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Abu Bakr Two b1

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Praise, glory, and thanks belong to Allh Most High.

Blessings and salutations of peace upon His Be-

loved Messenger, our Master Muammad , and upon his Family and Companions.

Fourteen centuries later, the lives of the friends of the Last Prophet shine on with the power of
twelve thousand suns. They continue to feed our souls and educate our spirits. The world we share
with them, dear Reader, is not a line in space and time. The first and foremost (9:100) are
evoked in the prayer of every one that ever says the Path of those You have favoured (1:7).

How happy was the Messenger of Allh on the last day of his life on earth, when he pulled the
curtain of his room open and saw them praying in the mosque behind Ab Bakr! How radiant the
smile on his august, cherished face, which at that moment resembled a page of Qurnic Scripture!

Allh will bring a people whom He loves and who love Him, humble toward believers, stern
toward disbelievers, striving in the way of Allh and fearing not the blame of any blamer.
Such is the grace of Allh which He gives to whom He will. Allh is All Embracing, All
Knowing (5:54).

Surely, the Believers of today may relive early Madnan times according to that Path each time they
show selfless love of Allh and of one another.

Such love cannot but trace its roots through Ab Bakr, Umar, Uthmn, and Al back to the Greatest
Beloved upon him and them blessings and peace! It is the surest sign of faith to love them as it is
to love the rest of the Ten who were promised Paradise; our Mothers Khadja and isha; the rest of
the people of his House; the combatants of Badr and unayn, and all those who met the Prophet
and died Muslims.

May Allh use this humble endeavour for the same cause that made His Beloved happy at his last
sight of his Companions. May He firm this love with their knowledge; increase it with their
example; relent toward the ummah and erase with it its debilitating divisions. mn.

The aba (Companions) of the Prophet were the men, women, and children who met the Prophet,
believed in him and passed away as Muslims. They loved the Prophet dearly and he loved them too.

In the early days of Islam, when the Prophet went through great hardship and difficulties, it was the
aba who stood by him. They also made great sacrifices for Islam. It is because of the aba that
we know so much about the Prophet and his way of life.

The aba are the best people of this ummah (community). It is because of this the Prophet said,
Do not abuse my aba! Do not abuse my aba! By Him, in Whose Hand is my life if any one of
you spent gold equal to Mount Uud [in Allahs cause] it would not be equal to a mudd or even half a
mudd spent by one of [the aba]. A mudd is the amount one can hold in both hands when cupped

One reason why the aba are so great is because they were first in doing good actions and
foremost in pleasing Allah. He is happy with all of them and they are, for us, role models; we need to
follow them to know the Messenger of Allah, and for Allah to be pleased with us.

Allah says, As for the first and foremost of the Emigrants (muhjirn) and the
Supporters (anr) and those who followed them in goodness, Allah is pleased with
them and they are pleased with Allah; He has prepared for them gardens with
flowing rivers beneath them, where they live forever: that is the greatest success.
(Sra al-Tawba, verse 100)

According to Abd Allah b. Umar, Allahs Messenger said: If you see those who revile my
Companions, say: May Allahs curse be upon your evilness!1

Similar has been narrated by Abdullah b. Abbas, who said that the Messenger of Allah said, If
someone reviles my Companions, upon him be the curse of Allah, the angels and all human

According to Imrn b. usayn, the Messenger of Allah said, The best of my Community are my
generation, then those who follow them, then those who follow them!3

According to Jbir, the Messenger of Allah said: The Fire of Hell (an-nr) will not touch a Muslim
who has seen me, or has seen someone who has seen me!4

The Companions of the Prophet are not considered whilst crediting or discrediting narrators (al-
jar wat-tadl), and there is consensus (ijm) upon this; related by al-Nawaw.

Set forth by al-Tirmidh in al-Sunan (5:697 3866).
Set forth by al-abarn in al-Mujam al-kabr (2:142 12709).
Set forth by al-Bukhr in al-a (3:1335 3450).
Set forth by al-Tirmidh in al-Sunan (5:694 3858).
Ab Bakr al-iddq (d. 13), the one and only Shaykh al-Islm, the intimate friend of the Prophet
Muammad after Allh , exclusive Companion at his Basin (aw) and in the Cave, greatest sup-
porter, closest confidant, first of the men who believed in him and the only one who did so unhesi-
tatingly, first of the four Rightly-Guided Caliphs, first of the Ten promised Paradise, first of the
Community of Islm to enter Paradise, the Venerable of the Community (Raba ibn Kab al-
Aslam), truthful, dutiful, well-guided, following the right (Umar),5 the best of all human beings
after the Prophets Allh Most High grant him the greatest reward, shower him with His mercy,
and be well-pleased with him!

Qurnic verses

1st verse

If you do not help him (the Messenger), yet, for certain, God helped him when those
who disbelieve drove him out (of his home during the ijra), the second of the two
when they were in the cave (with those in pursuit of them having reached the
mouth of the cave), and he said to his companion (with utmost trust in God and no
worry at all): Do not grieve. God is surely with us. Then God sent down His gift of
inner peace and reassurance on him, supported him with hosts you could not see,
and brought the word (the cause) of the unbelievers utterly low. And God's word
(His cause) is (always and inherently) supreme. God is All-Glorious with irresistible
might, All-Wise.6

Ab Bakrs high rank is indicated, among other signs, by the fact that to deny his Companionship to
the Prophet constitutes apostasy (kufr), unlike the denial of the Companionship of Umar,

diqun brrun rshidun tbin ll-aqq. Narrated by al-Bukhr in his a, book of Far. al-Khumus, and Muslim in his
a, book of al-Jihd wa al-Sayr.
The verse refers to the ijra. The Messengers reliance on God made him fearless. He appeared in the heartland of a
desert inhabited by one of the most uncivilized peoples of the world. Despite their harsh treatment, and the strident
hostility of one of his own uncles, he challenged the whole world and, through complete trust in God, carried his mission
to victory. He had only a handful of supporters, and his victory came in a very short period an unparalleled
The Quraysh were so eager to kill him that just before his emigration to Madna, they selected one man from
each clan. These, numbering roughly 200, led by Ab Jahl and Ab Lahab, besieged his house. Allahs Messenger, upon him
be peace and blessings, told his cousin Al, may God be pleased with him, to spend the night in his bed and, throwing
some dust at the 200 hostile men while reciting: And We have set a barrier before them and a barrier behind them, and (thus) We
have covered them from all sides, so that they cannot see (36:9), he departed without being seen. He left Makkah with his closest
friend, Ab Bakr, and reached the cave of Thawr, which is at the top of a steep mountain. Finding him gone, the chiefs of
the Quraysh sent out search parties. One of these climbed the mountain up to the cave. Ab Bakr became anxious, fearing
for the life of Allahs Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings. However, the latter comforted him by saying, Do not
grieve. God is surely with us, and added: What do you think of the two men beside whom God is the third? (al-Bukhr,
Tafsr, 9; Ibn anbal, 1:4). (Al Unal)
Uthmn, and Al to the Prophet which only entails sinful innovation (bida).7 This is due to the
mention of Ab Bakrs companionship in the Qurn: The second of the two when they were in the
cave, and he said to his companion: Do not grieve. which refers, by Consensus, to the Prophet
and Ab Bakr.

2nd verse

And let not those who possess dignity and ease among you swear not to give to the
near of kin and to the needy, and to fugitives for the cause of Allh. Let them forgive
and show indulgence. Yearn you not that Allh may forgive you? Allh is Forgiving,

Ab Bakr used to send liberally on his poor relative Misa ibn Uththa, one of the veterans of Badr.
Having made a remark against one of the children of Ab Bakr, Abu Bakr said: I will never spend
anything on him again. Then Allh revealed: And let not those who possess dignity and ease
among you swear not to give to the near of kin and to the needy, and to fugitives for the cause of
Allh. Let them forgive and show indulgence. Yearn you not that Allh may forgive you? Allh is
Forgiving, Merciful. Ab Bakr said: By Allh! I truly yearn that Allh forgive me! Then he
returned his stipend to Misa, saying: I will never remove it from him.9 Muslim added that Ibn
al-Mubrak said of this verse: It is the most hope-filled verse in the entire Qurn.

3rd verse
Allh further praised Ab Bakr above the rest when He said: (Those who spent and fought before
the victory are not upon a level (with the rest of you)) (57:10).

As reported from al-usayn b. al-Fal by al-Baghaw in his Tafsr as well as al-Qurub, al-Nasaf, and others, also by Al
al-Qr in Shar al-Fiqh al-akbar cf. al-Mubrakfr, Tufat al-awadh (10:106).
Sra an-Nr 22.
Narrated from isha by al-Bukhr, Muslim, and Amad.
Name Abd Allah

His name was Abd Allah b. Ab Qufa Uthmn b. mir b. Amr b. Kab b. Sad b. Taym b.
Murrah b. Kab b. Luayy b. Ghlib al-Qurash at-Taym, whose genealogy converged with
that of the Messenger of Allah in Murrah.

Teknonym (kunya) Abu Bakr, was his kunya; yet, it has become the dominant usage when
addressing him. Many are unaware of his actual name.

There are a few reasons mentioned as to why he was known as Abu Bakr.

(i) In the Arabic language, a grown camel is referred to as, al-bakr () , its plural is:


The meaning of which is,

one who possesses many camels,

one whose tribe is of a large number,
one who cares for camels; and,
one who is an expert in many other fields.

The Arabs refer to such a person as Abu Bakr.

Since, Abu Bakrs tribe was very large in number, and he was very wealthy, along
with him possessing the expertise in dealing with camels, he became known as Abu

(ii) Due to Abu Bakr being the foremost in all major occurrences, i.e. the first to accept Islam,
the first to spend his wealth in the way of Allah, the first to arise after the Prophet on the
Last Day, etc. is as to why he was known as Abu Bakr10.

(iii) It is stated in Sra al-alabiyya,

Abu Bakr was given this kunya due to having always possessed praiseworthy

Birth Two years and a few months after the Messenger of Allah.12 He was born in Makkah al-

Refer to al-Nams, Mirt al-manj (8:347).
Set forth by al-alab in al-Sra (1:390).
Set forth by Ibn ajar al-Asqaln in al-Isba f tamyz as-aba (4:145) al-Suy in Trkh al-khulaf (pp. 24).
Set forth by Ibn Athr in Usd al-ghba (3:316).
When did Abu Bakr meet the Prophet? It is narrated by the Mother of the Believers, isha that
even prior to the advent of Islam, the Prophet and Abu Bakr were friends.14 It is said that when Abu
Bakr befriended the Messenger of Allah, Abu Bakr was around 16 or 18 years of age. Abu Bakr was 38
years old when he accepted Islam; and there were never any acts of disbelief attributed to Abu Bakr
(during the period of ignorance).15

Tribe Abu Bakr belonged to the Ban Tamm branch of the tribe of the Quraysh.

The name of Abu Bakr There are three opinions on the name of Abu Bakr.

1. Abd Allah
Abd Allah b. Zubayr narrates from his father that the name of Abu Bakr is Abd Allah b.
Al-abarn narrated that al-Qsim b. Muammad questioned the Mother of the Believers
isha as to the name of Abu Bakr, and she replied, Abd Allah.
Abu af Amr b. Al said, Abu Bakr had a lean face, and his (actual) name was Abd
Allah b. Uthmn.17

2. Abd al-Kaba
There are two positions regarding this name:

1st position
The position of the majority (jamhr) of genealogists (ahl al-nasab) is that his name was Abd al-
Kaba. After the acceptance of Islam, Abu Bakrs name was changed from Abd al-Kaba to Abd
Allah by the Messenger of Allah18.

2nd position
Those of Abu Bakrs household changed his name. It is said that the mother of Abu Bakr would
make supplication (du) in the following manner: O Lord of Abd al-Kaba, or O Abd al-Kabas

3. Atq
Many of the scholars of adth have opined that the name of Abu Bakr was in fact atq. Ibn
Isq stated that the name of Abu Bakr is atq given to him by his father; Ms b. al stated,
This name was given to him by his mother.20
Ibn Mandah and Ibn Askir narrated that Ms b. al said: I said to my father al,
Why was Abu Bakr called atq? He said, His mother had no surviving son and when she gave
birth to him, she faced the House (the Kaba) with him and exclaimed, O Allah if this one is atq
(free/saved) from death then give him to me.21

Set forth by Muhibb al-abar in al-Riy al-naira (1:84).
As stated by as-Subk (Irshd as-sr [Bk. Of Virtues of the Anr] 8:370).
Set forth by Ibn ibbn in a-a (9:6 6825).
Set forth by al-Haytham in Majma al-zawid (9:41).
Set forth by Ibn Abd al-Barr in al-Istb f marifat al-ab (3:91) Muibb al-abar in al-Riy al-naira (1:77).
Set forth by Ibn Athr in Usd al-ghba (3:315) al-Ayn in Umdat al-qr (11:384).
Set forth by Muhibb al-abar in al-Riy al-naira (1:77).
Set forth by Abu Nuaym in Marifat al-aba (1:49) al-Suy in Trkh al-khulaf (pp. 22).
Al-abarn narrated that Ibn Abbs said: He was only called atq because of the
splendour (magnificence) of his face22.

Layth b. Sad, Amad b. anbal and Ibn Man amongst others have stated,

He was known as atq because of the splendour (magnificence) of his face.

The Mother of the Believers isha narrates,

(My father) Abu Bakrs name by which the family members addressed him was Abd
Allah b. Uthmn, but the name atq became the dominant usage.23

In a version, but the Prophet called him atq.

Al-Tirmidh and al-kim narrated that the Mother of the Believers isha said, Abu Bakr
entered upon the Messenger of Allah who said, Abu Bakr, you are the one Allah has freed from the
Fire. From that day he was known as atq.
Abu Yal, Ibn Sad and al-kim, who declared it a, narrated that isha said, By Allah, I
was in my house one day and the Messenger of Allah and his companions were in the courtyard, a
curtain between me and them. Abu Bakr came up and the Prophet said, Whoever is pleased to look
upon one who is free from the Fire then let him look upon Abu Bakr. The name which his family
knew him by was Abd Allah but atq became the dominant usage.
Al-Bazzr and al-abarn narrated with an excellent chain (isnd) that Abd Allah b. al-
Zubayr said, Abu Bakrs name was Abd Allah, and then the Messenger of Allah said to him, You are
Allahs freed one from the Fire. So he was known as atq.
An-Nawaw (d. 676) said in his Tahdhb: It is said also that his name was atq, but the truth
upon which the generality of the men of knowledge agree is that atq (the one set free) was an
affectionate nickname and not his own name and he was given that name on account of his having
been set free from the Fire as has been narrated in the adth of al-Tirmidh; and it is also said, on
account of his faces ittaqah, that is to say its goodness and beauty, as Musab b. al-Zubayr, al-Layth
b. Sad and a whole group said; and it has also been said that it is because there is nothing in his
genealogy to be found fault with.

Reconciliation (tatbq) of reports

The name of Abu Bakr was Abd al-Kaba at birth, later changed to Abd Allah, and atq was the
nickname of Abu Bakr.
Ibn Kathr stated that there is agreement that his name was Abd Allah b. Uthmn, except
for the narration of Ibn Sad on the authority of Ibn Sirn which asserts his name to have been Atq
whereas the truth is that that was his affectionate nickname.

Set forth by al-abarn in Mujam al-kabr 1:52 #4 Ibn Athr in Usd al-ghba (3:316) al-Suy in Trkh al-khulaf (pp.
Set forth by Abu Nuaym in Marifat al-aba (1:48) al-Shaybn in al-d wal-mathn (1:70).

A fair man
Slender (slim) build (not fleshy)24
Soft looking
Thin cheeked
Eyes deep-set
Prominent forehead
Backs of his hands were fleshless
Dye his hair and beard with henna, and indigo (katam)
Calves were thin, and his upper legs strong

Early life
Abu Bakrs early life was in Makka, which he only left for business. He was one of the chiefs of the
Quraysh in the period ignorance, one of the counsellors, and he was beloved to them. Then when
Islam came he preferred it over everything else, and entered into it perfectly and completely. (an-

Titles (alqb)
Abu Bakr was famously known by two titles,

(i) atq
(ii) iddq
(iii) a-ib
(iv) al-Atq
(v) al-Awwh

atq (refer to the Names of Abu Bakr)

a-iddq the Truthful

The Community unanimously agree on his being named a-iddq the truthful.
Some of the reasons25 that he was known a-iddq:

He hastened to affirm the Messenger of Allah.

Adhered steadfastly to truthfulness.
He made exalted stands in Islam, among which was his stand in respect to the Night of
Ascension (layl al-mirj), and his reply to the disbelievers (kuffr) about it.
His emigration with the Messenger of Allah; his leaving his family and children, and his
remaining with the Prophet in the Cave and the rest of the journey.
There are his words on the Day of Badr, and on the Day of udaybiyya when the matter of
delaying entry into Makka seemed unclear to others.
His weeping when the Messenger of Allah said: Allah has given a slave the choice between
this life and the next (and he has chosen the next).

As mentioned by Qays b Ab zim.
Related from an-Nawaw in Trkh al-khulaf.
Steadfastness on the worldly demise of the Prophet, his addressing the people and his
stilling them.
There is his undertaking the matter of the oath of allegiance for the benefit of the Muslims,
and then his diligence in sending the army of Usma b. Zayd to Syria and his determination
on that. Then there is the stand he took over those who reneged (on their Islam) and his
exchange of views with the other Companions until he overcame their arguments with his
proofs, and Allah expanded their breasts as He had expanded his breast to the reality and
truth, which was to fight the renegades.
His appointing Umar as next caliph, and many more.

When the Messenger of Allah returned on the night in which he was made to travel (to
Jerusalem), and he was at Dhu Tuwa26, he said, Jibrl, my people will not believe me. He, Jibrl said,
Abu Bakr will believe you, for he is a-iddq.27
As for the name a-iddq, it is said about it, He was given the affectionate nickname in the
period of Ignorance (jhiliyya), because of the truthfulness for which he was known as Ibn Musd
mentioned. It has been said also, Because of his haste in affirming the Messenger of Allah in that of
which he informed.
Ibn Isq narrated that al-asan al-Bar and Qatda said: The first time that he became
known for it was the morning after the Night of the Isr.
Al-kim narrated in al-Mustadrak that isha said: The idolaters came to Abu Bakr and said,
What do you think of your Companion? He claims that he was taken this night to Bayt al-Maqdis
(Jerusalem). He replied, Did he say that? They said, Yes. He said, He has definitely told the truth.
I believe and affirm him in matters more remote than that: the news from heaven in the early part
of the morning and in the evening. For that reason he was called a-iddq.28

Nuba absha states: I heard the Messenger of Allah say:

Abu Bakr! Indeed Allah has named you a-iddq (the truthful one).29

Abu Yay akm b. Sad narrates that he heard the Commander of the Faithful (amr al-muminn)
Al swear an oath that: The alias of Abu Bakr: a-iddq, descended from the heavens.30
Al-Hakm narrated in the al-Mustadrak that an-Nazzal b. Sabrah said: We said to Al:
Commander of the Faithful, tell us about Abu Bakr. He said, That man, Allah named him a-iddq
on the tongue of Jibrl and on the tongue of (the Prophet) Muammad. He was the deputy of the
Messenger of Allah for the prayer; he was contented with him for our religion and so we were
pleased with him for our worldly affairs.

One of the valleys of Makkah.
Set forth by al-abarn in Mujam al-awsa (7:166 717) al-Haytham in Majma al-zawid (9:41) Amad in Fail as-
aba (1:140 #160) Ibn Sad in abaqt al-kubr (1:215) Muibb al-abar in ar-Riy an-naira (1:405).
Its isnd is excellent, and that has also been narrated from adth of Anas and Abu Hurayra, for which Ibn Askir gave
isnds, and Umm Hn, which was narrated by al-abarn. (Trkh al-khulaf pp. 4-5)
Set forth by Ibn ajar al-Asqaln in al-Isba f tamyz al-aba (8:332).
Set forth by al-abarn in al-Mujam al-kabr (1:55 14).
Al-Draqutn and al-akm narrated that Abu Yay said: I cannot count the number of
times that I heard Al say upon the minbar, Truly Allah named Abu Bakr through the tongue of His
Prophet, a iddq.
When the Quraysh confronted the Prophet after the Night Journey, they went to Ab Bakr
and said: Do you believe what he said that he went last night to the Hallowed House and came
back before morning? He replied: If he said it, then I believe him! And I believe him regarding
what is farther! I believe the news of heaven he brings, whether in the space of a morning or in that
of an evening journey! Because of this, Ab Bakr was named al-iddq.31 Ab Umma al-Bhil
said: Truly, the most trusting of people is the most truthful among them in speech, and the most
distrustful of people is the most untruthful among them in speech.32
The Prophet confirmed the title of iddq for him in the adths of the shaking of the two
mountains under their feet: Uud (together with Umar and Uthmn) at which time the Prophet
said: Keep firm (uthbut), Uud! There is none on top of you but a Prophet, a iddq, and two
martyrs33 and ira (together with Umar, Uthmn, Al, al, and al-Zubayr) at which time he
said: Be still! There is none on top of you but a Prophet, a iddq, or a martyr.34

a-ib the Companion

Allah gave him this title in the Glorious Quran when He said,

The second of two when the two were in the cave, and he said unto his companion: Grieve

Scholars unanimously agree that the Companion referred to here is Abu Bakr.
fi Ibn ajar al-Asqaln (d. 852) said, What is meant by, his companion here is Abu Bakr,
beyond any doubt.

Allah said in the Glorious Quran,

But the righteous one [al-atq] will be spared it.35

Ibrahim al-Nakha said, Abu Bakr was called al-awwh due to his kindness and compassion.36

The father of Abu Bakr

He is Uthmn b. mir b. Amr b. Kab b. Sad b. Taym b. Murrah b. Kab b. Luayy b. Ghlib al-Qurash
at-Taym; and his kunya is Abu Qufa. He accepted Islam on the day of the Conquest of Makka (fat
al-makkah). Remained alive up to even after the passing of his son, Abu Bakr; and passed away

Narrated from isha by al-kim (3:62=1990 ed. 3:65, 3:76=1990 ed. 3:81) who said its chain is sound al-Dhahab con-
curred, Ibn Sad (1:144), Ibn Ab im in al-d wal-mathn (1:83 39), al-abarn in al-kabr (1:55 #15) and Musnad al-
shmiyyn (1:145 #232), from Anas by Ibn Ab tim in his Tafsr, and from Al and isha by Ab Nuaym in Marifat al-
aba cf. al-Suy, al-Durr al-manthr (4:155).
Narrated by Ab al-asan al-Qazwn in his Aml cf. al-Suy, al-Jmi al-aghr (2202 if), Kanz (6854).
Narrated from Anas by al-Bukhr, al-Tirmidh (asan a), Ab Dwd, al-Nas, and Amad.
Narrated from Ab Hurayra by Muslim, al-Tirmidh (a), and Amad.
Sra al-Layl 17.
Set forth by Ibn Sad in abaqt al-kubr (3:171).
during the caliphate of the Commander of the Faithful Umar. Al-Suyt stated: Abu Qufa only
lived some days after Abu Bakr. He passed away in Muharram of 14H when he was ninety-seven
years of age (related from Mujhid). His mothers name was Amna b. Abd al-Uzz37.

The mother of Abu Bakr

She is Salama bint Sakhr b. mir b. Kab b. Sad b. Taym b. Murrah; and her kunya is Umm al-Khayr
(Mother of Benefaction/Blessing). She accepted Islam early on; having migrated to Madna al-
Munawwara she passed away before Abu Qufa in the month of Jamd al-Thniyya, 13H.38 Her
mother was known as Dilf, whose actual name was, Umayma bint Ubayd b. an-Nqidh al-Khuz.39

Al said that Ab Bakr is the only Companion to have both parents Ab Qufa and Umm al-Khayr
enter Islm.40

Abu Bakr was given a good upbringing by his parents, who were held in high esteem by their
people. This made Abu Bakr dignified in character with a high status among his people.

Abu Bakr had four wives; marrying two in Makka al-Mukarramah (the Honoured), and two in
Madna al-Munawwarah.

1st wife: Umm Qutayla (Qitla) bint Abd al-Uzz b. Assad b. Jbir
She bore him one son, Abd Allah; and one daughter, Asm.

Umm Qutayla came to meet Asm once, but Asm refused her gift. The Prophet was asked
and he said, She should let her in and accept her gift.

2nd wife: Zaynab bint mir

Her kunya was Umm Rmn. She bore him one son, Abd ar-Ramn; and one daughter, the
Mother of the Believers, isha. She was from the tribe of Kinna. She accepted Islam early
on. She passed away in 6H. Upon her passing the Messenger of Allah stated: Whoever
would like to see a maiden from amongst the maidens of heaven (hrayn), should look at

3rd wife: Hubayba (abba) bint Khrija b. Zayd

She bore him one daughter, the youngest of his daughters, Umm Kulthm. She was from
the Anr, from the tribe of al-Khazraj.

4th wife: Asm bint Umays

She bore him one son, Muammad.


Set forth by al-abarn in al-Mujam al-kabr (1:51) Ibn ajar al-Asqaln in al-Isba f tamyz as-aba (4:144).
Set forth by Ibn Askir in Trkh Madna Dimashq (30:14) Ibn ajar al-Asqaln in al-Isba f tamyz as-aba (8:386)
Muibb al-abar in ar-Riy an-naira (1:73).
Set forth by al-abarn in Mujam al-kabr (1:51) al-Haytham in Majma al-zawid (9:40) and said, al-abarn has
narrated it, and it is a sound (asan) tradition) al-abar in al-Trkh al-umam wal-malk (2:350).
Set forth by al-Wid in al-Wajz fl-tafsr (2:293) al-Baghaw in Malim al-tanzl (4:167 in his commentary on verse
46:15) Muibb al-Dn al-abar in al-Riy al-Naira (1:399 316).
Abu Bakr had two brothers and three sisters.

Two brothers:

1. Muaytaq
2. Mutaq

Three sisters:

1. Umm Farva bint Ab Qufa

Her mothers name was Hind bint Nuqayd. She gave birth to three sons (Muammad,
Isq and Isml), and two daughters (Hubba and Qurayba).

2. Qurayba bint Ab Qufa

Her mothers name was Hind bint Nuqayd. Abu Bakr d had her nikh performed to Qays
b. Sad, but they had no children.

3. Umm mir bint Ab Qufa

Her mothers name was Hind bint Nuqayd. Abu Bakr had her nik performed to mir
b. Ab Waqq; she bore him one daughter, Dafa.41
His children are Abd Allh b. Qutayla or Qutla the eldest, Abd al-Ramn Ab Abd Allh one of
the knights in Jhiliyya and Islm, Muammad Ab al-Qsim, isha the Mother of the believers,
Asm his eldest daughter who lived to be a hundred, and Umm Kulthm.

Abd al-Ramn Ab Abd Allh

Eldest of the sons of Abu Bakr. He became Muslim on the day of udaybiyya. Renowned for his

Abd Allah b. Ab Bakr

He played a major role during the emigration of the Prophet from Makka to Madna. During the day
he would sit among the Makkans and listen to what was being said. At night, he would sneak out to
convey this information to his father and the Messenger of Allah. The next morning again he would
again return to Makka.
He was hit by an arrow on the day of if, however, he did not die immediately. He died a
martyr in Madna during his fathers caliphate.

Muammad b. Ab Bakr
He was brought up under the care and tutelage of Mawl Al. The latter appointed him as his
governor in Egypt, where Muammad b. Ab Bakr was killed.

Asm b. Ab Bakr
Asm, the older sister to isha. She was married to the great companion Zubayr b. Awwm, and
had a son, Abdullah b. Zubayr. She was one of the first to accept Islam. The Prophet named her Dht
an-niqayn (the one with two girdles).
Set forth by Ibn Sad in al-abaqt al-kubr (8:196).
When she migrated to Madna she was pregnant with Abdullah, and he was the first child
to be born in Islam after the migration.
She lived to be a hundred years of age, but remained fully alert mentally and did not lose
any of her teeth. She narrated 56 prophetic traditions.
She died in Makka in 73H.42

Umm Kulthm bint Ab Bakr

Her mother was Hubayba bint Khrija.
Abu Bakr said to the Mother of the Believers when he was passing, These are your two
brothers and two sisters. She said, I know Asm, who is the other one? He said, In the womb of
Hubayba bint Khrija. I believe it to be a girl.

With the exception of the family of Abu Bakr, there is no other example of a family whose four
generations accompanied the Messenger of Allah (i.e. were numbered amongst the aba). These
family members were,

Abd Allah b. al-Zubayr

Asm, his mother
Abu Bakr
Abu Qufa

This honour was for Abu Bakr, as there was no other companion, man or woman, among the
Companions whose parents and children embraced Islam and met the Prophet, and whose
grandchildren also saw him, and believed in him.

Abu Bakrs is a family of faith amongst the Muhjirn.

The Period of Ignorance (al-jahiliyya)

During the Period of Ignorance (al-jahiliyya), Abu Bakr was one of the prominent figures and leaders
of the Quraysh. Before the advent of Islam, nine people were recognised as prominent figures.
Among the Quraysh,

1. Al-Abbs b. Abd al-Mualib, he would provide water to the pilgrims.

2. Abu Sufyn b. arb, he was the keeper of al-iqb, that is the banner of Quraysh.
3. Al-rith b. mir, he was in charge of the funds of the Quraysh.
4. Uthmn b. al b. Zamah b. al-Aswad
5. Abu Bakr al-iddq, among the Banu al-Taym. He was in charge of matters having to do with
blood money, and penalties.
6. Khlid b. al-Wald, he was in charge of the tent and banners before battle.
7. Umar b. al-Khab amongst the Banu Ad.
8. afwn b. Umayyah
9. Al-rith b. Qays, he was the judge and was also in charge of the wealth given to their

Set forth by al-Dhahab in Siyar alm an-nubal (2:287).
Abu Bakr was the most learned in the genealogies of the Arabs, in particular the Quraysh. A
shaykh amongst the Anr told us that Jubayr b. Muim was the most learned of the genealogies,
and he would say, I only took genealogies from Abu Bakr.
The Prophet said, Abu Bakr is the most knowledgeable among the Quraysh of their
During the Period of Ignorance, he was merchant. He would travel to Basra in Syria for the
purpose of trade. Even then, he would spend generously frim his wealth, and was well-known for
Ibn Isq stated in his Sra that people liked Abu Bakr and felt at ease with him, they
acknowledged his great virtue and good character.
Ibn al-Daghna said to him, when he met him, You are the adornment of the tribe, you help
at times of calamity, you give to the poor and you do acts of kindness.
Ibn ajar commented on Ibn Daghnas words saying, Ibn al-Daghna, who the leader of al-
Qra, described Abu Bakr, when he told him that he no longer needed his protection in Makkah, in
exactly the same terms as the Mother of the Believers Khadija described the Prophet at the onset of
the announcement of prophecy. Both of them were described in the same terms This is the
ultimate praise43
Abu Bakr had forbidden the consumption of alcohol upon himself even during the period of
ignorance.44 Once when questioned regarding the consumption of alcohol, Abu Bakr replied:
whoever drinks wine will lose his honour and his manliness. This reached the Messenger of
Allah and he said: Abu Bakr has told the truth, Abu Bakr has told the truth.45
In another tradition, Abu Bakr and Uthmn never consumed wine during the Period of

Abu Bakr never prostrated to any idol

Abu Bakr said to a group of the Companions,

I never prostrated to any idol, and that is because when I reached puberty, Abu Qufa took
me by my hand and led me into a small room in the house in which there were idols, and he
said to me: These are your gods, the magnificent and sublime I drew close to the idol and
said, I am hungry; feed me, but it did not answer me. I said, I am naked, cloth me, but it
did not answer me. Thus, I threw a rock at it, and it fell on its face.

Professor Rafq al-Adham wrote, He was a man who grew up among idols, where there was no
religion that could serve as a deterrent and no laws or regulations to provide guidelines, yet he
attained a high level of virtue Such a man deserved to fall in love with Islam and be the first to
believe in the Prophet, to declare his Islam and be the first to believe in the Prophet

He did not commit any ignorant deeds and attitudes which were contrary to common sense
or sound reasoning.
Al-Nawaw said: How many qualities, stations and virtues of a-iddq there are which just
cannot be numbered.

Set forth by Ibn ajar al-Asqaln in al-Isba f tamyz as-aba (8:386).
The Mother of the Believers, isha, peace be upon her, said that her father, Abu Bakr had forbidden the consumption of
alcohol upon himself even during the period of ignorance; neither did he consume alcohol during the period of jhiliyya,
or after the advent of Islam. (Marifat as-aba li-ab nuaym 1:58)
Set forth by al-Suy in Trkh al-khulaf.
Indeed! What a great man Abu Bakr was, with a huge number of sublime virtues to his
credit. He upheld praiseworthy and noble characteristics in an ignorant society before Islam, and,
the people of Makka gave precedence to his testimony over other because of his morals and values.

He was the first man to accept Islam.46

Abu Bakr said that he was waiting in the courtyard of the Kaba, Z ayd b. Amr b. Nufayl was sitting
there. Umayyah b. Abil-Sult passed by him and asked, How are you O seeker of good? Zayd
replied, I am well. Umayyah queried, Have you found it yet? Zayd answered, No. Then
Umayyah said, On the Last Day, every religion expect the religion of monotheism will be to no
avail. Indeed, there will be an awaited prophet, either from among us or among you.

Abu Bakr said, Before that, I had ever heard of an awaited Prophet who would be sent. Thereafter,
Abu Bakr searched for Waraqah b. Nawfal, who had studied much of the earlier scriptures, and
asked him about the coming of a prophet. Waraqah said, Yes, O son of my brother the prophet
who is awaited will be one of the best of the Arabs in terms of lineage.

When he was in Syria, he saw a dream which he narrated to Bara, the monk.

Bahra asked, Where are you from? He replied, Makkah. Bara enquired, From which
tribe? He answered, From the Quraysh. What is your profession? He said, I am a
merchant. Bara said, If Allah will your dream to come true, a prophet will be sent
among your people, you will be his advisor whilst he is alive and his successor after his
demise. Abu Bakr kept this to himself.

According to biographers, the Messenger of Allah invited Abu Bakr to Islam in the following

I am the Messenger of Allah and His Prophet. He has sent me convey His message. I am
calling you to Allah on the basis of truth, for verily it is the truth. I am calling you, Abu
Bakr, to Allah alone, with no partner or associate, to worship none but Him, and to form
bonds on the basis of obeying Him.

The Prophets servant Raba ibn Kab al-Aslam narrated:

The Messenger of Allh gave me a piece of land and he gave Ab Bakr a piece of land. The
world tempted us and we began to dispute over the branch of a date palm. I said it fell
within my property and Ab Bakr said fell it within his. Words were exchanged and Ab
Bakr said something for which he felt guilt and remorse. He said to me, Raba! Say
something like it to me in requital. I said, Never! Ab Bakr said, You will say it or else I
will seek the help of the Messenger of Allh against you! I said I would not do it. Ab Bakr
cut short claiming the land and bolted off to the Prophet e while I followed him. People
from Aslam came to me, saying, Allh have mercy on Ab Bakr! Over what is he seeking
the help of the Messenger of Allh against you when it is he that spoke to you in the way he
did? I said, Do you know who this is? This is Ab Bakr al-iddq! This is (The second of
two) (9:40)! This is the Venerable of the Muslims! Beware, lest he turn around and see you
coming to my help against him, then become angry and come to the Messenger of Allh

Refer to page one (or footnote no. 8).
who will be angry because of Ab Bakrs anger, then Allh U will be angry because of the
anger of the two of them, then He will cause Raba to perish! They said, What do you
want us to do? I said, Leave me!! So Ab Bakr went on his way to see the Messenger of
Allh and I followed him alone until he reached the Prophet and told him what happened.
The Prophet e raised his head, looked at me, and said: Raba! What is between you and the
Truthful one? I said, Messenger of Allh! This and that took place, he said a word to me
which he regretted then asked me to say the same back to him in requital, so I refused. The
Messenger of Allh said: Good! And do not speak back to him but say, Allh forgive you,
Ab Bakr! So I said: ghafara Allhu laka y Ab Bakr. Al-asan said that Ab Bakr left in

Umar disagreed with Ab Bakr one day and left him in anger. Ab Bakr followed after him, asking
his forgiveness, but Umar refused and shut his door in his face. Ab Bakr then went to the Prophet
and took hold of his garment until his knee showed. The Prophet said: Your companion has been
arguing! Ab Bakr greeted him and said: There was a dispute between me and Umar, then I felt
remorse and asked him to forgive me but he would not, so I came to you. The Prophet said,
repeating three times: Allh forgives you, Ab Bakr! Allh forgives you, Ab Bakr! Allh forgives
you, Ab Bakr! Umar felt remorse and went asking for Ab Bakr at his house without finding him.
He came to the Prophet e and greeted him, but the Prophets face changed to displeasure. Seeing
this, Ab Bakr sat up on his knees in fear before the Prophet, saying twice: Messenger of Allh! I
was more at fault. Messenger of Allh! I was more at fault. The Prophet then said to the people:
Allh sent me to you and you all said: You are lying! But Ab Bakr said: He said the truth. Ab
Bakr gave me solace with his person and property. Will you leave my companion alone once and for
all! Will you leave my companion alone once and for all! No-one ever insulted Ab Bakr again.48
One time, the Prophet told of a shepherd from whom a wolf stole a sheep. The shepherd
pursued the wolf and got the sheep back. Thereupon the wolf turned around and said: Who will
save it the day of the beasts, when I will be its only shepherd? The people exclaimed: Subn
Allh! The Prophet said: I do believe this story, and so do Ab Bakr and Umar! They were absent
at the time.
Ab Bakr applied scrupulously the instruction of the Prophet not to rely upon the help of
people even in small things. Ibn Ab Mulayka said: If it happened that the reins fell from the hand
of Ab Bakr al-iddq he would goad the camels leg so as to make it kneel and would pick it up
[himself]. Asked why he did not order someone to hand it to him he replied: My beloved, the
Messenger of Allh, commanded me not to ask anything from people.

The Commander of the Faithful Umar said,

Were the faith (mn) of Abu Bakr to be weighed against the faith of the
inhabitants of the earth, he would outweigh them.49

Narrated from Raba b. Kab b. Mlik by Amad with a fair to sound chain.
Narrated from Ab al-Dard by al-Bukhr.
Set forth by al-Bayhaq in Shuab al-mn (1:69 #36).
The Prophet rejoiced at when Abu Bakr became a Muslim, as the Mothers of the Believers said,
When the Prophet had spoken to Abu Bakr, Abu Bakr embraced Islam. The Messenger of Allah left
his house, and there was no one between the two mountains who was happier than him at Abu
Bakrs acceptance of Islam.50

Abu Bakr was like a treasure that Allah had stored for His Messenger.

Abu Bakr was also the first to pray, as mentioned by Ibn Abbs.

Whose Islam was first? Abu anfa said,

The first woman to accept Islam: Khadja bint Khuwaylid/al-kubr51

The first man to accept Islam: Abu Bakr52
The first child to accept Islam: Al53
The first freed-slave to accept Islam: Zayd b. ritha5455

Merits (manqib) of Abu Bakr

Abu Bakr is the greatest of all the companions of the Messenger of Allah.

Set forth by Ibn Kathr in al-Bidya wal-nihya (3:29).
Mlik b. uwayrith narrates:

The first to accept Islam amongst the men was Al; and amongst the women, Khadja. (al-Mujam al-
kabr 19:291 648)

Ibrhm an-Nakha stated:

The first to accept Islam was Abu Bakr a-iddq. (Sunan at-Tirmidh (Bk. Of Virtues))

Similar is narrated from Abd Allah b. Umar (al-abarn in Mujam al-awsa 8:190 #8365; al-Haytham in Majma al-zawid
9:43; and al-Wsi in Trkh al-wsi 1:254).
It is narrated from Zayd b. Arqam that:

The first person to affirm faith upon the Messenger of Allah was Al b. Ab Tlib. (al-Mustadrak alal-
aayn 4:110 4718)

It is narrated from Arw that:

The first person to accept Islam from amongst the Muslims was Zayd b. ritha. (al-Mustadrak alal-
aayn 4:226 5003)

The first slave to accept Islam was Bill al-abash.
Abu Bakr was amongst the first few people to declare his faith openly.56

He is the first to be mentioned amongst the al-ashara mubashara57.

A man from the dwellers of Paradise is about to come into your sight. Whereupon
Ab Bakr came and sat among them. The Prophet said the same thing again and
Umar came.

Al! Ab Bakr and Umar are the leaders of the mature dwellers (kuhl) of Paradise among the first
and the last, except for Prophets and Messengers.

Al-aw defined maturity (al-takahhul) as the latter period of youth, after which one becomes a
shaykh. Ab Hurayra is called the boy (al-ghulm) in more than one narration, although it is nar-
rated from him that he was over thirty when he first came to al-Madna. Al-Nawaw said that its
meaning was that Ab Bakr and Umar are the leaders of all those who died in their maturity and

Abd Allah b. Masd narrates,

The first people to declare their Islam publicly were seven:

1. Our Master Muammad

2. Abu Bakr a-iddq
3. Ammr b. Yassr
4. Sumayya, the mother of Ammr b. Yassr
5. uhayb
6. Bill
7. Miqdd (Sunan Ibn Mjah 1:99 #150).

Abd Allah narrates: The first amongst the people to announce their Islam publicly were the Prophet Muammad and
Abu Bakr. (Muibb al-abar in ar-Riy an-naira 1:88).
Al-ashara mubashara: they were ten companions of the Prophet who were promised the Garden during their lifetime,
they were:

1. Ab Bakr a-iddq
2. Umar al-Frq
3. Uthmn b. Affn
4. Al al-Murta
5. al b. Ubaydullh
6. Zubayr b. Awwm
7. Sad b. Ab Waqq
8. Sad
9. Abd ar-Ramn b. Awf
10. Ab Ubayda
entered Paradise, while al-asan and al-usayn are the leaders of all those who died young and
entered Paradise.

The tbi Isml b. Ab Khlid narrated that isha once addressed the Prophet saying, O Master of
the Arabs! but he replied, I am the Master of human beings and say this without pride; but your
father is the master of the mature men of the Arabs (sayyid kuhl al-arab). One version adds, and
Al is the master of the youth of the Arabs.

Abu Bakr accompanied the Prophet from the moment he accepted Islam until his demise,
not leaving him in a journey or in residence, except for that which he authorised him to go out on,
such as the ajj and fighting expeditions. He was present at all the battles with him.58
Abu Yal, al-kim and Ahmad narrated that Al said: The Messenger of Allah said to me
and Abu Bakr on the Day of Badr, With one of you is Jibrl and with the other is Mkl.
He was the bravest of the Companions. Al-Bazzr narrated in his Musnad that Al said, Tell
me who is the bravest of men? They said, You. He said, As for me, I never encountered anyone but
that I took my due from him, but tell me who is the bravest of men? They said, We dont know.
Who is it? He said, Abu Bakr. On the Day of Badr we made a shelter from the sun for the Messenger
of Allah and then we said, Who will be with the Messenger of Allah so that none of the idolaters
may fall upon him? By Allah, none of us drew near except for Abu Bakr who brandished a sword
over the head of the Messenger of Allah. No-one fell upon him but that he in turn fell upon him. So
he is the bravest of men. Al said: I saw the Messenger of Allah and Quraysh grabbed him. One held
him and another threw him down and they were saying, Are you the one who has made the gods
into one god? By Allah, none of us approached except Abu Bakr, striking this one, and restraining
that one, and throwing down another, saying, Woe to you! Will you kill a man because he says, My
Lord is Allah? Then Al raised a cloak which he was wearing and wept until his beard was wet and
said, I adjure you by Allah! Is the believer of the people of Pharaoh better or Abu Bakr? People
were silent. He said, Will you not answer? By Allah, an hour of Abu Bakr is better than a thousand
hours of the like of the believer of the people of Pharaoh. He was a man who concealed his faith,
and this was a man who was open about his faith!
The Messenger of Allah used the wealth of Abu Bakr. Amad narrated that Abu Hurayra
said: the Messenger of Allah said: No wealth ever benefited me as did the wealth of Abu Bakr. Abu
Bakr wept and said, Are I and my wealth for any but you, Messenger of Allah? And in another
narration it was added, And the Messenger of Allah to him and his family, used to make use of the
wealth of Abu Bakr as he did of his own wealth.

A ghazwah is a military expedition in which the Prophet participated. Fighting occurred in nine of the military
expeditions (ghazawt).

i) Badr (2H)
ii) Uud (3H)
iii) Al-Murays (5H)
iv) Al-Khandaq (5H)
v) Qurayzah (5H)
vi) Khaybar (7H)
vii) Al-Fat (8H)
viii) unayn (8H)
ix) Al-if (8H)

Some scholars included the Expedition of Wd al-Qur and al-Ghbah.

The Mother of the Believers, isha said: Abu Bakr accepted Islam on the day that he did and
he had forty thousand dinars (and in a wording forty thousand dirhams) and he spent them on the
Messenger of Allah.
At-Tirmidh narrated that Abu Hurayra said: The Messenger of Allah said, We have never
been under obligation to anyone but that we have repaid him, except for Abu Bakr, for he has put
obligations on us which Allah will repay him for on the Day of Rising. No-ones wealth has ever
benefited me as has Abu Bakrs wealth.
Ibn Askir narrated that Ibn Abbs said: The Messenger of Allah said, No-one has shown
greater favour to me than Abu Bakr. He shared himself and his wealth with me and he married me
his daughter.

Zayd b. Aslam narrates that he heard Umar b. al-Khab saying,



We were ordered by the Messenger of Allah to give in charity (adaqah), and that
coincided with a time in which I had some wealth, so I said, Today I will beat Abu
Bakr, if ever I beat him. So I came with half of my wealth, and the Messenger of
Allah said: What did you leave for your family? I said: The like of it (mithlah). And
Abu Bakr came with everything he had, so he said: O Abu Bakr! What did you leave
for your family? He said: I left Allah and His Messenger for them. I said: [By Allah]
I will never be able to beat him to something.59

Abu Bakr was the most knowledgeable of the Companions. Ibn Kathr (d. 774) said: a-iddq
was the best read of the Companions, meaning that he was the most knowledgeable of them in the
Glorious Qurn, because he put him forward as imam of the prayer for the Companions, may Allah
be pleased with him and them, along with his words, The best read in the Book of Allah will lead
the people.
Al-Tirmidh narrated that the Mother of the Believers isha said: The Messenger of Allah
said, It is not fitting for a people among whom is Abu Bakr that another than him should lead them
(as imm\the word having the meaning of both leading, and leading the prayer).
As-Suyt states: One of the proofs that he was the most knowledgeable of the Companions
is the hadith of the Treaty of udaybiyya when Umar asked the Messenger of Allah, For what reason
should we accept disgrace in our dn? The Prophet answered him. Then he went to Abu Bakr and
asked him the same question that he had asked the Messenger of Allah and he answered him just as
the Prophet had answered him, word for word. Al-Bukhr and others narrated it.

Set forth by al-Tirmidh in as-Sunan (5:614 #3675) Dr Iy Turth al-Arab. Beirut; and, Abu Dwd in as-Sunan (1:526
#1678) Dr al-Fikr.
Abu Bakr was the most penetrating in respect to his views, and the most perfect of them in
intellect. Tamm al-Rz narrated in his al-Fawid and Ibn Askir narrated that Abd Allah b. Amr b.
al-s said: I heard the Messenger of Allah saying, Jibrl came to me and said, Allah orders you to
seek the counsel of Abu Bakr.
Jubayr b. Muim narrated that a woman came to the Messenger of Allah to speak to him
about something. Then he ordered her with something, and she said: What should I do O
Messenger of Allah if I do not find you? He said: If you do not find me, then go to Abu Bakr (fain
lam tajidn fati ab bakrin).60
He was the most knowledgeable of the sunna. As-Suyt (d. 911) said: He was, along with
that, the most knowledgeable in the sunna. When the Companions referred to him on several
occasions, he produced transmissions of sunnas from the Prophet he had memorised and which he
produced at the moments when they were needed, and which they didnt have.
He was the most knowledgeable of the interpretations of dreams. Along with that, a-iddq
had reached the limit in the interpretation of dreams. He used to interpret dreams in the time of
the Messenger of Allah. Muammad b. Sirn and he was the foremost in this knowledge by general
consensus, said: Abu Bakr was the most able of this Community after its Prophet s to draw a
meaning (from a dream). Ibn Sad narrated it.
Daylam narrated in Musnad al-firdaws and Ibn Askir narrated that Samurah said: The
Messenger of Allah said, I have been commanded to interpret the dream (and to tell it or teach it)
to Abu Bakr.
His memorisation of the Glorious Qurn. An-Nawaw said, in his Tahdhb: a-iddq was one
of the Companions who memorised all of the Glorious Qurn.
He was the best amongst them after the Messenger of Allah. The people of the sunna are
unanimous that the best of mankind after the Messenger of Allah were Abu Bakr, then Umar, then
Uthmn, then Al, then the rest of the ten (who were given the good news of the Garden by the
Prophet), then the rest of the people of Badr, then the rest of the people of Uud, then the rest of
the people of the oath of allegiance (of udaybiyya), then the rest of the Companions. Abu Manr
al-Baghdd relates that there is consensus on this.61
Ibn Askir narrated that Ibn Umar said: We, while the Messenger of Allah was among us,
used to prefer Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthmn and Al.
Abd ar-Ramn b. umayd, in his Musnad, and Abu Nuaym and others narrated with
different paths of transmission that Abu Dard, said that the Messenger of Allah said, The sun has
not risen nor has it set over anyone better than Abu Bakr, unless he were a prophet.
The Messenger of Allah said: Abu Bakr and Umar are more virtuous then those that came
before and those that are to come, and better than all inhabitants of the heavens and the
inhabitants of the earth, with the exception of the Prophets and the Messengers. O Al do not
inform them.62
The Messenger of Allah said, The most generous of people to me with his company and his
wealth is Abu Bakr. If I were to take an intimate friend other than my Lord I would have taken Abu
Bakr, but there is the brotherhood of Islam and its affection. Let no door remain open but for the
door of Abu Bakr.
Ibn Askir narrated that Abd ar-Ramn b. Abu Layl said that Umar ascended the minbar
and said, Definitely the best of this Community after our Prophet is Abu Bakr. Whoever says
anything else is an inventor of falsehood. May there be upon him that which is upon the inventor of

Set forth by al-Tirmidh in as-Sunan (6:615 #3676) Dr Iy Turth al-Arab. Beirut.
Set forth by al-Suy in Trkh al-khulaf.
Set forth by Muttaq al-Hind in Kanz al-umml.
falsehood. He also narrated that Ibn Ab Layl said, Al said, Anyone who prefers me over Abu Bakr
and Umar, I will lash him with the hadd punishment due to the inventor of falsehood.
Abu Bakr will be the first of the Prophets Community to enter the Garden. Abu Dwd
narrated and al-kim, and he declared it a, that Abu Hurayra said, the Messenger of Allah said,
As for you, Abu Bakr, you will be the first of my Community to enter the Garden.
The Commander of the Faithful Umar would say, I would love to be a hair on the chest of
Abu Bakr!63 And he said, I would love to be in the Garden in such a position I could see Abu Bakr.

Narrated the Commander of the Faithful Umar,



Abu Bakr is our master, and the best amongst us; and the most beloved to the
Messenger of Allah from amongst us.64

Abu Hurayra narrates that the Messenger of Allah said,

On the Night of Ascension (layl al-mirj) I saw my name written on each sky as:
Muammad is the Messenger of Allah and Abu Bakr is my caliph.65

Abu Nuaym and Ibn Askir narrated that Ibn Abbs said: The Messenger of Allah said, I never
spoke to anyone about Islam but that they refused me and rejected my words except for the son of
Abu Qufa. I never spoke to him about something but that he accepted it and was steadfast in it.66

The Commander of the Faithful Al said:

The best of those in this nation after the Messenger of Allah are Abu Bakr and

Set forth by Musaddad in al-Musnad; and, al-Suy in Trkh al-khulaf.
Set forth by Abu Dwd in as-Sunan (Bk. Of Virtues).
Set forth by Muttaq al-Hind in Kanz al-umml (6/251 #32577).
Set forth by al-Suy in Trkh al-khulaf.
Dhahab stated: this statement of Al has been mass-transmitted (tawtur).

Imam Amad Ri (d. 1340) has stated: The Friends of Allah (awliy) have declared, There is
no teacher in the entire creation superior to the Messenger of Allah; and no student greater than
Abu Bakr.67
Al-Nawaw said in his Tahdhb: a-iddq related of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless
him and grant him peace, one hundred and forty-two adth.
Ibn Askir68 (d. 571) narrates that Zuhr69 (d. 124) said: From amongst the virtues of Abu
Bakr is that he never under any occasion questioned (the decree of) his Lord.

The things in which he was first He was the first to accept Islam, the first to collect the Quran
together, the first to name it a musaf (written copy), and he was the first to be named khalfa. He
was the first to rule the khilfa whilst his father was alive. He was the first one to make the bayt al-

Abu Bakr and the Ahl al-Bayt

Abu Bakrs name is Abd Allah, and the name of the eldest child of Abu Bakr is also Abd Allah.
Similarly, Al b. Ab lib has a child named Abd Allah, and al-asan and al-usayn also named
either one of their sons, Abd Allah.
Abu Bakr named one of his sons, Muammad. Al named one of his sons Muammad, and al-
asan also had a son named, Muammad.
Abu Bakr named the last of his sons, Abd ar-Ramn, similarly al-asan named one of his sons,
Abd ar-Ramn.
Qsim was the name of one of the grandchildren of Abu Bakr, al-asan named one of his sons,
The youngest of Abu Bakrs daughters is, Umm al-Kulthm, and two of the daughters of Al are
named, Umm al-Kulthm.
Al-asan named one of his sons, Abu Bakr, and one of Als sons has the kunya, Abu Bakr.70

Abu Bakr passed away at the age of sixty-three years in 13H; passing away on the 22nd of Jumda al-
khira 13H.71 Abu Bakr was washed by his wife, Asm bint Umays, and he was laid to rest next to the

Stated by al-Ri in al-Aya an-nabawiyya (11:326).
Al b. al-asan b. Hibat Allah b. Abd Allah, Thiqt al-Dn, Abu al-Qsim, known as Ibn Askir al-Dimashq al-Shfi al-
Ashar (499-571), the imam of adth masters in his time and historian of Damascus. (Sh. G. Haddad)
He was Ibn Shihb al-Zuhr. Born in 50H, and passed away in 124H; student of the great companion Anas b. Mlik and
the successor Sad b. Musayyab.
Refer to al-Murdabds, Savnih Karbal (pp. 126).
The Prophet, Abu Bakr and Umar passed away at the age of sixty-three years.

Narrated Jarr [b. Abd Allah]: that he heard Muviya b. Ab Sufyn delivering a sermon, stating: The
Messenger of Allah passed away when he was sixty-three years old, as did Abu Bakr and Umar, and I
am sixty-three years old.
Messenger of Allah, per his wish. Abu Bakrs head placed parallel to the shoulders of the Messenger
of Allah.
Umar ibn al-Khab led his funeral prayer. Umar, Uthmn, al and Abd ar-Ramn f all
descended into his grave during the burial.
ayf and al-kim narrated that Ibn Umar said: The cause of Abu Bakrs death was the
passing away of the Messenger of Allah. He was distressed and his body continued to waste away
until he died.
Umar said: May Allah shower mercy on Abu Bakr. Ever since the passing of the Prophet,
he has worked himself to the point of exhaustion. May Allah shower mercy on Abu Bakr. Ever since
the passing of the Prophet, he has worked himself to the point of exhaustion. May Allah shower
mercy on Abu Bakr. Ever since the passing of the Prophet, he has worked himself to the point of
Upon hearing the sad news of Abu Bakrs passing, Al b. Ab lib hurried towards the home
of Abu Bakr, all the while saying: Verily we belong to Allah, and to Him is our return. Al then
stood outside the home of Abu Bakr and addressing Abu Bakr said:

O Abu Bakr, may Allah have mercy on you. You were the closest companion and friend to
the Messenger of Allah; you were a comfort to him; you were the one he trusted most. If he
had a secret, he would tell it to you; and if he needed to consult someone regarding a
matter, he would consult you.73

Ab s (al-Tirmidh) added: this adth is asan a. (Sunan al-Tirmidh (Bk. Of Virtues) 4014)

Al and Muviya too passed away at the age of sixty-three years.

Set forth by Ibn Sad in abaqt (3:146-147).
Al-Tabsira (1:477).

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