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Mathematica - Mathematicabook22

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Mathematica is an interactive mathematical programming language. Interactive means that commands may be entered one line at a time so that new calculations can be made after the old calculations have been examined. Mathematica does symbolic, Boolean and numerical calculations as well as plotting. It also has the ability to match patterns and many of the advanced programming routines take advantage of this feature. Mathematica comes with a library consisting of several additional packages and routines that need to be loaded by the user when he needs them. There are several additional packages from the Wolfram Company (Mathematicas creator) and third party sources called Mathematica Notebooks. These Notebooks serve as templates. They contain various additional routines and functions programmed in Mathematica code. The Notebooks tie into the Mathematica kernel to complete their calculations. The Mathematica program has essentially two parts: (1) a Kernel - a machine independent program where the input from the Front End is evaluated and a (2) Front End or Notebook - an interface with the particular platform being used, eg., PC or Mac. The Front End takes word processing text and comments independently of the Kernel. Mathematica is available to students at the special student price of $125 150 at the University Book Store. This student version is supposedly fully configured and contains all the packages. The usual limitation on a student version is the so-called stack size or the amount of volatile memory that the kernel will draw for storing information as the commands are executed. A Mathematica Player is also available free of charge from The Reader will open Mathematica documents with the suffice .nb the same way an Adobe Reader will open Acrobat documents with the suffix .pdf Notation for this Document A scheme like Edit > Default Output Type >Traditional Form gives a route for finding Traditional Form from the menu. Words written in CourierFont are Mathematica statements. Opening Mathematica and Executing a Command Open Mathematica by double clicking on its Notebook icon. A connection between the Notebook and to the socalled Default Kernel for the Notebook is made using a program called MathLink when you execute the first command needing the kernel. If you wish to activate the kernel immediately, execute a simple statement like 2 + 2. Each cell is attached to a kernel so that a Notebook could have links to several Kernels at the same time. You can set the evaluator of your Notebook to any available Kernel. You can see what your default Kernel is and what Kernels are available in the Kernel Menu. Incidentally, MathLink can be programmed to link Mathematica to many different sorts of devices and programs. Rarely, Mathematica fails to make an automatic connection to a Kernel. The error message is low level error which indicates an improper log off or an improper setting on the Notebook. To deal with this error, make sure all kernels are shut down and the Default Kernel is set to an available Kernel. The next execution in the Front End should automatically make the connection to the Kernel. You can tell that execution of a cell is occurring by the highlighted cell bar. To get execution, press enter on the lower right hand side of your keyboard or Shift Return (Mac or PC) or Shift Enter (the Enter/Carriage Return on the main part of the keyboard for a PC). Many cells can be executed successively from top to bottom by highlighting the cell bars and executing. Shift option Return (evaluation of next input) fits a new execution on top of a running execution. The running execution will continue either be interrupted at a suitable point or the new execution will be fit into idle process times. Other keystrokes specific to the front end

can be obtained from the Help file item for the particular front end. For example, setting up a new cell below the current cell with the same format as the current cell and executing a cell with the cursor going to the next input cell after execution can be done with keystrokes. Note the Enter/Return key is merely a carriage return to start a new line in the same cell while and is more or less inert as far as execution is concerned. Alternate (or Option) Return/Enter produces a new cell with the same format type at the first available place below the current cell. All Mathematica keyboard commands available for a particular front end are listed under Other Information in the Help menu. Saving a Mathematica Session Mathematica occasionally locks up. For this reason, you should save your notebook as soon as possible. Mathematica files, especially those with graphics and formatted text, can be large and sometimes too large to fit on a floppy disk. If you press Control s the Mathematica session will be saved to a designated site. The first time you save, Mathematica will present a dialogue box asking for the destination of the saved session and for the name. There are various options for the save command available in the File Menu. Quitting and re-opening a Mathematica document gives only the typescript that was present when the Mathematica file was last saved. You will have to reexecute the text commands to arrive at the point indicated by your saved text file. Mathematica will retain cell information and might even retain the information on what kernel was used to evaluate a particular cell. So you may restore Mathematicas internal position to that of the typescript simply by selecting all cells with Control A and then executing with <ENTER>. You may save various things like Tables of calculated values, symbols, equations, formulae, etc. with the Save, DumpSave, or the Put command followed by what you want to save. Further information on what survives file transfers will be given later. Using DumpSave and DumpGet, it is possible to save the entire internal state of Mathematica so that when you reopen you will be at exactly the same place you were when left off. Mathematica will also save automatically in the Edit > Preferences > NotebookAutoSave. Finally, you may compress your Mathematica document by closing very large cells or groups of cells in the Cell Menu > Cell Grouping > . Closed cells retain all information necessary to regenerate themselves when the cells are re-opened. Closing cells is useful for writing reports on top of Notebooks that contain calculations. Documents may usually be printed after reopening with no further work. Mathematica has special codes for graphics. The graphics should be regenerated from the code. Reexecuting a whole notebook can be accomplished with Control Shift A and ENTER. Here your program must be readable from top to bottom without a hitch in order for the re-execution to take place. When Mathematica locks up, you can generally perform a save command before you exit. However, you can also try to release the lock up by aborting a calculation. Abort the calculation in the Kernel Menu, A more dramatic step is cutting the connection between the FrontEnd and the Kernel. This will generally clear a lockup but at the expense of knocking everything out of the memory. This is called a long jump. To execute a long jump use Control Shift Period or. You can also try executing Quit[]/Quit[]You will need to reexecute as explained in the previous paragraph. As a last resort to relieve a lock up with restarting the computer (which is done with the restart button on the processor box), try Alternate-Window Escape whatever the computer operator system requires. To avoid lock ups, think about using TimeConstrained when executing a function for the first time. Here a limit can be set on the amount of processor time used for the TimeConstrained function. Recalculating and Clearing Erroneous Input Sometimes you have made several experiments to reach a final goal. It is good to go back and check that your calculations are clean. The invisible internal state sometimes will hinder the checking due to unwanted and

hidden assignments. One way of checking is saving your Notebook, quitting the kernel from the Kernel Menu, reexecuting your saved text automatically using Select All from the menu or the keyboard and ENTER. Executing the command Quit[] will also close down the kernel. Executing Clear[Global`*] will delete all previous global definitions. Note that Mathematica designates all user defined terms by the designation Global`. The command Clear[f, g] will erase f and from the memory file Occasionally, commands seem to be evaluating incorrectly. This is almost always due to incorrect input. When this happens, the best remedy is shutting down the kernel or executing a Quit[] In order to insure a smooth recalculation, make sure that all steps are listed in order. For example, putting an assignment at a later point in the notebook from where it is used or loading a package after a function in the package is used will result in the entry of an undefined and unerasable term in the name file. Notebooks Notebook is the name for a Mathematica document. These have the suffix .nb. Notebooks are generated by a program called the Front End or Mathematica 6.0 with as a dodecahedron icon. The Front End is dependent on the computer platform being used although there is much uniformity in the different front ends. Typing can be done in a Mathematica Notebook more or less like a word processor. Formulae can be entered either using word processing keystrokes or using a code that resembles the mathematical typesetting program TeX. You can examine the textual code used to generate any cell by clicking on the cell bar and using the menu Format > Show Expression. You can toggle out of the show expression in the same way. Mathematica will accept text from another program using the usual copy and paste technique and will accept pictures from other programs like paint programs or equation makers using special techniques discussed below. It will also accepted uploads of files created in various file formats, eg. JPG, GIF, etc. Mathematica has its own type setting and equation making capacity with a very long list of technical symbols. Generally, importing files is used for scanned documents. Mathematica output will set up in mathematical notation and this copied into text lines. Mathematica also displays its own graphical output like Tables and plots. Tables, matrices, etc. can be aligned with commands like TableForm or MatrixForm. There are many devices in Mathematica (for example Hold or HoldForm, SequenceForm) to hold expressions in unevaluated form for display purposes. To get your output in traditional Mathematical form, select Cell Menu > Default Output Form > Traditional Form . A check will appear next to the selected item. There are many options for formatting your notebook. You can examine the options that are being used in your current notebook either in the preference file or using the usual command FullOptions[notebook name, name of option]. To find out what Mathematica is calling the currently open notebooks (called NotebookObjects by Mathematica) execute Notebooks[]. If you want to change some option that needs to be changed in each session, you might set up an init.m file. To set up an init.m file, see the section on Initialization. Cells Mathematica Notebooks are organized into Cells. The size of a Cell and what is in it will be indicated by the box outlines on the right margins of the notebook called Cell Brackets. There are many types of cells: Input, Text, Graphics, Unevaluable (for examples that you want to keep but do not want to evaluate when you evaluate programs that the examples tested), Initialization (for things that you want to load automatically), Locked (for routines you do not want to inadvertently change or delete), Fixed Height, Closed Group, Evaluation Group, or Running or Evaluating Cells. The cell brackets indicate the type of Cell. For example, an Evaluating Cell (a cell the kernel is currently processing) is denoted by a double Cell Bracket that looks something like ]]. The Cell Bars will not print unless specifically requested. There are also many commands for opening or compressing cells, merging cells or dividing cells, etc. that can be found under the Cell Menu. You can change a Cell type by using the menu Style > Cell Style (or keyboard equivalents

mentioned below) or by using a special pop-up menu that appears when the Ruler is activated. Cells containing unneeded calculations can be collapsed or in Mathematica terminology closed. Collapsed cells can be reopened and the material therein is then available for copying, recalculating, or pasting. Cells coming under one of the Header forms (discussed later) on the Style menu can be collapsed as a unit. Generally, you should reserve various types of cells for various types of input in case a re-execution becomes necessary. You can make almost any change you want in a cell: dividing or merging cells, changing from input to text, etc. See the Cell Menu for this. Note commands on the menu that can be used to initialize the cells. For example, alt 7 gives a text cell where the wrap feature of a word processor is operational, alt 9 gives an input cell for the kernel, and alt 1, 2, 3 give various title formats. Look under the Style Menu for the various types of styles. You can determine the style of a cell by highlighting the cell bar and invoking Edit > Options Inspector. You will see the style of the cell near the end of the cell information.. If you know how the Mathematica formatting commands work, the Options Inspector allows you to get your output, input or text into a desired form. For example, an output cell will be labeled near the end with Output. Changing Output to Text will set the cell to a Text cell, which can be edited. Note that output cells cannot be edited. Trying to change an output cell will result in a copy of the cell as an input cell directly below the output. NOTE that it is extremely important that only INPUT ON INPUT LINES since re-executing a notebook becomes extremely difficult without this. In fact, all other cell conventions should be maintained. No matter how a cell is formatted, it consists of plain characters from the keyboard. This is the reason Mathematica documents can be sent as attachments to emails. The richness of the display is obtained from the way the characters are arranged. To see the plain characters, highlight the cell bar and execute Shift Alt E. You can change any of this code if you are familiar with the way the code is generated. For example, matrices are formatted in columns either with a right, left or center alignment as the default. In a specific instance, you might wish to change the ColumnAlignment. Style Sheets The Format > Style Sheet gives various template styles. The Format > Style Sheet >Default Style is what appears when you open a new notebook from the File Menu. All the style sheets for Mathematica 6 are based on the Core.nb style sheet which does not appear on the menu. Some of the advanced file sheets with many different styles may be built on top of some of the more the more basic file sheets. The file sheets that are being used in the construction of a new file sheet appear as a hyerlink at the top of the file sheet. You can construct your own style sheet. Your file sheet will overlay one of the Mathematica file sheets. Open Mathematica and find the Mathematica File Sheet that most closely resembles the file sheet that you want to construct, perhaps the Default.nb file sheet. Now choose Format > File Sheet > Edit File Sheet. You will get a page with the hyperlink to Default.nb at the top of the sheet. There will be a pull down menu on the left side of the sheets menu bar of all the styles that are available for Default.nb. Choose the style that you want to modify, for example, you want to modify Input. The Input will be pasted into a cell in this notebook. Open up this Cell with the Options inspector and add or subtract anything you want. You can also modify the Input with the menu. For example, you want the input to be Blue and Plain rather than Black and Bold. Just change style of the Input that has been pasted into your notebook using the Mathematica menu. You can also import styles from other style sheets but need to be careful about name overlaps. Now save your style sheet as say myStyleSheet.nb. Put your style sheet in the folder that appears as the output the command ToFileName[{$UserBaseDirectory,SystemFiles,FrontEnd,StyleSheets}] The myStyleSheet.nb will appear in the directory of style sheets on the menu bar the next time you open Mathematica. You can get Mathematica to use myStyleSheet.nb (or any other style sheet) as the default. Go to

the Preference>Advanced>Option Inspector and access the DefaultNotebook and DefaultStyleDefinitions and click the icons. A dialogue box will allow you to point the way to your myStyleSheet. A list of author tools can be found in File > Palettes > Open Author Tools. These tools are useful for creating indices, table of contents, and bilateral cells. Some of the notebook Styles also have these tools. Bilateral cells are used extensively in the Mathematica manuals and have text on one side of a cell and Mathematica code or output on the other side of the cell. Virtually every option of the Notebook can be edited in the preference menu. Options, which are generally in the form of Rules, can be inserted in the appropriate place in the in the Preference File. Finally, init.m files can be set in the Kernel of the Add Ons > Autoload >Kernel. This files have various commands, which can be formatting, or package loading commands or user defined code, in a so-called initialization cell. The initialization cell is executed as the notebook is being opened so that all the material in the initialization cells are available for use. Restoring Mathematica to its Installation Configuration To restore Mathematica to its original factory configuration, hold down the option or alternate key when opening Mathematica. Cell Hierarchy Cells are arranged automatically in hierarchal fashion like an outline. For example, a cell with a large header, like a alt 2 header, will have a cell bar connecting it and all subsequent cells with a lower hierarchal order. In the Mathematica Default Style, cells generated by cmd 3-6 have various types of headers, alt 7 is a text cell, cmd 8 is a graphics command cell and its attached graphics, alt 9 is an input cell. Output cells are editable only by a special process and are automatically attached to the input cells that generates them. Trying to edit an output cell without a special process will result in its echo to an input cell. So all cells of type alt 3 9 written below a header cell of type alt 2 will be attached to the alt 2 cell with a cell bar. The same is true for alt 3 headers, etc. An alt 1 header below alt 2 header will not be attached to the alt 2 header. Note that the grouping of the cells can be changed by Cell > Divide or Cell > Cell Grouping > Group. Also groupings can be set up after cells lower cmd cells have been typed by inserting the header cells at the appropriate points. The grouping is useful: cells can be hidden under a cell of higher hierarchy using Cell > Cell Grouping > Close All Subgroups. The closed cells can be reopened without any loss of information using Cell > Cell Grouping > Open All Subgroups. The commands Cell > Groupings > Open/Close also do the same job. A double click of the mouse will also open cells. In certain cases. the cell bars must be highlighted before Close or Open is invoked. The last Open/Close is a toggle action, i.e., selecting open gives closed and selecting closed give. Note that you can group cells or divide cells using menu commands. Only cells of the same type can be merged. Some instructions will be given later for editing the style documents. Cell Tags The information about the type of cell, like Input, Output, Title, Section, is called a Cell Tag. Cell Tags different from the ones given in the Style Menu can be created in the notebook. You can use the additional cell tags to post automatically numbers on the cells or to reference the cells for quick scrolling. All Mathematica cells receive a cell number. Other Cell Tags that number equations, sections, etc., are discussed Style Sheets. Cell Tags can also be used as a device for a finding line, for example, a line with important formula. For example, create a formula and highlight the cell bar and type in the name Wavelet Generator in Add/Remove Cell Tag dialogue. Typing Wavelet Generator on a command line and then accessing Find in Cell Tags will bring you to the Cell labeled Wavelet Generator.

Automatic Numbering and Reference of Equations and Figures In certain style sheets, the cell styles NumberedEquation, NumberedTable, and NumberedFigure, etc. are available,. These create a dynamical numbering of the objects. This allows the insertion new objects at arbitrary places with the ensuing updates of the numbering. You can make a reference to a numbered object in the body of the text. You need to give the object a cell tag (cf. Cell Tags). For example, give the object the tag eq1. When you want to reference eq1, set your cursor at the insertion point and access the Input >Create Automatic Numbering Object menu. In the dialogue box, write eq1. The counter reference will appear at the insertion point and automatically be updated whenever the number on the cell eq1 is updated. Automatic numbering for any cell style can also by obtained without a tag using the Input >Create Automatic Numbering Object. For examples, section headings can be automatically numbered starting with a certain cell. Displaying Input and Output You can control the way Mathematica displays its input and output. There are four pre-programmed options called InputForm, Output, StandardForm, and TraditionalForm. TraditionalForm is set in mathematical format, standard form is a form peculiar to Mathematica to prevent mistakes in interpretation. Many failures in execution results from using Input in TraditionalForm since extra parentheses important for Mathematica are suppressed. For example, parentheses and braces have special meaning in Mathematica. In Traditional Form braces are replaced by parentheses while in standard form, the distinction between braces and parentheses is maintained. Input Form is a text form usually with a non proportional font designed to provide Mathematica with the clearest picture of what it needs to do. Output form is an inert form that cannot be modified. Attempts to modify output will result in the modified line being reproduced as an input line below the modified form. Expressions set in TraditionalForm generally have a so-called Wrapper around the actual mathematical expression. The wrapper is a set of Mathematica commands that give the formatting structure. Invoking ToExpression before using the formatted expression will remove the wrapper. If a formatted expression is copied an pasted into a unformatted space, the wrapper together with the expression will often appear as plain TEXT together with several formatting commands. To avoid this string of formatting commands, you should either 1) paste the formatted expression in a Box obtained using Control( (i.e., Control Shift 9) or 2) highlight the string of pasted TEXT and type Control (. To escape from a Box or use Control Spacebar or Control . (. = Period.)

The Kernel The mathematical engine that stores and evaluates the input is called the Kernel. The Front End automatically sends the input to its Default Kernel. Each Cell in a notebook has its own kernel usually the the socalled Default Kernel. If you do not specify a kernel, the Front End will automatically route all calculations to the Default Kernel. If you are using Mathematica on your own personal computer, the Default Kernel will be the so-called Local kernel, which is the kernel on you own hard disk. Machines in a computer laboratory may have a different default kernel, usually a kernel on a powerful remote work station with very large amounts of RAM. Here the Front End serves as a communications software program for the remote Kernel. Since each cell can have its own kernel, you can choose a different kernel, for example, a more powerful kernel at a remote site to do some especially difficult computation. An evaluator for a single cell can be chosen from the Kernel menu. Using more than one kernel may be advantageous in that the different kernels will read only their own inputs. So if x = 4 in the first kernel, it could be taken to be a symbol in a second kernel. The selection Evaluate in a Subsession in the Kernel menu refers to the simultaneous evaluation of different cells in different kernels If your Kernel or FrontEnd runs out of memory, an alarm bell sounds and the computer locks up. So you should set your memory allocation sufficiently large to prevent this. If Mathematica locks up due to insufficient memory, you will hear a fire alarm bell sound. You may need to use a forced quit of the Mathematica and this will cause a loss of your data. Sometimes, your clicking with the mouse on an area off the active window will shut the alarm down and allow you to re-entry and execute a save. To attach a new kernel to your notebook, go to the menu Kernel > Kernel Configuration Options. You need to see the desired kernel in the dialogue boxes as we traverse the options. Also certain communication tools need to be present in the system folder. These are supplied with Mathematica. The program that does the communication is called MathLink. This program is supplied with Mathematica and its Help file is one line as part of the regular Mathematica help file. Input and Output Numbers If you enter a certain Mathematica command, Mathematica will immediately append a line number to the input, e.g.. Input[79]means more or less that this is the 79th Input in this session. The output for this line will be referenced as Output[79]. If you wish to suppress a certain output as, for example, the output from Input[79] which is too complicated to read anyway, type a semicolon ; after the input. Mathematica will not display Output[79] but will have it available for future use. Output[79] is a Mathematica assignment just like all the other assignments made in a session. If you wish to display the previous input line (for possible editing) use Alt l (small el). The previous output line is also available with Alt Shift L. If you edit the previous Input line and reenter it, Mathematica will give the previous Input line a new Input number. If you do not want to see the Input/Output notices you can prevent these from appearing by checking the appropriate item in the File Menu. Mathematica will keep track of the input and output numbers but not display them. Previous lines can be accessed with the Mathematica dittos %, %% or %[n] which means n from the last. Notebook Management You can clean up unwanted input or output by using the using the Clear in the Edit Menu or its keyboard equivalent Control Shift X or the Delete key on the keypad. Highlight what you want to discard or click with the mouse on the right hand cell box if you wish to discard the whole cell and then access the Clear or type Control Shift X. Other standard editing can be done in a similar fashion. It is very important to note that this EDITING DOES NOT REMOVE THE INPUT in the Mathematica kernel. For example, the function f[x] may be entirely absent from the Notebook but still be present in the kernel. To remove f[x] you need to use something like Clear, ClearAll, Remove, or

Clear[Global`*] or Quit[]. Even removing f[x] leaves some of the properties of f[x] called Attributes behind and sometimes these have to be removed separately. If things are really behaving in an erratic fashion, go to the kernel menu and shut down the kernel. This will clear absolutely everything out of the memory but leave the notebook alone for re-execution. Mathematica also has a Find feature and other helpful devices to allow you to access your previous input. You can designate cells or groups of cells by a name called a Keyword for reference purposes. There is a standard undo command (which restores the program to the status it had right after the last deletion or the last save) for Mathematica but this undo feature seems to relate to the word-processing and not to the mathematical calculations. Also make sure that your output prints on one page rather than on two or three side-by-side pages. Do this by using the Edit>Preferences > Action Menu to set the screen width to 78. Also make sure that the Word Wrap has been activated so that Mathematica will not print on two or 3 side by side pages. To activate the Word Wrap for the entire Mathematica notebook, open the Edit Style work sheet in the manner described in the preceding section on Cells. Then highlight the cell bars where you wish to invoke the Word Wrap. Then choose Style > Alignment > Word Wrap. Upon closing the Edit Style work sheet, you will find that the Word Wrap is engaged in all the cell types that you have chosen. The Notebook that you use to solve a problem can also be presented as a final report. Your professors may be interested in your Mathematica code but your clients certainly will not be. You can create a professional looking report in the same Notebook you used for your calculations. To do this add a narrative description of your problem together with a narrative of your solution. Include only as much of your calculations as are needed to support the narrative. Also include any equations that you might need. These can be imported into Mathematica as described in the section Interfaces . All cells containing technical Mathematica code should be closed before printing as described in the section Cells. Now the printed copy of your Notebook will look like a professional report while your personal electronic copy of your Notebook will have all the codes ready for inclusion in some other Notebook or revisions of the current Notebook. Your Style Sheet allows you to print your Notebook in a style different from the one in which you created the notebook. For example, you may wish to leave some of your input and output lines but you may wish these to be printed in Traditional Form rather than the Input Form and Output Form. On the Default Style Sheet, find the Input Printout and go to the menu Cell > Convert To > Traditional Form. You can also do this from the keyboard using StyleData["Input", "Printout", FontFamily->Times, FontSize->12] Mathematica automatically post page breaks. Sometimes these come at inconvenient places. The placement of page breaks can be controlled in the Format > Show Page Break menu. The location of page breaks can be viewed using the File > Printing Settings menu. Page breaks can be controlled manually by adding PageBreakAbove -> True, PageBreakBelow->True at the end of Cell. Note that you can have several notebooks open at the same time. Notebooks that feed into the same kernel will be linked in that any assignment made in one of the notebooks will be carried over to the linked notebook. This can be both beneficial in that you can do side calculation but this can also be detrimental if the two notebooks being executed interfere with each other. However, it you execute each notebook in a separate kernel, there will be no interference. Mathematica has a PREFERENCE SHEET. Virtually, any aspect of the word processing, execution, memory parameters, etc., can be reset in this preference sheet. The preference items will be applicable to all style sheets. Fonts Mathematica 6.0 has a powerful word processing and type setting capabilities and virtually any font can be used. Mathematica will choose a non-proportional font like Courier or Monaco for input and output in Standard Form. Courier is the standard IBM typewriter font and the Monaco is another non-proportional font. The font will look strange but it will preserve the spacing of the output and make the input and output

easier to read. Mathematica 5.0 will preserve the spacing of input and output so the use of a non-proportional font is not necessary for legible input and output. One can set the set the Cell > Default Input Type, etc. to anything that is aesthetically pleasing. However, it might be best to have the input and the output in the so-called Standard Form since Mathematica has less trouble interpreting input in Standard Form and you will have less trouble reading output in Standard Form. For Presentation (cf. this category in the Edit Style page), you can request input and output in Traditional Form, which is Mathematical type setting form. ONLY CHARACTERS TYPED FROM THE STANDARD KEYBOARD OR THE STANDARD SHIFTED KEYBOARD SHOULD BE USED. Special characters typed using other combinations of keys or even different fonts often are not reproduced correctly by the printer or by file transfers between platforms. Instead you should use Mathematicas special character sets. These characters are carried in a plain text format that can be read by email programs and all the different Mathematica Front Ends. For example, the Greek character alpha can be typed using the abbreviated form (so-called alias form) the long form \[Alpha]. a or Here : denotes typing the Escape key. In Mathematica this will be represented by 3 vertical dots. Virtually every mathematical symbol is found in Mathematicas special character set either in the formal form \[NameOfSymbol] and often in the alias form. For example, the symbol can be typed as either \[TildeTilde] or . Special symbols typed in the Mathematica character set (for example, the integral) :~~: are usually mathematically active when transferred to input lines and are usually correctly set in mathematical form on output lines. The symbols are always in the correct form on text lines. To find the Mathematica name of a displayed symbol, you can use FullForm[symbol].Every symbol also has a unique number associated with it called its character code. There are some 10,000 symbols including several thousand for oriental languages. To find the character code of a symbol, you can use ToCharacterCode[the symbol]. Also FromCharacterCode sets up the symbol. Advanced users may wish to experiment with Latex (called TeXForm in Mathematica). Mathematica will supply the code to set up its output in TeX, which is a mathematical typesetting program. Also certain TeX style sheets are supplied with Mathematica so that the Mathematica TeX can be correctly interpreted by the TeX program. Output from TeXForm can be imported into a TEX compiler in order to create type set quality work. If Mathematica is displaying gibberish, the Mathematica fonts are not loading correctly. Bring this to the attention of the laboratory supervisor immediately. Packages, which contain additional functions that you wish to have readily available or make available to others, need to be saved in Text format. You can set up your package in Mathematica notebook format with special symbols and invoke File > Save as Special > Text. Mathematica should automatically set up your saved package with all the symbol names write in FullForm. Occasionally, even the FullForm will not suffice. In this case, one needs to use ToCharacterForm and FromCharacterForm. This assigns a number to each character. All characters used in printing around the world has a number from 0 to about 10,000 associated with it. Mathematica will recognize the Character code for each character whose font it can find on your computer. Using the character code number together with the ToCharacterCode and FromCharacterCode allows the characters to survive the translation to and from Text. Word Processing Word-processing commands may be found under Edit > Expression Input. For example, to actually see a superscript a2 in an input or text line, use a Control shift 6. This execution will leave you in the superscript position. To exit any level of formula making use control spacebar. A full set of keyboard strokes can be found in the Help file under FrontEnd. You need to set in line word equations off by themselves. Otherwise, features of word processing, like the word wrap, will not work. Start your in line formulae with control( and end them with control ).

Palettes Mathematica has several palettes to aide in selecting symbols. The palettes are found File > Palettes menu. A complete list of keyboard commands is found in the Help Browser > Front End > Keyboard Commands. Initialization You can create an Initialization Cell for your notebook. This cell can be used to load automatically at startup any set of commands or packages that you need on a regular basis for your work. The initialization cells are named init.m. Several packages have init.m associated with them. Some of the packages have a complete file. When you load this complete file, the init.m file for the package is loaded. The init.m file has a directory in an initialization cell. The directory has all the names of all the functions in subpackages. So the net effect of loading the master file is creating a link to all the commands in all the subpackages. The commands in the subpackages are now available for use. Mathematica also has a master file called init.m that controls all the preferences. One should keep a copy of this file in a safe place since the original file sometimes becomes corrupted. Mathematica will not work with a corrupted masterinit.m file. If the master init.m file gets corrupted, you can remove the file from its folder. Mathematica will generate a new master init.m minus any of your personalized preferences. Finally, you can create your own init.m file. This file should be put in the Autoload folder and will supplement the master init.m. For example, Mathematica displays the text of its graphics in Courier font. There does not seem to be a mechanism in the Preference of StyleSheet for changing the Courier font. If you set $TextStyle={FontFamily->Times} in an initialization cell in your private init.m and put the init.m into the Autoload, all the Graphics text will be rendered in Times as a default. You can change the rendering in the notebook to anything else if you wish. When you save a notebook with a initialization cell, mathematica will assist you with the set up. Conventions Mathematica has the following conventions: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) all Mathematica functions and calls begin with a capital letter; Mathematica distinguishes between lower and upper case letters but often will give a spelling error message if two words differ only in capitalization; Spaces and carriage returns are not read except where a space denotes multiplication; Parentheses ( ) are used only for grouping; Braces { } are used for lists, n-tuples, vectors, matrices; Brackets [ ] are used for function arguments; Double brackets [[ ]] are used to access pieces of expressions; Starred parentheses (* *) are used for comments on execution lines; Many commands have both a long form and an abbreviated form and these can be either postfixed, infixed or prefixed; Expressions that Mathematica cannot evaluate are echoed unchanged (e.g., when a pattern cannot be matched). Formulae and mathematical typesetting are enclosed in invisible boxes starting with Control ( and ending with Control ). Many special characters can be called out by using the escape key using the alias of the character. Virtually every mathematical and technical symbol is available in the special character sets including special alphabets like the Greek and German (Faktur) alphabets and script and double struck Roman characters. For example, the symbol would be written <escape> pd <escape> and a would be written

<escape> a <escape> where <escape> means pressing the escape key. In Mathematica manuals the escape key is denoted by A long form for special characters is always available using . \[NameOfCharacter] but commonly used characters also have abbreviated forms called aliases. For example, the symbol has the long form \[PartialD] and the Characters that are available pd . on a standard keyboard are called raw characters. In general, the use of characters typed with the option key should be avoided. Syntax Errors Mathematica will beep when you have made a syntax error and will indicate briefly where your error is below the input line. Sometimes the error will be trivial, like forgetting to capitalize or not balancing parentheses. Mathematica will help with the balancing of parentheses by highlighting the corresponding forward parenthesis [, {, ( or when the backward parenthesis ], }, ), is typed and give a warning sound for unbalanced back parentheses. Mathematica will also help do the balancing by showing what parentheses (braces, brackets, quotes, etc.) correspond with each other. Look in the Edit menu for the keyboard command that will do the balancing (Control Shift B). Set your cursor and execute the balancing command and Mathematica highlights the balancing. Mathematica will echo your input if you are not getting execution. Also the output will be strange if you are not getting the desired execution. Mathematica will often do calculations in unexpected waves especially if you are a novice. So all results should be thoroughly checked. In longer more involved statements, it might be advisable to execute steps one at a time to see where an error occurs. Mathematica will attempt to execute step by step if Trace is used. Also FullForm or OutputForm will show all the steps Mathematica has used label the position of an expression. These are useful when Mathematica gives a surprising execution to your commands. Mathematica provides tools to examine how a routine is working. Trace applied around an execution command will cause all intermediate steps to be displayed. Even though output for Trace can be very long, it is often useful in pinpointing why Mathematica is not producing the desired results. Other commands like Sow, Reap, Throw, Catch allow the display of intermediate steps that ordinarily would be hidden. Sometimes a long calculation can be TimeConstrained to prevent locking up the program and a forced quit of the Kernel. A common error arises during plotting. Mathematica reports that a plot is not a machine sized value. Mathematica does not graph but plots by computing coordinates of points to be plotted. The error means that Mathematica cannot compute numerical values. Numerical evaluation of functions that can be evaluated numerically can be forced by using Evaluate. Without this, Mathematica reaches back only one level into an assignment path. If Evaluate does not force evaluation, you should check (by running a few values) that numerical values are actually being generated. Comments Comments help you remember what you are doing or assist you with reporting your results. The comments can be entered anywhere if they are entered as enclosed in starred parentheses (*Comment*) where Comment can be anything

Output Output is often very complicated. Things that are very easy to do with pencil and paper are not so easy to do with Mathematica. So Mathematica has several editing and control features that allow you to manipulate the output and the data without actually touching either the output or the data. The primary data structure for Mathematica seems to be a List. So there are very many control routines to manipulate lists. In order to handle efficiently problems some of these control routines should be learned. These are listed below under the heading Control and in other places. Output to the monitor is suppressed by ending the command line with a semicolon ;. In fact, several statements can be written on the same line if they are separated by a semicolon. The semicolon serves this same suppression and separation purpose in the programming calls like Module. Note that Mathematica does not allow you to overwrite its output. One of the options in an output cell is Editable->False. You can change this to True or copy the output to a text line where it will be Editable.

Importing into Word Processors You can import formatted text or graphics into your word processors using Copy Special and choosing one of the graphics formats that works well with your word processor. For example, PICT works well with Mac word processors. Interfaces with Scanners Scanned graphics may be inserted into Mathematica. You will be able to read the coordinates of scanned graphic objects just as with other plots created by Mathematica itself. This could be useful in converting pictures to mathematically active data. Start with a computer file of a scanned graphic. It is possible that Mathematica will not be able to open this computer file. If Mathematica cannot open the computer file, use a program like Graphics Converter. Programs like Graphics Converter are able to open automatically almost all of the many types of graphics files. Use the graphics program to make changes in the computer file to get it in a form, which Mathematica can read. If you are making the scan yourself, then the scanner software should allow you at the outset to prepare your files for Mathematica without using another graphics program. To find out what graphics files your Mathematica Front End will read access the File Menu > Open as Special in Mathematica. For example, the Front End of the Macintosh will read PIC files. Using Save As with the correct choice of format for your front end in the dialogue box, save your open scanned graphics file to your hard disk or floppy. Other necessary editing can also be done in the graphics program. For example, I recently had a scanned black and white plot that showed up with 256 shades of gray. I was unable to transfer this to Mathematica. The graphics program allowed me to change this back to black and white reducing the file size from say 2.5 Meg to 17k. Mathematica read the new 17k PIC file. At this stage you may be able to copy and paste from the graphics program directly into Mathematica. Here a Clipboard Conversion and Graphic Cell will be necessary (cf. Interfaces with Word Processors and Equation Editors). If copy and paste does not work, close the graphics file in the necessary format and ask Mathematica to open (File Menu > Open as Special) the graphics file. Mathematica will open the file as a separate document. A copy and paste from this separate document into your Notebook should be possible. Scanned graphics can be sent as attachments to e-mail over the Internet without loss of data. Attachments are retrieved in a folder called Attachments, which sits in the folder containing the e-mail program.

Corrupted Mathematica Documents Sometimes Mathematica will report that a cell, like Cell 2256, is corrupted. Even though 2256 is not visible, you can locate the cell with a series of commands OpenRead, SetStreamPosition,Skip, Read. Once the corrupted cell is located, an ordinary Find will usually locate the contents. The topic of reading documents with OpenRead will be discussed in more detail elsewhere. Importing Data Mathematica has the ability to open and read data files made by other programs, e.g., a word processor or spread sheet, and even open and read data files made on other platforms, e.g., open and read PC file on the Macintosh. This ability is important because it prevents errors inherent in recopying data. Mathematica easily reads files formatted as TEXT but has enough control features to read other formats. A TEXT file is a file having only the very basic word processing control features common to almost every word processor. Many programs permit saving a document as TEXT. To save as TEXT you should choose the Save As option in the file menu and then choose the option TEXT in the dialogue. Also use TEXT when downloading a file from the Internet; otherwise, unwanted formatting options might be present in the downloaded data. To open the TEXT document, choose the Open in the Mathematica File Menu and locate the document you wish to open. The TEXT document will open in a new window. At this stage the data in the open document can be moved to the Mathematica work sheet using copy and paste. In order to read data into Mathematica in the correct way you need to have an idea of how the data us presented. For example, the data 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 164 195 226 283 302 343 369 384 412

was contained in a text file called Test2. The file Test2 was opened to see its contents using (more or less as a picuture) OpenRead[MacintoshHD:Test2.] The input for the OpenRead is the file path to the file which is automatically obtained by navigating the dialogue box in the Insert > FilePath menu. Note second that the file that being read MUST BE on the same disk as the Mathematica Kernel being used to evaluate the ReadList. It may be necessary to designate a different Mathematica Kernel like the Local Kernel for the particular cell being used to execute !! and the ReadList explained below rather than a remote kernel which is often the default for programs running on a file server or it might be necessary to transfer the file being read to the file server (being aware of the 4 hour grace period). To change the evaluator this access the menu Style > Evaluator and choose the kernel that is located on the same disk as the data you wish to read. The kernel for subsequent evaluations will revert to the default kernel of the notebook. Once the data that you wish to read is displayed, you can load it into to Mathematica using ReadList. Here you need to designate the way you want the data loaded. At the very least you have to designate whether the data consists of Word, Number, etc. The file is then read into Mathematica with commas placed in the proper place. Otherwise, spaces separating the data will be read as multiplication by Mathematica. To read Test2 into the Mathematica as a Table with the commas and the brackets placed in the correct position to reflect the displayed data, you can use

ReadList["Macintosh HD:Mathematica Hdbk Folder:Test2", {Number, Number}] {{1970, 164}, {1972, 195}, {1974, 226}, {1976, 283}, {1978, 302}, {1980, 343}, {1982, 369}, {1984, 384}, {1986, 412}} Some other useful type specifications besides number are String, Word, Real. Here note the quotation marks given in Action>Prepare Input > Paste File Pathname are needed. The data was read quickly because the Test2 was written as a TEXT file. If the file had been written by a word processor, then there would likely be some control features that would cause the file to load incorrectly or cause the ReadList to terminate prematurely. So some option in ReadList would be needed. For example, if the preceding file where made by Microsoft Word, you could use ReadList["Macintosh HD:MathematicaHdbkFolder:Test2", Number, >True, RecordSeparators->{"\r"}] RecordLists

where the RecordLists->True instructs Mathematica to make a separate sub list for each separate line and RecordSeparators instructs Mathematica to look for the hidden character \r that marks the end of the Microsoft Word line. Here the \r was found by instructing Mathematica to read the data file as Character. The \r was not visible even when the data file was read as Character. However, Mathematica found the control symbol \r when it was ordered using cmd cap L to drop the output line to an input line. There are several symbols of this kind like \r, \t that can also be used in other places in Mathematica to control the style of the output. It might be impossible to load the data as just a list of numbers because of inclusion of descriptive column headings or the like. In these cases, a certain amount of additional work may be needed to read the data. For example, the date is opened first with !!. Then an OpenRead is used to open the file. The open file is said to be a Stream. The cursor by default is set at the beginning of the file. Using SetStreamPosition or Skip the cursor can be set to a better position which is a position where the data actually begins. Then a ReadList can be performed on the data with the cursor in a better position. Exporting and Importing Files and Data Mathematica output or data can be exported to various types of files, for example, gif and jpeg files. Files set in various types of files can be imported into Mathematica. For example, data generated by Mathematica can exported to a Text file. First set up a Text file, with name for example mydata, using File >Save as Special > Text. Then Export[data[1], Path to mydata will send whatever is labeled data[1] in the notebook to the file mydata. Here the path to mydata is found using Input > Get File Path menu. The data[1] will be read into the text file. Opening the file and reading it into a program like Excel is now possible. Other types of files can be exported in the same way. On the other hand, files are set in TeX by use of the File >Save As Special >TeX. The necessary preamble is included so that a TeX compiler will read the files. So additional files may be needed. These can be obtained as a free download from Wolfram or from various websites. For example, do a web search for Texshop. Graphics Plots are entered automatically in the Notebook as they are computed unless the graphical output is suppressed as explained below. You can copy the plots to a word processor by highlighting the plot with the cell bar and copying and pasting. You will need a Convert Clipboard for this. You can also grab plots with the mouse to reposition them or change their size within the Mathematica notebook. Also you can change the size of

the plot by using the Size menu located at the bottom of the screen. Note that the plots are mathematically active. For example, clicking with the mouse on a point in a plot while holding down the Control key will cause the coordinates under the cursor to appear in the lower left hand corner of your screen. This selection feature is quite useful, for example, to get a starting point for certain algorithms or to get coordinates for placing labels of various features in the plot. After selecting one or more points or even lines, use Copy to copy their coordinates into the Clipboard to use with routines like Fit or ListPlot. Several other options are available in the Input Menu in addition to Plot[Options] in Mathematica or several of the special packages supplied with Mathematica. Graphics are organized in the following way. On the primary level are the so-called GRAPHICS PRIMITIVES like Line, Circle, Disk, Rectangle, Polygon, Raster, RasterArray, Polygon, etc. Mathematica can draw the graphics primitives with minimal amount of input. For example, two dimensional graphics are carried in an undecipherable paragraph of characters. Three dimensional graphics are carried as a GraphicsComplex. This consists of two parts: (1) the first part is a list of coordinates followed by a partitioned list of integers and (2) the second part is a list of formatting. The partitioned list in the first part is surrounded with a primitive graphics command. Mathematica draws the primitives by replacing the integers, say 27, with the 27th coordinate in the coordinate list. Here the options are items like RGBColor, Thickness, PointSize, etc., can be bundled with the graphics primitives by enclosing rendering instructions and the graphics primitives with the command Graphics or Graphics3D. There are over 50 options for 2D graphs. These are filled in automatically. Any or all of the options can be modified. In any case Graphics or Graphics3D needs to surround a graphics primitive to activate a graphics primitive. The semicolon ; at the end of a graphics command will cause the graphics to be created in the memory but will abort the display. Show applied to several graphics objects will cause the objects to appear on the same axes. At a a higher level are the graphics commands like ListPlot, ListLinePlot, Plot, Plot3D, ContourPlot, ContourPlot3D, ImplicitPlot, ImplicitPlot3D, ParametricPlot, ParametricPlot3D, etc. These commands are really programs for generating enough graphics primitives to represent the object and for displaying the graphics primitives. For example, Plot3D generates enough planar polygons made up of 3 or 4 vertices to give a picture of a surface z = f(x, y). Graphics like Plot3D can be manipulated by manipulating the graphics primitives that comprise the Plot3D. Graphics can be formatted in several ways. Mathematica will make a default choice for the particular front end being used. The choice can be changed using the various options. Color choices made in one or more 3 dimensional plots are ignored by Show. To prevent this from happening use the option Lighting -> False in the show. There is also a Plot Viewer to change the orientation of graphics. The viewer can be accessed through the menu or by typing cmd V. Mathematica uses light intensity and hue to color some graphics. This is the current system being employed in computer graphics. Mathematica also allows for the control of the Opacity. Text Editing in Notebooks Once something has been entered into the Mathematica it cannot be altered as one would alter a word processing document. For example, if you defined p as a certain polynomial and entered it and then found that you made a mistake in one entry, erasing the mistaken entry and replacing it with the correct one will produce no change. You must re-execute the new p in order for Mathematica to pick up this change. Re-entering will delete the former p in the internal state of the Mathematica as well as change the p on the screen. However, even this does not work completely and even the more powerful statement Clear[p] does not work completely in that there are certain attributes associate with each assignment that persist. Sometimes Remove[p] will get rid of the Attributes and sometimes a Kernel shut down must be used. The fact that the monitor screen does not accurately reflect the internal state of Mathematica is a major cause of errors. For example, if you assign a number to x, then x will no longer be a variable. Mathematica will remember that x is a number until you restore

x to an unassigned symbol using Remove. You can check on the status of any name or symbol by using Context. Note that Mathematica remembers the order in which you enter the commands and not the order the commands appear on your Notebook. If Mathematica is giving what appears to be erroneous or erratic answers, you might have to remove the assignments. The easiest way to do this is by executing Clear[Global`*]. You can also disconnect the kernel from the notebook and re-execute everything. The easiest way to do this is to save your notebook, close down and reopen the just closed notebook. Also most manuals on Mathematica recommend that every assignment be preceded by a Clear operation on the new variables. File Transfers, Mathematica Reader, PDF Files, HTML Files Mathematica can be run on many different types of platforms, e.g. PCs, Sun Workstations, and Macintoshes. Mathematica notebooks are written and saved in plain TEXT using only ASCII characters and therefore should be transferable by email, disk, zip disk or on the internet without any further intervention. You should NOT encode your notebook before sending it as an email attachment or as an FTP document. The plain text has all the necessary formatting commands for Mathematica to reconstitute itself as a Mathematica document. Note that Macintosh will read a PC formatted disk but a PC will not read a Macintosh disk. So you should format your disk as a PC disk. Occasionally, documents sent over email or the Internet lose their creator code necessary for Mathematica to read the disk. In this case, it is necessary to reconstitute the Mathematica document as a TEXT document using Word or some other application like MacLink. Also it might be necessary to open a TEXT document from within Mathematica. This is usually the case when the Mathematica document does not have its distinctive icon. The first save of the opened document will restore the distinctive icon. In all case, the Mathematica document should have the suffix .nb. To read a Mathematica document, you need a copy of Mathematica or the Mathematica Player. The Mathematica Reader allows you to read and print Mathematica documents but not to execute them or to edit them. The Mathematica Reader can be obtained free from On rare occasions, Mathematica will encounter an error when trying to reconstitute a document. The line where the error is encountered will be part of the error message. You can open the Mathematica document with File > Open Special > Text as a text file and use the Find utility to locate the place where the error occurs on the chance that you will be able to correct the error or delete the surrounding material. For more subtle errors where the line the error is given rather than the actual error, you can use the methods outlined in the section Correcting Corrupted Mathematica Files. A .pdf file is a document readable using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Anyone who uses the internet will have a a Reader and be able to read a Mathematica notebook in pdf format. To create a pdf file from a Mathematica notebook using a Macintosh, select File >Print and select PDF on the print dialogue. For the PC, again select File >Print and then select Save As File. The saved file will be in postscript format and needs to be converted to pdf format using Adobe Acrobat. Mathematica has translators to make documents in HTML or TeX format. HTML takes formatted text into an encoding of the format using only the lower case and upper case keys with no alternate keys. HTML documents are read by web browsers. TeX is a standard mathematical type setting format again in standard typewriter characters. Publishers use TeX formatted documents to create galley proofs directly from an electronic copy of the document. The HTML format generated by Mathematica is a long file of JPG or picture files. Hyperlinks and Buttons You can set up hyperlinks within your Notebooks. The links can be either within the document, to other Mathematica documents or to Internet locations. Use the Input > Create Hyperlink menu.

To set up hyperlinks to the Internet, you need to set up a Button in your notebook. Buttons are executable routines embedded in the document. For example, Button[, ButtonData:> {URL[""], None}, ButtonStyle -> "Hyperlink"] sets up an executable link between your notebook and Wolframs homepage. Help Help is built into the Mathematica program. You can access the Help through the Help on the Menu Bar or use the Help Key on the computer keyboard or cmd Shift F or Shift F1 key. If your cursor is set behind a Mathematica command or even a command in a previously loaded package, Mathematica will read the command and go to the required help file automatically without retyping (This seems to be available only on the Macintosh.) The help file opened by Mathematica will have examples and hyperlinks to the complete Mathematica and Package manuals and to similar subjects. Pages of the manual can be printed for easy reference. The manual pages are actual Mathematica notebooks and can be executed and changed as desired. The manual should reconstitute itself in its original form when closed so that you do not need to be concerned with making a irrevocable change. There is a special style for the manual listed in the style sheets. This should not be edited since the manual without its style sheet is more or less unreadable. If you remember part of the name of a command, type the part that you remember and then go to Input>CompleteSelection or its keyboard equivalent Control k. Mathematica will open a popup menu where you can complete your selection. If you forget the syntax for a command, type the command and then go to Input>MakeTemplate or its keyboard equivalent Control Shift K. Mathematica will supply the syntax in the form of recognizable symbols. You can replace Mathematicas symbols with your own input. A short list of commands and reserved words Mathematica is appended to this Introduction. Note first that commands and reserved words generally resemble the English words. All reserved Mathematica words are capitalized and user defined terms should generally start with lower case letters to avoid conflicts and error messages. To learn if a certain command will do what you have in mind or to learn the format (syntax) of a command, you can use the help utility in Mathematica in the following way. For example, typing ?PolynomialDivision and ?Simplify brings up the help file on PolynomialDivision and Simplify respectively. Most Help Files have examples, which can be overwritten even in the Help File. The overwritten examples will not remain a permanent part of the Help File. To bring up more information use ??. For example ??Map will bring up a more complete list of information about the command Map. Many times the commands permit extra variables called Options. To find the Options available with say Plot type Options[Plot]. If you find an option that you want to see, e.g.. AxesOrigin in Options[Plot], type ?AxesOrigin to find the syntax or ??AxesOrigin to get the details. Other forms of help are available using Information[Map] . To find a list of Mathematica commands that contain a certain name or match a certain pattern, like Plot, use Names[Plot] .

This does not give much but Plot is often part of a compound word. These can be accessed by a utility program that matches a string: ?*letters gives all commands beginning with letters ?*letters* gives all commands with letters ?letters* gives all commands ending with letters. For example, ??*@@* will give an almost complete list (running to 10 pages) of Mathematica commands since @@ is a Mathematica programming shortcut for Apply the subject to the predicate. You can also see what packages are available to add extra capabilities using pre-programmed functions in the Function Browser. No help for routines in packages is available until the package is loaded (cf. Packages section). To find out what kinds of routines are available in a loaded package, you can use Names. For example, typing Names[Graphics`Graphics*] produces a long list {BarChart, BarEdges, BarEdgeStyle, ... , SkewGraphics, StackedBarChart, TextListPlot, TransformGraphics, UnitScale} of routines available in the package. Some third party packages come with their own help file. The package instructions will give information on the placement of the help file. These help files often appear in the help menu and work like Mathematica help files. You can make our own help files to go with your own Mathematica packages. Third party online help files are available. For example, a hypercard program (an online file card system) by Robert Campbell is available. See the Documentation below. Help for your front end including a list of Key Board Shortcuts is available under Help > Help Browser > Other Information >Your Platform. Packages and Data Sets Certain of the Mathematica routines are contained in special packages. Most of the commands in the packages in the former versions of Mathematica have been to the main routine. The packages (aside from the so-called Legacy Packages for Version 5 and earlier) are ANOVA Audio BarCharts Benchmarking BlackBodyRadiation Calendar Combinatorica Compatibility ComputationalGeometry ComputerArithmetic Developer EquationTrekker ErrorBarPlots Experimental FiniteFields FourierSeries FunctionApproximations Geodesy GraphUtilities GUIKit HierarchicalClustering Histograms HypothesisTesting LinearRegression MultivariateStatistics Music NonlinearRegression Notation NumericalCalculus NumericalDifferentialEquationAnalysis PhysicalConstants PieCharts PlotLegends PolyhedronOperations Polytopes PrimalityProving Quaternions RegressionCommon ResonanceAbsorptionLines Splines StandardAtmosphere StatisticalPlots Units VariationalMethods VectorAnalysis VectorFieldPlots WorldPlot XML The packages must be loaded in order for their commands to work. Sometimes commands from a package will interfere with commands in the main program or with commands in a different part of the same package. An error message saying that a Shadow has been created. In general, Mathematica will try to overwrite commands but for packages an overwrite often does not work. One must Remove the command and reload the packages.

To load a package, say one of the packages in the list, execute <<Benchmarking`. Note the half-back slash. Every item in Mathematica has a CONTEXT. User defined objects have the context Global`, ordinary commands in Mathematica have the context System`, and package commands have the context given by the package name, e.g. the command Benchmark is formally known as Benchmarking`Benchmark. The context is generally not being expressed in the notebook but the names are being to all commands just as the Head is being attached to all symbols. Once the package is loaded, all its commands are available. To check the commands in a package, use ?Benchmarking`*. You can also use this to see if the package is loaded. There are many additional packages available from the Wolfram Development Corporation for registered users. Some of these packages as well as current information on Mathematica can be obtained via e-mail from the Wolfram Development Corporation. You can try logging on as an anonymous user at Also try sending the email message Help or Intro to Other access routes are FTP: Gopher: (port 70) WWW: Dialup: 217-398-1898 (8N1) Other packages come with various textbooks. Sometimes these packages require the installation of a program called MathLink which is supplied by Wolfram Corporation to users of Mathematica. MathLink can also be used to create your own programs that will access the computational engine of the Mathematica kernel. Several DataSets can be loaded into Mathematica. These require an internet connection. The data sets contain information. Some of the data sets are CityData, CountryData, PolyhedronData, GraphData, KnotData, LatticeData, ElementData, ChemicalData, IsotopeData, ParticleData, AstronomicalData, FinancialData, etc. Once the data sets are accessed, commands access the data. Your own Packages You can create your own packages. These will contain functions that you want to have available or make available to others. You set up these packages using exactly the same syntax as Mathematicas packages. The packages are saved in Text files ending with the designation .m. The Mathematica 6.0 seems to be corrupting the text files when they are saved. Writing a file in Microsoft Word and saving as an unformatted Text document WITH THE SUFFIX .m will avoid the corrupting of Text files by Mathematica 6. The Text files are read by Mathematica.You can write a large package as a collection of smaller packages and link all the smaller packages together using a directory file which has the name init.m. To set up the package, you create a folder and give it the name of the package, for example MyLinearAlgebra. Inside the folder MyLinearAlgebra, you create a second folder called Kernel. The Kernel contains a special file named init.m. Inside MyLinearAlgebra but outside Kernel, you set you individual package files, for example, a file called mySpecialMatrices.m, which sets up special types of matrices you use in your work, for example, torsionmatrix and stressmatrix. You now insert in your init.m file DeclarePackage lines, which tell Mathematica to look for the torsionmatrix and the stressmatrix functions in the SpecialMatrices.m file once the package MyLinearAlgebra has been opened. Your placement of your own package files is important. When you instruct Mathematica to open your package or any of the packages supplied by Mathematica, Mathematica will automatically search certain folders to find the package to be opened. You should place your packages in one of the folders that is automatically searched such as the AddOns > Applications Folder in the Mathematica Folder. You should place your folders in a location that you remember for the following reason: when you upgrade Mathematica, you might find that all the Mathematica folders have been overwritten. The AddOns > Applications is supplied as an empty folder on the Search Path and an update might overwrite this folder with another empty folder. So you should at minimum physically remove your packages at upgrade or perhaps even default regeneration and at best always have a current backup copy saved in a safe location.

It might happen that you cannot access the folders in the default search path. This will occur if you use a remote kernel on a protected file server or use a laboratory machine. In this case, you may still have access to a portion of the file server or hard disk on the laboratory machine. To use your own package in this case, you can put your package on the available portion of the file serve or hard disk. You then need to locate your package. You can do this by using the Input > Find File Path menu to find the location of your package. This will be part of the information you need. Some hidden information may be necessary. This is obtained by executing Directory[]. Together these two procedures should give you enough information to find your package. Either you can use this information to open your package directly using the form DirectoryName1`DirectoryName2`...`MyLinearaAlgebra where DirectoryName1 is a file on the search path. Alternately, you can append a new search path $Path = Append[$Path, YourNewSearchPath] to in case you have many packages. Note that packages can be set in the AutoLoad folders or in initialization cells which cause items to be loaded at start up of any notebook or the particular notebook respectively. To create the an initialization cell, type a command line and highlight the cell bar and use Cell > Cell Properties > Initilialization.. Patterns Much of the strength of Mathematica comes from its ability to match patterns. The patterns are matched in a deterministic way; however, care must be exercised in order to insure that the patterns are matched as intended. Dynamical Commands Mathematica now has a full array of dynamical commands. These activate either cells or specially designated places to receive current input and re-execute. For example, the command ClickPane can be used to draw the solution of a differential equation with an initial point obtained by clicking on the pane. Wolfram claims that the dynamic tools provided are strong enough to program games. Documentation Copies of the Mathematica manuals are available in the Engineering College Library. the Geology/Physics Library, and the Mathematics Library. There are many specialized books. A sample selection is listed below. Note that many textbooks are now appearing with Mathematica appendices or work books. AT PRESENT THERE ARE NO BOOKS UTILIZING MATHEMATICA 6. 1. 1a. 2. 3. 4. 5. Martha Abell and James Braselton, Mathematica by Example, Revised Edition, Academic Press, Boston, 1994, $39.95 - various examples from beginning college mathematics displaying the scope and power of Mathematica _____, Mathematica by Example, Fourth Edition, Academic Press, Boston, 2008, $45 (from Amazon). This is the first book (and only book up to the time of these notes) dealing with MATHEMATICA 6 _____, The Mathematica Handbook, Academic Press, 1992, $34.95 a detailed look at all commands _____, Differential Equations with Mathematica, Academic Press, Boston, 1993, $44.95 -First course in ordinary differential equations with some separable partial differential equations. New edition in 1997 uses Mathematica 3.0. Nancy Blochman, Colin Williams, Mathematica, A Practical Approach, 2/e, Prentice-Hall, 1998. Information of programming, packages, importing, exporting _____, Mathematica, Quick Reference, Addison-Wesley, 1992, $18.25 - annotated list of all Mathematica commands with cross references.


Robert Campbell, Mathematica Help, Variable Symbolics Inc.,1994. On-line help file in a hypercard (file card) format with examples, attributes, bugs for all Mathematica commands organized both by category and by name in either Macintosh or Windows format -$129. 7. Kevin R. Coombes, Brian R. Hunt, Ronald L. Lipsman, John E. Osborn, Garrett J. Stuck, Differential Equations with Mathematica, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1995. Manual to accompany Boyce and De Prima but can be used by itself. 8. Samuel Dick, Alfred Riddle, Douglas Stein, Mathematica in the Laboratory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997, $29.95. How to get Mathematica hooked up to your laboratory equipment. 9. James Finch and Millianne Lehmann, Exploring Calculus with Mathematica, Addison-Wesley, 1992, $10.75 10. Richard Gass, Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River (NJ), 1998 11. Alfred Gray, Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1998, - Curvature, first and second fundamental forms, etc. 12. John W. Gray, Mastering Mathematica, Academic Press, Boston, 1994, with Mathematica problems on disk -$44.95. Explores many of the fine points while also treating basics. 13. Eugene Johnson, Linear Algebra with Mathematica, Brooks/Cole, 1995 14. Stephan Kaufman, Mathematica as a Tool, Birkhauser, 1994, $34.85. Much information on system features 16. Roman Maeder, Programming in Mathematica, 2cd Ed., Addison-Wesley, 1991. Standard reference for those who wish to learn Mathematica programming. 17. _____, The Mathematica Programmer, Academic Press, Boston, 1994. $44.95. Programming in Mathematica - comes with a disk. 18. Peter V. ONeil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics Mathematica Lab Manuel, PWS, Boston, 1995. Lab manual to accompany text with ODE, PDE, Fourier analysis, matrices, vector calculus and analytic functions. 19. Siram Pemmaraju, Steven Skiena, Computational Discrete Mathematics, Combinatics and Graph Theory with Mathematica, Cambridge, New York 2003 complete documentation for the DiscreteMath`Combinatorica package supplied with Mathematica 20. Mark Pinsky, Partial Differential Equations and BoundaryValue Problems with Applications Appendix on Mathematica by Alfred Gray, McGraw-Hill, 1991 - Various routines from partial differential equations with Fourier Series using Mathematica. 21. John S. Robertson, Engineering Mathematics with Mathematica, McGraw-Hill, 1995, New York - mainly ordinary and partial differential equations using Mathematica. 22. William T. Shaw, Jason Tigg, Applied Mathematica: getting started, getting it done, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1994. 23. Arthur Sparks, John Davenport, James Braselton, Calculus Labs using Mathematica, Harper-Collins, 1993, $10.95. 24. K.D. Stroyan, Calculus using Mathematica, Academic Press, 1992 25. Michael Trott, The Mathematica Guidebook for Programming, Springer, New York, 2004 26. _____, The Mathematica Guidebook for Graphics, Springer, New York, 2004 27. _____, The Mathematica Guidebook for Symbolics, Springer, New York, 2006 28. _____, The Mathematica Guidebook for Numerics, Springer, New York, 2004 29. Tom Wickham-Jones, Mathematica Graphics, Springer-Verlag, 1994, $44.95. Explores graphics capabilities. Comes with disk with routines (e.g. labels for contour plots) for all personal computer platforms without the need for translators. 30. S. Wolfram, Mathematica: A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer 5/e, Cambridge University Press, 1999, New York, $49.95. This is the manual that accompanies the main part of Mathematica 5. It is sold separately from the program and it is on-line for Mathematica 5.0. 31. Wolfram Research, Mathematica 4 Standard Add-on Packages, Wolfram Media Inc., 1999, Urbana $49.95 paper. This is the manual for the add-on packages.

Reporting Requirements All reports should contain the problem statement and a narrative of the method of solution with as many intermediate steps as necessary to clarify the narrative. In this sense your report should be like a laboratory report. At first you may leave the Mathematica commands in the reports. At a later more advanced stage the Mathematica commands should definitely not be included in the report and only as much of the actual mathematical output included to clarify the solution. The material in the section Making your Notebooks Readable must be implemented. Getting Started with Mathematica Execution of Commands Enter Key (Lower Right Corner Enter Key) Shift Return Key Option Enter Shift Option Return Cmd Return

Executes commands at the current cursor position Executes commands at the current cursor position First hit sends cursor to the next input line and second hit causes execution of this input line Interrupts current execution and causes current selection to be executed as soon as possible Creates a new cell. Creating a new cell can also done with the cursor key. When a horizontal line forms across the monitor, a new cell is ready to be formed. Enters an expression Exits an expression and highlights what has been exited Replaces input with output .in highlighted section

Control e Control period Control Shift Enter

Help (cf. Section on Help) cmd ? Help Key cmd cap F (shift F1 on PC)

Creates a question mark pointer for front end Opens an extensive help file called The Function Browser Opens the Function Browser. Brings the reference manual on line. Note the reference manual for the packages requires highlighting the packages radio button. Information at various levels of detail Basic Level Detailed Level Displays a list of anything in the help file that contains the string expr To see what is available in a package control Shift K Highlight the command an go to Input > Create Template. Mathematica will use generic terms to show the syntax Highlight the first few letters of a command and go to Input > Complete Selection. Mathematica will create a pull down menu of all commands starting with your letters Options[ListPlot] will show all the options for ListPlot Shows everything Mathematica is using to generate expressions or

?expr ??expr ??*expr* Names Make Template Make Template Complete Selection (control k)

Options InputForm, FullForm, OutputForm

FullForm Trace Hold down option key while opening Mathematica . WordProcessing alias Control ^ Control _ Control = Control 7 Control 5 Control spacebar Control 2 Control / \[name of symbol]

compute Can be used to find Mathematicas name of a symbol or the way Mathematica is reading an object. Surrounding a command will print the complete execution for seeing where something is going wrong Causes the preference file to be set to Mathematicas default. Save a copy of preference files and inits in case they get corrupted.

FullForm[] ToCharacterCode

FromCharacterCode SequenceForm[HoldForm[Integrate[x, x]], " = ", Integrate[x, x]]

Control CapC HoldForm

Boxes to hold input (in matrices, etc.) \

\t, \r

The symbol used in the Mathematica manual for the escape key in upper left corner of keyboard. Called AliasIndicator. The alias will be set up in type. E.g., int gives an integral sign. Sets Superscript - this is also good for input Sets Subscript Sets Overscript Sets Underscript Moves to next position, eg., after setting upper limit of an integral with int control^, type control 5 to reach the lower limit position To move out of a formatted item Radical Fraction Symbol Greek letter a corresponding to the Roman a. Type Escape key a Escape key. Gives \[Alpha] For the international character number of a particular symbol. Useful in getting package functions to carry out formatting commands. Packages must be saved as plain TEXT and often lose formatted characters unless the characters are carried as their character code. Take a character number into a symbol To get equation set up. SequenceForm allows for mixed Input, Text and Output and can be used to format equations: the actual input is both held in symbolic form with HoldForm and then evaluated. ReleaseHold can also be used to cause evaluation of HoldForm. Brings up matrix dialogue box Keeps Mathematica from evaluating but will set expression into Mathematical form. HoldForm distributes sums, viz., a + b + c//HoldForm gives HoldForm[a] + HoldForm[b] + HoldForm[c] Called a PlaceholderBox To connect characters that should be written together but are likely to appear on separate lines due to word wrap. Mathematica sometimes places these automatically. For example, 1000\000 is 1 million. Characters of this kind control tabs, new lines. These can be used on Input lines to control the format of the output especially output set up in SequenceForm.

Control ( Control ) Control Space bar

This sets a format box for typing formatted text. This will automatically appear with control -^, etc. Control ) or Control spacebar escapes from expressions or subexpressions one level at a a time.

Boolean expr[1] === expr[2] &&

Returns True if expr[1] and expr[2] are identical and False otherwise And to set up simultaneous equations. Can be applied to a list of words True or False, to give True if all true and false if at least one is False. Or Can be applied to a list of words True, False. To set a default for a conditional statement Mainly used as the setting for an option which activates Mathematicas built in default. Ticks ->{{- 2, 0, 2}, Automatic} can be used as an option in Plot Used to include everything of a given object. PlotRange ->All includes

|| True Automatic


Arithmetic 1 + 2*3^4

4x 1/4 N[1/4] N[Pi, 20] Im[a]==0

^ for exponents nd * for multiplication. Note that a space works for multiplication, e.g., x y or x*y is x times y. The formal names are of the functions are Plus, Times, Power. Plus[x, y] is x + y. To get Plus and Times to work on a list, see Apply or @@ No space between the 4 and x is neccessary Fraction. Note that 1/ 4 2 is 1/2 while 1/(4 2) is 1/8 N stands for decimal evaluation Returns first 20 digits of Pi. Gives the condition that a is a real number

Complex Numbers I ComplexExpand[] Conjugate Arg a /: Im[a] = 0 Im I a ^=0 Assignments =

The complex number Expand for complex numbers Complex Conjugate Argument Instructs Mathematica to treat a as a real number Also gives the condition that a is a real number

An assignment read as Set. Table[Set[f[k], expr[k]], {k,1,10}] defines a function f with domain {1, 2, , 10}

== LHS === RHS Exp[g[x_]] ^= x^2

g/:Exp[g[x_]] = x^2 := x =. Clear[a] a=. Remove[Name]

Equal. A == B returns true if A and B are identical SameQ. Answers the question: is LHS identical to RHS? No simplifications will be performed resulting in many erroneous Falses. Creates a function associated with the name g. Mathematica will not accept Exp[g[x_]] = x^2 since it uses the reservered term Exp. This is called an UpSet An alternate form of the preceding A delayed assignment where everything is held unevaluated Removes the value associated with x Removes a, for example, when a is a function Another form of Clear Removes Name from the list of things that Mathematica recognizes. Useful if a name is invoked before the package where it resides is opened.

Algebra f[x_, y_] = x^2*Cos[y]

Factor(x^2 - 4*x + 3)

Factor[(2*x^2 + 25*x+ 72)/(14*x^2 -47*x + 72)] Solve[x^2 - 4*x + 3= = 0]

Defines the given function. This need not define only an algebraic property but can be used to call up a subroutine (cf. Programming Section) Factors the polynomial over the integers if possible. The option GausianIntegers True forces factorization over the complexes. Other forms include FactorList Reduces the fraction to lowest terms Mathematica will try to solve for all variables. Since only x is present, this gives no problem. Note = = means equal while = means assignment. We need to give the variable here in order to carry c as a constant. Solves numerically for x with precision 5 digits Gives the quotient together with the remainder as the second term Gives the remainder as the first term and the quotient as the second term eliminates variables in a set of simultaneous equations Expands and simplifies the expression expr For fractions For handling trigonometric expressions Cancels common factors in numerator and denominator. Puts a sum of fractions over a common denominator To engage trigonometric routines in Simplify Converts the list {x^2, y^2, 3} into variables so Plus will act on it.

Solve[{x^2 + 2*b*x + c = = 0}, {x}] NSolve[x^2+x+1= =0,{x}, 5]] PolynomialDivision[x^3 + x + 1, x + 1] PolynomialRemainder[x^3 + x + 1, x + 1, x] Eliminate[eqns, vars] Expand[expr] ExpandNumerator[expr] ExpandDenominator[expr] TrigExpand, TrigFactor, TrigReduce Cancel[] Together[] Trig->True Apply[Plus, {x^2, y^2, 3}]

Times@@{x^2, y^2 3} Coefficient[x^2*y^3 + 3*x*y^3 + y^2,y,3] Coefficient[x^2*y^3 + 3*x*y^3 + y^2,y^3]

Useful in all conversions of lists to variables for multivariable functions. Here gives x^2 + y^2 + 3. An abbreviated way of implementing Apply is Plus@@{x^2, y^2, 3} 3*x^2*y^2 Returns the coefficient x2 + 3x of y^3 Does the same as the preceding

Control Quit Kernel Cmd Comma Cmd Period Cmd Shift Period

cmd l (el) cmd L TimeUsed[ ] TimeConstrained[expr, n] nSix[x_]:=N[x,6] $Post = nSix

expr//Function expr//Expand expr//N {2#, 3#}& ~ Outer ~ {a, b} % %% %%% Short[expr] Shallow[expr] a = x^3 <<Algebra`SymbolicSum TrigReduce PowerExpand Needs[ ] <<Algebra`Master Off[General::Spell1]

Removes everything from memory and a restart in place Pause in an execution Abort an execution A so-called Long Jump which disconnects the Notebook from a remote Kernel in desperate situations. A save is generally possible even in a lock up. Copy input from above Copy output from above The amount of time already used in the session. Can be used to compute how long a routine takes. Also Timing for this. Evaluates the expression for n seconds and then aborts A possible 6 decimal place output function A short program to set precision at 6 places. Mathematica does not seem to have this built in. Default is 16 place. To force decimal instead of rational evaluation, try entering at least one number as a decimal, eg., enter 2.0 instead of 2 So-called Postfix form is the same as Function[expr] Expands the previous expression Evaluates numerically the previous expression So-called Infix form is the same as Outer[{2#, 3#}&, {a, b}] giving {{2a, 3a}, {2b, 3b}} Last output Second to last output Third to last output. You can use as many % as you like An one line view of expr Shows the top level of expr in abbreviated form. More detailed information can be requested with Shallow[expr, {Depth. Length}] a is now assigned the value x^3 Loads the SymbolicSum routines in the Algebra package. Packages can also be loaded via FunctionBrowser. expands trigonometric identities. In the Algebra`Trigonometry package To deal with nested radicals To load packages for the PC. Better to load packages via the Function Browser Loads all routines in the Algebra package Prevents Mathematica from giving too many error messages for permissible assignments, supposed conflicts in name assignments, etc.


Clear[Global*] expr /.{x->x^2 + 2*y, y->w^2 + 3}//Simplify x^5 + 3 x^4 + 2 x^2 + 2/.% x^5 + 3 x^4 + 2 x^2 + 2/.{x^2->a} Table[x, {5}]/.x ->Random[ ] Table[x, {5}]/.x:>Random[ ] log[a b c d]/. log[x_y_] -> log[x] + log[y] log[a b c d]//. log[x_y_] -> log[x] + log[y] ReplaceAll ReplacePart Button Sequence Simplify[expr, opts, {assumptions}]

Removes any assignments from f. To be used before defining functions, etc. due to our imprecise knowledge of Mathematicas internal state (cf. inquiry routines for internal state). Clear[f, g] will clear f and g simultaneously. Clears all global definitions and acts as a restart First applies the rules {x->x^2 + 2*y, y->w^2 + 3} to expr and then Simplifies, i.e., substitutes the x^2 + 2*y and w^2 + 3 for x and y in expr and simplifies. Here /. is an abbreviated form of ReplaceAll Returns x a2 + a2 + 2a + 2 contrasted with the next substitution Returns x5 + x4 + 2a + 2 Returns {0.7244, 0.7244, 0.7244, 0.7244, 0.7244} since Random[ ] is evaluated before being substituted for x Returns {0.321771, 0.987824, 0.459796, 0.414655, 0.483086} since Random[] is substituted for x before Table is evaluated Gives log[a] + log[b c d] Gives log[a] + log[b] + log[c] + log[d] since //. is an abbreviation for ReplaceRepeated Alternate way of doing the substitution /. Replaces a specified part of an expression Sets up a template for an executable Mathematica command. Used for hyperlinks or palettes. Splices objects into input for a functions, e.g., f[a, Sequence[b, c]] = f[a, b, c] Applies simplification rules to expr. Options like Trig->True are available. The optional assumptions part have the form of a list like {n Integers, x >= 0} which will, for example, set Sin[n ] to 0, and simplify fractional powers in x, Applies the full range of simplification rules known to Mathematica. The same optional assumptions as Simplify can be used. This also has a time-out feature. Used to define conditions for a function Assuming[assumptions, expr] simplifies expr according to assumptions. Actually, FullSimplify with assumptions added to list of Mathematica simplification routines. Tries to expand out special functions using built in rules. The same optional assumptions as Simplify can be used. Specifies expr should be collected by the nearest enclosing Reap. Useful in seeing the operation of a program. Does not interfere with the evaluation. Used to collect the Sow items. Optimizes a list of rules for fast execution. Unevaluated[expr] represents the unevaluated form when it appears in a function. Insert[{a, b, c, d}, Unevaluated[Sequence] @@ {1, 2}] -> {a, 1, b, c, d} and is Insert[{a,b,c,d}, 1, 2]


Refine Assuming

FunctionExpand Sow[expr]

Reap Dispatch Unevaluated

Functions f[x_,y_]= x^2+y^3

The function f(x, y) = x2 + y2. Here f[z^2, 2] will produce z4 + 8

g[x_]={x,x^2} f[x_]:= x

x=4 f[x_]:= x^2;f[5] Map[f, {1,2,3}] Scan[f, {1,2,3}]

{1,2,3}//f f[{1,2,3}] f/@{1,2,3} f@@{1,2,3} Composition[f,g][x] ComposeList[{f1,f2, , fn},x] NestList[f,x, 3]

Nest[f,x, 3] FixedPoint, FixedPointList Thread MapThread MapIndex MapAll MapAt Through Distribute Operate Outer Inner Function[{x,y},x^2 + y^3}][a, b] ((#1)^2 + (#2)^3) & [w^2, 2]

Map[Function[x,{x[[2]], x[[1]]}], {{1, 2}, {3, 4}}] g[{x_, y_}] = x^2 + y^2 {1,2}//g f/@{a, b, c} Apply[Plus, {1,2,3}]

Definition of a function of a single variable into two space Delayed assignment =: where there is a possibility that Mathematica cannot make sense of the function. If Mathematica returns an error message to the usual assignment =, try = This will not affect the f[x_]:=x in the previous line since := is used instead of =. Returns 25 since the delayed assignment tells f to match the pattern and wait for the value of x Returns {1,4,9}. Same as Map except that Scan discards the results of its execution. Useful for carrying out operations which have a side effect like an assignment. Also returns {1, 4, 9} Also returns {1, 4, 9} Also returns {1, 4, 9} since /@ is Map This is not evaluated since @@ means Apply Returns f(g(x)) where f and g are functions. Also written as f@g@x or f@g[x] or x//g//f. Returns {x, f1(x), f2f1(x), , } Returns {x, f(x), f(f(x)), f(f(f(x)))}. This can be used to carry out a fixed number of steps of an algorithm like the NewtonRaphson Algorithm. Returns the last term f(f(f(x))) of NestList Runs a Nest until there until two successive terms are the same. FixedPointList permits the option SameTest ->(ComparisonFunction) Applies a function to all elements of a list. Thread[{x, y} -> {1,2}] gives {x > 1, y > 2} MapThread[f,{a, b}, {c, d }] gives {f[a, c], f[b, d]}, MapIndexed[f, {a,b}] gives {f[a, {1}], f[b,{2}} MapAll[f, {{a,b}, {c,d}}] gives f[{f[{f[a],f[b]}], f[{f[c],f[d]}] An option is the level at which f acts Applies a function at a designated place in an expression. Through[p[f, g][x]] -> p[f[x], g[x]] Distribute[f[a + b, c + d]]->f[a, c] + f[a, d] + f[b, c] + f[b, d] Operate[p f[x, y]] ->p[f][x, y] Outer[f, {a, b}, {c, d}]-> {f[a, c], f[a, d], f[b, c], f[b, d]} Inner[f, list1, list2, g] where f = Times and g = Plus in the usual Dot product Gives the function a2 + b3 without the need to use up a name for a function Another way of writing the preceding function just to get the evaluation w4 + 8. Used for intermediate steps of control functions for Cases, Select, etc. Gives {{2, 1}, {4, 3}}

Returns 5 Returns {f[a], f[b], f[c]} being another form of Map Returns 6. Used to get functions of two or more variables to work on

Plus@@{1,2,3} Sin[{2,4,6}] Evaluate[expr]

Return SetAttributes

lists especially points. {Sin[2], Sin[4], Sin[6]} Functions that behave this way are called Listable Forces full evaluation, e.g., a function defined with := in Plot because symbolic data in a plot causes an error. Should be used in Package functions and Modules to prevent failure to execute. Forces an immediate exit from a control function in a routine Every symbol has a certain set of attributes that aids ievaluation. These can be modified or augmented. Eg. Sin[{1 ,2, 3}] = {Sin[1], Sin[2], Sin[3]} since Sin has the attribute Listable. Various attributes that can be assigned to a symbol Necessary to change or expand attributes of built in functions. Changing definition of a built in function does not survive a kernel shutdown. To prevent changes use Protect Returns f[f[f[a, b], c], d] where f is a function of two variables. Useful for updating lists, matrices, etc. where f could be Append, ReplacePart, etc. Stops a routine upon execution Encloses a routine with Throw. It gives the nearest value when Throw is executed

Orderless, Flat, OneIdentity, ... Unprotect

Fold[f, a, {b, c, d}]

Throw Catch

Lists {2, 3, 1} {2, 3, 1}[[2]] {{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}}[[2,3]] {{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}}[[{1, 2},3]] {{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}}[[{1, 2},{1, 3}]] {{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}}[[All,{1, 3}]] Shallow Short Take[{1,2,3,4,5},3] Take[{1,2,3,4,5},{2,4}] Take[{1,2,3,4,5}, -2] First, Last, Rest, Most Length[{1,2,3,4,5}] Position[{1,2,3,4,5},3] Part[{1,2,3,4,5},{2,4}] Part[x^2 + 3 x + 4,{1,2}] {a, b, c, d, e}[[{1, 2, 4, 3, 5}]]

An order triple Returns element 2 of the list, viz., 3. Formal name is Part (cf. Below) Returns the 2,3 entry of the matrix, viz. 6 Returns the 1,3 and {2,3} entry of the matrix written as a list viz. {3, 6} Returns the submatrix with listed rows and columns, viz. {{1, 3},{4, 6}} Returns the submatrix with columns 1 and 3, viz., {{1, 3},{4, 6},{7, 8}}. A similar statement can be used for getting rows Returns a shortened skeleton form of a list for inspection. Options allow for in depth inspection Returns a one line skeleton of a list Takes the first 3 elements from the list {1,2,3,4,5} to form a new list {1,2,3} Takes the 2, 3, 4 elements of {1,2,3,4,5} to from the new list {2, 3, 4} Takes the last 2 elements from {1,2,3,4,5} to form the list {4, 5} For extracting the first, last, all but the first, all but the last elements respectively from a list The number of terms in the list {1,2,3,4,5} Returns the position of 3 in the list {1,2,3,4,5} Returns the second and fourth elements of {1,2,3,4,5} to give the new list {2, 4} Returns 4 + 3x Returns {a, b, d, c, e}. Useful for making permutations.

Take[{2, 3, 1, 0}, -2] Drop[{1,2,3,4,5}, {3,5}] Extract

Range[2.1,14, 3.2] Partition[{1,2,3,4,5,6}, 3] Partition[{1,2,3,4,5,6}, 3, 1]

Flatten[{{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}}] Flatten[{{{1, 2}},{{3, 4}}}, 1] FlattenAt Transpose{{1, 2, 3},.{4, 5, 6}} Join[{1,2,3},{6,2,4}] Union[{1,2,3},{6,2,4}] Append[list, element] Prepend[list, element] RotateLeft[list, n] RotateRight All Sort Position[{x^2, 3, y^2},_^_] Split[{a, a, 1,1,1, b, c, c, 1}]

Gives a list {1, 0} of the last two elements of the given list Drops the 3 through 5 elements of the list to give the new list {1,2} Equivalent to Part but interacts better with the output of Position. Extract[A,{{1,2},{3,4}}] is a list of the 1,2 and 3,4 elements of the matrix A. {2.1, 5. 3, 8,5, 11.7} {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}} a matrix with 3 columns {{1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 4}, {3, 4, 5}, {4, 5, 6}}. The offset is very useful in constructing points to be connected in a plot. The 1 in the partition gives the speed at which the list is traversed. Other options allow for cycling and padding and overhangs at the beginning and the end. {1,2,3,4,5,6} Removes all braces except outside ones {{1, 2},{3, 4}} Removes 1 set of braces starting at the inside A method of removing some of the parenthesis from a complicated nested list Gives {{1, 3}, {2, 5}, {3, 6}} which is a useful manipulation for plotting, etc. Returns the list {1,2,3,6,2,4} Returns the list {1,2,3,4,6}. An option SameTest permits you to specify what redundancies should be eliminated. Adds element to the end of list Adds element to the front of list Cycles elements of list n place to the left Cycles elements of a list to the right For selecting the everything available. Mat[[All,{1,2,3}]] is the first 3 columns of the matrix Mat To sort a list in lexicographic order. Sort admits a function as an option. The function allows sorting in user specified order. Returns the position of objects in the list that match the pattern Splits into successive recurrences {{a, a},{1, 1, 1},{b},{c, c},{1}}

Strings Print[The input is incorrect!] StringForm[The value of `` is ``.,x^3,9] Fold[SequenceForm[#1, = , #2]&, a, {b,c,d}] Subscripted[x[k]] Subscripted[x[s, t, u], {1,2}] Subscripted[x[SequenceForm[a,b]]] x Superscript[k]

The input is incorrect! Prints The value of x3 is 9. Returns a = b = c = d as a typeset expression xk and xs, t[u] holdovers from earlier Mathematica editions. Keyboard can be used to insert subscripts and superscripts xab xk. There is no Superscripted since a superscript should be interpreted in most cases as a power. Can be typed in using ^ key or Power[x, a b c] Makes k into a subscript and j into a superscript on x Makes a string out of an expression Takes elements out of a string Gives the character numbers of a string and sets the character up

SubsuperscriptBox[x,k, j]// DisplayForm ToString StringTake ToCharacterCode


from its number. ToCharacterCode[x 4] gives {120, 32, 8804, 32, 52}. Note spaces have code 32. FromCharacterCode acts on a list and reverses ToCharacterCode. This is useful in setting up formatting commands in packages.

Data Types {2, 3, 17} Table[expr, iterator1, iterator2, ]

Table[s[i, j]. {i, 1,4}, {j, 1, 5}] Table[i, {5}] Table[3i, {i,5,11}] TableForm

Options[Table] Array[f, {3, 4, 5}] Array[List, {3,4,5 }] SparseArray[{{1,1}->4,{3,1}>5},{6,6}] ArrayFlatten Set

An ordered set called a List - here a 3-tuples. The List is the primary (perhaps only) data type Returns a list of iterates of the expression. Expression can be anything involving one or more parameters The iterator is of the form {i, imin, imax, stepsize} with not all options needed for execution with some additional options. For example {i, 4} is the same as {i, 1, 4}. Creates a 4 by 5 list. The iterator {I,I {2,7,3}} will run I of 2 , 7, 3 {i, i, i, i, i} {15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33} Causes a table to be listed in a column form, cf. options for this command especially TableDepth which specifies the maximum number of levels Many options exist setting up labeled tables Creates a nested list of elements f[i1, i2, i3] with 1 ij nj Arrays can be any dimension. Creates a nested list {i, j, k} with 1 i 3, 1 j 4, 1 k 5 SparseArray fills in the missing entries with 0s

Turns blocks into a block matrix Does not seem to be available in Mathematica. To remove repeated elements from list write Union[list]

Patterns x_ x_Integer x__ (2 consecutive underbars)

x___ (3 consecutive underbars)

{aa, bb, cc}/.opts/.{aa->True, bb>False, cc->True} x_?Real x_/;x > 1 x_:1

A pattern that matches a single expression. Used for defining functions. A pattern called Blank that matches a specific type which is an integer. There are many other types like Real, Complex, Rational, etc. A pattern (called a BlankSequence) that matches one or more expressions, e.g., f[x_,y__]=Plus[x,y] yields f[1,2,3] -> 6 but f[1] -> f[1] A pattern (called a BlankNullSequence) that matches 0 or more expressions, e.g. f[x_,y___]=Plus[x,y] yields f[1,2,3] -> 6 and f[1] -> 1. Form for adding optional input for a function f[x_, opts___] with built in defaults. For example, if opts are set as aa -> False, then the control list {aa, bb, cc} will appear as {False, False, True}. A pattern that matches a single expression when the answer to the inquiry Real? is true A pattern that matches only if x is greater than 1 A pattern that matches an expression and has default 1, e.g., y_^(x_:1)


f/:f[a_] + f[b_] = f[a + b] f[a..] FreeQ[Sin[x^2] + 1, _^_] FreeQ[Sin[x^2]+1, _^_ , {1}]

puts 1 in for the exponent on y when y appears without an exponent A pattern in which a default is assigned by Mathematica if x is missing. The default is assigned so as not to change the value of the expression in which x appears The symbol /: defines a TagSet. Here f[1] + f[2] becomes f[3] Allows pattern to be repeated any number of times. Cases[{f[a,a,a],f[a,b,a], f[a,a], f[a]},f[a..]] gives {f[a,a,a], f[a,a], f[a]} Matches the pattern _^_. Here returns False Matches the pattern _^_ at level 1 Here returns True

Graphics Plot[{Sin[x], Cos[x]},{x,-2,2}] Plot[Tan[x],{x,{-Pi,Pi/2,0,Pi/2,Pi}}] plots on the subintervals Clear[h]; h[x_,y_]= (x^2+y^2)^(1/3); Plot3D[h[x,y],{x,-2,2},{y,-2,2}] Plot[{Sin[x],Cos[x]},{x,-2,2}, PlotStyle->{RGBColor[1,0,0], RGBColor[0,1,0]} Plot[f[x], {x, 0, 4*Pi}, PlotRange -> {-12, 12}, DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction Show[plot1, plot2]

Graphs sin x and cos x in the given range on the same axes

Graphs the surface given by h(x, y). To graph the surface according to a color directive, eg. red, graph {h[x,y], RGBColor[1,0,0]}. If no color directive is used, Mathematica will disregard other color directives and will choose its own colors for 3D plots shown together. Colors sin x red and cos x green

Plots a previously defined function. The option DisplayFunction -> Identity aborts To display previously defined Plot or Graphics structures. Show displays on the basis of overlays with the first plot1 on top. Sometimes the order of the objects in the Show must be rearranged to avoid one from blocking another. Plots points. Other Methods of doing this, eg. Graphics[Point[{1,2}], Point[{2, 4}], Point[{4, 8}]] with various options Centers text y = x at the point {1 ,2} Displays previously defined plots plot1, plot2, plot3, plot4 in a 2 2 array. Various so-called Graphics primitives to create various geometric figures. These are to be used Graphics. Line will connect many points in order. See section on Graphics for information on generating coordinates Various so-called 3D Graphics primitive. Draws shapes with given dimensions in standard position. Using a negative number for height. Takes shapes in standard position and rotates, translates, etc. GeometricTransformation applies the the Transforms A shaded rectangle with opposite corners. GrayLevel[1] is white while GrayLevel[0] is black.

ListPlot[{{1,2},{2, 4},{4,8}}]

Graphics[Text[y = x, {1, 2}, {0,0}]] Show[GraphicsArray[{{plot1, plot2},{plot3,plot4}}]] Rectangle, Circle, Point, Line, Disk

Cone, Sphere, Cylinder RotationTransform, AffineTransform, etc. GeometricTransformation Show[Graphics[{Directive[GrayLe vel[.6]]

Rectangle[{1,0},{2,1}]}]] Options[Plots], Options[Graphics] <<Graphics`Legends`

GraphicsGrid ParametricPlot ParametricPlot3D PlotStyle-> {various options} or PlotStyle->Directive[Red, Thick ,etc] AspectRatio -> a

To see all the different formats that are available for plotting. One of many special packages for platting. Other draw vector fields, do implicit plotting, etc. See the Function Browser to see the various possibilities For making a rectangular array of graphic objects For producing parametric plots Added to plot and graphics commands, e.g. Plot3D For adding features to Plot, ParametricPlot and ListPlot.

Plot[t^3,{t,0,1}, Epilog->{Pointsize[.03], Point[{0,0}], Point[{1,1}]] } ] Hue, RGBColor, GrayLevel, CKMYKColor ParametricPlot3D

Plot option calling for ratio of height/width = a. Default is 1/GoldenRatio. In general, Mathematica chooses a suitable scale. AspectRatio -> Automatic calls for an absolute x and y scale Epilog is plotted after the main plot.

ParametricPlot3D [{3+t^2,2+t+t^2,175-100/(1+t^2), Hue[1]}, {t,0,17}] { DisplayFunction>$DisplayFunction] ImplicitPlot, ContourPlot TextStyle Lighting

There is also Prolog Various functions to control the color of graphics. Can be used with automatic call, eg. ColorFunction -> Hue. Graphs 3 coordinates as a function of 2 or 3 variables. A fourth coordinate can give the color directive. To make the color apperar, the option Lighting->False must be used Plots a parametric curve in red

AmbientLight SurfaceColor


PlotRange -> All FullOptions[yourgraphname,

For forcing a graphics to be displayed. Used after DisplayFunction>Identity For graphing functions given implicitly. ImplicitPlot requires a special package. An option in plot commands to control the text, eg., TextStyle -> { FontFamily -> "Times", FontSize->10, FontWeight -> "Bold"} Lighting ->False will permit user defined colors to appear in Show of several 3D graphs. Lighting -> True is the default and allows Mathematica to choose contrasting colors without regard to user choice Specifies the direction of the light sources which is reflected by Lamberts Law A function that allows user defined 3D plots to be colored. Set up as Graphics3D[SurfaceColor[RGBColor[.45,.45,0], RGBColor[.2,.2,0], 10], your3Dgraph] where the second and third variables in SurfaceColor relate to the specular color and are optional. Useful for discovering how Mathematica is setting its automatic options. For example, FullOptions[plt[1], PlotRange] which show the plot range of plt[1]. Forces Mathematica to put all objects into graph. Sometimes Mathematica will choose a PlotRange that leaves out points. Shows the PlotRange for the plot yourgraphname. This will work to

PlotRange] MeshRange->{{0,1},{2, 3}}

Mesh->False EdgeForm SurfaceColor

ColorFunction -> Anonymous Function RangeFunction->Anonymous Function Opacity

reveal any option setting used in any output. Changes the x and y coordinates to run between 0 and 1 and 2 and 3 on the x and y axes respectively. Useful in graphing various matrix inputs which are graphed by default on intervals [0, m] by [0, n] for matrices of dimensions {m, n}. Removes the boundary of the polygons used to draw 3D surfaces. Also cf. EdgeForm. To draw edges of polygons used in 3D graphics Directive for 3D graphics which permits coloring and reflection off the surface. Mathematica will give a surface color using its default unless Lighting -> False is invoked. A rule for describing color of a surface To restrict the output to a non rectangular domain For making see through surfaces

Calculus f[x_]= x*Sin[2*x]*Exp[x^2] f:=#*Sin[2*#] Exp[#^2]& Piecewise Exp[x] Log[x] f [x] Derivative[2, 3] [f] [x,y] D[f[x,y],{x,2},{y,3}] D[x*Sin[2*y]*Exp[x^2],{x, 2}, {y,3}] Dt[[x*Sin[2*x]*Exp[x^2],x] D[x^2 + y[x]^2 ==1,x] D[x^2 + y[x]^2 ==1, x, Nonconstants>{y}] Integrate[x^2, x] int control^ 2 control spacedd x int (control ^) 3 (control %) (control space) x (control ^) 2 ddx Integrate[y*Sin[x] -x*Sin[y], {x,0,1},{y,1,2}] Integrate[Integrate[x^2*y,x],y]

Note x_ in the function argument. The second method will have the same execution without using x. Note the * are not needed. To define a function piecwise. The exponential function Exp ln x. Logarithms to other bases are available. Derivative of a function with an apostrophe Higher order derivatives can be obtained by , etc. The derivative of a function f[x_,y_] twice with respect to the first variable x, 3 times with respect to the second variable y The partial derivative of f[x_,y_] twice with respect to x and three times with respect to y Useful for an expression Assumes y is a function of x. Returns 2x + 2y[x] y[x] = 0 The same as the preceding Indefinite integration x2 dx set in symbols and mathematically active The definite integral or type Integrate[x^2, {x, 1, 3} ] // TraditionalForm For definite integrals. Iterated indefinite integration does not seem to be implemented and must be done by hand or some other type of recurrence For iterated indefinite integrals

Intergrate[f[x],{x, {1,2,3}}] NIntegrate FindRoot[f[x], ==a, {x,x0}] Expand Collect Exponent PolynomialQuotient PolynomialRemainder CoefficientList

Sets up the sum of the intergrals for x in [1,2] and [2,3] A numerical integrator with many options for controlling accuracy, dividing interval into several pieces, etc. Starts the NewtonRaphson algorithm on f[x] at x0. This will also solve systems of equations. Syntax needs to be carefully prepared Tools for dealing with polynomials. Exponent is the highest degree in a specified polynomial variable.

Series Sum[k^3,{k,1,n}] Series[f[x],{x, a, n}]

Mathematica will try to compute a closed form. First load <<Algebra`Symbolic Sum Computes first n terms of the Taylor series of f[x] in the variable x about the point a. The last term O[x - a]^(n + 1) represents the omitted terms Removes the Big Oh from the preceding power series The first 6 terms of the Taylor polynomial of cos x about x=0

Normal[%] Series[Cos[x],{x,0,6}]//Normal

Limits Limit[Sin[x]/x, x ->0] Limit[(x + 2)/(2*x + 1), x-> Infinity] Limit[Sqrt[x^2]/x, x->0, Direction>-1]

Form of Limit Will attempt this evaluation. Direction -> -1 takes the limit from above and Direction ->1 takes the limit from below. Default uses Direction -> -1

Differential Equations DSolve[eqn, y[x],x]

The option for this is the initial conditions

Linear Algebra matrixa ={{1,2,3},{3, 4, 5}} Table Partition a//MatrixForm

A matrix is identical to a rectangular list of lists and any operation on a list of lists is a matrix operation Can be used to create a matrix To enter a matrix as a list and then partition cf. Control Displays a in rectangular form. Use a non proportional font like Courier to keep columns straight.

matrixa = Array[a, {2,3}] Array[f, {i1,i2},{j1, j2}]; Table[Subscripted[b[i],{i,1,3}]] 2*a + a.b Det[a] Inverse[a] Transpose[a] {1,2,3,4} Reaching inside a matrix v.w << LinearAlgebra`MatrixManipulation RowReduce[a] AppendRows[a, b] AppendRow[a, {{1},{2},{3}}] CharacteristicPolynomial[a, x] Eigenvalues[a] Eigenvectors[a] Eigensystem[a] LinearAlgebra`Orthogonalization`

Defines a 2 3 matrix with i, j entry denoted by a[i, j] Gives a matrix with i, j entry f[i, j] where f is a function and i and j run between i1 i i2 and j1 j j2 where 0 < i1 i2, 0 < j1 j2 Returns {b1, b2, b3} Matrix operations Determinant Finding the inverse of a square matrix Transpose of the matrix a A vector or a 1 4 matrix These are the same as those given in the Control section for lists of lists The dot product of the vectors v~ and w Loads package to do the succeeding manipulations Returns complete row reduce form for a matrix a Appends the row b to the matrix a. Appends the column given by {{1},{2},{3}} to the 3 n matrix a Returns the characteristic polynomial of of the square matrix a in the variable x Returns eigenvalues of the square matrix a Returns the eigenvetors of the square matrix a Returns the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of of the square matrix a This package contains the GramSchmidt process

Linear Calculus Grad Div

The gradient in the <<Calculus`VectorAnalysis package. Works only for 3 coordinates Divergence in same package as Grad. For more than three coordinates you must write your own program

Programming Do[Body, {i, imin, imax, step}]

For[start, test, incr, body] If[condition, t, f, u] Module[{x, y, }, body]

Performs the iteration Body which depends on the parameter i from start imin to end imax in steps step. Not all the parameters need to be present. Executes start then repeatedly executes body until test fails to return True Returns t if condition is true and f if the condition is false, and u otherwise. If u is not specified nothing is done. This is the main programming tool. The list {x, y, } are socalled local variables or assignments used only inside the module and body is some sequence of Mathematica commands (all except the last punctuated with a semi-colon) that are to be executed. Also

Block[{x, y, }, body]

With[{x = a, y= b}, expr] f[x_]:=Module[{i},Sum[x^i,{i,1,5}]] g[x_]:=Block[{i},Sum[x^i,{i,1,5}]] With[{x,y, }, body] While[test, body] clear[f] f[x_]:= 0 /; x <=0 f[x_]:= x /; (0 < x && x < = 1) f[x_]:= 1 /; 1 < x f[x_]:=Piecewise[{{-x^2, x< 0} , {x>= 0, x^2}}] PiecewiseExpand Which[test1, value1, test2, value2, ] Switch[expr, form1, value1, form2, value2, ] opt___?OptionQ

assignments like x = 1, etc in the local variable declaration are permitted Like Module with differences in way the local variables are loaded. In Module, local variables are assigned a unique name, the Module is rewritten in terms of the unique names, and the new Module is evaluated with the input. In Block, local variables do not get a unique name. Module can be used to evaluate an expression with special assigned values that will not persist outside the Block Evaluates expr with substitutions in {}. Items like x, y remain variables outside of With. Yields f[i] i + i^2 + i^3 + i^4 + i^5 Yields g[i] 3413 Functions like Module or Block but allows for importing or exporting assignments and local variables While test is true, body is evaluated A Conditional evaluation for a piecewise linear function. Note && which is And. Mathematica does not accept 0< x <= 1. Or is given by ||. Defines the function f[x_]:= -x^2/;x < 0 ; f[x_]:= x^2/;x >= 0. Any number of conditions will work. Values not specified are assumed to be 0. Expands nested piecewise conditions to give a simple piecewise function. Evaluates test1 and evaluates value1 if test1 is true; if test1 is false, evaluates test2 and if test2 is true, evaluates value2. Continues until first match is true. Evaluates expr and compares it to form1 and evaluates value1 if there is a match. Switch continues until the first match is found. Used to get Mathematica to recognize the options that go with a user defined function. This should be the last variable in the function and consists of one or more rules. Used to make a sublist of options from a user-defined function for insertion in a Mathematica function. Revision 22 on 9/08


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