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When Computers Became "Classic": Understanding The Race Towards Quantum

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When Computers

Became Classic



Understanding The Race

Towards Quantum Technology
The Quantum Landscape:
Quantum Physics, also referred to as quantum mechanics, Three prongs of research and development have
is a theory that seeks to explain the behavior of particles on come to the forefront: quantum computing, quantum
the universes smallest scalesthe atomic and subatomic communication networks (quantum internet), and quantum
level. Upon its emergence in the early 20th century, quantum sensors. While one day there will likely be a nexus of these
mechanics promised to challenge long-held foundational three vectors, for the purposes of this white paper it is
truths of Physics that had stood since the time of Newton. As useful to understand each in their own right.
is often the case in any new field, however, the work of those
Progress on all three fronts is contingent upon successfully
who first pioneered the field raised more questions than it
discovering a consistent method of controlling particles
provided many definitive answers. Thankfully, as all good
known as quantum bits, or qubits, that are the most basic
scientific inquiry ought to, research into quantum mechanics
unit of quantum mechanics; all that differs is the intended
has steadily built upon itself towards a greater and more
ends to which such a discovery will be applied. Because
nuanced understanding of the world around us.
of the commonalities undergirding the various threads of
Today, as the underling theory has become increasingly quantum research, before jumping into a discussion of
well understood, researchers and investors are beginning the contemporary race in innovation, it is important to first
to think of ways to apply lessons of quantum mechanics understand the underlying logic that dictates quantum
towards real-world endeavors. mechanics as a whole.

Quantum Mechanics 101 IBMs quantum computing division explains:

At the core of quantum theory are two central Classical computers encode information
phenomenon known as superposition and in bits. Each bit can take the value of 1 or
entanglement. The principle of superposition dictates 0. These 1s and 0s act as on/off switches
that on the most fundamental level quantum particles that ultimately drive computer functions.
appear to occupy more than one state at the same Quantum computers, on the other hand,
time. That is, unlike any physical object we might are based on qubits, which operate
interact with in our daily lives, quantum particles are according to two key principles of quantum
neither here nor there at any given moment, but physics: superposition and entanglement.
rather both here and there at oncea superposition Superposition means that each qubit can
of all possible locations. Because the exact location represent both a 1 and a 0 at the same
of a qubit is not known, quantum mechanics works time. Entanglement means that qubits in a
in probabilities rather than absolutes in describing the superposition can be correlated with each
whereabouts of the qubits in question. Meanwhile, other; that is, the state of one (whether it is a
the principle of entanglement dictates that pairs 1 or a 0) can depend on the state of another.
of qubits, if manipulated in a certain way, are able Using these two principles, qubits can act
to interact in a highly correlated manner with one as more sophisticated switches, enabling
another regardless of how far apart they might quantum computers to function in ways that
be. In such a case, the pair of qubits are said to be allow them to solve difficult problems that
entangled with one another. are intractable using todays computers. 2

Thanks to the aforementioned phenomena, As with other projects dealing with quantum
quantum mechanics has a well-earned reputation mechanics, the quantum computing industry is
for weirdness.1 The technical challenges inherent in a relatively nascent stage and still faces many
in trying to impose order and control on this challenges ahead. At the top the list of difficulties
weirdness are great. The potential of such an facing researchers is the ability to efficiently
achievement is even greater. Doing so will not only control the underlying network of qubits that make
allow us to make upgrades to existing technologies, up quantum computers. Since computations in
improving their performance by orders of magnitude, a quantum computer occur when these qubits
but will inspire the creation of new ones all together. interact with one another, for a quantum computer
to function usefullyoutperforming a classical
Quantum Computing: computerit must maintain a large quantity of
qubits. As one might suspect, the more qubits
As one might infer from the name, quantum involved, the harder the task of making them
computing attempts to harness these seemingly perform as desired is. Any such method needs to
other-worldly quantum phenomenasuperposition not only work on a consistent basis, but ideally must
and entanglementto process information in a also be scalable so as to meet the demands of the
novel and promising way. eagerly awaiting marketplace.3

Researchers have begun to tackle the first of these five years. Whether or not their timeline holds true,
issuesstabilizing an increasing number of qubits it seems as if quantum computers will at some
by using high-intensity cooling systems that slow point become a realitywhat will their impact be?
everything down to a more controllable speed.
A team of scientists working for a research
According to D-Wave Systems, an industry leader
consortium that includes Google and NASA found
in quantum computer development, their systems
that a relatively rudimentary quantum computer
require that internal temperatures be roughly 180
they were testing proved to be 100 million times
times colder than interstellar space in order for their
faster than a conventional computer.6 Such a leap
processors to function.4 As one might suspect, such
in efficiency would obviously be an attractive sell
cooling systems are expensive and not readily available
to all sorts of businesses and consumers. Beyond
to the greater public, which gets to the second issue
just speed, however, quantum computing could
mentioned abovescalability. Until this issue is
offer solutions to problems that are currently
solved, quantum computers, however primitive, will
intractable for even the worlds most advanced
remain mostly relegated to the expensive and hi-tech
supercomputers. Practically speaking, functioning
laboratories of certain government agencies and
quantum computers could one day be able to aid in
ambitious industry giants such as D-Wave Systems,
drug discovery and the development of personalized
Google, IBM, and Microsoft.
medicines, create more efficient fertilizers, produce
While achieving the industrial or commercial better financial models, and increase the power of
scale that many aspire for has yet to be realized, artificial intelligence through more nuanced machine
there is still great optimism that the quantum learning, to name but a few potential applications.7 8
computing industry is quickly approaching such a
When the day of quantum computers arrives they
point. In recent months Google has begun offering
will unleash a fury of efficiency and optimization that
developers early access to its quantum processors
will leave few industries untouched in some form.
over the internetto envision this think of how it
offers cloud-based services to consumers across
the world today. As reported by Bloomberg News, Quantum Communication Networks:
The goal is to spur development of tools and
In search of a Quantum Internet
applications for the technology, and ultimately turn
it into a faster, more powerful cloud-computing Scientists have long flirted with the idea that the
service, according to people pitched on the plan.5 physical laws of quantum mechanics could be
IBM has conducted a similar program and has even utilized to create a hyper-secure communication
begun to offer limited quantum computing services, network that would be theoretically impervious
mostly relating to matters of optimization, to to outside interference. The thinking goes that
interested online consumers. long strings of entangled photons, shared
between distant locations, can be quantum
Google has publicly claimed that they believe keys that secure communications.9 The secure
that companies will begin to see return on their nature of such communication would be thanks
investments in quantum computing within the next to a phenomenon known as the observer effect

in which the action of observing a quantum Quantum Satellites & the Chinese Advantage
particle actually alters its physical state. This
In August of 2016, China launched a satellite known
would mean that anyone trying to eavesdrop on
as the Quantum Experiments at Space Scale
a quantum-encrypted messageobserve it
(QUESS), often referred to as Micius This marked
would instantly disrupt the shared key, alerting all
the worlds first and only deployment of a satellite
involved to a compromised channel. As a result,
designed with the specific capacity for, and stated
it is believed that quantum-based communication
purpose of, conducting quantum experiments. Two
networks would be virtually hack-proof.10 The
such experiments are of particular note:
hope is to one day create a worldwide quantum-
based internet that would mitigate, if not remove, In June, 2017 the first experiment conducted by
the dangers faced by todays users. the QUESS aimed to push the known limits of
how far apart two entangled particles could remain
The first known efforts at creating such a network
in a linked quantum state. While theoretically
were attempted by a team at DARPA in collaboration
two particles should remain entangled over any
with researchers at Harvard and Boston University.
distance, in practice results had been modest at
In 2004, the researchers used a web of fiber optic
best due primarily to the limits presented by todays
cables to successfully send and receive quantum-
terrestrial fiber-optics networks. By using the
encrypted communications between the three
vacuum of space as the medium for transportation,
locations.11 While this was a huge advance in the
the QUESS team was able to achieve a far greater
field, the technology was relatively rudimentary in
distance of observable quantum entanglement.
that it could only support point-to-point connections
over a single length of fibera ways away from any As described by Nature, an international journal of
sort of viable global internet. science, At the heart of [the Micius] satellite is a
crystal that produces pairs of entangled photons,
There has been incremental progress on this front
whose properties remain entwined however
since the launch of the DARPA network, notably
far apart they are separated.14 These entangled
the work done by scientists at Los Alamos
photons were funneled into two onboard telescopes
National Labs, where there has supposedly been
and beamed down to two ground stations located
an internal, multi-nodal network up and running
1,200 kilometers apart. The photons were observed
for several years.12 That said, any such operation
at each station and it was determined that they
to this point has yet to create a truly robust
were in a linked quantum state with one another.
network, one that could service any number of
This successful result by the Chinese scientists
users spread out across the globe, as the internet
easily broke the previous distance record of 144
does today.
kilometers from similar experiments.15
But thanks to two recent space-based experiments
In a second experiment just one month later--July
conducted by a team of Chinese scientists, the
2017--- the QUESS team successfully teleported
creation of ultrasecure communications networks,
a photon from a ground station located in the Gobi
and, eventually, a space-based quantum internet,
desert up to the Micius satellite, which was orbiting
suddenly seems more feasible than ever before.13

roughly five hundred kilometers above Earth at the ability to measure time with a precision never seen
time.16 Similar to the first experiment, the ability before. Researchers today have not only improved
for this quantum teleportation to occur stems upon the capabilities of the original atomic clock,
from the effects of quantum entanglement. The but have started applying its ability for collecting
notion of teleportation is a slight misnomer, as highly accurate measurements towards other uses.
the photon is not physically moving through space. Clocks, it turns out, are good for more than just
Rather, the information it carries, such as its spin or keeping time.
polarization, is instantly replicated on its entangled
Thanks to Einsteins discoveries about the
pair, appearing as if the qubit was beamed from
theory of relativity, we know that time actually
point A to point B without any physical movement
elapses at slightly different rates depending on
or the passage of any time.
how close to Earth one measures it. Due to the
Taken together, the QUESS teams newfound abilities unique relationship between gravity and time, a
to up-beam a quantum particle from Earth to an watch ticking on the surface of the planet actually
orbiting satellite (teleportation) and to entangle such measures time somewhat slower than an identical
particles over large distances, have rightly grabbed watch in outer space. Such discrepancies are
the attention of the world. Their efforts mark by far imperceptible to a standard clock, but can be easily
the most significant progress to-date in the quest to seen on todays atomic devices.
create a quantum internet and have left the rest of the
What could one do with such a honed ability to
world playing catch-up to the Chinese on this front.
sense gravitational differences? As The Economist
hypothesized in a report on quantum metrology,
Quantum Sensors: quantum sensors could make ultra-precise height
A final area of quantum research that is likely to measurements, which could help enhance satellite
be of increasing significance in the years to come imaging and GPS devices. Additionally, at a fixed
focuses on using quantum mechanical properties height, [they] could sense the gravitational attraction
to create highly calibrated sensors that will of what is below; solid bedrock would give a
dramatically improve the accuracy and capacity of different reading from an oil-and-gas pocket.17 The
measurement taking. This field of inquiry, known military sees potential use here as well, believing
as quantum metrology, has a more established that such quantum gravity sensors could help
background than quantum computing or quantum them spot moving masses underwater, such as
communication, having already produced such submarines or torpedoes.18 The potential doesnt
revolutionary devices as the atomic clock. end there as quantum sensors could spell big
things for the ongoing push towards self-driving
The clock, which depending on the model calculates cars: these high-precision devices will be of great
time based on measurements of superimposed interest to carmakers, and in particular to the
or entangled particles, is considered the first-ever autonomous-vehicle industry, the success of which
quantum device to escape the confines of the lab will depend on accurate sensing of the movements
and be brought to market. It improved mankinds of cars and their surroundings.19

Unlike quantum computers, which once they The remaining hurdles facing developers today
reach market-readiness will likely operate behind are primarily engineering in their nature, not
the scenes and out of view of most consumers, scientific. As history has proven before in analogous
quantum sensors are primed to find their way into technological quandariesdeveloping the nuclear
the devices we use on a daily basis. bomb or putting a man on the moonif the
underlying science is relatively understood, and
Looking Forward: if motivation is great enough, the engineering
knowhow will eventually follow. This means that
Although there may be little to show for it to with enough time, trial and error, and investment,
the average consumer just yet, progress in the the challenges standing in the way of a true
development of quantum-based technologies is quantum leap will likely one day be solved. The
proceeding at breakneck speed. When the day potential that functioning quantum technologies
arrives that quantum properties can be more hold is too great not to demand such an effort.
regularly controlled, the implications for our society
could be on the scale of the introduction of the
classical computer or the internet.

Governments and businesses alike have ideas

of what they believe quantum technology could
mean for their individual agendas. These ambitious
predictions and potential applications would
substantively impact all sectors of the global
economy if they were to come to fruition. In all
likelihood, however, these outlooks are too myopic
in their scope.

In the early days of the internet, researchers

believed they were merely creating an advanced
communication network that would help the
government coordinate its operations more
efficiently. Today, the Internets domain far
outstrips the intent or even comprehension of
its original creators. The same is likely to be true
for quantum. As the technology advances and
becomes more democratized, the full force of the
market will eventually take over and quantum-based
technologies will take on applications not yet even
considered. In doing so, they will disrupt existing
industries and create new ones.

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strangeness-quantum-realm-opens-up-exciting-new- quantum-technology-beginning-come-its-own
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The opinions expressed in this article are those
solely of the author.


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