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This paper aims to show that using monitoring as a service on the cloud might have a great impact on monitoring IT infrastructure industry. According to electronic survey that has been published between 25th of June to 6th of July,2012 by papers author1, 33% of the respondents stated that, theyre not using any IT infrastructure monitoring software either because budget issues or configuration issues. The other 67% respondents who are using IT infrastructure monitoring software are complaining about high cost, hard configuration and implementation and the required of expensive hardware for monitoring software that theyre using. In the following, these problems are going to be discussed in more details and how cloud computing will help in solving such issues. 2. Cloud Computing Overview The following subsections will provide an overview of cloud computing in order to better understand this technology. 2.1 What is cloud computing? Cloud Computing is internet based computing where IT related capabilities are provided as a service. Users can access these services without having any pervious knowledge on how to manage and implement these services. Moreover, pay-peruse idea makes cloud computing a vey cost effective way in todays business. Although there is no standardized, uniform definition of cloud computing, its basic concepts as well as its general objectives are undisputed: Cloud computing uses virtualization and the modern Web to dynamically provide resources of various kinds as services which are provisioned electronically. These services should be available in a reliable and scalable way so that multiple consumers can use them either
1. Introduction: There is no doubt that monitoring your network infrastructure makes it easy for IT administrators to be aware of any network and problems as soon as it happened so the response will be at real time. Today, from the largest corporations, to the smallest single office shop, businesses need all of their network devices up and running mostly at 24x7x365. Even a brief outage with a printer, switch, or other network device can greatly impact an organizations business productivity. Most of business either pay a lot on implementing monitoring systems or ignore this aspect at all in order to reduce cost and efforts on such systems.
explicitly upon request or simply as and when required.[1]. 2.2 Cloud Types In order to better describe cloud computing, two cloud types have been defined: Deployment model: refers to the location and management of the cloud's infrastructure. For example, Private, Public and Hybrid cloud Service Model: consists of the particular types of services that you can access on a cloud computing platform. Such as, Services as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
2.3 UNDERSTANDING THE CLOUD ARCHITECTURE: The key to cloud computing is the cloud a massive network of servers or even individual PCs interconnected in a grid. These computers run in parallel, combining the resources of each to generate supercomputing-like power.[2] For better understanding of cloud architecture, it is helpful to divide it into two sections. See Fig. 1: - The front end. - The back end. Both sections are connected to each other over the internet. The front end is the part that end user sees, while the back end cloud section of the system. The cloud section of the system is a collection of computer, servers and data storages that create the cloud computing service and are publicly accessible via the Internet. This hardware is owned and operated by a third party on a consolidated basis in one or more data center locations. The machines can run any combination of operating systems; its the processing power of the machines that matter, not what their desktops look like. At the front end section, individual users connect to the cloud from their own personal computers or portable devices, over the Internet. To these individual users, the cloud is seen as a single application, device, or document. The hardware in the cloud (and the operating system that manages the hardware connections) is invisible.
3. Connecting to the Cloud: From clients sides (front end) There are different ways for clients to connect to the cloud, the most two common ways are: - Via a web browser. - A customized (proprietary) application that can be run on a server, PC or mobile. On the other hand Architectural standards that work with cloud computing and help to enable different business model that cloud computing vendors (back end) can support [3]: - Platform virtualization of resource. - Service oriented architecture (SOA) - Web-application frameworks. - Standardized Web Service. 4. Accessing Your Monitor Service in the Cloud: Web API is better to be defined at the beginning of this section. Web APIs, An application programming interface (API), is a set of programming instructions and standards for accessing a web-based program. Software companies release their APIs to the public so that other software developers can design products that are powered by its service [4]. See Fig 2
As it stated above in pervious section webapplication standard is one of standard that cloud computing industry is working with.
A web application framework is used to support the development of dynamic web sites, web applications, and web services. A web service, as defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network that may be accessed by other cloud computing components. Web services are often web APIs that can be accessed over a network, like the Internet, and executed on a remote system that hosts the requested services. Web services are a collection of standards including XML, the programming language that allows applications to communicate over the Internet. XML is a general-purpose markup language. It describes structured data in a way that both humans and computers can read and write. [4].The purpose of a Web service is to provide some functionality on behalf of its owner. Thus web services will be the core of our monitoring on the cloud service. With web services will be the method to communicate between the monitoring server on the cloud (back end) and clients IT infrastructure components (front end). 5. Monitor as a Service Benefits: In the following section, solutions that are provided by cloud computing to overcome regular IT monitoring systems problems will be stated. 5.1 Limited IT-budge issues: The main concept of cloud computing is pay-per-use.The advantage of usagedependent billing models for the application and for the company lies in the elasticity and in the fact that there is little risk of over provisioning and underutilization (too many resources are available and not used sufficiently) or of under provisioning and saturation (too few resources are available and peak loads cannot be accommodated). Elasticity refers to the capability of being able to add or remove resources with fine granularity within minutes (and not within weeks or even months) and thus to be able to better meet the real requirements of an application [1].
Using cloud computing will reduce the cost of buying expensive hardware that might be required to implement a new monitoring system. It is also reduce the cost of licenses, required training for IT staff to configure and implement monitoring system. With cloud computing the only thing required is to access providers web portal and specify the desire scope of services. A software client might be required to be installed on clients machines. 5.2 Managing heterogeneous environments issues: In todays business, in order to meet business needs IT infrastructure might include mix of components. The days were an organization can adopt single technology are almost over. Todays organizations IT infrastructure mixes different platforms. Using cloud computing will make it easier to overcome this issue. Organizations dont need to hire an expert or train their staff in each type of IT components. 5.3 Managing the growth of IT infrastructure As an organization grows, high demands of IT infrastructure grow as well. This required your monitoring system to be re-configured periodically. With could computing it is will be a way easier to keep tracking and monitoring this grows IT infrastructure. 5.4 You can access your monitoring system from anywhere and from any device with browser. This might seem like an obvious point, but if the back end of your system is inside of your firewall, you are going to need to either open a port to get to it, or use a remote access solution like Citrix XenApp/Desktop or Microsoft RDS to get to it. If you use MaaS as long as you have a browser that can get out to the public internet, you will have access to your monitoring system [4]. 5.5 Fast deployment Organizations IT monitoring system has to be up to date to meet the continuity deployment of IT infrastructure. Adopting cloud technology will make it easier to overcome this problem.
5.6 Quick Customization: The intuitive yet powerful features of cloud make it easy to adapt to the unique and fast changing, demands of your business. MaaS is easy to set up, but it is also much easier to maintain than an on premise solution. You do not have to either set up or maintain the application server, the database server or the storage required to support an onpremise solution. If you are an application developer and what you want to do is monitor your application and what you do not want to do is install an entire computer and storage system to monitor your application, MaaS can be an ideal solution. Furthermore, the entire maintenance of the back end of the system is done by the MaaS vendor. They manage the database. They size the servers. They manage and size the storage. They are responsible for keeping it running, and most importantly, they are responsible for upgrading it when new versions come out [4]. 6. Limitations of MaaS The security of your monitoring data, with a MaaS solution the data about your IT infrastructure components (their performance and reliability) will travel over the public Internet (encrypted of course), and be stored in someone elses database, and on someone elses disks. This data is therefore inherently more accessible by other people than it would be if you implemented your own monitoring solution and kept the data locked up in your own data center. If this is a concern then get the security policies and the admin policies that your MaaS vendor uses and assess them for robustness and compliance with your standards [4]. 7. Monitoring as a Service Vendors Below are examples of monitoring on the cloud service providers [5]: - Amazon CloudWatch Amazon offers CloudWatch, a Web service for monitoring Amazon Web Service cloud resources, starting with EC2 1. According to Amazons CloudWatch description page, the
tool enables customers to monitor EC2 instances and Elastic Load Balancers in realtime. Its Auto Scaling feature, which is free to CloudWatch customers, allows customers to dynamically add or remove EC2 instances based on CloudWatch metrics. CloudWatch is pay as you go, and priced according to the EC2 instances monitored. Amazon EC2s simple web service interface allows you to obtain and configure capacity with minimal friction. It provides you with complete control of your computing resources and lets you run on Amazons proven computing environment. LogicMonitor LogicMonitors SaaS-based cloud monitoring software uses the same automation features that are central to its physical datacenter monitoring tools. Administrators can drill down into detailed performance data from disk latency to network traffic to application-specific parameters, says the company. Central to LogicMonitors cloud monitoring is its Active Discovery engine, which provides ongoing discovery of newly added or deleted instances as they are provisioned, and automatically configures them for monitoring. Thousands of virtual devices can be added to monitoring without a need to maintain in-house monitoring servers, the company adds. LogicMonitor is available on a month-to-month subscription basis, which includes maintenance and support. Nimsoft Monitoring specialist Nimsoft says its Nimsoft Monitoring Solution (NMS) monitors all enterprise applications, whether theyre in the corporate data center, or on private or public clouds. All this can be monitored from a single Unified Monitoring dashboard. Nimsoft provides monitoring of both public and private clouds. In the public cloud, Nimsoft casts its eye over infrastructure as a service platforms, including Amazon and Rackspace; platform as a service, including Microsoft Azure and Google App Engine; and software as a service, including and NetSuite.
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers.
Business transaction monitoring. It monitors cloud services from Amazon, FlexiScale, GoGrid, Joyent, Nirvanix, and 3Tera. Zenoss Zenoss creators say they founded the company after managing the cloud-based services of a large telco application service provider and being frustrated with using a traditional big 4 monitoring tool that was failing. The management tool was too complex, un-integrated, too expensive, and too static to monitor the services required by the dynamic nature and scale of the business, Zenoss explains on its Web site. The company says its unlegacy tools were developed to monitor the new generation of dynamic clouds and data centers. Zenoss says it manages physical virtual and cloud devices, monitoring networks devices and relationships. Zenoss also automatically adjusts its monitoring as change occurs.
problems like cost, configuration and implementing issues. However, there are still some limitations for MaaS with security issues.
[1] Baun, Christian, Kunze, Marcel, Nimis, Jens, and Tai , Stefan, Cloud Computing, web-based dynamic IT services, 2nd ed., SpringerVerlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011 [2] Velte, Anthony T. , Velte , Toby J., Ph.D., Elsenpeter , Robert, Cloud computing a practical approach, 2010 [3] Sosinsky, Barrie, Cloud computing bible, 2011 [4] Harzog, Brend, On Premise vs. Monitoring as a Service Considerations and Tradeoffs, April 27, 2012 [5] Leung , Linda, Cloud Monitoring Services: A Resource Guide By, February 4th, 2010
8. What Monitoring as a Service providers are not offering? All above MaaS providers are providing monitoring service to their and their partners cloud service providers. However, the purpose of this paper is how to develop a web service that can be installed as an agent on a real physical server of the client so it can be monitored over the via a monitor server over the cloud. 9. Conclusion: Cloud Computing is a style of computing where IT-related capabilities are provided as a service. It is allowing users to access technology-enabled services from the internet, or cloud, without knowledge of, expertise with, or control over the technology infrastructure that supports them. Additionally Cloud Computing is a way to increase capacity or add capabilities on the IT infrastructure without investing in new in infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software. This paper aims to show how deploying an IT infrastructure monitoring system based on cloud will gain cloud benefits and solve a lot of such systems