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EFFECT OF SUSTAINING A MOTION TO QUASH petition on the ground that the Sandiganbayan has

committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to

9. JAVIER vs SANDIGANBAYAN lack of jurisdiction for not quashing the two
FACTS: Javier was charged with malversation of informations charging her with violation of the Anti-
public funds. Javier was the private sector Graft and Corrupt Practices Act and the Revised
representative in the National Book Development Penal Code on malversation of public funds. She
Board (NBDB), which was created by Republic Act advanced the following arguments in support of her
(R.A.) No. 8047. R.A. No. 8047 provided for the petition, to wit: first, she is not a public officer, and
creation of the NBDB, which was placed under the second, she was being charged under two (2)
administration and supervision of the Office of the informations, which is in violation of her right against
President. The Ombudsman found probable cause to double jeopardy.
indict Javier for violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt ISSUE: Did the Sandiganbayan commit grave abuse
Practices Act and recommended the filing of the of discretion for not quashing the two informations
corresponding information. In an Information dated filed against Javier?
February 18, 2000, Javier was charged with violation
of Section 3(e) of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices RULING: NO. A motion to quash an Information is the
Act before the Sandiganbayan. The Commission on mode by which an accused assails the validity of a
Audit also charged Javier with malversation of public criminal complaint or Information filed against him for
funds, as defined and penalized under Article 217 of insufficiency on its face in point of law, or for defects
the Revised Penal Code. Thus, an Information dated which are apparent in the face of the Information.
February 29, 2000 was filed before the Well-established is the rule that when a motion to
Sandiganbayan. On October 10, 2000, Javier filed a quash in a criminal case is denied, the remedy is not
Motion to Quash Information, averring that the a petition for certiorari, but for petitioners to go to trial,
Sandiganbayan has no jurisdiction to hear the case without prejudice to reiterating the special defenses
as the information did not allege that she is a public invoked in their motion to quash. Remedial measures
official who is classified as Grade 27 or higher, as regards interlocutory orders, such as a motion to
neither did the information charge her as a co- quash, are frowned upon and often dismissed. The
principal, accomplice or accessory to a public officer evident reason for this rule is to avoid multiplicity of
committing an offense under the Sandiganbayans appeals in a single action .The above general rule,
jurisdiction. She also averred that she is not a public however admits of several exceptions, one of which is
officer or employee and that she belongs to the NBDB when the court, in denying the motion to dismiss or
only as a private sector representative under R.A. No. motion to quash, acts without or in excess of
8047, hence, she may not be charged under the Anti- jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion, then
Graft and Corrupt Practices Act before the certiorari or prohibition lies. The reason is that it
Sandiganbayan or under any statute which covers would be unfair to require the defendant or accused
public officials. Moreover, she claimed that she does to undergo the ordeal and expense of a trial if the
not perform public functions and is without any court has no jurisdiction over the subject matter or
administrative or political power to speak of, that she offense, or is not the court of proper venue, or if the
is serving the private book publishing industry by denial of the motion to dismiss or motion to quash is
advancing their interest as participant in the made with grave abuse of discretion or a whimsical
governments book development policy. On January and capricious exercise of judgment. In such cases,
17, 2001, the Sandiganbayan issued a Resolution the ordinary remedy of appeal cannot be plain and
denying Javier s motion. Javier filed a petition for adequate. Notwithstanding that petitioner came from
certiorari before the Supreme Court. Javier hinges her the private sector to sit as a member of the NBDB,
the law invested her with some portion of the
sovereign functions of the government, so that the
purpose of the government is achieved. In this case,
the government aimed to enhance the book
publishing industry as it has a significant role in the
national development. Hence, the fact that she was
appointed from the public sector and not from the
other branches or agencies of the government does
not take her position outside the meaning of a public
office. She was appointed to the Governing Board in
order to see to it that the purposes for which the law
was enacted are achieved. The Governing Board acts
collectively and carries out its mandate as one body.
The purpose of the law for appointing members from
the private sector is to ensure that they are also
properly represented in the implementation of
government objectives to cultivate the book
publishing industry. In view of the foregoing, We hold
that the present petition does not fall under the
exceptions wherein the remedy of certiorari may be
resorted to after the denial of one's motion to quash
the information. And even assuming that petitioner
may avail of such remedy, We still hold that the
Sandiganbayan did not commit grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack of or in excess of

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