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Improving SHA-2 Hardware Implementations: Abstract. This Paper Proposes A Set of New Techniques To Improve The

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Improving SHA-2 Hardware Implementations

Ricardo Chaves1,2 , Georgi Kuzmanov2 ,

Leonel Sousa1 , and Stamatis Vassiliadis2
Instituto Superior Tecnico/INESC-ID. Rua Alves Redol 9,
1000-029 Lisbon, Portugal
Computer Engineering Lab, TUDelft. Postbus 5031, 2600 GA Delft,
The Netherlands

Abstract. This paper proposes a set of new techniques to improve the

implementation of the SHA-2 hashing algorithm. These techniques con-
sist mostly in operation rescheduling and hardware reutilization, allowing
a signicant reduction of the critical path while the required area also de-
creases. Both SHA256 and SHA512 hash functions have been implemented
and tested in the VIRTEX II Pro prototyping technology. Experimental
results suggest improvements to related SHA256 art above 50% when com-
pared with commercial cores and 100% to academia art, and above 70%
for the SHA512 hash function. The resulting cores are capable of achiev-
ing the same throughput as the fastest unrolled architectures with 25%
less area occupation than the smallest proposed architectures. The pro-
posed cores achieve a throughput of 1.4 Gbit/s and 1.8 Gbit/s with a slice
requirement of 755 and 1667 for SHA256 and SHA512 respectively, on a

Keywords: Cryptography, Hash functions, SHA-2 (256, 512), FPGA.

1 Introduction
Cryptography is becoming an essential part of most electronic equipments that
require data storing or manipulation. However, the algorithms used to enforce
this security are too demanding to be implemented in software for the current
required processing speeds. To achieve the require processing capability hardware
components have to be used. These hardware cores are usually implemented
either in dedicated ASIC cores [13] or in recongurable devices [47]. In this
paper we propose a new hardware implementation of the SHA-2 algorithm, used
in authentication systems and in the validity check of data. Several techniques
have been proposed to improve the implementation of the SHA-2 algorithm. The
most relevant are:
the usage of parallel counters or well balanced Carry save Adders (CSA), in
order to improve the partial additions. In technologies, like recongurable
devices that have dedicated data paths for improving addition, this technique
is not always benecial;

L. Goubin and M. Matsui (Eds.): CHES 2006, LNCS 4249, pp. 298310, 2006.

c International Association for Cryptologic Research 2006
Improving SHA-2 Hardware Implementations 299

unrolling techniques that optimize the data dependency. This technique al-
lows for an improvement in the throughput, however, it usually signicantly
increases the required circuit area [2, 8, 6];
delay balancing and the usage of improved addition units, since in this algo-
rithm this is the critical operation;
the usage of embedded memories to store the required constant values (Kt );
use of pipelining techniques, to achieve higher working frequencies. Due to
highly dependent data computation the resulting throughput is usually not
improved and more complex control logic is required [2, 9].

However, the performance of the SHA-2 algorithm can be further improved with
other techniques. To achieve this goal, this paper proposes operation rescheduling,
that allows for an ecient use of a pipelined structure without an increase in area,
and hardware reutilization techniques that allow for resource saving.
Both implementations of the SHA256 and SHA512 hash functions suggest:

throughput per Slice eciency metric improvement of 53% compared to

commercial SHA256 cores, and more than 100% to current SHA256 academia
art, and 77% for SHA512 implementations;
a throughput of 1.4 Gbit/s for SHA256 and 1.8 Gbit/s for SHA512, with 755
and 1667 slices, on a XC2VP30-7 FPGA, respectively;
150 times speedup with respect to the software implementation.

The paper is organized as follows, Section 2 presents the SHA-2 algorithms.

Section 3 describes the proposed design. The characteristics of FPGA implemen-
tations are presented in section 4. Section 5 presents the obtained results and
compares them to related art. Section 6, concludes the paper with some nal

2 SHA-2 Hash Algorithm

In 1993 the Secure Hash Standard (SHA) was rst published by the NIST.
In 1995 this algorithm was reviewed in order to eliminate some of the initial
weakness, and in 2001 new Hashing algorithms were proposed. This new family
of hashing algorithms known as SHA-2, use larger digest messages, making them
more resistent to possible attacks and allowing them to be used with larger blocks
of data, up to 2128 bits, e.g. in the case of SHA512. The SHA-2 hashing algorithm
is the same for the SHA256, SHA224, SHA384, and SHA512 hashing functions,
diering only in the size of the operands, the initialization vectors, and the size
of the nal digest message.
The following describes the SHA-2 algorithm applied to the SHA256 hash
function, followed by the description of the SHA512 hash function, which diers
mostly in the size of the operands, using 64-bit words instead of 32-bit. Note
that SHA224 and SHA384 are computed as SHA256 and SHA512, respectively,
with the nal hash value truncated to the corresponding size, the Initialization
Vector also diers.
300 R. Chaves et al.

Fig. 1. SHA-2 round calculation

SHA256 Hash Function: The SHA256 Hash function produces a nal digest
message of 256 bits, that is dependent of the input message, composed by mul-
tiple blocks of 512 bits each. This input block is expanded and fed to the 64
cycles of the SHA256 function in words of 32 bits each ( denoted by Wt ). In
each cycle or round of the SHA-2 algorithm the introduced data is mixed with
the current state. This data scrambling is preformed by additions and logical
operations, such as bitwise logical operations and bitwise rotations. The compu-
tational structure of each round of this algorithm is depicted in Figure 1. The
several functions presented in this gure are described in Appendix I. The value
Wt is the 32-bit data word, for the t round, and the Kt value represents the
32-bit constant that also depends on the round.
The 32-bit values of the A to H variables are updated in each round and the new
values are used in the following round. The initial values of these variables is given
by the 256-bit constant value specied in [10], this value is only set for the rst data
block. The consecutive data blocks use the intermediate hash value, computed for
the previous data block. Each 512 data block is processed for 64 rounds, after which
the values of the variables A to H are added to the previous digest message, in order
to obtain partial digest message. To better illustrate this algorithm a pseudo code
representation is depicted in Figure 2. The nal Digest Message (DM ) for a given
data stream, is given by the result of the last data block.
In some higher level applications like the ecient implementation of the keyed-
Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) [11] or when a message is frag-
mented, the initial hash value (IV ) may dier from the constant specied in [10].
In these cases, the variables A to H are initialized by a variable Initialization
Vector (IV ).
Improving SHA-2 Hardware Implementations 301

for each data block i do

W = expand(data block)
A = DM0 ; B = DM1 ; C = DM2 ; D = DM3
E = DM4 ; F = DM5 ; G = DM6 ; H = DM7
63 {79}, t=t+1 do
for t= 0, t 
T1 = H + 1 (E) + Ch(E, F, G) + Kt + Wt
T2 = 0 (A) + M aj(A, B, C)
H =G;G=F ;F =E ;
E = D + T1
D=C ;C=B ;B=A
A = T1 + T2
end for
DM0 = A + DM0 ; DM1 = B + DM1
DM2 = C + DM2 ; DM3 = D + DM3
DM4 = E + DM4 ; DM5 = C + DM5
DM6 = D + DM6 ; DM7 = E + DM7
end for

Fig. 2. Pseudo Code for SHA-2 algorithm

SHA512 Hash function: The SHA512 hash function computation is identical

to that of the SHA256 hash function, diering in the size of the operands, that
are of 64 bits and not 32 bits as for the SHA256, the size of the Digest Message,
that has twice the size being composed by 512 bits, and in the functions
described in Appendix I. This Appendix also describes the functions used in
the message schedule. The value Wt and Kt are of 64 bits and the each data
block is composed by 16 64-bit words, having in total 1024 bits.

Message schedule: In the SHA-2 algorithm the computation described in Fig-

ure 1 is performed for 64 rounds for the SHA256 (80 rounds for the SHA512),
in each round a 32-bit word (or 64-bit for SHA512) obtained from the inter-
midiate hash value is used. However each data block only has 16 32-bits words
for SHA256 or 16 64-bit words for SHA512, resulting in the need to expand the
initial data block to obtain the remaining words. This expansion is performed
by the computation described in (1), where Mt denotes the rst 16 words of
the i-th data block.
Mt , 0 t 15
Wt = (1)
1 (Wt2 )+Wt7 +0 (Wt15 )+Wt16, 16 t 63 {or 79}

Message padding: In order to assure that the input message in a multiple of

512 bits, as required by the SHA256 hash function, or 1024 for the SHA512 hash
function, it is necessary to pad the original message. This message padding also
comprises the inclusion of the original message dimension to the padded mes-
sage. This operation can be eciently implemented in software with a minimal
302 R. Chaves et al.

3 Proposed Design
In the SHA-2 algorithm, the operations that have to be performed are simple,
however the data dependency of this algorithm does not allow for much paral-
lelization. Each round of the algorithm can only be computed after the values
A to H of the previous round have been calculated (see gure 2), imposing a
sequentiality to the computation. It should be noticed that in each round the
computation is only required to calculate the values of A and E, since the re-
maining values are obtained directly from the values of the previous round, as
depicted in the pseudo code of Figure 2.
In this paper, we propose a new operation rescheduling technique, a new form
to initialize the algorithm, and a more ecient hardware reutilization scheme.
Operation rescheduling: In our proposal, we identied the part of the com-
putation of a given round t that can be computed ahead in the previous round
t1. Only the values that do not depend on the values computed in the previ-
ous round can be computed ahead. Unlike the rescheduling technique proposed
in [12] for the SHA1 algorithm, where the inter round data dependency is low,
in the SHA-2 algorithm the data dependency is more complex, as depicted in
Figure 1. While the variables B, C, D, F, G, and H are obtained directly from
the values of the round, not requiring any computation, the values of A and E
require computation and depend on all the values. In other words, the values A
and E for round t can not be computed until the values for the same variables
have been computed in the previous round have, as shown in (2).

Et+1 =Dt +1 (Et )+ Ch(Et , Ft , Gt )+ Ht + Kt + Wt (2)

At+1 =0 (At )+ M aj(Bt ,Ct ,Dt )+1 (Et )+ Ch(Et ,Ft ,Gt )+ Ht + Kt + Wt

Taking into account that the value Ht+1 is given directly by Gt which in its
turn is given by Ft1 , the precalculation of H can thus be given by Ht+1 = Ft1 .
Since the value of Kt and Wt can be precalculated and are simply used in each
round, (2) can be rewritten as:

t =Ht + Kt + Wt = Gt1 + Kt + Wt ;
Et+1 =Dt + 1 (Et ) + Ch(Et , Ft , Gt ) + t ; (3)
At+1 =0 (At ) + M aj(Bt , Ct , Dt ) + 1 (Et ) + Ch(Et , Ft , Gt ) + t ,

where the value t is calculated in the previous round. The value t+1 can be
the result of a full addition or the Carry and the Save vectors from a Carry
Save Addition. With this computational separation the calculation of the SHA-
2 algorithm can be divided into two parts, allowing the calculation of to be
rescheduled to the previous clock cycle, depicted by the grey area in Figure 3.
Thus the critical path of the resulting hardware implementation can be reduced.
Since the computation is now divided by a pipeline stage, the calculation of the
SHA-2 requires an additional clock cycle, to perform all the rounds. In the case
of the SHA256 hash function 65 clock cycles are necessary to calculate the 64
rounds. As specied in the SHA-2 algorithm and depicted in Figure 2, after all
Improving SHA-2 Hardware Implementations 303

rounds have been computed, the internal variables (A to H) have to be added

to the previous Digest Message.
Hash value addition and initialization: As mentioned after the computation
of a given data block, the internal variables have to be added to the intermediate
hash value. If this addition were to be implemented in a straightforward manner,
8 adders would be required, one for each internal variable, of 32 or 64 bits
depending if SHA256 or SHA512 is being implemented. However, some hardware
reuse can be achieved. By analyzing the data dependency and the fact that most
of the internal variables do not require any computation, since their value is given
directly by the previous values of the other variables, taking into account that:

Ht = Gt1 = Ft2 = Et3 ; (4)

Dt = Ct1 = Bt2 = At3 , (5)

the computation of the Digest Message for the data block i can be calculated
from the internal variables A and E, as:

DM 7i = Et3 + DM 7i1 ; DM 3i = At3 + DM 3i1 ;

DM 6i = Et2 + DM 6i1 ; DM 2i = At2 + DM 2i1 ; (6)
DM 5i = Et1 + DM 5i1 ; DM 1i = At1 + DM 1i1 .

Thus the calculation can be performed by only 2 addition units, as:

DM (j + 4)i =Et3+j + DM (j + 4)i1 ; 1j3

DM (j)i =At3+j + DM (j)i1 ; 1 j 3. (7)

The selection of the corresponding part of the Digest Message (DMj), could be
performed by a multiplexer. However, taking into account the sequentiality in
which the values of DMj are used, a shifting buer can be used, as depicted in
the right most part of Figure 3. Since the values At and Et require computation
and the nal value is only calculated in the last clock cycle, the calculation of
the values DM 0i and DM 4i is performed in a dierent manner. Instead of using
one full adder, after the calculation of the nal value of A and E, the Digest
Message (DM) is added during the calculation of their nal values, by a Carry
Save Adder (CSA). Since the value of the previous Digest Message is known,
the value can be added during the rst stage of the pipeline, not being on the
critical path, located in the second stage of the pipeline, where the full adders
are used. In the last round the value of A and E is not calculated, being directly
calculated the value of the Digest Message. During the normal round calculation
only the values At and Et can be computed, in these cases the input of the used
CSA is put to zero, as depicted in Figure 3.
After each data block has been computed, the internal values A to H have
to be re-initialized with the newly calculated Digest Message. This is performed
by a multiplexer that selects either the new value of the variable of the Digest
Message, as depicted in the left most side of Figure 3. Once more the values A
and E are the exception. Since the nal value computed for these two variables
304 R. Chaves et al.

Fig. 3. SHA-2 round architecture

is already the Digest Message, the values are already loaded in the registers. An
enable signal is used in the A and E registers, in order to maintain these values
during the re-initialization of the other values.
In the rst round the values of A to H also have to be initialized. All variables,
except A and E, are simply loaded with the values in the DM registers, depicted
in the leftmost part of Figure 3. For the A and E variables the value is fed through
the round logic. In this case the, all the variables are set to zero (Reset) except
the DM0 and DM4 inputs. Thus the resulting value for the A and E registers
will be the initialization values of the DM registers.
In the standard for the SHA-2 algorithm the initial value of the Digest Message
(loaded to the A to H variables) is a constant value, that can be loaded by using
set/reset signals in the registers. If the SHA-2 algorithm is to be used in a wider
set of applications and in the computation of fragmented messages, the initial
Digest Message is no longer a constant value. In these cases the initial value
is given by the IV that has to be loaded. This loading can be performed by
multiplexers at the input of the Digest Message registers. In order to optimized
the architecture the calculation structure for the Digest Message can be used to
load the IV , not being directly loaded into all the registers. The value of the A1
and E1 registers is set to zero during this loading, thus the existing structure
acts as a circular buer, where the value is only loaded into one of the registers,
and shifted to the others.
Improving SHA-2 Hardware Implementations 305

This circular buer can also be used to more eciently read the nal Digest
Message, in a structure with an interface with smaller output ports, since the
values are simply shifted and less multiplexes are required.

4 SHA-2 FPGA Implementation

In order to evaluate the proposed design, the resulting SHA256 and SHA512 hash
functions cores have been implemented in a Xilinx VIRTEX II Pro (XC2VP30-
7) FPGA using the Xilinx ISE (6.3) and SimplifyPro (8.4) tools. All the values
presented for our cores were obtained after Place and Route. A Custom Comput-
ing Unit (CCU) using these SHA-2 cores, has also been designed for the Molen
polymorphic computational model [13], in order to fully test the cores.
In order to fully exploit the capabilities of the recongurable device, some
design adaptation can be made. The main one lays in the use of fast carry chains
for Carry Propagate Adders (CPA) instead of CSA in both the rst and in the
second pipeline stage, since they are able to achieve the same performance in
FPGA, with less area resources. For ASIC technologies, the structure depicted
in Figure 3 is more suitable. When implementing the SHA256 hash function,
a single BRAM can be used, since the 64 32-bits t in a single 32-bit port
embedded memory. However, in the SHA512 hash function the operands have
64 bits, including the constant Kt . Since the existing BRAMs do not have 64-bit
ports, more than one would be required. However, they have a dual output ports
of 32 bits each. Thus the 80 64-bit constants can be mapped as two 32-bit words:
one port addresses the low part of the memory, with the lower 32 bits of the
constant and the other the high part of the memory with the higher 32 bits of
the same constant. With this, only one BRAM is used to generate the 64 bit
For the message schedule in the FPGA technology considered, CPA are also
used instead of CSA. The structure of the data expansion component is repre-
sented in Figure 4.

... ...
Wt-1 Wt-5 Wt-12 Wt-13
o0 o1

Fig. 4. SHA-2 data expansion module

These cores have also been integrated as a CCU for the MOLEN processor [13].
The MOLEN computational paradigm enables the SHA-2 core to be embedded
in a recongurable co-processor, tightly coupled with the core General Purpose
Processor (GPP). This, allows for a fast integration in existing software at a
306 R. Chaves et al.

small cost in terms of additional area. This polymorphic architecture uses the
FPGAs embedded PowerPC running at 300 MHz as a core GPP, with a main
data memory running at 100 MHz. The implementation is identical to the one
described in [12].

5 Performance Analysis and Related Work

Even though the SHA-2 cores have been developed with a VIRTEX II Pro FPGA
(XC2P30-7) as the target technology, they have also been implemented on a
VIRTEX (XCV400-6) and a VIRTEX II (XC2V2000-6), in order to compare
with the related art.
SHA 256 hash function core: The proposed SHA256 hash function core has
been compared with the most recent and most ecient related art, for both the
cores proposed in the academia and the best commercial core currently avail-
able,as far as it is known by the authors. The obtained comparison gures are
presented in Table 1. When compared with the most recent academic work [14,
8] the results show higher throughputs, from 17% up to 98%, while achieving
a reduction in area above 25% and up to 42%. These results suggest a signi-
cant improvement to the Throughput per Slice (TP/Slice) metric in the range
of 100% to 170%. When compared with the commercial SHA256 core from He-
lion [15], the proposed core suggests an identical area value (less 7%) while
achieving a 40% gain to the throughput, resulting in an improvement of 53%
to the Throughput per Slice metric. Note that from the analyzed cores, ours is

Table 1. SHA256 core performance comparison

Architecture Sklav[14] Our McEv.[8] Our Helion[15] Our

IV cst yes cst yes cst yes
Slices 1060 764 1373 797 815 755
BRAMS 1 1 1 1 1 1
Freq. (MHz) 83 82 133 150 126 174
Cycles n.a. 65 68 65 n.a. 65
ThrPut (Mbit/s) 326 646 1009 1184 977 1370
TP/Slice 0.31 0.84 0.74 1.49 1.2 1.83

the only one capable of loading the Initialization Vector (IV ). In the proposed
FPGA implementation the logic required for the IV loading is located between
registers as depicted in Figure 3. If the IV loading mechanism were not present
the recongurable logic located in the CLB of the nal register would be unused.
Thus one can say that the IV loading mechanism is implemented at zero cost.
Since this loading is performed with only an additional multiplexer located be-
tween registers, it does not inuence the critical path of the circuit, as conrmed
by the implementation results. The structure proposed by McEvoy [8] also has
Improving SHA-2 Hardware Implementations 307

message padding hardware. This message padding is performed once to the end
of the message, and has no signicant cost when implemented in software. Thus
the majority of the proposed cores and commercial core do not include the hard-
ware for this operation. McEvoy does not give gures for the individual cost of
this extra hardware. All the SHA256 cores have the data expansion hardware.
SHA 512 hash function core: Table 2 presents the implementation results for
our core and the most signicant related art. The gures presented also suggest
a signicant reduction to the required recongurable area, from 25% up to 60%,
while achieving a speedup to the hashing function. When compared with [14],
the core that requires less area from those compared, the proposed core requires
25% less recongurable logic while a throughput increase of 85% is achieved,
resulting in a Throughput per Slice metric improvement of 165%. From the
known proposed SHA512 cores, the unrolled core proposed by Lien in [16] is the
only one capable of achieving a higher throughput. However, this throughput
is only 4% higher, while requiring twice as much area (100% more) as the one
proposed in this paper. It should also be noticed that the results presented by
Lien in [16], do not include the data expansion module, that would most likely
inuence the nal throughput rate, not to mention the required area. Even in
this case the proposed core indicates a Throughput per Slice metric 77% higher.
All other analyzed cores have even lower values for this eciency metric. Table 2
also presents the values for the VIRTEX II Pro implementation, for which the
core was originally developed.

Table 2. SHA512 core performance comparison

Architecture Sklav[14] Lien [16] Lien [16] Our McEv.[8] Our Our
Expansion yes no no yes yes yes yes
IV cst cst cst yes cst yes yes
Slices 2237 23841 35211 1680 2726 1666 1667
BRAMS n.a. n.a. n.a. 2 1 1 1
Freq. (MHz) 75 56 67 70 109 121 141
Cycles n.a. n.a. n.a. 81 84 81 81
ThrPut (Mbit/s) 480 717 929 889 1329 1534 1780
TP/Slice 0.21 0.31 0.261 0.53 0.49 0.92 1.01

Polymorphic implementation of the SHA-2 cores: In order to integrate

the proposed core in the existing software applications and to easily test the
cores, they were integrated into the MOLEN polymorphic processor [13]. In
this processor the cores are integrated has a CCU, that can directly access the
main memory and communicates with the GPP via a set of exchange registers.
The core is evoked as the equivalent software function call. In order to use the
proposed cores as CCU units for the MOLEN processor, some additional logic
These values do not include the expansion data block, that in our architecture has
a cost of 224 slices.
308 R. Chaves et al.

is required. The CCU for the SHA256 core requires 994 Slices using in total 7%
of the available resources of the XC2VP30 FPGA. The CCU for the SHA512
core requires 1806 Slices using in total 13% of the available resources. In this
functional test, the CCU is running with same clock frequency as the main data
memory, operating at 100MHz. Table 3 presents the speedup achieved with the
use of this hardware core, when compared with the pure software algorithm.
The values presented are for the SHA256 kernel function. The values suggest a

Table 3. SHA256 polymorphic performances

Hardware Software
(Mbps) (Mbps) Kernel
Bits Cycles ThrPut Cycles ThrPut SpeedUp
512 354 434 30402 5.05 85
1024 552 556 60546 5.07 109
128k 50088 785 7718646 5.09 153

speedup up to 153 times for the SHA256 hash function, which is achieved when
the total size of the data is suciently large to compensate the initialization of
the core, achieving a throughput of 785 Mbit/s. When only one data block is
hashed the initialization time is still relevant, reducing the speedup to 85 times.
When at least two data block are sent, the initialization becomes less signicant,
allowing already a speedup of 109%. The SHA512 CCU is capable of achieving
a maximum throughput of 1.2 Gbit/s.

6 Conclusions

The proposed hardware rescheduling and reutilization schemes for the SHA-2
algorithm implementations, allow for an improvement of both performance and
area resources. With the operation rescheduling, we were able to reduce the crit-
ical path in a similar manner as in the loop unrolling, without duplicating the
required hardware neither using more complex data expansion schemes. This
rescheduling also allows the usage of a well balanced pipeline structure that
does not need additional control logic, and where both stages are always being
used. The required recongurable resources are also signicantly reduced due to
the way the Digest Message is added to the intermediate values, requiring less
multiplexers and adders. By adding and loading the variables A and E through
the round hardware, area can also be saved and one less computational cycle
is required to add the Digest Message. Experimental results shown a signicant
gain compared to the existing commercial cores and related academia art. For
the SHA256 hash function, the proposed core is capable of achieving a 17%
higher throughput with an area reduction of 42%. When compared with the
Helion commercial core a 40% higher throughput is achieved while reducing the
required area by 7%. As an eciency measure, the Throughput per Slice metric
Improving SHA-2 Hardware Implementations 309

has been improved by 53% for the considered commercial core and more than
100% when compared with the related academic art. The SHA512 hash function
implementation suggest identical results, requiring 25% less recongurable re-
sources than the smallest related art while achieving a 85% higher throughput.
Even when compared with the unrolled architectures, the proposed core is capa-
ble of achieving identical throughputs, only 4% slower than the fastest proposal,
which uses loop unrolling, for a 50% area reduction. These values indicate an
improvement to the Throughput per Slice metric of at least 77% and up to 165%.
On a VIRTEX II Pro FPGA, the proposed cores are capable of a throughput of
1.37 Gbit/s for the SHA256 and 1.78 Gbit/s for the SHA512, with only 755 and
1667 slices usage, respectively.


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Appendix I - SHA-2 Operations

In this appendix the several operations for the SHA2 algorithm are described. In
Table 4 the logical operations Ch, M aj, i , and i are presented, where rep-
resents the bitwise XOR operation, the bitwise AN D operation, ROT Rn (x)
the right rotation operation by n bits, and SHRn (x) the right shift operation
by n bits.

Table 4. SHA256 and SHA512 functions

Designation Function
Maj(x,y,z) (x y) (x z) (y z)
Ch(x,y,z) (x y) (x z)
(x) ROT R 2
(x) ROT R13 (x) ROT R22 (x)
1 (x) ROT R (x) ROT R18 (x) ROT R41 (x)

0 (x) ROT R7 (x) ROT R18 (x) SHR3 (x)
(x) ROT R17 (x) ROT R19 (x) SHR10 (x)
(x) ROT R28 (x) ROT R34 (x) ROT R39 (x)
1 (x) ROT R14 (x) ROT R18 (x) ROT R41 (x)
0 (x) ROT R1 (x) ROT R8 (x) SHR7 (x)
1 (x) ROT R19 (x) ROT R61 (x) SHR6 (x)

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