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Unit 2 Study Packet

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Study Guide

Unit 2: Age of Colonization

Natural resources
Hernan Cortez
Francisco Pizarro
Indigenous people
Indentured servants
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
Triangular Trade
Middle Passage
1. How were Europeans able to conquer the Americas?

2. How did colonization benefit European monarchs at the expense of colonized peoples?

3. How did Europeans control indigenous populations?

4. Why did the Atlantic slave trade increase in the Americas?

5. What factors allowed Spain to become the wealthiest county?

6. What is race? Why did racial categories develop?
Study Guide
Unit 1: Age of Colonization
Colonization The movement of settlers and their culture to a new territory.
Natural resources A useful material found in the environment
Mercantilism an economic system developed to unify and increase the power and especially the
monetary wealth of a nation by a strict governmental regulation of the entire national
economy usually through policies designed to secure an accumulation of gold, a
favorable balance of trade, the development of agriculture and manufactures, and the
establishment of foreign trading monopolies
Monarchs A sovereign head of state, especially a king, queen, or emperor.
Encomendero The head of an encomienda, responsible for protecting and Christianizing Indians.
Conquistador Explorer and soldier who colonized much of the world for Spain and Portugal
Hernan Cortez Spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztecs
Francisco Pizarro Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incans
Missionaries A person sent to promote a religion, namely Europeans Christianizing the Americas.
Indigenous people The native populations of a country are called indigenous people.
Africans The peoples of Africa who were racialized by Europeans in order to justify their
Indentured servants a person who is bound by contract to work for another for a specified time especially
in return for payment of travel expenses.
Slaves A person held in servitude.
mita A Incan, labor system that the Spanish used for their encomienda.
Encomienda A feudal-like grant by the Spanish government to colonists to demand tribute or labor
from Native Americans in exchange for protection and Christian education.
Smallpox Eurasian disease brought by European explorers that devastated Native Americans
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade The Transatlantic Slave Trade brought thousands of native Africans to the
Americas to work as slaves on large farms.
Triangular Trade A massive trading system was set up between Europe, Africa and North America.
Europe provided manufactured goods like guns and alcohol to Africa. Africa provided
slaves to the Americas, and the Americas sent raw materials like crops and furs to
Europe; creating the Triangular Trade Routes.
Middle Passage During the Transatlantic Slave Trade, ships had to cross the Atlantic Ocean. This
journey was called the Middle Passage. Africans were crammed into the bottom hulls
on a boat with little ventilation, sanitation or proper nutrition. Many Africans died
before even making it to America.
Exploitation European nations exploited indigenous cultures for their labor and natural resources.
Race Race is a social category, not based in genetics or biology, that sub-divides humans
into categories based on appearance. It developed as a system of social control by
ranking groups in a hierarchy and attributing certain abilities to particular groups. Race
therefore became a justification for slavery and other forms of oppression.
1. How were Europeans able to conquer the Americas?

While Europeans did come with superior weapons, they were vastly outnumbered by Native American groups. They
conquered because disease devastated the Native American population. Also, Europeans developed allies with Native
American groups so that their forces were significantly increased. Cortes, for example, was pushed back at the Mexican
coast until their opponents invited them to ally against the Aztecs. The Aztecs were also able to push Cortes and his
allies out of Tenochtitlan. When Cortes returned, Tenochtitlans population had been weakened by disease.

2. How did colonization benefit European monarchs at the expense of colonized peoples?

Monarchs wanted to exploit the wealth of their colonies through a policy of mercantilism. European governments tried
to control the economy to increase their wealth and ultimately their power. They would increase their wealth by a
favorable balance of trade wherein colonies became places to get natural resources. This allowed the mother country to
focus on the more profitable endeavor of manufacturing. The colonys wealth was therefore exploited to increase the
wealth and power of the mother country. Many colonists resisted government control of the economy because it
restricted their trade with other countries.

3. How did Europeans control indigenous populations?

When Spain began to colonize the Americas, they used a similar structure they used to conquer (Reconquista) the
Iberian Peninsula from Muslims. It was form of exchange like feudalism that rewarded conquistadors, but also
established some form of government over the area. Conquistadors were granted a community of Native Americas that
were to labor and pay tribute in exchange for protection and Christian education. (Spaniards adopted the Incan system
of mita, which also was a system of labor and tribute like the encomienda.) It was a system severely abused by Spanish
colonists, who driven by wealth treated Native Americans as slaves. Priests like Bartolome de las Casas spoke out against
the abuses, which led the Spanish crown to establish New Laws that protected Indians from abuse. The situation
changed little, though. Las Casas suggested that Africans should replace Indian laborers because of the abuse, but he
later regretted that suggestion when he saw a similar treatment of Africans.

4. Why did the Atlantic slave trade increase in the Americas?

Diseases like smallpox devastated the Indian population. The high demand for labor did not ease and therefore
Europeans began to look for other sources of labor. One option was indentured servitude. Europeans were contracted
to labor for a period of time in exchange for transportation to the New World. Many Europeans were also not immune
to tropical diseases like malaria. While Europeans came to the New World, they tended to come in larger numbers to
areas north of the tropics, namely North America. The option Europeans settled on was slavery. Africans from West
Africa lived in regions where mosquitos had given them greater resilience to certain diseases, especially malaria. This
resilience encouraged greater reliance on Africans for labor. The triangular trade developed to support European
demand for slaves.

5. What factors allowed Spain to become the wealthiest county?

Spain exploited the wealth of the Americas by extracting enormous amounts of gold and silver, developing cash crops
and exploiting the labor of Native Americans and Africans.
6. What is race? Why did racial categories develop?

Race developed during the colonization of the Americas as an early form of social control. As Europeans, Americans and
Africans came into contact and mixed in the Americas during Columbian exchange, Spanish elites began to classify these
groups and their various unions. Spanish anxiety with purity originally developed with religious connotations as
Christians mixed with Jews and Muslims. In the New World, that concern for blood purity expanded into invented
racial categories wherein Spanish whites were at the top of the social hierarchy. As it developed it became a
justification for slavery and other forms of oppression.

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