A Vision-Based Broken Strand Detection Method For A Power-Line Maintenance Robot
A Vision-Based Broken Strand Detection Method For A Power-Line Maintenance Robot
A Vision-Based Broken Strand Detection Method For A Power-Line Maintenance Robot
5, OCTOBER 2014
AbstractThe broken strand of overhead ground wire (OGW), on the power-line inspection task. In [10], a robot named
which is mainly caused by lightning strikes or the vibration of LineROVer was developed for the deicing maintenance task.
OGW, can lead to serious damage to the power grid system. Reference [11] introduced a robot that could install and remove
Power-line maintenance work is generally carried out by special-
ized workers under extra-high voltage live-line conditions which the aircraft warning spheres on OGW. LineScout robot [12],
involve great risks and high labor intensity. In this paper, we [13], which was equipped with a variety of special tools, could
present a broken strand detection method which can be prac- perform not only the inspection task, but also several mainte-
tically applied by maintenance robots. This method is mainly nance tasks (e.g., tightening screws and temporally repairing a
implemented in three steps. First, we obtain the region of interest broken strand).
(ROI) from the image acquired by the robot. Second, a histogram
of an oriented gradients descriptor vector is calculated to obtain The successful detection of obstacles and power-line mal-
the image gradient feature in ROI. In the third step, we apply a functions is an important prerequisite for power-line mainte-
multiclassifier which consists of two support vector machines to nance. Based on the sensory techniques used for detection, we
classify the wires into normal wire, broken strand malfunction, categorize the relevant literature into two kinds, namely, the de-
and obstacles on OGW. Experiment results successfully demon- tection using nonvision-based techniques [14][21] and the de-
strate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
tection using vision-based techniques [22][26].
Index TermsBroken strand, power-line maintenance robot, vi- For nonvision-based detection methods, a high-temperature
sual detection.
superconductor (HTS) superconducting quantum interference
device (SQUID) was used to detect single-wire breakage in
I. INTRODUCTION aluminum transmission lines [14]. A periodic pattern was de-
tected with wire breakage, while this pattern was not observed
in the normal wire. Using electromagnetic-acoustic transducers
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the training data set and the testing data set. The training data
Through equivalent transformation and simplification, the
set consists of enormous instances, and each instance is rep-
problem can be further formulated as
resented by several attributes and an associated label showing
the class that the instance belongs to. It should be noted that
the instance class labels are predefined in the training data set,
while the class label of each instance is unknown for the testing Subject to (6)
data set. The SVM classifier aims at assigning the respective
It should be noted that only a few training data sets are right
class label to each instance of the testing data set.
with a distance of to the separating hyperplane, which are then
Given the training data instance is
called support vectors. As shown in Fig. 9, the support vectors
the instance index and is the total number of instances in the
of different classes are, respectively, located in two hyperplanes,
training data set. is a p-dimensional real-value vector
and set off by a gap from the separating hyperplane.
expressing the instance attributes, and is the in-
2) Slack Variables: It is obvious that the support vectors
stance class label. The object of the linear classifier is to find
have an important influence on forming separating hyperplanes.
the separating hyperplane that divides the training data instance
There may be some abnormal instances out of the normal range
into two classes according to their class labels. However, there
in the training data, which are denoted as outliers. If outliers
is probably more than one separating hyperplane that can di-
become support vectors of a separating hyperplane, the sepa-
vide the training data. The SVM method is proposed to find
rating hyperplane has then very poor performance on classifi-
a separating hyperplane with maximum margin. Classification
cation. To reduce the influence of outliers, slack variable is
through a maximum margin hyperplane can maximize the sta-
introduced to the constraint, and the constraint is changed into
bility and confidence of classification and benefit the extension
. It means the support vector is allowed
application of the classifiers [32].
to have an exclusion with respect to the separating hyperplane
In the linear classifier, the separating hyperplane can be ex-
and the exclusion distance is limited to . It should be noted
pressed by function , where and are the normal
that the exclusion distance should be as low as possible; other-
vector and the intercept of the hyperplane. The classification
wise, any hyperplane can be treated as a separating hyperplane.
function can be formulated as follows:
Therefore, the optimization problem can be formulated as
Fig. 10. Multiclassification for normal wire, broken wire, and counterweight.
Fig. 11. AApe-D robot and broken strand detection experiment.
Fig. 13. HOG descriptor vector extracted from normal wire, broken wire, and obstacle images. (a) Normal wire. (b) Broken wire. (c) Obstacles.
This paper presents a vision-based method for the OGW
broken strand detection, which facilitates the practical ap-
plication of power-line maintenance robots. The proposed
vision-based detection method is mainly implemented in three
steps, namely, the 1) ROI selection; 2) the acquisition of image
obtained by the method mentioned in Section III, and the HOG features of an HOG; and 3) the application of a multiclas-
descriptor vectors are as shown in Fig. 13. sifier for classification. The effectiveness of the proposed
HOG features of obstacles are apparently different from vision-based broken strand detection method is verified and
the other two classes, because OGW is partially or totally demonstrated by numerous experimental studies.
blocked by obstacles. Although the gradients of both broken In our future work, we will work on enhancing the robustness
wire images and normal wire images mainly distribute in the of the proposed method and design a specialized mechanism to
vertical orientation and the spiral lead-angle orientation due to reduce the effect of external factors, for example, illumination
the configuration of OGW, the normalized gradient intensity in for the experiments in the real environment. In addition, we will
these two orientations of the normal wire images is higher than focus on autonomous robot control based on the detection result
that of the broken wire images. The reason is that the broken and enlarging the detection range of other obstacles and mal-
strand, whose image gradient is not in the vertical direction or functions on OGW.
the strands spiral lead-angle direction, affects the image gra-
dient distribution. Based on the aforementioned analysis, the REFERENCES
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