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Mini-Review: Elizabeth Phipps, Devika Prasanna, Wunnie Brima, and Belinda Jim

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Preeclampsia: Updates in Pathogenesis, Definitions,

and Guidelines
Elizabeth Phipps,* Devika Prasanna,* Wunnie Brima, and Belinda Jim*

Preeclampsia is becoming an increasingly common diagnosis in the developed world and remains a high cause of
maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality in the developing world. Delay in childbearing in the developed world
*Department of
feeds into the risk factors associated with preeclampsia, which include older maternal age, obesity, and/or vascular Nephrology/
diseases. Inadequate prenatal care partially explains the persistent high prevalence in the developing world. In this Medicine, Jacobi
review, we begin by presenting the most recent concepts in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Upstream triggers of the Medical Center at
well described angiogenic pathways, such as the heme oxygenase and hydrogen sulfide pathways, as well as the roles Albert Einstein
College of Medicine,
of autoantibodies, misfolded proteins, nitric oxide, and oxidative stress will be described. We also detail updated Bronx, New York; and
definitions, classification schema, and treatment targets of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy put forth by obstetric
Department of
and hypertensive societies throughout the world. The shift has been made to view preeclampsia as a systemic disease Medicine, James J.
with widespread endothelial damage and the potential to affect future cardiovascular diseases rather than a self- Peters Veterans Affairs
limited occurrence. At the very least, we now know that preeclampsia does not end with delivery of the placenta. We Medical Center, New
York, New York
conclude by summarizing the latest strategies for prevention and treatment of preeclampsia. A better understanding of
this entity will help in the care of at-risk women before delivery and for decades after. Correspondence:
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 11021113, 2016. doi: 10.2215/CJN.12081115 Dr. Belinda Jim, Jacobi
Medical Center,
Department of
Introduction (3). The hypothesis that defective trophoblastic inva- 1400 Pelham Parkway,
Preeclampsia has been dubbed a disease of theories. sion with associated uteroplacental hypoperfusion Building 1, 3 North,
Its concept has transformed throughout the century may lead to preeclampsia is supported by animal Bronx, NY 10461.
Email: Belindajim286@
from a disease specic to the kidney leading to chronic and human studies (4,5). Thus, a two-stage model
nephritis to a state of toxemia caused by circulating was developed: incomplete spiral artery remodeling
toxins. Our understanding of this disorder has signif- in the uterus that contributes to placental ischemia
icantly advanced since that time: the introduction of (stage 1) and the release of antiangiogenic factors
circulating antiangiogenic factors contributing to dis- from the ischemic placenta into the maternal circula-
ease and the emphasis away from proteinuria to di- tion that contributes to endothelial damage (stage 2)
agnose preeclampsia. What have also been unraveled, (Figure 1). During implantation, placental tropho-
more so in the last decade, are the future cardiovas- blasts invade the uterus and induce the spiral arteries
cular and renal implications for women with a history to remodel, while obliterating the tunica media of the
of preeclampsia, especially those with early, severe myometrial spiral arteries; this allows the arteries to
subtypes. Thus, with much better understanding of accommodate increased blood ow independent of
this disease, we have optimism for diagnosis and maternal vasomotor changes to nourish the develop-
treatment as well as caution for future care of these ing fetus (6). Part of this remodeling requires that the
women. In this review, we will present the latest nd- trophoblasts adopt an endothelial phenotype and its
ings on pathogenesis of preeclampsia, the most recent various adhesion molecules. If this remodeling is im-
updates on the classication schema of hypertensive paired, the placenta is likely to be deprived of oxygen,
disorders of pregnancy, and a summary of preventive which leads to a state of relative ischemia and an in-
and treatment strategies. crease in oxidative stress during states of intermittent
perfusion. This abnormal spiral artery remodeling
was seen and described over ve decades ago in preg-
Pathogenesis nant women who were hypertensive (7). It has since
The pathogenesis of preeclampsia is not fully eluci- been shown to be the central pathogenic factor in
dated but much progress has been made in the last pregnancies complicated by intrauterine growth re-
decades. The placenta has always been a central gure striction, gestational hypertension, and preeclampsia
in the etiology of preeclampsia because the removal of (6). One limitation to this theory, hence, is that these
the placenta is necessary for symptoms to regress (1,2). ndings are not specic to preeclampsia and may ex-
Pathologic examination of placentas from pregnancies plain the difference in manifestations between placen-
with advanced preeclampsia often reveals numerous tal preeclampsia and maternal preeclampsia (see
placental infarcts and sclerotic narrowing of arterioles Subtypes of Preeclampsia below).

1102 Copyright 2016 by the American Society of Nephrology Vol 11 June, 2016
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 11021113, June, 2016 Preeclampsia: Updates in Pathogenesis, Definitions, and Guidelines, Phipps et al. 1103

Figure 1. | Pathogenesis of preeclampsia: two-stage model. AT1-AA, autoantibodies to angiotensin receptor 1; COMT, catechol-O-methyl-
transferase; HTN, hypertension; LFT, liver function test; PlGF1, placental growth factor 1; PRES, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome;
sEng, soluble endoglin; sFlt-1, soluble fmslike tyrosine kinase 1; sVEGFR1, soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1; VEGF,
vascular endothelial growth factor. Reprinted from reference 35, with permission.

Angiogenic Factors respectively (11). Hence, the incorporation of angiogenic

In 2003, Maynard et al. (8) showed that such a substance, markers may help to risk stratify women with high suspi-
soluble fmslike tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1), was upregulated cion for preeclampsia. Similarly, angiogenic markers have
in the circulation of preeclamptic women. sFlt-1 is a splice proved to be useful in distinguishing between confounding
variant of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) re- diagnoses, such as chronic hypertension, CKD, and lupus
ceptor fmslike tyrosine kinase 1. Not containing the cyto- nephritis (1215). The potential to target sFlt as a therapy
plasmic and membrane domains of the receptor, sFlt-1 is is also exciting and currently being studied using an aphere-
allowed to circulate and bind to VEGF and placental growth sis technique (16). The results are promising, although they
factor (PlGF), essentially antagonizing their binding to cell need to be validated in a randomized, controlled trial.
surface receptor fmslike tyrosine kinase 1 (VEGF receptor
1). When sFlt-1 was injected into rats using an adenovirus,
they developed signicant hypertension and albuminuria Heme Oxygenase Pathway
and histologic changes consistent with preeclampsia (i.e., Most recent studies have focused on the proximal
glomerular enlargement, endotheliosis, and brin deposition pathways of sFlt-1 induction. One such pathway is pro-
within the glomeruli). Thus, sFlt-1 seems to be a key medi- mulgated by heme oxygenase (HO). The HO enzyme,
ator in the development of preeclampsia (8). Subsequently, a which exists in two forms, Hmox1 and Hmox2, degrades
second placentaderived protein, soluble endoglin (sEng), heme into carbon monoxide (CO) and other products.
was also found to be upregulated in preeclampsia (9). Hmox is upregulated in states of hypoxia and ischemia; its
sEng, a circulating coreceptor of TGF-b, can bind to TGF-b product, CO, acts as a vasodilator and has been shown to
in the plasma. Antagonizing TGF-b, a proangiogenic factor, decrease perfusion pressure in the placenta (1719). HO is
is analogous to sFlt-1 antagonizing VEGF. In fact, elevated expressed by trophoblasts, and its inhibition has been
levels of sEng in the circulation have been shown to induce shown to result in defective trophoblast invasion in vitro
signs of severe preeclampsia in pregnant rats (9). The true (20). Human studies have also shown that levels of Hmox
signicance of these angiogenic markers, however, may be are decreased in patients with preeclampsia (2127). Further-
in their ability to predict adverse maternal or fetal outcomes. more, the addition of sera from patients with preeclampsia
Rana et al. (10) showed that, in a group of women with the led to decreased levels of Hmox in vitro (28). Conversely,
clinical diagnosis of preeclampsia, an elevated level of sFlt- increased gene expression of Hmox was shown to decrease
to-PlGF ratio (angiogenic form) is associated with worse ma- circulating levels of sFlt-1 (29). Interestingly, CO levels have
ternal and fetal outcomes compared with in women with a been found to be increased in smokers, which may explain
lower ratio (nonangiogenic form). Recently, the Prediction of the smoking paradox, because smoking seems to confer a
Short-Term Outcome in Pregnant Women with Suspected protection against preeclampsia (2932). Indeed, lower levels
Preeclampsia Study, a multicenter trial among 14 countries of CO have been shown in the exhaled breath of patients
that studied highrisk pregnant women in their second and with preeclampsia and gestational hypertension (33,34),
third trimesters using angiogenic markers, showed that an
sFlt-1-to-PlGF ratio of 38 or lower drawn at 2437 weeks of
gestation can reliably predict the absence of preeclampsia Hydrogen Sulfide Pathway
and fetal adverse outcomes within 1 week, with negative The hydrogen sulde (H2S) generating system has also
predictive values of 99.3% (95% condence interval [95% been implicated in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. H2S
CI], 97.9% to 99.9%) and 99.5% (95% CI, 98.1% to 99.9%), is a gas known to have vasodilatory, cytoprotective, and
1104 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

angiogenic properties similar to CO. H2S is generated by and the maternal endothelium likely contributors (53).
three enzymes, cystathionine g-lyase, cystathionine The superoxideproducing enzyme NADPH oxidase, for ex-
b-synthase, and 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase, using ample, has been shown to be present in placental tropho-
the substrates cystathionine, homocysteine, cysteine, and blast. Women with early onset of preeclampsia have been
mercaptopyruvate (36). H2S levels have not only been found to have higher superoxide production compared with
shown to be decreased in preeclampsia, but they seem to those with late-onset disease (53). However, clinical trials of
modulate levels of sFlt-1 and sEng (29,37). This mechanism antioxidant therapy with vitamins C (1000 mg) and E (400
may be dependent on VEGF. When rats that were injected IU) have been disappointing and were associated with an
with adenovirus overexpressing sFlt-1 were treated with increased number of lowbirth weight babies in the treat-
H2S donor sodium hydrosulde, they showed decreased ment arm (54). It is not entirely clear if these doses, although
levels of serum sFlt-1 and increased serum VEGF (38). superphysiologic, would be high enough to affect the ROS
Gene expression of VEGF in the kidneys was also increased, system. Higher doses, although permitted, were avoided in
suggesting that the proangiogenic effects of H2S are medi- pregnancy to avoid unknown side effects.
ated by VEGF. Clinically, the rats showed decreased protein-
uria, hypertension, and glomerular injury (38). Conversely,
decreased levels of the precursor molecules of H2S have Angiotensin Receptor 1 Autoantibodies
been found in patients with preeclampsia (37,39,40). Chronic Turning to immune mechanisms, there have been many
administration of a cystathionine g-lyase inhibitor, studies to show the link between autoantibodies to angio-
DL-propargylglycine, to pregnant mice resulted in elevated tensin receptor 1 (AT1-AAs) and preeclampsia. The pres-
mean BP, liver damage, and decreased fetal growth. How- ence of AT1-AA was rst described by Wallukat et al. (55)
ever, subsequent administration of an H2S-generating com- in 1999 in patients with preeclampsia. These autoanti-
pound to these pregnant mice inhibited the sFlt-1 and sEng bodies seem to be pathogenic in a variety of proposed
levels and restored fetal growth (37). The closest existing pathways. Dechend et al. (52) discovered that AT1-AAs
compound to H2S in clinical use is sodium thiosulfate. So- isolated from sera of preeclampsia women cause upregu-
dium thiosulfate was studied in an angiotensininduced lation of ROS and the NADPH oxidase components as
hypertensive rat model and showed that it reduced hyper- well as NK-kB. Blockade with an angiotensin receptor 1
tension, proteinuria, oxidative stress, and functional and (AT1) receptor blocker, such as losartan, was able to atten-
structural renal parameters (41). In practice, however, so- uate these changes. Interestingly, the same group showed
dium thiosulfate has been mainly used for the treatment of that infusion with an endothelin antagonist in an AT1-
calciphylaxis and resulted in case reports of severe anion AAinfused hypertensive rat was able to decrease its BP.
gap metabolic acidosis via an unknown mechanism (42,43). Hence, another possible pathway of AT1-AAinduced hy-
Although these ndings may give hope that a version of pertension may be via endothelin (56). The fact that transfer
H2S may offer benets in preeclampsia, its safety prole of puried human AT1-AA from women with preeclampsia
must rst be well established in pregnancy. into pregnant mice induced a clinical phenotype of pre-
eclampsia further shows its pathogenicity. This phenotype
was prevented by the coinjection of losartan, an AT1 receptor
Nitric Oxide Pathway antagonist, or an antibody neutralizing peptide (57). Ironi-
The nitric oxide (NO)/nitric oxide synthase (NOS) system cally, the only available class of medication that seems to
is also deranged in preeclampsia. NO is a potent vasodilator ameliorate AT1-AAinduced preeclampsia is the angiotensin
that acts to induce relaxation in vascular smooth muscle receptor blocker, which happens to be teratogenic. Hence,
cells via a cyclic guanosine monophosphate pathway (44). safe blockers of the AT1 system need to be explored. Evidence
Decreased levels of NO (45,46) and increased levels of of a relationship between AT1-AA and angiogenic factors also
arginase (which degrades a precursor molecule in the exists. In mice, the presence of AT1-AA seems to induce sFlt-1
NOS pathway) have been reported in preeclampsia (47,48). release via activation of the calcineurin/nuclear factor of acti-
A deciency in NO has been shown to correlate with met- vated t cells pathway (58). Furthermore, AT1-AA stimulates
abolic derangements seen in preeclampsia, such as hyper- sFlt-1 and sEng by inducing TNF-a and overcoming its neg-
tension, proteinuria, and platelet dysfunction (45). NO ative regulator, HO (59). In terms of human studies, Stepan
deciency induces the uteroplacental changes characteristic et al. (60) did not nd a correlation between AT1-AA and
of preeclampsia in pregnant mice, including decreased uterine sFlt-1 levels, whereas Siddiqui et al. (61) did. Given these mixed
artery diameter, spiral artery length, and uteroplacental blood results in humans, it remains questionable whether AT1-AA
ow (49). These ndings suggest that an intact NOS system is and sFlt-1 levels share the same pathophysiologic mechanism.
essential for normal spiral artery remodeling and pregnancy.

Misfolded Proteins
Oxidative Stress Preeclamptic placentas have been shown to accumulate
From early pregnancy on, the placenta assumes a state of clusters of misfolded protein, which may contribute to the
oxidative stress arising from increased placental mitochon- pathophysiology of the disease (62). Buhimschi et al. (62)
drial activity and production of reactive oxygen species proposed that urine samples in preeclampsia exhibited
(ROS), mainly superoxide anion (50,51). In preeclampsia, a congophilia, a well recognized marker of protein instabil-
heightened level of oxidative stress is encountered (51). ity and misfolding. The urine congophilic material in-
The source had been attributed to the placenta, where cludes proteoforms of ceruloplasmin, Ig free light chains,
free radical synthesis occurs, with maternal leukocytes serpin peptidase inhibitor 1, albumin, IFNinducible
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 11021113, June, 2016 Preeclampsia: Updates in Pathogenesis, Definitions, and Guidelines, Phipps et al. 1105

protein 616, and Alzheimer b-amyloid. The presence of multiple organs, including the heart, kidney, and brain
b-amyloid aggregates in placentas of women with pre- (78). However, because the level of pathology does not
eclampsia and fetal growth restriction further supports seem to be at the placenta, it is generally associated
the notion that such protein aggregates might be directly with a lower rate of fetal involvement and more favorable
pathogenic to the placenta. Urine congophilia was found perinatal outcomes (77,79). Despite the pathophysiologic
to be signicantly elevated in high-risk women with se- differences between these subtypes of preeclampsia, one
vere preeclampsia and medically indicated deliveries must recognize that the distinction is not always clear cut,
compared with in women who were healthy pregnant because the two subtypes may harbor signicant overlap,
controls and those with chronic or gestational hypertension such as in the older woman with vascular disease who
(62). (High risk was dened as women with chronic hy- experiences abnormal placentation. Thus, although subtyp-
pertension, history of severe preeclampsia, twin preg- ing may be helpful in the understanding and prognostica-
nancy, diabetes, diabetic nephropathy, nephrolithiasis, tion of the condition, most patients with preeclampsia have
membranous nephropathy, autoimmune disease, or sickle elements of both pathologies.
cell disease with history of crises.) Furthermore, in a lon-
gitudinal portion of this study where 56 high-risk women
were followed, 78% of the women who developed pre- Maternal Outcomes
eclampsia requiring delivery had high congophilia levels Multiple clinical studies of women with preeclampsia
(dened by Congo red retention of $15% after removal of show an increased risk of developing cardiovascular
unbound Congo red) at study entry, which was .10 diseases later in life (80). An oftenquoted metaanalysis
weeks before clinical manifestation of the disease. However, of prospective and retrospective cohort studies of
for low- and high-risk women who did not develop pre- 3,488,160 women showed that the relative risk for hyper-
eclampsia, there was no signicant difference in their con- tension was 3.70 (95% CI, 2.70 to 5.05) after 14.1 years
gophilia levels at study entry. These ndings suggests that weighted mean follow-up and that the relative risks for
congophilia plays a pathophysiologic role early in disease ischemic heart disease and stroke were 2.16 (95% CI, 1.86
and may be used as a predictive marker (62). to 2.52) after 11.7 years and 1.81 (95% CI, 1.45 to 2.27) after
10.4 years, respectively (81). Three individual studies per-
formed in Norway, California, and Taiwan indicated that
Subtypes of Preeclampsia women with preeclampsia have a #12-fold increase in risk
Ness and Roberts (63) in 1996 had proposed to distin- for developing cardiovascular disease (73,82,83). Addi-
guish preeclampsia into two broad categories: placental tional adverse outcomes, such as the increased risk of renal
and maternal. Others have categorized into early onset disease (84), metabolic disorders (85,86), and death (73),
(,34 weeks of gestation) versus late onset (.34 weeks of have also been reported. Early-onset preeclampsia
gestation) (64). These two subtypes seem to have different conferred a higher risk of end organ damage in terms of
etiologies and phenotypes. In placental or early-onset pre- cardiovascular, respiratory, central nervous, renal, and he-
eclampsia, the etiology is abnormal placentation under patic systems compared with late onset (87). These clinical
hypoxic conditions with higher levels of sFlt-1, lower studies, however, do not delineate whether preeclampsia
PlGF, and higher sFlt-1-to-PlGF ratio compared with in is a cause or a marker for longterm vascular disease.
maternal preeclampsia (65,66). Uterine Doppler studies
have also been shown to have a higher accuracy in iden-
tifying patients who will subsequently develop early- Guidelines
rather than late-onset preeclampsia (6769). These ndings The classication schema of hypertensive disorders in
support the abnormal high impedance to blood ow in pregnancy in general and the denition of preeclamp-
the uterine arteries that has been associated with failure sia in particular have been variably modied in recent
of physiologic transformation of spiral arteries (7072). years. The well known classication system was adopted
In maternal preeclampsia or late-onset preeclampsia, the by the National High Blood Pressure Education Program
problem arises from the interaction between a presumably (NHBPEP) Working Group in 1990 and subsequently
normal placenta and maternal factors that are plagued endorsed by 46 medical organizations. The updated version
with endothelial dysfunction, making them susceptible in 2000 has become a standard that the American College
to microvascular damage. These commonly used classi- of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) follows (88). Since
cations seem to have prognostic value, because placental the NHBPEP original reports, guidelines from interna-
or early-onset preeclampsia carries a signicantly higher tional societies have emerged, each with their own evi-
risk of maternal and fetal complications (64,73,74). They dence, although many with similar recommendations. Of
also harbor a greater prevalence of placental lesions, es- note, one of the most important advances or amendments
pecially between 28 and 32 weeks of gestation (75). Hence, is the ACOG denition of preeclampsia: it no longer re-
placental or early-onset preeclampsia is associated with quires the presence of proteinuria as long as there is evi-
fetal growth restriction and adverse maternal and neona- dence of other end organ damage (Table 1). Diagnosing
tal outcomes (76,77). However, maternal or late-onset pre- preeclampsia in the setting of CKD may be one of the
eclampsia seems to be a decompensated response to the most difcult if not an impossible task, because they share
oxidase stress in the placenta by a dysfunctional maternal many of the same features. Interestingly, none of the societies
endothelium. Endothelial dysfunction, which is one aspect address this issue in their guidelines. However, the angio-
of a systemic maternal inammatory response, may result genic markers (as mentioned above in Angiogenic Factors)
in generalized vasoconstriction and reduced blood to sFlt-1 and PlGF have been shown to be able to distinguish

Table 1. Comparison of definitions among different societies

Category ACOG (89) SOGC (90) SOMANZ (91) ISSHP (92)

Chronic HTN/ sBP$140 mmHg and/or sBP$140 mmHg and/or HTN that is present at the sBP$140 mmHg and/or High BP predating the
essential HTN dBP$90 mmHg known dBP$90 mmHg that booking visit or before dBP$90 mmHg pregnancy
to predate conception or develops either 20 wk or if the woman is conrmed before
detected before 20 wk prepregnancy or at ,2010 already taking pregnancy or before 20
of gestation, with no wk of gestation antihypertensive completed wk of
underlying cause Preexisting HTN with medication when gestation without a
comorbid conditions referred to maternity known cause
Preexisting HTN with services
Gestational New-onset elevations of BP HTN that develops for the New HTN presenting New onset of HTN after When de novo HTN is present
HTN after 20 wk of gestation, rst time at $2010 wk of after 20 wk without 20 wk of gestation after 20 wk of gestation in
often near term, in the gestation signicant proteinuria without any maternal the absence of proteinuria
absence of accompanying Gestational HTN with or fetal features of and maternal organ/
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

proteinuria comorbid conditions preeclampsia followed uteroplacental dysfunction

Gestational HTN with by return of BP to
evidence of preeclampsia normal within 3 mo
Preeclampsia/ HTN as dened above, Gestational HTN with one or Preeclampsia is new HTN Multisystem disorder When de novo HTN is present
eclampsia associated with more of the following presenting after 20 wk unique to human after 20 wk of gestation in
proteinuria (24-h excretion with signicant pregnancy characterized the presence of proteinuria
$300 mg), diagnosed after proteinuria byHTNandinvolvement and maternal organ/
20 wk of uneventful New proteinuria Eclampsia is a convulsive of one or more other uteroplacental dysfunction
gestation up to 2 wk condition associated organ systems and/or
postpartum with preeclampsia the fetus
In the absence of proteinuria, One or more adverse Hemolysis, elevated liver
new-onset HTN with new conditionsa enzymes, and low
onset of any of the platelet count
following syndrome
Platelet count ,100,000/ml, One or more severe Severe preeclampsia:
serum creatinine .1.1 complicationsb preeclampsia with
mg/dl, or doubling of severe HTN and/or
concentration in absence of symptoms and/or
other renal disease biochemical and/or
Transaminitis to twice hematologic
normal concentration impairment
Pulmonary edema
Cerebral/visual symptoms
Table 1. (Continued)
Category ACOG (89) SOGC (90) SOMANZ (91) ISSHP (92)

Preeclampsia/ HTN diagnosed before or in HTN along with the None specied Woman with chronic One or more of the above
eclampsia early gestation and development of one or more HTN developing one or features of preeclampsia (i.e.,
superimposed development of associated of the following at $20 wk more of the systemic proteinuria and maternal
on chronic proteinuria Resistant HTN features of preeclampsia organ/uteroplacental
HTN New or worsening after 20 wk of gestation dysfunction) occur in
proteinuria addition to HTN
One or more adverse
One or more severe
Other HTN White coat HTN: elevated BP White coat HTN: BP that is None specied White coat HTN: raised BP White coat HTN: normal BP
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 11021113, June, 2016

effects primarily in the presence of elevated in the ofce but in the presence of a clinical using 24-h ABPM in the rst
health care providers consistently normal outside attendant but normal BP half of pregnancy
of the ofce (,135/85 otherwise as assessed by
mmHg) by ABPM or HBPM ABPM or HBPM
Transient hypertensive effect: Secondary HTN: raised
elevated BP may be caused BP in the presence of an
by environmental stimuli inciting factor such as
(e.g., the pain of labor) CKD (e.g., GN, reux
Masked hypertensive effect: nephropathy, and adult
BP that is consistently polycystic kidney disease)
normal in the ofce Renal artery stenosis
(sBP,140 mmHg or Systemic disease with renal
dBP,90 mmHg) but involvement (e.g.,
elevated outside of the diabetes mellitus or SLE)
ofce ($135/85 mmHg) Endocrine disorders (e.g.,
by ABPM or repeated pheochromocytoma,
HBPM Cushing syndrome,
and primary
Coarctation of the aorta

ACOG, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology; SOGC, Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada; RCOG, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; SOMANZ,
Society of Obstetric Medicine of Australia and New Zealand; ISSHP, International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy; HTN, hypertension; sBP, systolic BP; dBP, diastolic BP;
ABPM:, ambulatory BP monitoring; HBPM, home BP monitoring.
Adverse condition: involvement of organ systems, such as central nervous (headache, visual symptoms, seizure, etc.), cardiorespiratory (chest pain, hypoxia, poorly controlled HTN, etc.),
hematologic (low platelet count, elevated international normalized ratio [INR] or partial thromboplastin time [PTT], etc.), renal (elevated creatinine, elevated uric acid, new indication for
dialysis, etc.), hepatic (right upper quadrant pain, transaminitis, low plasma albumin, etc.), or fetoplacental system (abnormal fetal heart rate, oligohydramnios, stillbirth, etc.).
Severe complications: complications of central nervous (e.g., eclampsia, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome [PRES], cortical blindness, Glasgow coma scale ,13, stroke, transient
ischemic attack [TIA], or reversible ischemic neurological decit [RIND]), cardiorespiratory (e.g., uncontrolled severe HTN over 12 hours, despite use of three antihypertensive agents, oxygen
saturation ,90%, pulmonary edema, positive inotropic support, or myocardial ischemia or infarction), hematologic (platelet count ,503109/L or transfusion of any blood product), renal (AKI
or new indication for dialysis), hepatic (INR.2 in the absence of disseminated intravascular coagulopathy [DIC] or warfarin), or fetoplacental system (abruption with evidence of maternal or
Preeclampsia: Updates in Pathogenesis, Definitions, and Guidelines, Phipps et al.

fetal compromise, reverse ductus venosus A wave, or stillbirth).

1108 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

preeclampsia from CKD (13,14) and thus, may be potentially In being more aggressive with BP treatments, we are
incorporated in practice for more clarity. somewhat reassured by the results of the recent multicen-
ter, randomized, controlled study: the Control of Hyper-
Comparison of Guidelines from International Societies tension in Pregnancy Study (93). This study showed that a
Although there may be myriad societal guidelines, we tighter target of diastolic BP of 85 mmHg had nonsignif-
chose to review those that have been most impactful and icant maternal and fetal outcomes compared with a less
used. In the United States, however, the classication tight control level of 100 mmHg. The less tight control
scheme as per the ACOG in 2013 comprising four categories group, however, had a higher incidence of severe hyper-
remains unchanged (89). In 2014, the Society of Obstetri- tension, thrombocytopenia, elevated liver enzymes with
cians and Gynecologists of Canada released revised recom- symptoms, and a trend toward a higher incidence of he-
mendations on hypertension in pregnancy on the basis of molysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets syn-
literature reviews and criteria from the Canadian Task drome. Thus, it seems that tighter control of BP is not
Force on Preventative Health Care (90). The National only safe for the fetus but potentially benecial to the
Institute for Health and Care Excellence in the United mother. However, one must be realistic and mindful of
Kingdom in 2010 introduced evidence-based guidelines the evidence of treating mild to moderate hypertension
on the diagnosis and management of hypertension dur- in pregnancy. Abalos et al. (94) showed in their Cochrane
ing pregnancy, birth, and the postnatal period (www. Database review that, although the risk of developing The Society of Obstetric severe hypertension was cut in half in women with the
Medicine of Australia and New Zealand has expanded use of antihypertensive medications compared with
its denition of chronic hypertension (91). Finally, the those not using them, there was no clear evidence of a
International Society for the Study of Hypertension in reduction in the development of preeclampsia or eclamp-
Pregnancy submitted a revised statement in 2014 that sia. It seems that the development of preeclampsia/
includes the categories of chronic hypertension, gestational eclampsia is independent of the BP level, which limits our
hypertension, preeclampsia (de novo or superimposed ability to prevent and treat this condition.
on chronic hypertension), and white coat hypertension
(92). The main categories from each society have been
summarized in Table 1. Preconception Counseling, Prevention, Treatment,
and Postpartum Care in Preeclampsia
The care of the woman at risk for preeclampsia starts
BP Targets with preconception counseling followed by prevention,
Treatment targets for BP, although similar, may also be treatment, and appropriate postpartum follow-up. An
slightly different between societies and may depend on the extensive review of this topic is beyond the scope of this
presence of end organ damage or comorbidities. We have paper. However, we would like to highlight a few salient
summarized the treatment goals in Table 2. points. The ACOG recommends that women who had

Table 2. BP targets

Society When to Start Treatment Treatment Goals

ACOG (89) $160/105 for chronic HTN or 120160/80105 for chronic

160/110 for gestational HTN HTN
or preeclampsia
SOGC (90) BP lowered to ,160/110 in 130155/80105 for nonsevere
severe HTN or BP of 140159/ HTN without comorbid
90109 for nonsevere HTN conditionsa or ,140/90
with comorbid conditions nonsevere HTN with
comorbid conditions
NICE ( .150/100 for uncomplicated ,150/100 but diastolic BP .80
guidance/cg107) chronic HTN/gestational for chronic HTN or ,150/80
HTN/preeclampsia or .140/ 100 for gestational HTN and
90 for target organ damage preeclampsia
secondary to chronic HTN
SOMANZ (91) $160/110 for mild to moderate None recommended
HTN or $170/110 for severe
ISSHP (92) 160170/110 for preeclampsia None recommended

Numbers indicate systolic BP/diastolic BP in millimeters of mercury. ACOG, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology; HTN,
hypertension; SOGC, Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada; NICE, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence;
SOMANZ, Society of Obstetric Medicine of Australia and New Zealand; ISSHP, International Society for the Study of Hypertension in
Comorbid conditions: pregestational type 1 or 2 diabetes mellitus or kidney disease.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 11021113, June, 2016 Preeclampsia: Updates in Pathogenesis, Definitions, and Guidelines, Phipps et al. 1109

Table 3. Preventive and treatment strategies in preeclampsia/eclampsia

Quality of
Intervention Evidence Benet(s) Comments

Calcium 13 RCTs, 15,730 RR, 0.45 (95% CI, High High-dose calcium
supplementation women analyzed 0.31 to 0.65) (97) (.1 g/d) reduced the
by a Cochrane risk of preeclampsia
review (97) in subgroups with
low calcium intake of
,1 g/d and women
at high risk of
Vitamin C and E Multicenter RCT RR, 1.20 (95% CI, High Patients were given
supplementation involving 1877 0.82 to 1.75) (98) 1000 mg vitamin C
women (98) RR, 0.97 (95% CI, and 400 IU vitamin E;
Multicenter RCT 0.80 to 1.17) (54) associated with low
involving 2410 birth weight
women (54) babies (54)
Aspirin Meta-analysis of 34 Before 16 wk of High (99); fair Reduction in
RCTs involving gestation: RR, to good (100) preeclampsia,
11,348 women (99) 0.47 (95% CI, 0.34 especially if used
Meta-analysis of 13 to 0.65); after 16 before 16 wk of
RCTs involving wk of gestation: gestation in high-risk
12,184 women RR, 0.81 (95% CI, women
(100) 0.63 to 1.03) (99) The USPSTF Study
ARR52%5% (100) suggests that low-
dose aspirin in high-
risk women has
important benets
when used as early as
the second trimester
UFH and LMWH Meta-analysis of 10 RR, 0.43 (95% CI, Fair to good Signicant reduction in
RCTs involving 0.28 to 0.65) (101) secondary outcome of
1139 women (101) preeclampsia in high-
risk patients; signicant
reduction in risk of
perinatal mortality,
preterm birth before 34
and 37 wk of gestation,
and infant birth weight
,10th percentile; it was
not possible to evaluate
the effect of UFH
compared with LMWH
Magnesium sulfate RCTs ranging from 0.009% versus 0% of High Signicant reduction in
1687 to 2138 phenytoin versus the incidence of initial
women (102,103) magnesium to and recurrent seizures
prevent in women with
eclampsia gestational HTN
(P50.004) (102); compared with use of
52% lower risk of anticonvulsants, like
recurrent phenytoin and
convulsion than diazepam
diazepam (95%
CI, 64% to 37%
reduction); 67%
lower risk of
convulsions than
phenytoin (95%,
CI 79% to 47%
reduction) (103)

RCT, randomized, controlled trial; RR, relative risk; 95% CI, 95% condence interval; ARR, absolute risk reduction; USPSTF, US
Preventive Services Task Force; UFH, unfractionated heparin; LMWH, low molecular weight heparin; HTN, hypertension.
1110 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

preeclampsia in a prior pregnancy seek preconception counsel- in Table 3. Firstline antihypertensive agents are presented
ing and assessment. In addition, they recommend that for in Table 4. Postpartum surveillance, as per the ACOG guide-
women who have a history of chronic hypertension, the lines, includes obtaining a cardiovascular prole, including
use of angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors and yearly assessment of BP, lipids, fasting blood glucose, and
angiotensin receptor blockers is contraindicated for those body mass index, in women with a history of preterm pre-
desiring pregnancy ( eclampsia or recurrent preeclampsia (89). It is recognized
And-Publications/Task-Force-and-Work-Group-Reports/ that the evidence behind these recommendations is low
Hypertension-in-Pregnancy). We agree with preconception and thus, health care providers must individualize their de-
counseling in high-risk individuals; however, we do not cisions on the basis of the value of this information versus
recommend against the use of angiotensinconverting convenience and cost.
enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers in In summary, with our ever-expanding insight into the
women with comorbidities, such as diabetes, proteinuria, or pathogenesis of preeclampsia and now, a revised denition
CKD, because of the weak evidence of congenital malforma- of preeclampsia, we hope to more accurately diagnose and
tions in the rst trimester (95,96). We do recommend that treat these patients. Furthermore, the recognition of the
these agents be discontinued after pregnancy has been con- long-term consequences of this entity will hopefully en-
rmed. We have also summarized important therapies in hance our care for these women during pregnancy and for
the prevention and treatment of preeclampsia and eclampsia decades afterward.

Table 4. Firstline medication choices in treatment of hypertension of pregnancy

Adverse Events in
Drug Dose Comments

Methyldopa (PO) 500 mg to 3 g in two divided Peripheral edema, anxiety, Contraindicated in

doses nightmares, drowsiness, depression
dry mouth, hypotension,
maternal hepatitis, no
major fetal adverse
Labetalol (PO) 1001200 mg/d in two to Persistent fetal Risk of bronchospasm,
three divided doses bradycardia, bradycardia
hypotension, neonatal
hypoglycemia, asthma
Labetolol (IV) 1020 mg; repeat 2080 mg Persistent fetal Avoid in asthma or heart
iv every 30 min or 12 bradycardia, failure
mg/min; maximum of hypotension, neonatal
300 mg/d hypoglycemia, asthma
Nifedipine (PO) 30120 mg/d Hypotension and Contraindicated in aortic
inhibition of particularly stenosis; Immediate
if used in combination release nifedipine not
with magnesium sulfate recommended
Hydralazine (PO) 50300 mg/d in two to four Hypotension, neonatal Flushing, headache
divided doses thrombocytopenia,
lupus-like syndrome,
Hydralazine 510 mg iv/im; may repeat Tachycardia, hypotension, Hypotension and
every 2030 min to a headache, fetal distress inhibition of labor,
maximum of 20 mg especially when
combined with
magnesium sulfate
Nicardipine (IV) Initial: 5 mg/h increased by Headache, edema, Increased risk of
2.5 mg/h every 15 min to tachycardia hypotension and
a maximum of 15 mg/h inhibition of labor,
especially when
combined with
magnesium sulfate
Nitroprusside (IV) 0.30.5 to 2 mg/kg per Risk for fetal cyanide Use .4 h and dose .2 mg/
minute; maximum toxicity kg per minute associated
duration of 2448 h with increased risk of
cyanide toxicity; use only
as a last resort

PO, oral; IV, intravenous.

Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 11021113, June, 2016 Preeclampsia: Updates in Pathogenesis, Definitions, and Guidelines, Phipps et al. 1111

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19. Lyall F, Barber A, Myatt L, Bulmer JN, Robson SC: Hemeoxy-
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