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Dampeners (See Pulsation Dampeners) Desalination

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Dampeners (see Pulsation Dampeners)


How Desalination Works

There are many different techniques for desalination. Among the main ones are the
multistage flash (MSF) process and reverse osmosis. Countries that do not have an
abundance of fresh water are prime candidates for the use of this technology.
Quatars installations include the Ras Abu Fontas B power and desalination plant,
which cost $1 billion to build. Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a 60-
million-gal/day desalination plant at Jebel Ali. The plants eight MSF units are part
of a cogeneration power facility. The fresh water would have been at least as much
incentive in the Middle East as the increased total thermal efficiency. The
desalination equipment in both cases was supplied by Weir Westgarth (WW).
WW designed the MSF process. The principle of the system is simple: Water and
steam in a closed system can be made to boil at temperatures lower than at
standard temperature and pressure by reduction of the system pressure. MSF
plants contain a series of closed chambersas many as 20each held at a lower
pressure than the preceding one.
Heated salt water is passed through the overall system. Some of the salt water
in each chamber vaporizes into steam. Moisture droplet separators remove salt
water droplets. The steam condenses to fresh water when faced with cold tubes and
is collected for storage. The last chambers brine is quite cool, and it is, in fact, used
as the coolant fluid. Then it starts to pick up the latent heat of condensation and
increases in temperature. Only a small amount of additional heat is required to
prepare this steam for entry into the first flash chamber. One source of this steam
is low-pressure steam from a power station.
The key to the reverse osmosis (RO) process is a suitable semipermeable
membrane. Improvements in membrane technology now mean that the process can
apply to industrial-scale plants. Common contemporary membrane selections are
made of cellulose-based polymer or a polyamide layer applied to a microporous
polymer film. This membrane is bonded to a porous polyester sheet for structural
stiffness. This composite is rolled into a spiral. Spun hollow fine fibers are the
finished product. The semipermeable layer is on the outside of the fibers. The total
thickness of the composite is about 24 mm. The outside diameter of the tube is about
95 mm, making for a large surface area for rejecting salt. The fibers are made into
bundles that are sealed with epoxy in a fiberglass pressure container.

The Global Drive for Desalination

The motivation level for incorporating desalination plants into plant infrastructure
varies. The Middle East has fuel resources in abundancenatural gas, clean oil,
and residual oiland technology available that will help it burn each of these
options with acceptable efficiency. Desalination technology also helps the Middle
East achieve its major operational objective, which is to extend the time between
overhauls (TBOs) and therefore parts life [as defined by life-cycle analysis (LCA)],

D-2 Dialysis; Electrodialysis

over the previous generation of power-producing machinery operated. Saving fuel

for its own sake is not as critical to this market as it is to areas that do not have
natural gas and oil in abundance. However, the Middle East has another reason for
caring about efficiencyother than TBOs and LCAthat has emerged in the last
decade: desalination. The Middle East is very short of fresh water.
The main forces behind the optimized commercialization of desalination
technology are ironies in light of conditions in the Middle East. Concern regarding
seawater contamination of freshwater aquifers in more freshwater-rich countries
was one. (Sea water takes the place of fresh water as the aquifer pressure drops
with water extraction.) The need to give nuclear energy a better image (by using
its waste heat to produce fresh water) was another.
With respect to the first concern: desalination alleviates use of underground
freshwater aquifers, which then reduces the risk of sea water seeping in to make
up the balance of fresh water pumped out of the ground. Japan is gas and oil poor.
A major user of nuclear power, it has been instrumental in promoting the use of
desalination processes in conjunction with its nuclear facilities. The water is
produced only in enough quantities to be used by the plants themselves. However,
the Nuclear Power Technology Development section of the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) has been seeking to promote large-scale desalination in
conjunction with nuclear power production since 1989. The IAEA no doubt hopes
that a freshwater supply would overcome the general publics reluctance to be
situated close to a nuclear station. Water rises in cost if it has to be transported
Interestingly, despite the IAEA agreeing that MSF is promising, they are not
contemplating using it for any large-scale attempts at freshwater production
because of its inflexibility at partial load operation. MSFs tendency to corrosion
and scaling versus other desalination techniques is also a factor.

Material Metallurgical Selections

The amount of sea water handled for a given membrane selection and seawater
temperature varies directly with the applied pressure. Gulf sea water typically
contains 19,000 ppm of salt. Typical temperature gradients are 20 to 30C. Metallic
corrosion at 30C is 4 times what it would be at 20C (double the rate of corrosion
for each 5C rise in temperature). This then requires corrosion-resistant alloy
selections for the pumps.
In a design for a 25-year pump life for a Danish nuclear plant, Alfa Laval used
copper nickel alloys in the evaporator and titanium for the heat-transfer tubing.
Desalinated water requires fewer chemical additives for water treatment. This is
an advantage in terms of overall system cost.

Dialysis; Electrodialysis

Dialysis or electrodialysis is a specialized chemical process to separate components

using differences in diffusion rates through membranes. A difference in
concentrations drives the flow of the components in question. This process is used
in chemical purification systems.

Distillation; Fractional Distillation (see also Towers and Columns)

Distillation is the evaporation and subsequent collection of a liquid that is a

component in a mixture. Fractional distillation is the evaporation of two or more
Drives D-3

liquids from a parent mixture by using the differences in their boiling points.
Both processes may be used for purification or separation. A typical example of
distillation is extracting pure solvent (such as water) from a mixture of solute and
solvent (such as brine).
A typical example of fractional distillation is in the separation of various
hydrocarbons, for instance, butane, pentane from a hydrocarbon mixture that
results from some process in the overall refining process. In this example, a refinery
fractional distillation apparatus is commonly termed a fractional distillation
column or a fractionating column and can be several hundred feet high, depending
on the refinery throughput. This column then consists basically of an outer shell,
several metallic trays arranged through the columns height to enable the drawing
off of various liquids. Pumps and pipes inside and outside the column conduct the
fluid in required directions. Pressure and temperature in the column is controlled
to the most suitable values for the process in question. Degrees of vacuum are used
to accelerate separation rates.
A vessel of this nature is custom designed, generally by the design contractor for
the overall plant. Besides all the relevant physical property tables, designers will
use past experience to a considerable extent to determine the final parameters and
dimensions for the column. In prototype applications some estimation or guesswork
is unavoidable, which may have consequences not necessarily within the column
itself, but with higher-precision elements of the process downstream. For example,
a fractionating column-handling process oil in an oil sands plant had various
molecular weights of hydrocarbon taken off at various points along its length. Based
on flash point, one of these streams was designated as the source supply for the
purged seal oil system in the plant. That stream contained more colloidal coke than
was expected, making it unsuitable for the application. The problem was solved by
taking the required supply from higher up the column (a lighter end of lower
molecular weight).

Diverter; Diverter Damper; Diverter Valve; Flapper Valve

Diverter commonly describes a flat-plate-type valve hinged at one end that is moved
to divert flow from one stack or passage to the other. There is normally no
appreciable degree of speed or mobility attached to this type of device, as there
might be with a butterfly valve in a control system. In a 150,000-barrel/day refinery,
for instance, a flapper valve or flapper diverter valve can be made of concrete and
weigh up to 5 tons. The absolute closure of the closure seal may not be critical, and
the allowable gap between the flapper surface and the mating flange it sits on may
be as large as 0.010 in.


A doctor is a paper industry device. It is used to lead the paper sheet and keep the
paper roll(s) clean.

Drives (see also Power Transmission; Turbines)

Drives is the term given to power-transmission equipment. The simplest form

of power transmission is a belt drive. A belt drive can have a flat, V-belt, ribbed
belt, or toothed belt design. These drives are common in applications such as
conveyors. Conveyor manufacturers should be consulted for their catalogues on
power-transmission capability.
D-4 Drum; Knock-Out Drum; Knock-Out Vessel

In modern process industry, drive equipment might be classified as power-

transmission equipment.

Drum; Knock-Out Drum; Knock-Out Vessel (see Separators)


These are many types of drying media and methods. A variety of methods to
produce heat for drying (ovens) or air for drying (fans) or moisture absorption
chemical (desiccant) are used and generally customized for a specific application.
There are fluid-bed dryers, where solid particulates disperse heat to a gas.
Sophistication may be added by using different stages for the dryer with dust
collection (cyclone separators or otherwise) at each phase. In a pneumatic conveying
system, an agitator supplied with warm air can be used to accelerate drying. With
vacuum dryers, moisture removal is completed below atmospheric pressure. Drying
temperatures, however, may vary considerably. Vacuum drying is particularly
popular in pharmaceutical manufacturing, electronics, metallurgical, and food
industries. See Some Commonly Used Specifications, Codes, Standards, and Texts.

Drying Equipment; Driers

The simplest kind of drying is open-air drying. From there, we can progress to
fans, heaters, hot-air blowers, ovens, conveyor and oven systems, heat-exchanger
provided heat, and a variety of other options, too numerous to concentrate on
extensively in this book.

Drying, Freeze*
Freeze drying is sometimes what is meant by the term drying in the process
engineers terms. The following information is based on the solvent Tebol 99. It
indicates what freeze drying is and the properties sought and the performance
parameters measured in a typical freeze-drying agent.
Freeze drying or lyophilization is a process that removes a solvent, typically
water, from a frozen solution by sublimation. Studies in the 1930s and 1940s were
done on blood serum and foods. More recently, research has focused on using freeze
drying for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and chemicals. An increasing number of
parenteral products have been prepared by freeze-drying techniques. The method
reduces particulate contamination, improves product quality and stability, and
enhances the dissolution rate on reconstitution.
The pharmaceutical industry takes advantage of the freeze-drying process to
maintain the activity and viability of various delicate biological materials. These
materials include antibiotics, peptides, proteins, vaccines, and microbial cells.
While freeze drying with water has proven useful, it has several inherent
 Uneven moisture distribution in the freeze-dried product
 Uneven stability or unpredictability of the final product
 Useless for water-insoluble or hydrolyzable products
 High energy costs
 Long process cycles

* Source: ARCO Chemical, USA.

Drying D-5

Perhaps most important, freeze drying with water is restricted to those materials
that are soluble and stable in a water system.
Much attention has been devoted to optimizing freeze-drying cycles. Recent
studies have shown that addition of tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) can markedly
improve the freeze-drying process.
TBA as a processing aid:
 Helps dissolve products that are difficult to dissolve in water
 Gives a product with a high specific surface area
 Accelerates the drying process by reducing dried product resistance
 Prevents the product from reaching the collapse temperature
 Produces a pharmaceutically elegant product that can be reconsitituted easily

Typical physical properties related to freeze drying (see Table D-1)

TBA-water phase diagram. Figure D-1 shows the phase diagram for the TBA/water
system developed by Kasraian and DeLuca. Water and TBA form a TBA hydrate.
This complex phase diagram essentially consists of two simple eutectic phase
diagrams placed side by side. The left side represents the eutectic phase diagram
for waterTBA hydrate; the right side represents that of TBA hydrateTBA. The
maximum at 70 percent TBA corresponds to the melting of the pure TBA hydrate.
The TBA-water system has two eutectic compositions, one at 20 percent TBA
(eutectic A) and the other at 90 percent TBA (eutectic B). For the purpose of
accelerating the freeze-drying process, only 510 percent of TBA is needed. In the
510 percent TBA concentration range, TBA and water form a eutectic mixture
that has a melting point of -5 C. Therefore, during freeze drying the product
temperature should be kept below -5 C.

Rates of sublimation of TBA/water solution. The relative rates of sublimation for each
component depend on its concentration. Figure D-2 compares sublimation rates by
plotting the molar ratio of TBA remaining to water remaining versus time. During
the sublimation of a 20 percent TBA solution, the TBA/water ratio remains
constant, which shows that both sublime at the same rate. Higher TBA
concentration solutions have negative slopes, indicating that TBA is subliming
faster than ice. Lower TBA concentration solutions show that ice was subliming
faster than TBA. Figures D-3 and D-4 show appropriate clothing for operator
handling of this product.

TABLE D-1 Typical Properties

1. Flash point (tag closed cup), C (F) 11 (52)

2. Vapor pressure at 26 C (mmHg) 46
3. Density (lb/gal at 26 C) 6.5
4. Viscosity (cps) at 30 C 3.3
5. Surface tension (dynes/cm) at 25 C 19.6
6. Refractive index at 25 C 1.38
7. Solubility parameter at 26 C
Hansen D 7.2
Hansen P 2.6
Hansen H 7.1
Total Hansen 10.4
8. Solubility, in H2O at 26 C Complete
D-6 Drying

FIG. D-1 Phase diagram for TBA-water system. (l.s. = liq. state.) (Kasraian, K., DeLuca, P.,
Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1995; permitted by the Plenum Publishing Corporation.)

Frozen TBA-water mixtures. Research using freeze-drying microscopy has shown

that TBA affects the crystal habit of ice and therefore the sublimation rate. Adding
319 percent TBA resulted in the formation of large needle-shaped ice crystal
patterns that can facilitate sublimation. Once these crystals sublime, they leave
behind a more porous and lower resistance dry matrix than water alone. Drying
can take place more effectively through this matrix. Figure D-5 shows frozen TBA-
water mixtures with TBA concentrations varying from 0 to 70 percent w/w. As TBA
concentrations increase, the crystal patterns become more ordered and needle-

Porous resistance of the dry product layer. Research has shown that adding 5% w/v
TBA into a 5 percent w/v sucrose solution considerably shortens the primary drying
stage by lowering the resistance of the dried cake. Figure D-6 shows that the frozen
solution without TBA initially had a high resistance, approximately 60 cm2 torr
hr/gm, due to the formation of a skin. Once the skin cracked, the resistance
improved to 10 cm2 torr hr/gm. The solution containing TBA had a resistance of
0.53 cm2 torr hr/gm. Figure D-7 shows the result. Without TBA, the sucrose solution
dried in 100 hours. Adding 5 percent w/v TBA lowered the drying time to 10 hours.
Drying D-7

FIG. D-2 Ratio of TBA to water as a function of time for 10%, 20%, 44%, and 80% TBA solutions.
(Source: Kasraian, K., DeLuca, P., Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1995; permitted by the
Plenum Publishing Corporation.)

FIG. D-3 Suitable clothing for operator handling. (Source: ARCO Chemical.)
D-8 Drying

FIG. D-4 Suitable clothing for operator handling. (Source: ARCO Chemical.)

TBA as mass transfer accelerator. Beecham Pharmaceuticals has extensively studied
the effect of organic solvents, especially TBA, on freeze-drying efficiency and
product properties. (See Figs. D-8 and D-9.)
The use of TBA for freeze drying the common antibiotic gentamicin, in the
presence of maltose, has been reported. Adding TBA reduced the drying time from
39 hours to 28 hours and maintained the porous structure of the product.

TBA in biopharmaceuticals. The industry uses sugar and other polyhydroxy

compounds as stabilizers for proteins and biological materials in their formulations.
Sugars are added to solutions for freeze drying to protect certain protein compounds
from freeze, freeze-thaw, and freeze-drying damage. However, freeze-drying cycles
of such solutions are excessively long because sugar solutions collapse at very
low temperatures. Consequently, low shelf temperatures must be maintained
throughout the drying stage.
The effect of adding 5 percent cosolvent on the freeze drying of sucrose and lactose
has been extensively studied. Table D-2 compares the freeze-drying performance of
organic solvents with water. All solutions, except the TBA ones, failed to freeze dry.
The solvent systems without TBA experienced severe bubbling of the cosolvents
followed by collapse during the drying phase. Solutions containing TBA resulted in
complete drying and yielded good cakes.
The freeze-drying behavior of sugar solutions at various temperatures has been
researched. It was shown that adding 510 percent w/v TBA increased the drying
rate by 3 times (Table D-3). In addition, only the TBA-containing solutions survived
at a 30C shelf temperature.
The effects of using TBA on the properties of the dried sucrose (Table D-4) has
been compared. Data indicate that the cake dried from the TBA solution was very
porous. The hypothesis is that the porous nature causes reduced resistance to water
vapor transfer during sublimation and subsequently gives faster drying rates.
Figures D-10 and D-11 provide scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and
photographs of sucrose solutions during freeze drying without and with TBA.
Collapse occurs in the samples without TBA. Therefore TBA appears to either
Drying D-9

FIG. D-5 Polaroid photographs of frozen TBA-water mixtures with different concentrations of TBA: (a) frozen deionized
water, (b) 10% w/w TBA aqueous solution, (c) 50% w/w TBA aqueous solution, (d) 70% w/w TBA aqueous solution. (Source:
Kasraian, K., DeLuca, P., Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1995; permitted by the Plenum Publishing Corporation.)
D-10 Drying

FIG. D-6 Normalized dried product resistance versus thickness of dried product: (a) 5% w/v
sucrose freeze dried in a microbalance at a temperature of -35 C, (b) 5% w/v sucrose containing
5% w/v TBA freeze dried in a microbalance at -35 C. (Source: Kastaian, K., DeLuca, P.,
Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1995; permitted by the Plenum Publishing Corporation.)
Drying D-11

FIG. D-7 Mass loss of water from: (a) 5% w/v sucrose solution, (b) 5% w/v sucrose solution containing 5% w/v TBA. Drying
temperature -35 C in the microbalance. (Source: Kasraian, K., DeLuca, P., Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1995;
permitted by the Plenum Publishing Corporation.)
D-12 Drying

FIG. D-8 A vacuum dryer. (Source: Stokes Vacuum Inc.)

elevate the collapse temperature or prevent the frozen product from reaching the
collapse temperature due to faster rate of sublimation.
AKZO Pharma Division of Organon International B.V. also reported how TBA
concentrations affect the stability of freeze-dried sucrose formulations. Adding 5
percent TBA to a 180 mg/ml sucrose solution resulted in a pharmaceutically
acceptable, stable freeze-dried cake with no collapse. Therefore, while TBA addition
did not change the collapse temperature of the sucrose solution, it increased the
rate of sublimation. The increase thereby prevented the product from ever rising
to the collapse temperature.
Drying D-13

FIG. D-9 A vacuum dryer. (Source: Stokes Vacuum Inc.)

TABLE D-2 Effects of Solvent on Freeze-Drying Sugar


System Temperature () Remarks

Sucrose alone 0 Collapse

Sucrose + methanol 0 Boiling of solvent, collapse
Sucrose + ethanol 0 Boiling of solvent, collapse
Sucrose + isopropanol 0 Boiling of solvent, collapse
Sucrose + acetone 0 Boiling of solvent, collapse
Sucrose + n-butanol 0 Boiling of solvent, collapse
Sucrose + dioxane 0 Boiling of solvent, collapse
Sucrose + TBA 30, 45 Good
Lactose alone 0 Collapse
Lactose + methanol 0 Boiling of solvent, collapse
Lactose + ethanol 0 Boiling of solvent, collapse
Lactose + isopropanol 0 Boiling of solvent, collapse
Lactose + acetone 0 Boiling of solvent, collapse
Lactose + n-butanol 0 Boiling of solvent, collapse
Lactose + dioxane 0 Boiling of solvent, collapse
Lactose + TBA 30, 45 Good

Taken from DeLuca, P. P., Kamat, M. S., Koida, Y. Congr. Int. Technol.
Pharm., 5th, 1989, 1, 439, permitted by the publisher, Rue J.-B. Clement.

TBA in freeze drying of lipids and liposomes. Use of liposomal formulations is rapidly
gaining popularity in pharmaceutical research and development. Liposomes are
increasingly serving as carriers for antigens and/or drugs for different routes of
administration. The physical stability of the liposomes during long-term storage
has been a matter of intense investigation for some time. To ensure its therapeutic
properties, a liposomal dosage form must be stable with respect to its drug-carrier
characteristics. While several approaches can stabilize liposomes, lyophilization is
one of the best available methods to extend shelf-life.
D-14 Drying

TABLE D-3 Observations during Freeze-Drying Sugar Solutions (10% w/w)

Freezing Collapse Shelf Product Drying

Pattern Temperature, C Temperature, C Temperature, C Rate, g/hr

Sucrose alone Spontaneous -28 -30 -31 0.21

Sucrose + 5% TBA Slow, needles -21 +30 -28 0.60
Sucrose + 10% TBA Slow, needles -20 +30 -30 0.67
Lactose alone Spontaneous -23 -15 -27 0.19
Lactose + 5% TBA Slow, needles -22 +30 -26 0.70
Lactose + 10% TBA Slow, needles -21 +30 -27 0.79

Taken from DeLuca, P. P., Kamat, M. S., Koida, Y. Congr. Int. Technol. Pharm., 5th, 1989, 1, 439, permitted
by the publisher, Rue J.-B. Clement.

TABLE D-4 Effects of TBA on Properties of Dried Sucrose

Without TBA With TBA

Initial drying Slow Fast

Texture Coarse Smooth, soft
Particle shape Irregular Irregular
SEM Plate-like Plates but porous
Polarized light Non-birefringent Partial birefringence
Crystallinity Amorphous Partial crystallinity
Residual moisture 12% 12%
Surface area 0.9 m2/g 1% TBA = 1.13 m2/g
5% TBA = 2.25 m2/g
10% TBA = 2.80 m2/g
Residual TBA <0.2%
Total drying time 40 hr 22 hr

Taken from DeLuca, P. P., Kamat, M. S., Koida, Y. Congr. Int. Technol.
Pharm., 5th, 1989, 1, 439, permitted by the publisher, Rue J.-B. Clement.

Because water is an essential component of the liposomal bilayer structure,

freezing can promote damage due to dehydration. Use of cryoprotectants and control
of the freezing rate that can minimize the formation of large ice crystals are of
utmost importance. To achieve stability, the quality of phospholipids and the
production process must be reproducible.
Research has shown that lipid solubility is four to five times greater in TBA
than in other organic solvents such as ethanol. Therefore, more researchers are
considering TBA as a lyophilization solvent for dissolution of lipids.
Ciba-Geigy Ltd., reported using TBA and N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP) as water
miscible organic solvents in large-scale production of liposomes. TBA was selected
to dissolve the phospholipids and NMP to dissolve the dye, zinc phthalocyanine.
This organic phase was mixed with an excess of a water phase to yield reproducible
unilamellar liposomes with a mean size of 50150 nm. The liposomes were then
sterile filtered and freeze dried in a mixture of lactose and phospholipid. Three
batches were tested for particle size, monomeric ZnPc, residual organic solvent,
and moisture content in the lyophilized samples. Particle size was comparable after
every manufacturing step with all three batches. The fraction of monomeric ZnPc
was 100 percent in all three batches after every manufacturing step. Also, the
removal of organic solvent and moisture content were reproducible.
Shionogi & Co., Ltd., reported a process for manufacturing a crystalline,
lyophilized formulation of fosfomycin sodium (FOS) using aqueous TBA. FOS has
an extremely high affinity with water, and the eutectic point is below -40 C. An
aqueous solution of FOS cannot be frozen at the temperatures obtained in common


FIG. D-10 (a) Polaroid photographs of sucrose during freeze drying without TBA. Region I: dried
material. Region II: collapse. Region III: frozen matrix. (b) SEM of freeze-dried sucrose (10% w/v).
(Source: Kasraian, K., DeLuca, P., Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1995; permitted by the
Plenum Publishing Corporation.)



FIG. D-11 (a) Polaroid photographs of sucrose during freeze drying in the presence of TBA. (b)
SEM of sucrose (10% w/v) freeze dried with TBA. (Source: Kasraian, K., DeLuca, P., Pharmaceutical
Research, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1995; permitted by the Plenum Publishing Corporation.)

Drying D-17

freeze-drying devices. Moreover, the sample immediately melts during primary

drying. For these reasons, no such formulations are presently available. Shionogi
& Co., Ltd., developed a simple manufacturing method that produces a stable
product with a long shelf-life. They have obtained the target formulations by
dissolving FOS in aqueous TBA and then freeze drying. The TBA allows FOS to be
freeze-dried at a temperature far higher than the original eutectic point. Therefore,
ordinary freeze-drying equipment and operation can be used.
Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., reported a method for preparing a lyophilized
formulation of a liposoluble platinum (II) complex. Liposoluble platinum (II) is
virtually insoluble in water, but very soluble in TBA. Therefore, researchers dissolved
the liposoluble complex in TBA and then lyophilized it for use as an anticancer drug.
Analysis revealed that the resulting TBA content was no more than 0.05 wt%.
Many more patents and publications describe the use of TBA for dissolving
liposomes. Geo-Centers, Inc., has patented a process for fabricating lipid
microstructures using TBA where the dissolved lipid grows into tubular
microstructures. Mehta et al. reported using TBA to lyophilize antifungal polyene
macrolide-containing liposomes.

Freeze drying of water unstable drugs. The Upjohn Company reported a process
to manufacture a stable, lyophilized formulation of prostaglandin E1 (PGE-1) for
use in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Lyophilization of a buffered lactose
formulation of PGE-1 from a TBA/water mixture provides superior product stability
than when freeze drying from a 100 percent aqueous system. The level of TBA that
afforded the product maximum stability appeared to be when the TBA amount
ranged from 1725 percent (v/v). The unique kinetics of the degradation pathway
of PGE-1 indicates that it is imperative to keep PGE-1 molecules as far apart as
possible in order to minimize the interaction of two PGE-1 molecules. TBA is most
likely enabling the PGE-1 molecules to be kept further apart during the freezing
and lyophilization phases of manufacture.
Bristol-Myers Company has reported on the use of TBA as a solvent for the
in-vial deposition of 7 (dimethylaminomethylene) amino-9a-methoxymitosane in
sterile unit dosage form. This compound is not stable in water. It is introduced into
a sterile vial in a TBA solution. Then the TBA is removed by lyophilization. The
deposited material contains up to 0.5 mole equivalent of TBA as a hemi-solvate and
is very stable to heat.

Miscellaneous applications. United States Surgical Corporation patented a process

for preparing foamed, bioabsorbable polymer particles by freeze drying. The
particles are useful in medical diagnostic procedures such as mammography and
in the repair of damaged or defective bone. The use of TBA or other organic solvents
enables the manufacturing process to achieve low processing temperatures that
allow medicinals, drugs, growth factors, radiopaque substances, and other additives
to be incorporated into the foamed polymer. These additives cannot tolerate high
processing temperatures. The bioabsorbable polymer particles serve as excellent
vehicles for the delivery of drugs, growth factors, and other biologically active
substances to surrounding bone or tissue.
Sterling Drug Inc. patented TBA as a drug dispersion medium for surface
modified drug nanoparticles. They claim the use of TBA as a dispersion medium
for pharmaceutical drugs having a water solubility of less than 10 mg/mL. The
excellent dispersion provides pharmaceutical compositions with unexpectedly high
DeLuca reported that a macromonomer solution with TBA was easier to sterilize
by filtration and fill since it was free of foaming compared to the water solution.
D-18 Ducting; Ducting and Joints

FIG. D-12 Temperature-time profile for freeze-drying cycle of macromonomer. (Source: P. DeLuca,
PharmTech Conference Proceeding, 1994, p. 375. Copyright by Advanstar Communications, Inc.)

Figure D-12 illustrates the temperature profile for the samples and the water
content at various stages of drying. During the primary drying stage, the TBA
solution remained at a lower temperature showing faster drying and the
temperature increased after 13 hours showing evidence for lower water content.
After 17.5 hours of cycle time, the TBA solution sample reached 1 C while the water
sample remained at 4 C. The freeze-dried material with TBA showed very low
moisture content (0.12 percent) compared to the material freeze dried in water that
showed 0.22 percent moisture. The residual TBA was 65 ppm.
Schott Glaswerke has a patent on using TBA to prepare a high purity glass
powder with a mean particle size of less than 10 mm. Glass powders having a
particle size up to 300 mm are ground to the desired particle size in the presence of
a grinding liquid comprising water and TBA. The slurry is then frozen, and the
solvent is subsequently removed from the frozen slurry by freeze drying. The
resultant glass powder is particularly suitable as a filler for synthetic resins in the
dental sector.

Ducting; Ducting and Joints (see also Expansion Joints)

Ducting, such as that provided with another major accessorya gas turbine intake
filter system, for examplemay be provided by the vendor of the major accessory.
If it refers to the gas passageway from the exhaust end of a gas turbine to an HRSG
(see Cogeneration), the entire package is likely to be provided by the gas turbine
vendor. At any rate, ducting of major consequence is generally custom designed for
a plant. If well designed in terms of supports and seals and if not subject
to fluctuating temperatures, it could well remain a low-maintenance item through
the life of a plant. Expansion joints, however, are often subjected to fluctuating

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