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GBCN LFTR N D S: Background

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In many parts of the world, potable water is in short supply. Development is constrained by the
lack of water in many areas as depicted in Figure 1 below.
Nuclear energy is already being used for desalination, and has the potential for much greater use.
In addition, nuclear desalination is generally very cost-competitive with using fossil fuels.
About one fifth of the world's population does not have access to safe drinking water; this
proportion will increase due to population growth relative to water resources. The most-affected
areas are the arid and semiarid regions of Asia and North Africa. Wars over access to water, not
simply energy and mineral resources, are conceivable.

Figure 1. – Projection 2025

Fresh water is one of sustainable development’s highest priorities. Where it cannot be obtained
from streams and aquifers, desalination of seawater or mineralized groundwater is essential.
An IAEA study in 2006 provided evidence that 2.3 billion people live in water-stressed areas, 1.7
billion of them having access to less than 1000 m3 of potable water per year. With population
growth, these figures will increase substantially. Further demand in the longer term will come
from the need to make hydrogen from water, along with the need for increased agricultural
activity to feed the new population.

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Most desalination facilities today use fossil fuels. Total world capacity is approaching 40 million
m³/day of potable water, in some 15,000 plants. Most of these are in the Middle East and North
Africa, using distillation processes. The largest plant produces 454,000 m³/day. Two thirds of the
world capacity is processing seawater, and one third uses brackish artesian water.
The major technology in use and being built today is reverse osmosis (RO) driven by electric
pumps which pressurise water and force it through a membrane against its osmotic pressure (For
a seawater osmotic pressure of 27 bar the minimal energy that must be
overcome by RO is about 0.75 kW hour per cubic meter and it varies
according to the water salinity.)
A thermal process, multi-stage flash (MSF) distillation using steam, was earlier prominent and
it is capable of using waste heat from power plants. With brackish water, RO is much more cost-
effective, though MSF gives purer water than RO. A minority of plants use multi-effect
distillation (MED) or multi-effect vapor compression (MVC) or a combination of these. MSF-
RO hybrid plants exploit the best features of each technology for different quality products.
Desalination is energy-intensive.
Reverse Osmosis needs up to 6 kWh of electricity per cubic meter of water (depending on its
original salt content), hence 4 MWe (megawatt electrical) will produce about 16,000 to 24,000
m3 per day from seawater. MSF and MED require heat at 70-130°C and use 25-200 kWh/m³
(mostly heat plus a small amount of electricity), though a newer version of MED (MED-MVC) is
reported at 10 kWh per cubic meter of water and is competitive with RO.
A variety of low-temperature and waste heat sources may be used, including solar energy, so the
above kilowatt-hour figures are not properly comparable. For brackish water and reclamation of
municipal wastewater RO requires only about 1 kWh/m3. The choice of process generally
depends on the relative economic values of fresh water and particular fuels, and whether
cogeneration is a possibility. (, 2010).
It is widely considered that there is a large potential for medium-capacity (50,000 – 100,000
m3/day) fixed / transportable desalination plants coupled to nuclear plants.
For example, in the North African IAEA nuclear desalination feasibility study, Small Modular
Reactors (SMRs) have been indicated as the most suitable size for the majority of nuclear
desalination applications. The feasibility of integrated nuclear desalination plants has been
proven with over 150 reactor years of experience, chiefly in Kazakhstan, India and Japan. Large-
scale deployment of solid-uranium-fueled nuclear reactor desalination on a commercial basis
will depend primarily on economic factors. Indicative costs are US$ 70-90 cents per cubic meter
of water, much the same as fossil-fuelled plants in the same areas. (2010.)

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Hybrid desalination systems integrating both thermal and membrane desalination processes and
then combined with power generation systems are considered the best economic alternative.

Figure 2. – Steam Electricity

Hybrid (membrane/thermal/power) configurations are characterized by flexibility in operation,
less specific energy consumption, low construction cost, high plant availability, better overall
water quality, and better power and water matching. (IAEA GC, 1995.)
MSF (Multiple Stage Flash), the technology that has traditionally dominated continues to lose
its share to RO (Reverse Osmosis) and MED (Multi-effect Distillation). This is due to the
improvement of membrane technologies and the advantages of steady cost reductions and gains
in efficiency.
Design Challenges
An energy and water plant is designed to answer a specific demand requirement that varies
between winter and summer at that plant’s location. In South Africa summer electricity demand
is much higher than winter demand, due to the air conditioning requirements, while water
demand is almost stable all year long.
The plant designer will estimate what is the minimum heat flux permanently available at the
outlet of the power system. Our desalination strategy will be closely coupled to the Small
Modular Reactor – Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor (LFTR). In the LFTR’s case 700 degrees
Celsius of heat will be permanently available. The designer will then specify a thermal
desalination plant (MED / MSF) that can meet the water demand with this minimum heat flux. If
water demand is too big to be met with this thermal plant alone, he will then complete the water
plan with a reverse osmosis (RO) system and the result will be a hybrid desalination plant.
This basic principle gives a good guideline of how to decide on the desalination architectural
Complex calculations must be made to determine the power and water production costs resulting
from each technical combination in order to fine-tune the economical optimization.
MED thermal desalination is the right solution because it has an inconsequential electrical
consumption (1.5 Kwh per cubic meter, whereas MSF uses about 3 kWh per cubic meter MORE
electrical consumption than does MED) and it is more flexible operationally than MSF. MED

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can be equipped with thermo-compressors (MED-TVC) that will adapt their efficiency to the
quality of the heat recovered from the LFTR, thus boosting the plant’s overall economy.
After taking into account its lower operating power costs, the MED’s reliability is the
determining factor, thus winning the battle of both OpEx and CapEx.
For example, an 800,000 cubic meter per day Saudi Arabian plant would require an additional
power generation capacity of 100 MW if an MSF solution had been selected INSTEAD of the
actual MED solution that was used. (1995.)
MED implementations can be improved by increasing the Top Brine Temperature (TBT) from 63
degrees C to 80 to 100 degrees C using nanofiltration techniques. MED efficiencies can also be
raised by improving the heat transfer coefficient (HTC) using oval and corrugated plates.
Furthermore, the hybridization with RO and Nanofiltration (NF) will have a favorable reduction
on water costs as well – the integrated distillate and membrane permeate solution will reduce
requirements on Boron removal by RO, and the RO and NF membrane life can be extended to
last up to 12 years with this process combination.
The combination of RO and MED technologies in a hybridized desalination facility provides
several important advantages: (Hamed, ND)
 Operational flexibility for seasonal water and energy demands – two alternative methodologies
enable solutions for water – power mismatches
 The combination provides for higher RO product recovery
 Using LFTR’s waste heat to pre-heat the seawater feed to RO’s effects reduces water cost up to
 Using a common seawater intake for both RO and MED with resulting lower capacity
 Using a single stage versus a two stage RO operation saves over 45% of total energy consumption
 Hybridization lowers RO’s chemical consumption and membrane replacement rate
 Gas based head and electrical power from the LFTR can be used to power both RO and MED
 Hybrid RO + MED plants produce cheaper water than thermal desalination-only plants
 Product cost comparison for typical desalination plants:
o RO - $0.50 to $0.80 per cubic meter
o MED - $0.75 to $0.85 per cubic meter
o MSF - $1.10 to $1.25 per cubic meter
Using water heated by a nuclear reactor to drive Rankine steam turbines and subsequently
desalination facilities is problematic: (Ejjeh & Awerbuch, 2009)
 Tritium generated as a by-product of nuclear fission is deposited in the molten salt, and additional
tritium is produced by neutron irradiation of the fuel salt. This tritium can diffuse through high-
temperature heat exchangers into the steam cycle – resulting in water contaminated with tritium that
presents a high exposure risk for workers as well as a stubborn waste management problem to solve.
 To obtain good salt physical properties for operations, the SMR-LFTR must operate around 650 –
700 degrees Celsius. At low temperatures, the salt freezes. At higher temperatures preferred by the

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LFTR system steam is highly corrosive. The resulting steam cycle developed for the LFTR is
workable, but complex and the heat-to-electricity efficiency was less than expected for a reactor with
coolant exit temperatures in excess of 700 degrees Celsius. (33%) High temperature heat was not
efficiently utilized.
 Salts also react with steam very slowly.
By using a closed gas Brayton power cycle turbine, the LFTR by-passes all of these issues. With
the LFTR powering a Brayton cycle (2009) --
 Tritium is easily removed from the helium-based closed Brayton cycle in the cold parts of the
 The 650 to 700 degree Celsius optimal operating temperatures of the LFTR match the
temperatures that optimize operation of the Helium Brayton cycles.
 No chemical reactions occur between Helium and molten salts.
 The development of compact heat exchangers enabled reduction of the LFTR’s total fuel salt
inventory to 60% or less than those of traditional molten salt reactors that relied upon Rankine steam
turbines. The heat exchanger volume shrinks 5-fold, or more – making possible major improvements
in reduced plant footprint. (2009)

Figure 3. – Size Matters (2009)

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This previous Figure 3 above compares the size of a high-temperature helium Brayton cycle
(900°C turbine inlet temperature, 1300 MW(e) output) to a 1380 MW(e) steam Rankine cycle of
a modern light water reactor. The Brayton system is clearly more compact, thus providing
potential for major reductions in the turbine building volume and power conversion system
capital cost for high-temperature MSRs. The much smaller size is primarily a consequence of
two factors: (1) higher efficiency that reduces the size of heat rejection equipment as well as the
size of many other components and (2) much higher power densities that are a consequence of
the higher pressures in the Brayton cycle (minimum ~7 atmospheres) compared to steam turbines
(which operate sub-atmospheric).
A 2400 MW(t) reference point design of a multi-reheat Brayton cycle is illustrated in Figure 4. It
was derived from the current Power Conversion Unit (PCU) design for the General Atomics gas-
turbine modular helium reactor (GT-MHR).

Figure 4 - Closed Gas Brayton Cycle

Figure 5. Coupling the Brayton gas cycle with seawater desalination (Peterson & Zhao, 2006)

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The SMR-LFTR’s removal heat is transferred from molten salt to the helium and the pre-cooler
and inter-cooler transfers it to the water in the isolation loop shown in Figure 5 above. The
seawater heats up, a fraction of it evaporates while the rest is used to pre-heat the seawater feed,
gets cooled itself and is pumped to the pre-cooler and inter-cooler again for the continuing
circulation. The evaporation generated in the isolation loop is sent to the first effect of the low
temperature MED, heats the seawater feed in the tubes of the first effect, which evaporates, and
gets condensed. The condensate is first used to pre-heat the seawater feed and then is pumped to
the pre-cooler and inter-cooler again for the continuing circulation. (Peterson & Zhao, 2006)
The cost of desalting water has been a significant constraint to the large scale adoption of
desalination technology globally. Combined cycle based power stations are now proven to be
more economic for co-generation plants producing power and water. The co-generation of
electricity and desalted water by coujpling the closed gas Brayton cycle turbine of the SMR-
LFTR with LT-MED seawater desalination has incomparable advantages over other alternatives.
The SMR-LFTR’s main advantage in this co-generation configuration is its much lower fuel
cycle cost than a fossil fuel-fired power plant. The safety and environmental considerations of a
nuclear desalination complex do not pose significant economic or health risks. The LFTR
operates with greater safety features inherent to its architecture than any other reactor. Some
provisions need to be made in order to ensure that when the desalination plant, which serves as a
heat sink for the LFTR, is shut down or operated in partial load, there will be a backup heat sink
available to accept rejected heat from the LFTR and prevent its shutdown. (Seneviratne, 2007)
Using an advanced Multi-Effect Distillation (AMED) system, waste heat from closed gas
Brayton cycles can be deployed to desalinate seawater without affecting the power generation
cycle’s thermal efficiency. GBCN-LFTR plans to combine Multi-Effect Distillation with closed
gas Brayton cycles.
The cost of water from a MED plant varies significantly with design, size, location, brine water
type and other factors. For a modern large MED plant, $0.70 per cubic meter water production is
possible. The cost of water (COW) includes water plant installation, thermal energy cost, capital
cost, maintenance cost, electricity cost, as well as other minor OpEx. The MED plant’s
electricity cost represents only 1% of cost of water. For the tower type of MED plant, the water
plant cost represents about 37% of COW and the thermal energy cost amounts to about 27%.
By contrast, optimizing a closed gas Brayton cycle coupling with a MED configuration can
reduce the thermal energy cost to zero. (Peterson & Zhao, 2006)
Solution to Environmental Issues of Desalination
Due to constraints and pressures for land use, the real-estate, environmental and social value of
the shoreline in RSA is quite high. Coastal infrastructure plants should be sited in industrial
development zones wherever possible.
The Ashkelon, Israel Desalination Plant, producing 274,000 cubic meters of water per day,
consists of the following: (1) area of the plant, (2) the marine pumping station, (3) corridors
for the pipe system and water pools. This covers approximately 17.3 acres of land. It is the
intent of GBCN-LFTR to have a smaller output for the planned desalination plants but to be
conservative, a 10-acre desalination footprint is estimated.
Pumping installations should be located about 100 meters from the shoreline, comprising the
suction pipe system and the brine outlet.
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The 100 MW AMR-LFTR is projected to require a footprint of about 2 acres, which can include
the closed gas Brayton cycle turbine assembly. Seawater suction can be carried out by a system
of one-kilometer pipes, each 1.6 meters in diameter. A system of dissolved and suspended oil
sensors will monitor the water quality. If a risk of pollutants is detected, then pumping water
into the plant is halted. The duct for each pipe will be dup up to six meters deep. The dug up
sand will be stored on the seabed at no less than 15 meters water depth. After laying the pipe(s),
the original stored sand will be be refilled into the ducts over the pipe, thus restoring the seabed
to its former state. It is anticipated that the returning concentrated brine will be pumped into the
sea with the use of a multi-port diffuser whose purpose is to increase dilution of the concentrate
to surrounding sea levels. (Einav & Lokiec, 2006)
Perth as a Discharge Model
Desalination brine, different from regular sewage outfalls, contains roughly twice the
concentration of seawater. It is denser than seawater, and therefore naturally sinks towards the
seabed and flows along deep ocean channels. The amount of dispersion and mixing is therefore
severely restricted. Discharging this brine concentrate back into the sea can result in a
‘hypersaline’ layer of water on the seabed. The Perth, Australia RO desalination plant has been
subject to more environmental consideration and care than any other plant anywhere. It should
be taken as a model of environmental assessment and remediation. (Stuart Khan, 2007)
A series of models – a one-dimensional box model and several three-dimensional hydrodynamic
models -- were structured. Tests using them were made to ensure the plant would meet strict
mixing criteria set by the Australian environment agency. Various scenarios and different
models were deployed. Tank tests were also undertaken during the diffuser design and expert
review of the design was undertaken prior to its installation.
The Perth, Australia desalination plant outlet is 1.2 meters in diameter and has a 160-meter long,
forty-port diffuser where the ports are spaced at five meter intervals with a 0.22 meter nominal
port diameter, located 470 meters off share, at a depth of 10 meters, adjacent to the plant. The
diffuser incorporates a discharge angle of 60 degrees. This design was adopted with the
expectation that the plume would rise to a height of 8.5 meters before beginning to sink due to its
elevated density.
It was designed to achieve a plume thickness at the edge of the mixing zone of 2.5 meters and, in
the absence of ambient cross-flow, 40 meters laterally from the diffuser to the edge of the mixing
The operating license of the Perth desalination plant requires that certain dissolved oxygen levels
are met in order for the plant to operate. Furthermore, a minimum of 45 dilutions must be
achieved at the edge of the mixing zone, defined in terms of a 50-meter distance from the
Visual confirmation of the plume dispersion was achieved by the use of 52 liters of Rhodamine
dye added to the plant discharge. The expulsion of the Rhodamine dye from one of the plant
diffusers is shown below. The dye was reported to have billowed to within 3 meters of the water
surface before falling to the seabed and spilling along a shallow sill of the Sound towards the
ocean. The experiment showed that the dye had dispersed beyond what could be visually
detected within a distance of around 1.5 kilometers, well short of a protected deeper region of
Cockburn Sound and 5 kilometers from the diffuser. (Khan, 2007)

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Pictures from The West Australian of this even are shown below:

Source: The West Australian newspaper.

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“Nuclear Desalination,” updated February 2010, World Nuclear Association,
“Plan For Producing Potable Water Economically”, IAEA GC(39)/12, 8 Aug 1995
Hamed, ND. “Overview of Hybrid Desalination Systems – Current Status and Future
Prospects,” Research & Development Center, Saline Water Conversion Corporation, Al-Jubail,
Saudi Arabia,
Ejjeh, G. & Awerbuch, L., 2009. “Challenges of Integration of Desalination, Power, Energy,
Environment and Security”, Roundtable on Water and Energy of the World Energy Council 5 Feb
Seneviratne, G., 2007. “Research Projects Show Nuclear Desalination Economical”, Vienna
Correspondent for Nuclear News Magazine, April 2007.
Peterson, F. & Zhao, J., 2006, “Advanced Multiple Effective Distillation Processes for Nuclear
Desalination,” NED, UC Berkeley, Idaho National Laboratory, American Nuclear Society Winter
Meeting, 7 Nov 2006
Faibish, R.S., 2006. “Water and Power: Nuclear Desalination”, Argonne National Laboratory; - 14 Nov 2006
Einav, R & Lokiec, F., 2006. “Environmental Aspects of a Desalination Plant in Ashkelon,”
Blue Ecosystems, Environmental Consulting, for IDE Technologies, Ltd., Israel, 2 Jan 2006.
Khan, S. 2007. “Desal Brine Disposal” Post in Water Recycling in Australia Blog, Principal
Water Researcher in an Environmental Engineering Dept., Sydney, New South Wales, Australia,
8 July 2007.
Forsberg, C., Peterson, F. & Zhao, H. , 2004. “An Advanced Molten Salt Reactor Using High-
Temperature Reactor Technology,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory, UC Berkeley, 28 Feb 2004
Zhu, S., Qi, W., Zhu, J., Yu, S. 2007. “Co-generation of Electricity and Desalted Water by Gas
Turbine MHTGR,” Institute of Nuclear and new Energy Technology, Tsinghua university,
Beijing, Transactions, SMiRT 19, Toronto, August 2007
Sommariva, C., ND, “2.500 Desalination and Water Purification,”, MIT OpenCourseWare,
retrieved 28 May 2010 from
Semiat, R., 2000. “Desalination: Present and Future”, Water Research Institute, Haifa, Israel
International Water Resources Assn., Water International Journal, Vol. 25 (1), Pp. 54-65, March
Uche, J., Serra, L, & Valero A., ND, “Hybrid Desalting Systems for Avoiding Water Shortage in
Spain”, International Study Group for Water and Energy Systems, Centre of Research for Power
Plant Efficiency, University of Zaragoza, Spain. – retrieved 28 May 2010 from; serra@posta.unizar.esw;

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