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Molecular Human Reproduction, Vol.23, No.2 pp.

69–78, 2017
Advanced Access publication on December 28, 2016 doi:10.1093/molehr/gaw077


Placental-specific sFLT-1: role in

pre-eclamptic pathophysiology and
its translational possibilities for
clinical prediction and diagnosis

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K.R. Palmer1,2,*, S. Tong2, and T.J. Kaitu’u-Lino2
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Monash University, Monash Medical Centre, 246 Clayton Rd, Clayton, 3168 Victoria, Australia
Translational Obstetric Group, University of Melbourne, Mercy Hospital for Women, 163 Studley Rd, Heidelberg, 3084 Victoria, Australia

*Correspondence address. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Monash University, Monash Medical Centre, 246 Clayton Rd,
Clayton, 3168 Victoria, Australia. E-mail:
Submitted on August 10, 2016; resubmitted on November 16, 2016; editorial decision on December 2, 2016; accepted on December 9,

ABSTRACT: Pre-eclampsia is a common obstetric complication globally responsible for a significant burden of maternal and perinatal mor-
bidity and mortality. Central to its pathophysiology is the anti-angiogenic protein, soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFLT-1). sFLT-1 is
released from a range of tissues into the circulation, where it antagonizes the activity of vascular endothelial growth factor and placental
growth factor leading to endothelial dysfunction. It is this widespread endothelial dysfunction that produces the clinical features of pre-
eclampsia including hypertension and proteinuria. There are multiple splice variants of sFLT-1. One, known as sFLT-1 e15a, evolved quite
recently and is only present in humans and higher order primates. This sFLT-1 variant is also the main sFLT-1 secreted from the placenta.
Recent work has shown that sFLT-1 e15a is significantly elevated in the placenta and circulation of women with pre-eclampsia. It is also bio-
logically active, capable of causing endothelial dysfunction and the end-organ dysfunction seen in pre-eclampsia. Indeed, the over-expression
of sFLT-1 e15a in mice recapitulates the pre-eclamptic phenotype in pregnancy. Therefore, here we propose that sFLT-1 e15a may be the
sFLT-1 variant primarily responsible for pre-eclampsia, a uniquely human disease. Furthermore, this placental-specific sFLT-1 variant provides
promise for use as an accurate biomarker in the prediction or diagnosis of pre-eclampsia.

Key words: pre-eclampsia / anti-angiogenic factors / VEGF / placenta / hypoxia / sFLT-1 / splice variant

relate to underlying maternal endothelial and vascular disease

Introduction (Steegers et al., 2010; Myatt and Roberts, 2015). In both situations,
Pre-eclampsia is a common complication of pregnancy, affecting 5–8% the clinical features of disease still likely result from the effects of circu-
of all pregnancies. It is a major contributor to global maternal and peri- lating anti-angiogenic factors released from the placenta.
natal morbidity and mortality, leading to ~60 000 direct maternal Since 1694, the release of such a factor(s) from the uterus or pla-
deaths and ~500 000 perinatal deaths annually (WHO, 2005). Pre- centa into the mother’s circulation to cause pre-eclampsia has been
eclampsia is a clinical diagnosis, whereby a mother develops high blood postulated (Chesley, 1984). While many candidate toxins have been
pressure and evidence of other end-organ disease, such as renal, liver, proposed, none had been able to experimentally reproduce the com-
haematological, respiratory, cerebral or fetoplacental impairment (Mol plete pre-eclamptic phenotype in vivo when administered to animals:
et al., 2016). Indeed, this heterogeneity in presentation is reflected in that was until the finding that over-expression of soluble fms-like tyro-
the broad criteria used for its diagnosis (Tranquilli et al., 2014). sine kinase-1 (sFLT-1) could produce a pre-eclamptic phenotype in
The underlying pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia is still incompletely pregnant rats (Maynard et al., 2003). This breakthrough discovery
understood. Early-onset disease (seen at <34 weeks gestation) is initiated a decade of subsequent research, which has firmly cemented
thought to relate to abnormally shallow placental invasion leading to a major role for sFLT-1 in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia.
persisting placental hypoxia and reperfusion injuries that increase oxi- sFLT-1 comprises the extracellular domains of the vascular endo-
dative stress within the placenta (Steegers et al., 2010; Myatt and thelial growth factor receptor-1 (VEGFR-1), and is soluble, being pre-
Roberts, 2015). In comparison, late-onset pre-eclampsia is thought to sent in the circulation. It acts as an anti-angiogenic protein by

© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please email:
70 Palmer et al.

antagonizing the actions of both vascular endothelial growth factor demonstrated an inversely proportional association between the levels
(VEGF) and placental growth factor (PlGF). Multiple splice variants of of sFLT-1 in the serum of pre-eclamptic women and serum concentra-
sFLT-1 have been described (Sela et al., 2008; Heydarian et al., 2009; tions of VEGF and PlGF. They also demonstrated the impact of an
Thomas et al., 2009). These have significantly different tissue distribu- altered angiogenic balance on endothelial cell function. Their work
tions (Jebbink et al., 2011), raising the potential for different physiological showed that human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) exposed
and pathological roles. For example, in humans, the main sFLT-1 variant, to pre-eclamptic serum failed to form tubular structures (Maynard
known as sFLT-1 i13, is widely expressed in most tissues, whereas et al., 2003), suggesting the presence of an anti-angiogenic factor within
another variant known as sFLT-1 e15a appears to be almost exclusively the patient serum. Adding exogenous VEGF and PlGF to the pre-
expressed by the placenta (Jebbink et al., 2011). eclamptic serum reversed this effect, further supporting this premise.
Ongoing progression in the understanding of the pathophysiology of This was confirmed, as serum from healthy pregnant women induced
pre-eclampsia is critical to assisting in improving the clinical care for endothelial tube formation, an effect that was inhibited by the addition
affected women. Through better understanding, improved approaches of exogenous sFLT-1. The final confirmation of the involvement of
for disease prediction, diagnosis and therapies can be developed. sFLT-1 in pre-eclampsia came with the adenoviral over-expression of

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Indeed, the identification of a placental-specific sFLT-1 variant holds sFLT-1 in pregnant rats. This produced a pre-eclamptic-like phenotype
promise for better prediction and diagnosis of pre-eclampsia. of hypertension, proteinuria and glomerular endotheliosis (Maynard
et al., 2003). Importantly, these findings confirm that sFLT-1 alone is
capable of producing endothelial dysfunction. This work has subse-
sFLT-1 and pre-eclampsia quently been independently validated with sFLT-1 over-expression
The placenta is central to the development of pre-eclampsia. Indeed, producing a pre-eclamptic phenotype in animal models (Gilbert et al.,
conditions with an increased placental mass, such as multiple and 2007; Makris et al., 2007; Bergmann et al., 2010; Kumasawa et al.,
molar pregnancies, carry an elevated risk for pre-eclampsia. Both con- 2011).
ditions have been shown to significantly increase sFLT-1 expression In humans, sFLT-1 is significantly up-regulated within both placenta
(Bdolah et al., 2008; Kanter et al., 2010; Koga et al., 2010). Indeed, and blood of women with pre-eclampsia (Ahmad and Ahmed, 2004;
most women with pre-eclampsia have significantly increased levels of Chaiworapongsa et al., 2004; Levine et al., 2004; McKeeman et al.,
sFLT-1 present in their circulation (Levine et al., 2004; Shibata et al., 2004; Powers et al., 2005), as is the placental-specific variant (Palmer
2005; Levine et al., 2006; Palmer et al., 2015; Souders et al., 2015) et al., 2015; Souders et al., 2015). Importantly, when sFLT-1 is
with levels dramatically falling within the 48 hours following delivery removed by either immunoprecipitation or apheresis, the pro-
(Chaiworapongsa et al., 2004; McKeeman et al., 2004) supporting the angiogenic capabilities of the serum are restored (Ahmad and Ahmed,
notion that the placenta is the major source of sFLT-1 in pre- 2004) and the clinical phenotype in pregnant women stabilized
eclampsia. However, despite the strong evidence that elevated levels (Thadhani et al., 2016). Furthermore, aspirin, which is administered
of sFLT-1 are associated with pre-eclampsia, this is not uniformly seen clinically to prevent pre-eclampsia, has been shown to reduce sFLT-1
in all established cases of pre-eclampsia (Levine et al., 2004; Powers levels, including those of the placental-specific variant (Li et al., 2015).
et al., 2005; Palmer et al., 2016a). This potentially relates to the het- Interestingly, a rise in serum sFLT-1 levels appears to precede the
erogeneity of mechanisms via which pre-eclampsia may occur. onset of clinical disease, with levels significantly higher than normal
Early-onset pre-eclampsia is predominately thought of as a placental 5 weeks prior to the clinical diagnosis of pre-eclampsia (Levine et al.,
disease due to poor placental implantation (Steegers et al., 2010), 2004; Powers et al., 2005). This provides encouragement for the use
while late-onset pre-eclampsia likely relates to pre-existing maternal of sFLT-1 levels in serum to predict the disease.
endothelial dysfunction (Ness and Roberts, 1996; Raymond and
Peterson, 2011; Myatt and Roberts, 2015). A postulated explanation is
the existence of an endothelial threshold for angiogenic factors. When
sFLT-1 acts as a VEGF trap
levels of sFLT-1 surpass this threshold, the net reduction in angiogenic sFLT-1 belongs to the VEGF/VEGFR family; a family which plays a vital
factors (VEGF and PlGF) leads to endothelial dysfunction and the clin- role in angiogenesis and vasculogenesis. sFLT-1 was first identified by
ical presentation of pre-eclampsia (Maynard et al., 2003; Sugimoto Kendall and Thomas (1993), who described a soluble version of the
et al., 2003; Ahmad and Ahmed, 2004). In women with pre-existing fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (FLT-1) receptor in the media of HUVECs.
endothelial dysfunction (such as hypertension, obesity or diabetes) this This was a time of rapid scientific advancement in the understanding of
threshold is lowered, with less sFLT-1 required to produce the disease angiogenesis; with both VEGF and the full-length membrane-bound
state (Levine et al., 2006; Suwaki et al., 2006). In these circumstances, FLT-1 receptor (VEGFR-1) only identified in the preceding 4 years
the normal gestational rise that occurs in sFLT-1 (Levine et al., 2004; (Leung et al., 1989; Shibuya et al., 1990). sFLT-1 is transcribed from the
Maynard et al., 2013; Palmer et al., 2015) may be enough for pre- FLT-1 gene, which is located on chromosome 13q12. The translated
eclampsia to develop, although no significant increase in circulating sFLT-1 protein is identical to the majority of the extracellular region of
sFLT-1 during pregnancy is evident (Palmer et al., 2016a). FLT-1, containing the first six out of seven Ig-like domains. This is
Total VEGF levels are also increased in pre-eclamptic pregnancies important, as the ligand-binding domain (second and third Ig-like
(Clark et al., 1998; McKeeman et al., 2004) due to underlying placental domains) is conserved, enabling both FLT-1 and sFLT-1 to bind VEGF
hypoxia. However, the amount of free, bioavailable VEGF is reduced and PlGF with high affinity (Kendall et al., 1994; Park et al., 1994;
(Livingston et al., 2000; Maynard et al., 2003; Levine et al., 2004) due Wiesmann et al., 1997; Christinger et al., 2004). Furthermore, the
to the greater concomitant rise in VEGF binding proteins, such as presence of the fourth Ig-like domain conserves the ability for receptor
sFLT-1. This was highlighted by Maynard et al. (2003), who dimerization and heparin binding (Wiesmann et al., 1997; Park and
Placental-specific sFLT-1 71

Lee, 1999). The presence of sFLT-1 in vivo was subsequently con- et al., 2008; Heydarian et al., 2009; Thomas et al., 2009). The signifi-
firmed in the placenta and serum of pregnant women with pre- cance of these different splice variants currently remains unknown.
eclampsia (Clark et al., 1998), where its presence antagonized the Alternative splicing has been found to occur in >80% of genes in
actions of VEGF. the human genome with the majority of splicing events affecting the
VEGF plays a crucial role in angiogenesis and normal endothelial cell coding sequence (Matlin et al., 2005). Splicing events are regulated by
function. Its bioavailability is strictly regulated and alterations in its cir- cis- and trans-elements. The former are sequences within the pre-
culating levels have a negative impact on endothelial cell function. This mRNA that help to direct splicing, such as exon splicing enhancers or
is highlighted by the drastic phenotypes exhibited through the effects silencers (ESEs or ESSs, respectively) and their intronic counterparts
of both under- and over-expression of VEGF on endothelial cell func- (ISEs and ISSs), as well as polyadenylation signals within the sequence.
tion in the kidney. Mice lacking Vegf solely within the podocytes (a vital Trans-elements are cellular factors such as RNA or protein that regu-
component of the glomerular basement membrane) die within late splicing. For example, the SR family of RNA-binding proteins bind
18 hours of birth due to hydrops, renal failure and abnormal glomeruli to ESEs and assist in the assembly of the spliceosome complex (Matlin
(Eremina, 2003). Podocytes with heterozygous Vegf expression are et al., 2005).

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able to develop an appropriate glomerular filtration barrier (Eremina, The FLT-1 gene encodes an mRNA transcript containing 30 exons.
2003); however, their function is impaired with mice developing The FLT-1 pre-mRNA has been shown to give rise to the full-length
endotheliosis (similar to that seen in pre-eclampsia) by 2.5 weeks of membrane-bound FLT-1, as well as four truncated soluble splice var-
age. These data support the premise that a reduction in VEGF bioavail- iants (Fig. 1). Of these, three sFLT-1 variants appear to be translated
ability in the kidney is capable of producing proteinuria (Eremina et al., into protein, two of which are up-regulated in pre-eclamptic placenta
2008). If reduced VEGF levels are maintained, gradual progression to (Heydarian et al., 2009). The two variants altered in the setting of pre-
nephrotic syndrome with significant glomerular scarring occurs and eclampsia are sFLT-1 i13 (also known as sFLT-1; sFLT-1_v1
eventual loss of podocytes by 9 weeks of age (Eremina, 2003). (Heydarian et al., 2009)) and sFLT-1 e15a (also known as sFLT-1_v2
Similarly, a 2-fold increase in podocyte VEGF expression also produces (Heydarian et al., 2009); sFLT-1 14 (Sela et al., 2008)). As shown in
a dramatic phenotype with mice developing collapsing glomerulone- Fig. 1, these splice variants share significant sequence homology with
phropathy, leading to death by 5 days of age (Eremina, 2003). the full-length FLT-1 receptor, differing only at their C-terminus.
The use of VEGF antagonists, such as bevacizumab, in the treatment sFLT-1 i13 was the first sFLT-1 identified (Kendall and Thomas,
of cancer has also highlighted the importance of VEGF in maintaining 1993) and comprises the first 13 exons of FLT-1 with an extension of
vascular homoeostasis (Maharaj and D’Amore, 2007). The principal exon 13 into the intronic sequence due to a read through of the exon
side effects seen are hypertension and proteinuria; however arterial 13–14 splice site (Heydarian et al., 2009; Thomas et al., 2009). Intron 13
thrombosis, cardiac ischaemia, gastrointestinal perforation, impaired contains two widely separated polyadenylation signal sequences that
wound healing and reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syn- are cis-elements regulating the alternative splicing of the i13 variant.
drome have all been reported (Glusker et al., 2006; Ozcan et al., This produces either a short or long 3′-untranslated region (UTR)
2006; Kandula and Agarwal, 2011). The significant overlap between depending on which polyadenylation sequence is utilized (Thomas
the side effects of VEGF inhibitors and the features of pre-eclampsia et al., 2007). The impact of alterations in the 3′-UTR is currently
provides strong circumstantial evidence of the importance of VEGF in unknown, but has been suggested to possibly regulate mRNA expres-
pre-eclamptic pathophysiology. This rationale has been confirmed sion in a tissue-specific or temporal fashion, or influence mRNA stabil-
in vivo, where sFLT-1 administration led to the development of hyper- ity or its translational efficiency (Thomas et al., 2007). As a result, after
tension in rodent models (Maynard et al., 2003; Kumasawa et al., 657 amino acids, the i13 protein diverges from full-length FLT-1,
2011). This is thought to be due to reduced nitric oxide and prostacyc- encoding a unique 31 amino acid C-terminal tail and producing an 85–
lin production, both of which are regulated by VEGF (He et al., 1999a; 95 kDa protein.
Venkatesha et al., 2006). In comparison, sFLT-1 e15a was identified more recently (Thomas
It can now be appreciated how excessive production of sFLT-1, as et al., 2007). Interestingly, it appears this variant is specific to humans
seen in pre-eclampsia, acts as a VEGF trap to cause the clinical features and higher order primates, having resulted from the insertion of an
of disease. Through reducing VEGF bioavailability, sFLT-1 negatively AluSq sequence into the primate genome following a retrotransposi-
impacts on both microvascular tone and endothelial cells within the tion event ~40 million years ago (Thomas et al., 2009). Alu sequences
glomerulus, causing hypertension and proteinuria. are common and represent 6–13% of human genomic DNA (Mighell
et al., 1997). They are commonly found within intronic and non-coding
DNA; however, they are capable of affecting gene transcription. They
The many variants of sFLT-1 contain many stop codons and can also affect splicing to produce trun-
sFLT-1 results either from alternative splicing of the FLT-1 pre-mRNA cated proteins. Through their impact on splicing, they have been linked
(He et al., 1999b) or through cleavage of the ectodomain of FLT-1 to a number of human diseases, such as neurofibromatosis, Alport
(Rahimi et al., 2009). Proteolytic cleavage of the extracellular region is syndrome and familial hypercholesterolaemia (Mighell et al., 1997).
thought to occur adjacent to the transmembrane domain (Raikwar Similarly, the introduction of the AluSq sequence leading to alternative
et al., 2016) and is potentially due to the actions of proteolytic enzymes, sFLT-1 splicing could have contributed to the appearance of pre-
such as ADAM10, ADAM17 or MMP-14 (Raikwar et al., 2014; Han eclampsia, a disease that is unique to humans and perhaps some higher
et al., 2015). Proteolytic cleavage produces an sFLT-1 that is identical to order primates (Thornton and Onwude, 1992).
the extracellular region of FLT-1, while the multiple variants of sFLT-1 sFLT-1 e15a arises from the use of a previously unknown splice
that have been identified all have unique C-terminal sequences (Sela acceptor site within intron 14 producing a protein consisting of the first
72 Palmer et al.

Extracellular domain Transmembrane domain Intracellular domain

Flt-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

sFlt-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

sFlt-1 i13 13 i13

sFlt-1 e15a 13 14 15a

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sFlt-1 v3 13 14 15b

sFlt-1 v4 13 14 i14

Figure 1 Schematic representations of FLT-1 splice variants. The FLT-1 gene encodes the full-length membrane-bound FLT-1 receptor VEGFR-1, as
well as the four soluble alternative sFLT-1 splice variants. All transcripts are identical to exon 13, with the soluble transcripts each identified by a unique
C-terminal region. Of these, sFLT-1 i13, sFLT-1 e15a and sFLT-1 v4 are translated into protein with only the former two being increased in pre-
eclampsia. Reprinted with permissions from Palmer et al. (2015).

14 exons of FLT-1 followed by a 480 nucleotide stretch of intronic body (Rajakumar et al., 2005; Suwaki et al., 2006; Souders et al.,
sequence (Sela et al., 2008). This encodes the unique alternatively 2015). However, with the exception of human brain microvascular
spliced exon 15a followed by a 3′-UTR containing the complete AluSq endothelial cells, it is always expressed to a lesser extent than the
sequence. A polyadenylation signal sequence inserted as a result of the membrane-bound FLT-1 (Jebbink et al., 2011). While this suggests a
Alu sequence likely directs the alternative splicing of exon 15a, which tissue-specific expression profile of FLT-1 transcripts, expression also
encodes a unique polyserine tail (Thomas et al., 2007). The resulting appears to be cell-type specific. In blood vessels, endothelial cells
protein shares 706 amino acids with FLT-1 and has a unique 28 amino appear to exclusively produce the i13 variant, whereas the underlying
acid tail, producing a protein that is 95–135 kDa in size due to varia- vascular smooth muscle exclusively expresses the e15a variant (Sela
tions in the level of glycosylation (Gu et al., 2008). Importantly, sFLT-1 et al., 2008). Furthermore, there is the potential for temporal regula-
e15a is absent from all mammals except humans and higher order pri- tion of expression, as splicing patterns have been shown to alter over
mates, highlighting it as potentially the key variant underlying pre- the course of pregnancy in mice. In murine placenta, Flt-1 predomi-
eclamptic pathophysiology. nates early in gestation before sFlt-1 becomes more highly expressed
from the second trimester onwards (He et al., 1999b). Whether this
holds true in humans remains to be fully characterized; however, it is
sFLT-1 splice variant mRNA possible given the rise in circulating sFLT-1 seen with advancing gesta-
tion (Levine et al., 2004; Palmer et al., 2015).
expression and regulation Within the placenta, sFLT-1 e15a is mainly produced by the syncy-
Both sFLT-1 i13 and sFLT-1 e15a are capable of binding to VEGF and tiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast, where its mRNA expression is
antagonizing its actions (Kendall et al., 1994; Sela et al., 2008; Palmer 100-fold greater than in placental vascular smooth muscle cells, endo-
et al., 2015). The i13 variant is also known to antagonize PlGF (Kendall thelial cells and macrophages (Thomas et al., 2009). In the setting of
et al., 1994) and it is likely the e15a variant does too, given the preser- pre-eclampsia, all FLT-1 transcripts appear up-regulated (Jebbink et al.,
vation of the ligand-binding site. Interestingly, the e15a variant is the 2011); however, sFLT-1 e15a shows the greatest increase, with levels
predominant isoform in human placenta compared to i13, which is the appearing to correlate with severity of pre-eclampsia (Whitehead
main variant in rhesus monkey placenta (Thomas et al., 2009). et al., 2011).
Furthermore, in humans sFLT-1 e15a appears to be almost exclusively Placental hypoxia is a key factor in pre-eclamptic pathophysiology.
expressed by the placenta where its expression is ≥600-fold higher Many transcriptional regulators have been shown to be involved in
than in the other organ systems where it is found (Jebbink et al., 2011). increasing the expression of both FLT-1 and sFLT-1 in response to hyp-
Certainly within the placenta, sFLT-1 e15a is the predominant isoform oxia, such as hypoxia inducible factor (Gerber et al., 1997; Nagamatsu
of FLT-1 mRNA, constituting >80% of transcripts compared to sFLT-1 et al., 2004; Tal et al., 2010), growth arrest and DNA damage 45
i13, which constitutes 12%, and membrane-bound FLT-1, which is (Xiong et al., 2009) and early growth response protein 1 (Vidal et al.,
<5% (Jebbink et al., 2011). There are many extra-placental sources of 2000). Similarly, many key molecules in the hypoxic response also
sFLT-1 (He et al., 1999b; Jebbink et al., 2011), which are likely to increase the expression of sFLT-1, such as VEGF (Gerber et al., 1997)
mainly be the i13 isoform as it is widely expressed throughout the and adenosine through the up-regulation of a key enzyme, CD73
Placental-specific sFLT-1 73

(Iriyama et al., 2015). Furthermore, the mechanism controlling the expression, as outlined in Table I. Interestingly, in vitro treatment with
regulation of alternative splicing of FLT-1 also appears to be hypoxia both YC-1 and pravastatin led to a significant reduction solely in sFLT-1
dependent. Recently, it has been shown that a nuclear protein, known e15a mRNA expression with no significant effect seen on the sFLT-1
as jumonji domain containing protein-6 (JMJD6) is a regulator of alter- i13 variant (Brownfoot et al., 2015a,b). Metformin led to a significant
native splicing of the FLT-1 pre-mRNA (Boeckel et al., 2011). Under reduction in sFLT-1 i13 mRNA expression in endothelial cells and sFLT-1
normoxic cellular conditions, JMJD6 is able to interact with a compo- e15a mRNA expression from cytotrophoblast and placental explants
nent of the spliceosome complex, U2AF65, hydroxylating it. (Brownfoot et al., 2016), while treatment with ouabain led to a signifi-
Hydroxylated U2AF65 then directs the splicing machinery to produce cant reduction in both sFLT-1 i13 and e15a variant expression in pla-
full-length FLT-1. Importantly, they were able to show that under hyp- cental explants, though with a trend towards greater repression of the
oxic conditions, there was inhibition of the interaction of JMJD6 and e15a variant (Rana et al., 2014). These findings all support the import-
U2AF65, as JMJD6 requires oxygen for its enzymatic function. Under ance of sFLT-1 in pre-eclampsia and potentially that targeting therapies
these conditions, within endothelial cells, non-hydroxylated U2AF65 that reduce the placental-specific variant is crucial for effectively redu-
directed splicing to produce sFLT-1 (Boeckel et al., 2011). We have cing circulating sFLT-1 in early-onset pre-eclampsia.

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recently shown this mechanism of FLT-1 splicing also occurs within the
placenta, where the silencing of JMJD6 expression or the effects of
hypoxia led to an up-regulation of both sFLT-1 i13 and sFLT-1 e15a The impact of circulating sFLT-1
(Palmer et al., 2016b). Importantly, it was also noted that the expres-
sion of JMJD6 is significantly reduced in the pre-eclamptic placenta,
likely secondary to the effects of hypoxia (Palmer et al., 2016b). While many studies have assessed altered mRNA expression of the
With an increased understanding of the pathophysiology of pre- sFLT-1 splice variants, limited work has been undertaken on the pro-
eclampsia, many are now actively seeking new therapies that could tein due to a lack of any commercially available assay. Furthermore, as
provide an alternative to delivery. A number of drugs under investiga- detailed above, each splice variant has a very small unique tail against
tion have also explored their effect on sFLT-1 variant mRNA which antibodies can be developed to ensure specificity for the

Table I Effects of potential pre-eclamptic therapeutics on sFLT-1 variant mRNA expression level in vitro.

Drug Mechanism of action Cells treated Culture Length of [Drug] sFLT-1 i13* sFLT-1
(human) conditions treatment e15a*
Metformin Inhibition of complex I in the HUVEC 10 ng/ml TNF-α, 24 2 mM <0.05 N/A
(Brownfoot et al., mitochondrial transport chain 20% O2 5 mM <0.01
Villous CTB 8% O2 48 2 mM N/A <0.00001
5 mM <0.00001
Placental explants 8% O2 72 2 mM N/A <0.05
5 mM <0.0001

Ouabain (Rana et al., Inhibition of HIF-1α through Normal and PET 21% O2 72 500 nM <0.05 <0.05
2014) phosphorylation of HSP27 placental explants

YC-1 (Brownfoot Induces NO, activates Primary trophoblast 8% O2 24 1 μM NS NS

et al., 2015b) guanylyl cyclase and inhibits 10 μM NS NS
100 μM NS <0.001
PET placental 8% O2 72 1 μM NS NS
explants 10 μM NS NS
100 μM NS <0.0001

Pravastatin Inhibiting the HMG-CoA HUVEC 1% FCS and 6 200 μmol/l NS <0.001
(Brownfoot et al., reductase pathway 10 ng/ml TNF-α 2000 μmol/l NS <0.0001
Early-onset PET 20% O2 48 2000 μmol/l NS <0.05
placental explants
Pre-/post-delivery- 20% O2 48 200 μmol/l NS NS
treated explants 2000 μmol/l NS <0.0001

[Drug], drug concentration; TNF, tumour necrosis factor; NS, not significant; N/A, not available; HIF-1α, hypoxia inducible factor 1α; HSP27, heat-shock protein 27; NO, nitric oxide;
PET, pre-eclampsia; FCS, foetal calf serum; HMG-CoA, 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A reductase and CTB, cytotrophoblast. All cells tested were cultured under standard
conditions at 37°C in 5% CO2 with oxygen conditions as stated.
*All statistically significant changes refer to a decrease in sFLT-1 variant mRNA expression in experimental groups compared to control treated cells. A t-test was used for statistical
analysis in all studies.
74 Palmer et al.

particular sFLT-1 splice variant of interest. These antibodies, devel- conditions of placental malfunction, such as foetal growth restriction
oped in the non-commercial setting, enable the assessment of how the (Palmer et al., 2016a), although this requires further investigation.
translated sFLT-1 proteins function and their expression in both health
and disease (see Fig. 2).
We have developed an ELISA that specifically detects the sFLT-1
Implications for clinical practice
e15a variant (Palmer et al., 2015). This involved developing a peptide The discovery of multiple sFLT-1 splice variants provides the potential
sequence from the unique tail of the variant protein (Fig. 2; boxed to better identify disorders of placentation through targeting strategies
sequence). This peptide was then coupled to a highly immunogenic towards the placental-specific variant, sFLT-1 e15a.
protein for animal immunization. Once an appropriate antibody The use of both anti-angiogenic and angiogenic factors as biomar-
response had occurred, polyclonal antibodies were isolated from the kers for the prediction or diagnosis of pre-eclampsia was identified as
serum and purified for testing. Importantly, both the antibody and the soon as their importance in the disease process was realized (Hertig
subsequent sFLT-1 e15a ELISA that was developed are specific to this et al., 2004). Subsequent work has shown that total sFLT-1, particu-
isoform. Importantly, an independent group has also successfully devel- larly as a ratio with PlGF, appears able to diagnose and even predict

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oped monoclonal antibodies targeting both sFLT-1 i13 and a peptide the development of early-onset pre-eclampsia (Schiettecatte et al.,
sequence seen in FLT-1, sFLT-1 e15a, sFLT-1_v3 and sFLT-1_v4 2010; Benton et al., 2011; Verlohren et al., 2012; Villa et al., 2013; Liu
(Souders et al., 2015) (Fig. 2; underlined sequences). As it is used on et al., 2015; Andersen et al., 2016; Zeisler et al., 2016). However, the
serum, Souders et al. believe it will be relatively specific for sFLT-1 e15a diagnostic accuracy of this test for late-onset pre-eclampsia remains
due to the membrane-bound nature of FLT-1 and the exceptionally poor. This test is yet to be widely integrated into clinical practice and
low expression of the other sFLT-1 splice variants. However, cleavage recent work shows that the test performs better as a negative pre-
of FLT-1 to produce a cleaved soluble version is also possible, which dictor of early-onset pre-eclampsia rather than being able to accur-
may impact on the specificity of this antibody (Raikwar et al., 2014). ately predict who will develop the disease (Zeisler et al., 2016).
Using these novel systems, both groups have shown that sFLT-1 e15a As these tests detect total sFLT-1, their accuracy may be hampered
gradually rises with advancing gestation (Palmer et al., 2015; Souders by the presence of both cleaved and alternatively spliced sFLT-1,
et al., 2015) and is significantly elevated in women who go on to develop particularly sFLT-1 i13 that has a strong endothelial source. For
pre-eclampsia and in those diagnosed with the early-onset form (Palmer example, accurate diagnosis of early-onset pre-eclampsia may be lim-
et al., 2015, 2016a; Souders et al., 2015). Interestingly, the sFLT-1 i13 ited when using total sFLT-1 levels in women with pre-existing endo-
variant is the one most significantly increased in women who develop thelial dysfunction (such as obesity and diabetes) who do not have
pre-eclampsia >34 weeks gestation (Souders et al., 2015; Palmer et al., pre-eclampsia due to increased endothelial secretion of sFLT-1 i13.
2016a), perhaps due to widespread maternal endothelial dysfunction, Therefore, developing a test that solely detects the placental-specific
thought to be the main contributor to late-onset pre-eclampsia. sFLT-1 variant, sFLT-1 e15a, may have improved accuracy in disorders
Encouragingly, we have also determined that the sFLT-1 e15a vari- of placental function, such as early-onset pre-eclampsia. Furthermore,
ant protein is biologically active, being capable of antagonizing the the ability to detect the different splice variants of sFLT-1 may also
actions of VEGF (Palmer et al., 2015). Endothelial cell function is also provide better accuracy for detecting term pre-eclampsia. As term
impacted by the sFLT-1 splice variants, with evidence of impaired pre-eclampsia likely results from underlying maternal endothelial dys-
endothelial cell invasion, migration and tubule formation in the pres- function rather than placental disease, a test that can distinguish
ence of either sFLT-1 i13 or sFLT-1 e15a (Palmer et al., 2015). between the cellular origins of sFLT-1 may be more accurate. Here,
Importantly, normal VEGF signalling and endothelial function were potentially a ratio of sFLT-1 e15a to sFLT-1 i13 may be useful. For
maintained with the addition of heat inactivated sFLT-1 e15a (Palmer example, in early-onset pre-eclampsia, the ratio would be higher (e15a
et al., 2015). Furthermore, the over-expression of the sFLT-1 e15a > i13), because the e15a variant is likely to have greater expression
variant in mice produces a pre-eclamptic phenotype, regardless than the i13 variant. In comparison, in late-onset pre-eclampsia, the
of whether an adenoviral (Szalai et al., 2014, 2015) or lentiviral ratio would be lower (e15a < i13), as widespread endothelial dysfunc-
(Kumasawa et al., 2011) expression system is used. In combination, tion is likely to cause a greater expression of the i13 variant to the
these works confirm the ability of the sFLT-1 e15a protein to cause e15a variant. Preliminary data support this supposition, where no sig-
endothelial dysfunction and the clinical features of pre-eclampsia. It nificant increase in sFLT-1 e15a is seen in term disease, while total
is also possible that sFLT-1 e15a expression is altered in other sFLT-1 is significantly increased (Palmer et al., 2016a). Moreover, this

FLT-1 650 kkeirdqeapyllrnlsdhtvaisssldchangvpepqitwnnhkiqqepgiilgpgsstlfiervtee…

sFLT-1 i13 650 kkeirgehcnkkavfsriskstrndcqsnvkh
sFLT-1 e15a 650 kkeirdqeapyllrnlsdhtvaisssldchangvpepqitwnnhkiqqepelytstspsssssspls[11]

Figure 2 Alignment of the amino acid sequence for human FLT-1, sFLT-1 i13 and sFLT-1 e15a. The amino acid sequence for all proteins is shown
from amino acid 650: sequence prior to amino acid 650 shares 100% homology between the three proteins. The unique C-terminal tails are highlighted
for sFLT-1 i13 and sFLT-1 e15a (grey). Antibodies that have been developed are indicated with the underlined sequences indicating those used by
Souders et al. (2015) and the boxed sequence by Palmer et al. (2015). The sFLT-1 e15a polyserine tail continues for a further 11 serine residues.
Placental-specific sFLT-1 75

premise is strongly supported by the fact that those developing term (#1050765 to S.T. #1062418 to T.J.K.). K.R.P. received salary support
pre-eclampsia have an average 3-fold increase in circulating sFLT-1 from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Monash
levels compared to normal term controls, whereas a 43-fold increase University.
in serum sFLT-1 is seen in early-onset disease compared to preterm
controls (Wikstrom et al., 2007). However, this remains an area Conflict of interest
requiring further investigation as studies performed to date on late-
onset pre-eclampsia were limited by a small sample size. Furthermore, None declared.
research in this area is currently limited by the absence of any com-
mercially available assays. References
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