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UPDATED PAPER: IPPC Implementation Projects and PCE Application

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International Plant Protection Convention 08_CDC_2016_Dec

IPPC implementation projects and PCE application Agenda item: 05.2

UPDATED PAPER: IPPC implementation projects and PCE application1

[1] The IFU continues to operate with a technical staff complement of three and one consultant under the
IRSS programme. The team is supported by two administrative officers. There have been pledges for
further support to the IFU through direct in-kind staff support through China and Japan. These
negotiations are ongoing.
[2] Implementation projects represent a crucial activity of the Implementation Facilitation Unit. They
remain indispensable to build capacity and implement the IPPC and its tools (including ISPMs) at the
country, region, and global levels. These projects, financed by FAO, STDF, or other donors allow:
- To assist countries in Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation tool to improve phytosanitary systems
and institutional frameworks
- To build stakeholders capacity at countries and regions levels through their active participation
in meetings and workshops
- To build partnerships
- To develop globally applicable tools.
[3] The national, regional or global projects held in 2015-2016 are described below. Projects are ordered by
status (concluded, in final approval stage, or active).

1. National implementation projects

[4] National implementation projects that are currently being implemented in Africa and Eastern Europe,
in countries in great need.
Project code TCP/SOM/3601
Project title Institutional Capacity Development of the Ministry of Agriculture and Policy Support for the establishment
of a National Phytosanitary Framework for Somalia.
Status This project is Active.
The TCP project will enable the MoA to evaluate the needs and formulate phytosanitary regulatory frameworks for
Somalia, in conjunction with several stakeholders and eventually enable the country to commence the process of
becoming a contracting party of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC). The capacity building component
will help the MoA to ensure that the staff working under different departments will have built the requisite
competencies/skills and that they receive refresher-trainings on the latest developments in their fields of expertise.
Technical trainings will be complemented with cross-cutting subjects including gender mainstreaming, accountability to
vulnerable and affected populations, Monitoring and Evaluation, Report Writing and skills development in Project
Management Cycle.

Project code OSRO/GAZ/402/NET

Project title Capacity building programme in support of the Palestinian National Authority Sanitary and Phyto-
Sanitary (SPS) measures
Status This project is active.
The IPPC intervention under the project focusses on providing technical inputs into development of draft legislation
including subsidiary legislation, development of a phytosanitary information system, training on phytosanitary inspection
and establishment of a plant diagnostic laboratory.

Project code TCP/SSD/3502

Project title Development of Phytosanitary legislation and capacity development strategy in South Sudan
Status This project is active.

The previous CDC paper can be sourced here:

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South Sudan emerged from Africas most protracted war with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in
2005, thereafter transitioning from the status of autonomy to full independence on July 2011, following a referendum on self-
This projects responds to the requests of the Government of South Sudan by providing technical assistance towards the
drafting of a phytosanitary protection framework legislation and the creation of a national plant protection organization
(NPPO). The first mission to assess the needs in June 2016 led to completion of five Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation
(PCE) modules, including the module on phytosanitary legislation.
The second mission held in October 2016, in Uganda for security reasons, allowed for strategic planning, the development
of a draft phytosanitary legislation, and discussion on the vision and mission of the NPPO and its structure (see
The final mission is planned for December 2016, to validate all the expected outputs of the project, namely:
(i) A national phytosanitary capacity development strategy, prepared based on the assessment conducted
using the IPPC PCE tool
(ii) At least two priority legal/regulatory instruments on phytosanitary protection drafted, validated and
submitted to the Government of South Sudan for adoption.

Project code TCP/GEO/3601/C1

Project title Nationwide Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) in Georgia
Status This project is Active.
This project is the FAO response to the official request of the National Food Agency (NFA) at the Ministry of Agriculture of
Georgia to provide technical assistance under the TCP Facility to conduct Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) in
Georgia. The goal of the project is to evaluate the Georgian phytosanitary system, analyze the phytosanitary legislation in
place and outline a national phytosanitary capacity development strategy.
The IPPC Secretariat facilitates phytosanitary capacity evaluation and development of the capacity development strategy
through providing the technical support. To date the Secretariat has conducted two missions to Georgia to initiate the
phytosanitary capacity evaluation at three different levels (policy, management and technical level) and to start strategic

Project code MTF /AZE/007/STF

Project title Strengthening phytosanitary inspection and diagnostic services in Azerbaijan
Status This project is Active.
The goal of the project is to improve provision of inspection and diagnostic services by the State Phytosanitary Control
Service (SPCS) and the State Customs Committee (SCC) of Azerbaijan for maintaining the necessary level of phytosanitary
protection for agricultural production and ecosystems in the country. The project will last two and a half years. A total of $3
250 000 is allocated for the project activities. The principal challenges to be addressed are:
(i) The lack of capacity by the SPCS to ensure the phytosanitary security of imported consignments of regulated articles,
particularly the detection and diagnosis of plant quarantine pests.
(ii) Better collaboration between state authorities involved in the import-export procedures related to plants, plant products
and other regulated articles.
The project allowed Russian translation and printing of the IPPC guides on export certification, import verification and
phytosanitary diagnostic services developed under the STDF/PG/350 project Global Phytosanitary Manuals, Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Training Kits Project. Copies of the translated guides were distributed to the Russian
speaking countries.

Project code TCP/MOL/3502

Project title Support for adaptation and implementation of Integrated Pest Management in Moldova
Status This project is active.
The project supports the development and implementation of a national programme on adoption and promotion of
integrated pest management (IPM). It aims to strengthen the capacities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry
(MAFI) and of the Phytosanitary Service of the National Food Safety Agency (ANSA) to develop a national IPM programme
for adoption . The phytosanitary component of this project, strengthening capacities of the Phytosanitary Service of the
National Food Safety Agency (ANSA), is delegated to the IPPC Secretariat. Specifically, the IPPC Secretariat provides
technical assistance on:

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(i) Application of the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation tool (PCE);

(ii) Elaboration of the phytosanitary capacity development strategic plan;
(iii) Implementation of the strategic plan, and
(iv) Identifying necessary tools and equipment for the improvement of the inspection and quarantine service.
The IPPC Secretariat conducted two missions to Moldova to provide the technical support to ANSA for gaps identification,
problem analysis and strategic planning. The guidance was delivered by the Secretariat through two workshops with wide
participation of stakeholders. Elaboration of a strategic plan, is fully dependent on the performance of ANSA staff and
relevant stakeholders. The anticipated closing date of the project is 31/12/2016.

2. Regional implementation projects

[5] Regional implementation projects are active in North Africa, Southern Africa and Eastern Europe.

Project code GCP /SFS/001/MUL

Project title Strengthening Controls of Food Safety, Plant and Animal Pests and Diseases for Agricultural Productivity
and Trade in Southern Africa
Status This project is active.
The gap analysis stage of phytosanitary capacity evaluation (PCE) has been concluded in Namibia, Botswana and
Zambia. Botswana and Zambia have initiated the strategic planning stage. Madagascar initiated the PCE in November
2016 as well as the legal review stage. Legal reviews of phytosanitary legislation are being conducted for Botswana and

Project code TCP/RER/3503

Project title Strengthening capacities of the national phytosanitary control services in 4 Eastern European countries
Status This project is active.
The project is the response of the FAO to the official request of the governments of Eastern European countries (Armenia,
Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine) to assist in the improvement of phytosanitary situation and development of collaboration
among phytosanitary services. Expected outcomes of the project are:
(i) Enhanced capacities of stakeholders to fulfil the requirements of the International Plant Protection Convention,
in particular on National Reporting Obligations,
(ii) Implementation framework for strengthening the national phytosanitary control services, based on the
phytosanitary capacity evaluation,
(iii) Enhanced capacity of phytosanitary personnel and inspectors on the implementation of international standards,
pest risk analysis and pest surveillance procedures, and
(iv) Strengthened capacity of plant quarantine staff, phytosanitary inspectors in detection of quarantine pests
associated with consignments
The inception meeting of the project took place in September 2016, in Minsk, Belarus. Representatives of participant
countries reviewed and updated planned activities of the project.

Project code TCP/RAB/3601

Project title Preventive measures for the introduction and spread of Xylella fastidiosa Olive Quick Decline Syndrome
in NENA countries
Status This project is active.
The first report of X. fastidiosa on olive trees in Southern Italy and consequent estimated costs of losses of olive trees in
this region (250 million) raised the emerging threat to the entire Mediterranean Basin, characterized by favourable climatic
conditions for the epidemic spread of the disease. This project will support the governments efforts to reduce the risk of
introduction and spread of X. fastidiosa, and its harmful effects.
The inception workshop of the project was organized in August 2016 (see
countries/). Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, West Bank and Gaza Strip elaborated national work plans
with activities related to: 1) the identification and engagement of partners and stakeholders in the contingency plan
against X. fastidiosa; 2) the development of capacities of all relevant stakeholders in surveillance, diagnostic and
management methods for X. fastidiosa; 3) the implementation of an efficient surveillance plan against the species; and 4)
the public awareness and communication activities on the risk the species represents and the related preventive

The expected outcomes of the project are:

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(i) Partners and stakeholders and their roles in the project are identified, and appropriate contingency
plans and phytosanitary measures are in line with the IPPC to prevent the risk of introduction and
spread of CoDiRo in NENA countries.
(ii) Technical skills of the stakeholders are improved in the surveillance and diagnosis and management
practices of X. fastidiosa.
(iii) Effective action plans for surveillance of X. fastidiosa in participating countries are developed.
(iv) Knowledge of farmers and public awareness on the risk related to X. fastidiosa and preventive
measures are raised.
(v) The project outcomes are evaluated, and recommendations for national follow-up actions developed.

Project code TCP/SNE/3601.C1

Project title Strengthening measures against quarantine pests in the Maghreb countries, including the red palm
Status This project is active.
The Agriculture sector in North Africa is one of the most important pillars for development and plays multiple roles: social,
economic and environmental. Nowadays it is mainly these two major Maghreb agricultural products that are threatened
by pests: the olive tree by Xylella fastidiosa (XF) and date palm by the Red Palm Weevil (CRP). A formal request to
support countries for capacity building on phytosanitary controls and risk prevention was introduced by the Arab Maghreb
Union. The assistance will perform Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluations (PCE) in 3 Maghreb countries and will identify
major gaps and priorities for action. The implementation of these PCE will help to develop and implement a strategy and
action plan for the prevention and fight against crop pests in North Africa. This project will strengthen the exchange
between countries and coordination to address threats through the development of a harmonized decision making and
coordinated system to boost the Maghreb network for plant protection.

3. Global implementation projects

[6] Global implementation projects are managed by the IPPC Secretariat Implementation facilitation Unit,
with consultation of the CDC. The IFU ensures that the global outcomes are widely disseminated, and
that the various initiatives are coordinated and synergies established across projects.
Project code GCP /GLO/551/SWI
Project title Support to the IPPC Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS) programme of work
Status This project is active.
The development of a Monitoring and Evaluation framework for the IPPC Secretariat was started in partnership with the
University of Wageningen. Work on risk communication will through this fund. A GEF project formulation activity will be
supported in February 2017. This last activity will link the IPPC IRSS past work on aquatic plants (invasive species) with
strategic direction of establishing a core work programme with the CBD.

Project code GCP /GLO/391/EC

Project title Funding support for the IPPC - Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS)
Status This project is active.
The second cycle of the IRSS will conclude on 31 March 2017, until which time the following activities are under way.
1. Promotion of the new IRSS webpage
2. The 2016 IPPC General Survey
3. Development of the Monitoring and Evaluation framework
4. Analysis of global emerging risks in plant health
5. IRSS study: Analyzing the benefits of implementing the IPPC
6. Contracting party donor guidance
7. Organization of the CPM 12 side session: Benefits of the IPPC
8. Global funding support initiative (GEF)
9. Preparation of the second IRSS cycle triennial implementation review report
10. Preparation of the third IRSS cycle proposal

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Project code MTF /GLO/527/STF ; STDF/PG/401

Project title Training of Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) Facilitators
Status This project is active.
This project seeks to improve national-level coordination and coherence of plant protection programmes through
improved needs assessment and action planning. Approximately 60 individuals have been trained in five training
workshops to facilitate phytosanitary needs assessment and action planning processes using the IPPC Phytosanitary
Capacity Evaluation (PCE) tool. Legal experts also attended the modules on phytosanitary issues for an optimal
implementation of the PCE in countries.
Training material for the two week intensive PCE facilitator training was developed (and made available in English, French,
and Spanish). The curriculum of the training includes teachings on phytosanitary issues, ethics and personality
assessment; understanding the PCE modules, and using the logical framework approach. This training material includes
a manual on Developing a national phytosanitary capacity development strategy. It also includes pre-training on-line
questions accessible on an electronic platform. A thorough evaluation method for participants was also elaborated.
Information on the intensive training courses is available at:
- 1st training workshop
- 2nd training workshop
- 3rd training workshop

The projects will soon enter its second phase, and the following outputs will be expected:
(i) Sub-pool of individuals approved as PCE facilitators (according to criteria set by the project steering
(ii) Roster of PCE facilitators developed
(iii) Foour PCEs facilitated with newly trained facilitators, which would validate those facilitators to be
listed in the roster
(iv) Trained facilitators linked with additional opportunities to apply the tool in practice in order to grow the
(v) Fact sheet developed
(vi) Information on PCE facilitator roster disseminated.
The project description is available at:

Project code GCP/GLO/725/EC

Project title European Commission support for implementation of the International Plant Protection Convention to
facilitate safe trade and dispute avoidance - 2016-2019
Status This project is in pipeline stage.
The overarching objective of the action is to contribute to efficient and inclusive trade by increasing the capacity of
contracting parties to implement the IPPC and its ISPMs. The proposed action is directed to enable developing contracting
parties to have an improved ability to implement the IPPC and key ISPMs to enable safe trade and dispute avoidance.

The action proposes, through enhanced collaboration between the Standard Setting and the Implementation Facilitation
units, better ISPMs and implementation products. The key actions of the proposal are:

- Support to least and developing countries in IPPC meetings

- Work towards the revision of ISPM 8 (Specification 59) and on the development of an ISPM on pest risk management
(Specification 63).
- Preparation of implementation products (manuals, guides, and training materials) with related actions (training and
IPPC meetings participation) on ISPM 8 and where possible pest risk management over the life of the project.

The main project results expected are:

- Contracting parties ability to implement the IPPC and ISPMs for safe trade and dispute avoidance improved
- Contracting parties supported to participate in the implementation of the IPPC
- ISPMs developed to facilitate safe trade and dispute avoidance

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The complete proposal can be view here:

Project code unassigned

Project title Strengthening the capacity of developing contracting parties to implement the International Plant
Protection Convention (IPPC)
Status This project is in pipeline stage.
This is the first IPPC project to be funded under the FAO-China SSC Programme. It is expected to bring more innovative
ways and means of furthering the implementation of the IPPC. Through the implementation of this four-year project, the
major outcome to be expected is: Increased capacity of developing countries to implement the IPPC and its standards.

This will be achieved by:

a) an increase in the number and quality of data submitted by participating developing countries reporting on national
reporting obligations (NROs);
b) adoption of participating developing countries on the use of the IPPC e-phyto system (over the 2016-2017 baselines);
c) Reduction of economic impact (crop losses) by 5% in affected zones by key emerging pests in pilot areas (over the
2016-2017 baselines).

During the implementation and towards the end of the project, the following four outputs are expected:
Output 1: Capacity of 226 developing country representatives from over 100 countries to understand the IPPC improved;
Output 2: Inter-regional cooperation among 40 developing countries on the Chinese One Belt, One Road strategy
Output 3: Implementation of IPPC programmes enhanced through technical partnership with Chinas NPPO;
Output 4: Awareness of the IPPC increased at global, regional and national levels.

The project is expected to be initiated in January 2016. The full project document can be viewed here:

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