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Home Sweet Home

Vocabulary Rooms and parts of the house
Present simple and 1 Match the pictures of the parts of the house (116) to these words.
continuous; Verb + -ing 1.3 Then listen, check and repeat.

Vocabulary attic balcony

Rooms and parts of the basement ceiling
house; Furniture and driveway fireplace
household objects floor garage
Speaking hallway landing
Describing a place office patio 1
roof stairs
Writing wall yard
A description of a room 1
Word list page 43
Workbook page 104

2 Complete the sentences with the words
in Exercise 1. 3
1 The stairs go up to the bedrooms at the top
of a house. 6
2 You come into the house through the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 5
3 Theres a bird on the _ _ _ _ .
4 The _ _ _ _ _ _ is next to the bathroom. 7
5 The red car is inside the _ _ _ _ _ _ . 8
6 There are boxes of old toys in the _ _ _ _ _ .
7 Its warm near the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the living room. 10
8 Someone is mowing the lawn in the _ _ _ _ .
3 Tell a partner about your home.
11 13
1 Do you live in a house or an apartment?
2 Describe the outside of your house or apartment.
Is it big or small? 12
What color are the walls and roof?
Is there a balcony, a yard, a garage, a driveway? 14
3 Describe the inside of your house or apartment.
Is there a hallway, an attic, a basement,
an office?
What color are the walls, floor and ceiling in
your bedroom and your living room? 15 16
Our house is small. It has white walls
and a red roof. Theres a yard with
a small patio. Theres a driveway, Brain Trainer Unit 1
but there isnt a garage. Activity 2
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10 Unit 1 Home Sweet Home

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1 Look at the photo. What do you think this 3 Read the text again. Answer the questions.
building is for? 1.4 1 How are families in Europe and North
America changing?
2 Read the text quickly. Choose the best answer. The size of an average family is getting smaller.
2 What are the disadvantages of big homes?
1 Austin is a teenager / adult.
3 Where is Austins bedroom?
2 The building is his bedroom / a complete house.
4 What is 3.7 meters long?
3 He wants to live in it / sell it.
5 What does Austin like about his house?
6 What happens when a building job is difficult
Tumbleweed Tiny House company for Austin?
7 Does Austin live in his house all the time?
Why?/Why not?
8 Why is his house useful for the future?

4 In pairs, ask and answer.

1 Are many homes in your country bigger than
they need to be?
2 Imagine your family in a house that is half
the size of your home now. How is your life
different? What is better? What is worse?
3 Would you like to live on your own in a house
like Austins? Why?/Why not?

Live Small
In Europe and North America, the size of an average Austin doesnt do any building during the week
family is getting smaller, but homes are not. In many hes busy with homework and playing baseball.
countries they are getting bigger. Bigger homes are But he usually works hard on his house on the
more expensive, and heating them in cold weather is weekend. Right now Im working on the doors.
worse for the environment. Many people believe its Theyre really easy, so my dad isnt helping me.
time to think again about the size of our homes. He only helps with the difcult things.
Sixteen-year-old Austin Hay is building a home on Austin is sleeping in his little house this summer.
his parents driveway. It has everything important, There isnt a replace yet, so in the winter
including a bathroom, a kitchen and an attic hell move back across the yard to his parents
bedroom with a low ceiling, but its only 2.4 meters house. And in the future? College is very
wide and 3.7 meters long. expensive in the US, but itll be cheaper for me
When I was a kid, I wanted to build a tree house, because I can take my little house with me. I can
Austin explains. But this house is on wheels, and live in it anywhere.
thats a lot cooler.

Unit 1 Home Sweet Home 11

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Grammar Present simple
and continuous 4 Complete the text with the Present simple or
Present continuous form of the verbs.
Present simple Present continuous
He is making dinner at
He always makes good food.
the moment.
Theyre staying in a house
I live with my dad.
without any adults.
Grammar reference Workbook page 86

1 Study the grammar table. Match the sentence

beginnings (12) to the endings (ad) to complete
the rules.

1 We use the Present simple

2 We use the Present continuous I usually 1 take (take) a bath before bed, but tonight
a for routines and habits. I2 (wait) on the landing. Why? Because my
b for actions in progress. brothers Mick and Todd 3 (use) the bathroom for
c for temporary situations. band practice. Most people 4 (not wear) their
d for permanent situations and general truths. clothes in the bathtub, but Todd is different. At the
moment he 5 (lie) in the bathtub with all his clothes
on. Mick 6
(sit) on the side of the bathtub, and
2 Choose the correct options. he 7 (play) something on the guitar. They usually
1 Kat doesnt talk / isnt talking to me today.
(practice) their band music in the garage, but my
2 I always go / am always going to bed at nine mom 9 (paint) flowers on her car in there tonight!
I 10
(live) with the worlds craziest family!
3 We often go / are often going to the movies
on the weekend. 5 Make questions.
4 Im learning / I learn about electricity in science
1 you / always / take / a shower or bath / before bed?
this week.
Do you always take a shower or bath before bed?
2 what time / you / usually / go to bed?
3 Complete the phone conversation with the
3 you / often / get up / late / on the weekend?
Present continuous form of the verbs.
4 you / listen / to music / right now?
A Hi, Ellie. How are you? 5 where / you / usually / do / your homework?
B Fine, thanks, Grandma. 6 you / work / hard / right now?
A How 1 are you feeling (you/feel) about your exams?
B Not too bad, thanks. I 2 (study) on 6 What about you? In pairs, ask and answer
the balcony right now. the questions in Exercise 5.
A3 (the sun/shine) there?
B Yes, it 4 (shine). Its really nice out! Do you always take
A Youre lucky! Your grandpa and I 5 (wear) a shower or bath
before bed? No. I usually take
our coats in the house because its so cold!
a shower in the
What 6 (Callum and Leo/do)?
B They 7 (listen) to music in the basement.
Do you want to talk to them?
A Actually, I want to talk to your dad.
B OK. He 8 (wash) the car in the driveway.
Wait a minute

12 Unit 1 Home Sweet Home

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1 3

4 7 8 9

11 12

10 13

Vocabulary Furniture and

household objects Pronunciation /v/, /w/ and /b/
1 Match the pictures (113) to these words. 4a Listen and repeat.
1.5 Then listen, check and repeat. balcony bookcase driveway
vase wall window
alarm clock armchair blind bookcase
closet 1 comforter curtains cushions
dresser mirror pillow rug b Listen and repeat. Then practice saying
vase 1.7 the sentences.
Word list page 43 1 My favorite vase in the living room is
Workbook page 104 very heavy.
2 Why did you wash the windows and walls?
3 There are blue blinds in my bedroom.
2 Read the descriptions. Say the thing or things. 4 I love black-and-white vases.
1 You put clothes in this. (two things) 5 Do you want to have strawberry waffles
a closet and a dresser for breakfast?
2 You can see your face in this.
3 You put flowers in this.
4 This wakes you up in the morning. 5 Say a sentence about the picture in Exercise 1.
5 You put books in this. Your partner says True or False.
6 This is on the floor. You can walk on it.
7 You sit in this. Theres a blue rug
False! Theres a green rug
8 This keeps you warm in bed. on the floor.
on the floor.
9 You put your head on this in bed.
10 You put these on your bed or on a chair.

3 Which things from Exercise 1 are in your home?

Make sentences. Brain Trainer Unit 1
Activity 3
Theres a bookcase in the hallway, next to the Go to page 112
living room door.

Unit 1 Home Sweet Home 13

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Chatroom Describing a place
Speaking and Listening
1 Look at the photo. Whose house do you think
this is?

2 Listen and read the conversation.

1.8 Check your answer.
Whats your bedroom like?
3 Listen and read again. Choose the correct options.
1.8 1 Ruby wants / doesnt want to move again soon.
2 Ash likes / doesnt like Rubys new house.
3 Rubys bedroom is big / small.
4 Theres a computer in Rubys bedroom /
the office.
5 Ash wants / doesnt want to go into
Whats the town like?
the living room.
It isnt very big,
6 Ella likes / doesnt like the town.

4 Act out the conversation in groups of four.

Say it in your language
No problem!
That would be great.
Come on, then.

14 Unit 1 Home Sweet Home

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Grammar Verb + -ing
5 Look back at the conversation.
Find these expressions. I prefer spending time in the yard.
1 a question asking about Rubys bedroom Tom, Ash and Ella dont mind helping Ruby.
Whats your bedroom like? (Ella) Ruby cant stand moving.
2 an expression describing Rubys bedroom Do you like living here?
3 a question asking about the town Grammar reference Workbook page 86
4 two expressions describing the town
1 Study the grammar table. Complete the rule.
6 Read the phrases for describing a place.
After the verbs like, love, hate, enjoy, dont mind,
Describing a place
and , we use verb + -ing.
Whats it like?
Its a little small. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of these verbs.
really do get listen sleep swim wait

7 Listen to the conversations. Act out 1 I cant stand listening to rap music.
1.9 the conversations in pairs. 2 She hates beds. She prefers on the floor.
Ruby Whats 1 your bedroom like? 3 They love in the ocean.
Ella It has 2 pretty red walls and a white closet. 4 We dont mind our homework.
Ruby Is it 3 very big? 5 Do you prefer up late in the morning?
Ella Yes, it is. 6 I dont enjoy for buses in the rain.

Ruby Whats 4 the swimming pool like?

3 Complete the second sentence so it has a similar
Ash Its very nice. Its 5 pretty cold, but it has
meaning to the first one. Use the correct form of
a great caf.
the word(s) in parentheses and one other word.
8 Work in pairs. Replace the words in purple in 1 I think skateboarding is OK. (mind)
Exercise 7. Use these words and/or your own I dont mind skateboarding.
ideas. Act out the conversations. 2 She never wants to have breakfast. (not like)
She having breakfast.
Whats your
It has grass and a 3 Hes very happy when he rides his bike. (love)
yard like?
lot of flowers. He his bike.
4 Its better when we have band practice
in the basement. (prefer)
We band practice in the basement.
1 your kitchen / your living room / your bathroom 5 They hate doing homework. (not stand)
2 green walls and a stove / white walls and They doing homework.
a big sofa / pink walls and a large bathtub
4 Make three questions with Do you like + -ing.
3 a little small / very big / really small Then ask and answer in pairs.

4 the park / the library / the shopping mall Do you like going to the beach? Yes, I love it. What
about you?
5 pretty small / very quiet / really busy
I dont mind it, but I prefer
6 a lake / a lot of interesting books / going to a swimming pool.
some boring stores

Unit 1 Home Sweet Home 15

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1 Read the magazine article quickly.
Choose the best heading.
1 Clean Up Your Room!
2 What Does Your Bedroom Say About You?
3 How to Have a Cool Bedroom

You cant always choose your room, How big is your closet? A big
but you can choose the things inside closet often means that you are into
it. Because of that, your bedroom fashion, but not always. It can also
says a lot about your personality. be a sign that you hate throwing
And were not only talking about old things away and prefer keeping
your favorite hobbies or your taste everything behind your closet door.
in music and books. Of course, Someone with a neat room is
a guitar behind the door or sci-fi usually cheerful, but someone with
stories in your bookcase give people a messy room is moodier and often
information about you, but a careful unhappy. The pictures on your walls
look at your bedroom can teach say a lot, too. Generous people like
them a lot more than that. decorating their rooms with photos
The colors in your room, for example, of their friends and family, but if
are very interesting. Does your room your own face is in every picture
have bright colors on the walls, or you have more than one mirror,
curtains, a rug or a comforter? watch out! This shows that you are
Then you probably love trying new probably a little selfish.
things. People with pale walls are So, before you invite your friends
often friendly and talkative, but into your bedroom, think carefully.
Key Words
people with dark walls dont like What message will your bedroom
meeting new people. Black and give them about you? taste careful bright
white is a popular choice for people pale decorate watch out
with strong opinions.

2 Read the article again. Answer the questions. Listening

1.10 1 What two things give information about your
1 Hannah is talking to a friend about her
tastes and interests?
1.11 bedroom and the article above. Listen and
The colors in your room and the pictures
answer the questions.
on the walls.
2 What type of colors do shy people often have 1 What does Hannahs bedroom say about her?
on their walls? 2 Why does she want to buy a lock for her door?
3 Why do people have big closets? Find two
reasons in the article. Listening Bank Unit 1 page 118
4 You are usually smiling. What does the article
say about your room? 2 In pairs, ask and answer. Is the article right
5 You like buying presents for people. What do about you?
you probably have on your walls?
1 Do you have any bright colors in your bedroom?
6 What two things show that a person thinks
2 Are there any pictures of your friends on the walls?
only about himself/herself?
3 Are there any pictures of you?
4 How many mirrors are there?
5 Is your room neat?

16 Unit 1 Home Sweet Home

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Writing A description of a room
1 Read the Writing File. 3 Complete the sentences with and, also, too, but
and however.
Writing File Linking words: 1 He has a big closet for his clothes and he has
addition and contrast two big dressers.
You can link similar ideas with and, 2 My alarm clock wakes me up in the morning,
also and too. and it can play the radio, .
Youre really talkative, and you like trying 3 We watch TV in the kitchen, and we do our
new things. homework there.
The rug is green. The comforter is also green. 4 I like playing tennis. , I dont play very often.
The colors are interesting. The pictures are 5 I have three pet lizards in my bedroom,
interesting, too. and I have a pet snake.
You can link contrasting ideas with but 6 Theres a pillow on the bed, there isnt a comforter.
and however.
I have some pictures of friends, but I dont 4 Read Matts description again.
have any pictures of myself. Answer the questions.
I love red. However, I dont like the bright red 1 What room is it? The office
walls in my living room. 2 What adjectives does he use to describe it?
3 What furniture is there in the room?
2 Read about Matts favorite room. 4 What color are the walls?
Find the linking words. 5 Are there other things in the room
of a different color?
6 What does he like doing in the room?

5 Think about your favorite room. Use the questions

in Exercise 4 to help you. Take notes.

6 Write a description of your favorite room.

Use My favorite room and your notes from
Exercise 5.

My favorite room

Paragraph 1
My Favorite Room Introduce the room and give a general
by Matt Davies description.
My favorite room is . Theres a .
My favorite room is the ofce at home. Its a little
small, but its really light, and its always very quiet. Paragraph 2
Theres a big desk under the window. On the desk Describe the furniture and walls.
The walls are and .
theres a computer and a lamp. Theres a box of pens
and pencils, too. In front of the desk theres a chair Paragraph 3
with green cushions. The walls are white, and theres Say what you like doing in the room.
a blue and green blind on the window. The carpet I like .
in the ofce is also blue and green.
I love sitting at the desk and watching all the people Remember!
in the street. I usually do my homework in this room. Use linking words and, also, too, but, however.
However, when I dont have any homework, I like Use the vocabulary in this unit.
playing games on the computer. Check your grammar, spelling and punctuation.

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R e f r e s h Yo u r M e m o
r y!
Grammar Review Vocabulary Review
1 Complete the conversation with the correct form 4 Complete the sentences with the correct rooms
of the verbs. and parts of the house.
A What are you reading (you/read)?
1 Come and have a drink on the patio.
B A postcard from my dad. He 2 (work) in Its sunny today.
Montreal at the moment, so we only 3 (see) 2 The light on the l _ _ _ _ _ _ outside my
him on weekends. bedroom doesnt work.
A4 (he/like) Montreal? 3 The dog usually sleeps under the table
B Yes, he loves it. He 5 (look) for a new home in the h _ _ _ _ _ _ .
for us there, but my mom doesnt want to go. 4 The c _ _ _ _ _ _ in the attic is very low. I cant
All our friends and family 6 (live) here in stand up in there.
the US, and she 7 (not speak) any French. 5 Theres a big mirror above the f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
A8 (you/speak) French? 6 The grass in the y _ _ _ looks a little dry.
B Well, we 9 (have) French classes every day at
school, but people in Quebec always 10 (talk) 5 Match the beginnings (15) to the endings (ae)
really fast. I 11 (not understand) very much! of the sentences.
1 There are flowers in the e
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form 2 On the floor theres a
of these verbs. 3 He went to bed and put his head on the
4 She loves looking at herself in the
cook eat go learn live
5 That window needs a
not do not listen play visit watch
a pillow.
1 My dad usually cooks our dinner, but tonight b mirror.
we in a restaurant. c blind.
2 We about China in geography class right d rug.
now. 1.3 billion people in China! e vase.
3 They to their new CD. They a movie.
4 She judo on Thursdays. She volleyball. Speaking Review
5 I to school in Connecticut, but today we
a museum in New York. 6 Put the conversation in the correct order (16).
1.12 Then listen and check.
3 Make sentences and questions. a Do you spend any time there?
1 he / love / play / basketball b Its a little small, and it isnt very sunny.
He loves playing basketball. c Its very nice. It has really big windows and
2 you / enjoy / run? some very comfortable armchairs.
3 she / not mind / go / by bus d Whats your balcony like? 1
4 you / hate / lose e No, I dont. I prefer hanging out in the living room.
5 I / not like / learn / French f Whats that like?
6 he / prefer / study / computer science?
7 they / cant stand / listen / to rap music Dictation
7 Listen and write in your notebook.

My assessment profile: Workbook page 127

18 Unit 1 Home Sweet Home

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graphy F i l e

Houses Around
the World

1 Mongolia is near Russia and

China in northeast Asia. The
winters in Mongolia are very long
and very cold. Many Mongolians
keep horses. They move from
place to place two or three times a
year so their animals have enough
food. When they move, their
homes go with them. Their homes are called yurts, and they must be
strong because there are often winds of 160 km an hour. c
2 The city of Hong Kong, in the south of China, is located on a peninsula
and two small islands. There are many mountains in Hong Kong, so
there isnt a lot of space for houses. The buildings are very tall to save
space. There are more tall buildings here than in any other city in the
world. Forty percent of the people live higher than the fourteenth floor!
Most people live in really small apartments, but they dont mind. They
often eat in restaurants, and they dont spend a lot of time at home.
3 Belize is a small country in Central America. It is hot year round, with
a wet and a dry season. A lot of people live in stilt houses near the
ocean. This type of house stays cool because the wind blows through it.
It is also protected from snakes and other animals because it is not on Key Words
the ground. People often leave their car under the house, out of the hot peninsula space stilt
sun. From June to November, there are sometimes terrible storms, but blow ground
the ocean water doesnt come into the house.

Where is it?
1 Read about these homes. Match the photos Swiss 1 mountains / valleys
1.14 (ac) to the paragraphs (13).

2 Listen to a description of another home.

1.15 Choose the correct words to complete
the fact file.

My Geography File

3 In groups, make a fact file about a home in What is the climate like?
another part of the world. Use the questions
warm / windy in summer 3 snowy / rainy in winter
in Exercise 2 to help you. What is the home like? Why?
big / small roof protects the walls from bad weather
4 Prepare a presentation for the class, including replace in the 5 center / back of the house keeps
pictures or photos if possible. Then give people warm
your presentation.
patio / balcony people can enjoy the sun in summer

Unit 1 Home Sweet Home 19

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