Efficiency of Cloud Based ERP
Efficiency of Cloud Based ERP
Efficiency of Cloud Based ERP
Abstract- The Web-Based ERP system using Cloud is an enterprise information system designed to integrate and optimize
the business processes and transactions in a corporation. The ERP is an industry-driven concepts and systems, and is
universally accepted by the industry as a practical solution to achieve integrated enterprise information systems. The
proposed system is an ERP System which is much more efficient than the existing ERP System in a number ways like
online- any time access, direct SMS and e-mail generations, views of products, barcode system etc. ERP solutions provide
automated processes that improve business efficiency and visibility across the organization. These solutions help
organizations address business challenges that include revenue shortfalls and uncertainty, increasing competition, higher
customer expectations and changing market dynamics. While Cloud computing or Software as a Service(SAAS) has been
available for several years, small to medium sized organizations have been increasingly accessing ERP solutions via the
cloud over the past year.
Keywords- ERP, Cloud computing, Face recognition, Web services, .net framework.
International Journal of Advances In Computer Science and Cloud Computing, ISSN: 2321-4058 Volume- 2, Issue- 2, Nov.-2014
Then, Cloud computing is used to provide what we with XML technologies. Subsequently, Web Service
call Software as a Service. broker hubs are introduced. A broker hub offers a
portal providing a user interface for users so that they
III. PROPOSED SYSTEM can locate, evaluate, subscribe to, cancel, manage, or
monitor Web Services.
A. ERP system and web services Quality Systems that are not supported with a
ERP systems are the best way to integrate the software solution are very rigid and entail much
functions of an organization across its different paperwork. As a result, Quality Systems become
departments and functions throughout the slow, difficult to control, in-flexible, sometimes even
organization onto a single information system in chaotic and eventually inefficient. Consequently, the
order to meet the needs of different departments. It is need arises for information systems, which help
possible that some specific departments may have enterprises to build and operate a Quality
their own information system related to their Management System and at the same time streamline
respective responsibilities. The main aim behind workflows, encounter real-life business problems and
developing ERP system is to combine as much manage the actual resources of the enterprise. Most
functionality as possible into a single integrated standalone ERP systems, where all or some of the
software system running under single roof. In such a integral application components, such as the
way that number of departments can have easy access application server, are essential for their operation, in
to information and proper communication can be our web-based scalable approach, each user logins
established so that every function works into the system via a web-portal and then information
synchronously. This can help the organizations flow components navigate the user through the
achieve positive result in their day to day work as independent systems functionalities. Each web-
well as in making decisions. service component is autonomous and is easily
Consider the instance of Customer order, when a pluggable even across applications.
customer places an order, it all begins on paper which
then travels around the organization to get finalized. B. Technology
This process results in delays. The Web-based ERP a. Facial recognition system
system is a combination of traditional ERP functions A facial recognition system is a computer application
more enhanced with Business Process Management for automatically identifying or verifying a person
and SCM functionalities. This enables specialized from a digital image or a video frame from a video
department operation software systems, reduce costs, source. One of the ways to do this is by comparing
complexity and information inconsistency. Most selected facial features from the image and a facial
ERPs are flexible enough to provide modularity in database. It is typically used in security systems and
their implementations. can be compared to other biometrics such as
Web Services provides various advantages like fingerprint or eye iris recognition systems.
integration then low cost requirements etc for the
application hosted. Integration is a major source of PCA based facial recognition
expenditure for enterprises due to business software Principal component analysis (PCA) is a statistical
system complexity. Customers and outsourcing procedure that uses orthogonal transformation to
vendors may demand access to information provided convert a set of observations of possibly correlated
to internal ERP userssuch as order status, inventory variables into a set of values of linearly uncorrelated
levels, and invoice dataeven without having an variables called principal components. The number of
ERP client software. This is where Web Services principal components is less than or equal to the
interfere, enabling seamless data access to the number of original variables. This transformation is
authenticated users at the right time from everywhere defined in such a way that the first principal
without the need of specific software clients. Web component has the largest possible variance (that is,
services enables achieve integration along with accounts for as much of the variability in the data as
quality attributes such as reliability, security, possible), and each succeeding component in turn has
manageability, testing and efficiency. Web Services the highest variance possible under the constraint that
use object-oriented approaches to combine data and it be orthogonal to (i.e., uncorrelated with) the
programming elements in Web Service methods that preceding components. Principal components are
can be accessed by different applications. Web- guaranteed to be independent if the data set is jointly
Services combined with ERP provide an integrated, normally distributed. PCA is sensitive to the relative
multi-component application software platform ideal scaling of the original variables.
for performing multiple business functions. The
enterprise may still require a traditional ERP b. .net and c-#
application for its internal operations. Web Services .NET provides interoperability. Programs written for
allow the enterprise to access needed information .NET Framework execute in a software environment
effectively. As this new technology gains ground, (as contrasted to hardware environment), known as
more vendors support Web Service solutions blended the Common Language Runtime (CLR), an
International Journal of Advances In Computer Science and Cloud Computing, ISSN: 2321-4058 Volume- 2, Issue- 2, Nov.-2014
application virtual machine that provides services These types of clouds provides clients with seamless,
such as security, memory management, and exception on-demand scalability, and greatest level of
handling. efficiency in shared resources; however they are also
The C# language is intended to be a simple, modern, more vulnerable than the private ones.
general-purpose, object-oriented programming Private cloud is the cloud infrastructure dedicated to a
language. The language, and implementations particular organization. Private clouds allow
thereof, should provide support for software businesses to host applications in the cloud, while
engineering principles such as strong type checking, addressing concerns regarding data security and
array bounds checking, detection of attempts to use control, which is often lacking in a public cloud
uninitialized variables, and automatic garbage infrastructure.
collection. Software robustness, durability, and Hybrid cloud infrastructure is a composition of any of
programmer productivity are important. The language the mentioned types of cloud that is of public, private
is intended for use in developing software or hybrid. These remain unique entities but are bound
components suitable for deployment in distributed together offering the advantages of multiple
environments. Source code portability is very deployment models. Using any of the cloud
important, as is programmer portability, especially for infrastructure is entirely the decision of the
those programmers already familiar with C and C++. organization.
Support for internationalization is very important. C#
is intended to be suitable for writing applications for IV. IMPLEMENTATION
both hosted and embedded systems, ranging from the
very large that use sophisticated operating systems, In the proposed project, there are four main modules
down to the very small having dedicated functions. dealing with the aspects of Raw Material demand,
Although C# applications are intended to be purchase, profit/loss, from whom (supplier) etc;
economical with regard to memory and processing Production that is what is being manufactured which
power requirements, the language was not intended to product-which part, order and quotation related etc;
compete directly on performance and size with C or Contact will contain information about current
assembly language. suppliers available and if new ones then their entries,
c. Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a synonym for distributed A. Raw Material
computing over a network, and means the ability to In this module, database related to the raw material
run a program or application on many connected details like what raw material, from where to get,
computers at the same time. The major models of how much to net. Then specific page to see the
cloud computing service are known as Software as a purchase details of raw material. A list of raw
Service, Platform as a Service, and Infrastructure as a materials is managed and stock record is kept.
Service. These cloud services may be offered in a
Public, Private or Hybrid network. Google, Inc. is one B. Production
of the most well-known cloud vendors. In the This module deals with a variety of things such as
business model using software as a service (SaaS), production details, costing related issues, quotation
users are provided access to application software and and stock, production status, inward/outward and
databases. Cloud providers manage the infrastructure finished goods stock etc.
and platforms that run the applications. SaaS is
sometimes referred to as "on-demand software" and C. Contacts
is usually priced on a pay-per-use basis. Proponents A contact is the module where the database related to
claim SaaS allows a business the potential to reduce suppliers the existing and newly added ones is
IT operational costs by outsourcing hardware and maintained. Then it contains information about the
software maintenance and support to the cloud supplier reports, customers and their accounts
provider. This enables the business to reallocate IT respectively.
operations costs away from hardware/software
spending and personnel expenses, towards meeting Barcode generation
other goals. The dynamic nature of cloud computing Generation of barcode is done when the final product
requires monitoring and management tools that are is obtained from production. Using barcode printer,
adaptable, extensible and customizable. barcode is generated.
Cloud computing technology simplifies infrastructure
planning and provides dynamically scalable Product View
infrastructure for cloud based applications, data, and 3D view of available products will be generated; it
file storage. Businesses can choose to deploy may be of partially finished or finished goods. CWD
applications on public, private, hybrid or the recent is used for 3D view of finished goods.
one that is community. Public clouds are made
available to the general public by service provider.
International Journal of Advances In Computer Science and Cloud Computing, ISSN: 2321-4058 Volume- 2, Issue- 2, Nov.-2014