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Geothermal Power Plants Brochure

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The document discusses Mannvit, a leading engineering company in geothermal power. It provides background on geothermal energy and details several geothermal power plants in Iceland that Mannvit has worked on.

Geothermal power plants utilize heat from underground to produce electricity and sometimes combined heat and power. Water or steam is extracted from underground and used to power turbines before being recycled back underground.

Some examples of geothermal power plants in Iceland discussed are the Hellisheidi, Nesjavellir, and Husavik Kalina Cycle plants. They vary in output and technology used, with some providing electricity and others also providing hot water for heating.


Power Plants
Leaders in

Geothermal Energy
Geothermal Power Plants
Geothermal power plants utilize heat energy from the Earth to
produce electricity and sometimes for combined heat and power
(CHP). They are cost effective, reliable and environmentally
friendly. And, though previously restricted to certain geographic
locations, technological advances in drilling and plant design allow
for the development of what were once thought to be non-viable
resources. As a result, more and more public and private entities are
looking into geothermal power as part of their strategy to mitigate
global warming while still meeting growing energy demands.

Mannvit Engineering of Iceland is a world leader in geothermal

power plants with decades of experience in Iceland and abroad.
The company designs and builds geothermal power plants tailored
to match specific resource conditions which, in the most general
sense, can be categorized by their thermodynamic potential, or

The specific geothermal power plant configurations must match

the heat resource to maximize its potential but also must take into
account a variety of other criteria including local conditions and
requirements as well as the needs of a community. The geothermal
engineers, geoscientists and other company specialists at Mannvit
have successfully tackled numerous complex challenges involving
geothermal heat utilization all over the world.
Mannvit services: Iceland Geothermal Power Plants:
• Process Design • Svartsengi Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Geothermal
• Cogeneration of Electricity & Hot Water Power Plant
• Feasibility Studies & Cost Estimations • Bjarnaflag Geothermal Power Plant
• Conceptual Design • Nesjavellir (CHP) Geothermal Power Plant
• Site Layout & Planning • Krafla Geothermal Power Plant
• Overall Plant Design • Reykjanes Geothermal Power Plant
• Equipment Specifications • Hellisheidi (CHP) Geothermal Power Plant
• Bid Preparation & Tender Evaluation • Husavik Kalina Cycle Geothermal Power Plant
• Site Supervision
• Commissioning Outside of Iceland the company is applying their experience
• Acceptance Test and expertise to projects in Europe and South America based
• Training of Operators largely on their innovations in Kalina technology, which allows
• Monitoring at Well Head the production of electricity from low temperature geothermal
• Environmental Monitoring resources.

Within Iceland, Mannvit has been involved in all the geothermal

power plants built since the early 1970s. The electricity from
these plants provides approximately 27% of the country’s
electrical needs, whereas hot water from these plants heats
over 90% of the homes and buildings.

Additional information:
Claus Ballzus:
Kristinn Ingason:
Project example:

Hellisheiði Power Plant

Hellisheidi geothermal power plant is a combined heat and Hellisheidi Geothermal Power Plant details:
power plant (CHP) located in SW-Iceland, on one of the largest • Combined heat and power (CHP)
wet geothermal systems (high-enthalpy) in Iceland. The plant’s • Planned total output: 300MWe & 400MWth
purpose is to meet increasing demand for electricity and hot • Phase 1: 2 x 45 MWe (90 MW total) went online October,
water for space heating. Development plans call for incremental 2006
or phased expansion from 2006 to 2010 to an estimated • Phase 2: 33 MWe went online Fall, 2007
maximum output of 300 MWe and 400 MWth, making it the • Phase 3: 2 x 45 MWe, went online Fall, 2008
largest geothermal combined heat and power plant in Iceland. • Phase 4: First stage thermal power plant scheduled for
The plant owner is Reykjavik Energy. 2010
• Phase 5: 2 x 45 MWe, scheduled for 2010
The first phase included two high-pressure 45 MWe turbines • 50 boreholes were drilled, from 1,000-2,200 meters
that went online in October, 2006 and then one low pressure
33 MWe turbine went online in Fall, 2007. The most recent Mannvit services:
expansion phase consisted of two additional 45 MWe turbines • Project management
that went online in Fall, 2008. The next expansion phase will be • Overall plant design
the first stage of the thermal power plant scheduled for 2010 • Environmental impact assessment
and 2 x 45 MWe turbines in 2010. • Detailed mechanical design of the plant
• Detailed design of HVAC systems
• Bid preparation and tender evaluation
• Site supervision
Additional information: • Commissioning
Claus Ballzus: • Acceptance test
Kristinn Ingason: • Training of operators
Project example:

Power Plant
The Nesjavellir geothermal field is a high-enthalpy geothermal The Nesjavellir power plant is a combined heat and power plant
system within the Hengill area of SW-Iceland. Construction of (CHP) wherein it produces electricity and hot water for district
the geothermal power plant began in 1987 and the first stage heating. The plant itself is a combined cycle plant, wherein a
of the thermal plant was commissioned in 1990, following an mixture of steam and geothermal brine is transported from the
intensive drilling and testing phase in the 1980s. The last 30 wells to a central separation station at 200° C and 14 bars.
MWe turbine generator unit was commissioned in 2005.
From there the fluid (steam and liquid) goes into a steam
Nesjavellir Geothermal Power Plant details: separator and the two phases are separated. Moisture is
• Combined cycle geothermal plant removed from the steam, which is then sent through the
• 120 MWe, developed in three phases turbine after which it is condensed in a condenser. Within
• 300 MWth, or 1,800 liters/second of hot water at approxi- the condenser fresh water is preheated. The preheated fresh
mately 83° C water is then run through a system of heat exchangers, which
• 25 boreholes were drilled, from 1,000-2,200 meters utilize the heat from the liquid part of the brine after the
steam separator. The fresh water is heated to the required
Mannvit Services: temperature and sent through deareators, which remove the
• Project management bulk of the oxygen. Then finally a small amount of geothermal
• Overall plant design steam containing acidic gases (hydrogen sulfide) is injected into
• Environmental impact assessment the water to remove any remaining oxygen, thereby preventing
• Detailed mechanical design of the plant corrosion and scaling.
• Detailed design of HVAC systems
• Bid preparation and tender evaluation This hot water is then pumped to a large storage tank at an
• Site supervision elevation of 406 meters. From there, the hot water flows
• Commissioning by gravity to two smaller storage tanks on the outskirts of
• Acceptance test Reykjavik to be used for heating and hot tap water.
• Training of operators
Additional information:
Claus Ballzus:
Kristinn Ingason:
Project example:

Kalina Power Plant

Iceland’s first Kalina cycle geothermal power plant was
designed and constructed by Mannvit. This project was done in
collaboration with Exorka International Limited, a global sub-
licensee for the Kalina power cycle technology.

The plant was installed in 1999 near the small town of Husavik,
in Northern Iceland. This binary geothermal plant produces 2
MW from a geothermal brine flow of 90 kg/s at 120 °C. The plant
was commissioned in mid-2000. The outgoing brine leaves the
plant at 80 °C and is then used for district heating and other
industrial uses.

This 2 MW plant will provide up to 80 percent of the town’s

electric power demand. The heat source for the plant will come
from geothermal wells located 20 km south of Husavík.

The distinguishing trait of the Kalina Cycle is its working fluid of

ammonia-water. The efficiency gain is achieved by the ability
of this working fluid to closely parallel the temperature of the
heat source (in this case – hot geothermal brine) and the heat
sink (cooling water). Cost effective energy recuperation within
the cycle is also possible due to the unique characteristics of the Additional information:
ammonia-water mixture. Claus Ballzus:
Kristinn Ingason:

Mannvit hf. Grensásvegi 1 @: t: +354 422 3000

108 Reykjavík w: f: +354 422 3001

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