

rut Practice:
Practice the common pattern ot in
rug Pease Porridge, Simple Simon,
chug and Old Mother Hubbard in
(CHALLENGE) Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 25

Letters: o u b c h m p r t

Make: Sort:
mob op ot rimes
cs and os
cup Can you write?:
cub (Students write words with same patterns)

shop shot
Can you read?:
rot (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

hot drop gumdrop

Practice the common pattern op in
(CHALLENGE) Rock-a-Bye Baby in Appendix A.

38 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 26

Letters: e i b l l m p s t

Make: Sort:
it ell ill it rimes
bit Find:
ls and t s
pill Can you write?:
mill (Students write words with same patterns)

sill jell hill

tell Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
till chill yell
bell Practice:
spill Practice the common pattern ill in
(CHALLENGE) The Ten OClock Scholar, Little
smell Boy Blue, and The Clever Hen
(CHALLENGE) in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 27

Letters: o e c d k p r s t

Make: Sort:
sod est ock ot rimes
pot Find:
rot ps and d s
dot Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
jest clock
rock Can you read?:
rod (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

red shock vest

pest Practice:
Practice the common pattern ock
(CHALLENGE) in Sing a Song of Sixpence,
stock Rock-a-Bye Baby, and Hickory
(CHALLENGE) Dickory Dock in Appendix A.

40 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 28

Letters: a e b k l n p s t

Make: Sort:
an ale an ank rimes
nap Find:
nab/ ps and bs
bank Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
gale van
Can you read?:
lap/ (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

pal ran thank

tale Practice:
sale Practice the common pattern ale in
Simple Simon and The Clever
(CHALLENGE) Hen in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 29

Letters: a e b c k l m s t

Make: Sort:
came ack ame rimes
tame Find:
lame l s and bs
Can you write?:
black (Students write words with same patterns)

back game black

stack Can you read?:
tack (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

lack snack frame

backs Practice:
Practice the common patterns
tacks ack and ame in Jack and Jill
in Appendix A.

42 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 30

Letters: a e b c h k l s t

Make: Sort:
at at ate ake rimes
cat Find:
sat hs and bs
hate Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
date bake
Can you read?:
cake (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

take snake plate

shake Practice:
(CHALLENGE) Practice the common patterns ake
stake and ate in The Greedy Man or
(CHALLENGE) ate in Cock-Crow in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 31

Letters: a e c m n p s t

Make: Sort:
an an ap ame rimes
pan/ Find:
nap ns and ms
Can you write?:
tap (Students write words with same patterns)

sap fame plan

same Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
name than frame
Stan Practice the common patterns an and
ap in The Hobby Horse and Sing
(CHALLENGE) a Song in Appendix A.

44 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 32

Letters: a e b k l m s t

Make: Sort:
ale ake ale rimes
ks and bs
stake Can you write?:
sake (Students write words with same patterns)

scale flake
Can you read?:
bale (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

lake wake whale

male Practice the common patterns ake
bakes and ale in The Clever Hen in
Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 33

Letters: e o c h k m p r s

Make: Sort:
mop op oke rimes

hop Find:
cop hs and ks
Can you write?:
chop (Students write words with same patterns)

woke slop
coke Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
crop broke
spoke Practice:
Practice the common pattern oke in
chops Jack and Jill and Little Bo Peep
in Appendix A.

46 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 34

Letters: e o c h k m r s t

Make: Sort:
coke ock oke rimes

choke Find:
smoke cs and ss

smock Can you write?:

(Students write words with same patterns)
joke block
sock Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)

shock flock spoke

stoke Practice the common pattern ock in
The Cat and the Fiddle, The Ten
stroke OClock Scholar, and Hickory
Dickory Dock in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 35

Letters: e o b c h k r s t

Make: Sort:
ore ore oke rimes
t s and ks
stoke Can you write?:
choke (Students write words with same patterns)

poke tore
Can you read?:
sore (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

bore snore smoke

coke Practice the common pattern oke in
stroke Jack and Jill and Little Bo Peep
in Appendix A.

48 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 36

Letters: e i c d n p r t w

Make: Sort:
ice ide ice rimes

twice Find:
dice cs and es

rice Can you write?:

price (Students write words with same patterns)

hide spice
ride Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)

tide slice glide

side Practice the common pattern ice in
prices Ding, Dong Bell and Birds of a
(CHALLENGE) Feather in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 37

Letters: e i d n p r t w

Make: Sort:
in in ine ide rimes
w s and ns
wide Can you write?:
ride (Students write words with same patterns)

nine slide
tin Can you read?:
pin (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

pine bride shine

pride Practice the common pattern ide
in Old Mother Hubbard and
(CHALLENGE) Banbury Cross in Appendix A.

50 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 38

Letters: e i d f l l m n p

Make: Sort:
in in ine ill rimes
fin Find:
fine ds and ps
Can you write?:
pin (Students write words with same patterns)

line shin twine

Can you read?:
dill (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

pill spine spill

mill Practice the common pattern ine
mine in 1, 2 Buckle My Shoe, Birds
pile of a Feather, and Pease Porridge
(CHALLENGE) in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 39

Letters: e i c f k l m n p

Make: Sort:
in ice ine ick rimes
fin Find:
fine l s and ks
Can you write?:
line (Students write words with same patterns)

mine stick shine

nice Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
dice thick
pick Practice:
nick Practice the common patterns ine
kiln and ice in Birds of a Feather in
(CHALLENGE) Appendix A.

52 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 40

Letters: a c l p s t w

Make: Sort:
at at ap aw rimes
pat/ ts and l s
lap Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)

law jaw snap

saw Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)

caw trap raw

sap Practice:
Practice the common pattern at in
sat Jack Sprat, Thirty Days Hath
claw September, and Little Miss Muffet
(CHALLENGE) in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 41

Letters: a l p r s t w y

Make: Sort:
way aw ay rimes
w s and ys
say Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
hay draw
raw Can you read?:
ray (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

pray slaw Monday

stay Practice:
straw Practice the common patterns aw
and ay in The Hobby Horse and
stray Billy Billy, or ay in Rain and
Cock-Crow in Appendix A.

54 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 42

Letters: a l m p r s w
Review the two sounds of a used in this lesson.

Make: Sort:
ma an ap aw rimes
paw Find:
pan ms and ws
Can you write?:
raw (Students write words with same patterns)

saw draw nap

map Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
ran thaw snap
lap Practice the common pattern an
law in Georgy Porgy, I Saw a Ship
slaw A-Sailing, and Banbury Cross
(CHALLENGE) in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 43

Letters: a y h m n p r s s

Make: Sort:
an an ay ash rimes
pan Find:
ran y s and hs
Can you write?:
sash (Students write words with same patterns)

say smash clay

ray Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
spray hash
smash Practice:
Practice the common pattern ash in
pray If All the Seas or ay in Rain in
Appendix A.

56 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 44

Letters: o g h l n p r s t

Make: Sort:
so ot op o rimes
no Find:
not hs and ns
lot Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
shot flop
hot Can you read?:
hop (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

lop shop trot

stop Practice:
Practice the common pattern ot
(CHALLENGE) in Simple Simon, Old Mother
ghost Hubbard, and Pease Porridge
(CHALLENGE) in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 45

Letters: i b f g h l r s t

Make: Sort:
it it ight rimes

lit Find:
light r s and hs
Can you write?:
sight (Students write words with same patterns)

sit split night

slit Can you read?:

(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
fright skit
flit Practice:
Practice the common pattern it in
fight The Hobby Horse, The Greedy
slight Man, Rain, and If All the Seas
(CHALLENGE) in Appendix A.

58 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 46

Letters: i g h k l n r s t

Make: Sort:
king ink ing ight rimes

sting Find:
sing ls and hs
Can you write?:
sight (Students write words with same patterns)

night stink sting

right Can you read?:

(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
fling bright
link Practice:
Practice the common pattern ing
light in Thirty Days Hath September,
slight Humpty Dumpty, and Ding
(CHALLENGE) Dong Bell in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 47

Letters: i b f g h n r s t

Make: Sort:
in in it ight rimes
tin Find:
bin r s and ns
hit Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
tight skin
Can you read?:
sight (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

night slit slight

fright Practice:
(CHALLENGE) Practice the common patterns it
bright and ight in Little Miss Muffet
(CHALLENGE) in Appendix A.

60 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 48

Letters: a u b c d k l n p r

Make: Sort:
an an ank unk rimes
ran Find:
pan us and ns
plank Can you write?:
blank (Students write words with same patterns)

clank lank chunk

drank Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
trunk shrank
punk Practice the common pattern an in
plunk Ladybird, Georgy Porgy, and
(CHALLENGE) Pat-a-Cake in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 49

Letters: a i l n p r s t

Make: Sort:
in ail ain in ip rimes
pin Find:
l s and t s
rap Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
jail gain
nail Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
brain mail
sprain Practice:
(CHALLENGE) Practice the common pattern ain
trail in Rain in Appendix A.

62 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 50

Letters: a e o c f g l m r

Make: Sort:
ore ame ore are rimes
ms and r s
fore Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
name store
gore Can you read?:
(Teacher writes the word for them to read)
shore blame
lame Practice:
flame Practice the common pattern ame in
glare Georgy Porgy and Old Mother
(CHALLENGE) Hubbard in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 51

Letters: a i l n p r s t

Make: Sort:
tan ail ain ip ap rimes
pal Find:
is and ls
rail Can you write?:
sail (Students write words with same patterns)

tail trail scrap

nap Can you read?:
lap (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

rap strap mail

lip Practice:
snail Practice the common pattern ail in
The Hobby Horse, Simple Simon,
(CHALLENGE) and Little Bo Peep in Appendix A.

64 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 52

Letters: a i l l m p s t

Make: Sort:
sap ail ill ip ap rimes
lip Find:
tip t s and i s
lap/ Can you write?:
pal (Students write words with same patterns)

pail snap snail

sill Can you read?:
sail (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

tail kill flip

mill Practice:
still Practice the common pattern ill in
Birds of a Feather, Little Bo Peep,
(CHALLENGE) and Little Boy Blue in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 53

Letters: a e h l m n p s t

Make: Sort:
ate ate eat rimes
ps and as
hate Can you write?:
(Students write words with same patterns)
Note that
you need
a capital.
gate heat
peat Can you read?:
pleat/ (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

plate treat state

late Practice:
slate Practice the common pattern eat in
(CHALLENGE) The Pumpkin Eater, Little Miss
plates Muffet, and Sing a Song in
(CHALLENGE) Appendix A.

66 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 54

Letters: a e u g h l m r t

Make: Sort:
tag ate ug rimes
gut Find:
get r s and us
rate Can you write?:
rag (Students write words with same patterns)

rug state slug

lag Can you read?:
late (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

mate chug slate

hug Practice:
hate Practice the common pattern ate in
grate The Greedy Man and Cock-Crow
(CHALLENGE) in Appendix A.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Lesson 55

Letters: a i b k n p r s t

Make: Sort:
pin ain an ank in ink rimes
plan Find:
plank ps and bs
Can you write?:
bran (Students write words with same patterns)
thank think
sank Can you read?:
sink (Teacher writes the word for them to read)

rink blink train

(CHALLENGE) Practice the common pattern ink in
brink Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and
(CHALLENGE) Cross Patch in Appendix A.

68 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Appendix A
Included in Appendix A are some of your favorite nursery rhymes to use for reading practice and an
opportunity to work with common word patterns/chunks. Over a period of one to two weeks, work on
phonics with the poem in a pocket chart on sentence strips


1. Read the poem to students and then with them.

2. Read the poem in a variety of ways.

3. Who can find ______?

sentences, words, letters
chunks/word patterns from Words Lessons

4. Group work:
Mix up sentence strips and rebuild the poem.
Match with extra sentence strips, then words and letters.
Substitutions: Im going to trick you, look closely.
Inventions: Substitute word cards that change the poem.
Errors: Substitute letters that will change the poem.
Spoonerisms: Switch letters from words that are in the poem.


1. Make two copies of the poem for each student.
2. Read the poem from the personal copy.
3. Cut the second copy of the poem into sentence strips.
Match on top of the personal copy.
Rebuild on the table without matching.
4. Cut the second copy of the poem into individual words.
Match on top of the second copy.
Rebuild on the table without matching.
5. Take home in an envelope one copy of the poem and the poem cut into separate words.


Run five copies of the poem on colored cardstock.
two copies mounted on 9-by-12-inch manila envelopes for storage
one copy cut into a poem puzzle (store in one large envelope)
one copy cut into sentence strips for matching and rebuilding
one copy cut into words for matching and rebuilding
(store sentences and words in second large envelope)

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

1,2 Buckle My Shoe at, ay, ick, ight, ine, uck 2, 13, 38
Banbury Cross an, ell, ide, ing, ock 10, 16, 37, 42
Billy, Billy aw, ay, ight, ill, ine, ing, ip 19, 41, 52
Birds of a Feather at, ice, ill, ine, ock 5, 36, 38, 39, 52
Cock-Crow ate, ay, ell, ill, ock 16, 30, 41, 54
Cross Patch ake, aw, in, ink, it 7, 11, 55
Ding, Dong Bell at, ell, ice, ill, in, ing, it 12, 20, 36, 46
Georgy Porgy ame, an, ay, ing 1, 42, 48, 50
Hickory, Dickory Dock an, ick, ock, uck 5, 13, 27, 34
Humpty Dumpty at, ing, ot, ump 12, 14, 15, 46
I Saw a Ship A-Sailing ack, ail, ain, an, ap, aw, ice, in, ing, ip, it, uck 8, 19, 42
If All the Seas Were One Sea an, ash, at, eat, in, it 23, 43, 45
Jack and Jill ack, ail, ame, ell, ill, ing, oke 7, 10, 16, 17, 29, 33, 35
Jack Sprat ack, at, eat, ick 3, 21, 40, 48
Little Bo Peep ail, eat, ell, ill, ing, it, oke 17, 33, 35, 51, 52, 53
Little Boy Blue ack, ake, ay, ill, in, it, ot 4, 26, 28, 52
Little Miss Muffet ame, at, ay, eat, ight, ing, it 3, 20, 40, 47, 53
Old Mother Hubbard ack, all, ame, at, ide, ing, ot 10, 24, 37, 44, 50
Pat-a-Cake ake, an, at, ick, in, it 2, 7, 23, 48
Pease Porridge ay, in, ine, it, ot 4, 24, 38, 44
Rain ain, an, ay, it 41, 43, 45, 49
Rock-a-Bye Baby ill, ock, op 6, 25, 27
Simple Simon ail, ale, an, ay, ick, ing, ot 1, 24, 28, 44, 51
Sing a Song ack, ake, ame, an, ap, at, eat, in, ing, ock, ot 4, 5, 6, 9, 27, 28, 31, 53

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The Cat and the Fiddle an, at, ay, it, ump 1, 15, 20, 23, 34
The Clever Hen ake, ale, an, at, ill, it 7, 26, 28, 32
The Greedy Man ake, an, ate, it 30, 45, 54
The Hobby Horse ail, an, ap, aw, ay, ing, it 12, 31, 41, 45, 51
The Pumpkin Eater eat, ell, in, ump 14, 16, 17, 53
The Ten OClock Scholar ake, at, ill, ock 2, 6, 26, 34
Thirty Days Hath September at, ay, est, ing 3, 18, 40, 46
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in, ink it 11, 12, 55

1, 2, Buckle My Shoe
1, 2, Buckle my shoe

3, 4, Shut the door

5, 6, Pick up sticks

7, 8 Lay them straight

9, 10 The big fat hen

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Banbury Cross

Ride a cock-horse

To Banbury Cross,

To see an old lady

Upon a white horse.

Rings on her fingers

And bells on her t oes,

She shall have music

Wherever she goes.

72 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Billy, Billy
Billy, Billy come and play,
While the sun shines bright as day.

Yes, my Polly, so I will,

For I love to please you still.

Billy, Billy, have you seen

Sam and Betsy on the green?

Yes, my Poll, I saw them pass,

Skipping oer the new-mown grass.

Billy, Billy, come along,

And I will sing a pretty song.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Birds of a Feather
Birds of a feather f lock together

And so do pigs and swine:

Rats and mice will have their choice,

And so will I have mine.

74 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Cocks crow in the morn
To tell us to rise,

And he who lies late

Will never be wise;

For early to bed

And early to rise,

Is the way to be healthy

And wealthy and wise.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Cross Patch
Cross patch, draw the latch,

Sit by the fire and spin;

Take a cup and drink it up,

Then call your neighbors in.

76 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Ding, Dong, Bell

Ding, dong, bell,

Pussys in the well!

Who put her in?

Little Tommy Lin.

Who pulled her out?

Little Johnny Stout.

What a naughty boy was that,

To try to drown poor pussy-cat.

Who never did him any harm,

But killed the mice in his
fathers barn!

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Georgy Porgy
Georgy Porgy, pudding and pie,

Kissed the girls and made them cry,

When the boys came out to play,

Georgy Porgy ran away.

78 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Hickory, Dickory, Dock

Hickory, dickory, dock,

The mouse ran up the


The clock struck one,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory, dickory, dock.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty
Sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty
Had a great fall.
All the kings horses
And all the kings men
Cannot put Humpty
Dumpty together again.

80 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

If All the Seas Were One Sea

If all the seas were one sea,
What a great sea that would be!

And if all the trees were one tree,

What a great tree that would be!

And if all the axes were one ax,

What a great ax that would be!

And if all the men were one man,

What a great man he would be!

And if the great man took the great ax

And cut down the great tree,

And let it fall into the great sea,

What a splish splash that would be!

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

I Saw a Ship A-Sailing

I saw a ship a sailing
A-sailing on the sea;
And, oh! it was all laden
With pretty things for thee!

There were comfits in the cabin,

And apples in the hold;
The sails were made of silk,
And the masts were made of gold.

The four-and-twenty sailors

That stood between the decks,
Were four-and-twenty white mice
With chains about their necks.

The captain was a duck,

With a packet on his back;
And when the ship began to move,
The captain said, Quack! Quack!

82 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill

Went up the hill,

To fetch a pail of water;

Jack fell down

And broke his crown,

And Jill




Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Jack Sprat
Jack Sprat could eat no fat,

His wife could eat no lean.

So between them both you see,

They licked the platter clean.

84 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Little Bo-Peep
Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep,
And cant tell where to find them;

Leave them alone,

And theyll come home,
And bring their tails behind them.

Little Bo-Peep fell fast asleep,

And dreamt she heard them bleating;

But when she awoke,

She found it a joke,
For still they all were fleeting.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Little Boy Blue

Little Boy Blue,
Come blow your horn,
The sheeps in the meadow,
The cows in the corn.
Where is the boy
Who looks after the sheep?
Hes under the haycock
Fast asleep.
Will you wake him?
No, not I,
For if I do,
Hes sure to cry.

86 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Little Miss Muffet

Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet,
Eating her curds and
There came a big spider,
Who sat down beside her
And frightened Miss
Muffet away.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Old Mother Hubbard

Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard
To give her poor dog a bone;

But when she got there, the cupboard was bare,

And so the poor dog had none.

She went to the hatters to buy him a hat;

when she came back he was feeding the cat.

She went to the barbers to buy him a wig;

When she came back he was dancing a jig.

She went to the tailors to buy him a coat;

When she came back, he was riding a goat.

She went to the cobblers to buy him some shoes;

When she came back he was reading the news.

88 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake,
Bakers man!
Bake me a cake
As fast as you can.
Pat it, and prick it,
And mark it with T,
Put it in the oven
For Tommy and me.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Pease Porridge
Pease porridge hot,
Pease porridge cold,
Pease porridge in the pot,
Nine days old.

Some like it hot,

Some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot,
Nine days old.

90 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Rain, rain, go away,
Come again
another day;
Little Johnny wants
to play.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Rock-a-bye Baby

Rock-a-bye baby
On the treetop,
When the wind blows
The cradle will rock;
When the bough breaks
The cradle will fall,
And down will come
Cradle, and all.

92 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Simple Simon
Simple Simon met a pieman,
Going to the fair:
Says Simple Simon to the pieman,
Let me taste your ware.

Says the pieman to Simple Simon,

Show me first your penny.
Says Simple Simon to the pieman,
Indeed I have not any.

Simple Simon went a fishing,

For to catch a whale;
All the water he had got
Was in his mothers pail.

Simple Simon went to look

If plums grew on a thistle;
He pricked his fingers very much,
Which made poor Simon whistle.
Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Sing a Song
Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye.
Four-and-twenty blackbirds
Baked in a pie.

When the pie was opened,

The birds began to sing.
Was not that a dainty dish
To set before the king?

The king was in the counting-house,

Counting out his money.
The queen was in the parlor,
Eating bread and honey.

The maid was in the garden,

Hanging out the clothes.
When down came a blackbird
And snapped off her nose!
94 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

The Cat and the Fiddle

Hey diddle, diddle!

The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over
the moon.
The little dog laughed
To see such a sport
And the dish ran away
with the spoon.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

The Clever Hen

I had a little hen,
the prettiest ever seen,

She washed me the dishes

and kept the house clean.

She went to the mill

to fetch me some flour.

She brought it home

in less than an hour;

She baked me my bread,

she brewed me my ale,

She sat by the fire

and told many a fine tale.

96 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

The Greedy Man

The greedy man is he who sits

And bites bits out of plates,

Or else takes up an almanac

And gobbles all the dates.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

The Hobby Horse

I had a little hobby-horse,

And it was dapple gray;

Its head was made of pea-straw,

Its tail was made of hay.
I sold it to an old woman
For a copper groat;
And Ill not sing my song again
Without another coat.

98 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

The Pumpkin Eater

Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater,

Had a wife and couldnt keep her;

He put her in a pumpkin shell,

And there he kept her very well.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

The Ten OClock Scholar

A diller, a dollar,
A ten oclock scholar

What makes you

Come so soon?

You used to come

At ten oclock,

But now you come

At noon.

100 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Thirty Days Hath September

Thirty days hath September,

April, June, and November;

February has twenty-eight alone,

All the rest have thirty-one,

Excepting leap-year, thats the time

When Februarys days are twenty-nine.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle, Twinkle,
little star,

How I wonder
what you are!

Up above the world

so high,

Like a diamond
in the sky.

Twinkle, Twinkle,
little star,

How I wonder
what you are!

102 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Appendix B
Large letter cards are used to manipulate letters in the pocket chart for the small group to
check. The black line masters are ready to be run on heavy paper such as cardstock. Run the
vowels on pink cardstock and the consonnants on white. With the vowels in a different color,
the vowel patterns are easily visible.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
a e
104 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
i o
Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
u y
106 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
b c
Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
d f
108 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
g h
Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
J k
110 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
l m
Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
n p
112 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
q r
Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
s t
114 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
v w
Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
x y
116 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Appendix C
Print small letters for students to manipulate as they make words. Print vowels on pink card-
stock and the consonnants on white cardstock so that vowel patterns are visible.

How many should I print for my classroom?

For small group work, 40 of each letter will last for many years. Vowels are seven to a
page, so copy six of each vowel page on pink. Consonants are two to a page, so copy
twenty of each consonant page on white. Extra letters can be run for an ABC Center.

How should I store my letters?

small sandwich bags kept in a basket or tub (all of the same letter in one bag)
plastic drawer case, found with tool kits at places like Target, K-Mart, Walmart, Sears,
etc. The ideal has 30 drawers. Each drawer is passed for students to take out letters
needed for a particular lesson.

118 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
e e e e e e e

a a a a a a a


Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
u u u u u u u
o o o o o o o

y y y y y y y

120 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
k k l l m m n
f g g h h Jj Jj
b b c c d d f

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
n p p q q r r

s s t t v v w

w x x y y z z

122 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Appendix D
Wordboards with letter boxes provide a workspace while children build words. Run the
workspaces on cardstock.
Choose the wordboard that matches the majority of words in the lesson you are doing.
For example, if the majority of the words are 3 letter words, use the wordboard with 3
boxes. If there is an occasional word with an extra letter, teach students to put it after the
last box.
Teach students to push sounds in boxes. This technique from Reading Recovery
forces students to say a word slowly and match each sound with a box going left to right.
Model and practice:

1. Put their finger under the first box and say the first sound only as they move their
finger up into the box.

2. Hold that sound as they move their finger down under the next box. Say the next
sound as their finger moves into the corresponding box.

3. Continue for each box and sound that matches.

4. Coach: What do you hear? Where do you hear it?

5. Students match letters to the sound they heard and make changes in boxes where
a new word necessitates a change.

6. Whenever a student has trouble, repeat this method.

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
124 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources
126 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Professional Resources
Adams, Marilyn, Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning Print About Print.
Cambridge: M.I.T Press, 1990.

Bear, Donald R., Shane Templeton, Marcia Invernizzi, & Francine Johnston,
Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction,
Merrill/Prentice-Hall, 1996.

Cunningham, Patricia., Dorothy Hall, Making Words, Carthage, Illinois: Good Apple, 1994.

Cunningham, Patricia., Dorothy Hall, Making Big Words, Parsippany, New Jersey:
Good Apple, 1994.

Cunningham, Patricia., Phonics They Use, New York: Harper Collins, 1995.

Cunningham, Patricia., Dorothy Hall, Making More Words, Parsippany, New Jersey:
Good Apple, 1997.

Goswami, U., and Bryant, P., Phonological Skills and Learning to Read. East Sussex, UK:
Erlbaum Associated, 1990.

Johnson, Terry and Daphne Louis, Literacy Through Literature, Portsmouth, NH:
Heinemann, 1987.

Trieman, R. Onsets and Rimes as Units of Spoken Syllables: Evidence from Children,
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 39, 161181, 1985.

Wagstaff, Janiel. Phonics That Work, New York: Scholastic, 1994.

Young, Sue, The Scholastic Rhyming Dictionary, New York: Scholastic, 1994.

Videos are available for staff development on Making Words and Easy Lessons for Teaching
Word Families. Judy models these strategies with kindergartners, and first and second
graders from her school. Contact: Bureau of Education and Research
P.O. Box 96068
Bellevue, WA 98009
(800) 735-3503

Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Judy Lynch is a full-time teacher at Madison Elementary School near

Sacramento, California. She is a Reading Recovery teacher and teaches

with an incredible K3 team doing literacy support. When she is not

teaching, Judy works with teachers and school districts across the United

States and Canada. Her passion is teaching all children to read. Her jour-

ney in early literacy includes a reading specialist credential and a masters

in reading and language arts. All of her study of research and new strate-

gies has been applied to the first graders and other primary students she

teaches. Judy has been married for 28 years to a football coach and they

have three great children and a rambunctious Irish setter.

128 Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families Judy Lynch, Scholastic Teaching Resources

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