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New Nations Reading

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Section 2 New Nations Cabankm -estenaenion ‘enaing Sl Aras Cure an tet The ote ropa re colonil epiescrambedin the dca ater 1 Wor Morand nore, Atcans and Aas ving under ct rule nse equal and independence ‘that Europeans werent te powerful to be defeated European pes Totter here wese many esas forte etn o pris Colonies were cs to matin and ‘lite wl te Nata movements the clos (pind eng people demanded the sae ight 82 eccny ta the Aer od fought aden. a Warfare weakened imperil. The Soviet te expand nace by porting cloiss ling gn urea rl Ameren ede achat para peo gat pers ‘Afr th wir European ton red 0 oan conta hae Ain cloies Homere ry were fed a ing ideo eaten. Io Indowein for example Ace ‘Subanon independence moveret {ail he Netherlands, Sia strpos (eeured Bein Penh cote atonal movement ed by Mohandas ‘Guns gained strength, Ms nda natinals telat cooperate i rain rg Word War Pest nd toni resunce stowed the rt tt Ind wou be iia cota. Malm der harmed Ala ae hts ins weld tbe teed icin a Aer lous broke oan 1946, the Beh sped a create twoseparte independent in 94 rah came aval ‘adependncs, illo of Hindus milion people were ile I 19,3 Souther so Bape abo faced ting stolen js Soutean A The Beh color af Malaya wash ‘nen he pans et aya 195, rrereres = Sree he Beth sgh rene power snd epairdamageto the rb snd reine eginningin 1918, mana Freed wth spr opostion Brin fred orgie In 957, alaatcunendopondet, 1963 th ute chagrd tr aed to Nala ‘Bath ad been Beh clay sine the city 1805 A natoals monet ley Ang Set gl spe the Ipatese teste sh and then stop phe ‘hough Aung sin wasasasined 134 th county became Independent the flowing ene The United Stites had far alone, bt dent he Pil Foes The rc ted ng been ‘cco by the pani The Flpines reste apt the Spa in the 9, During te Sens American Wr the Ameren miry ied lpr eek Spin Then he Unted Sats took Statropsta pt dove a Epa ea During Wood We apace es ipl Americ em the Pp Fpnosccoperted wih he Unite Sttsto det aan nthe Pate Aer the wor endothe Unita ier ve ‘piston the Pilpine sd the lon Deca independent. New Nations in Africa ‘When World Wa Mend the only independ nani Ata were Bhiop, Egypt Libel and whiteraled ‘Sat frie The nt ofthe cotnet ‘eb ruled by uropean powers, ‘Nan ann bd grown ten Nitin peal edn ‘sel api nto clue Many atonal ers xpcly inthe Beth clone were eden arp: The cao posers pel tran thom a clei fil tent (hey wed heir Wer edu in the Sigh agit impr Mary led (ian wus ee sal eon ed ona rete od shes against Brith ule The Bish arened New ‘nah bute foes an elected ‘Epsature ata lected Nkrumah tothe altri watin pron. Heathen dod id prea pe oe te preraet Nerera ge tengo th rian for slr [9s Ghana became the ft Aran atom eat the Sahara one Independence Word War Nk ‘tah tcare Ghana fi pine ini Tote owt rir Arca oo si wen ndepndene peel Le the perk of Chem they eel carer ‘surah vee atc te ‘dental Alvear cropert ‘in oe ake progr. Nkrumah was jie forty Leap Seng {belender af ental Sea won nde pendence rm ange 19604 ork Teno pet an we, Senger ster he ety nd per af Aes ‘ronal ergy med Cais Net al fen ati sechired tha ndependnce peace. Keays lesa ee te em at we independence ony feng ay 0 0) pope for ing ‘duting The cloned the und teuetpcote an te pantatons Ae sea othe str fh chapter Jer enya sod ther Kenya ean, 1940s, some lass Kenn, own a Maw May began tacking thse pac toe 965 sal a Aca who wkd forthe ‘Biel greta Soe tom of ‘andr of Bean woop ner gigi Kenya: The Briih dtc he a "prising 1957s bu they wee oe sein demand or ieee po ‘Siem In December 56 Kegs ‘on flindpendone eso Kena ear th rt preiden f Ken ‘tay tnt viet bate fe Indepeenc une i the Noth Aan ‘out Algeria A Fenelon since the 1s, gers as home to mere thane aie Fro, opened sable rie Ait Ap Thewmpicte reaatay 1984 The French miliary arenes ofthowandsof Algerians. In tie “sui and the cos of martaning lng tar fren Ale wes Freel coment oe er: Aj ywuacetena ty lbh occh and Agen vole engraver cae to oppor independ. 182, ‘catenges of ndepenene The newiindependent Nan nations Fed mary clones Aer dees fess dominaon, ew cane wee crperenelinpvermon Al oy & ‘Moco, Aca ethene nations ‘eri prepared for mediate sale ‘ae Pla iby ad cor Sard out ih demote const, Irae and poverting elaies ovope powers ly peed ra feud ne sen Tey oc gre Siabe gepetme on ance ‘Thsde and rule poy cco cooperation song clei pepe: When colonies became nspenent ‘id hme lites sometimes aed Intel pC Wa air a imermed Col Isr mater the Unite Stes be Sone Union sided ner pei, iopcan pons Ste de ‘aloes Ava re, new nations wee Iprepued onda, ode to fed ows and suppor groning pope lations many Aca ees ak the Uni Nation and Waser rons fered Sr nr onan nperimetal vith ernie soll Wh ‘ten sowed development ors nee) Map Suite Roopa aga Meany) ThE Middle East BEER? | rchadictan ina dene rgon most ations, the aor people Mechel re who rate an, usar ate ao portant non-Arab ‘Masi sie ach a an and Tate Lebanon Crain opin Ines the words oly Joi te iseand Mui Motions Afr Wo "Wet Syrian orn gid ther Independent fom European pers However thee pane wel alta Iraqand he nat ofthe Abian Fetal fced merle sme robles arther meron Coxrapion and lary bcos were irene rman ecurreace The Arab Lage ‘edhe swore to mprone ene among Ar, Eetendteoe” agate velop cconomietnd ‘Second progeme en serthe dine of impr, the West remained s mjor neni the Made Eat Mach ofthe ogo hae Tag depots fa rears ral to ‘he indatrae word Dring the Cold ar the superpower bts Traces ‘eM ato Wester companies ete to maintain lence. ‘See drs ght nt Waster induce by natn the roses Aenteton the kone fs tester or propery bythe govern. Ia ‘abe Sux Canal in 156, ening Msi sought nation the rato ts. n espe the Unie Stes helped out Nosaii rom por The Unie Stes epped he Sha en atem astcommunis Sir rng ee ‘ar Bh ews and Abr sis nd ‘sth ga home, Many ba ed therefor cntres Others migrated hare ‘arog the rte mend Conf ‘en roped betwee the te ges ‘Aerie Na Holcast of he 1405 verivide suport era ews ie Presa esemed Many fat he “opening agi sr few prope 1907, United Naor ‘tive The UN also approved alan 0 ‘Qvde he ei aos ewsh ean Polson Arb te ews accepted ht May ended up in efor cmp in By en bt Arb jc Egypt, Jord, or Sri. An esl ma Fy TheDrake Platine 946 Fo Gerofews fled Ans aes and moved H lowing the UN pli Josin Palene soll Other Arab al mrs wold Py Aclred the independent stefan the years ta come I? ‘heUned Sites gues reghed Reading Check How ch Newer and ie Irate oy arnt rest Mena ye en Eres eet ‘hens nation gine sate wth legit orto 6 reset Tm yang mete Chandos henoperd weeie {were wohaslormsht a an toda eaprinen ‘he Sov Union sd mow ter courrier alo recognized eal alt atone sat on wha her aw Arb nd. Thy ata a ‘Man Arab rerained in area, tees However large aber of Psa Arab ed ee daring the Section 2 Assessment ‘ey tems

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