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The presentation provides an overview of the Las Bambas copper mine project in Peru, including ownership structure, production details, social development programs, and investments made.

Over 500 families were resettled and new housing and infrastructure was provided for the community of Nueva Fuerabamba. Livelihood programs aim to generate income, improve health and education.

Direct investments of over $310 million since 2007 include roads, schools, community buildings, training programs, environmental projects, and cultural event support.


December 2016

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The Las Bambas Joint Venture

MMG led consortium (JV) acquired Las

Bambas on 31 July 2014.

JV structure: MMG (62.5%), and GXIIC

(22.5%), CITIC (15.0%).

MMG operates Las Bambas on behalf

of Joint Venture adopting MMG
standards, processes and systems.

JV Board Maximum six Directors with

MMG appointing the Chairman.

About MMG Limited

Global resources company that explores,

develops and mines base metal deposits
around the world.

Established in 2009 and now operating on

four continents.

Objective to be valued as a top mid-tier

miner by 2020.

Headquarters in Melbourne, Australia -

listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
and Australian Securities Exchange.

MMGs major shareholder is China

Minmetals Corporation (CMC).
MMG Limited:
Operations and Projects

MMG Limited:
Our beliefs

We Mine for Progress

To build the worlds most respected diversified base metals company.
We mine to create wealth for our people, host communities and shareholders.
To be valued as one of the worlds top mid-tier miners by 2020.

Safety and sustainability
Safety is our first value TRIF of 2.1 per million
hours worked in 2015.
Safety Performance
Las Bambas TRIF of 1.01 in 2015 and 1.38 as
of June 2016.

Safety aligned with management incentives

critical to performance.

MMG CEO Chair of International Council on

Mining and Metals (ICMM) Committed to ICMM
10 principles of Sustainable Development.

Global partnership with UNICEF for child health,

development partner with national governments.

(1) Total Recordable Injury Frequency per million hours worked. US$ 63.5 million investment in social
(2) Las Bambas safety data incorporated into MMG from January 2015.
development programs in 2015 focus on Peru,
Laos PDR and DRC.
MMG Limited:
Executive team

MMG Limited:
Board composition

Las Bambas:
Local, experienced team

Las Bambas Corporate

President Functions

Vicepresident Vicepresident Vicepresidente Vicepresident Corporate

Operations Commercial & Corporate Affairs Services
SHEC human resources

Technical Safety Costs Stakeholders Legal

Services & Health Recruiting Relations
& Reporting

Mine Shared
Personnel Regional
Environment Taxes Services
Administration Development

Plant Community Organisational I.T.
Treasury Communications
Relations Development
Security Industrial Risk Procurement
Relations Management

Expansion of

Major Projects

Las Bambas is a world-class,
high-quality asset

Located in Cotabambas, Apurimac, Peru.

Open pit mining method, conventional

copper concentrator.

Clean copper concentrate with gold, silver

and molybdenum by-products.

First quartile cost position.

Mine life in excess of 20 years

Only 10% of the tenement has been

explored to date.

Construction stage employed up to 20,000


Las Bambas is a world-class,
high-quality asset
Total annual production capacity estimated by 2017
Mineral reserves are 7.7 million tonnes of
Copper and mineral resources are 12.7
million tonnes of Copper.

2016 Guidance on Copper contained in

concentrate at 250,000 300,000 tonnes.

First shipment sent on January 2016.

Completed commissioning in 45 days and

ramp-up in 5 months

During the first 5 years, Las Bambas

estimates a production of 2 million tonnes
of Copper Global Top 6.

Community engagement has been
aligned to project construction

Las Bambas Exploration Targets and

Pit Ferrobamba
The mine handles more than 160Mt of rock and ore per year.
50Mt/year of ore mined for plant processing.
Approx. 10Mt of ore will be stored in stockpiles for future treatment.

Mining Equipment
Loading Drilling
2 P&H 320, 2 P&H 250, 2 CAT 6640 and 2
2 CAT 6060, 2 CAT 7495, 2 P&H 4100 and 1 Loader Le Torneau L2350
Sandvik T560

Carrying Ancillaries
6 Bulldozers Komatsu 475, 4 Graders
44 Trucks Komatsu 930E-4SE and 6 Trucks Caterpillar 797 F
CAT 24M and 7 Wheeldozers CAT 844H


Primary crusher: two sets of gyratory crushers, located adjacent to the

Ferrobamba pit.

Four trucks in simultaneous dumping cycle.

Overland Conveyor

Ore is transported from primary

crusher to concentrator plant via an
overland conveyor.

Primary crusher is located 5km away

from concentrator.

Ore is discharged from conveyor to a

singular stockpile with live capacity of
approximately 18 hours of operation.

Concentrator Plant
Conventional Grinding + Flotation

Grinding Area
Ore reclaimed from stockpile via eight apron feeders.
Grinding via two lines consisting of one SAG mill and one ball mill.
Capacity of 140,000 tonnes per day. Nameplate process capacity of 51.1Mt a year.

Flotation Area
Conventional Cu Mo froth flotation plant.
28 cells in rougher scavenger circuit and 22 cells in 3rd cleaning stage.
Bulk concentrate piped to Mo separation plant adjoining bulk flotation plant.

Water Storage
Tailings dam designed to cumulate process water for reclaim
Make-up water (0-10%) sourced from Challuahuacho River, pumped through a
23km pipeline and stored at Chuspiri Dam - capacity of 4.2M m3
Underground water also used as a back-up water source
Las Bambas recycles over 95% of its water

Tailings Thickeners

Two Delkor Hi-rate thickeners with 80m

of diameter.

Slurry of underflow with 62 percent of


Control Center
Siemens PLC (S7300, 7400), with Schneider DCS
Implemented Expert System by FL Schmidt for optimum milling rates
Extending Expert System into Flotation and Tailings management


Electrical power is supplied from an

existing substation at Cotaruse, located
at 130km from Las Bambas, via a
220kV transmission line.

ATN2 owns and operates the

transmission line (18 years concession)


Copper concentrate is transported from

Las Bambas to Matarani Port (744km).

Concentrate is carried in closed

containers. Extensive use of local
contractors managed by dedicated
logistics contract Transaltisa.

Heavy Haul Road constructed and

managed by Las Bamabs for $240m

Bimodal transport system: 458km by

trucks using a public highway until Pillones
Transfer Station.

286km by train from Pillones to Matarani

using national railway.

Matarani Port

Existing port operated by TISUR.

New Berth F commissioned in 2016 to
service Las Bambas, Cerro Verde and

Berth F includes:
Exclusive train unloading building
for Las Bambas.
Exclusive 100,000 tonne
concentrate storage shed for Las
New pier capable of receiving
55,000 DWT Supramax Bulk
Shiploader with 2,000 tm/h

Production: Grinding throughput
Plant has running at design capacity since 22 April 5 months ramp-up
Early failures with SAG electrical cards, lines, graters, trommel plates,
cyclone pumps all resolved

Grinding throughput

Full reqt with two lines of grinding
Grinding Throughput (ktpd)









ktpd Line 1&2 (actual) Full Capacity one line Full Capacity two line ktpd Line 1&2 (bgt)
Shipments 2016


139,973.99 135,400.00


78,324.80 77,162.45


60,000.00 56,323.60
40,000.00 33,993.10 33,998.00
22,661.00 22,662.10

Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16

766,938 WMT of concentrate shipped to November 2016

Social Development
in Las Bambas
Social Scope



Las Communal

Communal level:
Resettlement process

Resettlement process involved 514 families (approximately 3,000 persons).

In-kind compensation included 441 houses constructed in Nueva Fuerabamba plus

public infrastructure including schools, health center and community facilities.

Livelihood restoration includes individual Family Life Plans with a vision of securing
income generation, health and education for the Nueva Fuerabamba community.

Fuerabamba: Before and after

Fuerabamba: Before and after

Fuerabamba: Before and after

Fuerabamba: Before and after

District Level:
Direct Investment by Las Bambas
Direct investment (100% funded by Las

Large program: over US$ 310m contributed

since 2007.

Roads, schools, communal buildings,

churches, health centers, water treatment,
nurseries, fostering new businesses.

Training: 2,000 locals trained in computer,

carpentry, welding, electrical, maintenance,

Environment: 880ha reforested, 1.4 million

trees planted.
Support of cultural events.

Province Level:
Social Fund of Las Bambas
Managed by a Joint Board:
company + government.

Total of US$ 64.5m.

Investments in sanitation, education,

transport, infrastructure, agriculture Education Agriculture

Impact in Apurimac

Indicators 2010 2015

Extreme poverty 24% 8%
Sanitation Electrification
Malnutrition 39% 22%
Reading skills 16% 36%
Math skills 9% 18%
source : INEI

Region Level:
Government Program of Works
Advanced royalties from Las Bambas:
total of US$ 160m allocated by the
Federal Government to Apurimac Region
Direct involvement of Las Bambas
assisting implementation of Government



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